Nebraska's Senator Ben Nelson
  Column December 6, 2005


Americans hold our military heroes in high regard. We recognize their courage, honor, and sacrifice with special medals that are reserved for those who willingly risked their lives, and in some cases gave their lives, for our country.

These medals include the Distinguished Service Cross, Air Force Cross, Navy Cross, Silver Star, Purple Heart and the highest award, the Medal of Honor.

For a variety of reasons, to gain unearned respect, sympathy, to feel important, or even to commit fraud, there are those who want to pass themselves off as war heroes. It is not only against the law it is a disgrace and it is a larger problem than one may realize.

The number of veterans authorized to wear the Medal of Honor has dwindled over the years and now totals only 120. Because the number is so few, imposters nearly outnumber true recipients. Since 1996, Federal authorities have prosecuted more than 100 Medal of Honor imposters.

It is such a disgraceful crime that Vietnam veteran and author B.G. Burkett wrote a book entitled “Stolen Valor” which details a number of true cases of war hero fraud. They range from individuals who wear medals they didn’t earn to those who try to evoke sympathy as former Prisoners of War when most never even served in the military.

These lies are not just a victimless crime. Author Burkett believes that false heroes are actually stealing the valor of real heroes and the men who suffered terribly as prisoners of war.

Federal law enforcement officers already can prosecute those who fraudulently wear counterfeit medals and those who assist them in their fraud by manufacturing or selling bogus medals but there are loopholes that need to be closed.

I have joined with a dozen of my colleagues in co-sponsoring the Stolen Valor Act of 2005. This is bi-partisan legislation that will enhance protections relating to the reputation and meaning of military awards. It will ban purchasing, soliciting, mailing, shipping, importing, exporting and producing blank certificates of receipt for, and advertising or exchanging medals without authorization. It further provides a six month jail term for those who falsely represent themselves either verbally or in writing as medal recipients. The penalty would increase to a maximum one year sentence if the violation involves the Medal of Honor, Distinguished Service Cross, Air Force Cross, Navy Cross, Silver Star or Purple Heart.

True heroes are generally humble, unassuming veterans who seldom talk of their heroics. Former Nebraska Senator Bob Kerrey, who was awarded the Medal of Honor for service in Vietnam, exemplifies that. He talks about it reluctantly and only if pressed. He never boasts and doesn’t even consider himself a hero. He says he was only doing his duty and accepted the award for all the other guys who did so much, especially those who didn’t make it home.

As our Nation finds itself again at war we must do all we can to honor our true heroes. Part of that is to make certain that false heroes are not allowed to steal the valor of someone else.

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