© Meteoritical Society, 1998. Printed in USA.
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 33, xxx–xxx (1998)

The Meteoritical Bulletin, No. 82, 1998 July

Jeffrey N. GROSSMAN*

U.S. Geological Survey, MS 954, Reston, Virginia 20192, USA
*Author's e-mail address: jgrossman@usgs.gov
In press, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, Volume 33, July, 1998

Abstract Meteoritical Bulletin No. 82 lists information for 974 new meteorites, including 521 finds from Antarctica, 401 finds from the Sahara, 21 finds from the Nullarbor region of Australia, and 7 falls (Ban Rong Du, Burnwell, Fermo, Jalanash, Juancheng, Monahans (1998), and Silao). Many rare types of meteorites are reported: counting pairing groups as one, these include one CR chondrite, two CK chondrites, two CO chondrites, four CV chondrites, one CH chondrite or Bencubbin-like, six C2 (unclassified) chondrites, two EH chondrites, two EL chondrites, three R chondrites, thirty unequilibrated ordinary chondrites, one ungrouped chondrite, three eucrites, six howardites, one diogenite, eleven ureilites, nine iron meteorites, one mesosiderite, two brachinites, one lodranite, one winonaite, and two lunar meteorites (Dar al Gani 400 and EET 96008). All italicized abbreviations refer to addresses tabulated at the end of this document..
Correction and update log:
Table of Contents:
Aldama (b) (H5)
Alnif (H5)
Balsas (IIIAB iron)
Ban Rong Du (ungr. iron fall)
Bir Rebaa (H6)
Blumenau (IVA iron)
Burnwell (type 4 OC fall)
Columbus (H5)
DaG 400 (Lunar)
Deán Funes (H5)
Eads (H4)
El Hammami (H5)
Elqui (IIAB iron)
Fermo (H3-5 fall)
Frontier Mts.
G'Day, see Mundrabilla 020
Gold Basin (L4)
Hamada du Draa: see El Hammami
HaH 237 (CH/Bencubbin)
Hebron (H6)
Heze: see Juancheng
Hughes 030 (R3-6)
Jalanash (Ureulite fall)
Juancheng (H5 fall)
Kimba (H4)
Krähenberg [update]
La Serena (IIICD iron)
Monahans (1998) (H5 fall)
Mundrabilla 020 (How)
Nadiabondi [update]
Nullarbor Region
Pozo Almonte (IIIAB iron)
Reid 027 (Brach)
Roosevelt County
Roundsprings (H5)
Sahara 97096 (EH3)
Sahara, Egypt
Sahara, Libya
Sahara, Niger
Sahara, Unk. Loc.
San Borjita (L4)
Sand Creek (H5)
Sappa (L6)
Silao (H5 fall)
Snyder Hill (L5)
Turriff (L5)
Valencia (H5)

Abu Moharek, see Saharan Meteorites from Egypt

Adrar Madet, see Saharan Meteorites from Niger

Aldama (b)
25º3'N 106º0'W

A 66.5 g stone was found by a rockhound while searching for minerals. Mineralogy and classification (J. Otto, Frei): olivine, Fa18.7; pyroxene, Fs16.5Wo1.6; plagioclase, An12.4Or5.6; shock stage S2; weathering grade W3. Specimens: main mass, SML; type specimen, Frei. The iron meteorite found in the same vicinity in 1985 will be named henceforth Aldama (a).

30º40'N 5º10'W

An 8 kg stone was purchased in 1992 April by Alain Carion in a mineral shop in Risani, Morocco. The seller said it had been collected with trilobites near Oum-Jrane, ~60 km south of Alnif. Mineralogy and classification (M. Bourot-Denise, MNHNP): olivine, Fa19.3; pyroxene Fs17.3Wo1.7; plagioclase, Ab83.0An10.6; shock stage S2; neumann bands noted in kamacite; weathering grade W2. Specimens: main mass, Alain Carion; 81 g, MNHNP.

ANSMET meteorites
(For other Antarctic meteorites, see Frontier Mountains.)

Appendix 1 brings up-to-date the list of officially announced meteorites from the U.S. Antarctic Meteorite (ANSMET) program. 7298 meteorites were previously listed in the Meteoritical Bulletin, no. 76, 1994 January, and no. 79, 1996 July; these meteorites bring the total to 7794. The meteorites in Appendix 1 were published in the Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter (AMN), issue 19(2) (1996), 20(1) and 20(2) (1997), and 21(1) (1998). Listed are the classifications, masses, degrees of weathering, olivine and pyroxene compositions, natural thermoluminescence levels, pairing information, ice fields upon which the meteorites were found, and bibliographic information, all sorted by sample name. Note that meteorite pairings may be tentative.

