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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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June 2005

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FDA Food Advisory Committee Memberships


Cutberto Garza

DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH: | | | | | | |

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BS Chemistry, Summa Cum Laude, Baylor University, | | | |

MD Baylor College of Medicine, | | | |

PhD Graduate Program, Department of Nutrition and Food Science,

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, | | | |


1988- Professor, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca,
1986-88 Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
1985-88 Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
1984-88 Medical Staff, Internal Medicine Service, St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital, Houston, TX
1984-86 Associate Professor, Sections of Nutrition and Gastroenterology, Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
1982-88 Medical Staff, Nutrition and Gastroenterology, Texas Children's Hospital, Houston, TX
1978-88 Adjunct Assistant Professor of Nutrition, The University of Texas School of Allied Health Sciences, Houston, TX
1977-85 Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
1976-83 Assistant Professor, Sections of Nutrition and Gastroenterology, Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
1976-88 Adjunct Professor of Nutrition, School of Public Health, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
1976-88 Consulting Staff, Pediatric Service, Harris County Hospital District, Houston, TX


2003- Director/Chair, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
1998-00 Vice-Provost, Cornell University
1998- Director, United Nations University Food and Nutrition Programme
1996-98 Associate Director, United Nations University Food and Nutrition Programme
1988-98 Director/Chair, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
1979-88 Associate Director, USDA Children's Nutrition Research Center, Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
1978-88 Project Director, Human Milk Bank Research and Distribution Center, Sections of Nutrition and Gastroenterology, Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
1977-88 Director, Nutrition and Gastroenterology Laboratory, Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
1973-75 Research Assistant, International Nutrition Planning Program. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
1968-69 Research Assistant, Chemistry Department, Baylor University, Waco, TX


  • Sigma Xi
  • Gamma Sigma Delta
  • American Society of Clinical Nutrition
  • American Institute of Nutrition
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science
  • International Society for Research on Human Milk and Lactation
  • Society for Pediatric Research
  • Eastern Society for Pediatric Research
  • American Pediatric Society


  • Goldberger Fellowship. Given in honor of N.S. Scrimshaw - 1970
  • NIH Traineeship, Nutritional Biochemistry and Metabolism. M.I.T., 1972, 1975
  • Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social prize for best research (Las Adaptaciones InsulinaHormona de
  • Crecimiento en el Marasmo y en el Kwashiorkor en Mexico) - 1974
  • Recipient of M.I.T. Health Science Fund Award to investigate protein requirements of young adults- 1974
  • Distinguished Achievement Award, Baylor University - 1986
  • Lydia J Roberts Lecture, University of Puerto Rico - 1993
  • Alan Shawn Feinstein World Hunger Prize for Education and Research, Brown University - 1996
  • V. Ogra Distinguished Pediatric Lecturer, University of Texas Medical Branch,
  • Galveston, TX - 1998
  • Institute of Medicine, National Academies of Sciences, Member - 1998
  • National Associate of the National Academies of Sciences (Inaugural Class) - 2001
  • KON Human Ecology Honor Society (Honorary Faculty Inductee) - 2004
  • Gilbert Forbes Visiting Scholar, University of Rochester School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics - 2004



1974 Member of Health Team Evaluating. Health Care System of Lowland Field Workers in Guatemala
1975 Secretary, First United Nations University Expert Group Meeting on World Hunger, Tokyo, Japan
1984-89 Member, Committee on International Nutrition Programs, Food and Nutrition Board, National Academy of Sciences
1984-89 Member, Subcommittee on Nutrition and Diarrheal Diseases Control, Food and Nutrition Board, National Academy of Sciences
1986 Consultant, Subcommittee on Diet, Physical Activity and Pregnancy Outcome, Food and Nutrition Board, National Academy of Sciences
1986-88 Member, Subcommittee on Diet, Physical Activity and Pregnancy Outcome, Food and Nutrition Board, National Academy of Sciences
1987 Consultant, Office of International Cooperation and Development, USDA
1988 Chairman, Subcommittee on Nutrition and Diarrheal Diseases Control, Food and Nutrition Board, National Academy of Sciences
1988-90 Member, Applied Diarrheal Disease Research Project (ADDR) Technical Advisory Group (TAG), Harvard Institute for International Development
1990 External Review Group, Instituto de Nutricion de Centro America y Panama
1991- Member, Board of Directors, International Nutrition Foundation for Developing Countries
1991-94 Chair, World Health Organization Committee on Use and Interpretation of Anthropometry in Infants
1992-95 Member, International Scientific Committee, Infant Nutrition Digest
1993-94 President, International Society for Research on Human Milk and Lactation
1993-05 Member, World Health Organization Expert Advisory Panel on Nutrition
1993-95 Member, Expert Committee on Physical Status: The Use and Interpretation of Anthropometry, World Health Organization
1994 Consultant, World Food Programme
1995 Member, Joint WHO/USAID Wellstart International Informal Technical Consultation on Breastmilk Expression, Storage, and Feeding, Washington, DC.
1997- Chair, WHO International Infant and Young Child Growth Reference Steering Committee
1999-00 Member, IUNS in the 21st Century Committee
1999 Consultant, World Food Programme, Appropriate Uses of Food Aid
1999 Chair, Search Committee for Chairperson of the UN ACC Subcommittee on Nutrition for UN System
2000- Co-Chair, UN ACC Sub-committee on Nutrition Working Group on Capacity Building
2001 US Co-Chair, US-European Union Consultative Forum on Biotechnology
2001 Member, WHO Expert Consultative Group on the Optimal Duration of Exclusvive Breastfeeding
2001 Chair, Stakeholder Discussion: Research Directions in Global School Feeding, World Food Program
2002 Chair, Nestle Annales Editorial and Scholarship Committee
2002 Member, ILSI Global Board of Trustees
2002 Chair, Technical Advisory Group, Review of Safety, Nutritional Value, Suitability and Appropriateness of World Food Program Foods.
2002 Member, International Advisory Committee of the 2005 International Nutrition Congress, Durban, South Africa (North American Representative)
2002 Member, WHO Reference Group, Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health
2003 Consultant, Pan American Organization, Recommended Levels of Folic Acid and Vitamin B12 Fortification in the Americas.
2004 Member, Standing Committee on Nutrition for the UN System, Steering Group.


1974 Consultant, New York City Health Dept., Lactose Intolerance in Children
1977 Consultant to American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Nutrition: Evaluation of the Use of Chemically Modified Food Starch in Infant Foods,
1977 Consultant to American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Nutrition: Lactose Intolerance in Children
1981 USDA Competitive Research Grants Office Human Nutrition Panel
1984 USDA Competitive Research Grants Office, Human Nutrition Panel
1984-89 Abstract Author, Regular Contributor BreastFeeding Abstracts, La Leche League International
1986-88Nutrition Study Section, Division of Research Grants, National Institutes of Health
1986 DHHS Advisory Group for the Development of Guidelines for Future Dietary Standards
1987 Visiting Professor, National Dairy Council
1989-90 Member, Subcommittee on Nutrition During Lactation, Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences
1989 Ad Hoc Expert Panel on National Nutrition Objectives for the Year 2000, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
1989-91 Member, Graduate Nutrition Education Committee, American Institute of Nutrition
1989 Member, Consultant Group to Develop Five Year Plan for Nutrition Research and Training, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, NIH
1989 Member, Advisory Board for the Journal Courts, Health Science and the Law, Institute for Health Policy Analysis, Georgetown University Medical Center
1990-94 Member, Board of Scientific Counselors, Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, National Cancer Institute
1990- Member, Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine
1990-92 Member, Human Nutrition Board of Scientific Counselors, USDA
1992-98 Member, Editorial Board, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
1993-95 Member, Food and Nutrition Council, American Health Foundation
1993 Chair, Division of Cancer Prevention and Control Nutrition Subcommittee of the Board of Scientific Counselors, National Cancer Institute
1993 Board of Directors, Association of Nutrition Departments and Programs
1993 Chair, Nominating Committee, American Society for Clinical Nutrition
1994-98 Member, Safety Monitoring Committee for Polyp Prevention Trial, NCI
1994-95 Vice-Chair, Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine.
1994-97 Member, Advisory Committee, Clinical Nutrition Research Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard School of Public Health/Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1994-95 Member, USDA/DHHS Dietary Guidelines Committee
1994-98 Member, National Nutrition Monitoring Advisory Council
1995-01 Chair, Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine
1997-99 Member, Dannon Institute Board of Directors
1997-98 Member, Oversight Commission for Food Safety, Institute of Medicine
1997-98 Member, Nominating Committee, The American Society for Clinical Nutrition, Inc.
1998 Member, USAID Food Security Advisory Committee
1998 Editorial Board, Encyclopedia of Food, Simon & Schuster
1998-00 Chair, Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, US Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Service
1999-03 Member, Fogarty International Center Advisory Board
1999-02 Member, National Agricultural Research, Extension, Education, and Economics Advisory Board, United States Department of Agriculture
2001-03 Member, Institute of Medicine's International Food and Nutrition Forum
2002 Chair, ad hoc Infant Formula Committee, Food and Drug Administration
2002 - Member, Committee on Identifying and Assessing Unintended Effects of Genetically Modified Foods on Human Health, Division of Earth and Life Sciences, The National Academies.
2003-06Board on International Scientific Organizations, Policy and Global Affairs Division, The National Academies.
2004-06 Member, FDA Food Advisory Committee
2004-06 Chair, FDA Infant Formula Subcommittee of the Food Advisory Committee


1979-81 Chairman, Clinical Nutrition, an ad hoc committee of the Harris County Hospital District Medical and Dental Staff, Houston, TX
1980-86March of Dimes Professional Advisory Committee
1981-88Member, Clinical Nutrition, an ad hoc committee of the Harris County Hospital District Medical and Dental Staff, Houston, TX
1984 Chairman, South/East Community Medical Service Project, Committee of the March of Dimes, Houston, TX
1985-88Board Member, Texas Rehabilitation Commission
1989-91 Member, Ad Hoc Committee on the Prevention and Control of Cardiovascular Disease, State of New York, Department of Health
1989Member, Advisory Committee, New York State Council on Food and Nutrition Policy
1990Member, New York State Commission on Smoking or Health
1994-98 Member, Public Health Council, New York State
1994Member, Ad Hoc Committee on Public Health Under Health Care Reform, NYS Dept of Health, Public Health Council
1994-96 Member, Establishment Subcommittee, Public Health Council
1994-98Member, Codes & Legislation Subcommittee, Public Health Council
1996 Member, Public Health Council's Public Health Priorities Committee
1997-01Member, Rochester Dioceses Stewardship Committee
2001-07Member, Board of Trustees, St. Bernard's Institute


