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The following person has submitted product or vendor information for inclusion with one or more data collections associated with Enviro$en$e:

Point of contact
Steven D. Smith

AgroTech Communications, Inc.
7777 Walnut Grove Rd.
Box 50, Suite LLB4
Memphis, TN 38120

Point of contact telephone number

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Point of contact e-mail address

Vendor or product information
Industry newsletter: AgFiber Technoogy News

Rates: Corporate= $475US per year; Government, University, and Non-Profit=
$225US per year; Consultants= $150US-- Special Trial Rate; Individual
Farmers, Independent Processors, New Generation Cooperatives= FREE

This biweekly publication covers news about natural, agricultural fibers and
crop biomass and residues, including but not limited to bast fibers such as
kenaf and flax, grasses such as esparto and switchgrass, and exotic fibers
such as sisal and coir. The focus of AgFiber Technology News is on the
utilization of these fibers and other agricultural residues in biobased
products including absorbency products, chemicals, composites, fuels,
nonwovens, plastics, pulp and paper,textiles and other products.

For more information please visit our website,

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