Australia I, unofficial synonym for Hughes 026.

Australia II, unofficial synonym for Reid 016.

7º31.88'S 46º2.47'W

A 41 kg iron was found in a grain field by Mr. Mario Rodrigues. Classification and description (J. T. Wasson, UCLA; E. Zucolotto, Rio): bulk Ni, 8.43 wt%; Co, 0.51 wt%; Ga, 20.9 ppm; As, 7.24 ppm; Ir, 0.397 ppm; Au, 0.927 ppm; bandwidth, 0.9 mm; shocked, with hatched kamacite; contrary to anecdotal reports that the meteorite could be an observed fall, the UCLA specimen does not show either fusion crust or remnants of a heat-altered zone. Specimens: main mass, ACAEE (contact E. Zucolotto, Rio); type specimen, 24 g, UCLA.

Ban Rong Du
16º40'N 101º11'E

A 16.7 kg iron meteorite was collected by Mr. Saree Ragkon and Mrs. Kumla Ragkon from the bottom of a 110 cm deep hole in sandy soil. The meteorite was observed to fall at a steep angle, coming from the southwest. Classification and description (J.T. Wasson, UCLA; Prinya Putthapiban and Sirot Salyapongse, DMRT): bandwidth, 1.9 mm; bulk Ni, 7.90 wt%; Co, 0.572 wt%; Ga, 22.5 ppm; Ge, 54.7 ppm; As, 12.7 ppm; Ir, 4.13 ppm; Pt, 27 ppm; see Royal Thai Dept. Min. Res. (1993). Specimens: main mass with finder; type specimen, 4.5 g, UCLA; ~20 g, DMRT (contact Dr. Prinya Putthapiban).

Bir Rebaa
31º40'N 8º25'E

A 7.2 kg stone was found by an engineer, Mr. Pinto, on an oil-pros-pecting mission. Mineralogy and classification (M. Bourot-Denise, MNHNP): olivine, Fa19.5; pyroxene Fs17.2Wo1.3; plagioclase, Ab82.2 An11.7, very clear; shock stage S1; weathering grade W3. Specimens: main mass with finder; 288 g, MNHNP.

26º55.43'S 49º3.53'W

A highly weathered iron of unknown mass was obtained by Francisco Rzataki, CODISC Companhia de Esenvolvimento Industrial de Santa Catarina; he sent a sample to Prof. Joel, University of Blumenau, in 1986. Classification and description (J. T. Wasson, UCLA; see also Aumond et al., 1994): fine octahedrite structure and preliminary compositional data consistent with the IVA group. Specimens: main mass with Rzataki; type specimens in Rio and UCLA are badly oxidized.

37º37'19"N 82º14'14"W

A 1.504 kg stone fell through the porch of Arthur and Frances Pegg, frightening a goat and a horse, and was recoverd the next day. Classification and mineralogy (T. McCoy, R. Ash, G. Jarosewich and S. Russell, SI): olivine, Fa15.8; pyroxene Fs13.4; Co in kamacite, 0.35 wt%; Fe-Ni metal, 19.75 wt%; shock stage S3; oxygen isotopes, Delta17O = +0.48 permil; chondrule sizes similar to H chondrites; many properties are similar to Willaroy; see Russell et al., 1998. Specimens: all at SI.

31º49.777'N 107º23.667'W

Six small stones totalling 165 g (largest 88.1 g) were found by Michael and Wren Cottingham on a dry lake bed. Classification and mineralogy (A. Rubin, UCLA): olivine, Fa18.8; pyroxene Fs16.8Wo1.1; shock stage S3; weathering grade W3. Specimens: type specimen, 18.5 g, UCLA; remainder with M. Cottingham, P.O. Box 727, Silver City, NM 88062.

Dar al Gani 094-381, see Saharan meteorites from Libya

Dar al Gani 400
27°22.17'N 16°11.93'E

A 1.425 kg stone was found in Dar al Gani in the Libyan Sahara. Classification and description (J. Zipfel, MPI): the meteorite is partly covered with a brownish fusion crust; fresh surfaces are gray to dark gray; matrix is well consolidated; clasts include subophitic and fine-grained to microporphyritic impact-melt breccias, granulitic fragments, intergranularly recrystallized anorthosites, and mineral fragments; chemical and O isotope composition is characteristic of lunar highland meteorites (Zipfel et al., 1998b); abundances and composition of noble gases do not suggest a pairing with DaG 262 (Scherer et al., 1998b). For further details, see Zipfel et al. (1998b). Type specimen and two polished sections are with the MPI; main mass with finder.

