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Lesocial psychology and related concepts   b-out   d-out   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
SN Whereas *+FA psychology* qh ah studies the internal makeup of the individual and *+M social sciences, economics, and law* qh ah are concerned with human groups and their interactions, this section is concerned with the interaction between an individual and the context within which the individual operates. It starts with social psychology and then assembles a wider array of concepts that are also used in social psychology's parent disciplines, *+FA psychology* qh ah and *+MA sociology and anthropology* qh ah (and in other social sciences), thus forming a bridge between these areas.
ST the individual in context
RT+FAe psychology    qh   ah
+M social sciences, economics, and law    qh   ah

LAesocial psychology   d-out   qh
SN Social psychology studies how the personality, attitudes, and motivations of individuals reciprocally influence and are influenced by the structure, dynamics, and behavior of the social groups with which they interact.
NT+FD18.38e personality trait related to social interaction    qh   ah
+LBe culture and personality    qh   ah
+LC interpersonal interaction and group dynamics    qh   ah
+LE intimacy and family    qh   ah
+LHe life circumstances, life events    qh   ah
+LJe stage of life    qh   ah
+LKe life event    qh   ah
+LL outlook on life, lifestyle    qh   ah
+LM context    qh   ah
+LUe type of relationship and interaction    qh   ah
+LW participation    qh   ah
BT+FAe psychology    qh   ah
+MAe sociology and anthropology    qh   ah
RT+FAe psychology    qh   ah
+JA2.2e health services research    qh   ah

LBeculture and personality   d-out   qh
SN Processes that affect the individual in his or her relation to culture and/or society.
ST cultural identification
psychological anthropology
NT AJ10.6e anthropological theory of AODU    qh   ah
BT+LAe social psychology    qh   ah
RT+AN4e interpersonal AODR problems    qh   ah
+FDe personality    qh   ah
+FD10 behavioral/cognitive approach to personality    qh   ah
 FE10.4.18e cultural competence    qh   ah
+FR18.2.4e learned behavior    qh   ah
 JD8e environmental model    qh   ah
 MA4.4 cultural openness    qh   ah
+ME10.2e internal control    qh   ah
+MI6e cultural sensitivity    qh   ah
LB2e.  enculturation   qh
SN Focuses on the cognitive problems facing human beings and their solutions. The process by which human beings pattern their ways of thinking and feeling and adapt them to the culture into which they were born and in which they live.
RT+MJe sociocultural change    qh   ah
LB4e.  socialization   qh
SN The process of social interaction through which people acquire personality and learn the way of life of their society. The process by which humans learn to pattern their behavior and adapt it to what is considered appropriate in the society in which they live.
NT+FK16e social learning    qh   ah
RT AJ6.16.2e social learning theory of AODU    qh   ah
+FD8e personality development    qh   ah
+FKe learning    qh   ah
+FK16.2 imitation (learning)    qh   ah
+FR18.2.4e learned behavior    qh   ah
+GZ18e conduct disorder    qh   ah
+LB12e social conformity    qh   ah
+LC2e interpersonal interaction    qh   ah
+LC2.4e social support    qh   ah
+LG14 family function    qh   ah
+LG14.4e child rearing    qh   ah
+ME10.2e internal control    qh   ah
+NFe education and training    qh   ah
 NF10.4 informal education    qh   ah
LB4.2.  .  primary socialization   qh
SN The process by which children master the basic information and skills required of members of society.
LB4.4.  .  adult socialization   qh
SN The process by which adults learn new statuses and roles.
LB4.4.2.  .  .  resocialization   qh
SN An important aspect of adult socialization that involves being exposed to ideas or values that in one way or another conflict with what was learned in childhood.
LB4.6.  .  socializing agents   qh
NT+LG18.12.2 role of parent    qh   ah
+MG2.2.2.4e peer group    qh   ah
RT+LGe family and kinship    qh   ah
+NA14.6e mass media    qh   ah
+NFe education and training    qh   ah
LB4.8.  .  socialization in a multicultural society   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
NT+MJ18 change involving two cultures    qh   ah
RT MA6.4e multiculturalism    qh   ah
+MJe sociocultural change    qh   ah
LB4.8.2e.  .  .  cultural identity   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
LB4.8.4.  .  .  cultural experience   qh
HN Introduced 1995.
RT+LH4 life circumstances    qh   ah
LB4.10.  .  exposure to societal influences   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
SN Exposure to influences, often negative, from the social environment and the media.
ST exposure to influences from society
LB4.10.2e.  .  .  exposure to AOD activity   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
RT TL6.4e exposed to AOD activity    qh   ah
LB4.10.4e.  .  .  exposure to violence   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
SN Exposure to violence through observation of the environment or in the media. If a person is a victim of violence, use *+MM16.2 violence* qh ah or a more specific narrower term such as *+MM26.6 domestic violence* qh ah or *MM26.6.4.2 child physical abuse* qh ah and, where applicable, *+TL12 victim* qh ah.
