Data Administration for the Fermilab D-Zero Experiment

(or at least how to look like you know what you're doing)

Table of Contents

I. Welcome to the D-Zero Collaboration!

II. Tapes, tapes, and more tapes

III. The Data Aide (a.k.a. "deception aide")

IV. Getting the Big Show started

V. Tape checking fundamentals

VI. The FATMEN walk slowly

VII. Production Data Base - FATMEN's SeQueL

VIII. Appendix of command and documentation areas

IX. Tips on Writing Utilities

I.Welcome to the D-Zero Collaboration!

( recent collaboration photo)

II. Tapes, tapes, and more tapes

(original artist's conception of the Feynman Computing Center, a.k.a. FCC)

COPYMAN:D0FSA> dir/size/date pick_events$root:[new.error]*.error_mount_e*
COPYMAN:D0FSA> dir/size/date pick_events$root:[new.error]*.error_read_err*
COPYMAN:D0FSA> dir/size/date pick_events$root:[new.error]*.list_error
COPYMAN:D0FSA> dir/size/date pick_events$root:[new.error]*.error_tape_end

III. The Data Aide (a.k.a. "deception aide")

( remember, you are expendable! )

IV. Getting the Big Show started

( The data aide has many skills to master )

Before getting started, now may be a good time to mention PROMAN's This command runs every 3 days and lets you know which tape series need to updated ( add more tapes to vault ). Look into Chapter VIII (VIII.B.3.a.1 to be more specific) for more details on how to get this mail sent to you. And now, on with the show!

V. Tape checking fundamentals

( you are bound to find some surprising tape problems )

D0FSIS> ren tc_dump:wne464.dump [copyman.tape_check.dump.wne]wne464.dump
D0FSA> ren del_util:_<date>.list_del del_del:wne464_<date>.list_del_sent
D0FSA> ren del_util:_<date>.list_all del_all:wne464_<date>.list_all

VI. The FATMEN walk slowly

( the data aide is a protector of FATMEN )

FM> ls -a //FNAL/D0/CLDA/93P1E18/DST01REU1215/ALLALL00NONEX00/*/R087446P52
FM> ls -bn //FNAL/D0/CLDA/93P1E18/DST01REU1215/ALLALL00NONEX00/*/R086836P11
mv //FNAL/D0/CLDA/93P1E18/DST01REU1215/ALLALL00NONEX00/08680/R086836P11 _
   //FNAL/D0/CLDA/93P1E18/DST01REU1215/ALLALL00NONEX00/08680/R086836P11 1019 _
   ! ! 13 WNE464 WNE464
FM> ls -bn //FNAL/D0/CLDA/93P1E18/DST01REU1219/ALLALL00NONEX00/*/r090434p05

So, for DSN filename ALL_087446_52.X_DST01REU1215_ALL00_NONEX00_5010819 , the run number is 87446 and is therfore found in the 93p1e18 directory in FATMEN. Now might be a good time to look into the Production Data Base ( PDB ) and see what it has to offer to help you in your pursuits here at D0.

VII. Production Data Base - FATMEN's SeQueL

( Production Data Base, although far more eloquent than FATMEN, can be recalcitrent at times )

SQL> sel all <column name(s)> from <table> where <column name>='<input>';

VIII. Appendix of command and documentation areas

( Nothing to fear, this chapter will make your life much easier)

RLOGIN::D0FS(<some d0fs node>::COPYMAN)> sear output*.list*;* WNF108
RLOGIN::D0FS(<some d0fs node>::COPYMAN)> tape_check tc_list:check_<date>.list
RLOGIN::D0FS(<some d0fs node>::COPYMAN)> purge/noconfirm *prot2.list
RLOGIN::D0FS(<some d0fs node>::COPYMAN)> ren 6-OCT-1996_PROT2.LIST prot2.list
RLOGIN::D0FS(<some d0fs node>::COPYMAN)> prot2.list
RLOGIN::D0FS(<some d0fs node>::COPYMAN)> edit copylist_maker.dis
 VSN  < creation date >   in vault?  in FM?  problem  File type  del list 
VSN  < creation drive > < creation node >  error  < data > <# files> prep