Deán Funes
30º26'S 64º12'W

A 9.26 kg stone was observed to fall by an anonymous person who kept it in his garden until it was identified and bought by an anonymous meteorite collector. Classification and mineralogy (M. Ghélis and B. Zanda, MNHNP): olivine, Fa19.6; pyroxene Fs17.4Wo1.3; shock stage S2; weathering grade W1. Specimens: type specimen, 15.4 g, MNHNP; main mass, RLang.

38º28.2'N 102º49.6'W

A 4.86 kg stone was found in a corn field. Classification and mineralogy (A. Rubin, UCLA): olivine, Fa18.4; pyroxene Fs16.4Wo1.5; shock stage S3; weathering grade W3. Specimens: type specimen, 20 g, UCLA; main mass, J. Allen Shaw, Edwardsville, Kansas, USA.

El Hammami
23º17'N 10º49'W

In 1997 January, an unknown mass of material, possibly broken apart from a single large stone, was sold to meteorite collectors by nomads near the town of Mhamid, Morocco; this material has since been resold under the names Mhamid and Hamada du Draa. The nomads claimed that this meteorite was found to the south, in Algeria (~29º50'N 5º50'W), in the direction of a fireball seen in 1995 January. In 1997 September, the same nomads shipped a fragment of a meteorite that they claimed was seen to fall on 1997 August 10 to Mr. Edwin Thompson. In 1997 November, Thompson traveled to Mauritania and collected six fresh-looking stones totaling ~200 kg (individual masses of 80, 51, 30, 26, 8, and 4 kg) at the base of the El Hammami Mountains in Mauritania (1000 km southwest of Mhamid, Morocco), probably in the place where they fell; fragments of these have been sold by Thompson and other dealers under the name El Hammami. Classification and mineralogy of El Hammami stones (A. Rubin, UCLA): olivine, Fa18.8; pyroxene Fs16.7Wo1.4; shock stage S2; contains metal veins; petrologic type 5. Classification and mineralogy of Hamada du Draa stones (D. Weber, Mün): olivine, Fa19.2; pyroxene Fs17.4; shock stage S2; contains conspicuous metal-rich veins; petrologic type 5/6; some of the material appears weathered and rusts easily, but the bulk is quite fresh. Specimens from El Hammami stones: ~100 kg, Thompson; type specimen, UCLA. Specimens originally called Hamada du Draa are now scattered in private collections, and some may remain in Morocco; type specimen, ~1 kg, Mün.

Because all of the above-described material seems likely to represent a single fall, the name El Hammami shall be the official collective name. Mhamid and Hamada du Draa should be considered only as unofficial synonyms for El Hammami. The total known mass of material is probably ~240 kg.

unknown location

A 260 g iron was found in the mineral collection of Antonio Alphonso when this was purchased by LSC. Classification and description (J.T. Wasson, UCLA; see Wasson and Canut de Bon, 1997): composition indicates that this specimen is not paired with other Chilean hexahedrites (Ni=5.96%, Ga=59 ppm, Ge=168 ppm, Ir=1.94 ppm, Au=0.663 ppm). Specimens: main mass, LSC; type specimen, UCLA.

43º10'52"N 13º45'12"E
Fermo Meteorite Home Page

A farmer, Mr. Luigi Benedetti, heard an explosion followed in a few seconds by a crash on 25 September. Two days later, Mr. Giuseppe Santarelli recovered a 10.2 kg stone from the place described by Benedetti. Classification and mineralogy (A, M. Fioretti and G. Molin, CNR; see Molin et al., 1997): a breccia of mm- to cm-sized light and dark clasts in a gray matrix; one type-3 clast contains glass and has range of olivine, Fa2-27, and pyroxene, Fs2-22; an equilibrated clast has olivine, Fa18.2; matrix olivine uniform at Fa17.4. All specimens, PMVV.

Frontier Mountains
(For other Antarctic meteorites, see ANSMET.)