RT+MM16.2e violence    qh   ah
+MM26.6e domestic violence    qh   ah
 NA6.6 portrayal of violence in the media    qh   ah
LB4.12e.  .  perception of norms   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
SN An individual's perception of group practices, norms, and values.
RT+FR16.2e attitude toward AOD    qh   ah
+ME4e sociocultural norms    qh   ah
+ME10.2e internal control    qh   ah
LB6e.  empowerment   qh
NT ML6 community empowerment    qh   ah
RT JF8e community-based prevention    qh   ah
 ML4e community involvement    qh   ah
LB8.  cultural reinforcement   qh
LB10.  gender reinforcement   qh
RT FD18.36e gender identity    qh   ah
LB10.2.  .  male bonding   qh
RT FD8.2e attachment    qh   ah
LB10.4.  .  female bonding   qh
RT FD8.2e attachment    qh   ah
LB10.6.  .  female emancipation   qh
RT MH4.2.6e feminism    qh   ah
LB12e.  social conformity   qh
ST shared values and norms
NT MO2e legal compliance    qh   ah
BT+FR26e social behavior    qh   ah
RT FR26.2e social adjustment    qh   ah
+LB4e socialization    qh   ah
+LB16.6e social attachment    qh   ah
 LW12.4 semivoluntary participation    qh   ah
+ME10e social control    qh   ah
LB14e.  social deviance   qh
SN Behavior that violates significant social norms and consequently is disapproved of by large numbers of people.
ST deviance
NT+MM crime and violence    qh   ah
RT FS54e antisocial behavior    qh   ah
 GZ16.26e antisocial personality disorder    qh   ah
 GZ30.2 sexual deviation    qh   ah
 JA6.12.8 psychological risk and protective factors    qh   ah
+LB16.8e social detachment    qh   ah
+ME8 anomie    qh   ah
 MK8.4 social disorganization    qh   ah
 MK10.2 moral degeneration    qh   ah
+MY2e ethics    qh   ah
LB16.  social attachment vs detachment   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
RT+JA6 risk and protective factors    qh   ah
+JA6.16 behavioral risk and protective factors    qh   ah
+LNe social context    qh   ah
+NF24.6.4.6e student attendance    qh   ah
LB16.2.  .  affiliation   qh
RT FD8.2e attachment    qh   ah
 FN10 affiliation motivation    qh   ah
LB16.4e.  .  social connectedness   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
SN The degree to which a person is connected to other people or formal or informal groups.
ST social anchorage
social life
NT JG10.6e prevention through social bonding    qh   ah
RT LH2e quality of life    qh   ah
 MG2.4e social network    qh   ah
LB16.6e.  .  social attachment   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
SN Social bonding includes three elements: attachment to people in the social unit, commitment to the activities of that unit, and belief in the moral order and values of that unit. Thus conceived, social bonding implies a low level of alienation and rebelliousness and high levels of attachment to the family and commitment to school. Those who are bonded to family and school are less likely to do things that threaten the bonds of attachment, commitment, and belief.
      There are three conditions thought necessary to produce bonding to a social unit: opportunities for active involvement and a chance to contribute, possession of skill required to function in the social unit, and a consistent system of rewards or reinforcements for skillful behavior in the unit.
      Some studies have found that young people who establish a bond with societal norms and standards are less likely to use AOD.
ST positive social attachment
social anchorage
social bonding
BT+LU2.2.2 relatedness, relationship    qh   ah
RT FD8.2e attachment    qh   ah
+LB12e social conformity    qh   ah
 MG2.4e social network    qh   ah
LB16.6.2e.  .  .  social participation   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
SN Participation in the activities of informal or formal groups in the community, such as school, church, or any kind of club or association.
NT LC6.2e group participation    qh   ah
BT+FR26e social behavior    qh   ah
+FS specific attitude and behavior    qh   ah
+LC2e interpersonal interaction    qh   ah
+LW participation    qh   ah
RT MG2.4e social network    qh   ah
 ML10 volunteer community service    qh   ah
LB16.8e.  .  social detachment   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
SN The sense of dissociation from society, family, or others that results from feelings of powerlessness, normlessness, meaninglessness, isolation, self-estrangement, or depersonalization.
