1~Campaign~Synoptic Data for all Instruments~N/A~Instrument PIs~This campaign number is reserved for the standard synoptic programs of most SOHO experiments. In many cases the synoptic observations provide supporting data for simultaneous SOHO campaigns.~CDS; SUMER; EIT; LASCO; UVCS; MDI; TRACE(S/C)~1995/12/02~2020/01/01~ 3~JOP012~Prominence Observing Program~To determine T, density and v as a function of time in prominences and surrounding. To check the Siphon model of Poland and Mariska~Brigitte Schmieder~NOTE: This campaign was carried out jointly with campaign # 6 (JOP017); check that record as well. Daily observations from 08:00 - 13:00 UT It is difficult to forcast the presence of a prominence 24 hours before. Due to that we observed small prominences on June 5 and 6. / EIT: 304 2 min cadence June 4-9 /~SUMER:Terry Kucera; CDS:Bill Thompson and Terry Kucera; Pic du Midi (GBO):Brigitte Schmieder, Jean-Marie Malherbe, and Tierry Roudier; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C):Max Weber and Hugh Hudson; Izmiran (GBO); Ondrejov (GBO); Wroclaw (GBO); EIT~1996/06/03~1996/06/09~ 5~JOP017~Quiescent Filament or Polar Crown Filament_2~To study the dynamics of the transition region of a filament using Si IV lines and chromospheric line to coalign with Halpha filament.~Brigitte Schmieder~Daily observations from 07:00 - 10:00 UT. CDS: 5:36 - 7:18, SUMER: 6:56 -10:56, EIT Synoptic data~SUMER; CDS; EIT~1996/05/16~1996/05/16~cmp_005.txt 6~JOP017~Quiescent Filament or Polar Crown Filament_3~To study the dynamics of the transition region of a filament using Si IV lines or O IV and a chromospheric line to coalign with Halpha filament.~Brigitte Schmieder~NOTE: This campaign has been carried out jointly with campaign # 3 (JOP012); check that record as well. Daily observations from 06:00 - 08:00 UT A long N/S filament has been followed from June 6-9 (E40to W9). / EIT: 304 2 min cadence on June 4 and 6 /~SUMER; CDS; Pic du Midi (GBO); Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); EIT;~1996/06/03~1996/06/09~cmp_006.txt 7~Campaign~VLA-SOHO coordinated observations~(1) Sunspot gyroresonance stereoscopy (2)Temperature and density structure of active regions (3)Temperature and density structure of quiet corona~Markus Aschwanden~Except 05/25, daily observations over 10 hours (15-01 UT). Because the Sun was absolutely quiet (no sunspots, no active regions), the scientific objective (3) was pursued. // EIT_support:synoptic_only_25th_and_26th~SUMER; CDS; EIT; VLA (GBO); Yohkoh-SXT(S/C); Kitt Peak (GBO); Owens Valley Radio Observatory (GBO)~1996/05/23~1996/05/26~ 8~Campaign~Transient Brightenings~Structure and dynamics of Transient Brightenings and Their Relation to Magnetic Field Geometry.~George Fisher~Bright Active Region observed at disk center from roughly 17:00 to 19:00 UT. ; EIT support: 304 synoptic~SUMER; CDS; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); Kitt Peak (GBO); EIT~1996/06/06~1996/06/06~ 9~Campaign~Filling Factors of Hot Coronal Loops~To determine the filling factors of hot (> 1 MK) coronal loops. Such filling factors are important for understanding coronal heating. A secondary objective is to evaluate the meaning of filter ratio temperatures measured by the SXT on Yohkoh, given that the observed plasma is unlikely to be isothermal along the line-of-sight.~James Klimchuk~An active region complex was observed on the disk and at the limb. The data seem adequate for the filling factor measurements. // EIT_support:synoptic~CDS:Richard Harrison, Andrzej Fludra; SUMER:Klaus Wilhelm, John Mariska; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C):Serge Savy, Hugh Hudson ; EIT~1996/05/13~1996/05/16~ 10~JOP026~The Signature of Ca II K Grains in the Transition Region and Corona~Study of the Ca K grain phenomenon and its impact on the higher atmospheric layers by coordinated observations of the Ca II K line from ground and selected UV lines from SUMER, CDS, and EIT.~Bernhard Fleck~Date Tenerife Seeing SUMER CDS EIT 14 June Ca K Filter 2-5 C+A x - 15 June Ca K, H-a, Mgb2 Filter 2-5 B+D x - 16 June Ca K, H-a, Mgb2 Filter 2-4 C+A x - 17 June - clouds B+D x - 18 June Ca K, H-a, Mgb2 Filter 2-3 C+E x He 304 No observations June 19 - 21. - 21 June SUMER + EIT at NE limb - 22 June Ca K + Mgb2 Spectra 2-3 - x He 304 23 June Ca K + Mgb2 + Filter 1-3 - x He 304 24 June Ca K + Mgb2 + Filter 2-4 C+A x - 25 June Ca K + Mgb2 + Filter 3-4 B+D x He 304 - EIT support: 304 30 sec cadence on June 17-18,21-23,25~SUMER; CDS; EIT; VTT Tenerife (GBO)~1996/06/14~1996/06/25~ 12~JOP028~Streamers~Investigation of plasma diagnostics, structure and evolution of streamer legs, footprint, cusps, and current sheets using CDS, SUMER, UVCS, and LASCO.~Dominic Zarro~Excellent CDS NIS data in HeI, FeX, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XVI, XXI, XX2 obtained for East limb streamer footpoints. CDS performed 4x4 arcmin rasters centered on -945E~CDS; SUMER; UVCS; LASCO;~1996/04/27~1996/04/28~ 13~JOP043~Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Macrospicules~To study the spatial and temporal characteristics of macrospicules, their temperature and density structure, and to explore their role in the solar wind flow. This joint observing program involves coordinated observations between the VLA (Very Large Array) and SOHO (SUMER, EIT, CDS).~Shadia Rifai Habbal~Daily observations from 14:30 - 19:30 UT. June 1 - North Pole ; June 2 - South Pole EIT support: 195 70 second cadence + 195/304 synoptic~SUMER; CDS; EIT; VLA (GBO)~1996/06/01~1996/06/02~ 14~JOP043~Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Macrospicules_2~To study the spatial and temporal characteristics of macrospicules, their temperature and density structure, and to explore their role in the solar wind flow. This joint observing program involves coordinated observations between the VLA (Very Large Array) and SOHO (SUMER, EIT, CDS).~Shadia Rifai Habbal~Daily observations from 14:30 - 19:30 UT // // June 8: North Pole // June 9: South Pole // // CDS: 15-19 UT // SUMER: 15-20 UT // // EIT: 304 2 min cadence~SUMER:Terry Kucera, Udo Schuehle; CDS:Richard Harrison, Dominic Zarro, Bill Thompson; VLA (GBO):Raymond Gonzalez; EIT~1996/06/08~1996/06/09~ 15~JOP035~Coronal Hole Structure and Evolution~To study the structure and evolution of coronal holes, with special emphasis on the stucture and activity in boundaries.~Jeff Newmark~Excellent CDS NIS data in SW Coronal Hole boundary region at 434~CDS; + ?~1996/04/19~1996/04/19~ 16~ICAL09~Above Limb Intercalibration~To intercalibrate UVCS, and SUMER, and to co-register UVCS and LASCO. A secondary objective is to compare spectral line positions for H I Ly alpha by UVCS to Fe XIV by LASCO.~Joseph Michels~UVCS/SUMER field of view did not overlap. Sequence problem.~SUMER; LASCO; UVCS~1996/03/06~1996/03/06~ 17~ICAL09~Above Limb Intercalibration_2~To intercalibrate UVCS, and SUMER, and to co-register UVCS and LASCO. A secondary objective is to compare spectral line positions for H I Ly alpha by UVCS to Fe XIV by LASCO.~Joseph Michels~New sequence (as described on the web) ran as planned. Initial analysis indicates useful data.~SUMER; LASCO; UVCS~1996/04/09~1996/04/09~ 18~ICAL09~Above Limb Intercalibration_3~To intercalibrate UVCS, and SUMER, and to co-register UVCS and LASCO. A secondary objective is to compare spectral line positions for H I Ly alpha by UVCS to Fe XIV by LASCO.~Joseph Michels~UVCS/SUMER sequences ran as planned. Data has not been analyzed.~SUMER; LASCO; UVCS~1996/05/13~1996/05/13~ 19~ICAL09~Above Limb Intercalibration_4~To intercalibrate UVCS, and SUMER, and to co-register UVCS and LASCO. A secondary objective is to compare spectral line positions for H I Ly alpha by UVCS to Fe XIV by LASCO.~John Kohl ; Joseph Michels~~UVCS; SUMER; LASCO~1996/05/29~1996/05/29~ 20~ICAL09~Above Limb Intercalibration_5~To intercalibrate UVCS, and SUMER, and to co-register UVCS and LASCO. A secondary objective is to compare spectral line positions for H I Ly alpha by UVCS to Fe XIV by LASCO.~John Kohl; Joseph Michels~~SUMER; UVCS; LASCO~1996/06/20~1996/06/20~ 21~JOP020~Nano-Flares~To search for evidence of downwardly propagating, nano-flare generated compressive waves in the corona and transition region. Secondary goal to consider the fate of the upwardly propagating acoustic waves that presumably heat the chromospheric cel centres.~Viggo Hansteen~Full title: Evidence for Nano-Flares in Coronal and Transition Region Lines (NFCTR). // EIT_support: full sun images before and after CDS times of 22:00-01:00 UT, in 171,195,304,284. //~SUMER:Terry Kucera; CDS:Richard Harrison; EIT: Dan Moses; MDI~1996/04/25~1996/04/26~ 22~JOP012~Limb Prominences~To observe prominences on the limb with CDS and SUMER. To determine T, density, and v as a function of time in the prominence and surrounding corona.~Terry Kucera~~SUMER; CDS; Big Bear (GBO):Hal Zirin~1996/07/18~1996/07/18~ 23~JOP023~X-ray Bright Points~To determine the spatial and temporal correspondence between XBPs and the evolution of the magnetic field and structures observed in the chromosphere and corona. KH~Karen Harvey~The SOHO part of the world-wide campaign is written up as JOP023 (Fludra). SOHO experiments participated on April 8 - 15 // EIT_support:April_6-12,15_@171,195,304,284~MDI: Ted Tarbell; CDS: Andzej Fludra; EIT: Dan Moses; SUMER; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C): Serge Savy; NSO/Kitt Peak (GBO): Karin Harvey; Mees Solar Observatory (GBO): Dick Canfield; Big Bear (GBO): Hal Zirin; Soonspot (GBO): Kiplinger; HAO/CHIP (GBO): Don Hassler~1996/04/06~1996/04/15~ 24~JOP023~X-ray Bright Points_2~To determine the spatial and temporal correspondence between XBPs and the evolution of the magnetic field and structures observed in the chromosphere and corona.~Karen Harvey~The SOHO part of this international campaign is written up as JOP023 (Fludra). // EIT_support:27-30th=304,171,284,195_equator_to_N.Pole~MDI: Ted Tarbell; CDS: Andzej Fludra; EIT: Dan Moses; SUMER; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C): Serge Savy; NSO/Kitt Peak (GBO): Karin Harvey; Mees Solar Observatory (GBO): Dick Canfield; Big Bear (GBO): Hal Zirin; Soonspot (GBO): Kiplinger; HAO/CHIP (GBO): Don Hassler~1996/05/27~1996/05/31~ 25~JOP036~Non-Equilibrium Ionization~To Determine Observational Signatures of Non-Equilibrium Ionization in the Solar Transition Region and Corona~Danile Spadaro~June_22:(CDS,SUMER)=7-9UT,(no_eit) // June_23:(CDS,SUMER)=7-9UT,EIT=9:50-10:30UT+synoptic // June_24:(CDS,SUMER)=10-12,EIT=8-9UT // June_25:(CDS,SUMER)=8:30-10:30UT,EIT=synoptic // June_26:(CDS,SUMER)=9-12UT,(no_eit) // CDS_usually_ran_JOP036_study_beyond_JOP_times // EIT_usually_ran_in_non_JOP_times~SUMER: Haugan; CDS: Harrison; EIT: Delaboudiniere~1996/07/22~1996/07/26~ 26~Campaign~EUV Emission Lines in Prominences~Comparison of prominence exciting EUV lines from SUMER with ground based H, He, Ca+ lines from Gregory and VTT at Tenerife.~Eberhard Wiehr~~SUMER: de Boer; GCT Tenerife (GBO): Suetterlin; VTT Tenerife (GBO): Stellmacher~1996/06/19~1996/06/28~ 40~Commissioning: J3~10 Arcmin spacecraft offset for VIRGO~A de-pointing exercise for testing the off- pointing sensitivity of the VIRGO-SPM, and for getting information about flat-fielding and stray of the VIRGO-LOI and SOI/MDI.~Piet Martens ; Eliane Larduinat~An offset test from the commissioning phase Description and script in attachments N/S: 4/3....E/W: 4/4~EIT; VIRGO; MDI; GOLF~1996/04/03~1996/04/04~cmp_040_virgo.html; cmp_040_j3.txt 41~J1~S/C roll maneuvre for calibration~The purpose of this test is to determine the polarization and stray light characteristics of several instruments: CDS, EIT, GOLF, LASCO, MDI, SUMER. SWAN and VIRGO.~Piet Martens ; Eliane Larduinat~This test was part of the commissioning phase. Description and test in the attachment~CDS; EIT; GOLF; LASCO; MDI; SUMER; SWAN; VIRGO~1996/03/19~1996/03/19~cmp_041_roll.html 90~ICAL01~Intercalibration 1~Intercalibration of CDS, SUMER, and EIT at quiet Sun area.~Udo Schuehle~EIT_support:18-21UT~CDS; SUMER; EIT~1996/03/25~1996/03/25~ 91~ICAL01~Intercalibration 1_2~Intercalibration of CDS, SUMER, and EIT at quiet Sun area.~Udo Schuehle~EIT_support: 14-16:30 UT~EIT; SUMER; CDS~1996/04/10~1996/04/10~ 92~ICAL01~Intercalibration 1_3~Intercalibration of CDS, SUMER, and EIT at quiet Sun area.~Udo Schuehle~CDS/NIS part only~CDS~1996/05/14~1996/05/15~ 93~ICAL01~Intercalibration~Track the sensitivity of each participating instrument and compare calibrations in common wavelength bands. Transfer absolute calibrations among instruments.~Udo Schuehle~~SUMER; CDS~1996/05/28~1996/05/28~ 94~ICAL01~Intercalibration 1_4~Intercalibration of CDS, SUMER, and EIT at quiet Sun area~Udo Schuehle~CDS,SUMER: 12-14 UT , sun center (no EIT)~CDS; SUMER;~1996/06/18~1996/06/18~ 95~ICAL02~Intercalibration 2~Intercalibration of SEM, CDS, SUMER, and EIT.~Udo Schuehle~Part 2 only / Sun Center / 17-23 UT / EIT:304,+synoptics~CDS; SUMER; EIT; UVCS; CELIAS/SEM~1996/06/19~1996/06/19~ 96~ICAL01~Intercalibration 1_5~Intercalibration of CDS, SUMER, and EIT at quiet Sun area~Udo Schuehle~18-20 UT~CDS; SUMER; EIT~1996/08/16~1996/08/16~ 97~ICAL09~Above Limb Intercalibration_1~To intercalibrate UVCS, and SUMER, and to co-register UVCS and LASCO. A secondary objective is to compare spectral line positions for H I Ly alpha by UVCS to Fe XIV by LASCO.~Joe Michels~~CDS; SUMER; UVCS~1996/03/29~1996/03/29~ 98~ICAL02~Intercalibration~Intensity calibration of CDS, EIT, SUMER, and UVCS through transfer of SEM data~Eddie Breeveld~Intercal002, phase 2 (see JOP description) // EIT does normal synoptic sets on this date //~CDS; EIT; SUMER~1996/04/27~1996/04/27~ 99~ICAL01~Intercalibration 1_6~Intercalibration of CDS, SUMER, and EIT at quiet Sun area~Udo Schuehle~no EIT and CDS~CDS; SUMER; EIT~1996/05/07~1996/05/07~ 100~ICAL02~Intercalibration~Intensity calibration of CDS, EIT, SUMER, and UVCS through transfer of SEM data~Joe Gurman~Phase 2 ...no CDS~CDS; SUMER; EIT; UVCS; CELIAS/SEM~1996/05/08~1996/05/08~ 101~JOP012~Prominence Observing Program~To test the programme, to determine T, density and v as a function of time in prominences and surrounding. To check the Siphon model of Poland and Mariska~Terry Kucera~Observations from 07:00 - 12:00 UT. Large extended prominence which leads to a CME observed by LASCO (G. Simnett, private communication).~SUMER; CDS~1996/05/01~1996/05/01~ 102~JOP012~Prominence Observing Program_2~To test the programme, to determine T, density and v as a function of time in prominences and surrounding. To check the Siphon model of Poland and Mariska.~Terry Kucera~Observations from 7:00 to 12:00 UT~SUMER; CDS~1996/05/03~1996/05/03~ 103~JOP039~Polar Plume Flow~Track the Emission from Several Polar Plumes~Craig DeForest~Done During South Off-pointing. Script available with JOP039 description Succesfully completed See: http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/operations/campaigns/soho/polarplumes.html for a description of results~CDS; SUMER; LASCO; EIT; MDI; UVCS~1996/03/07~1996/03/07~ 104~JOP035~Coronal Hole Structure and Evolution~To study the structure and evolution of coronal holes, with special emphasis on the stucture and activity in boundaries.~Dominic Zarro~EIT does synoptic sets throughout this day.~CDS; EIT; LASCO; MDI; SUMER~1996/04/29~1996/04/29~ 105~JOP013~Variability in the Transition Region~Quantitative and systematic treatment of the temporal variability in the quiet Sun~Olav Kjeldseth-Moe~EIT does synoptic set on this date.~CDS; EIT; MDI; SUMER~1996/04/30~1996/04/30~ 106~JOP015~High Velocity Events~To study high velocity or explosive events simultaneously at temperatures ranging from the lower transition region to the corona.~Olav Kjeldseth-Moe~~CDS; MDI; SUMER~1996/05/02~1996/05/02~ 107~Campaign~Comet Hyakutake Observations~To study the comet Hyakutake as it passes through the LASCO/C# and SWAN filed of view~Don Michels~Succesful; images and movieson LASCO and SWAN home pages~LASCO; SWAN~1996/04/30~1996/05/06~ 108~JOP015~High Velocity Events~To study high velocity or explosive events simultaneously at temperatures from the lower transition region to the corona~Olav Kjeldseth-Moe~~CDS; SUMER; MDI~1996/05/08~1996/05/08~ 109~JOP015~High Velocity Events~To study high velocity or explosive events simultaneously at temperatures ranging from the lower transition region to the corona~Olav Kjeldseth-Moe~SUMER did not participate on May 10~CDS; MDI; SUMER~1996/05/09~1996/05/10~ 110~JOP013~Variability of Transition Region~Qualitative and systematic treatment of the temporal vriability in the quiet Sun~Olav Kjeldseth-Moe~~CDS; MDI~1996/05/10~1996/05/10~ 111~JOP022~Network Study: Dynamics, Evolution, and Lifetime~The primary scientific goals of the observing program are: - the study of the short term (hours) and long term (days) dynamics of the network in quiet and coronal holes areas, - the characteristics of the atmospheric parameters associated with supergranular cells and their network boundaries ( 3-D morphology, temperature, density and velocity along the lifetime of structures) in quiet Sun and in coronal holes. - the contribution of the network to the energy budget of the solar atmosphere from the chromosphere to the corona and its variation along the rising activity cycle.~Philippe Lemaire~CDS_support:16-21UT // EIT_support:20-21UT+synoptic~CDS; EIT; MDI; SUMER~1996/05/14~1996/05/14~ 112~JOP002~Temperature Gradient in Coronal Hole~To determine the onset region of the solar wind by measuring the vertical temperature gradient in a polar coronal hole.~Philippe Lemaire~This run was a TEST only; no S/C roll performed~EIT; SUMER; UVCS~1996/05/15~1996/05/15~ 113~JOP002~Temperature Gradient in a Coronal Hole~To determine the onset region of the solar wind by measuring the vertical temperature gradient in a polar coronal hole.~Alan Gabriel~Roll performed on May 20 and 21. Roll direction originally different from planned, but observing programs were adjusted to cope. Successful; good data~CDS; EIT; SUMER; UVCS~1996/05/20~1996/05/21~ 114~JOP018~Sunspot Velocity Field and Line Profiles~To determine the flows in and around sunspots with great spatial resolution~Paal Brekke~~CDS; SUMER; VTT Sac Peak (GBO)~1996/05/24~1996/05/25~ 115~ICAL07~Intercalibration on 53 Tauri~To spatially co-register and to flux calibrate several instruments based on observations of a star.~John Raymond~UVCS and SUMER observing on May 25, May 27 respectively, LASCO has synoptic data~SUMER; UVCS; LASCO~1996/05/25~1996/05/27~ 116~JOP031~Solar Wind Above Streamers_1~To identify and characterize the coronal sources of the solar wind: Streamers contribution~Ester Antonucci~CDS support: 15-23 UT ; EIT support: E.limb, synoptic~EIT; LASCO; MDI; SUMER; UVCS; CDS~1996/06/04~1996/06/04~ 117~JOP031~Solar Wind Above Streamers_2~To identify and characterize the coronal sources of the solar wind: Streamers contribution~Ester Antonucci~Source location west limb (13N,67W) / CDS: 11-14 UT / SUMER: 11-15 UT / EIT: synopic~CDS; EIT; LASCO; UVCS; SUMER; MDI~1996/06/07~1996/06/09~ 118~ICAL~Venus Coronal Passage~Intercalibration through observation of nearly a point source~Jeff Newmark~Closest approach 15:00 UT on June 10. EIT and SUMER observed on June 10, LASCO and UVCS on June 11 and 12~EIT; SUMER; LASCO; UVCS~1996/06/10~1996/06/12~ 119~JOP 119~VARIABILITY AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF TRANSIENT INTERCONNECTING LOOPS~Multi-wavelength study of the evolution of magnetic structures~Farnik; Udo Schuehle (EOF)~West limb active region // 15:30-20:30 UT // EIT:195,171,284 1 min cadence~SUMER; CDS; EIT; VLA (GBO): Ken Lang~1996/06/14~1996/06/17~ 120~ICAL~SEM Rocket Underflight~Absolute calibration of SOHO instruments~Joe Michels ; Darrel Judge (SEM PI)~The above are the wavelengths covered and the spectral resolution of the instruments to be flown on our upcoming SOHO underflight. A USC SOHO intercalibration flight will be flown on June 25, 1996 from White Sand Missile range between 1 pm (-60+30 min) local Daylight Mountain Time. The rocket payload will contain the following instrumentation: (1) OFS using Neon Gas for wavelengths < 575 A with energy resolution of E/delta E 100. (2) Helium cell for measurement of absolute solar irradiance for wavelengths shortward of 504 A. (2) Neon cell for measurement of absolute solar irradiance for wavelengths shortward of 575 A. (4) SEM for measurement of absolute solar irradiance in the wavelength bands 1 - 125 A, 170 - 700 A and 304 +/- 40 A. (5) Ti or Ag coated Diode (if possible); Ti coated photodiode for measurement of absolute solar irradiance for wavelengths shortwards of 200 A; Ag coated photodiode for wavelengths shortwards of 125 A. (6) Al coated plus free standing Al filter Diode for measurement of absolute solar irradiance in the wavelength bands 1-125 A,170-700 A. (7) Hans Fahr s group in Germany will measure solar Lyman Alpha and Earth s H geocorona. // EIT: 304,171 full sun //~CDS; SUMER; EIT; CELIAS/SEM; SEM Rocket (Rocket)~1996/06/26~1996/06/26~ 121~JOP022~Network Evolution and Dynamics~OBJECTIVES of the run o Determination of the quiet Sun network lifetime o Measurement of the respective area of cell and network at several temperatures in the transition region. o Evolution of shape and intensity in the network.