Op-Ed "Breast Cancer War Must Go On" Donna E. Shalala Secretary of Health and Human Services Chicago Tribune March 5, 1995 For the first time in four decades, American women can celebrate winning a battle in the war against breast cancer, and we need to work with all women to continue the fight. The good news is that the death rate from breast cancer is finally dropping. A new study shows that overall death rates declined nearly five percent from 1989 to 1992. And for those women between the ages of 30 and 39 who developed breast cancer, death rates fell even more -- 18 percent since 1987. Now we must build on this progress. There are multiple reasons for our success. Advances in treatment, like chemotherapy and hormonal therapy after breast cancer surgery, may be responsible. Adjuvant chemotherapy -- which attacks minuscule deposits of cancer -- is widely available but not used enough, especially for women without health insurance. In addition, increased public awareness about self-exam and mammography screening, coupled with changes in diet and exercise, may have contributed to survival rates. These gains didn't happen by accident. During the 1980s, women called on all of us to open our eyes, and recognize the pain and misery inflicted by this disease. Women demanded more research, more national public education campaigns, and a comprehensive federal effort to find answers about the causes of the disease and to discover new treatment and prevention strategies. Juliet Wittman, a breast cancer survivor and author, is one of many women who channeled her pain into a movement for change. "We must take our mutilated bodies and our bald heads, our tears and our anger out into the streets and tell the others," she wrote in Breast Cancer Journal. "First comes a time for introspection. Then comes the time to act." When President Clinton took office, this Administration took action. While cutting the deficit by more than 700 billion dollars, President Clinton increased research into the causes of breast cancer by 64 percent, to $375 million in fiscal year 1995 alone. This investment has produced real results: In the last year, the National Institutes of Health has made major breakthroughs -- including the discovery of the BRCA-1 gene, which will help us understand hereditary risks, and possibly more. We found that mammography screening rates were far too low, and added funds for education and outreach efforts at both the Centers for Disease Control National Breast and the Cervical Cancer Program and the National Cancer Institute. Screening rates are now at their highest levels ever -- although still not high enough. Screenings are lowest among the very women most likely to benefit -- only 50 percent of older women in this country have had a mammogram in the last year. We also found that women were receiving unreliable mammograms and were not getting appropriate exams, and we stepped in. The 10,000 mammography facilities around the country must now be certified by the FDA, but we didn't stop there. We also developed guidelines for the prompt notification of mammography results, so women get notice within 10 days. In addition, we saw the need for greater partnerships in research, both in the public and private spheres. Now the defense, space, and intelligence industries are working with us to adapt the technology that enables us to spot missiles from thousands of miles above the earth to detect tiny tumors in the breast. And finally, we asked advocates, scientists and policymakers to pool their knowledge, and talents. Just over a year ago, we convened the major players to devise a National Action Plan on Breast Cancer. This landmark plan has laid out the first nationwide strategy to explore and expand research into the causes of breast cancer. It has sought to involve more women, especially minority women, in clinical research trials, and it is developing a tissue and data resource bank to increase knowledge about the causes of breast cancer. Yet, even as we celebrate our successes, there is much more to do. While it is true that the overall death rates for breast cancer declined, breast cancer death rates actually increased 2.6 percent among African-American women. This disparity must end. About 46,000 American women will die from breast cancer in 1995. It may be someone you know. There may be something you can do to help out. We need to recruit private companies and non-profit groups to promote greater public awareness. Women must examine their breasts monthly, ask for clinical breast exams, and have regular mammogram screenings if they're over 50, or at younger ages if their doctors recommend it. Many women are not taking these simple steps to protect themselves. This is not only dangerous -- it could be deadly. Let us learn from our recent gains against breast cancer. This is a case where government has effectively teamed up with citizens, scientists, and the private sector to get demonstrable results for the American people. In Washington, as we continue to debate the role of the federal government in the months ahead, we are certain to find more strength and more successes in situations where we lock arms in partnership. By working together, we can realize safer, healthier futures for all Americans.