ST distancing of relations
social alienation
social disengagement
social estrangement
BT+LU2.2.4 unrelatedness    qh   ah
+MK10e social problems    qh   ah
RT+AN4e interpersonal AODR problems    qh   ah
+FP14e displeasurable emotion    qh   ah
+FP14.18e anger    qh   ah
 FS42e hopelessness    qh   ah
 FS52e rebelliousness    qh   ah
 GZ2.22.8 impaired social functioning    qh   ah
+LB14e social deviance    qh   ah
 LC2.12e social isolation    qh   ah
+LK4.2 problems with spouse, family, or friend    qh   ah
 LU8.2.4.2 disaffection    qh   ah
 MB10 mass society    qh   ah
 ME8.2 anomie (normlessness)    qh   ah
LB16.8.2.  .  .  social separation   qh
NT+LK4.18.6 separation from family member    qh   ah
 LK4.18.8 separation from close friend    qh   ah
 MI20.8 social segmentation    qh   ah
BT+LW4 inclusion and exclusion    qh   ah
RT MI14.2 separatism    qh   ah
LB16.10e.  .  powerlessness   qh
LB16.12e.  .  meaninglessness   qh
LB16.14e.  .  self-estrangement   qh

LCinterpersonal interaction and group dynamics   d-out   qh
NT+AK6.6e interpersonal AODC    qh   ah
+LH4.2 interpersonal problems    qh   ah
BT+LAe social psychology    qh   ah
RT+AN4e interpersonal AODR problems    qh   ah
+FR26e social behavior    qh   ah
 GZ2.22.8 impaired social functioning    qh   ah
 HB6.8 personal problem as AODD indicator    qh   ah
+MG social group and organization    qh   ah
+MG2e social group    qh   ah
+MHe group behavior    qh   ah
LC2e.  interpersonal interaction   qh
SN The process by which people act toward or respond to other people. To depict more specific types of relations, combine this descriptor with a descriptor from either *+FS specific attitude and behavior* qh ah or *+FP emotion* qh ah. For example, to form the concept "friendly relations," combine this descriptor with the term *FS48.2 friendliness* qh ah from the section *+FS specific attitude and behavior* qh ah.
ST interpersonal relations
interpersonal relationships
social interaction
NT+AK6.6e interpersonal AODC    qh   ah
+AN4e interpersonal AODR problems    qh   ah
+LB16.6.2e social participation    qh   ah
+LFe intimacy    qh   ah
+LG18e family relations    qh   ah
BT+FR26e social behavior    qh   ah
RT+FD18.38e personality trait related to social interaction    qh   ah
+FD20.6e psychosocial interdependence    qh   ah
 FE10.4.14e interpersonal skills    qh   ah
+FPe emotion    qh   ah
 FP12.14 love and affection    qh   ah
 FP14.16 hate    qh   ah
+FP14.24 jealousy    qh   ah
+FR28e interpersonal communication    qh   ah
+GA10.4 external disease cause    qh   ah
 GZ2.2.10 relationship problems    qh   ah
 GZ18.4 socialized conduct disorder    qh   ah
+LB4e socialization    qh   ah
+LGe family and kinship    qh   ah
+LNe social context    qh   ah
+LUe type of relationship and interaction    qh   ah
 MD4.4e social structure    qh   ah
+MF2.4e social role    qh   ah
+MH8e intergroup relations    qh   ah
+RP12.8.6e interview    qh   ah
LC2.2e.  .  interpersonal perception   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
SN Awareness of social phenomena, including attitudes or behaviors of persons or groups, especially as they relate to oneself.
ST perception of others
social perception
BT+FJ4e cognitive process    qh   ah
LC2.4e.  .  social support   qh
HN Introduced 1995.
SN Consists of the interaction between an individual and his or her family, friends, and surrounding organizations. Includes the frequency of contact, the stability of the relations, the social network, etc.
ST interpersonal support
NT LF2.2 emotional support    qh   ah
+LG14.10e family support    qh   ah
RT FE10.4.6e coping skills    qh   ah
 HZ2.6.6.4e network therapy    qh   ah
+JP4e treatment program    qh   ah
+JT20.2e mutual help and support group    qh   ah
+LB4e socialization    qh   ah
+LG18.12e family role    qh   ah
+LKe life event    qh   ah
 MG2.4e social network    qh   ah
LC2.6e.  .  social pressure   qh
HN Introduced 1995.
NT LC2.14.4e peer pressure    qh   ah
RT+LNe social context    qh   ah
LC2.8.  .  perception by others   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
ST reactions of others
RT+AN4e interpersonal AODR problems    qh   ah
LC2.10e.  .  social acceptance   qh
SN Degree to which an individual is incorporated by others in their activities or is permitted to interact with others formally.
ST social rejection
RT+FS48 friendliness and unfriendliness    qh   ah
+MI14 social reaction to discrimination    qh   ah
LC2.10.2e.  .  .  popularity   qh
ST peer acceptance
social approval
LC2.10.4e.  .  .  unpopularity   qh
ST non-acceptance by peer
social rejection
LC2.12e.  .  social isolation   qh
HN ETOH descriptor 1995.