~Philippe Lemaire~Run as planned // EIT: sporatic 304,195,284,171 //~CDS; EIT; MDI; SUMER~1996/07/02~1996/07/06~ 122~JOP027~The Diffuse Corona~Clarify the nature of the diffuse corona at and above the limb. Determine whether or not the plasma is contained in magnetically closed structures. Determine the plasma properties as a function of height using CDS, SUMER, UVCS and LASCO.~Eddie Breeveld~LASCO C1 only~LASCO; MDI; SUMER; UVCS; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C)~1996/07/08~1996/07/08~ 123~JOP047~Minutescale Changes above the Network~To investigate the correlation between Radio, X-ray, UV and EUV brightenings~Arnold Benz~Pointing at disk center // EIT: 195,171 1min cadence + synoptic //~CDS: Dave Pike; EIT; Barbara Thompson; SUMER; VLA (GBO): Arnold Benz; NSO/Kitt Peak (GBO): Christoph Keller~1996/07/12~1996/07/12~ 124~Campaign~Filament Studies~Diagnostics of filaments observed simultaneously in radio and UV.~Franca Drago; Karine Bocchialini~17:43 - 22:43 UT // NE Limb // EIT: 304 (195,171,284) //~VLA (GBO): Franca Drago; CDS; SUMER: Hassler; EIT~1996/07/13~1996/07/16~ 125~Campaign~Polar Plumes Study~Loosely coordinated test of upcoming August polar plume JOP;~Barbara Thompson~Observations of North Coronal Hole Big Bear partly cloudy on Saturday, sunny on Sunday // EIT:_195_70sec_cadence //~EIT; UVCS; SUMER; Big Bear (GBO)~1996/07/13~1996/07/14~ 126~JOP045~Transient Brightenings and Magnetic Field Geometry~To study the relation between transient brightenings and magnetic separatrices~Dana Longcope ; Barbara Thompson~On July 15 only CDS, EIT and SUMER, 11-15 UT // No_run_on_July 16. // All on July 17 15-21 UT. July_18:CDS;SUMER;Yohkoh-SXT; // EIT_support:195,171_1-2min_cadence~CDS; SUMER; EIT; Mees Vectormagnetograph (GBO); Yohkoh-SXT (S/C)~1996/07/15~1996/07/18~ 127~JOP047~Minutescale Changes above the Network~To investigate the correlation between Radio, X-ray, UV and EUV brightenings~Arnold Benz~EIT and CDS could not complete all observations as planned~CDS; EIT; MDI; SUMER; VLA (GBO): Benz~1996/07/27~1996/07/27~ 128~Campaign~Filament Studies~Diagnostics of the filament-corona transition region using simultaneous radio and UV obsrvations.~Franca Drago ; Karine Bocchialini~EIT could not carry out observations as planned, but ran 2x2 summed, full field 304 + synoptic // VLA:15:48-20:48 UT~CDS; EIT; MDI; SUMER; VLA (GBO): Bastian;~1996/07/28~1996/07/28~ 129~Campaign~Chromospheric Oscillations~To look for oscillations in the TR .. several lines used~Gerry Doyle~Carried out as planned at sun center // CDS:13:20-23:45UT // SUMER:14:00-01:15UT // EIT:July_30=synoptic_only // EIT:July_31=304@1min_18:40-20,171@1min_21-22UT+synoptic~CDS; SUMER; EIT; MDI~1996/07/30~1996/07/31~ 130~JOP021~Solar Abundances from EUV Spectra~To study the FIP effect~Andrzej Fludra~Aug_1:CDS=15:30-21UT / SUMER=16-21UT / EIT=17-21:42UT Aug_2:CDS=16:31-23:30 / SUMER=17-23:30 / no_eit EIT_support:171,284,195,304_subfield_15_min_cadence~EIT; CDS; MDI; SUMER~1996/08/01~1996/08/02~ 131~Campaign~SOHO/Yohkoh Limb Active Region Study~Multi-wavelength study of AR coronal loops~Bob Bentley~6:00 - 9:00 daily // No EIT participation on August 6 and 7, Aug 8 EIT only 2x2 summed synoptic at 7:50 UT~CDS; SUMER; EIT; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C)~1996/08/06~1996/08/08~ 132~JOP001~Emerging, Submerging, and Canceling Magnetic Flux~(Phase 1)To determine whether there is (are) clearly distinguishable coronal signature(s) of small-scale, emerging, submerging, or canceling magnetic flux in any of the four EUV bandpasses of EIT, and if so, (Phase 2) to measure the UV and EUV emission measure of those signatures to determine quantitatively the amount of coronal heating that is contributed by small magnetic regions emerging from the photosphere.~Joe Gurman~Sun Center / MDI hi-res field // Aug_7:CDS=15-17,22-00UT/SUMER=15-00UT/EIT=18-00UT // AUG_8:CDS=15-17UT/SUMER=15-17UT/EIT=9:30-17UT // EIT_support:171,284,195,304_subfield_30_min_cadence~MDI; EIT; SUMER; CDS~1996/08/07~1996/08/08~ 133~JOP041~Connection Transition Region, Magnetic Fields~To study in detail the connection between transition region lines and the photospheric magnetic field, both in the quiet Sun and in active regions.~Stein Vidar Hagfors Haugan~Completed as planned~CDS; SUMER; MDI~1996/08/14~1996/08/14~ 134~Campaign~MDI - La Palma_1~Studies of photospheric flows and magnetic evolution.~Ted Tarbell~Default target is Sun center. Observations 8 - 17 UT See also campaign # 240, later that month. Aug_17-18:EIT= 25_min_cadence_subfield_171,284,195,304~MDI; La Palma/SSO (GBO); EIT~1996/08/15~1996/08/18~cmp_134.txt 135~Collaboration~Sunspot Oscillations~Search for MAG (magneto-acoustic gravity) waves, their relation to the magnetic fine structure, and their non-adiabatic behaviour~Juergen Staude~7 - 13 UT on 1996/08/20 - 24 and 08/29~SUMER; EIT; CDS; GCT Tenerife (GBO); Einsteinturm Potsdam (GBO)~1996/08/20~1996/08/29~ 136~JOP041~Connection Transition Region, Magnetic Fields~To study in detail the connection between transition region lines and the photospheric magnetic field, both in the quiet Sun and in active regions.~Stein Vidar Hagfors Haugan~16 - 19 UT // EIT_support:19:00UT_synoptic~MDI; CDS; SUMER; EIT~1996/08/23~1996/08/23~ 137~ICAL07~Alpha Leo Intercalibration~Use of known Alpha Leo flux to provide photometric reference values to SUMER and UVCS~John Raymond~~SUMER; UVCS~1996/08/22~1996/08/22~ 138~JOP048~Comprehensive Polar Plume Observations~To obtain a full day of intensively coordinated observations of polar plumes on the part of most SoHO instruments.~Craig DeForest~North Pole, 19 - 03 UT // EIT_support:195_15min_candence+synoptic~MDI; EIT; SUMER; LASCO; UVCS~1996/08/23~1996/08/24~ 190~JOP044~The Large Scale Structure of the Solar Minimum Corona~To understand the large-scale, stable, coronal structure of equatorial helmet streamers and polar coronal holes that can persist for several solar rotations at solar minimum.~Sarah Gibson; Douglas Biesecker~This campaign is also known as Whole Sun Month, a month of coordinated synoptic observations. For results see: http://serts.gsfc.nasa.gov:80/whole_sun/~LASCO; CDS; SUMER; UVCS; EIT; MDI; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); SWAN; Mauna Loa (GBO); NSO/Sac Peak (GBO); NSO/Kitt Peak (GBO)~1996/08/10~1996/09/08~ 211~Campaign~Sunspot Campaign~No write-up was received~Joe Gurman~8-11 UT // (-85,-300) arcsec // EIT_support:_171_w/36sec_cadence~EIT; SUMER; CDS~1996/08/29~1996/08/29~ 220~JOP018~Sunspot Velocity Field and Line Profiles_2~To determine the flows in and around sunspots with great spatial resolution~Paal Brekke~11-14 UT~CDS; SUMER; VTT Sac Peak (GBO)~1996/08/02~1996/08/02~ 240~Collaboration~MDI - La Palma_2~Studies of photospheric flows and magnetic evolution.~Ted Tarbell~Observations 8-19 UT, combined with JOP001 and EIT on 8-18 UT (#260). See also campaign # 134, earlier that month. // Sun Center - MDI hi-res field // EIT:171,284,195,304_subfield_30min_cadence+synoptic, (except on Aug 27,29-31 EIT only does synoptic) //~MDI; La Palma/SSO (GBO); EIT; CDS~1996/08/23~1996/08/31~ 241~Campaign~Equatorial Coronal Hole~To study the line-of-sight passage of a coronal hole~Joe Gurman~EIT_support: Aug_27=195 70sec cadence w/171+304 added, Aug_28=overlaps field of capaign #260, Aug_29=no EIT, Aug_30=synoptic, Aug_31=no EIT~CDS; SUMER; EIT; CELIAS/MTOF; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); MDI~1996/08/26~1996/08/31~ 242~Campaign~Active Region Study~To track an Active Region as it passes the disk with several experiments~Joe Gurman~Target: NOAA AR 7986 EIT, SUMER, and CDS did not participate 8/26-27/1996 // EIT_support: Aug_28=overlap_field with campaign #260, Aug_29=no EIT, Aug_30-31=171,284,195,304 30min cadence + synoptic //~EIT; SUMER; MDI; CDS; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C)~1996/08/26~1996/08/31~ 260~JOP001~Emerging/Submerging/Canceling Magnetic Flux Regions~To Deternine whether there is clearly distinguishable coronal signature of small-scale, emerging, submerging, or canceling magnetic flux in any of the EUV bandpasses.~Joe Gurman~Phase 1 // EIT_support (Aug 26 and 28): 171,284,195,304_subfield_30min_cadence plus synoptic EIT_support (Aug 27,29-31): synoptic only //~EIT; MDI; La Palma/SSO (GBO)~1996/08/26~1996/08/31~ 270~ICAL01~Intercalibration 1_7~Intercalibration of CDS, SUMER, and EIT at quiet Sun area~Udo Schuehle; Richard Harrison~Sun Center // CDS:8-11,22-23UT //SUMER:8-15,23-00:50UT // EIT not formal ICAL_1, but cmp #260 overlaps field~SUMER; CDS; EIT~1996/08/26~1996/08/26~ 280~ICAL07~Rho Leo~Use of known Rho Leo flux to provide photometric reference values to SUMER and UVCS~Philippe Lemaire; John Raymond~Successful~UVCS; CDS; SUMER~1996/08/27~1996/08/29~ 290~JOP048~Comprehensive Polar Plume Observations~To obtain a full day of intensively coordinated observations on the part of most SoHO instruments~Craig DeForest~Target is North Pole // EIT support: synoptic~MDI; EIT; SUMER; CDS~1996/08/30~1996/08/31~ 300~Collaboration~Sac Peak~~Bruce Lites (Sac Peak); Tom Moran (EOF)~~VTT Sac Peak (GBO); SUMER; La Palma/SSO (GBO); CDS~1996/09/03~1996/09/10~ 310~Collaboration~Velocity Field in Photosphere and Transition Region~~M. Mathioudakis~7:00 - 14:00 UT~SUMER, VTT Tenerife (GBO)~1996/09/02~1996/09/02~ 320~ICAL09~Above Limb Intercalibration_6~To intercalibrate UVCS, and SUMER, and to co-register UVCS and LASCO. A secondary objective is to compare spectral line positions for H I Ly alpha by UVCS to Fe XIV by LASCO.~John Kohl~~UVCS, SUMER~1996/09/04~1996/09/04~ 330~ICAL02~Intercalibration 2_2~Intercalibration of SEM, CDS, SUMER, and EIT~Udo Schuehle~~CDS; SUMER; EIT; CELIAS/SEM~1996/09/05~1996/09/05~ 340~JOP046~Dynamics and Helium Line Formation~To measure He I and He II (Balmer) line profiles as a function of time using the unique capabilities of SUMER, coupled with supporting lines formed in the corona and chromosphere and with imaging data from CDS and EIT.~Viggo Hansteen~EIT Bake-out on that day~SUMER; CDS~1996/09/09~1996/09/09~ 350~JOP020~Nano-Flares Observations~To look for evidence of downwardly propagating, nano-flare generated compressive waves in the corona and transition region. As a secondary goal we would consider the fate of the upwardly propagating acoustic waves that presumably heat the chromospheric cell centres.~Viggo Hansteen (EOF)~~SUMER; CDS; EIT; MDI~1996/09/09~1996/09/09~ 360~JOP026~The Signature of Ca II K Grains in the Transition Region and Corona~Study of the Ca K grain phenomenon and its impact on the higher atmospheric layers by coordinated observations of the Ca II K line from ground and selected UV lines from SUMER, CDS, and EIT.~Bernhard Fleck ; Sebastian Steffens~only SUMER participated in this campaign; for first run of JOP026 in June 1996 see campaign #10~SUMER, VTT Tenerife (GBO)~1996/09/14~1996/09/19~ 365~Collaboration~Multiple Velocities over Active Regions~To measure high velocity events simultaneously with SUMER (TR lines) and the GCT (chromospheric and photospheric lines).~Karin Muglach; Klaus Wilhelm; Udo Schuehle~9/15, 12:00 - 15:00 UT; 9/16, 13:00 - 16:00 UT; 9/17, 15:00 - 18:00 UT; 9/18, 9:45 - 12:00 UT; 9/19, 7:00 - 10:00 UT; 9/20, 7:30 - 12:00 UT~GCT Tenerife (GBO); SUMER~1996/9/15~1996/9/20~ 369~ICAL~Test for SERTS Rocket Flight~Test sequences and timeline for SERTS flight, test voice link with White Sands~Roger Thomas; William Thompson~~CDS; EIT~1996/10/29~1996/10/29~ 370~ICAL~SERTS Rocket Flight~CDS and possibly SUMER radiometric cross-calibration using the SERTS rocket. CDS wavelength cross-calibration using the SERTS rocket. EIT and CELIAS SEM radiometric cross-calibration using the SERTS rocket. Determination of EIT 304A channel spectral composition using SERTS rocket.~Roger Thomas; William Thompson~http://orpheus.nascom.nasa.gov/serts See campaign 369 for test run~CDS; SUMER; CELIAS; EIT; SERTS (Rocket)~1996/11/13~1996/11/13~ 390~JOP017~Quiescent Filament or Active Region~To study the flow (steady and rapid variation) in and around chromospheric structures in the transition zone and coronal lines.~Terry Kucera~~CDS; SUMER~1996/09/21~1996/09/29~cmp_390.txt 400~JOP022~Network Dynamics~The primary scientific goals are: - the study of the short term (hours) and long term (days) dynamics of the network in quiet and coronal holes areas, - the characteristics of the atmospheric parameters associated with supergranular cells and their network boundaries ( 3-D morphology, temperature, density and velocity along the lifetime of structures) in quiet Sun and in coronal holes. - the contribution of the network to the energy budget of the solar atmosphere from the chromosphere to the corona and its variation along the rising activity cycle. OR: OBJECTIVES of the run o Determination of the quiet Sun network lifetime o Measurement of the respective area of cell and network at several temperatures in the transition region. o Evolution of shape and intensity in the network. OR: High cadence in network imaging.~Andrzej Fludra~~EIT; SUMER; CDS~1996/10/18~1996/10/19~ 410~JOP029~Filament Flow Study~Search for flows at different temperatures in quiescent filaments to see if the source of mass comes from condensation of coronal matter or, as the we believe, the mass is injected from the chromosphere, possibly along the long appendages (feet or barbs).~Paal Brekke~Lots of good data as far as we can tell after browsing the different data sets. The seeing at Lapalma varied somewhat. Sac Peak participated only a few days.~La Palma/SSO (GBO); VTT Sac Peak (GBO); CDS; SUMER; EIT; MDI~1996/09/17~1996/09/28~ 430~Campaign~Bright Point Study~~Don Hassler~~Mauna Loa (GBO); SUMER; CDS; LASCO; EIT; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); Big Bear (GBO); NSO/Kitt Peak (GBO)~1996/09/18~1996/09/20~ 431~Campaign~Bright Point Lifetimes~~Don Hassler; Eckart Marsch~~LASCO; EIT; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C)~1996/09/18~1996/09/27~ 444~Campaign~Filling Factors in Streamers~The objective is to diagnose the presence of electron density (N_e) inhomogeneities, along the line of sight, throughout the transition region (TR) and the corona.~Silvano Fineschi~In the extended corona, the diagnostics is based on comparing the intensity (I_c) of the collisional component of a coronal emission line [e.g., HI Lyman beta, 1025 Ang. (UVCS-OVI channel); FeXIV, 5303 Ang. (LASCO-C1)] to the polarized brightness (pB) of the visible K-corona (LASCO-C2 and UVCS-VL channel). The pB is proportional to , while I_c to . In the TR, CDS derives line emission measure (proportional to ) and observes density (i.e., ) sensitive chromospheric lines. The ratio /^2, that is, the filling factor, gives a diagnostics of the density inhomegeneities.~LASCO: Doug Biesecker; UVCS: Silvano Fineschi; CDS: Helen Mason~1996/09/26~1996/09/29~ 445~Campaign~Coronal Loop Footpoints~To study the variability of EUV emission at the footpoints of coronal loops observed by EIT and to search for correlations with with photospheric magnetic field changes recorded by MDI~Werner Neupert~The single avaiilable active region that was the target of the EIT study did not coincide with the high-resolution MDI field so a good correlative data set was not obtained . The EIT data were used in a paper entitled"Observations of Coronal structures above an Active Region by EIT and implications for coronal energy depostion" published in Solar Physics~MDI; EIT~1996/09/22~1996/09/29~ 450~ICAL09~Above Limb Intercalibration_7~To intercalibrate UVCS, and SUMER, and to co-register UVCS and LASCO. A secondary objective is to compare spectral line positions for H I Ly alpha by UVCS to Fe XIV by LASCO.~Joe Michels~~UVCS; SUMER~1996/09/28~1996/09/29~ 460~ICAL02~Intercalibration 2_3~Intercalibration of CDS, SUMER, and EIT at quiet Sun area.~Udo Schuehle~Use of SUMER B_Detector~CDS; SUMER; EIT; CELIAS/SEM~1996/10/01~1996/10/01~ 470~JOP046~Dynamics and Helium Line Formation_2~To measure He I and He II (Balmer) line profiles as a function of time using the unique capabilities of SUMER, coupled with supporting lines formed in the corona and chromosphere and with imaging data from CDS and EIT.~Phil Judge~~EIT; CDS~1996/10/01~1996/10/02~ 480~Campaign~Filament Studies~To determine the temperature structure of filaments and their environments using multiwavength observations.~Terry Kucera; Nat Gopalswamy~CDS participated on the 15th and 17th only. VLA data available only for Sep 17~VLA (GBO); Nobeyama (GBO); Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); EIT; CDS~1996/09/08~1996/09/17~ 490~ICAL~Off-Limb Intercalibration~~Helen Mason~To be distinguished from Intercal009, which involves SUMER and UVCS~UVCS; CDS~1996/09/10~1996/09/15~ 510~Collaboration~Polar Plumes Study~Characterizing the morphology, density and temperature structure, and possible variability of the north polar coronal hole, where steady, fast solar wind originates. The scope is to get, with the joint use of the several instruments, a detailed picture of the fast wind region, to study where and how the acceleration of the wind takes place.~Giovanni Peres~The EIT data of interest are those concentrating on the North Polar Coronal Hole and above it, during the week from 16 to 22 September 1996 and, in particular, the observations done for this purpose, on the 18 and the 21, from 16:00 to 20:00 UT. Repetead observations made with CDS and SUMER over the solar limb, at several times, and in the light of many lines whose temperature of maximum formation ranges from a few 10^4 K to 10^6 K, so as to cover the whole range of conditions. UVCS has spent more than 80 hours, the entire time not taken by the synoptic observations, during the week from 16 to 22 of september scanning the same polar coronal hole from 1.5 to 3.5 solar radii. The proposer was the UVCS lead scientist during that week.~UVCS; SUMER; CDS; EIT~1996/09/16~1996/09/21~ 520~JOP020~Nano-Flares~To search for evidence of downwardly propagating, nano-flare generated compressive waves in the corona and transition region. Secondary goal to consider the fate of the upwardly propagating acoustic waves that presumably heat the chromospheric cel centres.~Viggo Hansteen~~CDS; SUMER; EIT; MDI~1996/09/30~1996/10/06~ 525~Campaign~Active Region Campaign~~Chris St. Cyr ; Werner Neupert~~CDS; SUMER; UVCS; EIT; LASCO~1996/10/01~1996/10/02~ 530~JOP042~Non-Thermal Line Broadening~This study was designed to search for the nature of the non-thermal line broadening that varies with the line formation temperature. Wave motions influence spectral lines in characteristic ways and leave signatures in the spectral lines that may be used to discriminate between turbulence and wave broadening and also between different wave modes.~Paal Brekke~This study has been bumped twice. It was runned once and the data looks promishing.~CDS; SUMER; EIT; MDI;~1996/10/03~1996/10/04~ 535~ICAL01~Intercalibration 1_8~Intercalibration of CDS, SUMER, EIT and UVCS at quiet Sun area.~Joe Michels~SUMER program modified to cross calibrate with UVCS~CDS; SUMER; EIT; UVCS~1996/09/30~1996/09/30~ 540~JOP053~Features in Upper Atmosphere~Determination of the smallest size of features using deconvolution methods.~Sami Solanki~~SUMER; CDS; EIT; MDI~1996/11/26~1996/12/01~ 550~JOP054~Empirical Scaling Laws~To determine temperature, density, and length of coronal loops to verify the Rosner, Tucker, and Vaiana scaling law.~Sami Solanki~Original line list~CDS; EIT; MDI~1996/11/26~1996/11/29~ 551~JOP054~Empirical Scaling Laws_2~To determine temperature, density, and length of coronal loops to verify the Rosner, Tucker, and Vaiana scaling law.~Sami Solanki~Since no adequate active region was available on the sun at the time of these observations, it was replaced by the CDS quiet sun movie sequences of JOP053.~CDS; EIT; MDI~1996/12/03~1996/12/03~ 552~JOP054~Empirical Scaling Laws_3~To determine temperature, density, and length of coronal loops to verify the Rosner, Tucker, and Vaiana scaling law.~Sami Solanki~Since no adequate active region was available at the time of these observations, it was replaced by the quiet sun movie sequences of JOP053.~CDS; EIT; MDI~1996/12/06~1996/12/06~ 553~JOP053~Brightness of Features in the Upper Solar Atmosphere~Determination of the smallest size of features using deconvolution methods.~Isabelle Ruedi~Same as campaign 540, but without the support of SUMER On the 3rd and 6th of December the quiet sun sequence of JOP053 was run instead of JOP054 since no suitable active region was present for JOP054.~SUMER; CDS; EIT; MDI~1996/12/02~1996/12/08~ 554~JOP054~Empirical Scaling Laws_4~To determine temperature, density, and length of coronal loops to verify the Rosner, Tucker, and Vaiana scaling law.