Comment Number: OL-104035
Received: 11/28/2004 8:28:29 PM
Commenter: Debra Ellison
State: TN
Subject: Trade Regulation Rule on Telemarketing Sales
Title: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment
CFR Citation: 16 CFR Part 310
No Attachments


I placed my name on the do not call Registry because I was tired of being bothered with all these telemarketer's calling me non-stop! It's been nice knowing I don't have to put up with their calls and the calls I get know are from people that really want to talk to me an d me talk to them. Now I hear my rights of putting my name on this list may mean nothing and the telemarketers have more rights than I do. It is wrong that telemarketer's think they have a right to distrub me and ignore my wish to not call me. It's time they find another way of making a living and not call me! Please decline allowing telemarketers to call my phone and leave unwanted answering machine messages on my phone. I have lots of things I'd rather do then to listen to a telemarketer's voice or message. It is also annoying when I answer the phone and I get a recoded message. This makes me madder and I want have anything to do with the company calling me. PLEASE, PLEASE PLease don't allow telemarketers to be able to get by with making calls to the public that have placed our names on the DO NOT CALL REGISTRY. Please think about our rights too!!! Do you not thank that if we wanted to hear their recordings or talk to them on the phone for any reason we would not be on the DO NOT DISTURB REISTRY.