C32. Study the Enzyme Catalytic Decomposition Reaction of Terephthalic Acid by Rhodopseudomonas

Qiang Wang1 , Yong Wang2, Yi Shou-zhi1

1. Dept. Of Chem. Engi., Tianjin University of Light Industry,Tianjin, 300222 PR China     E-mail: wangax@public.tpt.tj.cn
2. Nankai Hospital, Tianjin, PC 300100, PR China

A kinetics equation of enzyme catalytic decomposition reactions is proposed

1.The Kinetics Equation

For chemical enzyme catalytic reactions system, the reactive progresses can be described by the Markov progresses, so the density of probabilities of the progresses that could be expressed by the Fokker¾ Plank equation,

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then from Boltzmann formula and the prior works [1] , we can get such equation [I]

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The formula (I), is the kinetic equation for enzyme catalytic reactions systems of stationary Markov processes.

2.Experiment: Enzyme catalytic decomposition reaction of terephthalic acid

As the raw material of polyester fibre and plasticizer, terephthalic acid has been putting into surroundings ceaseless accompanied by its increasing production. The terephthalic acid could be decomposed by some microorganism[1][2]. Here, terephthalic acid catalytic decomposition kinetics has been studied.

By contrast with rhodopsudomonas palustris in same quantity of 5.2×107 per millilitre at germiculture temperature 20o,25o, 30o, 35o and 40o, the decomposed kinetics was studied in different initial concentration of terephthalic acid..

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The culture was centrifugalized at the rate of 4000 r.p.m. for 20 min, the upper layer rinsing was measured the absorbency at 242 nm wavelength, meanwhile the liquid substratum as a blank test, then got the terephthalic acid concentration.

The experiment results show that the terephthalic acid decomposed rate is increase to the accompaniment of adding concentration at different germiculture temperature, and the differential of decomposing rate become slowly while the concentration reach a certain extent. A reason may be that it without sufficient nitrogen and other saline matter for feeding the microorganism germiparity and metaboly, another reason may be that activity of enzyme for terephthalic acid were kept down by the decomposed product, or the reverse reactions took place in consequence of increase product. The maximize decomposed rate is compliance with affection of enzyme activity in different temperature. Although there are some different maximize decomposed rate in the range of 20-40o , but it is little.

3.Discussion and Results

The experiment results were stochastic simulated through multiplicative congruence method by using the Equation,

The stochastic simulated results have manifested that all the regression coefficient are above 0.995 at every exp. temperature, meanwhile all the degree of confidence are above 0.995 and with the highly significance level. The degree of confidence has been calculated through the incomplete Beta function, which from the definition formula of F-distribution function.

Simulated Results

Germiculture Temperature






Related Coefficient






Confidence Coefficient






The simulated results showed that the equation (1) is better than Micheal-Menden equation in description of enzyme catalytic reaction progresses.

4. Conclusion: The equation (1) is preferred to enzyme catalytic reactions system.

5. Reference

  1. Wang Qiang,The Third Conference of Chinese Chemical Reactions Kinetics, Shanghai,1990.

Financial Support by Tianjin municipal education committee fund: Item Number 20010411

