Publications of J. William Carey


"Thermodynamics of cationic surfactant sorption onto clinoptilolite." E. J. Sullivan, J. W. Carey, and R. S. Bowman. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (submitted).

"Calorimetric measurement of the enthalpy of hydration of clinoptilolite" J. W. Carey and D. L. Bish, Clays and Clay Minerals (submitted)

"Equilibrium in the clinoptilolite-H2O System" J. W. Carey and D. L: Bish, American Mineralogist 81: 952-962 (1996).

"Controlled-humidity XRD analyses: application to the study of smectite expansion/contraction" S. J. Chipera, J. W. Carey, and D. L. Bish. In Advances in X-ray Analyses Proceedings (in press).

"A thermodynamic formulation of hydrous cordierite." J.W. Carey, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 119: 155-165 (1995).

"The heat capacity of hydrous cordierite above 295 K." J. W. Carey, Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 19: 578-583 (1993).

"The molar enthalpy of dehydration of hydrous cordierite." J. W. Carey and A. Navrotsky, American Mineralogist 77: 930-936 (1992).

"Petrology of aluminous schist in the Boehls Butte region of northern Idaho: geologic history and aluminum-silicate phase relations." J.W. Carey, J.M. Rice, and T.W. Grover, American Journal of Science 292: 455-473 (1992).

"Petrology of aluminous schist in the Boehls Butte region of northern Idaho: phase equilibria and P-T evolution." T.W. Grover, J.M. Rice, J.W. Carey, American Journal of Science 292: 474-507 (1992).

"Cordierite-spinel troctolite, a new Mg-rich lithology from the lunar highlands." U.B. Marvin, J.W. Carey, and M.M. Lindstrom, Science 243: 925-928 (1989).


"Review of Greg Anderson and David Crerar's Thermodynamics in Geochemistry" J. W. Carey, American Mineralogist 81: 255 (1996).


"Calculating mineral stabilities in the absence of adequate thermodynamic data: application to Yucca Mountain, Nevada, USA." J. William Carey, Steve J. Chipera, and David L. Bish. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Clay Mineral Society (submitted).

"The effect of cation exchange and dehydration on clinoptilolite-analcime equilibria: Application to Yucca Mountain, Nevada." J. W. Carey, S. J. Chipera, and D. L. Bish. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. GSA program with abstracts (1996).

"Hydration/dehydration hysteresis in smectite: equilibrium or kinetic effect?" S. J. Chipera, J. W. Carey, and D. L. Bish. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Clay Mineral Society, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, p. 34 (1996).

"X-ray powder diffraction and thermogravimetric analysis of clinoptilolite dehydration behavior." D. L. Bish and J. W. Carey. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Clay Mineral Society, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, p. 25 (1996).

"Calorimetric determination of the heat of sorption of surfactants (HDTMA and TEA) on clinoptilolite." J. W. Carey, E. J. Sullivan, and R. S. Bowman. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Clay Mineral Society, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, p. 29 (1996).

"Consequences of the dehydration and hydration of clinoptilolite-rich rocks on the thermo-hydrologic evolution of a model radioactive waste repository". J. W. Carey, B. A. Robinson, S. Henderson. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. GSA program with abstracts 1995.

"Partial and molar enthalpy of hydration of clinoptilolite" J. W. Carey and D. L. Bish. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Clay Minerals Society, Baltimore, Maryland, p. 26 (1995).

"Enthalpy of hydration of cation-exchanged clinoptilolite" J. W. Carey and D. L. Bish , EOS 75, p. 698. (1994)

"Hydration energetics of zeolites" J. W. Carey and D. L. Bish. Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Clay Minerals Society, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, p. 52 (1994).

"The nature of interlayer water in smectite" S. J. Chipera, J. W. Carey, and D. L. Bish. Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Clay Minerals Society, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, p. 53 (1994).

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