These meteorites (Table 1) were collected during the 1995/1996 PNRA/EUROMET expeditions to the Frontier Mountains. Description of ureilite FRO95028: contains 68 vol% olivine (up to 2.5 mm, cores Fa20.8, rims greatly reduced), 19 vol% pigeonite (up to 1.7 mm, En73.8Fs18.1Wo8.1), 13 vol% interstitial graphite; opaque minerals include kamacite (up to 3 wt% Ni), troilite, Cr-rich iron sulfide and traces of schreibersite; chromite rare; specimen contains minor alteration and is relatively unshocked. Classifications by R. Carampin, A. M. Fioretti and G. Molin, UPad. Specimens: A. S. Sexton, OU.

G'Day is an unofficial synonym for Mundrabilla 020.

Gold Basin
centroid: 35º52.5'N 114º14.0'W

A meteorite was found in an area of arroyos draining the White Hills by Professor Jim Kriegh (UAz, emeritus) while prospecting for gold with a metal detector. As of 1997 November, 1484 stones have been recovered, with a total mass of 61.0 kg, from an area of ~130 km2. The largest individual stone has a mass of 1.52 kg. Classification and mineralogy (D. Kring, UAz): olivine, Fa24±1; pyroxene Fs20Wo1; kamacite contains 0.72±0.09 wt% Co; weathering grade W2-3. Specimens: UAz, 0.8 kg; SI, 8.4 kg; bulk of the mass with Jim Kriegh and his fellow collectors.

Great Sand Sea 005-009, see Saharan meteorites from Egypt

Grein 001-003, see Saharan meteorites from Niger

Hamada du Draa, see El Hammami

Hammadah al Hamra 168-235, see Saharan meteorites from Libya

Hammadah al Hamra 237
28°36'56"N 13°02'95" E

See also Table 5 andSaharan meteorites from Libya. This meteorite has a high metal content of ~57 vol%. Other constituents are chondrules and silicate fragments. One CAI has been observed. Classification and analysis (J. Zipfel, MPI): Bulk composition: 69.6 wt% Fe, 2.48 ppm Ir, 0.14 ppm Au, 4.42 wt% Mg, 4.67 ppm Sc; for further details on grouping this meteorite with CH chondrites, see Zipfel et al. (1998a). Weisberg et al. (1998) group this meteorite with Bencubbin. Specimens: type specimen and two polished sections, MPI; main mass with finder.

40º10'N 97º36'W

A 21.82 kg stone was discovered by Mr. Larry Degenhardt while driving a tractor; he felt the impact of the plowhead on the stone. Classification and mineralogy (A. Rubin, UCLA): olivine, Fa19.8; pyroxene Fs17.2Wo1.2; shock stage S3; weathering grade W3. Specimens: type specimen, UCLA; main mass, Mr. Jeff Shaw, Edwards-ville, Kansas.

Heze. An unofficial, widely used synonym for Juancheng. Note that Heze is also a synonym for the nearby 1956 fall, Hotse. Curators, collectors, and dealers are urged to discontinue all use of the name Heze in order to avoid ambiguity.

Hughes 026-033, see Nullarbor Region

Hughes 030
30°40.08'S, 129°27.72'E

An 18.3 g end-cut in the collection of R. Bartoschewitz, originally thought to be paired with Hughes 021 (L3), was recently recognized to be a new meteorite. The original mass was probably near 100 g. Classification and description (Bischoff et al., 1998): a brecciated R chondrite consisting of fragments of various petrologic types (3–6) in a fine-grained matrix; olivine mainly Fa39–41 except in R3 clasts, Fa1–61; pyroxene is Ca-rich, Fs10–12Wo45–48; spinel contains 4–6 wt% TiO2; O isotopes in R chondrite field. Specimens: main mass with unknown finder; 25 g (under the name Bluebush Ridge), Haag; 18 g, Bart.


A 700 g stone was collected after its fall on the plain of Ölgiy in western Mongolia. Classification and analysis reported in Yanai and Byambaa (1996) and Weber and Bischoff (1998): monomict ureilite; olivine, Fa19.3; pyroxene, Fs17.2Wo7.8; shock stage S3; similar to Asuka 881931; bulk composition in Yanai et al. (1995). Specimens: main mass, unknown; type specimen, Mün.

35º30'N 115º25'E
Newspaper article from China about the fall (459 Kb image).