1973Coordinator Community Nutrition Project Investigating Lactose Intolerance in Young7 Children. Section of Nutritional Biochemistry and Metabolism, Department of Nutrition and Food Science, MIT, Cambridge, MA
1976-78Coordinator, Nutrition Education Program for Medical Students, Baylor College of Medicine
1979-86Medical School Admissions Committee, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
1984-86 Chairman, Subcommittee for Advanced Standing Applicants, Admissions Committee, Baylor College of Medicine
1985-88 Executive Advisory Board, Program in Nutrition and Dietetics, University of Texas, Health Science Center at Houston
1986 Faculty Representative, Executive Faculty Committee, Baylor College of Medicine
1986University of Texas School of Public Health, Houston, Dean's Search Committee
1987-90 Member, Advisory Committee, Study Group on Human Lactation and Breastfeeding, University of Rochester Medical Center
1989-91 Member, Cornell University Research Policies Committee
1989-91Member, Cornell AIDS Medical Advisory Committee
1989-90 Member, Cornell Wellness Advisory Committee
1991-92 Chair, Cornell University Research Policies Committee
1991-92Chair, Search Committee for Director, Hispanic American Studies Program, Cornell University
1992-93 Co-chair, Task Force for Food Systems, Nutrition and Health, Cornell University
1992 Member, Strategic Planning Advisory Board, Cornell University
1992 Member, Strategic Planning Subgroup on Outreach, Extension and Public Service, Cornell University
1992 Consultant, En Accion: National Hispanic Leadership Initiative on Cancer Advisory Working Group, Baylor College of Medicine
1994-97 Member, Minority Education Committee, Cornell University
1994 Member, Search Committee for dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University
1994 Member, Faculty Advisory Committee to the Cornell University's Board of Trustees President Search Committee
1995Chair, search committee for Director, Hispanic American Studies Program, Cornell University
1995President's Council, Cornell University
1995 Graduate School Program Review, Cornell University
1995Faculty Council of Representatives, Cornell University
1996Member, Academic Program Review Committee, Cornell University
1996 Co-chair, Food, Nutrition & Health Planning Council, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University
1997-98 Member, Land Grant and Statutory College Affairs Committee
2000- Member, CHE Committee on Diversity
2001-03 Member, Board on University Health Services, Cornell University
2002-04 Member, DNS Appointment and Tenure Committee
2002-05 Member, Health Careers Program Advisory Board (HCEC)
2002-06 Member, Local Advisory Council to the Provost on Research Investments in the biological and physical sciences
2003- Member, Agriculture and Food Systems Program Council, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University
2004- Chair, CHE Diversity Committee

Reviewer for the following journals and other organizations:

  • Acta Pediatrica Scandinavian
  • American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
  • American Journal of Public Health
  • American Journal of Physiology
  • Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
  • Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutricion
  • Bulletin of the World Health Organization
  • Food Policy
  • Food and Nutrition Bulletin
  • Journal of Endocrinology
  • Journal of Nutrition
  • Journal of Pediatrics
  • Journal of Gastroenterology and Nutrition
  • National Research Council, National Academies of Science
  • Nutrition Research
  • Pediatric Research
  • Pediatrics

FOREIGN LANGUAGE: Spanish (fluent)