RLOGIN::D0FS(<some d0fs node>::COPYMAN)>submit/keep/noprint/notify-
_RLOGIN::D0FS(<some d0fs node>::COPYMAN)>/queue=<some d0fs node>_sys$batch-
_RLOGIN::D0FS(<some d0fs node>::COPYMAN)>/log=<your logfile name>.log-
_RLOGIN::D0FS(<some d0fs node>::COPYMAN)>/parameter=(<tape VSN>) -
_RLOGIN::D0FS(<some d0fs node>::COPYMAN)>
RLOGIN::D0FS(<some d0fs node>::COPYMAN)> rename del_util:_607211123.list_del -
_RLOGIN::D0FS(<some d0fs node>::COPYMAN)>del_del:WNG023_607211123.list_del_sent
RLOGIN::D0FS(<some d0fs node>::COPYMAN)>
_RLOGIN::D0FS(<some d0fs node>::COPYMAN)> <file extension>_error.list
RLOGIN::D0FS(<some d0fs node>::COPYMAN)> @remove <your filename>.list_del
Example> WN8196  1  ALL_077790_43.X_STA01REU1210_ALL00_NONEX00_4051214
(some d0fs node, like D0FSI, D0FSA, D0FSE, or D0FSU) > fm
(some d0fs node, like D0FSI, D0FSA, D0FSE, or D0FSU) > d0setup prod_db 
(some d0fs node, like D0FSI, D0FSA, D0FSE, or D0FSU) > sql
(some d0fs node) > cd [proman.disk_maint]
(some d0fs node) >submit/keep/noprint/notify/log=[proman.disk_maint]wne653.log
/queue= d0fsix_batch/parameter=(WNE653)

IMPORTANT: Before executing, certain accomodations must be made. First, make sure that a log file of a tape_in job for the tape that you wish to execute fm_check on exists in COPYMAN's cm_log area. Second, be certain that a log file of a tape_dir job for the same tape exists in COPYMAN's td_log area. Also, be sure that you enter the tape VSN as a parameter and that it is in CAPITALS. I really did not have the time to perfect this utility, and you may consider developing a simpler submission command like SUB_FM_CHECK.COM that asks the user for the tape VSN and executes tape_in (actually, copytape_in) for the tape, and then tape_dir, and does not care whether or not the tape VSN is in CAPS or not, etc. Some other chages need to be made, but I will discuss them along with what output lists are created by FM_CHECK. D0FSIX_BATCH is an ALPHA queue that will complete these jobs MUCH faster than using a D0FS queue. Try to avoid using the alpha queues except when necessary. Last and possibly most important, ONLY SUBMIT FM_CHECK FOR ONE TAPE AT A TIME. I did not code this utility to accept more than one job at a time ( like cm_area:tape_in can do up to 5 tapes at a time ). If you do need to submit fm_check for more than one tape, I used the "/after=" qualifier after the "submit " ( see VMS User's Manual )command and would space these jobs out accordingly. FM_CHECK takes ~ 4 minutes to perform all actions for 1 DSN filename. Therefore, a tape with 15 files on it would take FM_CHECK about an hour to execute on an ALPHA queue. Normal batch queues take much longer. So space apart your jobs accordingly.

Tape VSN  FSN  DSN Filename                                      Mediatype
WNE202     68  ALL_051977M01.X_MDS01REU1119_ALL00_TEJXX20_4072022     5
D0FSI> spli_tape_add wne202 d0fs_usr$disk21:[]-
_D0FSI> 961019_dst_fat.list_spool_8mm 8mmrec

IX. Tips on Writing Utilities, etc.

( Why yes, there is still work to be done )

VSN      FSN ( on tape )      FSN ( as thought by FATMEN )             DSN filename      FATMEN changed (y/n)