ST social deprivation
RT FD18.38.4e unsociability    qh   ah
 FP14.28e loneliness    qh   ah
 FR26.4 social avoidance    qh   ah
+JA6.6e risk factors    qh   ah
+LB16.8e social detachment    qh   ah
LC2.14e.  .  peer relations   qh
NT+JG10.4.8e peer prevention    qh   ah
 JJ6.8e peer intervention    qh   ah
+MG2.2.2.4e peer group    qh   ah
 TW8 peer    qh   ah
RT FR18.2.4.2e role model    qh   ah
+LNe social context    qh   ah
LC2.14.2e.  .  .  level of AOD use among peers   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
ST association with AOD-using peers
LC2.14.4e.  .  .  peer pressure   qh
SN Pressure, either planned or unplanned, that is exerted by peers to influence personal behavior. Forms of peer pressure include friendly pressure; tricks, dares, and lies; teasing; threats (physical and social); and silent pressure.
ST peer influence
BT+LC2.6e social pressure    qh   ah
RT+JA6.14.2 interpersonal risk and protective factors    qh   ah
 LN4 context encouraging AOD use    qh   ah
 LN6 context discouraging AOD use    qh   ah
+ME10.4e external control    qh   ah
LC2.14.6e.  .  .  peer resistance   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
RT+FR28e interpersonal communication    qh   ah
LC2.16.  .  intergenerational relations   qh
HN Introduced 1995.
RT LG14.10.4e mutual family support    qh   ah
 MJ10 generational differences    qh   ah
LC2.18e.  .  professional-client relations   qh
NT+JP10.8e treatment-provider-patient relations    qh   ah
RT+MN10.6e confidentiality rights    qh   ah
LC2.18.2.  .  .  attorney-client relations   qh
NT MN10.6.8 attorney-client privilege    qh   ah
LC4e.  relations between individuals and organizations   qh
NT JM4 facility-patient relations    qh   ah
RT+MH8e intergroup relations    qh   ah
LC4.2e.  .  company-employee relations   qh
ST employer-employee relations
RT+MU16 labor relations    qh   ah
LC4.2.2.  .  .  supervisor-employee relations   qh
LC4.4.  .  individual-government relations   qh
LC4.6e.  .  student-school relations   qh
RT+NF24e educational environment    qh   ah
LC6e.  group dynamics   qh
SN Behavior, relationships, characteristics, etc., within groups and organizations. For behavior between and among groups, use *+MH8 intergroup relations* qh ah.
RT+HZ2.6.6e group therapy    qh   ah
+LG18.10e family dynamics    qh   ah
+MHe group behavior    qh   ah
 MH2 collective behavior    qh   ah
+MH8e intergroup relations    qh   ah
LC6.2e.  .  group participation   qh
SN Involvement in a group's purpose or activities.
BT+FS specific attitude and behavior    qh   ah
+LB16.6.2e social participation    qh   ah
+LW participation    qh   ah
LC6.4.  .  group cohesion   qh
SN Mutual bonds formed among the members of a group as a consequence of their combined efforts toward a common goal or purpose.
ST social cohesion
RT+LG18.8e family cohesion    qh   ah
LC6.6.  .  group structure   qh
SN Patterns of organization, behavior, and communication that determine the interpersonal relations among the members of a group.
RT+Te demographic characteristics    qh   ah
LC8.  group composition   qh
ST group by relationship of members
group member type
RT LN38 participant in the context    qh   ah
+TW4 status by social relationship    qh   ah
LC8.2.  .  group of relatives   qh
LC8.4.  .  group of intimates or friends   qh
NT+MG2.2.2.4e peer group    qh   ah
RT+LF12 role of intimate    qh   ah
LC8.6.  .  group of work associates   qh
LC8.8.  .  group of classmates   qh
LC8.10.  .  group of neighbors   qh
LC8.12.  .  group of acquaintances   qh
LC8.14.  .  group of strangers   qh
LC10.  group size   qh
RT LN38 participant in the context    qh   ah
LC10.2.  .  large group   qh
LC10.4.  .  medium sized group   qh
LC10.6.  .  small group   qh
LC10.8.  .  alone   qh

LEintimacy and family   d-out   qh
NT+LFe intimacy    qh   ah
+LGe family and kinship    qh   ah
BT+LAe social psychology    qh   ah
RT+HZ2.6 family or marital therapy    qh   ah
 JA6.14.2.2 family risk and protective factors    qh   ah
+LHe life circumstances, life events    qh   ah
LFe.  intimacy   d-out   qh
SN Especially close association or familiarity (usually interpersonal, often affectionate or loving).
ST relations between intimates
NT+LG18e family relations    qh   ah
BT+FR26e social behavior    qh   ah
+LC2e interpersonal interaction    qh   ah
+LE intimacy and family    qh   ah
RT FD8.2e attachment    qh   ah
 FP12.14 love and affection    qh   ah
 HZ2.6.2.2e marital therapy    qh   ah
 LU8. friendship    qh   ah
LF2.  .  function of intimacy   qh
RT+JJe intervention (persuasion to treatment)    qh   ah
 JJ6.4e family intervention    qh   ah
+LN32.2 recreation    qh   ah
 LU8. friendship    qh   ah
LF2.2.  .  .  emotional support   qh
BT+FPe emotion    qh   ah
+LC2.4e social support    qh   ah
LF2.4.  .  .  mutual cooperation   qh
LF2.6.  .  .  advice giving   qh
ST acting as sounding board
informal counseling
BT+JZ10.4e group counseling    qh   ah
RT JZ8.4e peer counseling    qh   ah
LF4.  .  sexual relations   qh
SN Refers to relationships involving sexual intimacy. Classification is based on when the sexual relations occur (e.g., before or after marriage).
