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1. New Ways of Preparing High-Quality Teachers (EJ769631)

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Bennett, Tess


Young Children, v62 n4 p32-33 Jul 2007

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Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Reports - Descriptive



Young Children; Teaching Methods; Field Experience Programs; Early Childhood Education; Teacher Competencies; Preservice Teacher Education; Preschool Teachers; Experiential Learning; Cooperating Teachers

The field of early childhood education is growing tremendously, with states designing and implementing prekindergarten programs and universal preschool throughout the country. This is good news for families of young children as well as for the field. With the resulting increased demand for teachers, however, come serious implications for teacher training. In this article, to initiate the conversa Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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2. Future Teachers Forge Family Connections (EJ729643)

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Bennett, Tess


Young Children, v61 n1 p22-27 Jan 2006

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Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Reports - Descriptive



Family School Relationship; Early Childhood Education; Child Development; Special Needs Students; Child Care; Young Children; Preservice Teacher Education; Teacher Role; Counselors

Continuity of Care Between Home and School is highly valued in early childhood education. Good teachers consider working closely with families of young children an integral part of their job. When teachers and families develop partnerships, children's learning is enhanced. The intimate contact between teachers and families calls for teachers to take on different roles--listener, advocate, counsel Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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3. Experiences and Perceptions of EHS Staff with the IFSP Process: Implications for Practice and Policy (EJ732283)

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Zhang, Chun; Fowler, Susan; Bennett, Tess


Early Childhood Education Journal, v32 n3 p179-186 Dec 2004

Pub Date:


Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Reports - Evaluative



Developmental Delays; Individualized Family Service Plans; Young Children; Program Development; Scheduling; Time Management; Agency Cooperation; Early Intervention; Child Caregivers; Case Studies; Cooperative Planning

This study examined the experiences of Early Head Start (EHS) staff with the development of the Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSPs) for young children with developmental delays and their families in 40 EHS programs in six Midwestern states. Staff perspectives about challenges, needs, strategies and suggestions for the IFSP development were explored. Findings indicated that time and schedu Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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4. In Whose Eyes? Parents' Perspectives on the Learning Needs of Their Gifted Children (EJ698435)

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Hertzog, Nancy B.; Bennett, Tess


Roeper Review, v26 n2 p96 Win 2004

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Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Reports - Research



Role Models; School Districts; Academically Gifted; Parent Attitudes; Student Needs; Talent; Surveys; Delivery Systems

The authors present the findings of a survey completed by 280 families of children identified as gifted by two Midwestern school districts with distinctly different gifted and talented programs. The authors examined: (a) How parents perceive the learning needs of their children who are identified as gifted; (b) How families address their children's perceived needs; and (c) How children's needs we Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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5. Perspectives of Early Intervention Professionals about Culturally-Appropriate Practices. (EJ674629)

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Lee, Hwa; Ostrosky, Michaelene M.; Bennett, Tess; Fowler, Susan A.


Journal of Early Intervention, v25 n4 p281-95 Sum 2003

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Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Reports - Research



Cross Cultural Training; Cultural Awareness; Cultural Differences; Disabilities; Early Childhood Education; Early Intervention; Educational Resources; Inservice Teacher Education; Professional Development; Theory Practice Relationship; Time Factors (Learning)

A survey of 123 early intervention professionals found they considered recommendations for providing culturally appropriate services important. However, multiple barriers often hindered implementation. Lack of time was the most common barrier to providing culturally appropriate practices, followed by lack of training and lack of materials. Implications are discussed. (Contains references.) (CR)

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6. Facilitating the Meaningful Participation of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Families in the IFSP and IEP Process. (EJ666186)

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Zhang, Chun; Bennett, Tess


Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, v18 n1 p51-59 Spr 2003

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Pub Type(s):

Information Analyses; Journal Articles



Cultural Awareness; Cultural Differences; Disabilities; Early Childhood Education; Elementary Secondary Education; Family Involvement; Individualized Education Programs; Individualized Family Service Plans; Language Minorities; Minority Group Children; Parent School Relationship; Special Education

