Comment Number: OL-100139
Received: 11/22/2004 11:35:56 AM
Commenter: Ken Southerland
State: OR
Subject: Trade Regulation Rule on Telemarketing Sales
Title: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
CFR Citation: 16 CFR Part 310
No Attachments


I urge you to not amend, and thus undermine, the Telemarketing Sales Rule. This has been the most exciting piece of legislation to be enacted in the last 10 years. Telephones are paid for by the consumer for their use in contacting friends and family and transacting business. We do not pay for them so that we can be advertised to in yet another format. This is simply disgraceful and this legislation has been a long time coming. Any effort to provide provisions for telemarketing simply chisels away at the foundation of great legislation. In addition, the proposed provision allowing for robo-calls is especially disgraceful due to the inhuman nature of this type of telemarketing. At least if a person calls one can politely (or not) tell them to please never call again. With a robo-call you have no such recourse. It is the purest invasion of privacy. Should telemarketers be allowed to stand outside my house with a megaphone? Or better yet, a robot that roves the streets and broadcasts its message through a megaphone, once again removing the human element? Please keep intact the only legislation that has made me literally leap for joy in the last ten years. Please do not amend the Telemarketing Sales Rule.