ST sexual activity
NT ES10.4 coitus    qh   ah
 LK2.14 sexual difficulty    qh   ah
 LK2.16 sexual improvement    qh   ah
RT FD18.34e sexuality    qh   ah
 FD18.36e gender identity    qh   ah
+FR24e sexual behavior    qh   ah
+GZ30e psychosexual disorder    qh   ah
 MM26.4.6e incest    qh   ah
+TFe sexual orientation    qh   ah
 TW4.6 sexual partner    qh   ah
LF4.2.  .  .  premarital sexual relations   qh
ST premarital sex
LF4.4.  .  .  marital sexual relations   qh
BT+LF10e marital relations    qh   ah
RT+LF8e cohabitation and marriage    qh   ah
LF4.6.  .  .  extramarital sexual relations   qh
ST adultery
extramarital affair
marital infidelity
BT+LF10.8.2.4 marital disloyalty    qh   ah
+LU8.8.4 disloyalty    qh   ah
RT FR24.6.2 promiscuity    qh   ah
LF6.  .  mate selection   qh
ST human mate selection
partner selection
LF6.2.  .  .  dating   qh
HN Introduced 1995.
ST social dating
RT LJ6.4e adolescence    qh   ah
LF8e.  .  cohabitation and marriage   qh
HN ETOH descriptor 2000.
RT LF4.4 marital sexual relations    qh   ah
+LF10e marital relations    qh   ah
+TGe marital status    qh   ah
+TW2.4e spouse or significant other    qh   ah
 TW4.10 roommate    qh   ah
LF8.2e.  .  .  cohabitation of unmarried partners   qh
HN Changed descriptor 2000; through 1999 use "cohabitation of intimates". ETOH descriptor 2000.
ST domestic partnership
joint living arrangement
LF8.4e.  .  .  marriage   qh
HN ETOH descriptor 2000.
ST matrimony, matrimonial
BT+LG22 determinant of kinship membership    qh   ah
RT LK4.6 getting married    qh   ah
 ME4.6.2.6 wedding    qh   ah
LF8.6.  .  .  marital characteristics   qh
SN Refers to the characteristics of a marital or cohabitational relationship.
LF8.6.2.  .  .  .  monogamous marriage   qh
LF8.6.4.  .  .  .  polygamous marriage   qh
LF8.6.6.  .  .  .  endogamous marriage   qh
SN Marriage between two people of the same race, ethnic group, or religion.
RT LG22.2 consanguineal relationship    qh   ah
LF8.6.8.  .  .  .  exogamous marriage   qh
SN Mixed racial, ethnic, or faith marriages.
ST intermarriage
mixed marriage
RT+MH8e intergroup relations    qh   ah
LF8.8.  .  .  marital roles   qh
SN Refers to the roles of a marital or cohabitational relationship.
ST cohabitational roles
role of companion, partner
role of spouse
LF10e.  .  marital relations   qh
SN Relations and dynamics of an intimate couple, whether married or not; includes homosexual couples.
ST conjugal relations
couple relations
marital dynamics
NT LF4.4 marital sexual relations    qh   ah
BT+LG18e family relations    qh   ah
+MH8.2e male-female relations    qh   ah
RT+LF8e cohabitation and marriage    qh   ah
+LK4 change or event related to family or friend    qh   ah
LF10.2e.  .  .  marital satisfaction   qh
HN ETOH descriptor 2000.