  1. Belew JS, Garza C, Mathieson JW. Autoxidation in the presence of active cobalt oxide. J Chem Soc Chem Comm 10(11):634-5, 1970.
  2. Parra A, Garza C, Garza Y, Saravia L, Hazlewood C, Nichols BL. Changes in growth hormone, insulin, and thyroxine values, and in energy metabolism of marasmic infants. J Pediatr 82(1):133-42, 1973.
  3. Garza C, Scrimshaw NS. Relationship of lactose intolerance to milk intolerance in young children. Am J Clin Nutr 29(2):192-6, 1976.
  4. Garza C, Scrimshaw NS, Young VR. Human protein requirements: effects of variations in energy intake within the maintenance range. Am J Clin Nutr 29(3):280-7, 1976.
  5. Garza C, Scrimshaw NS, Young VR. Human protein requirements: a long-term metabolic nitrogen balance study in young men to evaluate the 1973 FAO/WHO safe level of egg protein intake. J Nutr 107(2):335-52, 1977.
  6. Garza C, Scrimshaw NS, Young VR. Human protein requirements: evaluation of the 1973 FAO/WHO safe level of protein intake for young men at high energy intakes. Brit J Nutr 37(3):403-20, 1977.
  7. Garza C, Scrimshaw NS, Young VR. Human protein requirements: interrelationships between energy intake and nitrogen balance in young men consuming the 1973 FAO/WHO safe level of egg protein, with added nonessential amino acids. J Nutr 108(1):90-6, 1978.
  8. Garza C. Appropriateness of milk use in international supplementary feeding programs. J Dairy Sci 62(1):1673-84, 1979.
  9. Sheng HP, Huggins RA, Garza C, Evans HJ, LeBlanc AD, Nichols BL, Johnson PC. Total body sodium, calcium, and chloride measured chemically and by neutron activation in guinea pigs. Am J Physiol 241(5):R419-22, 1981.
  10. Goldblum RM, Garza C, Johnson CA, Nichols BL, Goldman AS. Effect of container upon immunologic factors in mature milk. Nutr Res 1:449-59, 1982.
  11. Goldblum RM, Goldman AS, Garza C, Johnson CA, Nichols BL. Human milk banking II: relative stability of immunologic factors in stored colostrum. Acta Paediatr Scand 71(1):143-4, 1982.
  12. Keenan BS, Buzek S, Garza C, Potts E, Nichols BL. Diurnal and longitudinal variations in human milk sodium and potassium: implication for nutrition and physiology. Am J Clin Nutr 35(3):527-34, 1982.
  13. Goldman AS, Garza C, Nichols BL, Goldblum R. Immunologic factors in human milk during the first year of lactation. J Pediatr 100(4):563-7, 1982.
  14. Sheng HP, Huggins RA, Garza C. Chemical maturation in growing guinea pigs. Am J Physiol 242:R390-3, 1982.
  15. Shewakramani N, Hanna MO, Alford ES, Vanderzant C, Dill CW, Garza C. Changes in the natural microflora during incubation of fresh and processed human milks. J Food Protect 45(9):792-4, 1982.
  16. Shewakramani N, Hanna MO, Alford ES, Vanderzant C, Dill CW, Garza C. Growth of selected bacteria in processed human milks. J Food Protect 45(9):788-91, 1982.
  17. Garza C, Johnson CA, Harrist R, Nichols BL. Effects of methods of collection and storage on nutrients in human milk. Early Hum Dev 6(3):295-303, 1982.
  18. Goldman AS, Garza C, Nichols BL, Johnson CA, Smith EO, Goldblum RM. Effects of prematurity on the immunologic system in human milk. J Pediatr 101(6):901-5, 1982.
  19. Watson MA, Alford ES, Dill CW, Richter RL, Garza C. Compositional changes during sequential sampling of human milk. Nutr Rep Int 26(6):1105-11, 1982.
  20. Sheng HP, Garza C, Huggins RA, Smith EO. Comparison of measured and estimated fat-free weight, fat, potassium and nitrogen in the growing guinea pig. Growth 46(4):306-21, 1982.
  21. Garza C, Johnson CA, Smith EO, Nichols BL. Changes in the nutrient composition of human milk during gradual weaning. Am J Clin Nutr 37(1):61-5, 1983.
  22. Stuff JE, Garza C, Smith EO, Nichols BL, Montandon CM. A comparison of dietary methods in nutritional studies. Am J Clin Nutr 37(2):300-6, 1983.
  23. Nichols BL, Garza C, Klish W, Hazlewood C, Argote RM, Garcia C, Parra A. Muscle electrolytes in malnutrition syndromes of children. J Pediatr Gastr Nutr 2(1):50-6, 1983.
  24. Butte NF, Garza C, Smith EO, Nichols BL. Evaluation of the deuterium dilution technique against the test-weighing procedure for the determination of breast-milk intake. Am J Clin Nutr 37(6):996-1003, 1983.
  25. Goldman AS, Garza C, Nichols BL, Smith EO, Goldblum RM. Immunologic components in human milk during weaning. Acta Paediatr Scand 72(1):133-4, 1983.
  26. Keenan BS, Buzek SW, Garza C. Cortisol and its possible role in the regulation of sodium and potassium in human milk. Am J Physiol 244(3) (Endocrinol Metab 7):E253-61, 1983.
  27. Lifschitz C, Smith EO, Garza C. Delayed complete functional lactase sufficiency in breastfed infants. J Pediatr Gastr Nutr 2(3):478-82, 1983.
  28. Pan HL, Dill CW, Alford ES, Richter RL, Garza C. Heat inactivation of the bile salt-stimulated lipase activity in human milk and colostrum. J Food Protect 46(6):525-7, 1983.
  29. Smith EO, Schanler RJ, Garza C, Nichols BL. Modeling the growth patterns of premature infants. Growth 47(4):340-7, 1983.
  30. Goldman AS, Garza C, Goldblum RM. Immunologic components in human milk during the second year of lactation. Acta Paediatr Scand 72(3):461-2, 1983.
  31. Shulman R. Fasting and cognitive function. J Psychiat Res 17(2):169-74, 1983.
  32. Dill CW, Chen CT, Alford ES, Edwards RL, Richter RL, Garza C. Lipolytic activity during storage of human milk: stability of the bile salt-stimulated lipase. J Food Protect 46(11):994-6, 1983.
  33. Butte NF, Garza C, Smith EO, Nichols BL. Human milk intake and growth in exclusively breast-fed infants. J Pediatr 104(2):187-95, 1984.
  34. Butte NF, Garza C, Stuff JE, Smith EO, Nichols BL. Effect of maternal diet and body composition on lactational performance. Am J Clin Nutr 39(2):296-306, 1984.
  35. Butte NF, Garza C, Johnson CA, Smith EO, Nichols BL. Longitudinal changes in milk composition of mothers delivering preterm and term infants. Early Hum Dev 9(2):153-62, 1984.
  36. Johnson CA, Garza C, Nichols B. A teaching intervention to improve breastfeeding success. J Nutr Educ 16(1):19-22, 1984.
  37. Shulman RJ, Fiorotto ML, Sheng HP, Garza C. Effect of different total parenteral nutrition fuel mixes on the body composition of infant miniature pigs. Pediatr Res 18(3):261-5, 1984.
  38. Young VR, Wayler A, Garza C, Steinke FH, Murray E, Scrimshaw NS. A long term metabolic balance study in young men to assess the nutritional quality of an isolated soy protein and beef proteins. Am J Clin Nutr 39(1):8-15, 1984.
  39. Johnson CA, Baer PE, Garza C, Nichols BL. A psychophysiological test of the sympathetic interference hypothesis of human lactation. Nutr Behav 1:309-15, 1984.
  40. Garza C, Nichols BL. Studies of human milk relevant to milk banking. J Am Coll Nutr 3(2):123-9, 1984.
  41. Clifton GL, Robertson CS, Grossman RG, Hodge S, Flotz R, Garza C. The metabolic response to severe head injury. J Neurosurg 60(4):687-96, 1984.
  42. Goldblum RM, Dill CW, Albrecht TB, Alford ES, Garza C, Goldman AS. Rapid high temperature treatment of human milk. J Pediatr 104(3):380-5, 1984.
  43. Butte NF, Goldblum RM, Fehl LM, Loftin K, Smith EO, Garza C, Goldman AS. Daily ingestion of immunologic components in human milk during the first four months of life. Acta Paediatr Scand 73(3):296-301, 1984.
  44. Dill CW, Chen CT, Alford ES, Edwards RL, Richter RL, Garza C. Lipolytic activity during storage of human milk: accumulation of free fatty acids. J Food Protect 47(9):690-3, 1984.
  45. Garza C, Goldman AS. Effect of maternal nutritional status on lactation performance and infant nutrition. Perinatol Neonatol 9:11-7, 1985.
  46. Deskins WG, Winter DC, Sheng HP, Garza C. Use of a resonating cavity to measure body volume. J Acoust Soc Am 77(2):756-8, 1985.
  47. Smith EO. Patterns of K/N ratios with growth of guinea pig, beagle, and pig. Growth 49(1):141-53, 1985.
  48. Jalili F, Garza C, Nichols BL. Free fatty acids in the development of breast-milk jaundice. J Pediatr Gastr Nutr 4(3):435-40. 1985.
  49. Butte NF, Wills CA, Smith EO, Garza C. Prediction of body density from skinfold measurements in lactating women. Brit J Nutr 53(3):485-9, 1985.
  50. Schanler RJ, Garza C, Nichols BL. Fortified mother's milk for very low birth-weight infants: results of growth and nutrient balance studies. J Pediatr 107(3):437-45, 1985.
  51. Schanler RJ, Garza C, Smith EO. Fortified mothers' milk for very low birth-weight infants: results of macromineral balance studies. J Pediatr 107(5):767-74, 1985.
  52. Lifschitz CH, Bautista A, Gopalakrishna GS, Stuff J, Garza C. Absorption and tolerance of lactose in infants recovering from severe diarrhea. J Pediatr Gastr Nutr 4(6):942-48, 1985.
  53. Butte NF, Wills C, Jean CA, Smith EO, Garza C. Feeding patterns of exclusively breast-fed infants during the first four months of life. Early Hum Dev 12(3):291-300, 1985.
  54. Boutte CA, Garza C, Fraley JK, Stuff J, Smith EO. Comparison of hand-operated and electric-operated breast pumps. Human Nutr: Appl Nutr 39A(6):426-30, 1985.
  55. Deskins WG, Winter DC, Sheng HP, Garza C. An acoustic plethysmograph to measure total infant body volume. J Biomech Eng 107(4):304-8, 1985.
  56. Garza C. Mothers' milk protects infants. Agr Res 33(9):5-5, 1985.
  57. JK, Smith E0, Klein ER, Nichols BL. Sources of variance in milk and caloric intakes in breast-fed infants: implications for lactation study design and interpretation. Am J Clin Nutr 43(3):361-6, 1986.
  58. Fiorotto ML, Shulman RJ, Sheng HP, Garza C. The effects of different total parenteral nutrition fuel mixes on skeletal muscle composition of infant miniature pigs. Metabolism 35(4):354-9, 1986.
  59. Montandon CM, Wills CA, Garza C, Smith EO, Nichols BL. Formula intake of one and four-month-old infants. J Pediatr Gastrl Nutr 5(3):434-8, 1986.
  60. Schanler R, Goldblum R, Garza C, Goldman AS. Enhanced fecal excretion of selected immune factors in very low birth-weight infants fed fortified human milk. Pediatr Res 20(8):711-5, 1986.
