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Title Uniaxial Alignment of Cadmium Sulfide on Polymerized Films:Electron Microscopy and Diffraction Study
Creator/Author Berman, Amir ; Charych, Deborah H.
Publication Date1998 Jul 01
OSTI IdentifierOSTI ID: 895773
Report Number(s)LBNL--42033
DOE Contract NumberDE-AC02-05CH11231; DE-AC03-76SF00098
Resource TypeJournal Article
Resource RelationJournal: Advanced Materials; Journal Volume: 11; Journal Issue: 4; Related Information: Journal Publication Date: 03/04/1999
Research OrgErnest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley NationalLaboratory, Berkeley, CA (US)
Sponsoring OrgUSDOE; Office of Naval Research N0014-95-F0099
Country of PublicationUnited States
FormatSize: 14
System Entry Date2007 Jan 04