BT+FP12.12e satisfaction    qh   ah
RT LH2e quality of life    qh   ah
LF10.4e.  .  .  marital conflict   qh
ST arguments among spouses
marital discord
marital estrangement
marital friction
marital problems
BT+LG18.10.4e family conflict    qh   ah
+LU6.6e conflict    qh   ah
RT TG8 separated, divorced    qh   ah
LF10.4.4.  .  .  .  marital separation   qh
ST legal separation
RT LK4.8 getting divorced    qh   ah
LF10.4.6e.  .  .  .  divorce   qh
RT LK4.8 getting divorced    qh   ah
LF10.6.  .  .  marital reconciliation   qh
LF10.8.  .  .  marital behavior   qh
LF10.8.2.  .  .  .  marital loyalty and disloyalty   qh
BT+LU8.8 loyalty and disloyalty    qh   ah
LF10.8.2.2.  .  .  .  .  marital loyalty   qh
BT+LU8.8.2 loyalty    qh   ah
LF10.8.2.4.  .  .  .  .  marital disloyalty   qh
NT LF4.6 extramarital sexual relations    qh   ah
BT+LU8.8.4 disloyalty    qh   ah
RT+LG18.10.4e family conflict    qh   ah
LF12.  .  role of intimate   qh
NT+LG18.12e family role    qh   ah
RT+LC8.4 group of intimates or friends    qh   ah
+MG2e social group    qh   ah
+TW2.4e spouse or significant other    qh   ah
+TW4 status by social relationship    qh   ah
LGe.  family and kinship   d-out   qh
ST child-rearing environment
NT+JG10.2.4e family-focused prevention    qh   ah
 JJ6.4e family intervention    qh   ah
BT+LE intimacy and family    qh   ah
+MG2e social group    qh   ah
RT HZ2.6.4e family therapy    qh   ah
+LB4.6 socializing agents    qh   ah
+LC2e interpersonal interaction    qh   ah
 LK2.6 pregnancy as a life event    qh   ah
 MD4.4e social structure    qh   ah
 MG8 social institution    qh   ah
+MM26.6e domestic violence    qh   ah
+TH racial and ethnic origin    qh   ah
+TJe religious affiliation    qh   ah
+TW2 status by family relationship    qh   ah
LG2.  .  family and AOD   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
NT+HB6.4e family AODU history    qh   ah
BT+LG16.2e family background    qh   ah
LG2.2e.  .  .  family attitude toward AOD   qh
BT+FR16.2e attitude toward AOD    qh   ah
+MC2e societal attitude toward AOD    qh   ah
RT+FRe attitude and behavior    qh   ah
LG2.4e.  .  .  family as an AODC   qh
ST familial vulnerability to AODU
BT+AK6.6e interpersonal AODC    qh   ah
LG2.6e.  .  .  AODR family problems   qh
HN Changed descriptor 1995; through 1995 also use "AODE on the family."
BT+AN4e interpersonal AODR problems    qh   ah
+MK12.2.2e social cost of AOD    qh   ah
RT JJ6.4e family intervention    qh   ah
LG2.6.2.  .  .  .  codependent family member   qh
BT+AN6.2e codependence    qh   ah
RT MU2.12.2 codependent coworker    qh   ah
+TW10 codependent    qh   ah
LG4.  .  family system   qh
HN Introduced 1995.
SN Also index specific aspects discussed, such as *+LG10 family structure* qh ah, *+LG14 family function* qh ah, and *+LG18 family relations* qh ah.
RT+LG14 family function    qh   ah
+LG18e family relations    qh   ah
LG6.  .  family or kinship group   qh
LG6.2.  .  .  extended family   qh
LG6.4e.  .  .  nuclear family   qh
LG6.4.2.  .  .  .  blended family   qh
SN A family comprising previously married adults and the children from those marriages as well as from the current one.
ST reconstituted family
RT TW2.2.4 step family relation    qh   ah
LG8.  .  family size   qh
RT+PB6.10 fertility rate    qh   ah
LG8.2.  .  .  childless family   qh
ST childless couple
LG8.4.  .  .  single-child family   qh
LG8.6.  .  .  two-child family   qh
LG8.8.  .  .  medium sized family   qh
SN Three or four children.
LG8.10.  .  .  large family   qh
SN Five or more children.
LG10e.  .  family structure   qh
SN Organizational framework that determines family membership and the functions and hierarchical position of family members.
RT LG4 family system    qh   ah
+LG16e family environment    qh   ah
+LG18e family relations    qh   ah
 LG18.6 birth order    qh   ah
+LG18.12e family role    qh   ah
LG10.2.  .  .  matriarchal family   qh
ST matriarchy
LG10.4.  .  .  patriarchal family   qh
ST patriarchy
LG10.6.  .  .  symmetrical family   qh
LG10.8.  .  .  matrifocal family   qh
SN A family structure centered on a female and the mother-child relationship without a male regularly playing the husband-father role.
LG10.10.  .  .  patrifocal family   qh
SN A family structure centered on a male and the father-child relationship without a female regularly playing the wife-mother role.
LG10.12.  .  .  single-parent family   qh
ST one-parent family
RT+LG16.8 parental presence and absence    qh   ah
+TW2.8.6e single parent    qh   ah
LG12.  .  family substitute   qh
NT+MG2.2.2.4e peer group    qh   ah
+MG2. gang    qh   ah
LG12.2e.  .  .  foster care   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
RT MV14.14 foster care placement    qh   ah
LG12.4e.  .  .  institutional child rearing   qh
HN ETOH descriptor 2000.
NT MV14.18 orphanage    qh   ah
 NF2. day care center    qh   ah
RT+MV14.12e child care service    qh   ah
 MV14.14 foster care placement    qh   ah
LG14.  .  family function   qh
RT+LB4e socialization    qh   ah
 LG4 family system    qh   ah
 LG14.4.2e parenting skills    qh   ah
LG14.2.  .  .  procreation   qh
LG14.4e.  .  .  child rearing   qh
HN ETOH descriptor 2000.
