Technical Report

Environment, Prehistory & Archaeology of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington
Greg C. Burtchard

Appendix A:

The following table brings together various artifact and site reports directly involving Mount Rainier National Park. Sources include internal Park memoranda, museum catalog records on file at Park headquarters in Longmire, personal communications by various Park employees, and formal archaeological surveys. Dates provided refer to the time that the artifact or site report was filed (when known). Multiple entries indicate multiple reports. Dates and names are listed, and the sources described further, under Site Report Sources following the table. Catalog numbers are those entered on "Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Museum Catalog Record Worksheet - Cultural Resources" forms housed with museum collections in Longmire. Map numbers refer to locations included on map Figures 3.1 through 3.3. All numbered sites (prefix FS) and isolates (prefix IF) are documented in summary fashion in Chapter 3, and in detail in the 1995 Reconnaissance Data companion volume (Burtchard and Hamilton 1998). The table's Comments field provides brief location and supplemental reference information.

The table is intended to reduce confusion in Mount Rainier cultural resource reports and collections that is inherent in the presence of multiple, uncoordinated finds that span a long period of time. Please note that the list is a preliminary document that should be improved and expanded as more information becomes available. Collections added after completion of 1995 fieldwork are not included. Note too that with the exception of three localities, the table focuses entirely on prehistoric cultural remains. Mount Rainier National Park also preserves an unknown number of potentially significant historic period archaeological sites. Efforts should also be made to systematically document these localities.

Table A-1 Prehistoric Sites and Isolated Find Reports in Mount Rainier National Park through 1995

Type of FindDateReported byCat # Map #1Site or Isolate No.Comment
Projectile point1920Schmoe, Floyd
1None, unverified Obsidian point found near Lane Peak in Tatoosh Range; cited in Schmoe (1967)
Unspecified lithic remains 1925Schmoe, Floyd
2None, unverified Van Trump Park remains cited by Schmoe (1925 in Smith 1964:207-208).
Biface tip isolate1930Richards, L.G.593None, unverified Possible knife tip reported found by Schmoe near Pinnacle peak. Probably really the "white quartz" find in Spray Park by Richards (1930 in Smith 1964:208).
Rockshelter1963Daugherty, Richard (Terry Patton) Pend.8FS 63-01 (45PI43) Fryingpan Rockshelter tested by Rice (1965) and reevaluated in 1995 (see this volume).
Dart point isolate1963Rice, David & Charles Nelson
9IF 01-63 Bench Lake isolate reported in Daugherty (1963) (also see this volume).
Lithic Isolate1968
Bell, Frank
Dalle-Molle, John
10IF 01-68 Bee Flat/Yellowstone Cliffs area (this volume).
Two projectile point isolates 1970Henderson, Jan8306
11IF 01-70 Success Cleaver isolates (this volume).
Lithic scatter1971
Dalle-Molle, John
Dalle-Molle, John
Fabiani, Carl & Denise
12FS 71-01(45PI438) Buck Lake Site documented in 1995 (this volume). This site also is referred to as "Fawn Ridge" in 1971 memo by JD-M; and as Buck Lake in 1978 JD-M memo. Cari Kreshak (R. McClure project) searched unsuccessfully in 1990. D. & C. Fabiani (pers. com.) drew attention to the site again in 1995.
Dalle-Molle, John
Dalle-Molle, John
4631 - 4700 13FS 86-02 (45PI303) Berkeley Rockshelter tested in 1987 by E. Bergland (1988) (also see Bergland 1986 and this volume)
Lithic isolates1972Dalle-Molle, John8311
14IF 01-72 Sunrise Creek isolate (this volume).
Isolated flake1978Dale-Molle, John
15IF 01-77 Deadwood Lakes Pass isolate location examined in 1995 (this volume).
Isolated small point 1978Dalle-Molle, Lois
16None; verification attempted Broken small point, upper Huckleberry Park, SW section. Area surveyed by Burtchard and Hamilton in 1995, no cultural materials identified.
Rockshelter1978Dalle-Molle, John8313
17FS 74-01 (45PI437) Vernal Park Rockshelter documented in 1995 (this volume).
Lithic scatters1978
Dalle-Molle, John
Fabiani, Carl & Denise