  61. Garza C, Butte NF. Energy concentration of human milk estimated from 24-hour pools and various abbreviated sampling schemes. J Pediatr Gastr Nutr. 5(6):943-8, 1986.
  62. Garza C, Schanler RJ, Butte NF, Motil KJ. Special properties of human milk. Clin Perinatol 14(1):11-32, 1987.
  63. Butte NF, Garza C, Smith EO, Wills C, Nichols BL. Macromineral and trace-mineral intakes of exclusively breast-fed infants. Am J Clin Nutr. 45(1):42-8, 1987.
  64. Schanler RJ, Garza C. Plasma amino acid differences in very low birth-weight infants fed either human milk or whey-dominant cow milk formula. Pediatr Res 21(3):301-5, 1987.
  65. Shulman RJ, Fiorotto ML, Sheng HP, Finegold MJ, Garza C. Liver composition and histology in growing infant miniature pigs given different total parenteral nutrition fuel mixes. J Parent Ent Nutr 11(3):275-9, 1987.
  66. Butte NF, Garza C. Measurement of milk intake by deuterium dilution: a commentary. Arch Dis Child 62(8):799-800, 1987.
  67. Goldman AS, Garza C. Future research in human milk. Pediatr Res 22(5):493-6, 1987.
  68. Hachey DL, Thomas MR, Emken EA, Garza C, BrownBooth L, Adlof RO, Klein PD. Human lactation: maternal transfer of dietary triglycerides labeled with stable isotopes. J Lipid Res 28(10):1185-92, 1987.
  69. Butte NF, Garza C, Burr R, Goldman AS, Kennedy K, Kitzmiller JL. Milk composition of insulin-dependent diabetic women. J Pediatr Gastr Nutr 6(6):936-41, 1987.
  70. Butte NF, Wong WW, Patterson BW, Garza C, Klein PD. Human-milk intake measured by administration of deuterium oxide to the mother: a comparison with the test-weighing technique. Am J Clin Nutr 47(5):815-21, 1988.
  71. Schanler RJ, Garza C. Improved mineral balance in very low birth weight infants fed fortified human milk. J Pediatr 112(3):452-6, 1988.
  72. Silber G, Hachey DL, Schanler RJ, Garza C. Manipulation of the maternal diet to alter the fatty acid composition of human milk intended for premature infants. Am J Clin Nutr 47(5):810-4, 1988.
  73. Abrams SA, Schanler RJ, Garza C. Bone mineralization in former very low birth-weight infants fed either human milk or commercial formula. J Pediatr 112(6):956-60, 1988.
  74. Hopkinson J, Schanler RJ, Garza C. Milk production by mothers of premature infants. Pediatrics 81(6):815-20, 1988.
  75. Sheng HP, Adolph AL, Smith EO, Garza C. Body volume and fat free mass determinations by acoustic plethysmography. Pediatr Res 24(1):85-9, 1988.
  76. Butte NF, Garza C, Smith EO. Variability of macronutrient concentrations in human milk. Eur J Clin Nutr 42(4):345-49, 1988.
  77. Schanler RJ, Abrams SA, Garza C. Bioavailability of calcium and phosphorus in human milk fortifiers and formula for very low birth-weight infants. J Pediatr 113(1):95-100, 1988.
  78. Pan HL, Dill CW, Alford ES, Dill SL, Bailey CA, Richter RL, Garza C. Heat stability of the bile salt-stimulated lipase in human milk fortified with sodium taurocholate. J Food Protect 51(4):310-13, 1988.
  79. Schanler RJ, Abrams SA, Garza C. Mineral balance studies in very low birth weight infants fed human milk. J Pediatr 113(1):230-38, 1988.
  80. Abrams SA, Schanler RJ, Sheng HP, Evans HJ, LeBlanc AD, Garza C. Bone mineral content reflects total body calcium in neonatal miniature piglets. Pediatr Res 24(6):693-95, 1988.
  81. Abrams SA, Schanler RJ, Garza C. Relation of bone mineralization measures to serum biochemical measures. Am J Dis Child 142(12):1276, Dec 1988.
  82. Hachey DL, Silber GH, Wong WW, Garza C. Human lactation II: Endogenous fatty acid synthesis by the mammary gland. Pediatr Res 25(1):63-8, 1989.
  83. Garza C, Schanler RJ. Biochemical markers for the assessment of protein-energy malnutrition. J Pediatr Gastr Nutr (2)8:147-49, 1989.
  84. Motil KJ, Montandon CM, Hachey DL, Boutton TW, Klein PD, Garza C. Whole-body protein metabolism in lactating and nonlactating women. J Appl Physiol 66(1):370-76, 1989.
  85. Goldblum RM, Schanler RJ, Garza C, Goldman AS. Human milk feeding enhances the urinary excretion of immunologic factors in low birth weight infants. Pediatr Res 25(2):184-88, 1989.
  86. Wong WW, Butte, NF, O'Brian Smith E, Garza C, Klein PD. Body composition of lactating women determined by anthropometry and deuterium dilution. Brit J Nutr 61(1):25-33, 1989.
  87. Abrams SA, Schanler RJ, Tsang RC, Garza C. Bone mineralization in former very low birth weight infants fed either human milk or commercial formula: One-year follow-up observation. J Pediatr 114(6):1041-1044, 1989.
  88. Butte NF, Wong WW, Garza C. Energy cost of growth during infancy. P Nutr Soc 48(2):303-12, 1989.
  89. Motil KJ, Montandon CM, Hachey DL, Boutton TW, Klein PD, Garza C. Relationships among lactation performance, maternal diet, and body protein metabolism in humans. Eur J Clin Nutr 43(10):681-91, 1989.
  90. Emken EA, Adlof RO, Hachey DL, Garza C, Thomas MR, Brown-Booth L. Incorporation of deuterium-labeled fatty acids into human milk, plasma, and lipoprotein phospholipids and cholesterol esters. J Lipid Res 30(3):395-402, 1989.
  91. Wong WW, Butte NF, Garza C, Klein PD. The use of stable isotopes in the assessment of infant nutrition: Estimation of the milk intake by the dose-to-mother method. Rivista di Pediatria Preventiva e Sociale 39:205-9, 1989.
  92. Motil KJ, Malphus E, Thotathuchery M, Garza C. Relationships of amino acids in infant nutrition. Rivista di Pediatria Preventiva e Sociale 39:157-60, 1990.
  93. Butte NF, O'Brian Smith E, Garza C. Energy utilization of breast-fed and formula-fed infants. Am J Clin Nutr 51(3):350-8, 1990.
  94. Motil KJ, Montandon CM, Thotathuchery M, Garza C. Dietary protein and nitrogen balance in lactating and nonlactating women. Am J Clin Nutr 51(3):378-84, 1990.
  95. Goldman AS, Garza C, Schanler RJ, Goldblum RM. Molecular forms of lactoferrin in stool and urine from infants fed human milk. Pediatr Res 27(3):252-55, 1990.
  96. Garza C, Butte NF. Energy intakes of human milk-fed infants during the first year. J Pediatr 117(2):S124-31, 1990.
  97. Motil KJ, Montandon CM, Garza C. Basal and postprandial metabolic rates in lactating and nonlactating women. Am J Clin Nutr 52(4):610-15, 1990.
  98. Butte NF, Wong WW, Ferlic L, O'Brian Smith E, Klein PD, Garza C. Energy expenditure and deposition of breast-fed and formula-fed infants during early infancy. Pediatr Res 28(6):631-40, 1990.
  99. Wong WW, Butte NF, Garza C, Klein PD. Comparison of energy expenditure estimated in healthy infants using the doubly labeled water and energy balance methods. Eur J Clin Nutr 44(3):175-84, 1990.
  100. Canfield LM, Hopkinson JM, Lima AF, Silva B, Garza C. Vitamin K in colostrum and mature human milk over the lactation period--a cross-sectional study. Am J Clin Nutr 53(3):730-5, 1991
  101. Hutchens TW, Henry JF, Yip TT, Hachey DL, Schanler RJ, Motil KJ, Garza C. Origin of intact lactoferrin and its DNA-binding fragments found in the urine of human milk-fed preterm infants. Evaluation by stable isotopic enrichment. Pediatr Res 29(3):243-50, 1991
  102. Butte NF, O'Brian Smith E, Garza C. Heart rates of breast-fed and formula-fed infants. J Pediatr Gastr Nutr 13(4):391-96, 1991.
  103. Lifschitz CH, Torun B, Chew F, Boutton TW, Garza C, Klein PD. Absorption of carbon13-labeled rice in milk by infants during acute gastroenteritis. J Pediatr 118(4):526-30, 1991.
  104. Butte NF, Wong WW, Klein PD, Garza C. Measurement of milk intake: tracer-to-infant deuterium dilution method. Brit J Nutr 65(1):3-14, 1991.
  105. Butte NF, Wong WW, Garza C, Stuff JE, Smith EO, Klein PD, Nichols BL. Energy-requirements of breast-fed infants. J Am Coll Nutr 10(3):190-195, 1991.
  106. Butte NF, Wong WW, Garza C. Prediction equations for total body water during early infancy. Acta Paediatr 81(3):264-5, 1992.
  107. James P, Gurr M, Bjerve K, Dreven CA, Gustafson JA, Andersson, Dyerberg, Norum KR, Pederson J, Gebremedheim M, Connor WE, Bruce A, Garza C. Crawford MA, Weber P, Rosenberg I, Katan MB, Bergstrom, Miettinen T, Hjermann I, Goodman D, Kromhout D, Sandstrom B, Hambraeus L, Jequier E, Leíble RL, Rossner S, Drewnowski A. 14th Marabou Symposium: The Nutritional Role of Fat - Discusión. Nutr Rev 50(4):56-67, Part 2, 1992.
  108. Schanler RJ, Burns PA, Abrams SA, Garza C. Bone mineralization outcomes in human milk-fed preterm infants. Pediatr Res 31(6):583-86, 1992.
  109. Butte NF, Villalpando S, Wong WW, FloresHuerta S, de Jesus HernandezBeltran M, O'Brian Smith E, Garza C. Human milk intake and growth faltering of rural Mesoamerindian infants. Am J Clin Nutr 55(6):1109-16, 1992.
  110. Bennett LC, Bier DM, Brusilow SW, Danford DE, Dietz WH, Fernstrom JD, Garza C, Grave GD, Greene HL, Hambidge KM, Heird WC, Hill JG, Levin EY, Martorell R, Sacks F, Sparks JW, Underwood LE, Walker WA. 5-year plan for nutrition research and training - Executive summary. Pediatr Res 32(1):1-9, 1992.
  111. Villalpando S, Butte NF, Wong WW, Flores-Huerta S, de Jesus Hernandez-Beltran M, Smith EO, Garza C. Lactation performance of rural Mesoamerindians. Eur J Clin Nutr 46(5):337-48, 1992.
  112. Hopkinson JM, Schanler RJ, Fraley JK, Garza C. Milk production by mothers of premature infants: Influence of cigarette smoking. Pediatrics 90:934-38, 1992.
  113. Garza C, Butte NF. Nutritional implications of weaning on energy intake. International Child Health: A Digest of Current Information IV:3:27-37, 1993.
  114. Odumodu CU, Alford ES, Dill CW, Richter RL, Garza C. Heat inactivation of the alkaline-phosphatase in human milk and colostrums. J Food Protect 56(3):260-2, 1993.
  115. Garza C. Human-Nutrition and Parasitic Infection - Foreward. Parasitology 107:S5-S5 Suppl, 1993.
  116. Allen LH, King JC, Rush D, Knowles JB, Dewey KG, Hachey D, Garza C, Ali, Gage DR, Moreno V, Beard JL. Energy and macronutrients: Session 1 - General Discussion. Am J Clin Nutr 59(2):474-6, 1994
  117. Hurtig J, Keen CL, Beard JL, Garza C, Allen LH, Underwood BA, Olson CM, Dewey KG. Supplementation: Session IV - General discussion. Am J Clin Nutr 59(2):540-1, 1994.
