Date: 12/17/1999 8:28 AM Subject: Proposed regulation FD Chairman Levitt: Having read this morning's editorial in the Wall Street Journal as well as the "Fool on the Hill" column at the Motley Fool website, I want to let you know that I support your efforts to eliminate the unfair advantage Wall Street brokers and analysts (to say nothing of institutional investors) have over the stockholding public. The fact that some players in the market have the advantage of what amounts to inside information makes a mockery of the market and places John Q. Public at a distinct disadvantage when deciding what stocks to trade in- to say nothing of when. At a time when over 50% of Americans own shares in publicly traded companies, to allow some companies to share financial information with a priviliged few ahead of the rest of their shareholders is nothing short of vile. Any move on the SEC's part to restrict -and hopefully end- this process has my complete support. I own a small portfolio of stocks that constitute my retirement fund (as I have no faith that Social Security will be there for me when I retire) and the notion that some Armani-suited creep that works for Morgan Stanley has better access than I do to information on my companies makes my blood boil. I am sending copies of this letter to my Senators and Congressmen in the hope that they will support your efforts. Cordially, Kevin Trainor Wells Fargo Customer Accounting 612-667-7574 "Well if money talks, why won't it speak to me?" -Jason and the Scorchers All opinions are my own, and not necessarily those of Wells Fargo.