In graveled trail west of S. tarn lake
FS 90-03 (45PI410)
FS 95-07 (45PI434)
FS 95-08 (45PI430)
Various lithic scatters in the general Windy Gap / Spunkwush Creek headwater area. FS 90-03 documented 1990 by R. McClure; others in 1995 (this volume)
Flake in rockshelter 1978Dalle-Molle, John
19None; unverified Large flake from rock overhang (cave) on Boulder Creek.
Dalle-Molle, John
Fabiani, Carl
831020FS 72-02 (45PI433) Mt. Pleasant Rockshelter in Spray Park documented in 1995 (this volume).
Lithic scatter1978
Dalle-Molle, J. & L.
Thompson, Mark
21FS 86-01 (45PI407) Frozen Lake Site documented 1995 (see Bergland 1986 and this volume).
Isolated flake1978Dalle-Molle, John
Unspecified place
FS 95-03 (45PI436)
FS 95-04 (45PI435)
IF 06-95
IF 07-95
JD-M reported flake probably is associated with one of these places documented in 1995 in the general Yakama Park section of Sunrise Ridge (this volume).
Isolated flake1978Dalle-Molle, John
23None; verification attempted Single flake in basin ENE of Dege Peak. Upper bench area surveyed in 1990 by Janet Liddle (1990). No cultural remains identified.
Lithic scatter1978Dalle-Molle, Lois
Not mapped None; unverified Numerous chips (flakes) in log skid road W of White River and S of Anger Creek airstrip, Snoqualmie N.F. Not in Park.
Possible flake scraper 1981Teague, George
Not mapped None Found during survey for the Paradise waste treatment facility. No site recognized and construction was completed.
Arrow point isolate 1984Burman, Wendy830824IF 01-84 Upper Palisades Lake isolate (this volume).
Dry wall masonry1986Carney, Mike
Not mapped None, unverified In the vicinity of Cataract Creek; may be historical (in Bergland 1986).
Lithic scatter1986Carney, Mike
25None, unverified In the vicinity of Indian Bar, Ohana [pecosh River..?] (In Bergland 1986).
Lithic scatter1986Thompson, Peter
26None, unverified Lake James Trail (in Bergland 1986).
Lithic isolate1987Jensen, Chris831527IF 01-87 Tokaloo Trail isolate (this volume).
Possible quarry1988Dalle-Molle, John
28None, unverified Reddish jasper chunks and fragments on the NW flank of Mt. Fremont in the upper basin above Forest Lake. Map included with memo note to Regional Archaeologist, Jim Thomson.
Lithic scatter1988Jensen Chris & Steve Freitas Pend.29FS 88-01 (45PI406) Original Tipsoo Lakes Site recorded by R. McClure in 1988 (also see this volume).
Lithic scatter1989Forrest, James
30FS 95-01(45PI426) Site originally located by Forrest, relocated by G. Sullivan and documented in the 1995 reconnaissance (this volume).
Lithic isolate1989Forrest, James
Not mapped MORA 89-01 Found near Hwy. 410 in the White river floodplain. Flakes may be road fill. Because of fill and known White River flood patter, cultural association is considered unlikely.
Lithic quarry1990Drie-Miller, Joe
34FS 90-04 (45PI411) Tum Tum Peak Quarry Site recorded by Janet Liddle in 1990 during the R. McClure inventory project (see this volume).
Lithic scatter1990McClure, Rick
33FS 90-03 (45PI410) Lithic Scatter on Windy Gap documented 1990 (this volume).
Lithic scatter1990McClure, Rick
32FS 90-02 (45PI409) Sarvant Glaciers Site documented in 1990 (this volume).
