*Pages 1--1 from Microsoft Word - 1002.doc* NEWS News media Information 202 / 418- 0500 TTY 202 / 418- 2555 Fax- On- Demand 202 / 418- 2830 Internet: http:// www. fcc. gov ftp. fcc. gov Federal Communications Commission 445 12 th Street, S. W. Washington, D. C. 20554 This is an unofficial announcement of Commission action. Release of the full text of a Commission order constitutes official action. See MCI v. FCC. 515 F 2d 385 (D. C. Circ 1974). FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: News Media Contact: April 24, 2000 Meribeth McCarrick at (202) 418- 0654 e- mail: mmccarri@ fcc. gov FCC ANNOUNCES THE INDIAN TELECOM TRAINING INITIATIVE TO BE HELD SEPTEMBER 25 – 28, 2000 Washington, DC -- The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announces the Indian Telecom Training Initiative (ITTI 2000) seminar will be held September 25- 28, 2000 at the Radisson Hotel, St. Paul, Minnesota. The FCC also announces that the National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc. (NECA) will be a co- sponsor of the event. NECA will provide administrative support. “I’m extremely pleased that NECA has become the first organization to join us in developing this important training event,” said Chairman William E. Kennard. “It’s disgraceful that in the 21 st Century basic telecommunications services are not enjoyed by our land’s oldest people. We must do all we can to end the telecommunications divide that exists between Indian Country and the rest of the United States and this training event aims to offer solutions.” The goal of ITTI 2000 is to provide information to American Indian Tribal Leaders and other interested parties to help increase telecommunication services to tribal residents. The co-sponsors will bring together their own experts, along with representatives from other federal government agencies, telecommunication companies and emerging technology firms, to inform tribal governments about various facets of telecommunications services and how different technologies, regulatory rules, and government programs can be used to benefit tribal communities. The seminar will also identify programs and resources available to tribal residents and governments to assist their efforts and to secure access to and improve the affordability of telecommunications services on tribal reservations. “NECA is pleased to be able to work with the FCC and other key telecom groups in an effort to find ways to address telecommunications issues affecting Native Americans, “ said Robert T. Anderson, President of the National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc. “This event provides a great opportunity to discuss these issues and to reach a better understanding of how to provide high quality telecom services to all of the nation.” NECA administers the FCC’s access charge plan, as well as other government- mandated and private programs for the telecommunications industry. For more information on the seminar please call (888) CALL FCC (888) 225- 5322; (717) 338- 2888; or, email the FCC at ITTI2000@ fcc. gov. Or visit the FCC Indian Initiatives website at: www. fcc. gov/ indians FCC ITTI ‘2000 Contact: Nancy Plon at (202) 418- 2899; TTY at (202) 418- 8233 NECA ITTI ‘2000 Contact: David P. Lauerman at (973) 884- 8207 or e- mail: dlauerm@ neca. org 1