A shower of small stones (>1000 individuals) fell near the Yellow River after a brilliant fireball with smoke and sparks terminated in a loud, resonating explosion. The fall ellipse measured ~10.5 ´ 4.3 km, oriented east-west. The largest recovered piece weighed 2.7 kg, and the total mass is >100 kg. One fragment was reported to have penetrated a roof and landed in a pot on a stove. This meteorite has been widely traded and sold under the unofficial name Heze. Classification and mineralogy (Chen Yonghen and Wang Daode, GIG; Wang Ruitian, HBS; A. Rubin, UCLA;): olivine, Fa19.0–19.2; pyroxene, Fs16.9Wo0.1; plagioclase heterogeneous, An9–33Ab63–84Or3–12; kamacite contains 0.36–0.47 wt% Co; shock stage S2. Specimens: 35 kg, DPitt; ~1 kg, ZMAO; ~1 kg, BeiAP.

33°13'S, 136°25'E

A 1492 g stone was found by Mr. Byron Smith 5–10 km south of Kimba on Eyre Peninsula. Classification and mineralogy (M. Zbik, USA; A. Pring and G. Horr, SAM): olivine, Fa19.2±0.2; pyroxene Fs16.7±0.8Wo1.2; shock stage S1. Specimens: main mass, contact Dr. A. Pring, SAM.

Krähenberg, location.
49º19'37"N 7º27'53"E
Ludolf Schultz (MPI) used global positioning satellite (GPS) methods to measure these precise coordinates for this 1869 German meteorite fall.

La Serena
unknown location

A 663 g iron was found in the mineral collection of Antonio Alphonso when this was purchased by LSC. Classification and description (J.T. Wasson, UCLA; see Wasson and Canut de Bon, 1997): band width 0.9 mm; meteorite appears sand-blasted, and may have originated in the Atacama desert; composition differs from other IIICD irons (Ni=7.62%, Ga=70.5 ppm, Ge=204 ppm, Ir=0.548 ppm, Au=1.665 ppm). Specimens: main mass, LSC; type specimen, UCLA.

Mhamid, see El Hammami

Monahans (1998)
31º36'30"N 102º51'30"W

Two stones, weighing 1344 g and 1243 g, fell in the city of Monahans, Texas, after two sonic booms and a fireball were observed over a wide area (up to 100 km from the fall site). One stone penetrated the asphalt on a city street and was found in the sandy subsurface. Classification and mineralogy (M. Zolensky and G. Lofgren, JSC): a light-dark breccia, with light and black clasts in a gray-colored, pulverized host matrix; olivine, Fa18.8 (host); pyroxene, Fs17.1Wo1.4 (host); plagioclase, An1–19Ab70–75Or6–29 (all lithologies);shock stage S2 (light clasts) to S4 (black clasts); the gray-colored matrix material contains blue crystals of indigenous halite and sylvite, some up to 3 mm in diameter, some euhedral. Specimens: both masses are owned by the City of Monahans, contact the City Manager; type specimen, 20 g, contact Dr. Everett Gibson, JSC. The iron meteorite (group IIF) that was found south of Monahans, Texas, in 1938 will be designated henceforth as Monahans (1938).

Mundrabilla 020
30º50'S 127º30'E (±15')

A stone of ~60 g was found by a rabbit hunter in the same area where the large masses of the Mundrabilla iron were found, perhaps 15 km north of the railway. This stone is also informally known as G'Day. Description: contains carbonaceous chondrite (CC) clasts (Zolensky et al., 1996); on the basis of the abundance of CC clasts, this meteorite is probably not paired with Mundrabilla 018 (D. Kring, pers. comm.) and is possibly paired with Old Homestead 001 (F. Wlotzka, pers. comm.). Specimens: 30 g, Haag.

Nadiabondi, new information
11º57.3'N 1º31.4'E
Two recent expeditions by Prof. U. Wenmenga (UO) to the 1956 fall site in Burkina Faso have resulted in the discovery of ~350 new individuals, with a combined mass of 4.5 kg. Accurate coordinates are listed above. New mineralogical information (J. Otto, Frei): Fa19.4; pyroxene Fs17.7Wo1.2; shock stage S2; weathering grade W1. New specimens: UO and Frei.

Nullarbor Region

Data for these meteorites are listed in Table 2 and in separate entries for Hughes 030, Mundrabilla 020, and Reid 027. The brachinite Hughes 026 lacks plagioclase and has clinopyroxene with composition Wo46En44; texture and mineral composition are homogeneous; does not appear to be paired with Reid 013; listed in Clayton and Mayeda (1996) as Australia I. The ureilite Reid 016 is a polymict breccia with some dark inclusions; listed in Clayton and Mayeda (1996) as Australia II. The petrologic subtype of Reid 017 (L3.7) was determined by induced TL by P. Benoit, UArk.