Lithic scatter1990Osterhaus, LukePend.31FS 90-01(45PI408) Sunrise Ridge Borrow Pit Site recorded by R. McClure in 1990 (this volume).
Eleven reconnaissance documented sites 1995Burtchard, Greg & Steve Hamilton
FS 95-01 (45PI426)
FS 95-02 (45PI427)
FS 95-03 (45PI436)
FS 95-04 (45PI435)
FS 95-05 (45PI432)
FS 95-06 (45PI431)
FS 95-07 (45PI443)
FS 95-08 (45PI430)
FS 95-09 (45PI428)
FS 95-10 (45PI429)
FS 95-11 (45PI439)
All newly documented during the 1995 cultural reconnaissance project (this volume). Some of these numbers appear elsewhere in this table with other reported sites. Note that two–FS 95-02 and FS 95-09–are historic period sites. Other previously reported sites, documented in 1995, are noted elsewhere in the table as appropriate.
Eleven reconnaissance isolated finds 1995Burtchard, Greg & Steve Hamilton
IF 01-95
IF 02-95
IF 03-95
IF 04-95
IF 05-95
IF 06-95
IF 07-95
IF 08-95
IF 09-95
IF 10-95
IF 11-95
Newly documented during the 1995 cultural reconnaissance project (this volume). Some numbers appear elsewhere in this table with other reported finds. Other previously reported finds, documented in 1995, also are noted in the table.
Lithic isolate1995Cox, PamPend.54None, unverified Upper Crystal Lakes isolate.
Jasper projectile point 1995Carl & Denise Fabiani
55None, unverified In social trail ca. 100 ft west of maintained trail atop of ridge approaching Tolmie Peak Lookout.
Jasper projectile point 1995Carl & Denise Fabiani
56None, unverified On Howard Peak
Projectile Point1995Carl & Denise Fabiani
57None, unverified In trail near west end of Eunice Lake. Geologist Bailey Willis reported finding Indian baskets near Eunice Lake in early 1880s.
Point & lithic debitage 1995Carl & Denise Fabiani
58None, unverified In bulldozed fire trail on ridge top south of Mowich River near the Park boundary.
Lithic scatter1995Carl & Denise Fabiani
59None, unverified On ridge between Tyee Peak and Windy Gap.
"Couple" of flakes1995Carl & Denise Fabiani
60None, unverified In trail east of Golden Lakes Ranger Station.
Two flakes1995Carl & Denise Fabiani
61None, unverified In trail to Sunrise Lake along top of Sunrise Ridge east Sunrise Point.
Trail Segment1995Carl Fabiani & Jack Morrison 1995, Roger Drake 1996
62None, undocumented Portion of trail ostensibly providing access to Sunrise Ridge from the east. Reported to have been used by the Yakama during the early historic period.
Chert bifaceUKUK
57None None, unverified Artifact in MORA museum in Longmire without provenience.
Ground ax headUKUK
58None, unverified Artifact in MORA museum in Longmire without provenience.
Biface preformUKUK1304None, unverified Artifact from Moraine Park, in MORA museum in Longmire. No map found.
Arrow pointUKUK1315None, unverified Artifact near Glacier Vista Trail in MORA museum in Longmire. No map.
Dart pointUKUK1326None, unverified Found within sight of east side of Burroughs Mtn., artifact in MORA museum in Longmire. No map location.
Arrow pointUKUK1337None, unverified Found within sight of Klapatche Park, artifact in MORA museum in Longmire. No map.
Ground stone maulUKUK8319NoneNone, unverified Unknown location, artifact in MORA museum in Longmire.
Ground stonemaulUKUK8320None None, unverified Unknown location, artifact in MORA museum in Longmire.