~Isabelle Ruedi~~CDS; MDI; EIT~1996/12/10~1996/12/10~ 556~JOP054~Empirical Scaling Laws_5~To determine temperature, density, and length of coronal loops to verify the Rosner, Tucker, and Vaiana scaling law.~Isabelle Ruedi~Modified line list Nb. 1~CDS; MDI; EIT~1996/12/15~1996/12/15~ 560~JOP055~Coronal Holes versus Normal Quiet Sun~Compare the temperature structure of coronal holes with that of the quiet sun and investigate the accelerating regions of the solar wind. Special emphasis is also set on the analysis of coronal holes boundaries in order to look for signs of magnetic reconnections.~Ruth Esser~Both disk and off-limb observations were carried out with SUMER and CDS.~CDS; EIT; MDI; SUMER; UVCS~1996/12/10~1996/12/17~ 565~ICAL09~Above Limb Intercalibration_8~To intercalibrate UVCS, and SUMER, and to co-register UVCS and LASCO. A secondary objective is to compare spectral line positions for H I Ly alpha by UVCS to Fe XIV by LASCO.~Joe Michels~~UVCS; SUMER~1996/10/14~1996/10/14~ 570~JOP033~UV and X-ray Jets~Multi-instrument high res, high cadence observations of jets, to investigate the possible connection between UV Transition region jets and SXR coronal jets, to determine the physical and plasma properties of jets and to look for evidence of reconnection as the jet driver.~Lyndsay Fletcher~20-24UT;CDS TRANREG,NFCTR,TEDE22N;EIT 4x4 1min cadnce;pole 14/10 (small jet/spicule),BPs 15,16/10 15/10 no Yohkoh participation~CDS; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); EIT; MDI~1996/10/14~1996/10/16~ 572~JOP033~UV and X-ray Jets_2~Multi-instrument,high resolution,high cadence observations of UV/SXR jets, with the aims of investigating the possible connection between UV transition region jets and SXR coronal jets, of determining physical and plasma parameters and of looking for evidence of reconnection as the jet driver.~Lyndsay Fletcher~18-21UT,21-24UT on 24/10;no CDS on 23/10,small efr observed, SUMER jets. See also #570~CDS; SUMER; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); EIT; MDI~1996/10/22~1996/10/24~ 574~JOP033~UV and X-ray Jets_3~Multi-instrument,high resolution,high cadence observations of UV/SXR jets, with the aims of investigating possible connection between UV transition region jets and SXR coronal jets, of determining jet plasma and physical parameters and of searching for evidence of reconnection as jet driver.~Lyndsay Fletcher~see also #570,572;21-24UT; 2 bright points;pole on 11/02;no SUMER 11/01~CDS; SUMER; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); UVCS; EIT; MDI~1996/10/31~1996/11/02~ 575~JOP052~Lock-In Detection of Network-Driven Waves in the Corona~To identify signatures of coherent wave motion on a five-minute time scale in the corona.~Craig DeForest~~MDI; SUMER; EIT; UVCS~1996/11/10~1996/11/11~ 576~Campaign~Macrospicules~~Werner Neupert~CDS did not participate on the 7th.~SUMER; EIT; Big Bear (GBO); CDS~1996/10/06~1996/10/09~ 580~JOP003~CME Onset Campaign~To study the onset phase of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs).~Terry Kucera~~CDS; SUMER; EIT; Big Bear (GBO)~1996/10/06~1996/10/11~ 585~JOP003~IACG 3 CME Onset Campaign~To follow a filament or active region as it rotates onto the limb, monitoring for CME s.~Terry Kucera; Viggo Hansteen~SUMER did not participate week 44.~CDS; EIT; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); Big Bear (GBO); UVCS; SUMER; Several ground based.~1996/10/28~1996/11/20~ 590~Collaboration~Tenerife-SOHO~Study the extent of magnetic structure in the transition zone~Philippe Lemaire~Bad weather in Tenerife~SUMER; VTT Tenerife (GBO)~1996/10/22~1996/10/24~ 604~Campaign~Dynamics of Equatorial Regions~~John Kohl~Connected with IACG campaign (#585)~UVCS; LASCO~1996/10/28~1996/11/03~ 610~ICAL01~Intercalibration 1_9~Intercalibration of CDS, SUMER, EIT, and UVCS at quiet Sun area.~Joe Michels~16:30 - 19:30 UT~CDS; UVCS; SUMER; EIT~1996/11/27~1996/11/27~ 620~ICAL01~Intercalibration 1_10~Track the sensitivity of each participating instrument and compare calibrations in common wavelength bands. Transfer absolute calibrations among instruments.~Joe Michels~~CDS; SUMER; UVCS; EIT~1996/11/04~1996/11/04~ 630~Campaign~X-ray Bright Points_3~~Karen Harvey~~MDI; SUMER; CDS; EIT; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); Big Bear (GBO); CSUN (GBO); Mauna Loa (GBO); SOONSPOT (GBO); NSO/Kitt Peak (GBO)~1996/10/27~1996/11/02~ 650~JOP009~Prominence Diagnostics and Dynamics~To understand the structure of prominences from the standpoint of the physics involved in the energy and force balance, processes that make them form, endure and disappear.~Frederic Paletou~GCT: 11/29 is the only day when some good data were acquired. The other times either the target was gone or things didn t work very well. Note that the observations start at 10:48 UT. contact: rmolowny@iac.es~SUMER; CDS; EIT; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); GCT Tenerife (GBO)~1996/11/25~1996/11/30~ 660~Campaign~Infrared Study of CO Oscillations~~Tom Ayres~~SUMER; NSO/Kitt Peak (GBO)~1996/10/22~1996/10/25~ 670~Campaign~MDI/LaPalma~~Jim Lemen ; Ted Tarbell~~MDI; EIT; La Palma (GBO)~1996/10/20~1996/10/20~ 680~JOP042~Nature of Non-thermal Broadening~This study was designed to search for the nature of the non-thermal line broadening that varies with the line formation temperature. Wave motions influence spectral lines in characteristic ways and leave signatures in the spectral lines that may be used to discriminate between turbulence and wave broadening and also between different wave modes.~Viggo Hansteen~~CDS; SUMER~1996/11/01~1996/11/01~ 690~Campaign~St. Andrews/RAL LOOPS Campaign~to look for oscillations in loops and to recreate the 3-d magnetic field structure of those loops~Jack Ireland; Robert W. Walsh; R. A. Harrison; E. R. Priest~a.k.a. St. Andrews LOOPS campaign basically JOP 59 in its first form~CDS; EIT; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); MDI~1996/11/12~1996/11/15~ 700~Campaign~Loop Filling Factor~To determine the filling factors of hot (> 1 MK) coronal loops. Such filling factors are important for understanding coronal heating.~James Klimchuk~~CDS; EIT; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C)~1996/10/23~1996/10/25~ 705~Campaign~Polar Plumes~~Barbara Thompson~Tues: 14-17 UT, Fri: 14-19 UT, Sat: 14-01 UT~EIT; CDS; SUMER~1996/11/04~1996/11/10~ 710~Collaboration~Prominence Magnetic Field Measurements~Test of measurment of prominence magnetic field by the Hanle effect. CDS does supporting measurments of the time evolution of the prominence.~Bruce Lites ; Dominic Zarro~Poor weather at Sac Peak on 27 and 28 October.~VTT Sac Peak (GBO); CDS~1996/10/26~1996/10/30~ 720~Campaign~Coordinated Observations of the K Corona~To determine the coronal electron density~Silvano Fineschi (UVCS); Doug Biesecker (LASCO)~The coronal electron density is derived from broad-band measurements of the polarized brightness (pB) of the K-corona. Different instruments are used for measurements at different heights: 1.1 - 1.4 Ro => Mauna Loa Mark III 1.5 - 3.5 Ro => UVCS Visible lLght Channel 2.1 - 30. Ro => LASCO C2 and C3~UVCS; LASCO~1996/11/05~1996/11/06~ 730~Campaign~Density Structure of Polar Transition Region and Corona~To study electron density inhomogeneities in a polar hole, from the transition region, up to the extended corona~Silvano Fineschi (UVCS); Andrzej Fludra (CDS)~See campaign #444~UVCS; CDS; SUMER~1996/11/07~1996/11/10~ 740~Campaign~IPS Coordinated Observations~To determine outflow velocities of coronal plasma~Silvano Fineschi (UVCS); Bill Coles (VLA)~The solar plasma outflow velocities measured by use of the Doppler dimming technique with UVCS are compared to those derived from interplanetary scintillation (IPS) radio observation with the VLA.~UVCS; VLA (GBO)~1996/11/09~1996/11/11~ 750~Campaign~LASCO/EIT Off-limb Loop Diagnostics~To determine the velocity and temperature profiles of stable loop structures by using the EIT ratio of 195 to 171 angstrom images and by combining LASCO C1 on-band and off-band images~Barbara Thompson~~LASCO; EIT~1996/11/14~1996/11/15~ 760~Campaign~O(VI) in the Northern Coronal Hole~An observational data set would provide us with a detailed behavior of the 1037 intensity vs. height profile, enabling us to determine the onset, and successive behavior, of CII pumping.~Angela Ciaravella, Giannina Poletto~~UVCS; SUMER~1996/11/11~1996/11/17~ 770~JOP057~Observations of Polar Jetlets~We want to clarify the relationship between (quasi- stationary) polar jet like features seen in EUV (EIT), in W-L (Eclipses), and the SXR jets & jetlets recently analysed using SXT sequences from Yohkoh.~Ken Dere~~CDS; EIT; SUMER; Pic du Midi (GBO); VTT Sac Peak (GBO); Sonora (GBO); Yohkoh-SXT (S/C)~1996/12/10~1996/12/17~ 780~JOP056~The Interstellar Focusing Cone~To observe the gravitational focusing cone of interstellar material at the time when the Earth (and SOHO) pass just above the cone, around December 2. In this privileged geometry, which occurs only once per year, the cone is much brighter and conspicuous.~Eric Quemerais~~SWAN; LASCO; UVCS; SUMER; EIT; CDS; CELIAS~1996/12/05~1996/12/07~ 790~JOP002~Temperature Gradient in a Coronal Hole~To determine the onset region of the solar wind by measuring the vertical temperature gradient in a polar coronal hole.~Alan Gabriel~~CDS; SUMER; EIT; LASCO; UVCS; MDI~1996/11/21~1996/11/22~ 800~Campaign_1~Vector Magnetogram AR at 45 Degrees Roll~~Craig DeForest~~EIT; MDI; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C)~1996/11/21~1996/11/22~ 810~Campaign~90 Degree Angle between SOHO and Ulysses~Ulysses is near 90 degrees to Earth-Sun line. Material leaving the Sun at one limb will encounter Ulysses after several days.~John Raymond~First days spent at wrong limb due to coordinate system confusion.~UVCS; Ulysses (S/C)~1996/11/27~1996/11/29~ 820~Collaboration~He 10830 Observations~~Stuart Jordan; William Thompson~~CDS;NSO/Kitt Peak (GBO)~1996/12/02~1996/12/03~ 830~Campaign~High Latitude Streamer~~Lika Guhathakurta~~EIT; UVCS; CDS; MDI; LASCO~1996/12/18~1996/12/24~ 840~Campaign~Emerging Flux Bright Points Blinkers~Parameterize short lived emerging flux bright points~Jeff Newmark~20:00-20:29, stopped due to antenna outage~MDI; CDS; EIT~1996/12/05~1996/12/05~ 841~Campaign~Emerging Flux Bright Points Blinkers_2~~Jeff Newmark~~EIT; MDI; CDS; SUMER~1996/12/09~1996/12/09~ 850~JOP001~Emerging Flux_2~~Jeff Newmark~~EIT; MDI; CDS; SUMER~1996/12/06~1996/12/08~ 860~JOP054~Empirical Scaling Laws_6~To determine temperature, density, and length of coronal loops to verify the Rosner, Tucker, and Vaiana scaling law.~Isabelle Ruedi~Active region 8005~CDS; EIT; MDI~1996/12/16~1996/12/22~ 870~Campaign~Emerging Flux Bright Points~~Jeff Newmark~~EIT; CDS; MDI~1996/12/16~1996/12/22~ 880~JOP038~Diagnostics of Coronal Bright Points~The aim of the program is to derive a diagnostic (temperature, density, etc) of bright points using different lines formed a different altitudes, and ratios of lines sensitive to the temperature and density. This objective has also evolved in the sense that we are also interested in the statistical properties of BPs (wrt micro-scale heating).~Jean-Claude Vial~This campaign has been run about 8 hours during the week, without EIT during week days (EIT bake out) and with EIT during week-end. MDI Hi-res modes have been used fully. For instance on 9 January, we hit a BP (SUMER and CDS) which corresponds to a dipole. Two feet can be distinguished in euv above the two polarities. EIT images indicate that we were lucky to catch at least two BPs on the central meridian. Pub. REGNIER S., BOCCHIALINI K., VIAL J.C : Analyse statistique de Points Brillants de la Couronne Solaire, observ?s par SOHO, C.R. ACAD. SCI. SER. II,1998, 326, pp. 211~SUMER; CDS; EIT; MDI~1997/01/06~1997/01/12~ 900~JOP058~Search of Propagating Waves over the Chromospheric Network (N V line and Ne VIII line)~This JOP aims at the detection of propagating waves in the atmosphere. It uses SUMER, CDS, MDI and EIT.~Jean-Claude Vial~In January 1997, it was run without EIT. Real-time data seem to be good. This JOP has been repeated since, with EIT.~SUMER; CDS; EIT; MDI~1997/01/11~1997/01/12~ 910~JOP018~Sunspot Velocity Field and Line Profile~To determine the flows in and around sunspots with great spatial resolution.~Paal Brekke~Target of Opportunity~CDS; SUMER; MDI~1997/01/17~1997/01/17~ 920~JOP016~Formation of the He II 304 Line~To understand the formation of the He II 304 line in both the quiet sun (including coronal holes) and in active regions.~Stuart Jordan~16:00 - 23:00 UT~CDS; SUMER; NSO/Kitt Peak (GBO); Sac Peak (GBO)~1997/01/16~1997/01/17~ 930~JOP021~Solar Abundances from EUV Spectra~To study the FIP effect.~Andrzej Fludra~~CDS; SUMER; UVCS~1997/01/13~1997/02/02~ 940~JOP009~Active Region Filaments~To understand the structure of prominences from the standpoint of the physics involved in the energy and force balance, processes that make them form, endure and disappear~Jean-Claude Vial~We concentrated on QUIESCENT filaments. He 584 images from CDS show that we hit our targets. Some velocities (blueshifts!) have been measured at the vicinity of the S45 filament. This programme is superseded by the data of the first MEDOC campaign.~SUMER; CDS; EIT; MDI~1997/01/06~1997/01/12~ 950~JOP022~Network Dynamics~High cadence in network imaging~Philippe Lemaire~~SUMER; CDS; EIT; MDI~1997/01/17~1997/01/18~ 960~Campaign~Interplanetary Helium~The idea is to detect, through seasonal effects, the absorption of the solar He 584 A line by the interstellar Helium in the inner solar system (see the proposal of O. Puyoo et al.)~Jean-Claude Vial~The SUMER-CDS program was run every two days during the week. The first run (Tuesday 7) showed (P. Lemaire) that the line was not centered after opening the SUMER door. It was immediately corrected. The two other profiles are well centered. They show a very low absorption at line center.~SUMER; CDS~1997/01/07~1997/01/11~ 970~Campaign~Rapid Flux Evolution~~Joe Gurman~19:00-22:00 UT The extended movie campaign, where CDS/MDI/EIT all made high cadence movies at different heights close to disk center gave us a really nice time sequence showing rapid brightening in the network.~MDI; EIT; CDS~1997/01/14~1997/01/16~ 980~Campaign~Galileo-Sun Conjunction~~George Simnett~~LASCO; UVCS; Galileo (S/C)~1997/01/13~1997/01/17~ 990~JOP041~Connection Between Transition Region Lines and the Photospheric Magnetic Field~To study in detail the connection between transition region lines and the photospheric magnetic field, both in the quiet Sun and in active regions.~Paal Brekke~12:00-16:00 UT~CDS; SUMER~1997/01/16~1997/01/16~ 1000~Campaign~UV Blinkers~~Jean-Claude Vial~CDS: 15-18:30 UT...SUMER: 13-24:00 UT...CDS doors opened later than planned and the UV Blinker study was bumped.~CDS; SUMER~1997/01/15~1997/01/15~ 1010~JOP058~Search of Propagating Waves Over the Chromospheric Network~This JOP aims at the detection of propagating waves in the atmosphere.~Jean-Claude Vial~01/16 08:00-12:00 UT 01/17 00:30-14:00 UT Results of Campaign 1010 and 900 are given in : Gouttebroze, P., Vial, J.-C., Bocchialini, K., Lemaire, P., and Leibacher, J., 1998, Sol. Phys., to be published~SUMER; CDS; MDI~1997/01/16~1997/01/17~ 1020~Campaign~Off-the-limb Temperature and Density Study of an Active Region~~Paal Brekke~CONTRIBUTORS: H.E. Mason, P.R. Young, M.J. Penn, J. Kuhn, P. Brekke, H. Hudson Time requested for CDS: 4 hours per day for 4 days~VTT Sac Peak (GBO); CDS; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C)~1997/01/18~1997/01/24~ 1030~ICAL01/02~Intercal 001 and 002 Combined~Track the sensitivity of each participating instrument and compare calibrations in common wavelength bands. Transfer absolute calibrations among instruments.~Udo Schuehle~30th was cut short due to a watchdog error.~CDS; SUMER; EIT; UVCS~1997/01/30~1997/02/02~ 1040~Campaign~Polar Plumes / Microjets~Examine dynamics of polar plumes; if microjets observed, examine dynamics and possible magnetic field changes~Joe Gurman~JAN 19,20: 14-15:00 UT; JAN 21,22: 15-16:00 UT; JAN 25,26: 15-16:00 UT (MDI/EIT)~MDI; EIT; CDS; SUMER~1997/01/19~1997/01/26~ 1050~Campaign~Transition Region Variability~~Andrzej Fludra~Another run (possibly) sometime in February~CDS; SUMER; MDI~1997/01/22~1997/01/24~ 1060~Campaign~CME Watch~~Ken Dere~~EIT; LASCO~1997/01/27~1997/01/29~ 1070~Campaign~Jet Study~~Chris Haskell~~CDS; LASCO~1997/01/27~1997/01/31~ 1090~JOP052~Lock-In Detection of Network-Driven Waves in the Corona_2~To identify signatures of coherent wave motion on a five-minute time scale in the corona.~Craig DeForest~07:00-23:00 UT~MDI; EIT; SUMER; CDS~1997/02/03~1997/02/03~ 1100~Campaign~Explosive Events~~Claus de Boer~SUMER will run this program for 12 hours~SUMER; MDI; EIT; CDS~1997/02/04~1997/02/04~ 1120~JOP022~Network Dynamics_2~High cadence in network imaging.~Philippe Lemaire~~EIT; MDI; SUMER; CDS~1997/02/06~1997/02/07~ 1130~JOP021~Solar Abundances from EUV Spectra~To study the FIP effect.~Roger Thomas~~CDS; SUMER; UVCS; MDI~1997/02/07~1997/02/07~ 1140~Campaign~CME Watch_3~~Ken Dere; Jeff Newmark~On Feb 22 EIT switched from 284 to 304~EIT; LASCO~1997/02/12~1997/03/21~ 1150~JOP052~Lock-In Detection of Network-Driven Waves in the Corona_3~To identify signatures of coherent wave motion on a five-minute time scale in the corona.~Simon Plunkett; Roger Thomas~~EIT; CDS~1997/02/14~1997/02/15~ 1160~JOP009~Active Region Filaments_2~To understand the structure of prominences from the standpoint of the physics involved in the energy and force balance, processes that make them form, endure and disappear.~Claus de Boer~~SUMER; CDS~1997/02/06~1997/02/07~ 1170~ICAL01~Intercalibration 1_11~Intercalibration of CDS, SUMER, EIT, and UVCS at quiet Sun area.~Udo Schuehle~~CDS, EIT, SUMER, UVCS~1997/02/10~1997/02/10~ 1180~Campaign~Explosive Events_2~~Claus de Boer~~CDS; SUMER~1997/02/12~1997/02/12~ 1190~Campaign~Filament Oscillation Study~~Roger Thomas~~SUMER; CDS; MDI~1997/02/11~1997/02/11~ 1200~Campaign~Quiet Sun Studies in High Cadence~~Andrzej Fludra~~CDS; MDI; SUMER~1997/02/20~1997/02/20~ 1210~Campaign~Solar Occultation of NEAR Spacecraft~~Pat Daly~CDS participates on Feb 18- 19, 1997~LASCO; UVCS; CDS; NEAR (S/C)~1997/02/13~1997/02/24~ 1220~JOP009~Filament Movies~To understand the structure of prominences from the standpoint of the physics involved in the energy and force balance, processes that make them form, endure and disappear.~Andrzej Fludra~Yohkoh partipates on Feb 18 after 19 UT. Only CDS observes on 17.~CDS:Thompson; SUMER:Jordan; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C):Hudson~1997/02/17~1997/02/18~ 1230~JOP021~Solar Abundances from EUV Spectra: Quiet Sun~To study the FIP effect.~Andrzej Fludra~18:00 - 00:00 UT disk center~CDS; SUMER; MDI~1997/02/21~1997/02/23~ 1240~Campaign~Coronal Hole Long Duration Studies~Observe the southern coronal hole just above the pole.~Dave Pike; William Thompson~CDS has made the same observations at earlier times in the week.~CDS:Thompson; SUMER:Jordan~1997/02/21~1997/02/21~ 1245~JOP021~Solar Abundances from EUV Spectra: Quiet Sun~To study the FIP effect.~Andrzej Fludra~~MDI; CDS; SUMER; EIT~1997/02/24~1997/02/24~ 1250~JOP021~Solar Abundances from EUV Spectra: Active Region~To study the FIP effect.~Andrzej Fludra~~MDI; CDS; SUMER; EIT~1997/02/28~1997/03/03~ 1255~Campaign~Blinkers~~Craig DeForest~~MDI; CDS; SUMER~1997/02/25~1997/02/25~ 1256~Campaign~Filling Factor Studies~To study the fillling factors of coronal loops by using CDS to to compare density measurements made from line ratios and emission measure methods. SXT is used to study the hotter emission; density can only be found from EM method in this case. High time resolution not important.~Sarah Matthews~~CDS; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C)~1997/02/28~1997/03/05~ 1260~Campaign~Quiet Sun Study~~Sarah Matthews~~MDI; CDS~1997/02/26~1997/02/26~ 1265~Campaign~Active Regions~To search for transient brightenings in active regions using CDS and any accompanying magnetic field changes using MDI. Larger area context images also done with CDS.~Sarah Matthews~~MDI; CDS~1997/02/27~1997/02/27~ 1270~Campaign~UVCS CME Search with LASCO~~Rainer Schwenn~UVCS will observe when LASCO has given them warning of a CME entering their FOV~LASCO; UVCS~1997/02/17~1997/03/09~ 1275~JOP015~High Velocity Events~To study high velocity or explosive events simultaneously at temperatures ranging from the lower transition region to the corona.~Olav Kjeldseth-Moe~~CDS; SUMER~1997/03/04~1997/03/06~ 1280~JOP041~Transition Region Lines and the Photospheric Magnetic Field~To study in detail the connection between transition region lines and the photospheric magnetic field, both in the quiet Sun and in active regions.~Olav Kjeldseth-Moe~20 - 00 UT~CDS; MDI; SUMER~1997/03/10~1997/03/10~ 1285~Campaign~Diagnostics of Limb Coronal Loops~~Andrzej Fludra~16 - 20 UT~CDS; EIT; VTT Sac Peak (GBO); Yohkoh-SXT (S/C)~1997/03/05~1997/03/10~ 1290~Campaign~Polar Plumes~~Martin Laming~~CDS; SUMER; EIT~1997/03/07~1997/03/07~ 1295~JOP022~Network Dynamics_3~High cadence in network imaging.