Comment Number: OL-101390
Received: 3/21/2004 7:12:11 PM
Commenter: Jim DelloRusso
State: CA
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Docket ID: [3084-AA96]
No Attachments


Spam is vile; it wastes too much of my personal and business time. Those who foster, promote or send it should bear the brunt of this law. Relationship messages are fair; if they have advertising this is not a problem. Commercial ads must be made to identify themselves as such in their message line, period- it should not be questionable. Not being removed from an ad list after opting out should definitely be an 'aggravated violation.' Multiple advertisement senders should be treated the same; each should be liable for the others' violations, and if one gets notice of opt out, they must share that with the others, or with the company that brought them together. Perhaps the best solution would be to opt-in, rather than opt-out, then mass e-mail campaigns would simply cease to exist. 'Forward to a friend' aka multi-level marketing, should also be treated harshely, with the originator, and all subsequent senders being treated as violators. Valid physical postal addresses, for starters must be mandatory. It would even be good to seek other valid ID info- business license, TIN, SSN, etc from those sending commercial messages, so that violators can be tracked and prosecuted. Please be extremely aggressive with this law! We need our privacy back!