  118. Garza C. Overview and analysis. Proceedings of conference held in New Harmony, IN, April 30-May 2, 1993, "Recent developments in maternal nutrition and their implications for practitioners". Am J Clin Nutr 59(2):S542-5, 1994.
  119. Garza C, Frongillo E, Dewey, KG. Implications of growth patterns of breast-fed infants for growth references. Acta Paediatr 83:4-10, Suppl 402, Sept 1994.
  120. Motil KJ, Thotathuchery M, Montandon CM, Hachey DL Boutton TW, Klein PD, Garza C. Insulin, cortisol and thyroid hormones modulate maternal protein status and milk production andcomposition in humans. J Nutr 124(8):1248-57, 1994.
  121. Calloway D, Bier B, Dietz W, Garza C, Havel R, Kumanyika S, Nestle M, Rosenberg I, Stjeor S, Schneeman B, Suttie J. Revising the dietary guidelines for Americans - History and rationale. Nutr Rev 52(11):394-395, 1994.
  122. King, JC, Bierman EL, Erdman JW, Garza C, Adkisson PL, Allen LH, Bier DM, Clydesdale FM, Deluca HF, Doyle MP, Dwyer, JT, Grundy SM, Hambidge KM, Kolonel LN, Miller S, Sommer A, Young VR, Taylor SL, Rubenstein AH, Marriott BM, Wotecki CE, Thomas PR, Greenwood MRC, Applewhite MP, Lewis MS. How should the recommended dietary-allowances be revised - a concept paper from the Food and Nutrition Board. Nutr Rev 52(6):216-219, 1994.
  123. Havel RJ, Erdman JW, Garza C, Goodridge AG, King JC, Clydesdale FM, Cousins RJ, Drewnowski A, Harlander SK, Kolonel LN, Leveille GA, Constantinepaton M, Pisunyer FX, Quandt SA, Rizvi SSH, Rosenberg IH, Ross AC, Stjeor ST, Stunkard AJ, Valle D, Willett WC, Greenwood MRC, Goodman DS, Thomas PR, Earl R, Woteki CE. Opportunities in the nutrition and food sciences - Research challenges and the next-generation of investigators. J Nutr 124(6):763-769, 1994.
  124. Anderson MA, Dewey KG, Frongillo E, Garza C (chair), Haschke F, Kramer M, Whitehead RG, Winichagoon P, deOnis M (WHO Working Group on Infant Growth). An evaluation of infant growth: the use and interpretation of anthropometry in infants. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 73(2):165-174, 1995.
  125. Butte NF, Wong WW, Fiorotto M, O'Brian Smith E, Garza C. Influence of early feeding mode on body composition of infants. Biol Neonate 67(6):414-424, 1995.
  126. Dewey KG, Peerson JM, Brown KH, Krebs NF, Michaelsen KF, Persson LA, Salmenpera L, Whitehead RG, Yeung DL, and the WHO Working Group on Infant Growth. Growth of breast-fed infants deviates from current reference data: A pooled analysis of US, Canadian, and European data sets. Pediatrics 96(3):495-503, 1995
  127. Zimmer P, Garza C, Heller M, Butte N, Goldman A. Relationship between serum prolactin, lactation and changes in maternal blood B-cell (CD19+) percents during the first 8 months post-partum. J Reprod Immunol 30(2-3): 81-95, 1996.
  128. James P, Garza C, Hanson LA. Sixteenth Marabou Symposium - Early Nutrition and Lifelong Health - Meeting Summary. Nutr Rev 54(2):S74-S76 Part 2 Suppl, 1996.
  129. Zimmer P, Garza C. Editorial: Maternal considerations in formulating HIV-related breast-feeding recommendations. Am J Public Health 87(6):-904-906, 1997.
  130. de Onis Mercedes, Garza Cutberto, Habicht JP. Time for a New Growth Reference. Pediatrics 100(5):art. no. e8, 1997.
  131. Frongillo EA, Garza C. Infant growth differs by feeding mode. Arch Pediatr Adol Med 151(3):322-23, 1997.
  132. Garza C. Observations on the conference proceedings and future research directions - Remarks. Ann NY Acad Sci 819:229-234, 1997.
  133. Zimmer P, Garza C, Butte NF, Goldman AS. Maternal blood B-cell (CD19+) percentages and serum immunoglobulin concentrations correlate with breast-feeding behavior and serum prolactin concentration. Am J Reprod Immunol 40(1):57-62, 1998.
  134. Garza C, Frongillo EA, Jr. Infant feeding recommendations (Editorial) Am J Clin Nutr 67(5):815-16, 1998.
  135. Zimmer JP, Garza C, Heller ME, Goldman AS. Postpartum maternal blood helper T (CD3+CD4+) and cytotoxic T (CD3+CD8+) cells: correlations with iron status, parity, supplement use, and lactation status. Amer J Clin Nutr 67(5 ):897-904, 1998.
  136. Waterland RA, Garza C. Potential mechanisms of metabolic imprinting that lead to chronic disease. Am J Clin Nutr 69(2):179-97, 1999.
  137. Garza C, De Onis, M. A new international growth reference for young children. Am J Clin Nutr 70(1):169S-172S, 1999.
  138. Garza C, Pelletier D, Ranney C, Mathios A, McNamara P. Special issue - US dietary guidelines: Research and policy needs in the nutrition, health and agricultural sectors - Introduction. Food Policy 24(2-3):115-116, April-June 1999.
  139. Victora CG, deOnis M, Garza C, Cole T, Frongillo EA, Cameron N, Shekar M, Yip R, Bhatnagar S, Burger H, Delgado HL, Dada OA, Gross B, Hofvander Y, Lavin PA, Tang GH (WHO Working Group on the Growth Reference Protocol). Growth patterns of breastfed infants in seven countries. Acta Paediatr 89(2):215-22, 2000.
  140. Meisler JG, Garza C, Nestle M. Toward optimal health: The experts discuss the American diet. J Women Health Gen-B 10(6):519-523, 2001.
  141. deOnis M, Frongillo EA, Garza C, Victora CG, Cole TJ, Cameron N, Shekar M, Yip R, Bhatnagar S, Burger H, Delgado HL, Dada OA, Gross B, Hofvander Y, Lavin PA, Tang GH, Van Look PFA, von Hertzen H, Ayeni O, Glasier A, Ayeni O, Pinol APY, Chevrot AJM, Vucurevic M, Nagi VS (WHO Working Group on the Growth Reference Protocol, WHO Task Force on Methods for the Natural Regulation of Fertility). Growth of healthy infants and the timing, type, and frequency of complementary foods. Am J Clin Nutr 76(3):620-7, 2002.
  142. Waterland R, Garza C. Early postnatal nutrition determines adult pancreatic glucose-responsive insulin secretion and islet gene expression in the rat. J Nutr 132(3):357-364, 2002.
  143. Stover PJ, Garza C. Bringing individuality to public health recommendations. J Nutr 132(8):2476S-2480S, 2002.
  144. Grummer-Strawn LM, C Garza, Johnson C. Childhood Growth Charts: A Commentary. Pediatr 109:141-2, 2002.
  145. Lopez-Alarcon M, Garza C, Habicht JP, Martinez L, Pegueros V, Villalpando S. Breastfeeding attenuates reductions in energy intake induced by a mild immunologic stimulus represented by DPTH immunization: possible roles of IL-1b, TNFa, and leptin. J Nutr 132(6):1293-1298, 2002.
  146. Reed BA, Habicht JP, Garza C. Translating nutrition research into action in humanitarian emergencies. J Nutr 132(7):2112S-2116S, 2002.
  147. Garza C. The Nutritional Situation: An Overview. Food and Nutrition Bulletin 23:343-344, 2002.
  148. Stover P, Garza C. Molecular and genetic considerations for long-term nutrition interventions. Asia Pacific J Clin Nutr. 11:S129-136, 2002.
  149. Garza C, Stover P. General Introduction: the role of science in identifying common ground in the debate on genetic modification of foods. Trends in Food Science and Technology 14:182-190, 2003.
  150. Garza C, de Onis M, for the WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group. Rationale for developing a new international growth reference. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 25:S1-S4, 2004.
  151. de Onis M, Garza C, Victora CG, Onyango AW, Frongillo EA, Martines J, for the WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group. The WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study: planning, study design and methodology. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 25:S5-S14, 2004.
  152. de Onis M, Onyango AW, Van den Broeck J, Cameron WC, Martorell R, for the WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group (C Garza). Measurement and standardization protocols for anthropometry used in the construction of a new international growth reference. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 25:S15-S26, 2004.
  153. Wijnhoven TMA, de Onis M, Onyango AW, Wang T, Bjoerneboe GE, Bhandari N, Lartey A, Al Rashidi B, for the WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group (C Garza). Assesment of motor development in the WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 25:S27-S36, 2004.
  154. Onyango AW, Pinol AJ, de Onis M, for the WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group (C Garza). Managing data for a multi-country longitudinal study: experience from the WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 25:S37-S45, 2004
  155. Araujo CL, Albernaz E, Tomasi E, Victora CG, for the WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group (C Garza). Implementation of the WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study in Brazil. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 25:S46-S52, 2004.
  156. Lartey A, Owusu WB, Sagoe-Moses I, Gomez V, Sagoe-Moses C, for the WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group (C Garza). Implementation of the WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study in Ghana. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 25:S53-S59, 2004.
  157. Bhandari N, Taneja S, Rongsen T, Chetia J, Sharma P, Bahl R, Kashyap DK, Bhan MK, for the WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group (C Garza). Implementation of the WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study in India. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 25:S60-S65, 2004.
  158. Baerug A, Bjoerneboe G-E Aa, Tufte E, Norum KR, for the WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group (C Garza). Implementation of the WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study in Norway. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 25:S66-S71, 2004.
  159. Prakash, NS, Mabry RM, Mohamed, AJ, Allasfoor, D for the WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group (C Garza). Implementation of the WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study in Oman. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 25:S78-S83, 2004.
  160. Dewey, KG, Cohen, RJ, Nommsen-Rivers, LA, Heinig, MJ for the WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study (C Garza) Implementation of the MGRS in the United States. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 25:S84-S89, 2004.