This article reviews literature on barriers to the participation of culturally and linguistically diverse families in the special education process, highlights cultural issues educators need to consider, and discusses strategies for facilitating family participation in the development of the Individualized Family Service Plan and the Individualized Education Program. (Contains references.) (CR)

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7. The Development of Family Partnership Agreement in Early Head Start: The Need for a Relationship-Based Approach. Issues in Education. (EJ661547)

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Zhang, Chun; Bennett, Tess; Heal, Helen Bair


Journal of Early Education and Family Review, v10 n1 p15-28 Sep-Oct 2002

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Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Reports - Research



Family Involvement; Family Programs; Family School Relationship; Human Services; Parent Participation; Partnerships in Education; Toddlers

Examined how services are provided to families enrolled in Early Head Start (EHS). Surveyed EHS staff from four waves of the programs in six Midwestern states regarding the process of developing goals using documents such as Family Partnership Agreement (FPA). Found that the majority of staff who develop FPAs are family service providers and staff with multiple roles. The most apparent challenges Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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8. Cross-Cultural Considerations in Early Childhood Special Education. Technical Report. (ED479106)

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Garcia, Georgia Earnest; Watkins, Ruth; Eatman, Janet; Bennett, Tess; Zhang, Chun; Tarnow, Laura Hojnar; McCollum, Jeanette; Yates, Tweety; Ostrosky, Micki; Halle, James



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Pub Type(s):

Collected Works - General; Reports - Research



Attitudes toward Disabilities; Cultural Awareness; Cultural Influences; Disabilities; Diversity; Early Childhood Education; Early Intervention; Family Characteristics; Family Involvement; Infants; Intercultural Communication; Language Role; Minority Groups; Parent Attitudes; Parenting Styles; Toddlers

From 1996-2001, the Early Childhood Research Institute on Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) has worked to support practitioners in increasing their understanding and awareness of the impact of culture and language on their interactions with children and families. This report presents four articles outlining some of the key concepts and underpinnings of the CLAS Institute. Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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9. Beliefs about and Implementation of Family-Centered Practice: A Study with Early Head Start Staff in Six States. (EJ645006)

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Zhang, Chun; Bennett, Tess


Infant-Toddler Intervention: The Transdisciplinary Journal, v11 n3-4 p201-22 Sep-Dec 2001

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Pub Type(s):

Journal Articles; Reports - Evaluative



Beliefs; Early Childhood Education; Early Intervention; Family Programs; Infants; Low Income Groups; Preschool Teachers; Teacher Attitudes; Toddlers

This study examined the extent to which staff from 40 Early Head Start programs in six Midwestern states believed in and were able to implement six aspects of family-centered practice. Results indicated staff experienced difficulty in implementing family-centered practice and that the extent of staff beliefs and implementation were affected by staff and program characteristics. (Contains referenc Note:The following two links are not-applicable for text-based browsers or screen-reading software. Show Full Abstract

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10. Multicultural Views of Disability: Implications for Early Intervention Professionals. (EJ629408)

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Zhang, Chun; Bennett, Tess


Infant-Toddler Intervention: The Transdisciplinary Journal, v11 n2 p143-54 Jun 2001

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Pub Type(s):

Guides - Non-Classroom; Journal Articles



Adults; Attitudes toward Disabilities; Beliefs; Children; Cultural Differences; Cultural Influences; Disabilities; Family Relationship; Folk Culture; Minority Group Children; Moral Values; Parent Child Relationship; Religious Factors; Social Attitudes; Spirituality

This article discusses the complex belief systems and values affecting the perception of disability for families from culturally diverse backgrounds, including the influence of traditional and spiritual beliefs, beliefs about health and healing, religion, belief about folk medicine and folk healers, and expectations of a child's social roles. (Contains references.) (Author/CR)

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