
Scott Mountain Bedstraw
(Galium serpenticum ssp. scotticum )
Rubiaceae (madder family)

Scott Mountain Bedstraw
Photo by Joe Molter, BLM

Description: Perennial bedstraw with woody base only, remainder of herbage is green and essentially hairless, 5 to 11 inches (12 to 27 cm) tall. Leaves are linear to narrowly ovate with flat tips. Flowers are whitish to yellowish-green and somewhat cupped at the base, 4 parted, and very small. Fruits are also small, comprised of two nutlets covered with long hairs.

Distribution: Within public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management's Redding Field Office, found in the Trinity Alps, Scott Mountains in the Klamath Mountain Ranges, as well as Trinty and Siskiyou counties.

Habitat: Steep serpentine talus slopes in lower montaine coniferous forest, at elevations between 3200 to 7000 feet (1000 to 2100 m).

Flowering Period: June and July

Similar Plants: This plant belongs to a complex of related species and requires an understanding of the geographic position and range of variation with populations for correct determination.

Status: BLM Sensitive, California Native Plant Society List 1B


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Plant Terms

Diagram of Plant Parts

Definitions of
Plant Status

  Field Office: Redding