Dept. Baoteriology Bsptember 24, 1957 Dear Dr. Bar: Thank you for youra of the lath, reoelvsd yesterday. 1 rather suspected you were under SCIIPB miaapprshension about the length and purpose of my visit to Australia. Tess a8 planned, we are leaving herr about Ilo~ember 1. If we return weetward, ae is possible, I will spend a fortnight in-India and a week in Italy, to return about mfpb BOV. 30. And, then B.I: again for the frrar Barney leutwe! (Dee. 19). I was quite. happy to take on your assignment, with the thou&t that it would be in line with the oommunioational purposes of my Itlbr. hzlbright fellerahip. But if does not look as if there shall be La any more meetings* aa suoh. I will disuusa your props-al uf a aorrespondent-arrangement with one or two of my oolleagurs here. I do not know whether I will have tirr;s for muoh more writing during our stay. Someof the toplosthat would well be worth a brief feature ~%iole might Sn~ludm a+ (as already ment$oned): the Bedioal S&o01 at SUVS. Roy Edmgnds - corrrclted my misimpression: there was a reporf of B-OI%B in the %w York Times a frw monthe ago. He .ought to do-thi% himself; but- b-eing in Government, is some what bound In red taps. b. The ati_if$oial epbso.etio of, rabbit mgxomatosis in Auatrrlia. o. The Asian_ flu epidemics in Hplbourne (whiok was rather well studied Snd has nQW rUn its OOUFB0.) d, A skrtgh of the W,alter 4 Bliss Es11 Xnatftute for Hedioal Besearoh, whioh is one of Australia's leeding oenters (under Bis Yaollrarbne -Zbtar?xot*s dlr&etlon) ad--a remarkable ine tsnoe of uarrelated olinioal andlabwratory researoh. a. A general acoounf of medical 6of.eno.e in Australia. 1 would. not propose,~ necessarily, to do any or.all of these myself; however , if you want to oommission any of them X*11 either try or help vet someone` here. The. letterhead address will be quite satiafaotory u&i1 end- Ootober. Yours slnoerely, P.S. Let me aoknowledge your aheck,