  1. Garza C, Garza Y, Pass C, Scrimshaw NS. Lack of symptoms from normal milk consumption in lactose intolerant children. Fed Proc 33(3):684, 1974.
  2. Marshall R, Scrimshaw NS, Garza C, Young VR, Sherman M, Suskind RM. Altered cell-mediated immune-responses associated with mildly deficient protein intake. Amer J Clin Nutr 29(4):480, 1976
  3. Calvin RT, Klish WJ, Garza C, Nichols BL. Modular approach to enteral therapy in infants with protracted diarrhea. J Parenteral Enteral Nutr 1:10B, 1977.
  4. Calvin R, Klish W, Garza C, Daoud G, Nichols B. Jejunal morphology and disaccharidase activities in children with chronic diarrhea. Pediatr Res 12(4):431, 1978.
  5. Strickland A, Garza C, Nichols B. Formula effects on growth after diarrhea. Am J Clin Nutr 32(4):937, 1979.
  6. Goldblum RN, Garza C, Johnson CA, Nichols BL, Goldman AS. Storage of human lactation products I. Effects of container upon immunologic factors in milk. Pediatr Res 14(4):499, 1980.
  7. Goldman AS, Garza C, Johnson CA, Nichols BL, Goldblum RM. Storage of human lactation products II. Effects of container upon immunologic factors in colostrum. Pediatr Res 14(4):500, 1980.
  8. Johnson CA, Garza C, Nichols BL, Baer P. Percent cream in breast milk from mothers with failing or successful lactation. Fed Proc 40(3):889, 1981.
  9. Keenan BS, Buzek SW, Garza C, Nichols BL. Longitudinal and diurnal changes in human milk sodium (Na) and potassium (K). Fed Proc 40(3):931, 1981.
  10. Sheng HP, Huggins RA, Garza C, Evans HJ, LeBlanc AD, Nichols BL. Body sodium, calcium, and chloride measured chemically and by neutron activation in guinea pigs. Fed Proc 40(3):935, 1981.
  11. Stuff JE, Garza C, Smith EO, Montandon C, Nichols BL. Determination of dietary intakes of lactating women by 7-day dietary records and a new food frequency form method. Fed Proc 40(3):889, 1981.
  12. Garza C, Johnson CA, Nichols BL. Human milk composition during weaning. Fed Proc 40(3):889, 1981.
  13. Garza C, Johnson CA, Butte NF, Smith EO, Nichols BL. Longitudinal changes in milk composition of mothers delivering preterm and small for gestational age infants. Pediatr Res 15(4):532, 1981.
  14. Jalili F, Huang CTL, Garza C, Nichols BL. Free fatty acids (FFA) in breastmilk jaundice (BMJ). Pediatr Res 15(4):535, 1981.
  15. Goldblum R, Garza C, Nichols BL, Goldman AS. Alterations in immunologic factors in human milk during lactation. Pediatr Res 15(4):595, 1981.
  16. Keenan BS, Buzek SW, Garza C. Relation of milk sodium (Na) to urinary Na excretion during the first six months of life in breastfed infants. Pediatr Res 16:167A, 1982.
  17. Butte NF, Garza C, Smith EO, Nichols BL. Validation of the deuterium dilution technique against the test-weighing procedure for the determination of breast-milk intake. Fed Proc 41(3):474, 1982.
  18. Stuff JE, Garza C, Smith EO, Montandon C, Nichols BL. A comparison of dietary methods in nutritional studies. Fed Proc 41(4):949, 1982.
  19. Pollitt E, Garza C. Effects of short-term fasting on problem solving in children. Fed Proc 41(3):777, 1982.
  20. Sheng HP, Huggins RA, Garza C. Chemical maturation in growing guinea pigs. Am J JPhysiol 242(3):R390, 1982
  21. Goldman AS, Garza C, Smith E0, Goldblum RM. Effects of the duration of pregnancy on the immunologic system in human milk. Pediatr Res 16 (#862):222A, 1982.
  22. Goldman AS, Garza C, Smith EO, Goldblum RM. Immunologic factors in human milk during weaning. Pediatr Res 16 (863):222A, 1982.
  23. Montandon CM, Ferry G, Gopalakrishna GS, Motil K, Garza C, Nichols BL. The development of skills in pediatric nutrition: a clinical clerkship. J Am Coll Nutr 1(4):402, 1982.
  24. Schanler RJ, Garza C, Nichols BL. Preliminary results of feeding fortified human milk to very low-birth-weight (VLBW) infants. Clin Res 30(5):887A, 1982.
  25. Lifschitz CH, Smith EO, Garza C, Nichols BL. Colonic metabolism of mal-absorbed lactose in breast-fed infants. Am J Clin Nutr 35(4):849, 1982.
  26. Butte NF, Garza C, Smith EO, Nichols BL. Protein-energy intake and growth-performance of 45 exclusively breast-fed infants. Am J Clin Nutr 37(4):697, 1983.
  27. Irving CS, Thomas MR, Malphus EW, Garza C, Marks LM, Klein PD. Double (C-13-1,N-15-2) lysine tracer method for multicompartmental analysis of lysine kinetics in adult women. Am J Clin Nutr 37(4):712, 1983.
  28. Wong WW, Irving CS, Thomas MR, Malphus EW, Boutton TW, Garza C, Klein PD. C-13-bicarbonate kinetics and C-13-1-lysine oxidation in normal, postpartum and lactating women. Am J Clin Nutr 37(4):733, 1983.
  29. Thomas MR, Irving CS, Malphus EW, Garza C, Marks LM, Klein PD. Novel bolus double tracer study of C-13(1) and N-15(2) lysine kinetics in adult women. Fed Proc 42(4):825, 1983.
  30. Butte NF, Garza C, Smith EO, Nichols BL. Maternal energy balance during lactation. Fed Proc 42(4):922, 1983.
  31. Garza C. Breast-feeding in practice: A manual for health workers - Helsing, E, King, FS. J. Nutr Educ 15(3):110, 1983
  32. Garza C, Schanler RJ, Nichols BL. Nitrogen utilization (NU) in very low birth-weight infants (VLBW) fed fortified human milk (FM). Pediatr Res 17:189A, 1983.
  33. Malphus EW, Wong W, Schanler RJ, Klein PD, Garza C. Fat oxidation in very low birth-weight infants measured with 13Ctriolein. Pediatr Res 17:195A, 1983.
  34. Malphus EW, Garza C. Pre and postprandial plasma amino acids (PAA) in breast-fed infants. Pediatr Res 17:195A, 1983.
  35. Schanler RJ, Garza C, Nichols BL. Calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) balance in very low birth-weight infants (VLBW) fed fortified human milk (FHM). Pediatr Res 17:200A, 1983.
  36. Schanler RJ, Garza C, Nichols BL. Fortified human milk (FHM) feeding in very low birthweight (VLBW) infants: evaluation of growth and metabolic balance. Pediatr Res 17:200A, 1983.
  37. Shulman RJ, Fiorotto ML, Sheng HP, Butte NF, Garza C. Effect of different total parenteral nutrition (TPN) fuel mixes on body composition. Pediatr Res 17:201A, 1983.
  38. Goldblum RM, Dill CW, Albrecht TA, Garza C, Alford ES, Goldman AS. Rapid high temperature treatment of human milk. Pediatr Res 17:314A, 1983.
  39. Fiorotto ML, Shulman RJ, Sheng HP, Garza C. Accuracy of indirect methods for body composition (BC) analysisin infancy. Pediatr Res 17:188A, 1983.
  40. Goldman AS, Butte N, Goldblum RM, Loftin K, Garza C. Daily ingestion of immunologic components from human milk during the first four months of lactation. Pediatr Res 17:251A, 1983.
  41. Keenan BS, Buzek SW, Boyd AE, Garza C. Glucocorticoid regulation of human milk sodium, potassium concentrations, and circadian variation. Physiologist 26:A63, 1983.
  42. Goldblum RM, Schanler RJ, Garza C, Goldman AS. Persistence of immunologic factors from human milk in the intestinal tract of very low-birth-weight infants. Clin Res 31(5):909A, 1983.
  43. Stuff J, Garza C, Jean C, Fraley JK, Smith EO, Klein ER, Nichols BL. Caloric intakes of older breast-fed infants: breast-milk and solid food. Fed Proc 43(3):467, 1984.
  44. Motil KJ, Montandon CM, Hachey DL, Boutton TW, Klein PD, Garza C. Whole body leucine and lysine metabolism in lactating women. Fed Proc 43(3):668, 1984.
  45. Butte NF, Garza C, Smith EO, Nichols BL. Milk and mineral intake of 45 exclusively breast-fed infants. Fed Proc 43(3):667, 1984.
  46. Montandon C, Wills C, Garza C, Smith EO, Nichols BL. Comparison of three methods to estimate formula intake of 1-month-old and 4-month-old infants. Fed Proc 43(4):861, 1984.
  47. Winter D, Deskins W, Sheng HP, Garza C. An acoustic method for measuring infant body volume. PediatrRes 18:217A, 1984.
  48. Sheng HP, Deskins W, Winter D, Garza C. Estimation of total body fat and protein by densitometry. Pediatr Res 18:212A, 1984.
  49. Schanler RJ, Garza C, Nichols BL. Plasma amino acids in preterm infants fed fortified mothers' milk. Pediatr Res 18:211A, 1984.
  50. Goldblum RM, Schanler RJ, Garza C, Goldman AS. Persistence of immunologic factors from human milk in the intestinal tract of very low birth weight infants. Pediatr Res 18:324A, 1984.
  51. Garza C. Breast-feeding in practice - A manual for health-workers - Helsing E., King, FS. J Nutr Educ 15(3):110, 1983.
  52. Garza C, Butte NF, Schanler RJ, Goldman AS, Goldblum RM, Nichols BL. Nutrient intake of infants fed human-milk. Abstr Pap Am Chem S 188(AUG):23, 1984.
  53. Garza C, Goldblum RM, Schanler RJ, Goldman AS. Immunologic effects of fortified human milk on premature infants. Clin Res 32(5):899A, 1984.
  54. Winter DC, Deskins WG, Sheng HP, Garza C. An acoustic plethysmograph to measure body volume in neonates. Advances in Bioengineering, Am Soc Mech Eng Pap 1984:149150.
  55. Schanler RJ, Garza C. Fortified mothers' milk (FMM) improves calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) status of premature infants (PI). Clin Res 32(5):905A, 1984.
  56. Hachey DL, Thomas MR, Emken EA, Booth L, Adolff RO, Malphus EW, Garza C, Klein PD. Stable isotope tracer studies of dietary lipid transfer into human milk. Am J Clin Nutr 39(4):670, 1984.
  57. Fiorotto M, Shulman RJ, Sheng HP, Garza C. Skeletal muscle composition in infant mini-pigs receiving different parenteral nutrition (PN) fuel mixes. Fed Proc 44(4):1147, 1985.
  58. Goldman AS, Schandler R, Garza C, Goldblum RM. Possible fate or effects of human-milk immunological components in premature infants. Am J Reprod Im Mic 7(2):81, 1985.
  59. Hachey DL, Motil KJ, Irving CS, Garza C, Klein PD. Isotopic equivalence of C-13-labeled, Ns(N15)-labeled 1985.
  60. Motil KJ, Garza C, Nichols BL. Postprandial plasma amino acid patterns in infants fed casein-based and whey-based formulas. Pediatr Res 19(4):227A, 1985.
  61. Schanler RJ, Garza C, Nichols BL. Bioavailabilities of calcium (CA) and phosphorus (P) are higher in fortified mothers' milk compared to commercial formula. Pediatr Res 19(4):231A, 1985.
  62. Schanler RJ, Garza C, Nichols BL. Comparison of the efficacy of Ca and P fortification in human milk. Pediatr Res 19(4):232A, 1985.
  63. Goldblum RM, Schanler RJ, Garza C, Goldman AS. Enhanced urinary lactoferrin excretion in premature infants fed human milk. Pediatr Res 19(4):342A, 1985.
  64. Motil KJ, Montandon CM, Hachey DL, Boutton TW, Klein PD, Garza C. Effect of duration of lactation on whole-body nitrogen and amino acid metabolism in adult women. Fed Proc 44(6):1894, 1985.
  65. Hopkinson J, Schanler R, Garza C. Milk production in mothers of preterm infants. Am J Clin Nutr 41(4):852, 1985.
  66. Garza C, Hachey DL, Butte NL, Klein PD, Emken E. Maternal variables and the secretion of lipids in human milk. J Am Oil Chem Soc 62(4):637, 1985.
