Trademarks > Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS)
TESS was last updated on Sat Feb 14 04:03:53 EST 2009

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NOTE: Click here for a description of changes to word mark entries for standard character marks submitted via TEAS Plus that you may wish to consider when constructing your TESS searches.
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Update Information: TESS contains more than 4 million pending, registered and dead federal trademarks. Select our News button for the latest complete filing date available on TESS. On Tuesday through Saturday, TESS will not be available for one hour from 4:00 to 5:00AM (EST) for database update. TESS was last updated on Sat Feb 14 04:03:53 EST 2009 .

Important Notices Concerning TESS: TESS is intended for use by the general public. Due to limitations of equipment and bandwidth, TESS is not intended to be a source for bulk downloads of USPTO data. Bulk data may be purchased from USPTO at cost (see the USPTO Products and Services Catalog). Individuals, companies, IP addresses, or blocks of IP addresses who, in effect, deny service to the general public by generating unusually high numbers of daily TESS accesses (searches, pages, or hits), whether generated manually or in an automated fashion, may be denied access to these servers without notice. Please do NOT contact the Trademark Assistance Center for assistance in constructing or executing searches on TESS. If you have thoroughly reviewed the TESS online help and still have a question (or comment or suggestion), you may e-mail While we cannot promise to answer all messages, your feedback will be considered and may lead to future improvements on TESS.