29º49.896'S 136º51.523'E

An 875 g stone was found by Mr. Roger Henwood 70 km west of Poolowanna Lake in the Simpson desert. Classification and mineralogy (M. Zbik, USA; A. Pring, SAM): olivine, Fa17.1±0.3; pyroxene Fs17.6±0.7Wo0.7; shock stage S3–4. Specimens: main mass, contact Dr. A. Pring, SAM

Pozo Almonte
unknown location

A 7.8 kg iron was obtained by LSC from a Señor Gaviño, administrator of several nitrate mines in the Iquique area. The meteorite was probably found 100-200 km inland from Iquique. Classification and description (J.T. Wasson, UCLA; see Wasson and Canut de Bon, 1997): band width 1.0 mm; composition, Ni=8.75%, Ga=22.5 ppm, Ge=43.8 ppm, Ir=0.234 ppm, Au=1.052 ppm). Specimens: main mass, LSC; type specimen, UCLA.

Reid 016-027, see Nullarbor Region

Reid 027
30°19'5"S, 128°22'24"E

A 19.7 g stone was found by a rabbit hunter. Mineralogy and classification (J. Otto, Frei): olivine, Fa33.7–35.7; clinopyroxene, Fs9.4–13.0Wo38.4–45.0; orthopyroxene, Fs25.8–28.5 Wo2.1–3.3; abundant plagioclase, An14.5Or4.7; chromite, Fe/(Fe + Mg) = 0.91, Cr/(Cr + Al) = 0.93; contains oxidized Fe-Ni metal, Cl-apatite, troilite; equigranular texture, grain size 100–600 micrometers; shock stage S2; weathering grade W4. Specimens: main mass, SML; type specimen Frei.

Roosevelt County Meteorites

Four meteorites (Table 3) were found by Ivan Wilson in Section 32, T2S, R33E of Roosevelt County. Classification and mineralogy by G. Benedix, UHaw.

39º10'N 98º26'W

A stone of ~6 kg was found in a pasture by Jim Stewart, and used as a doorstop and to make car repairs. Classification and mineralogy (A. Rubin, UCLA; M. Zolensky, JSC): olivine, Fa18.3; pyroxene Fs16.1Wo1.4; shock stage S2; weathering grade W5. Specimens: main mass with finder; type section, JSC.

Sahara 97001-97211, see Saharan meteorites from unknown location

Sahara 97096
unknown coordinates

See Saharan meteorites from unknown locations for find circumstances, ownership and pairing. This meteorite and its pairing group have a total mass of ~28 kg. Mineralogy and classification (M. Bourot-Denise, MNHNP): olivine, 0.2–5.0 wt% FeO; pyroxene, 0.4–2.7 wt% FeO; kamacite, 3.3 wt% Ni, 2.4 wt% Si; troilite, 2.9 wt% Cr, 0.2 wt% Ti; schreibersite, 15.5 wt% Ni; niningerite, 25.1 wt% Mg, 11.6 wt% Mn; sphalerite, 2.7 wt% Mn; perryite, 3.3 wt% P; daubréelite, 35.1 wt% Cr, 14.4 wt% Fe, 5.5 wt% Zn; pyroxene in type II chondrules, 3.4–21.7 wt% FeO (eight chondrules).

Saharan meteorites from Egypt

These meteorites (Table 4) were recovered by various individuals, some of whom were searching for Libyan desert glass. Abu Moharek was found by chance in a region covered with other black stones ~300 m away from the Abu Moharek dune.

Saharan meteorites from Libya

414 meteorites were recovered from the Libyan Sahara in 1996 and 1997, including the regions Hammadah al Hamra (HaH) and Dar al Gani (DaG). Table 5 lists 197 of these meteorites (see also Meteoritical Bulletin, Nos. 80 and 81), along with one recovered in 1998. Noteworthy finds are a winonaite (HaH 193), a group of CO3 chondrites from DaG that are probably paired, two CK chondrites (DaG 250 and DaG 275, possibly not paired), a eucrite (DaG 276), two ureilites (DaG 319, polymict, and DaG 340), a CH chondrite (see separate listing for HaH 237), and a lunar meteorite (see separate listing for DaG 400). Many pairings are possible among these meteorites.