ST parenting
NT LG16.10 positive child-rearing environment    qh   ah
+LG16.12 adverse child-rearing environment    qh   ah
RT+LB4e socialization    qh   ah
+LG18.12.2 role of parent    qh   ah
 LJ8.2 young adulthood    qh   ah
 LJ8.4e midlife    qh   ah
LG14.4.2e.  .  .  .  parenting skills   qh
SN Elements associated with good parenting skills include the following: clear directions; effective discipline; reasonable consequences; avoiding physical punishment; verbal rewards, positive attention and praise; scheduled regular child play time; positive feelings, empathy with child; and avoiding modeling AOD use. Good family functioning also requires a number of "family skills" that need to be developed primarily by the parents, including: parent-child time together (quality time with child); enjoyment of each other; family fun; resolving and reducing family stress and conflict; improvement in family problems; problem solving with child; family communication; family planning and organization; and regular family meetings. Imparting these skills through *+NF6.6.2 parent education* qh ah is an essential part of family focused prevention.
BT+FE10.4e life skills    qh   ah
+NFe education and training    qh   ah
RT JG10.4.6.6e parent AOD education    qh   ah
+LG14 family function    qh   ah
+LG18e family relations    qh   ah
+LG18.10e family dynamics    qh   ah
+LG18.12.2 role of parent    qh   ah
+NF6.6.2 parent education    qh   ah
LG14.4.4.  .  .  .  child-rearing practice   qh
ST parent practice
RT EA24.8.4e breast feeding    qh   ah
+JA6 risk and protective factors    qh   ah
LG14.4.4.2.  .  .  .  .  weaning   qh
LG14.4.4.4.  .  .  .  .  child discipline   qh
RT FK6.4.4.2 punishment (conditioning)    qh   ah
LG14.4.4.6.  .  .  .  .  toilet training   qh
LG14.6.  .  .  family activities   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
RT JG12.14.2e prevention through alternative activities    qh   ah
LG14.8e.  .  .  care of elderly member   qh
LG14.10e.  .  .  family support   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
BT+LC2.4e social support    qh   ah
LG14.10.2.  .  .  .  parental support   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
BT+LG18.12.2 role of parent    qh   ah
LG14.10.4e.  .  .  .  mutual family support   qh
SN Mutual support of family members.
ST intergenerational support
RT LC2.16 intergenerational relations    qh   ah
LG16e.  .  family environment   qh
ST home environment
RT EY12.4.2e socioenvironmental factors    qh   ah
+GA10.4.4 sociocultural disease cause    qh   ah
+LG10e family structure    qh   ah
+MXe spirituality and religion    qh   ah
LG16.2e.  .  .  family background   qh
HN ETOH descriptor 2000.
NT+LG2 family and AOD    qh   ah
LG16.2.2.  .  .  .  parental mental health   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
BT+GA2.4e mental health    qh   ah
LG16.2.4.  .  .  .  parental occupation   qh
RT+TT status by occupation    qh   ah
LG16.2.6.  .  .  .  parental educational background   qh
RT+TPe educational level achieved    qh   ah
LG16.2.8.  .  .  .  family socioeconomic level   qh
RT+TRe socioeconomic status    qh   ah
LG16.4e.  .  .  parental attitude   qh
BT+FR16 attitude    qh   ah
LG16.4.2e.  .  .  .  parental tolerance of adolescent AOD use   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
RT+JA6 risk and protective factors    qh   ah
+JG10.2.4e family-focused prevention    qh   ah
LG16.6e.  .  .  parental monitoring   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
SN Monitoring of children by the parents.
ST parent monitoring
RT+JA6 risk and protective factors    qh   ah
+JG10.2.4e family-focused prevention    qh   ah
LG16.8.  .  .  parental presence and absence   qh
RT LG10.12 single-parent family    qh   ah
LG16.8.2.  .  .  .  parental presence   qh
LG16.8.4.  .  .  .  parental absence   qh
RT LG18.8.2 parental deprivation    qh   ah
LG16.10.  .  .  positive child-rearing environment   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
BT+LG14.4e child rearing    qh   ah
LG16.12.  .  .  adverse child-rearing environment   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
NT+LG18.10.6e family dysfunction    qh   ah
BT+LG14.4e child rearing    qh   ah
LG18e.  .  family relations   qh
ST family life
NT+LF10e marital relations    qh   ah
BT+LC2e interpersonal interaction    qh   ah
+LFe intimacy    qh   ah
+LUe type of relationship and interaction    qh   ah
RT HB6.8 personal problem as AODD indicator    qh   ah
 LG4 family system    qh   ah
+LG10e family structure    qh   ah
 LG14.4.2e parenting skills    qh   ah
+LK4 change or event related to family or friend    qh   ah
+TW2 status by family relationship    qh   ah
LG18.2e.  .  .  parent-child relations   qh
ST parent-child interaction
parent-child relationship
NT+LG18.12.4 role of child    qh   ah
RT+LG18.12.2 role of parent    qh   ah
LG18.2.2e.  .  .  .  parent-child communication   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
BT+FR28e interpersonal communication    qh   ah
LG18.2.4e.  .  .  .  parental control   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
BT+ME10e social control    qh   ah
LG18.2.6.  .  .  .  parental guardianship   qh
HN Introduced 2000.