~Philippe Lemaire~~MDI; LASCO; EIT; CDS; SUMER~1997/03/14~1997/03/15~ 1300~JOP015~High Velocity Events~To study high velocity or explosive events simultaneously at temperatures ranging from the lower transition region to the corona.~Olav Kjeldseth-Moe~~CDS; SUMER~1997/03/11~1997/03/11~ 1305~ICAL01~Intercalibration 1_12~Intercalibration of CDS, SUMER, EIT, and UVCS at quiet Sun area.~Udo Schuehle~starts at 16 UT~CDS; SUMER; EIT; UVCS~1997/03/14~1997/03/14~ 1310~JOP021~Solar Abundances from EUV Spectra: Active Region~To study the FIP effect.~Andrzej Fludra~16:00-21:00 UT on Wednesday March 12~CDS; SUMER; MDI~1997/03/11~1997/03/12~ 1315~JOP022~Low Latitude Coronal Hole Network~High cadence in network imaging.~Phillippe Lemaire~Small coronal hole(?) intercepted~CDS;SUMER;MDI;EIT~1997/03/07~1997/03/08~ 1320~JOP046~Helium Study -- On a Coronal Hole Boundary~To examine time dependence of He I and He II line profiles relative to lines whose formation is better understood.~Phil Judge~~SUMER; CDS; EIT~1997/03/17~1997/03/23~ 1325~JOP020~Nanoflares~To search for evidence of downwardly propagating, nano-flare generated compressive waves in the corona and transition region. Secondary goal to consider the fate of the upwardly propagating acoustic waves that presumably heat the chromospheric cel centres.~Phil Judge~~CDS;SUMER;EIT;MDI~1997/03/17~1997/03/24~ 1330~JOP015~High Velocity Events~To study high velocity or explosive events simultaneously at temperatures from the lower transition region to the corona~Phil Judge; Bernhard Kliem~MDI did not participate on the 18th(see campaign 1330). 19-24 UT on 3/19~CDS; SUMER; EIT; MDI~1997/03/17~1997/03/19~ 1335~JOP015~High Velocity Events~To study high velocity or explosive events simultaneously at temperatures ranging from the lower transition region to the corona.~Bernhard Kliem~~CDS; SUMER; EIT~1997/03/18~1997/03/18~ 1340~Campaign~Chromospheric Dynamics~~Phil Judge~~SUMER; CDS; MDI; EIT; VTT Sac Peak (GBO)~1997/03/21~1997/03/30~ 1345~ICAL11~Practice run for Woods/Hassler sounding rocket campaign~To obtain a radiometrically calibrated "typical" or "characteristic" solar minimum full disk EUV solar spectrum, and provide a radiometric calibration for SOHO, as well as to provide radiometrically calibrated full disk images to compare with the irradiance observations and SOHO observations.~Don Hassler~~CDS; SUMER~1997/03/25~1997/03/26~ 1350~Campaign~Observations of Radio Source 0036+030~~Steven Sprangler~14:00 - 02:00 UT~UVCS; LASCO; VLA (GBO):Steven Sprangler~1997/03/28~1997/03/29~ 1355~JOP046~Helium Study -- On a Coronal Hole Boundary~To examine time dependence of He I and He II line profiles relative to lines whose formation is better understood.~Phil Judge~14 - 18 UT~CDS; SUMER; EIT~1997/03/24~1997/03/31~ 1360~JOP020~Nanoflares~To search for evidence of downwardly propagating, nano-flare generated compressive waves in the corona and transition region. Secondary goal to consider the fate of the upwardly propagating acoustic waves that presumably heat the chromospheric cel centres.~Phil Judge~14-22 UT; Not run on 3/25~CDS; SUMER; EIT; MDI~1997/03/24~1997/03/30~ 1370~Campaign~Velocity Structures above the Cusp of Streamers~~Roger Kopp~~UVCS; LASCO~1997/03/26~1997/03/30~ 1375~Campaign~Scattered Light in the Interplanetary Medium~~Phil Judge~EUVE observing about 50 hrs; SUMER: 0230-1345~SUMER; EUVE (S/C)~1997/03/26~1997/03/26~ 1380~Campaign~Filament Observations~~Ed Schmahl~http://fourier.gsfc.nasa.gov/ radioEUV See appended report by the coordinator~Nobeyama (GBO); Siberian Solar Obs (GBO); CDS; SUMER~1997/04/29~1997/04/30~cmp_1380.txt 1385~JOP059~Structure and Variability of Loops~To obtain temperature, density and magnetic field structure and to investigate high cadence temporal variations within the target coronal loop system.~Robert Walsh; Jack Ireland; Andrzej Fludra~~CDS; EIT; MDI; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C)~1997/04/03~1997/04/11~ 1390~Campaign~UVCS CME Search with LASCO~~Ester Antonucci ; Rainer Schwenn~15:00 - 20:00 UT, daily~UVCS; LASCO~1997/03/31~1997/04/06~ 1395~Campaign~South Polar Plumes~~Roger Thomas~16:20-23:30 UT~CDS; MDI~1997/04/01~1997/04/01~ 1400~Campaign~VLA-SOHO Observations of Transient Sources in the Solar Corona~~Paal Brekke ; Barbara Thompson (EOF)~VLA coordinator: Rob Willson April 10, 1997 -- 16 - 19 UT April 12, 1997 -- 14 - 18 UT~CDS;VLA (GBO);EIT~1997/04/10~1997/04/12~ 1405~Campaign~Rapid Variations in the Photospheric/Transition Region~Correlation between EUV emission dynamics and changes in photospheric magnetic field.~Paal Brekke~April 5, 1997: 19:00-00:00, April 6, 1997: 21:00-00:00 April 7, 1997: 21:30-24:00~CDS; MDI~1997/04/05~1997/04/07~ 1410~Campaign~LASCO/EIT Off-limb Loop Diagnostics~To determine the velocity and temperature profiles of stable loop structures by using the EIT ratio of 195 to 171 angstrom images and by combining LASCO C1 on-band and off-band images~Barbara Thompson~~LASCO; EIT~1997/03/28~1997/03/31~ 1415~JOP051~Quiet Sun UV/EUV and H-alpha Jets~To study Quiet Sun UV/EUV and H-alpha jets by joint SOHO/SUMER/EIT/CDS and BBSO/Halpha/VMG observations~Haimin Wang; Jongchul Chae; Rob Willson~VLA observing on: 4/15 (15:00-19:00), 4/17 (15:00-19:00), and 4/19 (15:00-19:00)~EIT; CDS; SUMER; Big Bear (GBO); VLA: Rob Willson (GBO)~1997/04/14~1997/04/19~ 1420~JOP061~Brightenings, Flows, and Waves~Investigation of temporal changes at different heights in the solar atmosphere.~Isabelle Ruedi~Test runs for campaign 1435 with only SUMER and CDS. The true campaign will also involve MDI (synoptic) and EIT. Beside the test runs, there is also one true 6 hour run of the SUMER program.~CDS; SUMER~1997/04/14~1997/04/20~ 1425~JOP054~Scaling Laws of Coronal Loops~To determine temperature, density, and length of coronal loops to verify the Rosner, Tucker, and Vaiana scaling law.~Isabelle Ruedi~EIT and MDI synoptic data only Modified line list Nb. 2~CDS;EIT;MDI~1997/04/19~1997/04/27~ 1430~JOP062~Helium Enhancement Study~To investigate the systematic behaviour of He I and He II line fluxes in comparison with atmospheric models determined from other transition region lines.~Keith Macpherson; Carole Jordan~~CDS;SUMER;EIT;MDI~1997/04/21~1997/05/04~ 1435~JOP061~Brightenings, Flows and Waves~Investigation of temporal changes at different heights in the solar atmosphere.~Isabelle Ruedi~8:00 - 18:00 UT Quiet sun observations on the 22nd, 23rd, 25th, and active region observations on the 26th. Additional quiet sun observations on the 26th with SUMER only. (see also campaign Nb. 1420)~CDS;SUMER;MDI;EIT~1997/04/22~1997/04/26~ 1440~ICAL01~Intercalibration 1_13~Radiometric calibration intercomparison between SOHO instruments~Udo Schuehle~18:30 - 21:00 UT ; UVCS did not contribute due to FOT testing~CDS; SUMER; EIT; UVCS~1997/04/24~1997/04/24~ 1445~Campaign~Filling Factors~~Dominic Zarro ; Shadia Habbal~04/24: 21:00 - 23:40 UT . . . . 04/26: 17:30 - 20:30 UT~CDS; UVCS~1997/04/24~1997/04/26~ 1450~JOP016~Formation of the He II 304 Line_2~To understand the formation of the He II 304 line in both the quiet sun (including coronal holes) and in active regions.~Stuart Jordan~~SUMER; CDS; EIT; VTT Tenerife (GBO)~1997/05/07~1997/05/16~ 1452~Campaign~Transition Region Study~~Stein Vidar Haugan~pointing at 700 , 0 , ran from 08:50 - 15:00 UT~CDS; SUMER~1997/05/06~1997/05/06~ 1465~Campaign~Comet SOHO-8~~Don Michels~~LASCO; UVCS; EIT~1997/05/01~1997/05/02~ 1470~Campaign~UVCS CME Search with LASCO~~Rainer Schwenn~~UVCS; LASCO; EIT~1997/04/28~1997/05/18~ 1475~Campaign~Polarimetry of Sunspots and Active Regions~~Karin Muglach~~GCT Tenerife (GBO);SUMER;EIT;MDI~1997/05/13~1997/05/18~ 1480~ICAL11~Woods/Hassler Sounding Rocket Calibration Flight~To obtain a radiometrically calibrated "typical" or "characteristic" solar minimum full disk EUV solar spectrum, and provide a radiometric calibration for SOHO, as well as to provide radiometrically calibrated full disk images to compare with the irradiance observations and SOHO observations.~Udo Schuehle ; Don Hassler~See campaign 1345 for test run~CDS;SUMER;EIT;UVCS;LASCO; Woods Hassler Sounding Rocket~1997/05/15~1997/05/16~ 1485~ICAL01~Intercalibration 1_14~Track the sensitivity of each participating instrument and compare calibrations in common wavelength bands. Transfer absolute calibrations among instruments.~Udo Schuehle~~CDS; SUMER; EIT; UVCS~1997/05/12~1997/05/18~ 1490~JOP009~Prominence Dynamics~To understand the structure of prominences from the standpoint of the physics involved in the energy and force balance, processes that make them form, endure and disappear.~Jean-Claude Vial~07:00 - 12:00 UT Data NOT analyzed~CDS; SUMER; UVCS; EIT; MDI; THEMIS-IPM (GBO)~1997/05/19~1997/05/26~ 1495~Campaign~Ulysses-Sun-Earth at 90 Degrees, Joint Observations~Joint observations by Ulysses and SOHO when they both see the same plasma - in the solar wind, and at the Sun, respectively.~Steve Suess~5-7 hours/day~UVCS; LASCO; Ulysses (SWOOPS,SWICS,Magnetometer) (S/C)~1997/05/19~1997/06/01~ 1500~JOP012/017~Prominence Studies~To observe prominences on the limb with CDS and SUMER to determine T, density, and v as a function of time in the prominence and surrounding corona.~Brigitte Schmieder~~SUMER; CDS; EIT; MDI; THEMIS (GBO); Pic du Midi/MSDP (GBO); Wroclaw (GBO), Haute-Provence (GBO)~1997/05/27~1997/06/05~cmp_1500.txt; cmp_1500_Schmieder.txt 1505~JOP009~Prominence Dynamics_2~To understand the structure of prominences from the standpoint of the physics involved in the energy and force balance, processes that make them form, endure and disappear.~Jean-Claude Vial~8-12 UT Very good dataset Data analyzed in terms of prominence oscillations : Blanco, B., Costa, A., Domenech, G., Rovira, M., Vial, J.-C., and Bocchialini, K., 1998, Multiresolution wavelet analysis of SUMER/SOHO observations in a solar prominence, submitted to Solar Physics Joint analysis with UVCS : underway with A. Ciaravelle~CDS; SUMER; UVCS; EIT; MDI; THEMIS-IPM (GBO)~1997/06/06~1997/06/14~ 1510~Campaign~Interplanetary Scintillation Over Limb Structures~~Andy Breen~07:15-09:15 UT~CDS; EIT; LASCO; UVCS; EISCAT (GBO); Yohkoh-SXT (S/C)~1997/06/07~1997/06/16~ 1511~JOP065~Inverse Evershed Effect~Probe the Inverse Evershed effect and dynamic phenomena associated with brightenings in the sunspot or its superpenumbra, with MDI studying the normal Evershed effect and the magnetic structure of the sunspot and its surroundings. To investigate the vertical and horizontal structure of these flows and possibly allow the detection of shocks.~Andrzej Fludra; Alan Gabriel~~SUMER; CDS; La Palma/SSO (GBO)~1997/06/06~1997/06/08~ 1515~Campaign~UVCS CME Search with LASCO Flag~UV spectroscopy of CMEs. LASCO provides an alert to UVCS when a CME is observed within the agreed time window.~Simon Plunkett~Daily...15:00-20:00 UT~LASCO; UVCS~1997/06/02~1997/06/08~ 1520~JOP056~The Interstellar Focusing Cone~Study of Helium, carbon, oxygen or dust emissions due to focusing of insterstellar matter in the wake of the sun.~Eric Quemerais~Best periods are December 6 (SOHO is downwind) and June 5 (SOHO is upwind). A previous version was run in the first week of December 1996.~SWAN; LASCO; UVCS; SUMER;~1997/06/04~1997/06/08~ 1525~Campaign~Chromospheric Dynamics~Determine statistical properties of brightness and velocity variability in strong lines of chromosphere and low transition region; for use in solar-stellar comparative studies. Project carried out in coordination with IR CO thermal mapping experiment at Kitt Peak.~Tom Ayres ; Alex Brown~Campaign was run as standalone experiment (i.e., without KPNO support) when SUMER slit was at West limb. // EIT_support:synoptic~SUMER; MDI; EIT; NSO/Kitt Peak (GBO):Rabin/Hill~1997/05/12~1997/05/18~ 1530~Campaign~EIT Short-Timescale Dynamics Study~Micro-variability in active region loops at a temperature of 10^6 K with a high temporal resolution (15 s)~Frederic Clette~Program not run 5/13: no proper target for SUMER 5/15: problems with the Big Pipe (high bandwidth transmission line) between Madrid Ground Station (DSS-61) and JPL~EIT; CDS; SUMER~1997/05/13~1997/05/15~ 1535~Campaign~Bright Points~Statistical study of coronal bright points~Narjes Bellamine ; Karine Bocchialini (MEDOC)~~CDS; SUMER~1997/05/19~1997/05/20~ 1540~Campaign~VLA Filament Study~Diagnostic of filaments observed simultaneously in radio and UV~Narjes Bellamine; Karine Bocchialini (MEDOC)~~VLA (GBO); CDS; SUMER~1997/05/19~1997/05/22~ 1545~JOP033~UV and X-ray Jets_4~Multi-instrument high res, high cadence observations of jets, to investigate the possible connection between UV Transition region jets and SXR coronal jets, to determine the physical and plasma properties of jets and to look for evidence of reconnection as the jet driver.~Brigitte Schmieder~~CDS; SUMER; EIT; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); Pic-du-Midi (GBO)~1997/05/26~1997/06/05~cmp_1545.txt 1550~Campaign~EIT Short-Timescale Dynamics Study~Micro-variability in active region loops at a temperature of 10^6 K with a high temporal resolution (15 s)~Frederic Clette~EIT shutterless mode campaign at 195 A 14:30-15:00 : preparation 15:00-16:00 : Shutterless Mode~EIT; CDS; SUMER~1997/05/23~1997/05/23~ 1555~JOP065~Inverse Evershed Effect~Probe the Inverse Evershed effect and dynamic phenomena associated with brightenings in the sunspot or its superpenumbra, with MDI studying the normal Evershed effect and the magnetic structure of the sunspot and its surroundings. To investigate the vertical and horizontal structure of these flows and possibly allow the detection of shocks.~Karine Bocchialini ; Narjes Bellamine (MEDOC)~Active Region 8402~CDS; SUMER~1997/05/23~1997/05/23~ 1560~Campaign~Active Network Observations~Active Network diagnostic~Karine Bocchialini ; Narjes Bellamine (MEDOC)~~CDS; SUMER~1997/05/23~1997/05/23~ 1565~Campaign~Network Oscillations~see JOP058~Jean-Claude Vial~For SUMER, we moved to the NeVIII lines in order to reduce the number of counts on the whole detector. Qs for October 98, the data have not been analysed.~CDS;SUMER;EIT~1997/05/27~1997/05/27~ 1570~Campaign~Coronal Hole Studies~Study coronal hole on disk~Philippe Lemaire; Chris Haskell~MDI and EIT synoptic~CDS; SUMER; MDI; EIT~1997/05/29~1997/05/31~ 1575~JOP061~Brightenings, Flows, and Waves~To investigate the systematic behaviour of He I and He II line fluxes in comparison with atmospheric models determined from other transition region lines.~Rob Willson~15:30-19:30~VLA (GBO); EIT; CDS~1997/06/03~1997/06/05~ 1580~Campaign~Filament Channel~~Alan Gabriel (MEDOC); Andrzej Fludra (EOF)~~CDS; EIT~1997/06/03~1997/06/03~ 1585~Campaign~VLA Filament Campaign~~Rob Willson (VLA); Alan Gabriel (MEDOC)~~CDS; SUMER; EIT; VLA (GBO)~1997/06/03~1997/06/05~ 1590~Campaign~Bright Point Campaign~see JOP038~Alan Gabriel ; Jean-Claude Vial (MEDOC)~Paper in progress by Aletti et al. (1998)~CDS; SUMER~1997/06/04~1997/06/04~ 1595~JOP050~The Smallest Observable Category of Eruptive Filaments~Objectives: (1) define in physical terms the smallest class of filament eruption events as distinguished from other types of macrospicules. (2) understand the processes leading to the formation and eruption of these filaments. (3) investigate their role in the transport of mass, magnetic flux, and energy up into the solar corona, including interactions with large-scale overlying coronal structure.~Alan McAllister~Kitt Peak Filtergraph, VTT Sac Peak/ UBF & ASP,~SUMER; CDS; EIT; MDI; Yohkoh SXT(S/C); NSO/Kitt Peak (GBO); VTT Sac Peak (GBO) ;Helio Research (GBO)~1997/06/09~1997/06/15~ 1600~JOP057~X-ray Jets in Coronal Holes~~Hirohiso Hara~20-22 UT~CDS; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C)~1997/06/30~1997/07/03~ 1605~ICAL01~Intercalibration 1_6~Intercalibration of CDS, SUMER, and EIT at quiet Sun area.~Ray O Neal~~SUMER; CDS; UVCS; EIT~1997/06/19~1997/06/19~ 1610~JOP060~Joint VLA-SOHO Observations of Transient Sources in the Solar Corona~1. What radiation mechanism can account for the brightness and circular polarization? 2. What is the spatial and temporal distribution of the UV and radio sources? 3. Is the variability due to intermittent heating, continued low-level flare activity, changing magnetic field topology or any combination of these?~Jeff Newmark (EOF); Rob Willson (VLA)~~VLA (GBO); CDS; EIT~1997/06/16~1997/06/22~ 1615~Campaign~Multi-Loop Modelling of Active Regions~Stereoscopic reconstruction of active region loops observed at different datys~Markus Aschwanden~17:00 - 01:00 UT~CDS; EIT; MDI; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); VLA (GBO)~1997/07/03~1997/07/06~ 1620~Campaign~Type I Radio Storm Study~~Bart De Pontieu~~CDS; Nancay (GBO); GCT Tenerife (GBO)~1997/06/30~1997/07/13~ 1625~Campaign~Coronal Electron Temperature~Obtain the electron temperature profile as a function of heliocentric height in the extended corona.~Silvano Fineschi~UVCS measures the electron scattered Ly-alpha line between 2.0-2.7 solar radii. The electron temperature is derived from the line profile. CDS off-limb measurements of line pairs to derive the electron temperature using line-ratio diagnostic techniques. SUMER observes the off-limb intensities of coronal lines. LASCO/C1 measures the line profiles and the polarized brightness of FeX and FeXIV lines. Polarization measurements of the continuum are also performed. From this pB measurement of the K-corona, the electron density is derived.~UVCS: Silvano Fineschi; CDS: Helen Mason; SUMER: Terry Kucera; LASCO: George Simnett~1997/07/07~1997/07/11~ 1630~Campaign~Limb Active Region Campaign~~Helen Mason ; Bill Thompson~Not running on July 11...During the week of the 14th, EIT will observe during Sac Peak s observations.~CDS; EIT; VTT Sac Peak (GBO)~1997/07/10~1997/07/17~ 1635~Campaign~Active Region Diagnostics~~Helen Mason~~CDS; EIT; SUMER; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C)~1997/07/08~1997/08/10~ 1640~Campaign~Macrospicules~~Andrzej Fludra~14 - 22:30 UT~CDS; EIT; VLA (GBO)~1997/07/12~1997/07/14~ 1645~JOP067~Coronal Mass Ejection Onset~To observe the stucture and evolution of the lower corona (1-2.8R) and the onset phase of the small CME blobs in the streamer belt with EUV, UV and white-light data.~Don Michels~Pointing: Fixed by SUMER - equatorial regions on limb, to be run if an active region, prominence, streamer, etc. is near to or in SUMER field Emphasis on observation of LASCO blob onsets 10-24 UT~CDS; EIT; LASCO; UVCS; SUMER~1997/07/15~1997/07/21~ 1670~Campaign~Fe Coronal Abundance Measurements~Determine the coronal abundance of Fe relative to H~Stephen White (white@astro.umd.edu)~~CDS;EIT;VLA (GBO)~1997/07/27~1997/08/04~ 1680~Campaign~Ephemeral Active Region Studies~Study relations between photospheric small-scale magnetic fields and brightness in chromosphere, trasition region and corona. If possible obtain information on temporal variation on scales of min to days.~Franz Kneer~CDS support begins Wed, Jul 23... SUMER support begins Fri, Jul 25 ; EIT support begins July 29~SUMER: de Boer, Wilken;CDS;GCT Tenerife (GBO): Kneer;EIT~1997/07/21~1997/08/3~ 1685~JOP063~Prominence Study~To determine the relative abundances of H, He I, and He II in prominences by observing absorption by these species of coronal lines observed by CDS and EIT.~Terry Kucera~~CDS;SUMER~1997/08/02~1997/08/02~ 1690~Campaign~MDI/LaPalma~Emerging flux, magnetic evolution, and x-ray bright point studies.~Julia Saba; Ted Tarbell~La Palma Observations - July 24 to August 4 For this observing run we intend to emphasize coordinated observations with SOHO. We plan to use three camera systems as follows: G band 3804 A - photosphere, shows small bright points associated with magnetic fields, cadence about 20s, fov about 80 x 120", 12 A wide filter K line 3934 - upper photosphere, chromosphere, cadence about 20s, fov about 120 x 140" 5250 magnetograms - photosphere, deep magnetograms, cadence about 1 minute, fov about 80 x 120" (H alpha observations may also be possible but not at the beginning of the run.) Images can be recorded continuously from about 8 UT to 18 UT. The high resolution (atmospheric conditions willing) and the high cadence make these observations very useful for emerging flux, magnetic evolution, and x-ray bright point studies when coordinated with the higher temperature regions that SOHO can observe. Generally we will want to point within the MDI high resolution field of view when MDI is in continuous contact and doing high resolution observations. Otherwise we intend to follow the SOHO target (as long as it is on the solar disk) for the current campaigns. Observations typically 8-12 UT, daily.~MDI; La Palma/SSO (GBO)~1997/07/23~1997/08/07~ 1700~Campaign~Photosphere, Transition Region, and Corona High Cadence Correlation~Movies in O V, He I [and Mg IX] with magnetic fields/velocities from MDI hi-res FOV.