- 37 - Relevance grades Strength of match Totals, (I) (2) (3) (4) all relevant Str'ong match 12 17 4O 2O 89 Weak match 3 2O 39 25 87 No match 4 24 54 29 111 (Total) 19 61 133 74 287 ,,0 Percent strong match 63.2% 27.9% 30.1% 27.0% 31.0% Percent strong and weak combined match 78.9% 60.7% 59.4% 60.8% 61.3% TABLE 3.10. RELEVANCE GRADES OF DOCUMENTS WITH SPECIFIED QUESTION-TITLE MATCII Strength of match Cited Additional All documents documents documents Strong match 44 45 89 Weak match 38 49 87 No match 67 44 111 (Total) 149 138 287 Percent strong match 29.5% 32.6% 31.0% Percent strong and weak match combined 55.0% 68.1% 61.3% TABLE 3.11. COMPARISON OF THE CITED AND ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS WITH SPECIFIED QUESTION-TITLE MATCH