Saharan meteorites from Niger

Ten chondrites (Table 6) were found in the sandy deserts of north-central Niger by an expedition sponsored by GEO magazine to the Tenere region of the Sahara. Classifications and mineralogy by P. Scherer, H. Schulze, F. Wlotzka and J. Zipfel (MPI). Tiffa 005 and Tiffa 006 seem to be paired, and Tiffa 001 may also be a member of this group (based on noble gas analysis). The EL chondrite, Grein 002, contains 0.5 wt% Si in kamacite. Specimens: main masses, Guhr; type specimens, Hamb and MPI.

Saharan meteorites from unknown locations

These meteorites (Table 7) have been collected by Mr. Marc Labenne and his family in the Sahara. Mr. Labenne will not disclose the exact locations of these meteorites at the present time. See separate entry, above, for Sahara 97096. The LL7 chondrite, Sahara 97037, is very well recrystallized, with no evidence of chondrules; a large fraction of pyroxenes are Ca-rich (Fs12.0Wo42.8); feldspar (Ab86.1An10.4) and phosphates (merrillite and apatite) make millimeter-sized associations; most metal grains are oxidized, but those that remain are very Ni-rich (61.7 wt% Ni, 1.9 wt% Co). Specimens: main masses, Labenne; type specimens as shown in Table 7.

San Borjita
27º33'31"S 56º8'4"W

A 12.3 kg stone was found by Mr. Don Torres and an unidentified truck driver shortly (perhaps a few days) after witnessing a large fireball. However, the moderately weathered condition of the stone casts a degree of doubt on whether the recovered meteorite actually fell in the 1983 event. Classification and mineralogy (T. McCoy and S. Russell, SI): olivine, Fa24.4; pyroxene Fs19.8Wo0.8; shock stage S3; weathering grade W2. Specimens: main mass with Mr. Alejandro Marin of Posadas, Argentina; one fragment possibly retained by truck driver; type specimen, 14.4 g, SI.

Sand Creek
39º25.8'N 99º59.7'W

A 2.443 kg stone was found by a farmer while plowing a grain field. Classification and mineralogy (T. J. McCoy, SI): olivine, Fa19.1±0.4; pyroxene Fs17.1±0.3Wo1.2±0.2; shock stage S4; weathering grade W2; probably not paired with Penokee or Morland, which have different shock features. Specimens: main mass, Reed; type specimen, SI.

39º50.66'N 100º30.6'W

A 5.95 kg stone was found in a gravel pit by Mr. Paul Tansey. Classification and mineralogy (A. Rubin, UCLA): olivine, Fa25.1; pyroxene Fs21.3Wo1.6; shock stage S3; weathering grade W2. Specimens: main mass, UCLA.

20º56'N 101º23'W

A big explosion and light phenomena were widely witnessed around Silao on 1995 March 12. Mr. F. Solorzano recovered a 1460 g, completely crusted stone later that day in a field 1 km east of the city. Several smaller pieces totaling ~250 g were recovered later. Classification and mineralogy (J. Otto, Frei): olivine, Fa19.3; pyroxene Fs17.1Wo0.6; shock stage S4; weathering grade W1; contains small shock veins. Specimens: main mass, Mr. Dieter Heinlein, Lilienstraße 3, D-86156 Augsburg, Germany; type specimen and thin section, Frei.

Snyder Hill
Find location map (357 Kb file)
32º9.5'N 111º6.8'W

Two fragments of a single mass, ~570 g and ~590 g, were found on a hill by Mr. Dave Johnson and his brother while searching for more pieces of the Cat Mountain meteorite. Classification and mineralogy (D. Kring, UAz; C. Moore, ASU): olivine, Fa24; pyroxene Fs20Wo1; 1.01% Co in kamacite; may be partially shock-melted. Specimens: type thin sections, UAz; main mass split between finder and Haag.

Tiffa 001-006, see Saharan meteorites from Niger

35º29'S 142º36'E

A 218 g stone was found by David Rowney while he was plowing a paddock. Classification and mineralogy (Bill Birch, Vict): olivine, Fa24; pyroxene Fs20Wo0.2; feldspar present; kamacite Fe92.9Ni6.5Co0.6; chondrules abundant and distinct. Specimens: main mass, Vict.