~Stein Vidar Hagfors Haugan~CDS: 19:00-23:50 UT 23 July (wide slit movie) 14:45-23:30 UT 25 July (narrow slit movie) See also http://www.uio.no/ steinhh/CDS/cds-movies/list.html~CDS; MDI; La Palma/SSO (GBO)~1997/07/23~1997/07/25~ 1710~Campaign~Density Diagnostics Above Limb~~Andrzej Fludra~~CDS; SUMER; UVCS~1997/07/22~1997/07/22~ 1720~ICAL01~Intercalibration001~Intercalibration of CDS, SUMER, and EIT at quiet Sun area.~Ray O Neal~~UVCS;SUMER~1997/07/30~1997/07/30~ 1730~Campaign~Coronal Density Diagnostics Study~~David Brooks ; Claus de Boer~~CDS;EIT~1997/07/29~1997/07/29~ 1740~JOP023~Bright Point Study~To determine the spatial and temporal correspondence between XBPs and the evolution of the magnetic field and structures observed in the chromosphere and corona.~Andrzej Fludra~~CDS; EIT; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); MDI~1997/07/31~1997/08/05~ 1750~Campaign~Spicule Study with Tenerife-VTT and CDS~~Bart De Pontieu~~CDS; VTT Tenerife (GBO)~1997/08/06~1997/08/10~ 1760~Campaign~EIT MDI High Cadence Campaign~~Craig DeForest~~EIT;MDI~1997/08/04~1997/08/10~ 1770~Campaign~Non-thermal broadening along a loop CDS/Norikura~~Andrzej Fludra~~CDS; Norikura (GBO)~1997/08/04~1997/08/09~ 1780~ICAL12~CALSO-3 Rocket Calibration Flight~Track the sensitivity of each participating instrument and compare calibrations in common wavelength bands. Transfer absolute calibrations among instruments.~Donald McMullin~~CDS;SUMER;EIT;CELIAS/SEM; CALSO-3 Sounding Rocket (rocket); SEH-2 on STS-85 (STS)~1997/08/11~1997/08/11~ 1790~Campaign~Density Diagnostics~~Lika Guhathakurta~~CDS;LASCO~1997/08/06~1997/08/08~ 1800~Campaign~Minor Ion Study~~Lika Guhathakurta~~UVCS;LASCO~1997/08/04~1997/08/08~ 1810~Campaign~Polar Plumes Campaign~~Lika Guhathakurta ; Barbara Thompson ; Craig DeForest~~LASCO;EIT;MDI~1997/08/04~1997/08/08~ 1820~Campaign~Polar Plumes with Sac Peak~~Serge Koutchmy (Sac Peak) ; Joe Gurman (EOF)~14:00 - 17:00 UT~EIT; VTT Sac Peak (GBO)~1997/08/11~1997/08/20~ 1840~Campaign~EIT/MDI high cadence collaboration~~Joe Gurman~~EIT;MDI~1997/08/10~1997/08/14~ 1850~JOP013~Temporal Variability in the Solar Transition Region~Quantitative and systematic treatment of the temporal variability in the quiet Sun transition region.~Oivind Wikstol~~CDS;SUMER;MDI~1997/08/12~1997/08/13~ 1860~Campaign~North Polar Coronal Hole Observations~Electron Temperature and Density above the North Coronal Hole~Andrzej Fludra~~CDS;SUMER~1997/08/13~1997/08/13~ 1870~Campaign~Solar EUV Hitchhiker Support~Support STS-85 s Solar EUV Hitchhiker (SEH-2) mission.~Joe Gurman~Aug 12: 16:57 to 17:25 UT; Aug 13: 15:35 to 16:01 UT; Aug 16: 21:21 to 22:06 UT~EIT; SEH-2 (S/C)~1997/08/12~1997/08/16~ 1880~Campaign~Non-thermal broadening along a loop~~Louise Harra ; Sarah Matthews~~CDS; Norikura (GBO)~1997/08/23~1997/08/31~ 1890~JOP051~Quiet Sun UV/EUV and H-alpha Jets~To Study Quiet Sun UV/EUV and H-alpha Jets by Joint SOHO/SUMER/EIT/CDS and BBSO/Halpha/VMG Observations~Jongchul Chae; Haimin Wang; Chik-Yin Lee~16:00-19:00 UT. Big Bear: H-alpha spectrograph observations and logitiduninal magnetograms. Initial Results are found in Chae et al. 1998,ApJ,504, L123 and Chae et al. 1998, ApJ,497, L109.~SUMER; CDS; EIT; Big Bear (GBO): Jongchul Chae~1997/08/25~1997/08/31~ 1895~JOP018~Sunspot Velocity Field and Line~To determine the flows in and around sunspots with high spatial resolution.~Oivind Wikstol~~CDS;MDI;VTT Sac Peak (GBO)~1997/08/15~1997/08/19~ 1900~Campaign~Prominence Oscillations~Prominence oscillations study in coordination with C. deBoer at Tenerife , use of Lyman series and S VI lines~Philippe Lemaire~~SUMER; VTT Tenerife (GBO)~1997/08/25~1997/08/31~ 1910~Campaign~Explosive Events~Explosive Events for D. Innes observed with 45 deg angle.~Philippe Lemaire~~SUMER; VTT Tenerife (GBO)~1997/08/25~1997/08/31~ 1920~Campaign~MDI Mt. Wilson Collaboration~~Rock Bush~~MDI; Mt. Wilson (GBO)~1997/08/28~1997/08/30~ 1930~Campaign~Chromospheric and TR Transients above Quiet Sun Magnetic Structures~To investigate the relationship between explosive events (seen in UV spectral lines with SUMER), chromospheric dynamics (seen in Halpa) and the photoshperic magnetic field.~Davina Innes; Udo Schuehle~8-11 UT. VTT Tenerife: Halpha & Vector Magnetograph~MDI;SUMER; VTT Tenerife (GBO): Davina Innes~1997/09/06~1997/09/07~ 1940~JOP068~Solar Wind from Coronal Holes: A Closer Look~The purpose of this JOP is to obtain simultaneous measurements of wind speed from each of the main instrument types, to more clearly illustrate (and hopefully to resolve) the conflict between them. A simultaneous observation by the several instruments is needed to lend credence to any explanation that is forwarded.~Craig DeForest~~MDI; EIT; LASCO; UVCS; EISCAT (GBO); NSO/Kitt Peak (GBO); Big Bear (GBO)~1997/09/06~1997/09/08~ 1950~Campaign~Bright Point Campaign~~Andrzej Fludra; Lee McDonald (ISAS)~15:00 - 23:00 UT daily, KPNO supplying He I 10830~CDS;MDI;EIT;Yohkoh-SXT (S/C);NSO/Kitt Peak (GBO)~1997/09/08~1997/09/12~ 1960~Campaign~Active Region Flows~~Karin Muglach~~CDS; SUMER; EIT; MDI; GCT Tenerife (GBO)~1997/09/15~1997/09/21~ 1970~Campaign~Minor Ions in Coronal Holes Study~~Silvano Fineschi~~UVCS; LASCO; SUMER~1997/09/15~1997/09/28~ 1980~JOP050~The Smallest Observable Category of Eruptive Filaments~1) define in physical terms the smallest class of filament eruption events as distinguished from other types of macrospicules, (2) understand the processes leading to the formation and eruption of these filaments. (3) investigate their role in the transport of mass, magnetic flux, and energy up into the solar corona, including interactions with large-scale overlying coronal structure.~Alan McAllister~Data sets were obtained on all 7 days with the SOHO instruments and on 3-4 days for the various GBO sites. 10s of events have been identified from the GBO data and are being used to index the other data sets.~SUMER; CDS; EIT; MDI; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); Kitt Peak (GBO); Sac Peak (GBO); Helio Research; Big Bear Solar Observatory (GBO)~1997/09/18~1997/09/24~ 1990~Campaign~Coronal Hole Campaign (UCLAN)~~Barbara Bromage; Giulio del Zanna~Obs. Haute Provence: H-alpha & Ca-K~CDS; MDI; EISCAT (GBO): Andy Breen; LASCO; Obs. Haute Provence (GBO): Ludovic Ligot; Nobeyama (GBO)~1997/09/18~1997/10/16~cmp_1990_ohp1.txt; cmp_1990_ohp2.txt 2000~JOP012/017~JOP012/017~Dynamical structures (DYNAC1-2) Prominences (POBS2)~Brigitte Schmieder~~VTT Tenerife (GBO); La Palma/SSO (GBO); EIT; SUMER; CDS; MDI~1997/09/25~1997/10/05~ 2010~ICAL13~EIT Calibration Rocket Underflight~The objective is to improve the EIT flatfield and provide an absolute calibration.~Jean-Marc Defise~SCHEDULED for 19:30 UT~EIT; LASCO; CDS; MDI; CELIAS/SEM; EIT-CALROC (Rocket)~1997/10/16~1997/10/16~ 2020~JOP069~HRTS Rocket Underflight~Doppler signatures of explosive events will be searched for as they can be expected to be indicators of the locations of magnetic reconnection, as might occur in cancelling magnetic structures.~Ken Dere~Scheduled for 19:30 UT~MDI; SUMER; CDS; EIT; LASCO; HRTS Rocket~1997/09/30~1997/09/30~ 2030~Campaign~Temporal Evolution of Coronal Loops~~Tom Metcalf~~EIT; VTT Sac Peak - ASP (GBO); Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); MDI~1997/10/01~1997/10/12~ 2040~Campaign~Microjets~~Jean-Marc Defise (EIT); Darren Lewis (LASCO)~observations of microjets at north pole~LASCO; EIT~1997/10/06~1997/10/09~ 2050~ICAL01~Intercalibration001~Intercalibration of CDS, SUMER, and EIT at quiet Sun area.~Andrzej Fludra~~CDS; SUMER; UVCS; EIT~1997/10/07~1997/10/07~ 2060~Campaign~Limb Loops Campaign~~Barbara Bromage~~CDS; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); Norikura (GBO)~1997/10/08~1997/10/09~ 2065~Campaign~CDS/MDI Quiet Sun Campaign~~Eva Alam ; Craig DeForest~~CDS;MDI~1997/10/11~1997/10/18~ 2070~Campaign~MDI/Mount Wilson Collaboration~~Craig DeForest~~MDI;Mt Wilson (GBO)~1997/10/13~1997/10/14~ 2072~Campaign~CDS/MDI Active Region Collaboration~~Julia Saba~ 18-22 UT~CDS;MDI~1997/10/21~1997/10/21~ 2075~Campaign~Coronal Hole Bright Points~~Craig DeForest ; Jean-Marc Defise~~EIT; MDI; Nobeyma (GBO)~1997/10/10~1997/10/17~ 2080~JOP038~Bright Point and Oscillations~The aim of the program is to derive a diagnostic (temperature, density, etc) of bright points using different lines formed a different altitudes, and ratios of lines sensitive to the temperature and density.~Karine Bocchialini (Medoc) ; Pierre Gouttebroze ;V. Aletti~~CDS; EIT; SUMER; MDI~1997/10/27~1997/11/09~ 2085~JOP062~Oxford Helium Enhancement Studies~To investigate the systematic behaviour of He I and He II line fluxes in comparison with atmospheric models determined from other transition region lines.~Keith Macpherson ; Carole Jordan~~CDS;SUMER;EIT;MDI~1997/10/27~1997/11/09~ 2090~JOP066~Loop Fine Structure~To observe isolated loop structures in coronal holes or on the limb with SUMER, CDS and EIT to determine temperature and density both along and across the loop structure (i.e. along and across the dominating magnetic field), as well as the velocity field, as a function of time~Giovanni Peres~~EIT;CDS;SUMER~1997/10/27~1997/11/09~ 2093~JOP036~Observational Tests for Non-Equilibrium Ionization in the Solar Transition Region and Corona~To Determine Observational Signatures of Non-Equilibrium Ionization in the Solar Transition Region and Corona~Alan Gabriel (MEDOC) ; Roland Bodmer~~CDS; SUMER~1997/10/30~1997/10/30~ 2095~Campaign~Coronal Hole Boundaries~~Jan Rybak (MEDOC) ; Jean Aboudarham~~CDS;SUMER;EIT~1997/10/27~1997/11/02~ 3000~Campaign~Chromospheric and Transition Region Network~~Alan Gabriel (MEDOC)~~CDS;SUMER;EIT~1997/10/27~1997/11/03~ 3005~Campaign~Equatorial Coronal Hole~see JOP40~Jean-Claude Vial (MEDOC); Alan Gabriel~Data presently analysed by S. Patsourakos (I.A.S.)~CDS;EIT;SUMER~1997/10/27~1997/11/02~ 3010~JOP009~Filaments/Prominences~To understand the structure of prominences from the standpoint of the physics involved in the energy and force balance, processes that make them form, endure and disappea~Jean-Claude Vial (MEDOC)~Data not analysed~CDS;SUMER;EIT~1997/11/03~1997/11/09~ 3015~JOP067~Structure of the Lower Corona and Contribution of Small Ejecta to the Solar Wind~To observe the stucture and evolution of the lower corona (1-2.8R) and the onset phase of the small CME blobs in the streamer belt with EUV, UV and white-light data~Mark Lyons (MEDOC) ; Rita Ventura~8:00 to 16:00 UT~LASCO;CDS;SUMER;UVCS;Potsdam (GBO);Nancay (GBO)~1997/11/03~1997/11/09~ 3020~Campaign~Coronal Loops and EUV Cool Loops Rooted in Sunspots~The scope is to ascertain the loop structure and morphology, the physical condition of the confined plasma and possible asymmetries between the two legs of the loops as a further diagnostics of the plasma conditions. For instance asymmetry may be a tracer of siphon flows or different heating intensity between the two legs.~Giovanni Peres (MEDOC)~This proposal aims at using EIT, SUMER and CDS to collect images (spectroheliograms) of usual hot coronal loops as well as of the cold EUV loops rooted in sunspot umbrae, in emission lines forming at temperatures ranging from the chromosphere to the corona. The time cadence of observations was selected to study the slow evolution of active regions and of EUV cold sunspot loops. Studying the slow evolution is important per se and to determine possible non-equilibrium condition of large loops. For instance the sunspot loops have been observed to evolve over hours, i.e. in the range of their estimated dynamic and thermodynamic time scale. A companying proposal by Reale et al. is dedicated to fast time scale evolution of loops.~CDS;SUMER;EIT~1997/10/27~1997/11/09~ 3030~Campaign~Boundary and Abundances in Coronal Holes (BACH)~Boundary and Abundances in Coronal Holes~Francoise Bely; Karine Bocchialini~~CDS;SUMER~1997/11/03~1997/11/09~ 3035~Campaign~Red-shifts in the transition region~This study aims at the determination of the physical properties (ne,T ...) of down and upflowing transition region material.~Spiros Patsourakos~Sumer operated in "sit and stare" mode while CDS provided rasters of the same region near the Sun center typical of quiet sun conditions.~SUMER;CDS~1997/11/03~1997/11/09~ 3040~Campaign~Coronal Fe Abundance~Determine the coronal abundance of Fe relative to H~Stephen White~14:00-24:00 UT~CDS; MDI; VLA (GBO)~1997/11/11~1997/11/20~ 3045~ICAL~CDS/EIT Full Sun Scans~Calibrate CDS pointing mechanism~William Thompson (CDS); Simon Plunkett(EIT)~Once a month CDS runs the study FSUN to check the calibration of the CDS Offset Pointing System. Maps of the full sun are built up and compared against EIT 304 images taken at the same time. Additional EIT 304 observations were taken at the same time as the CDS observations, to attempt to help calibrate the EIT flat field.~CDS;EIT~1997/11/14~1997/11/14~ 3050~JOP060~Transient Sources in the Solar Corona~1. What radiation mechanism can account for the brightness and circular polarization? 2. What is the spatial and temporal distribution of the UV and radio sources? 3. Is the variability due to intermittent heating, continued low-level flare activity, changing magnetic field topology or any combination of these?~Rob Willson~16:30 - 21:30 UT~VLA (GBO); EIT; CDS; LASCO~1997/11/16~1997/11/17~ 3055~JOP018~Sunspot Studies~To determine the flows in and around sunspots with high spatial resolution.~Oivind Wikstol; Paal Brekke~~CDS;MDI;Sac Peak (GBO)~1997/11/10~1998/01/04~ 3060~ICAL06~SOHO/SERTS Cross-Calibration~Use the SERTS rocket to achieve: 1) CDS radiometric cross-calibration, 2) CDS wavelength cross-calibration, 3) EIT and CELIAS/SEM radiometric cross-calibration, 4) Determination of EIT 304A channel spectral composition.~Roger Thomas; William Thompson~~CDS; EIT; CELIAS; SERTS Rocket~1997/11/18~1997/11/18~ 3065~Campaign~Spartan 201 Support~Radiometric and Spectrometric Cross Calibrations of UVCS/SOHO and UVCS/Spartan; Cross Calibrations of LASCO and WLC/Spartan~Larry Gardner~No data were obtained from the Spartan instruments due to incorrect deployment of the Spartan 201 spacecraft. Some data were acquired with LASCO, EIT, and UVCS.~UVCS; LASCO; EIT; Spartan 201 (S//C)~1997/11/20~1997/11/22~ 3070~JOP070~Coronal Counterparts to He I 1083 NM Dynamic Events~To correlate downflows observed in the chromosphere with KPVT (He I rain) with coronal macrospicules or coronal loop interaction (CLI) events observed with SOHO.~Matt Penn~~CDS; EIT; Kitt Peak (GBO)~1997/11/24~1997/11/30~ 3075~JOP073~Blinkers~A thorough investigation of the phenomenon which has become known as the blinker - i.e. transient brightenings in the quiet Sun network.~Richard Harrison~~CDS; EIT; MDI~1997/11/23~1998/01/04~ 3080~JOP056~The Interstellar Focusing Cone~To observe the gravitational focusing cone of interstellar material at the time when the Earth (and SOHO) pass just above the cone, around December 2. In this privileged geometry, which occurs only once per year, the cone is much brighter and conspicuous.~John Raymond~UVCS successfuly observed He I 584 enhancements in December and June.~UVCS; SWAN;SUMER~1997/12/02~1997/12/07~ 3085~Campaign~CDS/EIT Full Sun Scans~Once a month CDS runs the study FSUN to check the calibration of the CDS Offset Pointing System. Maps of the full sun are built up and compared against EIT 304 images taken at the same time.~Bill Thompson; Barbara Thompson~~CDS; EIT~1997/12/03~1997/12/03~ 3090~ICAL01~Intercalibration001~Intercalibration of CDS, SUMER, and EIT at quiet Sun area.~Philippe Lemaire~~CDS; SUMER; UVCS; EIT~1997/12/08~1997/12/14~ 3095~JOP067~Small Streamer Belt Ejecta~To observe the stucture and evolution of the lower corona (1-2.8R) and the onset phase of the small CME blobs in the streamer belt with EUV, UV and white-light data.~Mark Lyons~~LASCO;EIT;CDS;UVCS;SUMER~1997/12/08~1997/12/21~ 4000~Campaign~CDS/EIT Loop Study~~Olav Kjeldseth-Moe; William Thompson~~CDS;EIT~1997/12/09~1997/12/15~ 4005~Campaign~Network Study~Evolution of network contrast and size during the solar cycle~Philippe Lemaire~~SUMER; MDI~1997/12/08~1997/12/09~ 4010~Campaign~Limb Impulsive Events~Intended to observe small transients with high time resolution.~John Raymond~Caught one major coronal mass ejection in EIT, LASCO and UVCS.~CDS; EIT; UVCS; SUMER~1997/12/10~1997/12/14~ 4015~ICAL01~Intercalibration001~Intercalibration of CDS, SUMER, and EIT at quiet Sun area~Dominic Zarro; Joe Gurman~~CDS;EIT~1998/01/08~1998/01/09~ 4020~JOP063~Absorption by H and He Continua in Prominences~To observe prominence absorption in hot coronal lines and use the resulting data to determine abundances of H, He I and He II.~Terry Kucera~~CDS; EIT; Sac Peak (GBO); Kitt Peak (GBO); Big Bear (GBO)~1998/01/12~1998/01/21~ 4025~Campaign~Search for MHD Waves in streamers~To search for Doppler shifts in UVCS line profiles, and collect minor ion line profiles for temperature analysis.~Richard Frazin~No convincing evidence of Doppler shifts or line width variations were found in the UVCS data, but minor ion line profiles may be evidence of wave particle interactions.~UVCS; CDS; EIT~1998/01/12~1998/01/18~ 4030~JOP074~Filaments and Their Environments~To answer several related questions such as the temperature structure of the filaments, relationship of the prominence cavity seen in radio X-ray and EUV and the extent of corona affected during an eruption.~Nat Gopalswamy~Two significant eruptive events on Jan 21 and 25 are being investigated using additional data from WIND/WAVES experiment.~VLA (GBO); Nobeyama (GBO); Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); EIT; CDS; MDI; LASCO; Siberan Radio Telescope (GBO); Helio Research (GBO)~1998/01/20~1998/01/26~ 4035~Campaign~Flight of XUV Doppler Telescope aboard ISAS sounding rocket~Provide SOHO imagery, &c. as context for first flight of XDT~Joe Gurman; Hirohisa Hara (XUV and SXT)~Web page set up; no further joint analysis as yet~CDS; EIT; MDI; UVCS; LASCO; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); Rocketborne XUV Doppler Telescope~1998/01/31~1998/01/31~ 4040~JOP077~Time Evolution of Streamers~To study Doppler shifts in coronal line profiles with time scales on the order of an hour within streamers to provide information about the origin and evolution of the phenomena observed by LASCO of small ejecta from the cusp of streamers.~Richard Frazin~No convincing evidence of Doppler shifts or line width variations were found in the UVCS data, nor were there any of LASCO s "blob s" observed in the UVCS observation window.~UVCS;CDS;LASCO;EIT~1998/01/26~1998/02/01~ 4045~ICAL01~Intercalibration001~Intercalibration of CDS, SUMER, and EIT at quiet Sun area.~Andrzej Fludra~~CDS; EIT; SUMER; UVCS~1998/02/10~1998/02/10~ 4050~JOP067~Small Streamer Belt Ejecta~To observe the stucture and evolution of the lower corona (1-2.8R) and the onset phase of the small CME blobs in the streamer belt with EUV, UV and white-light data.~Mark Lyons~~LASCO; CDS; SUMER; UVCS; Nancay (GBO); Potsdam (GBO)~1998/02/10~1998/02/15~ 4055~JOP018~Sunspot Velocity Field and Line Profiles~To determine the flows in and around sunspots with great spatial resolution.~Terje Fredvik~~CDS; EIT; SUMER; MDI; Sac Peak (GBO)~1998/02/09~1998/03/01~ 4060~JOP071~SOHO Observations in Support of the HAO/NSO/Michigan/Rhodes College/Lindau Experiments at the February 26 1998 Eclipse~Prime goals of the three ground experiments are to acquire a 2048x2048 image to continue the series of HAO white light eclipse images, to look for coronal fine structure in white light (SWRI/HAO), and to look for wave motions in polar plumes (HAO).~Phil Judge~~EIT; CDS; UVCS; SUMER; LASCO; MDI; HAO (GBO)~1998/02/18~1998/03/05~ 4065~Campaign~Belgian Eclipse Expedition (ORB-KSB)~Determination of the global electron density distribution, using thomson scattering, for the reference calibration of LASCO and SUMER observations. EIT provided information about the on-disc corona to help in the interpretation of the white-light measurements.~Frederic Clette~Ground-based observations carried out succesfully from the Curacao Island~LASCO; EIT; SUMER~1998/02/26~1998/02/26~ 4070~Campaign~ESA/SSD Eclipse Expedition~GOAL OF OBSERVATIONS: 1) Determination of equivalent coronal densities and temperature in coronal plumes and streamers 2) High resolution coronal observations in stereo with SOHO 3) Measure of extended cool material distribution in the corona in H alpha~Bernard Foing~~LASCO; SUMER; EIT; ESTEC CCD and photographic cameras at Pointe-a-Pitre (GBO)~1998/02/26~1998/02/26~ 4075~Campaign~Williams College Eclipse Expedition~A search for 1-Hz oscillations in the coronal green line; a coronal temperature map through the Cram method of comparison of ultraviolet bands sensitive to the Doppler broadening of the photospheric absorption spectra at coronal temperatures; and a set of CCD images through a green continuum filter closely matching one of the bands on the LASCO C1 coronagraph and with a similar field of view. The last observation, in collaboration with Guenter Brueckner, should provide a scattered-light calibration for that coronagraph.