Date: 06/24/2000 4:36 PM Subject: S7-24-99 From: Clinton Herby - Investor & Small Business Owner The SEC needs to eliminate the unlimited naked shorting rule used the OTC Bulletin Board market makers now, not next week or next year. I don't completely understand the SEC's logic on cleaning up the OTC Bulletin Board market and their stocks. The SEC has forced the OTCBB stocks to be fully compliant in reporting or they are dismissed to the pink sheets, but this not where the biggest problem lies with the OTC Bulletin Board stocks. The biggest problem for the OTCBB market is to "clean up" the manipulative and dishonest practices of OTCBB market makers. The market makers act like they are above the law, and just cheat companies and investors out of their money because in the market maker's view they are "GOD" and they alone determine the stock price, not by the actual demand determined by investors buying and selling the stocks. Eliminate the naked shorting by market makers and then the SEC will have taken a major step in cleaning up the OTC Bulletin Board market. Also I feel in the case of Invest America, the market markers are in violation of restraint of fair trading by not supplying the "German" market makers with "certificate based" Invest America stock. Invest America has been approved for trading in the German stock market then why is no trading taking place after at least three weeks. This does not look legitimate that the U.S. market makers will not provide certificate based Invest America stock to the German stock market so that the Germans can buy and add buying pressure to Invest America stock, this looks to be monopolistic in preventing trading in Germany by the U.S. market makers. I heard a rumour of over half million shares being wanted by the German investors. This restraint of free trade between U.S. and German market makers pertaining to Invest America stock looks to be illegal to me, the SEC should check into this and force the U.S. market makers to supply the German market makers with all the certificate-based Invest America stock that they want and are willing to buy. Someone has to put an end to the abusive and dishonest practices of the OTCBB market makers. They are like one big family helping each other to strangle the financial life out of honest United States companies and their investors. The United States investors, which includes me, want a fair and honest chance in the OTCBB market not one runned by and governed by the OTC Bulletin Board market makers( no one protects the U.S. investors in the OTCBB market, we are protected by the honesty and integrity of the market makers which adds to a "Big Zero" for protection). The SEC should not allow this disgraceful market maker situation to continue, eliminate unlimited naked shorting now!!!!!!!!! Sincerely, Clinton Herby