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School Gym Rehabilitation Project Energizes Community

The community of Hajihuseynli, Guba in northeast Azerbaijan, celebrated the opening of its new school gymnasium in January 2008. USAID partners CHF International and UMID HSSC handed the facility over to the community in a ceremony attended by community and municipality leaders, and the young students. This was the second community project completed in Hajihuseynli through USAID’s Community Development Activity (CDA) program.

The opening ceremony began with a performance of the Azerbaijani national anthem and was followed by a welcome address from Seyyareh Alkhasova, the school superintendent.

Jafar Mammadov, coordinator of the Community Development Council, spoke about the challenges met and successes achieved since the inception of the rehabilitation project in May 2006. He explained how obstacles were overcome through community mobilization and close cooperation with the Hajyhuseynli municipality. Mammadov expressed his heartfelt thanks to community members, teachers and students of the school, and to USAID, CHF International and UMID HSSC for their financial and technical support. “I believe that we will successfully continue the activities of this program. Thanks to the motivation and training from CHF International and UMID HSSC, we rehabilitated the school gym,” he said. “This will help us raise a generation of healthy children.”

Danyar Mammadyarov, head of the Hajyhuseynli municipality, expressed his gratitude in a speech to the guests and school staff. He promised that the municipality would continue to cooperate closely in future projects as well.

The ceremony ended with a friendly volleyball match in the new gym between teams from Zardabi and Hajyhuseynli communities.

A volleyball match was the first athletic event to take place in Hajihuseynli's newly-rehabilitated school gym
A volleyball match was the first athletic event to take place in Hajihuseynli’s newly-rehabilitated school gym
Photo Credit: CHF International

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