MODEL PR-604 Dual 24-Bit Parallel Input Register

DESCRIPTION The PR-604 Parallel Input Register is a single-width CAMAC module with data entry through front or rear mounted subminiature connectors. The module contains necessary input circuitry, bi-stable latches, and control logic for paralleling two sets of 24 bits of data onto the Dataway.

All inputs accept standard TTL levels. Data inputs may be latched into registers or read directly onto the Dataway lines. Outputs from digital instruments such as DVMs, position encoders and counters are typical applications of the PR-604 Registers.

These parallel input registers may be set to three modes of operation: Continuous (register follows inputs); Strobed (External strobe at 'Load Data' input registers); and Single Strobe Data Entry (registers must be reset by CAMAC control).


Single Strobe Data Entry (latched): The first positive 'Load Data' input sets the 'Data Ready' flag, and latches the parallel information into the register. Further strobes are then inhibited until after a proper CAMAC command. This strobe-latching mode is set by a toggle switch placed within the module and put to the "L" position.

Strobed Data Entry (Strobe): Upon any positive level strobe to the 'Load Data' input, the data applied at the data inputs at that instant will be locked into the appropriate register. This mode is set by placing the toggle switch to the "S" position.

Continuous Data Entry: By shunting the 'Load Data" input with less than 1 00 ohms to ground, the data applied at the inputs will be continually available to the Dataway gates. The toggle switch must be set to the "S' position for continuous mode.

The Single Strobe Data Entry and the Strobe Data Entry Modes set 'Data Ready' flag. 'Data Ready' generates a LAM if the LAM has been enabled.

The 'Data Ready' flag is available at the input connector to control external devices.

Holds and transfers up to 48 bits of data to CAMAC Dataway. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS

      Single-width module, fully shielded
      Weight:    1 lb., 12 oz.
      Operating Temperature:
                 O'C to 50'C at less than
                 80% humidity

      Input signal levels - TTL, 1 standard load
      Strobe width - 50 nanoseconds
      Power requirements: +6 volts @ 1.2A

 Front Panel:
      2 double density 31 pin Cannon connectors

 Rear Panel:
      Option: One double density 52 pin Cannon
      connector (in addition to front panel
      connectors).  PR-604/k

 CAMAC Commands:
 Command   Action                              Q Response

 F(O)A(i)    Read gate input, Reset LAM and          1
             Data Received Registers at S2
 F(8)A(i)    Test gate 1 or 2 LAM                    LAM
 F(1O)A(i)  Reset gate 1 or 2 LAM Flip-Flop         LAM
 F(24)A(i)   Disable gate 1 or 2 LAM                 0
 F(26)A(i)   Enable gate 1 or 2 LAM                  0
 i = O or 1

 Mating Connectors:
             31 pin P/N 70501/76006/70524
             52 pin P/N 70503/76005/70524

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