
Tuesday, January 08, 2002 9:28 AM
This is a DISGRACE!!

My name is     . My husband      was killed in the attacks on 9-11-01. He worked for      on the      floor.      was a 35 year old father of 5, who was quickly climbing the corporate ladder, well on his way to making millions. His life was tragically cut short on 9-11-01.

I hold our government liable for his death. It is disgraceful that we had NO IDEA that these scums that we LET into our country were planning these attacks. Our government really let the ball drop and did a huge disservice to it's people!. Looking back now on ALL the terrorist attacks that occurred before 9-11, it is unbelieveable that this has happened on American soil in 2001!

I think it is disgraceful and insulting that the government is trying to nickle and dime us on what they want to pay for their NEGELIGENCE and INCOMPETENCY!! If the US government was a private industry the government would expect that the private industry be held liable and make sure that the victims were PROPERLY compensated! You should hold yourselves up to the same standards that you hold to the private sector. Just because you are the government doesn't mean that you can DISCOUNT our losses and suffering!! Remember, we are VOTERS and the last time I look this was still a democracy!!

I firmly believe that the paultry amount of $250,000 per person who waited for hours to die is again insulting and disgraceful! These people were alive, I have proof of that! Their lives are certainly worth more that $250,000. Their surviving families contiue to suffer every day and their children have been robbed of a father and a future! Where in the world did you come up with this figure? When I met with Mr. Feinberg      , he said that there was no limit on the amount of money that they would pay out. How then, do you justify capping the pain and suffering number and salaries? The pain and suffering number should be the biggest number one could imagine!

I feel like I am being victimized all over again by the govenrment and the smoke screen they have put up called the Victims Compensation fund. As you are well aware, a lot of people will not get a DIME from this fund if their losses are calculated as per the current regulations. The American public thinks that each and everyone of us is going to get millions, as we well should, but that is certainly NOT the case as you are well aware. I will personally make sure that the American public who have no vested interest in this fund, will know the truth. If that means I have to make my rounds on the news and talks shows, than that is what I will do. However, I feel it is disgusting that I should have to do so. I am a taxpayer, as was my husband, and my children and I need to have some sort of closure and to be able to move forward and live the life that we were living prior to 9-11-01. Again, my husband was ONLY 35 and making a good salary and was on his way to making millions. That is why we had 5 children, because first of all we loved each other and they children, and because we were able to provide for them. If the regulations are not amended, than I will NOT get anything of substance from the fund, and my children and I will once again be victimized by the government.

PLEASE, do the right thing for the 2800+ families that are ALL in this together. The government is ultimately to blame for these horrific attacks and it needs to take responsibility and make sure that the survivors will be compensated FAIRLY!!

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