Office of Management

FAIR Act Inventories


Sequence Number = the number assigned to specific reported activities.

Agency/Bureau Number = OMB's code number for specific agencies and bureaus.

Abbreviation = shortened connotation for Treasury bureaus and units.

State= the State(s) where the activity is performed is identified by their common two letter mail code.

City = the city of the place where the activity is performed.

Country = the country of the place where the activity is performed.

Total FTEs = the number of full time equivalents (FTE) for Federal employees performing the commercial activity. An FTE equates to 2080 hours of employment. A single FTE could represent a number of part time or temporary employees.

Activity Function Code = the OMB code assigned for specific activities, as identified in OMB FAIR Act Inventory guidance.

Status = the general type of each activity (C or I). C is for commercial activities. I is for inherently governmental activities.

Reason = the reason (status) code that best defines the status of the FTE. OMB Circular A-76 provides expanded definitions and usage of the reason codes

Reason Sub-Codes = used for each sub code that is assigned a reason code of C. OMB Circular A-76 contains expanded definitions for the reason sub-codes.

First Year on Inventory = All 4 digits of the fiscal year the activity first appeared on the inventory.

Year of Cost Comparison = All 4 digits of the most recent year that an A-76 cost comparison or direct conversion was completed.

CIV/FTE Savings = the FTE savings generated by a cost comparison (including MEO savings), a direct conversion to contract, a termination, or a privatization decision.

Est. Cost Comp. Savings = the estimated annual savings that reflect the difference between the in-house bid MEO and the low contract offer.

Year of MEO Review = the date the most recent MEO performance review was completed

NA = not applicable, not available.