  67. Nichols BL, McKee K, Putman M, Garza C. Heavy molecular weight human colostral fraction stimulates intestinal crypt mitosis. J Am Coll Nutr 4(3):371, 1985.
  68. Motil KJ, Montandon CM, Garza C. Effect of dietary protein intake on nitrogen balance in lactating women. Am J Clin Nutr 43(4):677, 1986.
  69. Motil KJ, Boutton TW, Montandon CM, Garza C, Klein PD. C-13 recovery from a bolus dose or constant infusion of NaH13C03 in adult women. Am J Clin Nutr 43(4):693, 1986.
  70. Motil KJ, Montandon CM, Peter M, Garza C. Dietary and endocrine interrelationships in lactating women. Am J Clin Nutr 43(4):678. 1986.
  71. Motil KJ, Montandon CM, Hachey DL, Wong W, Klein PD, Garza C. The relationship between whole-body leucine metabolism and milk production in lactating women. Am J Clin Nutr 43(4):678, 1986.
  72. Motil KJ, Montandon CM, Garza C. Effect of dietary protein intake on milk production in lactating women. Am J Clin Nutr 43(4):677, 1986.
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  74. Hachey DL, Silber G, BrownBooth L, Wong WW, Lee L, Garza C, Klein PD. Endogenous fatty acid synthesis by the mammary gland. Am J Clin Nutr 43(4):687, 1986.
  75. Silber G, Hopkinson J, Hachey DL, Garza C. Modification of fatty acid composition in human milk. Am J Clin Nutr 43(4):688, 1986.
  76. Stuff JE, Garza C, Boutte C, Nichols BL. Caloric intakes of older breast-fed infants: human milk and solid food. Am J Clin Nutr 43(4):679, 1986.
  77. Schanler RJ, Garza C. "Humanized" formula vs human milk: different plasma responses in premature infants. Pediatr Res 20(4):418A, 1986.
  78. Butte NF, Garza C, Burr RE, Goldman AS, Kitzmiller JC. Milk composition of insulin-dependent diabetic women. Pediatr Res 20(4):236A, 1986.
  79. Butte NF, Garza C, Dang TQ. Basal metabolic rates and diet-induced thermogenesis in breast-fed and formula-fed infants 1 and 4 months of age. Pediatr Res 20(4):236A, 1986.
  80. Schanler RJ, Garza C. Plasma amino acid levels in premature infants fed fortified human milk or a whey-predominant formula. Clin Res 34(1):260A, 1986.
  81. Schanler RJ, Garza C. Fortified human milk for very low birthweight infants: correction of mineral inadequacies. In: Proceedings of The Effect of Human Milk on the Recipient Infant, Goldman AS, Ed, Plenum Press, New York, 1986:379.
  82. Butte NF, Wong WW, Patterson BW, Garza C, Klein PD. Comparison of the deuterium and testweighing techniques for the determination of human milk intake. In: Proceedings of The Effect of Human Milk on the Recipient Infant, Goldman AS, Ed, Plenum Press, New York, 1986:374.
  83. Abrams SA, Schanler RJ, Garza C. Preliminary bone mineralization outcomes in former very low birth-weight (VLBW) infants fed fortified human milk in the hospital. Clin Res 35(1):74A, 1987.
  84. Abrams SA, Schanler RJ, Garza C. Bone mineral outcomes in human milk-fed former very low birth weight infants. FASEB J 46(3):1015, 1987.
  85. Butte NF, Garza C. Energy utilization of human milk-fed and formula-fed infants. Am J Clin Nutr 45(4):823, 1987.
  86. Butte NF, Wong WW, Patterson B, Garza C, Klein PD. Human milk intake measured by administration of deuterium oxide to the mother: a comparison with test-weighing. FASEB J 46(3):571, 1987.
  87. Hopkinson J, Schanler RJ, Garza C. Lactation management and nitrogen content of milk obtained from mothers of preterm infants. FASEB J 46(3):895. 1987.
  88. Motil KJ, Montandon CM, Hachey DL, Boutton TW, Garza C. Diet/endocrine relationships and body protein metabolism in lactating women. Am J Clin Nutr 45(4):874, 1987.
  89. Motil K, Montandon C, Hachey D, Boutton T, Klein P, Garza C. Relationships among diet, body protein, energy production, and milk production in lactating women. FASEB J 46(3):438, 1987.
  90. Schanler RJ, Adolph A, Sheng HP, Garza C. The measurement of body volume in preterm infants by acoustic plethysmography. Pediatr Res 21(4):277A, 1987.
  91. Schanler R, Garza C. Bioavailability of minerals in preterm infants fed selected human milk fortifiers. Pediatr Res 21(4):437A, 1987.
  92. Schanler RJ, Garza C. Mineral utilization and growth of healthy preterm infants fed fortified human milk or cow milk-based formula. FASEB J 46(3):1015, 1987.
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  94. Stuff J, Garza C, Nichols B. Solid food supplementation in older breastfed infants: feeding pattern, energy intake, and growth patterns. FASEB J 46(4):1194, 1987.
  95. Wong WW, Butte NF, Garza C, Klein PD. Energy expenditures of term infants determined by the doubly labeled water ((H2O)-H-2-O-18) method, indirect calorimetry, and test-weighing. Pediatr Res 2(4)1:282A, 1987.
  96. Motil KJ, Montandon CM, Thotathuchery M, Garza C. Diet/endocrine relationships and milk production in lactating women. Am J Clin Nutr 45(4):839, 1987.
  97. Butte NF, Wong WW, Lee LS, Garza C, Klein PD. Energy-expenditure of 4-month-old breast-fed and formula-fed infants. P Nutr Soc 47(1):A37, 1988.
  98. Abrams SA, Schanler RJ, Sheng HP, Evans HJ, LeBlanc AD, Garza C. Bone mineralization of extremities is correlated highly to total body calcium in newborn miniature piglets. Clin Res 36(1):A70, 1988.
  99. Abrams SA, Schanler R, Garza C. Differences in bone mineralization persist at one yr of age between human milk and formulafed former very low birth weight (VLBW) infants. Pediatr Res 23:477A, 1988.
  100. Abrams SA, Schanler RJ, Sheng HP, Evans H, LeBlanc A, Garza C. Peripheral bone mineral content is correlated to total body calcium/serum indices of mineral status in miniature piglets. Pediatr Res 23:297A, 1988.
  101. Butte NF, Wong WW, Smith EO, Clark LL, Heinz C, Garza C, Klein PD. Energy utilization of 4-month-old breast-fed and formula-fed infants. Pediatr Res 23:317A, 1988.
  102. Emken EA, Adlof RO, Hachey DL, Garza C, Thomas MR, BrownBooth L. Dietary fatty acid transport and distribution in human milk, plasma and lipoprotein cholesteryl ester and phospholipids. FASEB J 2(6):A1688, 1988.
  103. Goldman AS, Garza C, Goldblum RM, Schanler RJ. Molecular forms of lactoferrin in stools and urine from infants fed human milk. Pediatr Res 23:304A, 1988.
  104. Hachey DL, Motil KJ, Boutton TW, Wong WW, Garza C, Klein PD. Lipid oxidation and milk fat secretion are controlled by dietary fat during human lactation. FASEB J 2(5):A1093, 1988
  105. Hopkinson JM, Garza C, Schanler RJ. Effect of smoking on lactation. Pediatr Res 23:305A, 1988.
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  109. Sheng HP, Abrams SA, Schanler RJ, Judge D, Evans HJ, LeBlanc A, Garza C. Total body calcium and bone mineralization are compromised in calcium-restricted piglets. FASEB J 2(4):A427, 1988.
  110. Stuff J, Garza C, Nichols BL. Growth patterns of breastfed infants: NCHS Z-scores vs duration of exclusive breastfeeding. FASEB J 2(4):A648, 1988.
  111. Wong WW, Butte NF, Clarke LL, Heinz C, Garza C, Klein PD. Milk intakes of term infants estimated by deuterium dilution and test weighing: a comparison. Pediatr Res 23:317A, 1988.
  112. Butte N, Garza C, Klein PD. Formula vs. human milk: Mode of infant feeding does not affect body composition. Pediatr Res 23:128A, 1988.
  113. Hachey DL, Motil KJ, Wong WW, Garza C, Klein PD. Low-fat milk secretion by healthy women is associated with greater milk yield and nutrient delivery. Pediatr Res 25(4):114A, 1988.
  114. Wong WW, Butte NF, Garza C, Klein PD. Formula vs human milk: mode of infant feeding does not affect body composition. Pediatr Res 25(4):128A, 1989.
  115. Hachey DL, Motil KJ, Wong WW, Garza C, Klein PD. Milk production and fat concentration are related to whole body water flux during human lactation. FASEB J 3:1321, 1989.
  116. Wong W, Butte N, Patterson B, Clarke L, Garza C, Klein P. Validation of the 2H218O method for estimation of energy expenditure in infants. FASEB J 3:4115, 1989.
  117. Butte N, Wong W, Garza C, Klein P. Energy expenditure and growth of breastfed and formula-fed infants. FASEB J 3:5936, 1989.
  118. Stuff J, Garza C, Nichols BL. Protein intakes and growth parameters in older breastfed infants. FASEB J 3:5937, 1989.
  119. Hutchens TW, Henry JF, Yip TT, Hachey DL, Schanler RJ, Motil KJ, Garza C. Origin of intact lactoferrin and its DNA-binding fragments purified from the urine of human milk-fed preterm infants. Evaluation by stable isotopic enrichment. FASEB J 4:3759, 1990.
  120. Butte NF, Wong WW, Villalpandohernandez S, Floreshuerta S, Garza C. Growth faltering during early infancy and lactation inadequacy. Pediatr Res 27(5):540, 1990
  121. Fiorotto ML, Wong WW, Butte NF, Garza C. Hydration of the fat free mass (FFM) of 1-month and 4- month-old infants. FASEB J 5(5):A925, 1991.
  122. utte NF, Villalpando-Hernandez S, Wong WW, Flores-Huerta S, Hernandez-Beltrun, Mehta N, Hachey D, Garza C. Production and composition of human milk by Otomi Indians of Capulhuac, Mexico. FASEB J 5(5):A1330, 1991.
  123. Schanler R, Abrams S, Burns P, Imo C, Garza C. Follow-up bone-mineral content measurements in human milk-fed preterm infants. Pediatr Res 29(4):A304, 1991.
  124. Garcia F, Garza C, Gerner J. Changes in LBW at the community level in Chile: Its relation with the local context and with concurrent changes in demographic and socioeconomic variables. FASEB J 7(3):A362, 1993.
  125. Zimmer P, Garza C, Heller M, Goodell E, Goldman A. Maternal immune status during lactation. FASEB J 8(4):A156, 1994.
  126. Zimmer P, Garza C, Heller M, Goldman A. Relationship between prolactin, iron status and blood T-cell levels during lactation. FASEB J 9(3):A287, 1995.
  127. Zimmer P, Garza C, Butte N, Goldman A. Breastfeeding decreases maternal eosinophil counts during the first two months of lactation. FASEB J. 10(3):4337, 1996.
  128. Frongillo EA, deOnis M, Garza C. Effects of timing of complementary foods on post-natal growth. FASEB J 11(3):3319, 1997.
  129. Waterland RA, Garza C. Metabolic imprinting of insulin responses initiated by early postnatal under nutrition. FASEB J 13(4):A375, 1999.
  130. Lopez M, Villalpando S, Garza C. Illness-induced anorexia in breastfed infants. Role of IL‑1 β and TNF-α. Adv Exp Med Biol 478:421-2, 2000.
  131. Waterland RA, Garza C. Global gene expression and putative metabolic imprinting in the endocrine pancreas. FASEB J 14(4):A724, 2000.
  132. Uusitalo U, Garza C, Tumilehto J, Dowse G, Zimmet P, Alberti KGM, Chitson P, Moothoosamy L. Is stature associated with cardiovascular disease risk factors in the adult population of Mauritius? Ped Res 50 (Supplement2/2):16, 2001.
  133. Waterland RA, Garza C. Early postnatal nutrition determines adult pancreatic glucose-responsive insulin secretion and islet gene expression in rats. J Nutr 132(5):1055, 2002.