~Jay Pasachoff~We have excellent data from the Aruba site for the coronal oscillations experiment and for the coordinated LASCO observation. As of September 15, we have calibrated and aligned the green-line and nearby continuum CCD images taken at 10 Hz, and we are starting to examine the series of data with Fourier transforms. On the observations made to coordinate with SOHO LASCO C1, we have combined the series of 7 images made with exposures of 1 s to 64 s (see http://www.williams.edu/Astronomy/eclipse98). We are awaiting calibrated LASCO C1 data for comparison. We are assembling composites with EIT and LASCO images where they take over from our images in spatial dimensions.~EIT; LASCO; various detectors from Williams College (GBO)~1998/02/26~1998/02/26~ 4080~Campaign~NSF, SAO, GSFC Eclipse Expedition~Electron densities and temperatures in streamers and coronal holes, elemental abundances, magnetic field directions, and calibrations~Shadia Habbal~~UVCS; LASCO; VLA (GBO); Galileo (S/C), CCD and photographic detectors at Pointe-a-Pitre (GBO)~1998/02/26~1998/02/26~ 4085~Campaign~Eclipse Expedition -- Institut d Astrophysique, Paris~Morphological Imaging Analysis, Spectroscopic Analysis, Green Line (Fe XIV) polarisation with Sac Peak, White Light polarization with IZMIRAN~Serge Koutchmy~~EIT; LASCO; SUMER; Sac Peak (GBO); detectors at/with IZMIRAN (GBO);CCD and photographic detectors at Guadeloupe (GBO)~1998/02/26~1998/02/26~ 4090~Campaign~Interaction between Interplanetary Wind and Interplanetary He Study~Study the change of Helium 584 A full Sun line profile interacting with the interplanetary/interstellar hehelium~Philippe Lemaire~~SUMER; EUVE (S/C)~1998/02/16~1998/02/17~ 4095~JOP063~Prominence Absorption~To determine the relative abundances of H, He I, and He II in prominences by observing absorption by these species of coronal lines observed by CDS and EIT.~Vincenzo Andretta~~CDS;EIT;SUMER~1998/02/20~1998/02/20~ 5000~Campaign~VLA Radio Observations of CMEs~To study thermal and nonthermal signatures of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) using the new metric frequency at 75 MHz. Combination of radio, optical, X-ray and EUV data will be employed to study the CME substructures (frontal arcade, cavity, prominence core) and arcade formation.~Nat Gopalswamy~Feb 21, 1998 15:05:08 - 23:05:08 UT Feb 23, 1998 14:57:16 - 22:57:16 UT Feb 24, 1998 15:23:15 - 23:23:15 UT Feb 28, 1998 14:37:37 - 22:37:37 UT The New 75 MHz system at the VLA was used for this campaign, in addition to the standard frequencies.~EIT; LASCO; VLA (GBO); Nobeyama (GBO); Yohkoh-SXT (S/C)~1998/02/21~1998/02/28~ 5005~Campaign~Decimetric Signatures of Transient EUV Events and Source Regions of CME s~~Rob Willson~~VLA (GBO); EIT; CDS; LASCO~1998/03/06~1998/03/09~ 5010~Campaign~CDS and UVCS Coronal Hole Study~~Barbara Bromage; Giannina Poletto~~CDS; UVCS~1998/03/02~1998/03/08~ 5015~ICAL01~Intercalibration 1~Intercalibration of CDS, SUMER, and EIT at quiet Sun area.~Andrzej Fludra~~CDS; SUMER; EIT~1998/03/17~1998/03/18~ 5020~Campaign~UVCS/CDS Coronal Abundance Study~Observe many spectral lines in a streamer to obtain elemental abundances and ionization state.~John Raymond ; Andrzej Fludra~~UVCS, CDS~1998/03/28~1998/03/29~ 5025~ICAL01~Intercal001~Intercalibration of CDS, SUMER, and EIT at quiet Sun area.~Andrzej Fludra~CDS/EIT only this time; 17:00 until 18:30 UT~CDS; EIT~1998/04/07~1998/04/07~ 5030~Campaign~UVCS/CDS/SUMER Abundance Study~~Uri Feldman; John Raymond ; Andrzej Fludra~~UVCS; CDS; SUMER~1998/04/22~1998/04/23~ 5035~Campaign~Study of Unipolar Regions~To test whether theoretical cool (< 0.2 MK) loops are an important component of the quiet solar atmosphere by determining whether the ratio of cool to hot (1 MK) emission is positively correlated with the magnetic complexity of the underlying photosphere. Ample observations of mixed polarity regions exist, and this campaign targets unipolar regions.~James Klimchuk~~CDS; MDI~1998/04/11~1998/04/26~ 5040~JOP054~Emperical Scaling Laws for a Range of Temperatures~To determine temperature, density, and length of coronal loops to verify the Rosner, Tucker, and Vaiana scaling law.~Isabelle Ruedi~Carried out using the CDS high telemetry rate. Line list Nr. 3~CDS; EIT; MDI~1998/04/09~1998/04/16~ 5045~Campaign~Blinkers Study~Study of quiet Sun blinker activity using EUV and magnetic observations~Richard Harrison~~MDI; CDS~1998/04/09~1998/04/19~ 5050~Campaign~Material Flows in Quiet Sun~Studies of material flows in the quiet sun coronal loops [K.J.H. Phillips/P. Gallagher]. Run INT_DIST (study 11, variation 46, high telemetry) on a quiet region at sun centre in the hi-res MDI field, for over 10 hours, longer if possible. The rasters should have feature tracking enabled between them. Please request that MDI run at this time, or at least part of the duration of the study, in their hi-spatial res. mode.~Chris Haskell~~CDS; MDI~1998/04/11~1998/04/16~ 5055~Collaboration~Big Bear Collaboration~~Chris Haskell (EOF)~~CDS:Chris Haskell; Big Bear (GBO)~1998/04/15~1998/04/16~ 5060~Campaign~Global Corona Studies~~Ester Antonucci (UVCS)~~UVCS; Kanzelhohe (GBO)~1998/04/20~1998/05/01~ 5062~Campaign~TRACE Instrument Support~EIT subfield images to support TRACE instrument check-out activities.~Frederic Clette~~TRACE (S/C); EIT~1998/04/21~1998/04/22~ 5063~Campaign~Quiet Sun Study~High cadence observations of quiet Sun with MDI (hi-res) and TRACE. CDS joined in. Only ran once and for 3 hours (18:00 - 21:00 UT).~Peter Young~The CDS fov was 2x2 arcmin^2. TRANREG/v10 was ran 11 times at Sun centre. Counts are low in weaker lines.~CDS; TRACE (S/C); MDI; EIT~1998/04/25~1998/04/25~ 5064~Campaign~Limb Study~~Shadia Habbal~~CDS; UVCS; TRACE (S/C); Mars Global Surveyor (S/C)~1998/05/12~1998/05/12~ 5065~JOP059~St. Andrews Loop Studies~To obtain temperature, density and magnetic field structure and to investigate high cadence temporal variations within the target coronal loop system~Robert Walsh~~CDS; EIT; MDI; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C)~1998/05/02~1998/05/15~ 5066~Campaign~South Pole Campaign~~Craig DeForest (MDI)~~CDS; LASCO; UVCS; TRACE (S/C); MDI~1998/05/11~1998/05/11~ 5070~JOP063~Absorption by H and He Continua in Prominences~To determine the relative abundances of H, He I, and He II in prominences by observing absorption by these species of coronal lines observed by CDS and EIT~Vincenzo Andretta~~CDS; Sac Peak (GBO);EIT~1998/04/28~1998/04/30~ 5075~JOP075~Time Variation and Dynamics of Active Region Loops~Investigate thoroughly rapid temporal variations observed in active region loops and relate them to the dynamical state of the loops~Paal Brekke~~CDS;MDI;TRACE (S/C)~1998/05/01~1998/05/31~ 5080~Campaign~Short Term Variability Study~~Julia Saba (MDI)~~TRACE (S/C);CDS;MDI~1998/04/28~1998/04/28~ 5085~Campaign~Coronal Variability~~Julia Saba (MDI)~~TRACE (S/C);EIT;MDI~1998/04/29~1998/04/29~ 5090~Campaign~Lyman-alpha Movie~~Julia Saba (MDI)~~CDS; MDI; EIT; TRACE(S/C)~1998/04/29~1998/04/29~ 5095~Campaign~CIV Variability~~Julia Saba (MDI)~~TRACE (S/C);EIT;MDI~1998/04/29~1998/05/01~ 5100~ICAL~Intercalibration with TRACE~A cross-calibration between TRACE, CDS and EIT. The quiet Sun at disk centre was the target. Ran for one day only and from 13:00 to 24:00 UT.~Peter Young (CDS)~The first 1 1/2 hours of CDS data were lost and so CDS started at 14:30. The data will be analysed by J. Lang and colleagues. The CDS fov was centred just north of disk centre. EIT took approximately 3 hours of data in each of the 171, 195 and 284 wavebands.~TRACE (S/C);EIT;CDS~1998/05/01~1998/05/01~ 5105~Collaboration~Active Region Loops~To study the properties of the large active region loops associated with an old, decaying active region. Study lasted from 06:30 to 10:30 UT.~Peter Young (CDS)~CDS ran TREG22/v12 seven times at the base of one of the sets of loops to give abundance and density information. EIT took partial frame images of the entire active region in 195, looking for time variability of the structures.~CDS;EIT~1998/04/27~1998/04/27~ 5110~Campaign~Central Meridian Scan~~Julia Saba (MDI)~~TRACE (S/C);EIT;CDS~1998/05/02~1998/05/02~ 5111~Campaign~South Polar Coronal Hole Studies~~Karel Schrijver (TRACE)~~CDS;EIT;UVCS;TRACE (S/C)~1998/05/03~1998/05/03~ 5115~JOP072~High Cadence Chromospheric and Coronal Dynamics~~Phil Judge (judge@jabba.hao.ucar.edu)~MDI high rate desirable, 14:00-17:00 UT each day.~SUMER;MDI;CDS;TRACE (S/C);Sac Peak (GBO); La Palma (GBO)~1998/05/11~1998/05/17~ 5120~JOP078~Quiet Sun Supergranular Network and Internetwork~Simultaneous spectroscopic measurements in the chromosphere, in the transition region and in the corona. The aim is to trace the variability and dynamics of the solar quiet atmosphere in both, the supergranular network and internetwork.~Werner Curdt (MEDOC)~Photospheric information from MDI, EIT, and TRACE are also needed with the highest possible spatial and temporal resolution.~SUMER:Curdt;CDS:Fludra;MDI:deForest;EIT:Clette;TRACE(S/C):Schrijver~1998/05/14~1998/05/14~ 5125~JOP080~High Time Resolution Imaging~Micro-variability in active region loops at a temperature of 10^6 K with the highest temporal resolution and good spatal coverage (emphasis on imaging instruments) (15 s)~Frederic Clette; David Berghmans~1 hour duration (17:00-18:00), Submode 5, Target: Active Region~EIT:D.Berghmans; MDI:C.Deforest; TRACE (S/C):C.Kankelborg; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C):D.McKenzie; CDS:A.Fludra; SUMER:K.Muglach; Sac Peak(GBO):B.lites; La Palma(GBO):R.Rutten~1998/05/13~1998/05/13~ 5130~Campaign~Scintillation Measurements with Mars Global Surveyor~~Shadia Habbal~~UVCS;Mars Global Surveyor (S/C)~1998/05/21~1998/05/24~ 5135~Campaign~3D Structure of Active Regions~~Karin Muglach (muglach@so.estec.esa.nl)~~CDS;EIT;MDI;TRACE (S/C);Sac Peak (GBO)~1998/05/30~1998/06/07~ 5140~JOP082~Study of the Process of Magnetic Flux Dissappearance in Canceling Bipoles~~Karen Harvey; Karel Schrijver~~CDS; MDI; TRACE (S/C); Kitt Peak (GBO); Big Bear (GBO); Yohkoh-SXT (S/C)~1998/05/04~1998/05/10~ 5145~Campaign~EUV Active Region Campaign~Active region loops.~Charles Kankelborg (TRACE)~TRACE observing: May 7 - multiwavelength movie May 8 - 171/White Light movie EIT participation only on May 8. (not May 7)~CDS; TRACE (S/C); EIT; MDI~1998/05/07~1998/05/08~ 5150~Campaign~Filament Study~Filament morphology and evolution in EUV and UV wavelengths. First day (May 9) concentrated on a single FOV, second day interleaved images from several pointings.~Charles Kankelborg (TRACE)~May 9 multiwavelength, single FOV May 10 multiwavelength, mosaic of several FOV~TRACE (S/C); CDS; MDI; EIT; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C)~1998/05/08~1998/05/10~ 5155~Campaign~Scintillation Measurements with Mars Global Surveyor~~Shadia Habbal (UVCS)~~UVCS; LASCO; TRACE (S/C); Mars Global Surveyor (S/C)~1998/05/04~1998/05/20~ 5160~JOP070~Coronal Counterparts to He I 10380 Dynamic Events~Determine coronal evolution during He I 1083nm flow events and measure photospheric magnetic fields simultaneously.~Matt Penn (mpenn@galileo.csun.edu)~Erupting filament in He 1083 accidentally observed during 13 Jun 98 center of disk observations; LOS and transverse speeds exceed 200 km/sec.~Kitt Peak (GBO); CDS; EIT~1998/06/07~1998/06/13~ 5165~JOP082~Magnetic Flux Disappearance in Cancelling Bipoles~~Karen Harvey~~CDS; EIT; MDI; YohKoh-SXT (S/C); Kitt Peak (GBO); TRACE (S/C); Mauna Loa (GBO); Big Bear (GBO); SOONSPOT (GBO)~1998/06/12~1998/06/30~ 5170~Campaign~Active Region Study~~Robert Walsh~~TRACE (S/C); CDS; MDI~1998/05/13~1998/05/15~ 5175~Campaign~Filament Study~~Karel Schrijver~~TRACE (S/C); CDS; MDI~1998/05/15~1998/05/15~ 5176~Campaign~North Polar Plumes~~Craig DeForest~~CDS;TRACE (S/C); MDI~1998/05/18~1998/05/18~ 5177~Campaign~Blinkers~~Richard Harrison; William Thompson (EOF)~~CDS; MDI; TRACE (S/C)~1998/05/18~1998/05/18~ 5178~JOP018~Sunspot Velocity Field and Line Profiles~~Ted Tarbell~~CDS; MDI; TRACE (S/C); La Palma (GBO)~1998/05/18~1998/05/31~ 5179~Campaign~Full Sun Observation~CDS obtains the spectrally resolved full disk irradiance approximately once a month. This particular set of observations also obtained moderate resolution full-disk images.~William Thompson~~CDS; MDI; EIT; TRACE (S/C)~1998/05/21~1998/05/21~ 5180~Campaign~Transient Event Study~Simultaneous time series with good time resolution in two different spectral lines (Ne VIII / N IV) with magnetic information from MDI and photospheric information from TRACE.~Werner Curdt (MEDOC)~~TRACE:Schrijver (S/C); SUMER:Innes; MDI:deForest~1998/05/15~1998/05/15~ 5181~Campaign~Active Region Campaign~~Ted Tarbell~~TRACE (S/C); CDS; MDI~1998/05/26~1998/06/05~ 5183~Campaign~EUVE high cadence active region study~~Ted Tarbell~~CDS; TRACE (S/C); MDI~1998/05/19~1998/05/19~ 5185~Campaign~Filament Collaboration~~Ted Tarbell~~CDS; MDI; TRACE (S/C)~1998/05/22~1998/05/22~ 5190~Campaign~North Coronal Hole Campaign~~Ted Tarbell~~CDS; MDI; TRACE (S/C); UVCS~1998/05/23~1998/05/25~ 5195~JOP009~Prominence Diagnostics and Dynamics~Diagnostic in Lyman lines and continua~Jean-Claude Vial~Good data~SUMER; Wroclaw (GBO); Ondrejov (GBO); Pic-du-Midi (GBO)~1998/06/09~1998/06/14~ 5200~JOP038~Diagnostics of Coronal Bright Points~Diagnostics of Coronal Bright Points in order to perform a statistical study in terms of power law~Karine Bocchialini~~SUMER; MDI; Wroclaw (GBO); Ondrejov (GBO); VTT Tenerife (GBO)~1998/06/12~1998/06/17~ 5205~Campaign~Boundary Abundances in Streamers~Use of a set of Transition region and Coronal lines to determine abundance in streamers few arcmin above limb~Philippe Lemaire~~SUMER; TRACE (S/C); CDS~1998/06/11~1998/06/12~ 5210~Campaign~VLA Active Region Campaign~~Rob Willson~~VLA (GBO), TRACE (S/C); MDI~1998/06/12~1998/06/13~ 5215~Campaign~Streamer Observations~~Dennis Socker (LASCO), John Raymond (UVCS)~~LASCO; UVCS; CDS~1998/06/10~1998/06/11~ 5220~JOP087~Active Region Loops on Limb~~Andrezj Fludra~~TRACE (S/C); CDS~1998/06/08~1998/06/28~ 5225~JOP090~Polar Plumes~~Andrzej Fludra~~CDS; TRACE (S/C)~1998/06/08~1998/06/28~ 5230~JOP092~Sunspot Plumes~~Andrzej Fludra~~CDS; TRACE (S/C)~1998/06/08~1998/06/28~ 5235~Campaign~Explosive Events Environment Study~Determine the relationship between explosive events (observed with SUMER), blinkers (observed with CDS), the evolving photospheric magnetic field (MDI), and coronal microflares (TRACE)~Davina Innes~8 hour program.~CDS; SUMER; MDI; TRACE (S/C)~1998/06/18~1998/06/19~ 5240~JOP016~Formation of the He II 304 line~~Stuart Jordan~~CDS; SUMER~1998/06/20~1998/06/21~ 5245~JOP083~High Cadence Activity Studies and the Heating of Coronal Loops~To investigate rapid time variation (down to the order of seconds) within a target coronal loop system and relate these dynamical changes to theoretical models for various coronal loop heating mechanisms.~Robert Walsh~~CDS; TRACE (S/C); EIT; MDI; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C)~1998/06/14~1998/06/17~ 5250~ICAL01~Intercalibration001~~Dominic Zarro~~CDS; EIT; SUMER; TRACE (S/C)~1998/06/18~1998/06/18~ 5255~JOP012~Filament Studies (meshed with JOP017)~Lyman line diagnostics of a filament~Brigitte Schmieder~~EIT; SUMER; Wroclaw (GBO); Ondrejov (GBO); Pic-du-Midi (GBO)~1998/06/18~1998/06/19~ 5260~Campaign~Oscillations in Filamens and Prominences~The objectives of the campaign changed, and the program of cmp_5255 was carried out: Lyman line diagnostics of a filament~Brigitte Schmieder~~CDS; SUMER; TRACE (S/C)~1998/06/20~1998/06/21~ 5261~Campaign~VLA/TRACE/MDI Active Region Study~~Rob Willson~~VLA (GBO); TRACE (S/C); MDI~1998/06/28~1998/06/29~ 5265~Campaign~Dynamics in Filament~Dynamics of the plasma around a disk filament observed in transition region lines. Morphology of the target given by EIT, as well as its temporal evolution.~Daniele Spadaro~Correctly run. Some interesting Doppler shifts noticed in the selected field of view.~EIT; SUMER~1998/06/17~1998/06/18~ 5270~Campaign~Coronal Hole Study~~Ed Deluca (TRACE) / Bill Thompson (CDS)~~TRACE (S/C); CDS~1998/06/23~1998/06/24~ 5275~Campaign~Polar Scan~~Hal Zirin~~Big Bear (GBO); TRACE (S/C)~1998/07/13~1998/07/14~ 5280~JOP089~Coronal Holes~~Peter Young~~CDS; TRACE (S/C)~1998/07/13~1998/07/31~ 5285~JOP083~High Cadence Activity Studies and Heating of Coronal Loops~To investigate rapid time variation (down to the order of seconds) within a target coronal loop system and relate these dynamical changes to theoretical models for various coronal loop heating mechanisms.~Robert Walsh; Jack Ireland~Several hours on an AR for 2-3 days~CDS; TRACE (S/C)~1998/06/29~1998/07/26~ 5290~Campaign~Unipolar Magnetic Region Study~~Jim Klimchuk~~CDS; MDI~1998/06/29~1998/07/31~ 5300~Campaign~Flows in Prominences~~Sean Sandborgh~2-4 hours~TRACE (S/C); CDS~1998/06/29~1998/07/05~ 5315~Campaign~South Pole study~~Dick Shine~~TRACE (S/C); Big Bear (GBO); Kitt Peak(GBO)~1998/07/06~1998/07/06~ 5320~Campaign~North Pole study~~Dick Shine~~TRACE (S/C); Big Bear (GBO); Kitt Peak (GBO)~1998/07/06~1998/07/06~ 5325~Campaign~Two Week Active Region Monitoring Study~~Karel Schrijver~~TRACE (S/C); Big Bear (GBO); Huairou (GBO); Kitt Peak(GBO)~1998/07/15~1998/07/28~ 5330~JOP094~Spicule Studies with Tenerife~~Bart de Pontieu~~TRACE (S/C); Tenerife VTT (GBO)~1998/07/29~1998/08/05~ 5335~Campaign~Flares in Emerging Flux Regions~~Hiroki Kurokawa~kurokawa@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp~Hida (GBO); Hiraiso (GBO); Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); TRACE (S/C); Mitaka VMGs (GBO); Huarou VMGs (GBO)~1998/07/29~1998/08/05~ 5340~Campaign~Quiet Sun Studies~~Bart De Pontieu; Robert Erdelyi~~TRACE (S/C); Tenerife VTT (GBO)~1998/08/01~1998/08/03~ 5345~Campaign~South-Polar Fields and Coronal Holes~~Harold Zirin~~TRACE (S/C); Big Bear (GBO)~1998/08/06~1998/08/07~ 5350~Campaign~Filament/Prominance Study~~Sean Sandborgh; Charles Kankelborg~Hope to get Big Bear H-alpha support and Big Bear/Huairou/Kitt Peak magnetogram support.~TRACE (S/C); Big Bear (GBO); Huairou (GBO); Kitt Peak (GBO)~1998/08/08~1998/08/10~ 5355~JOP081,84,35~WSM2 JOPs~Due to the unfortunate loss of communications with SOHO, the Second Whole Sun Month Campaign was reduced to a Whole Sun Fortnight (WSF) Campaign. Detailed magnetic field observations (JOP 81) went on much as originally planned. Each day there was coordinated observations between 1400 and 2400 UT in order to take advantage of the time of greatest overlap of magnetic field observations. Depending on solar conditions, each day a different Target~Sarah Gibson; David Alexander~~TRACE (S/C); Kitt Peak (GBO); Sac Peak (GBO); Mees (GBO); Yohkoh-SXT (S/C)~1998/08/12~1998/08/25~ 5360~Campaign~Plumes/Coronal Holes~~Craig DeForest; Charles Kankelborg~~TRACE (S/C)~1998/09/03~1998/09/10~ 5365~Campaign~Plage Observations~~Ted Tarbell (TRACE)~~TRACE (S/C); LaPalma (GBO)~1998/08/28~1998/08/28~ 5370~JOP018~Sunspot Velocity Field~To determine the flows in and around sunspots with great spatial resolution~Paal Brekke~~TRACE (S/C); Sac Peak (GBO)~1998/09/01~1998/09/15~ 5375~JOP075~Active Region Loops on Disk and Limb~Investigate thoroughly rapid temporal variations observed in active region loops and relate them to the dynamical state of the loops~Paal Brekke~~TRACE (S/C)~1998/09/01~1998/09/15~ 5380~Campaign~Active Region Study~~Louise Murnion~~TRACE (S/C); Norikura (GBO)~1998/09/06~1998/09/12~ 5385~Campaign~Filament Observations~~Karen Harvey (KPNO); Sara Martin (Big Bear); Obbjorn Engvold (La Palma)~~TRACE (S/C); La Palma (GBO); Kitt Peak (GBO); Big Bear (GBO)~1998/09/04~1998/09/17~ 5390~JOP012~JOP012 / JOP017~~Bridgitte Schmieder~~TRACE (S/C); Tenerife (GBO); Themis (GBO); La Palma (GBO); Yohkoh-SXT (S/C)~1998/09/04~1998/09/13~ 5395~Campaign~Active Region Study of ARs 8326, 8327 & 8329~One week continuous run on AR complex: 8326, 8327 and 8329.~Ed DeLuca~Observations will include Ly-alpha, 171, 284 with a 60s cadence and context WL and 1600A every 15 min.~TRACE (S/C); ?~1998/09/11~1998/09/18~ 5400~Campaign~3D Structure of Active Regions~~Karin Muglach~~TRACE (S/C); Tenerife GCT (GBO); Yohkoh STX (S/C)~1998/09/15~1998/09/21~ 5405~Campaign~Active Region UV studies~1. To study microflares, min-filaments, and jets in active regions 2. To study the dynamics of active region loop dynamics~Haimin Wang; Jongchul Chae; Dick Shine; Paal Brekke~POC: Haimin Wang, lead by Dick Shine and Paal Brekke.~TRACE (S/C); Big Bear (GBO)~1998/09/27~1998/09/28~ 5410~Campaign~Quiet Sun Sac Peak Collaboration~~Ken Phillips ; Peter Gallagher~~TRACE (S/C); Sac Peak (GBO)~1998/09/20~1998/09/25~ 5415~Campaign~Filament Studies~Investigate electron densities in limb prominences; Sac Peak measures IR Paschen H I lines to determine the value of Ne.~Matt Penn; Vincenzo Andretta~~TRACE (S/C); Sac Peak (GBO)~1998/09/23~1998/09/30~ 5420~Campaign~Quiet Sun UV Studies~1. To study the relationships among UV microflares, mini-filaments, and small jets in the quiet Sun 2. To investigate the physical origin(s) of UV bright points in th quiet Sun~Haimin Wang; Jongchul Chae; Phil Goode~Big Bear: H alpha spectrograph/filtergraph, CaII K, and longitudinal magnetograph observations~TRACE (S/C); Big Bear (GBO)~1998/09/19~1998/09/21~ 5425~Campaign~Line Profiles in Networked Bright Points~~Hal Zirin~~TRACE (S/C); Big Bear (GBO)~1998/10/12~1998/10/15~ 5430~Campaign~Stratospheric Balloon Flight VIRGO Calib.