For Immediate Release
Friday, October 12, 2007
Contact: Daniel Grant
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Price: Act Now to Put Needy Kids First

Washington, DC – Rep. Tom Price (GA-06-R) issued the following statement in response to Democrat inaction on legislation to reauthorize the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). Representative Price, a former orthopaedic surgeon, supports a prompt extension of SCHIP that reflects the original bipartisan intent of the program – helping needy children.

“The lack of legislative action this week on SCHIP reauthorization is irresponsible and disgraceful. By voting to postpone consideration for two weeks, Democrats have proven that this charade is about scoring political points rather than providing care for needy children.

“This inaction is symbolic of the ineffectiveness of the new Democrat majority. I am hopeful that my colleagues will recognize that placing politics before sound policy only hurts those who rely on SCHIP the most.

“Having conceded that they will not override the President’s veto, Democrats should move immediately to work with House Republicans to develop bipartisan legislation that puts our neediest children first and lives up to the original intent of the program.”



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