39º0'N 0º2'W

A 33.5 kg stone has long been in a collection at the University of Valencia, where it has been known as simply "the meteorite." There have been several historic falls in this region with which the present stone might be associated: the Oliva-Gandia fall of 1520 and a possible fall near Valencia in 1603, both having no known specimens. The Olmedilla de Alarcón fall of 1929 is also an H5, but has a light-dark structure and shock veining, neither of which is present in this specimen. Description and classification (Francisco Anguita and Fina Muñoz Sanz., UCM; Jesus Martinez Frias, MNCN): olivine, Fa18.0; pyroxene, Fs15.9. Specimens: contact Juan Usera, UV.

Acknowledgements. This Bulletin was prepared by the Meteorite Nomenclature Committee of the Meteoritical Society under the Editorship of J.N. Grossman. Members for 1998 are A. Brearley, M. Drake, M. M. Grady, M. Ivanova, J. Koblitz, M. M. Lindstrom, T. McCoy, N. Nakamura, D. Weber, M. Wadhwa (Chair), and B. Zanda.


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ACAEE: Associacao Carazinhense de Astronomica e Estudos Espacials, Caixa Postal 97, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil 99500-000

AMNH: American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY 10024, USA.

ASU: Center for Meteorite Studies, Arizona State University, Box 872504, Tempe, AZ 85287, USA.

Bart: R. Bartoschewitz, Lehmweg 53, D-38518 Gifhorn, Germany.

BeiAP: Beijing Astronomical Planetarium, Beijing, People's Republic of China.

CNR: Consiglio Nazionale delle Richerche, Corso Garibaldi 37, 35100 Padova, Italy.

DMRT: Geological Survey Division, Dept. of Mineral Resources, Rama VI Road, Bangkok 10400, Thailand.

DPitt: Mr. Darryl Pitt, 225 West 83rd Street, New York, NY 10024, USA.

Frei: Institut für Mineralogie, Universität Freiburg, Albertstrasse 23b, 79104 Freiburg, Germany.

GIG: Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510640, China.

Guhr: Andreas Guhr, Jungfernstieg 8, 20354 Hamburg, Germany.

Haag: Robert Haag, P.O. Box 27527, Tucson, AZ 85726, USA.

Hamb: Mineralogical Museum of the University of Hamburg, Grindelallee 48, 20146 Hamburg, Germany.

HBS: Heze Bureau of Seismology, Shandong Province, Heze 274026, China.

JSC: Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX 77058, USA.

Labenne: Labenne Meteorites, 16 Boulevard Gambetta, 02700 Tergnier, France.

LSC: Museo Mineralogico Ignacio Domeyko (contact Claudio Canut de Bon), Universidad de La Serena, Casilla 554, La Serena, Chile.

MNB: Museum für Naturkunde, Invalidenstrasse 43, D-10115 Berlin, Germany

MNCN: Museo Nacional Ciencias Naturales, Madrid, Spain.

MNHNP: Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France.

MPI: Max Planck Institut für Chemie, Mainz, Germany.

Mün: Institut für Planetologie, Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. 10, 48149 Münster, Germany.

OU: Planetary Sciences Research Institute, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

PMVV: Polar Museum at Villa Vitali, Fermo (AP) Italy.

Reed: Blaine Reed, 907 County Road 207 #17, Durango, CO 81301, USA

Rio: Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

RLang: RA Langheinrich Meteorites, 290 Brewer Road, Ilion, NY 13357, USA.

SAM: South Australian Museum, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia.

SI: Dept. of Mineral Sciences, NHB-119, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560.

SML: Swiss Meteorite Laboratory (Museum Bally-Prior), P.O. Box 126, CH-8750 Glarus, Switzerland.

Thompson: Edwin Thompson, 5150 Dawn Street, Lake Oswego, OR 97035, USA.

UArk: Cosmochemistry Group, Dept. Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, 72701, USA.

UAz: Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA.

UCLA: Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90024, USA.

UCM: Fac. Ciencias Geologicas, Dpto. Petrologia, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.

UHaw: Hawai'i Institute of Geology and Geophysics, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA.

UO: Université de Ouagadougou, Departement de Geologie, BP 7021, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

UPad: Centro di Studio per la Geodinamica Alpina, Dipartimento di Mineralogia e Petrologia, Universita di Padova, Corso Garibaldi 37, 35137 Padova, Italy.

USA: University of South Australia, Ian Wark Research Institute, The Levels, SA5095, Australia.

UV: Universidad de Valencia, Facultad de Biologia, Dpto. De Geologia, Valencia, Spain.

Vict: Museum of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia.

ZMAO: Zhijing Mountain Astronomical Observatory, Nanjing, People's Republic of China.