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  2. Wong WW, Butte NF, Garza C, Klein PD. Comparison of the doubly labeled water (H2O)-H-2-O-18 method with indirect calorimetry and a nutrient-balance study for simultaneous determination of energy-expenditure, water-intake, and metabolizable energy-intake in preterm infants. Letters to the Editor. Am J Clin Nutr 45(6):1543-5, 1987.
  3. Waterland RA, Garza C. Reply to Lucas. Am J Clin Nutr 71(2):602-3, 2000.


  1. Garza C, Haas JD, Habicht J-P, Pelletier DL (Eds) Beyond Nutritional Recommendations: Implementing Science for Healthier Populations. Proceedings from the 14th Annual Bristol-Myers Squibb/Mead Johnson Nutrition Research Symposium, Washington, DC, June 1995.
  2. Butte NF, Lopez-Alarcon MG, Garza C. Nutrient Adequacy of Exclusive Breastfeeding for the Term Infant During the First Six Months of Life. Department of Nutrition for Health and Development and Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Development, World Health Organization. Geneva, 2002.


  1. Parra A, Garza C, Klish W, Garcia G, Argote RM, Canseco L, Cuellar A,Nichols BL. Insulingrowth hormone adaptations in marasmus and kwashiorkor as seen in Mexico. In: LI Gardner, P Amacher, Eds. Endocrine Aspects of Malnutrition. The Kroc Foundation 1973:31-43.
  2. Parra A, Klish W, Garza C, Argote RM, Garcia G, Rodriguez R, Cuellar A, Canesco L, Nichols BL. Thyroid hormone and energy metabolism in marasmus and kwashiorkor as seen in Mexico. In: LI Gardner, P Amacher, Eds. Endocrine Aspects of Malnutrition, The Kroc Foundation, 1973:229-42.
  3. Scrimshaw NS, Garza C, Young VR. Human protein requirements: effects of infections and caloric deficiencies. In: Norio Shimazono, Ed. Influences of Environmental and Host Factors onutritional Requirements, Proceedings of the Symposium Sponsored by the Malnutrition Panel of the U.S.Japan Cooperative Medical Science Program, Japanese Malnutrition Panel of U.S.Japan Cooperative Medical Science Program, Tokyo, 1975:326.
  4. Goldman AS, Garza C, Johnson CA, Nichols BL, Goldblum RM. Effects of storage container upon immunologic factors in mature human milk and colostrum. A preliminary report. In: S Freir, AI Eidelman, Eds. Human Milk, Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, 1980:197-201.
  5. Garza C. Milk vs low lactose diets for lactose intolerant children. In: DM Paige, TM Bayless, Eds. Lactose Digestion: Clinical and Nutritional Consequences. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1981:162-72.
  6. Pollitt E, Garza C, Shulman R. Short-term fasting and cognitive function in children. In: HR Lieberman, RJ Wurtman, Eds. Proceedings of a Conference on Research Strategies for Assessing the Behavioral Effects of Foods and Nutrients, MIT Center for Brain Sciences and Metabolism Charitable Trust, Cambridge, MA, 1982:132-44.
  7. Vick RL, Garza C. Energy. In: RL Vick, Ed. Contemporary Medical Physiology. Addison Wesley Publishing Co, Menlo Park, CA, 1984:906-22.
  8. Vick RL, Garza C. Protein. In: RL Vick, Ed. Contemporary Medical Physiology. Addison Wesley Publishing Co, Menlo Park, CA, 1984:923-36.
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  11. Goldman AS, Goldblum RM, Garza C, Butte N, Nichols B. Effects of maternal factors upon the immunologic status of the infant. In: P White, N Selvey, Eds. Proceedings of the Seventh Western Hemisphere Nutrition Congress. Malnutrition: Determinants and Consequences, Alan R Liss, Inc, New York. 1984:253-58.
  12. Garza C. The unique values of human milk. Report of the Surgeon General's Workshop on Breastfeeding and Human lactation, DHHS Publication No. HRSD MC 842, US Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1984:14-17.
  13. Garza C, Schanler RJ, Goldman AS, Dill C, Nichols BL. Preparation and evaluation of fortified human milk for very low birthweight infants. In: AF Williams, JD Baum, Eds. Human Milk Banking. Nestle Nutrition Workshop Series, Vol V, Raven Press, New York, 1984:10-16.
  14. Pollitt E, Garza C, Leibel RL. Nutrition and public policy. In: H Stevenson, A Siegel, Eds. Child Development Research and Social Policy, Society for Research in Child Development. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1984:421-70.
  15. Garza C. Lactation during pregnancy. In: N Gleicher, Ed. Principles of Medical Therapy in Pregnancy. Medical Book Company, New York 1985:263-68.
  16. Butte NF, Garza C. Energy and protein intakes of exclusively breastfed infants during the first four months of life. In: M Gracey, Ed. Proceedings of the Seventh Nestle Workshop on Nutritional Needs and Assessment of Normal Growth. Raven Press, New York 1985:63-84.
  17. Garza C, Butte NF. The effect of maternal nutrition on lactational performance. In: N Kretchmer, Ed. Frontiers in Clinical Nutrition. Aspen Press, Rockville, MD, 1985:15-36.
  18. Goldblum RM, Garza C, Schanler RJ, Goldman AS. Immunologic outcomes of feeding human milk to very low birth weight infants. In: J Schaub, Ed. Composition and Physiological Properties of Human Milk. Elsevier Science Publishers, 1985:323-29.
  19. Butte NF, Casey C, Dewey K, Ferris A, Garza C, Woolridge MW. Energy content of human milk. In: RG Jensen, MC Neville, Eds. Human Lactation: Milk Components and Methodologies. Plenum Press, New York, 1985:113-14.
  20. Garza C, Butte NF, Dewey K. Determination of the energy content of human milk. In: RG Jensen, MC Neville, Eds. Human Lactation: Milk Components and Methodologies. Plenum Press, New York, 1985:121-26.
  21. Garza C, Woolridge MW, Butte NF, Ferris A, Casey C. Sampling milk for energy content. In: RG Jensen, MC Neville, Eds. Human Lactation: Milk Components and Methodologies. Plenum Press, New York, 1985:115-20.
  22. Woolridge MW, Butte N, Dewey EG, Ferris AM, Garza C, Keller RP. Methods for the measurement of milk volume intake of the breastfed infant. In: RG Jensen, MC Neville, Eds. Human Lactation: Milk Components and Methodologies. Plenum Press, New York, 1985:5-22.
  23. Garza C, Hopkinson J, Schanler RJ. Human milk banking. In: FH Morris, Ed. Human Milk in Infant Nutrition and Health. Charles C Thomas 1986:225-55.
  24. Garza C, Schanler R, Hopkinson J, Silber G, Motil K, Hachey DL, Butte N, Emken E. Feeding the premature infant. Methods to assess lactation performance. In: M Hamosh, AS Goldman, Eds. Human Lactation 2: Maternal Factors in Lactation. Plenum Press, New York, 1986:253-62.
  25. Garza C, Stuff J. Butte NF, Montandon C. Complementation and weaning phases of lactation. In: M Hamosh, AS Goldman, Eds. Human Lactation 2: Maternal Factors in Lactation. Plenum Press, New York, 1986:155-63.
  26. Butte NF, Garza C. Anthropometry in the appraisal of lactation performance among well nourished women. In: M Hamosh, AS Goldman, Eds. Human Lactation 2: Maternal Factors in Lactation. Plenum Press, New York, 1986:616-8.
  27. Garza C, Butte NF, Stuff JS, Motil KJ, Montandon CM, Schanler RJ. Estimating intakes of breastfed infants. In: LJ Filer, SJ Fomon, Eds. The Breast Fed Infant: A Model for Performance. Ross Laboratories, Columbus, OH, 1986:612.
  28. Garza C, Hopkinson J. Human milk synthesis and secretion. In: R Grand, JL Sutphen, Eds. Perinatal Nutrition: Theory and Practice, Butterworth, 1987:279-92.
  29. Sheng HP, Dang T, Adolph AL, Schanler RJ, Garza C. Infant body volume measurement by acoustic plethysmography. In: KJ Ellis, Ed. In Vivo Body Composition Studies. Institute of Physical Sciences in Medicine, London, 1987:415-20.
  30. Sheng HP, Wong WW, Garza C, Klein PD. Total body water measurement by isotopic water in very young animals. In: KJ Ellis, Ed. In Vivo Body Composition Studies. Institute of Physical Sciences in Medicine, London, 1987:205-8.
  31. Wong WW, Butte NF, Lee LS, Garza C, Klein PD. Total body water determination in lactating women by anthropometry, water displacement, and deuterium isotope dilution. In: KJ Ellis, Ed. In Vivo Body Composition Studies. Institute of Physical Sciences in Medicine, London, 1987:171-4.
  32. Garza C, Schanler RJ, Butte NF, Wong W, Hachey D. Current approaches for assessing nutritional status of infants. In: D Rassin, Ed. Basic and clinical aspects of nutrition and brain development. Alan R Liss, Inc, New York, 1987:115.
  33. Goldblum RM, Schanler R, Garza C, Goldman AS. The effect of feeding human milk on the development of immunity in low birthweight infants. In: AS Goldman, SA Atkinson, LA Hanson, Eds. The Effects of Human Milk Upon the Recipient Infant. Plenum Pres, New York, 1987:245-50.
  34. Garza C, Hopkinson J. Physiology of Lactation. In: Tsang R, Nichols Eds. Nutrition during infancy. Hanley & Belfus, Inc, Philadelphia, 1988:20-32.
  35. Hopkinson J, Garza C. Management of breastfeeding. In: Tsang R, Nichols BL, Eds. Nutrition during infancy. Hanley & Belfus, Inc, Philadelphia, 1988:298-313.
  36. Garza C, Schanler RJ, Goldblum R, Goldman AS. Fortified human milk feeding in the premature infant. In: Lindblad BS, Ed. Perinatal Nutrition, Vol 6. Bristol Myers Nutrition Symposia Series. Academic Press, New York, 1988:347-66.
  37. Garza C, Stuff J, Butte N. Growth of the breastfed infant. In: Goldman AS, Atkinson SA, Hanson LA, Eds. Human Lactation 3. The effects of human milk upon the recipient infant. Plenum Press, New York, 1989:109-21.
  38. Garza C, Butte NF, Wong WW, Stuff J, Hachey D. Energy intakes of breastfed infants. Infant Nutrition, Development and Disease. Mead Johnson Symposium on Perinatal and Developmental Medicine. Perinatology Press, Ithaca, NY, 1989:31-48.
  39. Garza C, Hopkinson J. Breastfeeding. In: Weinsier W, Butterworth T, Eds. Handbook of clinical nutrition. CV Mosby Co, St Louis, MO, 1989:82-95.
  40. Garza C. Banked human milk for very low birth weight infants. In: Atkinson SA, Hanson LA, Chandra RK, Eds. Breastfeeding, Nutrition, Infection and Infant Growth in Developed and Emerging Countries. ARTS Biomedical Publishers, St John's, Newfoundland, Canada, 1990:25-34.
  41. Butte N, Wong W, Garza C, Klein P. Adequacy of human milk for meeting energy requirements during early infancy. In: Atkinson SA, Hanson LA, Chandra RK, Eds. Breastfeeding, Nutrition, Infection and Infant Growth in Developed and Emerging Countries. ARTS Biomedical Publishers, St John's, Newfoundland, Canada, 1990:103-16.
  42. Schanler R, Abrams S, Garza C. Growth and metabolic responses of very low birthweight infants fed fortified human milk. In: Atkinson SA, Hanson LA, Chandra RK, Eds. Breastfeeding, Nutrition, Infection and Infant Growth in Developed and Emerging Countries. ARTS Biomedical Publishers, St John's, Newfoundland, Canada, 1990:125-40.
  43. Wong W, Butte NF, Garza, C, Klein P. Estimation of milk intake by deuterium dilution. In: Atkinson SA, Hanson LA, Chandra RK, Eds. Breastfeeding, Nutrition, Infection and Infant Growth in Developed and Emerging Countries. ARTS Biomedical Publishers, St John's, Newfoundland, Canada, 1990:359-68.
  44. Garza C. Infancy. In: Brown ML, Ed. Present Knowledge in Nutrition, 6th ed. International Life Sciences Institute Nutrition Foundation, Washington, DC, 1990:320-24.
  45. Garza C. Diet and Health. In: Agricultural Research Meeting the Challenge of the 1990's. Proceedings of a Symposium Sponsored by the Experiment Station Committee on Organization and Policy and Cooperative State Research Service, June 1315, 1989. Office of Research, NYS College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 1990:66-77.
  46. Garza C, Cowell C. Infant Nutrition. In: Sharbaugh CO, Ed. Call to Action: Better nutrition for mothers, children, and families. National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health, Washington, DC, 1991:137-50.
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  51. Garza C, Motil KJ. Protein energy relationships in pregnancy and lactation. In Scrimshaw NS, Schürch B, Eds. Protein Energy Interactions. Proceedings of an I/D/E/C/G Workshop, Waterville Valley, NH, USA, Oct 2125, 1991. I/D/E/C/G, c/o Nestle Foundation, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1992.
  52. Garza C, Butte NF, Goldman AS. Human Milk and Infant Formula. In Textbook of Pediatric Nutrition, Second Edition. Suskind RM, Lewinter-Suskind L, eds. Raven Press, Ltd., New York, NY, 1993:33-42.
  53. Garza C. Pregnancy and Lactation. In Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Ninth Edition. Garrow JS, James WPT, eds. Churchill Livingstone Inc, New York, NY, 1993:376-93.
  54. Institute of Medicine (US). Committee on Opportunities in the Nutrition and Food Sciences, Food and Nutrition Board. Opportunities in the Nutrition and Food Sciences: Research Challenges and the Next Generation of Investigators. Thomas P, Earl R, eds. National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1994. 310 pp.
  55. C Garza. Dietrelated diseases and other health issues. In Hispanic Foodways, Nutrition & Health, D Sanjur. Allyn and Bacon, Needham Heights, Mass, 1995.
  56. WHO Working Group on Infant Growth. An evaluation of infant growth. Nutrition Unit, WHO, Geneva, 1994.
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  59. Garza C, Zimmer JP, Rasmussen, KM. Nutrition during Pregnancy. In Nutrition in Pediatrics (2nd ed), WA Walker, JB Watkins (Eds), BC Decker Inc, Hamilton, London, 1996, 351-363.
  60. Garza C, Frongillo E. Reflections on a new approach for growth curves for breast-fed and formula- fed infants. In Vth International Workshop: Maternal and Extrauterine Nutritional Factors Their Influence on Fetal and Infant Growth, Battaglia FC et al. (Eds), Ediciones Ergon, Madrid, Spain, 1996, pp. 331-341.
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1987: Sheng HP, Garza C, Winter D, Deskins WG. Method and apparatus for acoustically measuring the volume of an object.

horizontal rule
horizontal rule