~Calibration of VIRGO~Claus Frohlich~~VIRGO; Balloon~1998/10/22~1998/10/22~ 5435~Campaign~UVCS/SOHO and UVCS/SPARTAN intercalibration~Calibrations on UVCS/SOHO with the UVCS instrument on SPARTAN 201-5 using Lyman alpha line profiles and OVI line intensities at selected heights and coronal objects.~Yuan-Kuen Ko~~UVCS; LASCO; EIT; TRACE (S/C); Spartan-201-05 aboard STS-95(STS)~1998/11/01~1998/11/03~ 5440~ICAL11~Woods/Hassler Sounding Rocket Cal~~Don Hassler~~CDS; TRACE (S/C); EIT; UVCS; LASCO; Woods/Hassler Sounding Rocket (Rocket)~1998/11/02~1998/11/02~ 5455~Campaign~Active Region 8369 Collaboration~~Brain Handy~~TRACE (S/C); MDI~1998/10/28~1998/10/28~ 5460~ICAL01~Intercalibration 001~~Udo Schuehle~~SUMER, EIT~1998/11/06~1998/11/06~ 5465~Campaign~Sunspot Study~~Klaus Wilhelm; Andrzej Fludra~SUMER data available: 09 November 1998 AR_ 1417 5465 _ 00:00 Ref_spec of sunspot (w/RSC) AR_ 1587 5465 _ 01:52 Ref_spec of active region AR_ 1417 5465 _ 07:04 Ref_spec of sunspot (w/RSC) SS_ 1258 5465 _ 18:00 Ref_spec with sunspot track (incl. HM) 11 November 1998 SS_ 1797 5465 _ 11:07 Sunspot observation JOP018 (w/RSC)~SUMER; CDS~1998/11/09~1998/11/09~ 5470~Campaign~Filament Study~~Klaus Wilhelm; Andrzej Fludra~SUMER data available (Reference spectrum of filament): 11 November 1998 FC_ 1687 5470 _ 23:37 Ref_spec in filament~SUMER; CDS~1998/11/11~1998/11/12~ 5475~Campaign~Active Region Study~~Andrzej Fludra~~CDS; MDI~1998/11/23~1998/12/13~ 5485~Campaign~Gravitational Focusing Cone~~Bill Thompson (CDS), Steve Suess (UVCS); Eberhard Mobius~LASCO synoptic support.~CDS; UVCS; EUVE (S/C); SEM; SWAN; LASCO~1998/12/02~1998/12/10~ 5490~Campaign~UVCS and Ulysses Campaign~~Steve Suess (UVCS)~~Ulysses (S/C); UVCS~1998/11/30~1998/12/06~ 5495~Campaign~NEAR Campaign~To compare structure of CMEs as observed by SOHO instruments with interplanetary magnetic disturbances observed at the NEAR spacecraft. NEAR will be off the west limb of the sun throughout the second half of 1999. After that the opportunity will be gone forever. So CME watches should be run as often as possible in this period. See also Campaign #5965 for 1999 observations.~Dave Rust~Campaign was supposed to run until 10 January 1999, but was interrupted by SOHO ESR on 21 December 1998. Campaign is scheduled for August 1999. NEAR cannot collect interplanetary data after December 1999.~NEAR (S/C); UVCS; CDS; LASCO~1998/12/14~1998/12/21~ 5500~Campaign~High Cadence Study of Quiet Sun Tranistion Region~~Andrzej Fludra~~CDS; MDI~1998/11/23~1998/11/29~ 5505~Campaign~Active Region Study~Searching for the signatures of MHD waves in simultaneously obtained MDI longitudinal magnetograms and ASP (Sac Peak) vector magnetographs. On Dec 17, CDS provided simultaneous coverage from appx. 16:00-19:00.~Aimee Norton~Dec 8 was the only day we observed in hi-res with MDI, the other days MDI was in full disk mode. On Dec 9, region of observation flared between 15:30-16:50.~MDI; Sac Peak (GBO); CDS~1998/12/07~1998/12/19~ 5510~Campaign~Asymmetry and EUV Line Shifts In Coronal Holes~~Vincenzo Andretta~Observer: Vincenzo Andretta TITLE: He I 1083 nm ASYMMETRY & EUV LINE SHIFTS IN CORONAL HOLES DATES: December 7 to 11 each day from about 14:30 UT (duration 5-6 hrs) ACTIVITY: Support of Kitt Peak He 1083 nm observation, especially with He 584 A line. Coordinate timing with Kitt Peak. ** This Study has to take a lower priority than the GIS raw data dumps. ** CONTACTS: Vincenzo Andretta - andretta@hector.gsfc.nasa.gov (also Matt Penn and Harry Jones - hjones@noao.edu) STUDY TO BE RUN: Use series of HECATRNW rasters (Study ID 11, Var. 56, 55 min each) preceded and followed by POBS1_2 (Study ID 44, Var. 35) as directed by Vincenzo. Studies to be confirmed with Vincenzo and Andrzej.~CDS; Kitt Peak (GBO)~1998/12/08~1998/12/11~ 5515~Campaign~RELATIVE ABUNDANCES IN ACTIVE REGIONS~ACTIVITY: Context images and then full spectra of an active region. The active region should be a smallish, young region on the disc that fits within a 2x2 arcmin area.~David Brooks~CONTACTS: David Brooks - brooks@astro.up.pt STUDY TO BE RUN: Run LARGE_T (Study ID 10, Variation 9) centred on AR. Then run TREG22 (Study ID 44, Variation 12) four times on the central 2x2 arcsec area for diagnostic analysis. Finally, run six NISAT_S (Study ID 17, Variation 2) rasters in a mosaic to cover the 2 arcsec field for the full spectral information over the same area. Run 2-3 times while active region is in MDI field of view if possible, with observation runs separated by a minimum of 12 hours. (If the first run is towards the end of the week, please ensure that you tell me so the later runs can be scheduled for the next week). DURATION: 7.2 hours (LARGE_T = 45 min, TREG22 = 34 min, each NISAT_S= 58 min).~CDS; MDI~1998/12/10~1998/12/11~ 5520~Campaign~TRACE/MDI/VLA/KPNO Active Region Studies~Goal: How extensive is co-spatial cool and hot material in the corona above AR?~Edward DeLuca~~TRACE (S/C); MDI; VLA (GBO); Kitt Peak (GBO)~1999/02/13~1999/02/28~ 5525~Campaign~Active Region Study with Sac Peak~~Richard Shine~~TRACE (S/C); Sac Peak (GBO); Big Bear (GBO); Yohkoh-SXT (S/C)~1999/02/04~1999/02/15~ 5530~Campaign~High Cadence Quiet Sun Studies~~Andrzej Fludra~~CDS; MDI~1999/02/08~1999/02/10~ 5535~Campaign~CME Structure and Dynamics~~Andrzej Fludra; Yuan-Kuen Ko~~CDS; UVCS~1999/02/11~1999/02/14~ 5540~JOP072~High Cadence Chromospheric and Coronal Dynamics Studies with SOHO and TRACE~~Phil Judge~~TRACE (S/C); SUMER; CDS; MDI~1999/02/23~1999/02/26~ 5545~Campaign~Quiet Sun Studies~~Harry Warren; Julia Saba~~TRACE (S/C); MDI~1999/02/22~1999/02/23~ 5550~ICAL01~ICAL 01 Intercalibration~~Udo Schuehle~~CDS; SUMER; EIT; TRACE (S/C)~1999/03/12~1999/03/12~ 5555~Campaign~High-Cadence Plume Observations~~Craig DeForest~~TRACE (S/C); MDI; CDS; SUMER~1999/03/08~1999/03/14~ 5560~Campaign~Active Region Loop Study~~Harry Warren~~TRACE (S/C); Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); MDI~1999/02/24~1999/02/24~ 5565~Campaign~Blinker Study~~Jack Ireland~~MDI; CDS; TRACE (S/C)~1999/02/25~1999/02/25~ 5570~Campaign~Southern Coronal Hole Studies~The idea of this campaign was to look for CH outflow in as many emission lines as possible with SUMER. The line Mg IX (706) was observed later on 17 March 1999. Complementary CH observations have been perfromed on 07 March 1999. First results are included in a paper submitted to A&A on 22 July 1999.~Klaus Wilhelm~The SUMER data available are listed in the SUMER file catalogue at http://www.linmpi.mpg.de/english/projekte/sumer/text/ sfMar99.html: 02 March 1999 CH_ 1832 5570 _ 07:31 Coronal hole scan (S VI) CH_ 1834 5570 _ 11:36 Coronal hole scan (He I) CH_ 1835 5570 _ 15:41 Coronal hole scan (Mg X,bare) CH_ 1842 5570 _ 19:47 Coronal hole scan (Ne VIII)~SUMER; TRACE (S/C); CDS~1999/03/02~1999/03/02~ 5575~Campaign~Quiet Sun Studies~Reference for coronal studies during campaign # 5570.~Julia Saba, Klaus Wilhelm~SUMER data available listed at http://www.linmpi.mpg.de/english/projekte/sumer/text/ sfMar99.html: 01 March 1999 QS_ 1832 5575 _ 15:06 Quiet Sun scan (S VI, interrupted) QS_ 1834 5575 _ 19:15 Quiet Sun scan (He I) QS_ 1835 5575 _ 23:20 Quiet Sun scan (Mg X, bare) 02 March 1999 QS_ 1842 5575 _ 03:25 Quiet Sun scan (Ne VIII)~SUMER, MDI~1999/03/01~1999/03/02~ 5580~Campaign~Sunspot Observations~~Klaus Wilhelm, Harry Warren~Data listed in SUMER file catalogue at http://www.linmpi.mpg.de/english/projekte/sumer/text/ sfFeb99.html: 27 February 1999 SS_ 1838 5580 _ 05:00 Sunspot oscillations~SUMER; TRACE (S/C)~1999/02/27~1999/02/27~ 5585~Campaign~Coronal Hole Observations~This sequence was performed in order to provide a quiet Sun reference for the coronal hole observations in campaign # 5570.~Klaus Wilhelm, Harry Warren~Data available at http://www.linmpi.mpg.de/english/projekte/sumer/text/ sfFeb99.html: 27 February 1999 QS_ 1832 5585 _ 08:39 Quiet Sun scan (S VI) QS_ 1835 5585 _ 12:44 Quiet Sun scan (Mg X, bare) QS_ 1834 5585 _ 16:49 Quiet Sun scan (He I) QS_ 1837 5585 _ 21:46 Quiet Sun scan (Ne VIII)~SUMER, TRACE (S/C)~1999/02/27~1999/02/27~ 5590~Campaign~Flare Watch~~Julia Saba, Dick Shine~~MDI, TRACE (S/C)~1999/03/01~1999/03/01~ 5595~JOP100~Active Region DEM for Heating and Magnetography Studies~~Jeff Brosius; Bill Thompson; Stephen White~Subject: JOP 100 target for Sunday May 9 Folks: We have selected X = -454 arcsec, Y = +312 arcsec as the center of the 4 arcmin by 4 arcmin CDS raster beginning at 1330 UT on Sunday May 9. The CDS pointing will be adjusted during the 10-hour observing period in order to track this area.~CDS; TRACE (S/C); Yohkoh (S/C); VLA (GBO)~1999/05/09~1999/05/13~ 5600~Campaign~IPS Measurements~~Doug Biesecker; Andy Breen; James Tappin~Observations, May 6, 9-11. LASCO will be making special support observations. The MERLIN observations are all in the southeast quadrant, at heights from 8 to 24 solar radii. Contacts: Doug Biesecker (SM&A NASA/GSFC) doug@sungrazer.nascom.nasa.gov; Andy Breen (U. of Wales-Aberystwyth) azb@aber.ac.uk and James Tappin (U. of Birmingham)sjt@star.sr.bham.ac.uk~MERLIN (S/C); EISCAT (GBO); TRACE (S/C); Yohkoh (S/C); LASCO; VLA (GBO)~1999/05/06~1999/05/11~ 5605~JOP098~Multi-Wavelength Obs. of Solar Flares~~Neale Ranns; Charles Kankelborg~1999 March 8, 15:34-17:00 TRACE (coordinated with VLA: Rob Willson) observed AR on NW limb in 1600 AA, 171 AA, and 284 AA. No major events noted. 1999 March 9, TRACE observed AR 8477 and AR 8483. No major events. Some interesting topology and signs of emerging flux (beginnings of AR 8486). Otherwise, it is a typical region, i.e.: 171 AA moss, a profusion of loops that meander through the coronal volume, low-amplitude waves (or is it flow?) propagating out of the coronal fans seen in 171 AA. Small amounts of streaming dark material. Hot flows in some of the low-lying loops. 1999 March 10 00:00-08:00 TRACE observing AR 8477, 8483, 8486. I ve seen only the data prior to 04:42. Plenty of microflaring, but no major events. 1999 March 11 00:00-08:00, TRACE observing AR 8477, 8483, 8486. The very first EUV (171 AA) frame taken by TRACE at 00:07 shows a brilliant diffraction pattern corresponding to a C-9 flare in AR 8483, near the SW limb. The diffraction images show an X shape. Subsequent to the flash, a host of new loops brighten and a helmet-like cusp forms, squirting material out of the helmet spike. The event time coincides with a small CME observed by LASCO (00:12). The JOP 98 observations (00-08 UT) also show several dark prominences at the limb, including one large, persistent structure with a remarkable cruciform shape. 1999 March 11, 15:30-19:00 TRACE (coordinated with VLA: Rob Willson) observed in 171, 284, and 1600, targeting the active region complex at the SW limb (8477, 8483, 8486). Used 2x2 summing in the EUV images to keep the cadence up (40 sec). Occasional context images were taken at full resolution. We caught a flare at 17:16:59, with a very nice double diffraction pattern. The high cadence affords a very smooth movie of a resulting spray seen in 284, 171, and 1600. This event may be of interest to Jop98 participants, because we have pre-event data at very high cadence in full-resolution 1600. Pointing: (860,~CDS; EIT; MDI; TRACE (S/C); YOHKOH (S/C)~1999/03/08~1999/03/12~ 5610~Campaign~Mid-Cadence Plumes~~Craig DeForest~~MDI; TRACE (S/C); SUMER; CDS; EIT~1999/03/07~1999/03/07~ 5615~Campaign~Transient vs. Steady Wind Flows~~Don Hassler~~CDS; TRACE (S/C); SUMER; EIT; MDI~1999/03/08~1999/03/14~ 5620~Campaign~Filament Studies~Observe flows in filaments~Terry Kucera~Obs of Southern polar crown filament 3/10 - filament erupted before observations 3/12 3/13 - TRACE pointed at wrong target Obs of filament in the NE 3/16, 3/17~SUMER; MDI; CDS; TRACE (S/C); EIT~1999/03/10~1999/03/17~ 5625~JOP083~High Cadence Activity Studies and the Heating of Coronal Loops~Our aim is to investigate rapid time variation (down to the order of seconds) within a target coronal loop system and relate these dynamical changes to theoretical models for various coronal loop heating mechanisms.~Robert Walsh; Jack Ireland~August 1999: Results on rapid brightenings close to active regions will be presented at the Physics of the Solar Corona and Transition Region Conference, Monterey, California.~CDS; EIT; TRACE (S/C)~1999/03/16~1999/04/17~ 5630~Campaign~Compton Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO) solar observations~The three low and medium energy gamma-ray instruments will simultaneously and continuously monitor the Sun. The three instruments (BATSE, OSSE, COMPTEL) cover the energy range 50 keV to 30 MeV. The high energy gamma-ray instrument EGRET on CGRO will be in standby mode to observe the Sun at 50 MeV to GeV, if a strong solar flare occurs (is predicted).~Helmut Steinle~Dr. Helmut Steinle (hcs@mpe.mpg.de)~CGRO (S/C); SOHO (S/C)~1999/03/30~1999/05/11~ 5635~Campaign~Coronal Hole Studies~~Craig DeForest~TRACE 11-March-99 0800-1500. We took advantage of the rare opportunity to observe a small, equatorial coronal hole in the MDI hi-res field. Images were obtained mainly in 171 and 1550, with context images in 195, 1600, 1700. Pointing: (-40,~MDI; SUMER; CDS; TRACE (S/C)~1999/03/11~1999/03/11~ 5640~Campaign~Blinkers~~Craig DeForest; Richard Harrison~~CDS; TRACE (S/C)~1999/03/20~1999/03/26~ 5645~Campaign~Quiet Sun~~Meredith Wills~EIT supporting with extra synoptics between 1-13 UT.~TRACE (S/C); EIT~1999/03/14~1999/03/14~ 5650~Campaign~Spicules Study~~Hal Zirin~~TRACE (S/C); Big Bear (GBO)~1999/03/19~1999/03/22~ 5655~ICAL01~Intercalibration 1~Intercalibration of CDS and SUMER~Udo Schuehle; Bill Thompson~SUMER B-Detector, CDS NIS~SUMER; CDS~1999/03/18~1999/03/18~ 5660~Campaign~Distant Plumes~Observation of plumes at maximum possible distance from the Sun, to determine their extent~Craig DeForest~See the mdiwww.nascom.nasa.gov~LASCO; EIT~1999/03/24~1999/03/24~ 5670~Campaign~CME Onset Study~~Richard Harrison~~CDS; UVCS; SUMER~1999/03/20~1999/03/20~ 5675~Campaign~Prominence Study~To compare the intensity of different Lyman lines in prominences. We sre attempting to investigate a diifference between previous data and models of Peter Heinzel.~Terry Kucera~Southen filament on West Limb. Times listed are for SUMER. The first hour is a sit-and-stare observation in a range of Lyman lines. the second hour is a context raster. CDS and TRACE may have observed for longer peroids. 3/20: 14:00-16:00, 3/21: 14:00-16:00 (no TRACE or CDS), 3/23: 12:00-14:00, Lyman Alpha now included~CDS; SUMER; TRACE (S/C)~1999/03/20~1999/03/23~ 5680~Campaign~Jupiter Observations~~Mike Andrews; Shaddia Habbal~UVCS observing March 29 - April 4~LASCO; UVCS; Galileo (S/C); TRACE (S/C)~1999/03/26~1999/04/05~ 5685~Campaign~Flare Study~~Anja Czaykowska~Sit on an active region with a pre-defined Study running, waiting for a flare to occur, OR react in real time by interrupting an on-going Study to point to the active region and running the pre-defined flare Study. Target to be selected with TRACE. CONTACT: Anja Czaykowska - acz@sag.lmsal.com~CDS; TRACE (S/C)~1999/03/30~1999/04/02~ 5690~Campaign~CDS and UVCS CME watch~~Leonard Strachan; Dave Rust; Kuen Ko~CDS: Run old JOP 67 to look for CME onsets - in particular when active regions or prominences near the limb.~CDS; UVCS~1999/04/05~1999/05/09~ 5695~JOP100~Active Region DEM for Heating and Magnetography Studies~Combine radio, magnetic and EUV data for an active region in order to further test an empirical approach to understanding coronal heating, and to address one of the major questions posed by the observation that the corona is not isothermal, but rather shows a mixture of temperatures along any given line of sight. Coordinate with Advanced Stokes Polarimeter.~Stephen White~14 - 24 UT.~CDS; VLA (GBO); Sac Peak (GBO)~1999/04/12~1999/04/12~ 5700~JOP100~Active Region DEM for Heating and Magnetography Studies~Combine radio, magnetic and EUV data for an active region in order to further test an empirical approach to understanding coronal heating, and to address one of the major questions posed by the observation that the corona is not isothermal, but rather shows a mixture of temperatures along any given line of sight. Coordinate with Advanced Stokes Polarimeter.~Stephen White~observations from 14 - 24 UT with tracking CDS target for 14-18 UT: X=353, Y=606 CDS target for 18-24 UT: X=-470, Y=-230~CDS; VLA (GBO); Sac Peak (GBO); TRACE (S/C)~1999/05/23~1999/05/23~ 5705~JOP099~Filament-Prominence-CME Magnetic Evolution Study~The main objective of this proposal is to study the physical structure and magnetic evolution of filaments (and prominences), trying to understand the conditions that lead to the eruption of a prominence, often associated with a CME.~Gabriela Bagala; Jack Ireland~~CDS; TRACE (S/C); MDI; LASCO; HASTA VTT (GBO); MICA (GBO)~1999/04/08~1999/04/14~ 5710~Campaign~Sunspot Oscillations~~Andrzej Fludra~6:52-15:24 UT, Coordinates: 245, 395~CDS; TRACE (S/C)~1999/03/30~1999/04/03~ 5715~Campaign~VAULT Rocket Support~First ultra high-resolution Lya observations of the solar surface.~Angelos Vourlidas~VAULT (Very High Resolution Advanced Ultraviolet Telescope) Update (as of 07/27/99): The VAULT flight data is still being processed. The delay is due to a telemetry problem that prevents the easy reconstruction of the data. The final calibrated data will be used to aid the calibration of the Lyman a channel of TRACE.~VAULT (Rocket); SXT (S/C); EIT; TRACE (S/C)~1999/05/07~1999/05/07~ 5720~ICAL01~Intercalibration 1~~Barbara Thompson; Andrzej Fludra~~CDS; EIT; TRACE (S/C)~1999/04/21~1999/04/21~ 5725~Campaign~High Cadence Active Region Observations~~Andrzej Fludra~~CDS; TRACE (S/C)~1999/04/20~1999/04/20~ 5730~Campaign~Active Region 8518 Study~~Nariaki Nitta; Carsten Denker; Barry LaBonte~~TRACE (S/C); Big Bear (GBO); Yohkoh SXT (S/C); Mees (GBO)~1999/04/19~1999/04/29~ 5735~JOP104~X-ray Jets from Limb Active Regions~~Davina Innes~~CDS; SUMER; TRACE (S/C); Yohkoh-SXT (S/C)~1999/05/03~1999/05/15~ 5740~JOP095~Chromospheric and TR Oscillations Study~cf. description of JOP 95~Peter Heinzel; Werner Curdt~run on May 4, 6, and 8 1999, best seeing was on May 8 Paper was presented at the EPS meeting in Florence, September 12-18, 1999~SUMER; EIT; MDI; TRACE (S/C); VTT Tenerife (GBO); GCT Tenerife (GBO)~1999/05/04~1999/05/09~ 5745~JOP078~Quiet Sun Super Granular Network Study~cf. description of JOP 78~Werner Curdt~was run on May 5 and 7, 1999 best seeing conditions at VTT on May 7~SUMER; TRACE (S/C); CDS; MDI; EIT; VTT Tenerife (GBO); GCT Tenerife (GBO)~1999/05/05~1999/05/09~ 5750~JOP096~Emerging Active Regions~~C. Alissandrakis~~SUMER; CDS; MDI; TRACE (S/C)~1999/05/11~1999/05/15~ 5755~Campaign~Wave Flux from Photosphere to trans. reg.~~Tom Ayers~~SUMER; TRACE (S/C); Kitt Peak (GBO)~1999/05/11~1999/05/14~ 5760~JOP017~Dynamics of Arch Filament Systems~~P. Mein; B. Schmieder~examples of VTT/MSDP images in http://www.astro.uio.no/ schmiede/campaigns.html~THEMIS (GBO); Tenerife (GBO); CDS; SUMER; EIT; MDI; TRACE (S/C)~1999/05/11~1999/05/17~ 5765~JOP103~Transition Region Moss~Recent observations of solar active regions with the Transition Region And Coronal Explorer (TRACE) have revealed finely textured, low-lying extreme ultraviolet (EUV) emission, called the moss , appearing as a bright dynamic pattern with dark inclusions over plage regions. The moss interacts with chromospheric jets (spicules) which correspond to the dark inclusions seen in the EUV. Te 0.6-1.5 MK and ne 2-5x10^9 cm-3 at a temperature of 1.3 MK. It is apparently the conductively heated EUV emission at the footpoints of 2-5 MK coronal loops. In this JOP, we examine the dynamics of the moss plasma and changes in the physical parameters on fast time scales ( 30 sec), using CDS rasters, MDI high-res magnetograms, TRACE 171A and CIV movies, SXT partial frames, and SVST (La Palma) Ca II K-line, H-alpha, and G-band movies.~Bart De Pontieu~The first execution of this campaign in May/June 1999 was succesful, with CDS, SUMER, La Palma and TRACE data currently being studied.