Forest Preserve District of Cook County (Illinois)

Nature Bulletin No. 538-A   October 5, 1974
Forest Preserve District of Cook County
George W. Dunne, President
Roland F. Eisenbeis, Supt. of Conservation


Each year in mid-May is Clean Streams Week in Cook County by 
proclamation of the president of the county board and the Board of 
Forest Preserve Commissioners, and in all of Illinois by proclamation of 
the Governor.

Its purpose is to focus the attention of everyone, young and old, upon 
the disgraceful conditions in our streams, formerly clean and beautiful, 
which have been made foul and unsightly by pollution with sewage and 
by the dumping of garbage and junk into them.

Some of us remember when fish such as northern pike, black bass, 
sunfish, bluegills, crappies and channel catfish were plentiful in the 
rivers and creeks of Cook County. Now the desirable kinds of fish have 
largely disappeared and many portions are so polluted that even carp 
cannot exist. Swimming, once popular in the DesPlaines River, Salt 
Creek and other streams, has long been prohibited by the State Board of 
Health. In some streams the stench and appearance of the water is so 
repulsive that no one enjoys picnicking or resting in the shade along 
their banks.

We people in Cook County are more fortunate than those of any other 
metropolitan area in the United States. We own more than 64,000 acres 
of forest preserves purchased for our recreation and pleasure. These 
holdings were chosen so that the major streams and many of the smaller 
ones flow through or along forest preserve property -- not only because 
much of the woodlands in this county are in these stream valleys, but 
also because water areas are necessary for many kinds of outdoor 
recreation. Needlessly and shamefully, some of the purposes of the 
forest preserves have been defeated and the recreational values of our 
streams have been destroyed by pouring sewage and industrial wastes 
into them, and by using their banks as dumping grounds.

The administrators and staff of the Forest Preserve District act as 
custodians and guardians of public property, including the water 
courses, but they must have public support and help -- your help. 
Accordingly, the Board of Forest Preserve Commissioners appointed a 
Clean Streams Committee to succeed one which had been appointed 
and active prior to World War II. It was instructed to search for every 
source of pollution, refer each one to the proper law enforcement 
agency and, with legal aid, endeavor to stop those abuses.

The present committee, which meets monthly at the Forest Preserve 
District headquarters, is composed of sixty public-spirited volunteers 
who serve without pay. They are divided into six watershed groups 
covering all of the streams and their tributaries in Cook County. They 
devote untold hours to traveling up and down our rivers and creeks. 
With the aid of sportsmen's organization and youth groups such as the 
Boy Scouts, they have mapped and reported the source of every 
instance of pollution. Many of those have been eliminated. Others will 
disappear after the construction of sewers and treatment plants now 
under contract or planned.

In spite of this progress, much more must be accomplished. Aided by 
new laws and ordinances enacted by the state, county and sanitary 
district governments, you can help. These streams are a part of your 
community and your life. Each one should be an asset, rather than an 
eyesore and a hazard to public health.

We will gladly tell you how you may help.

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