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Previous Next Up Topic Products and Algorithms / Satellite Data Access / Volume of MODIS/Aqua L2 and L3 ocean color products (1870 hits)
By tbb23 Date 2008-02-07 17:24

I work for the National Oceanographic Data Center, and we plan on working with the Level 2 and Level 3 ocean color products coming from MODIS/Aqua.  I need to determine the volume of data that is available currently, and also approximately how many Tb per year will be made available in the foreseeable future.  Any estimate you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

By @sean Date 2008-02-07 17:52

For MODIS Aqua, our current data volume for L2 and L3 products is as follows:

    Datatype                  Volume         Files
   ---------------------        -----------      -----------
   L2 STANDARD       3.09 TB      337,839
   L2 SST                       2.78 TB       585,107
   L2 SST4                    1.57 TB       335,459
   L3 STANDARD     508.62 GB   14,011
   L3 SST                     869.57 GB   25,076
   L3 SST4                  390.36 GB   12,736

This translates to approximately 1.7TB per year for L2 and L3 only.

By tbb23 Date 2008-02-07 17:54
Hi Sean,

Thanks for your quick reply.  I assume that "STANDARD" is the ocean color product?

By @sean Date 2008-02-07 18:01
By @gene Date 2008-02-08 17:14
just remember that we tend to reprocess ALL of our data sets every 18 months - 2 years so you would need to replace your entire archive when we do that assuming that you would like to keep current.    however, the volume of level 2 and level 3 data is relatively "trivial" in comparison to the level-0 volumes that we currently maintain and use in the processing (aqua 102.99 tbytes, terra 145.57 tbytes).
Previous Next Up Topic Products and Algorithms / Satellite Data Access / Volume of MODIS/Aqua L2 and L3 ocean color products (1870 hits)

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