1Map locations refer only to prehistoric sites and isolates within Park boundaries. Refer to Figures 3.1 through 3.3.

Report Sources

Bell, Frank
1968 Mount Rainier museum catalog worksheets for items 8304 and 8305. Also reported by Dalle-Molle (1978).
Bergland, Eric O.
1986 Archaeological Investigations in Mount Rainier National Park, Washington. Report prepared for US Dept. of the Interior, National Park Service. Pacific Northwest Region. Seattle.
1988 Archaeological Test Excavations at the Berkeley Rockshelter Site (45-PI-303), Mount Rainier National Park, Washington. SRD Report of Investigations No. 1. Prepared for US Dept. of the Interior, National Park Service. Pacific Northwest Region, Seattle. Sidda Research and Development. Eugene, Oregon.
Burman, Wendy
1984 Mount Rainier museum records for catalog numbers 8308.
Burtchard, Greg C. and Stephen C. Hamilton
1998 Archaeological Resources in Mount Rainier National Park, Washington, 1995 Reconnaissance Data. Prepared for USDI National Park Service, Columbia Cascades System Support Office, Seattle. International Archaeological Research Institute, Inc. Honolulu. Carney, Mike
1986 Personal communication reported in Bergland 1986.
Dalle-Molle, John and Lois
1971 Internal memorandum to the Mount Rainier Chief Naturalist noting prehistoric materials near Buck Lake (Fawn Ridge) and Berkeley Park rockshelter.
1972 Mount Rainier museum records for catalog number 8311 and 8312.
1978 Archaeological resources found in 1966-1978. Unpublished letter report and map submitted to Superintendent, Mount Rainier National Park, copied to Regional Archaeologist in Seattle.
1988 Handwritten note and map sent to Regional Archaeologist Jim Thomson.
Daugherty, Richard D.
1963 Archaeological Survey of Mount Rainier National Park. Unpublished manuscript on file at Mount Rainier Park library in Longmire. Daugherty apparently was directed to the site by Terry Patton.
Drake, Roger
1996 Personal communication on the approximated location of the Yakama Trail on the eastern and southern flank of Mount Rainier.
Drie-Miller, Joe
1990 Credited by Janet Liddle with original discovery of the Tum Tum Peak Quarry in her site report for 45PI410. Liddle's reconnaissance was part of the 1990 inventory effort directed by Rick McClure.
Fabiani, Carl and Denise
1995 Map and notes with approximate map location and description of personally observed prehistoric and historic localities in Mount Rainier National Park. Material in possession of author and filed at Mount Rainier National Park headquarters in Longmire.
Forrest, James H.
1989 Archaeological Survey of Proposed Road Construction along Highway 410, Mount Rainier National Park, Pierce County, Washington. Field Archaeologist report, North Cascades National Park. Washington.
Henderson, Jan
1970 Mount Rainier museum records for catalog numbers 8306 and 8307.
Jensen, Chris
1987 Mount Rainier museum records for catalog number 8315.
Jensen, Chris and Steve Freitas
1988 Credited with original observation of the original Tipsoo Lakes Site by Rick McClure on the 45PI406 site form. See site entry in this volume.
Osterhaus, Luke
1990 Credited with original observation of the Sunrise Ridge Borrow Pit Site by Rick McClure on the 45PI408 site form. See site entry in this volume.
McClure, Richard H., Jr.
1990 Series of site forms, field notes and organizational comments as part of a partially completed, unpublished cultural resource inventory project for Mount Rainier National Park. Also included are survey notes and site forms by Janet Liddle and Cari Kreshak.
Morrison, Jack
1995 Personal communication on the approximated location of the Yakama Trail on the eastern and southern flank of Mount Rainier.
Rice, David G.
1965 Archaeological Test Excavations in Fryingpan Rockshelter, Mount Rainier National Park. Washington State University Laboratory of Anthropology Report of Investigations No. 33. Pullman. Manuscript on file at Mount Rainier Park library in Longmire.
Rice, David & Charles Nelson
1963 Field notes related to the 1993 Washington State University / Mount Rainier National Park archaeological inventory project directed by Reported in Daugherty (1963).
Richards, L.G.
1930 Just Here and There. Mount Rainier Nature Notes. On file at Mount Rainier Park headquarters. Longmire, Washington. This citation in Smith (1964:208 see below).
Schmoe, Floyd
1920 Isolate is mentioned in Schmoe's A Year in Paradise first published in 1926. Revised edition in 1967, published by Charles E. Tuttle Co. Publishers. Rutland, Vermont.
1925 Our Greatest Mountain: A Handbook for Mount Rainier National Park. Putnam. New York. This citation in Smith (1964:207-208 see below).
Smith Allan H.
1964 Ethnographic Guide to the Archaeology of Mount Rainier National Park. Draft report prepared for National Park Service. Washington State University. Pullman. Formal report publication anticipated by National Park Service, Columbia Cascades System Support Office. Seattle.
Teague, George
1981 Paradise Treatment Plant Archaeological Clearance Survey Form. Internal Mount Rainier National Park document with project specific maps.
Thompson, Mike
1986 Personal communication reported in Bergland 1986.
Thompson, Peter
1986 Personal communication reported in Bergland 1986.

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Last Updated: Wednesday, 17-Nov-2004 14:09:04 Eastern Standard Time
Author: Natural & Cultural Resources Division

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