LG18.4.  .  .  sibling relations   qh
RT+TW2.12e sibling    qh   ah
LG18.6.  .  .  birth order   qh
RT+LG10e family structure    qh   ah
 LJ2e birth    qh   ah
LG18.8e.  .  .  family cohesion   qh
RT LC6.4 group cohesion    qh   ah
LG18.8.2.  .  .  .  parental deprivation   qh
RT LG16.8.4 parental absence    qh   ah
LG18.8.4.  .  .  .  dual career family   qh
SN A family in which both parents maintain employment.
LG18.8.6e.  .  .  .  broken family   qh
LG18.8.8.  .  .  .  geographically dispersed family   qh
LG18.8.10.  .  .  .  geographically together family   qh
LG18.10e.  .  .  family dynamics   qh
RT JP10.10 environmental treatment factors    qh   ah
+LC6e group dynamics    qh   ah
 LG14.4.2e parenting skills    qh   ah
+LNe social context    qh   ah
LG18.10.2e.  .  .  .  family stability   qh
LG18.10.4e.  .  .  .  family conflict   qh
NT+LF10.4e marital conflict    qh   ah
+MM26.6e domestic violence    qh   ah
BT+LU6.6e conflict    qh   ah
RT+FS56e aggressive behavior    qh   ah
+LF10.8.2.4 marital disloyalty    qh   ah
 MJ10 generational differences    qh   ah
LG18.10.6e.  .  .  .  family dysfunction   qh
ST dysfunctional family
family and familial dysfunction
NT+MM26.6e domestic violence    qh   ah
BT+LG16.12 adverse child-rearing environment    qh   ah
RT+TW2.10.4.6e children of alcoholics    qh   ah
LG18.10.6.2e.  .  .  .  .  child neglect   qh
RT+MM26.6.4e child abuse    qh   ah
LG18.10.8.  .  .  .  family expressiveness   qh
LG18.10.8.2.  .  .  .  .  family response   qh
LG18.12e.  .  .  family role   qh
SN Use when the roles of family members are discussed, such as the role of parents in the prevention of AOD abuse by their children. If family members are discussed as study subjects or program targets, use a descriptor from *+TW2 status by family relationship* qh ah.
ST relatives
BT+LF12 role of intimate    qh   ah
+MF2.4e social role    qh   ah
RT+AN4e interpersonal AODR problems    qh   ah
 FR22e sex role    qh   ah
+LC2.4e social support    qh   ah
+LG10e family structure    qh   ah
+LG22 determinant of kinship membership    qh   ah
+TW2 status by family relationship    qh   ah
LG18.12.2.  .  .  .  role of parent   qh
ST parenthood
NT LG14.10.2 parental support    qh   ah
BT+LB4.6 socializing agents    qh   ah
+TW2.8e parent    qh   ah
RT+LG14.4e child rearing    qh   ah
 LG14.4.2e parenting skills    qh   ah
+LG18.2e parent-child relations    qh   ah
LG18.12.2.2.  .  .  .  .  role of mother   qh
ST maternity
BT+TE10e female    qh   ah
+TW2.8.8e mother    qh   ah
RT FD12.12 psychosexual theory of personality development    qh   ah
LG18.12.2.4.  .  .  .  .  role of father   qh
ST fatherhood
BT+TE8e male    qh   ah
+TW2.8.10e father    qh   ah
LG18.12.2.6.  .  .  .  .  role of grandparent   qh
BT+TW2.6e grandparent    qh   ah
LG18.12.4.  .  .  .  role of child   qh
BT+LG18.2e parent-child relations    qh   ah
+TW2.10 child (family member)    qh   ah
LG18.12.4.2.  .  .  .  .  role of adult children   qh
ST adult offspring
BT+TA16e adult    qh   ah
LG18.12.6.  .  .  .  role of sibling   qh
BT+TW2.12e sibling    qh   ah
LG20.  .  kinship group   qh
SN Group related by birth, common ancestry, or marriage. Used for human or animal populations.
LG22.  .  determinant of kinship membership   qh
NT LF8.4e marriage    qh   ah
RT+LG18.12e family role    qh   ah
LG22.2.  .  .  consanguineal relationship   qh
SN Kinship connections through direct genealogical links.
ST consanguineous relationships
RT LF8.6.6 endogamous marriage    qh   ah
LG22.4.  .  .  affinal relationship   qh
SN Kinship connections through marriage or affinity (i.e., similarity or resemblance).

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