~CDS; MDI; TRACE (S/C); Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); La Palma (GBO)~1999/05/17~1999/06/04~ 5770~JOP105~Low Corona Diagnostics~~Jean Arnaud~~EIT; CDS; Mauna Loa (GBO)~1999/05/10~1999/05/30~ 5775~Campaign~Moreton Waves Program~~Jean Pierre Delaboudiniere~~EIT; Pic-du-Midi (GBO)~1999/05/10~1999/05/22~ 5780~JOP022~Network Evolution~~Philippe Lemaire~~SUMER; CDS; EIT; MDI; TRACE (S/C); THEMIS (GBO), VTT Tenerife (GBO)~1999/05/17~1999/05/18~ 5785~Campaign~Solar Wind in Inner Corona Study~~Shaddia Habbal~~UVCS; Sac Peak (GBO)~1999/05/17~1999/05/23~ 5790~JOP102~Structure of Coronal Holes with Plumes~~Barbara Bromage~~CDS; MDI; TRACE (S/C); SUMER; EIT~1999/05/19~1999/05/22~ 5795~JOP038~Diagnostic of Coronal Bright Points~~Karine Bocchialini~~SUMER; CDS; EIT; MDI~1999/05/20~1999/05/23~ 5800~JOP101~Helium Line Formation Study~~Hardi Peter~~SUMER; VTT Tenerife (GBO); TRACE (S/C); CDS; EIT; MDI~1999/05/21~1999/05/24~ 5805~Campaign~Ionization Degree in Cool Structures~~Jean-Claude Vial~~SUMER; CDS; EIT~1999/05/10~1999/05/30~ 5810~Campaign~Limb Studies~~Jean-Pierre Delaboudiniere; Serge Koutchmy~~Pic du Midi (GBO); EIT; TRACE (S/C)~1999/05/24~1999/05/29~ 5815~Campaign~Spicules Study~~Hardi Peter~~SUMER; VTT Tenerife (GBO)~1999/05/25~1999/05/26~ 5820~Campaign~UVCS/Ulysses Coordinated observations~~Steve Suess; Giannina Poletto~~UVCS; Ulysses (S/C)~1999/05/24~1999/06/06~ 5825~Campaign~Microflare Evolution~same as JOP 104~Werner Curdt~cf. JOP 104 for details~SUMER; TRACE (S/C)~1999/05/03~1999/05/03~ 5830~JOP040~Diagnostic of the Lower Transition Region in Equatorial Coronal Holes~We aim to derive all the accessible by the UV spectroscopy physical parameters (flow and non-thermal velocities, densities ...) of the transition region network in and out Equatorial Coronal Holes to see if holes and quiet Sun differ and if yes how.~Spiros Patsourakos~~CDS; SUMER; MDI; TRACE (S/C)~1999/05/10~1999/05/28~ 5835~Campaign~Coronal Hole Studies~~Francoise Bely-Dubau; Alan Gabriel~~CDS; SUMER; EIT~1999/05/10~1999/05/16~ 5840~Campaign~Large Sunspot Study~Obtain full EUV spectrum of a sunspot~Ted Tarbell; Werner Curdt; Andrzej Fludra~As a first result, the spectrum and the line identifications obtained so far was presented at the SOHO 8 conference in Paris, June 20-26, 1999.~CDS; SUMER; TRACE (S/C); Big Bear (GBO)~1999/05/06~1999/05/15~ 5845~Campaign~Active Region Filament Study~~Stephane Regnier~~CDS; SUMER~1999/05/10~1999/05/10~ 5850~Campaign~Off-limb Studies~~Andrzej Fludra~~CDS; SUMER~1999/05/15~1999/05/15~ 5855~Campaign~AR8544 observations~~Harry Warren~08-15:20 UT: AR 8544 (X = -249, Y = -290) with tracking. 15:20-18 UT: AR 8544 (X = -181, Y = -290) no tracking.~TRACE (S/C); La Palma (GBO)~1999/05/18~1999/05/18~ 5856~ICAL01~Intercalibration 001~~Jeff Newmark~~CDS; SUMER; EIT; TRACE (S/C)~1999/06/03~1999/06/03~ 5860~JOP108~DYNAMICS AND STRUCTURE OF LARGE SUNSPOTS~~Brian Handy; Jake Wolfson; Charles Kankelborg~~CDS; SUMER;CELIAS; EIT; TRACE (S/C); Yohkoh (S/C); SERTS (rocket)~1999/06/06~1999/06/22~cmp_5860.txt 5865~JOP107~Lyman lines series in prominences and Lyman continua~Prominence observed by SUMER in Lyman Lines and CDS March- May-June 1999~Jack Ireland; Brigitte Schmieder~March 20 Lyman lines alpha .. with TRACE and CDS (T.Kucera) March 23 (SOHO8) with TRACE and CDS (T.Kucera) (see in page http://www.astro.uio.no/ schmiede/research.html Prominence in all the Lyman series (SUMER): March 23 1999 Postscript preprint of the ESA paper, in press) May 28 prominence S 61 7:30-10 (452,-880) (Ph.Lemaire) N 63 9:30-12 (-418,881) May 29 N42 ? June 2 prominence -430,-860 17:35-19:44 (J.Ireland) with CDS at 18:00 UT (informations given by B.Schmieder)~CDS; SUMER; Ondrejov (GBO); Bialkov (GBO)~1999/06/02~1999/06/02~ 5870~ICAL06~Intercalibration 006~SERTS sounding rocket underflight calibration for SOHO.~Roger Thomas; Barbara Thompson; Jeff Brosius~We have selected X = -450 arcsec, Y = +300 arcsec as the center of the 4 arcmin by 4 arcmin CDS field of view for the SERTS flight on June 24. The SERTS roll angle will be 90 degrees, i.e., the slit will be perpendicular to the solar rotation axis. SERTS spectra and spectroheliograms will be obtained at three different, parallel pointings, each separated by 90 arcsec. (Thus the maximum separation between parallel slit pointings will be 3 arcmin.) Ideally, all three slit positions will lie within the CDS, EIT, TRACE, and SXT fields of view. During SERTS launch, SSR will be in record for CDS, 16:15-17:55 UT. One final note about the SERTS pointing for June 24, in case it was not clear from the earlier message: the three SERTS pointing positions will be offset from one another by 90 arcsec in the North-South direction, i.e., perpendicular to our East-West slit orientation. Thus the horizontal slit will twice undergo a 90 arcsec vertical translation during the flight. The center of the 4 arcmin by 4 arcmin CDS field of view remains X = -450 arcsec, Y = +300 arcsec, which corresponds to about 20 degrees North and 30 degrees East. Yohkoh Comments from Yohkoh Planner (Piet Martens) ------------------------------------------------ The SXT Table that Hugh and I just prepared and sent off, has fixed SXT pointing at N20, E30, with partial frames of 5.2x5.2 arcmin square FOV. SXT will cycle through 5 filters, once with adjustable and once with fixed exposures. After these 10 images there is a dark current calibration partial frame image. This program will be overidden by flare mode, should a flare occur anywhere on the Sun. Note that a major flare has been forecast for the SERTS target region. Hugh has calculated that SXT should be in high rate during the time of the flight. In contrast to our earlier plans, this SXT observing program will start already after the first KSC pass for today, at 11:33 UT, to have better overlap with CDS. This program will be replced by the regular Max Millennium 01 observations at 18:25 UT. SXT got 11 good partial frame images in full resolution of the target area during the SERTS rocket flight, cycling twice through five filters, and making one dark calibration image. Exposures in the two cycles are rather different, as we had planned, so the dynamic range can be extended considerably by combining images in the same filter. We also have two good full disk images for the time of the flight. There are a lot of interesting structures in the SXT images, including an Y- or X-type loop, but there is very little variation during the 10 minutes. I am putting together an SXT science nugget, comparing the SXT and TRACE images during the flight at: http://www.solar.isas.ac.jp/sxt_co/990625.html Hugh Hudson has put the SXT data, and the journal of an IDL session prepping the images, in the form of an .genx file for anyone to use in: ftp://isass0.solar.isas.ac.jp/pub/serts/ CDS: Three rasters were taken of the SERTS target, before, during and after the rocket flight. Post-flight analysis shows that we have good co-alignment. More information at http://orpheus.nascom.nasa.gov/serts/serts99/serts99_news.html~CDS; SUMER;CELIAS; EIT; TRACE (S/C); Yohkoh (S/C); SERTS (rocket); Big Bear (GBO); Meudon (GBO)~1999/06/24~1999/06/24~ 5875~Campaign~Active Region Streamer Study~SXT, UVCS, CDS, SUMER and TRACE observed an active streamer to obtain physical properties such as electron density, temperature and elemental abundances. Comparison of the data from these instruments will provide multiple checks on the interpretation and resolve ambiguities.~John Raymond~Solar streamers seen as bright loops over the solar limb in the corona hold the keys to understand coronal heating process and acceleration of solar winds. The data appear to be good. High temperatures are seen at large heights as indicated by SXT filter ratios and emission lines such as [Fe XVIII].~CDS; SUMER; UVCS; Yohkoh (S/C); TRACE (S/C)~1999/06/07~1999/06/09~ 5880~Campaign~Explosive Events~~Harry Warren~~TRACE (S/C); SUMER; EIT; MDI~1999/06/08~1999/06/08~ 5885~Campaign~Off-limb Quiet Sun Study~~Jack Ireland~~SUMER; CDS~1999/06/05~1999/06/05~ 5890~Campaign~Spicule Study~~Charles Kankelborg~~TRACE (S/C); Big Bear (GBO); La Palma (GBO)~1999/06/16~1999/06/19~ 5895~JOP098~3-D Structure of Flaring Active Regions~~Neale Ranns; Dale E. Gary; Richard Canfield~This was part of Max Millennium Campaign Observing Program 001 (MMOP001).~CDS; EIT; MDI; TRACE (S/C); Yohkoh (S/C); MMOP001 (MaxMill/GBO)~1999/06/15~1999/06/28~cmp_5895.txt ; cmp_5895_boris.txt 5900~Campaign~Long Duration Polar Campaign~To study the relationship between different solar features which have previously been observed by CDS in the polar regions.~Dave Pike; Richard Harrison~TRACE participated on June 14.~CDS; TRACE (S/C)~1999/06/10~1999/06/14~ 5905~Campaign~Active Region Study~~Jake Wolfson; Harry Warren~~SUMER; EIT; TRACE (S/C); MDI; LaPalma (GBO)~1999/06/11~1999/06/14~ 5910~Campaign~Oslo Active Region Loop Campaign~~Terje Fredvik ; Paal Brekke; Olav Kjeldseth-Moe~~CDS; TRACE (S/C)~1999/06/15~1999/06/20~ 5915~Campaign~Helium Study~~Matt Penn; Vincenzo Andretta; Stephen White~~CDS; Kitt Peak (GBO)~1999/06/22~1999/06/25~ 5920~Campaign~High Res Active Region Studies~The objective is to get high resolution images of the active region in MDI s high res field of view in 3 variables - magnetic field, dopplergram, and continuum, along with TRACE observations.~Emily Zamkoff; Dick Shine~MDI ran a 3 variable campaign in the top half of the high res field of view from 20:25 UT on 6/25 until 21:48 UT on 6/30.~MDI; TRACE (S/C)~1999/06/25~1999/06/30~ 5925~Campaign~Active Region/Sunspot Campaign~~Olav Kjeldseth-Moe; Paal Brekke; Emily Zamkoff~MDI observed in high res field until 6/30/99 at 21:49 UT; then switched to full disk mode.~CDS; MDI; TRACE (S/C)~1999/06/28~1999/06/30~ 5930~Campaign~Microspores~~Dick Shine; Hal Zirin~~TRACE (S/C); Big Bear (GBO)~1999/07/01~1999/07/03~ 5935~ICAL01~ICAL01~~Terry Kucera~~CDS; EIT; TRACE (S/C)~1999/07/07~1999/07/07~ 5940~Campaign~Prominence Study~To observe the structure of promineinces at different temperatures with in the EUV CDS and in Halpha with Big Bear~Terry Kucera~July 6, 1999 polar crown filament on NW limb CDS 21:02-22:53 UT POBS1_2/v18 Big Bear 21:30 - 22:30 UT High Resolution images from -1 to +1 A around Halpha July 9, 1999 polar crown filament on SE limb CDS 16:00 - 19:38 UT POBS1_2/v18 Big Bear clouded out~CDS; Big Bear (GBO)~1999/07/06~1999/07/09~ 5945~Campaign~Streamer Study~Comparison of Lyman Alpha line intensities with spatial and temporal co-registration.~Rai Wu; Kuen Ko~~TRACE (S/C); UVCS~1999/07/06~1999/07/06~ 5950~Campaign~Birmingham Flare Study~~George Simnett; Andrzej Fludra~~CDS; EIT; TRACE (S/C)~1999/07/20~1999/07/22~ 5955~Campaign~High Res Sunspot Study~The objective is to look at sunspots in the MDI high resolution field of view with 2 variables - magnetic field and dopplergrams, along with TRACE observations and CDS.~Emily Zamkoff; Ted Tarbell~Target: AR 8613, 8614 and 8620. MDI ran a 2 variable campaign covering the entire high res field of view from 15:33 on 7/7 until 17:55 on 7/8.~MDI; CDS; TRACE (S/C)~1999/07/07~1999/07/07~ 5960~Campaign~Active Region Tracking~The objective is to track an AR across the disk and have MDI go into high resolution mode when the region is at central meridian, along with TRACE observations and CDS.~Emily Zamkoff~MDI ran in full disk mode with 2 variables - magnetic field and dopplergram - from before the start of this observation until 15:42 on 7/16. The campaign was then switched to a 3 variable campaign in the top 2/3 of the high res field of view from 15:43 on 7/16 until 00:17 on 7/19. The campaign was switched back to the 2 variable full disk campaign at 00:18 UT on 7/19 and this program ran until the end joint observation.~MDI; CDS; TRACE (S/C)~1999/07/13~1999/07/20~ 5965~Campaign~CME Structural Studies~~Arya Akmal; Mike Uzzo; John Raymond~Lead observers: Week 1 (7/19-25) John Raymond Week 2 (7/26-8/1) Arya Akmal Week 3 (8/2-8/8) Mike Uzzo~UVCS; NEAR (S/C)~1999/07/19~1999/08/08~ 5970~JOP110~Structure of the Solar Poles during the Magnetic Transition~~Craig DeForest~~MDI; TRACE (S/C); EIT; LASCO;CDS~1999/08/27~1999/08/30~ 5975~JOP106~Sigmoidal Active Region Study~We will study sigmoidal structures and other CME tracers on the solar disk over a range of wavelengths, and also determine the underlying magnetic field from vector and line-of-sight magnetogram data. We will choose a clear sigmoid appearing in the Eastern hemisphere, and follow it with coordinated observations of its structure in multiple wavelengths. If it is still sigmoidal when it reaches the West limb, we will add coronagraph data in order to better study its manifestation at the solar limb. If it erupts, we will gather pre-eruption and post-eruption on-disk and coronagraph data to be compared. We will also look for signatures in interplanetary scintillation observations (IPS), and study the geo-effectiveness of any eruption, using space and earth-based in-situ instrumentation.~Sarah Gibson; Doug Biesecker~target of opportunity for WSM#3 This is part of the Max Millennium Observing Program #002. Additional information about this campaign can be found http://sohops.gsfc.nasa.gov/whole_sun/HOMEPAGE/WSM2/SIGJOP/SIGINFO/WORKSHOP/overview.html http://sohops.gsfc.nasa.gov/whole_sun/HOMEPAGE/WSM2/SIGJOP/SIGINFO/WORKSHOP/workgroup.html http://solar.physics.montana.edu/max_millennium/ops/op002/followup/wsm3_ftwg.html~CDS; UVCS; MDI; LASCO; EIT; TRACE (S/C); Yohkoh (S/C); MMOP002(MaxMill/GBO)~1999/08/12~1999/08/26~ 5985~JOP076~CDS; LASCO; Mauna Loa Streamer Study~We are interested in using observations of the solar corona in spectral emission and scattered white light to study the connections between lower, smaller-scale coronal structures and large-scale coronal streamer structures for the ascending phase of the solar cycle. Specifically, we propose to use observations from a variety of coronal telescopes to compare and combine the results of density and temperature diagnostic techniques for the upper and lower corona, to motivate and constrain a theoretical model of force balance in the coronal streamers, and to study the dynamic evolution of streamers over a complete solar rotation.~Sarah Gibson; Doug Biesecker~WSM#3~CDS; LASCO; EIT; UVCS; TRACE (S/C); Mauna Loa (GBO)~1999/08/18~1999/08/24~ 5990~JOP076~CDS, LASCO, Mauna Loa Streamer Study~We are interested in using observations of the solar corona in spectral emission and scattered white light to study the connections between lower, smaller-scale coronal structures and large-scale coronal streamer structures for the ascending phase of the solar cycle. Specifically, we propose to use observations from a variety of coronal telescopes to compare and combine the results of density and temperature diagnostic techniques for the upper and lower corona, to motivate and constrain a theoretical model of force balance in the coronal streamers, and to study the dynamic evolution of streamers over a complete solar rotation.~Sarah Gibson; Doug Biesecker~WSM#3 More information is available at http://sohops.gsfc.nasa.gov/whole_sun/WSM3/streamer.html~CDS; LASCO; EIT; UVCS; TRACE (S/C); Mauna Loa (GBO)~1999/09/01~1999/09/07~ 5995~JOP109~Temperature and Density Structure of the Solar Corona~~Andrzej Fludra; Sarah Gibson; Doug Biesecker~WSM#3~CDS; LASCO; Yohkoh (S/C); EIT; TRACE (S/C); UVCS~1999/08/25~1999/08/31~ 6000~JOP109~Temperature and Density Structure of the Solar Corona~~Andrzej Fludra; Sarah Gibson; Doug Biesecker~WSM#3~CDS; LASCO; Yohkoh (S/C); EIT; TRACE (S/C); UVCS~1999/09/08~1999/09/14~ 6005~Campaign~Chromospheric dynamics with He I 10830 A at the solar limb~~Meredith Wills; Karin Muglach~~TRACE (S/C); Tenerife (GBO)~1999/07/30~1999/08/06~ 6010~Campaign~Oslo Sunspot Study~~Olav Kjeldseth-Moe; Craig DeForest~CDS: The Oslo sunspot campaign was run on a simple unipolar spot in active region NOAA-8640, using studies O_SPOT2/v5 and O_SPOT3/v3. This spot was close to the central meridian, and within the MDI high resolution field of view. Observations were also made by MDI in their high resolution mode, and by TRACE.~CDS; MDI~1999/07/25~1999/07/27~ 6015~Campaign~Emerging Flux Study~~Jake Wolfson; Craig DeForest~Target inside MDI s High Res field of view.~TRACE (S/C); MDI~1999/07/26~1999/08/01~ 6020~ICAL01~Intercalibration001~~Udo Schuehle~~CDS; SUMER; EIT; TRACE (S/C)~1999/08/06~1999/08/06~ 6025~Campaign~Oslo Loop Study~~Olav Kjeldseth-Moe; Jake Wolfson~CDS: Active region AR8636 was observed on the limb, in support of the Oslo active region loop campaign, using studies O_LOOP2/v5 and O_LOOP1/v4.~CDS; TRACE (S/C)~1999/07/30~1999/07/30~ 6030~JOP097~Oscillations in Sunspots and Active Regions~~Karin Muglach~~TRACE (S/C); MDI; EIT; Tenerife VTT and GCT (GBO); LaPalma (GBO)~1999/09/10~1999/09/20~ 6040~Campaign~Solar Eclipse Coronal Imaging System (SECIS) Expedition Support~~Jack Ireland; Richard Harrison; Ken Phillips; Peter Gallagher~~CDS; SECIS (GBO)~1999/08/10~1999/08/12~ 6045~Campaign~ESA SSD Expedition Support~~Barbara Thompson; Salvatore Orlando; Bernard Foing~~MDI; LASCO; EIT; ESA SSD Expedition (GBO)~1999/08/11~1999/08/11~ 6050~Campaign~Williams College Expedition Support~To observe the solar corona during the total solar eclipse of 11 August 1999 and to use those observations to follow coronal structure seen in EIT silhouetted against the solar disk up over the limb into the middle corona.~Barbara Thompson; Jay M. Pasachoff~We successfully observed the total solar eclipse of 11 August 1999 from Rimnicu Vilcea, Romania. We obtained 11 CCD images in the [Fe XIV] green line at 530.3 nm at various exposure times to display the corona over a wide range of intensities beyond the limb. Thus far we have made a composite image out of our photographic white-light results, and merged the image with EIT images that are themselves merged to bring out coronal structure; we have displayed such images at www.williams.edu/astronomy/eclipse99. The reduction of the CCD images and their merging with EIT on their inside and LASCO on their outside is to be the senior thesis of Daniel Seaton 01 at Williams College. We have also so far reduced high-temporal-resolution [Fe XIV] green-line data showing coronal loops on the northwest limb, a region chosen in consultation with SOHO/EIT and TRACE scientists; a paper on similar 1998 data has just been accepted at Solar Physics and reduction of the 1999 data is continuing as the senior thesis of Kevin Russell 00. Further, as the senior thesis of Sara Kate May 00, we have reduced polarized images obtained through three filters between 400 and 4250 nm to follow the method of Cram in mapping coronal temperature by studying the relation of the photospheric spectrum as viewed directly with that same spectrum as scattered off the fast coronal electrons. We are reporting the observations at the eclipse symposium at the Institut d Astrophysique in Paris at the April 14/15, 2000, meeting and at the Rochester AAS meeting in June 2000.~EIT; Williams College Expedition (GBO)~1999/08/11~1999/08/11~ 6055~Campaign~Royal Observatory of Belgium and JOSO TECONet Expedition~Joint Ground-Based/SOHO observations of the coronal structures, variations and possible transients, during the 11/8/1999 total solar eclipse, including the absolute determination of local electron densities and the cross-calibration with the LASCO C2 coronagraph.~Barbara Thompson; Frederic Clette~Ground-based polarimetric images of the eclipse in white-light were succesfully collected by 14 (out of 28) stations taking part in TECONet, a Trans-European Coronal Observing Network distributed between France and Iran. This collection of data are calibrated to derive polarized brightness maps, spanning a time interval of about 100 minutes. No major CME occured during this time interval. More subtle changes will be investigated, in particular loop and filament expansions near the NW limb, that might be early precusors of a large CME that went off there 10 hours after eclipse time.~MDI; LASCO; EIT; Royal Observatory of Belgium (GBO); JOSO TECONet Expedition (GBO)~1999/08/11~1999/08/11~ 6056~ICAL01~ICAL01~~Luca Teriaca; Peter Young; Scott McIntosh~~SUMER; CDS; EIT~2004/05/26~2004/05/26~ 6060~Campaign~French Institutes Expedition Support~A team of several french Labs (the Paris Inst-t d Astrophysique-CNRS; the Orsay Inst-t d Astrophysique Spatiale; the Marseille LAS, etc.) did prepare a series of ground-based eclise exp-ts to analyze the eclipse and post-eclipse corona. Objectives mainly cover 1/ The analysis of the W-L intermediate corona (not seen with the Lasco C2 coronagraph), with high spatial resolution, to understand the origine of the extended coronal structure, including fine rays above active regions and high loops; 2/ the spectroscopic analysis of the main parts of the inner and intermediate (up to 2 solar radii) corona at 2 different spectral resolutions, to look at the coronal temperature distribution with a special attention to the extraction of the non thermal velocities from the Fe XIV 530.3 line profile; and 3/ additional exp-ts like narrow passband imagery and polarimetry of the more external corona simultaneously observed with the Lasco C2 coronagraph. All G-B exp-ts performed well during the beautifull eclipse totality we experienced in the central part of Iran (near Chadagan); the data are now analyzed taking into account the accurately collected SoHO data (EIT; Lasco) before, during and especially, after the eclipse totality. Some TRACE data were also collected in a limb NW region. G-B calibration will also be used to interpret some of the Spaceborne data. It is apparently the 1st time that a full disk EIT image in HeII 304 was made strictly simultaneously with a high resolution W-L color image of the corona which shows, at the same resolution, all Halpha emissions (see additional comments).~Serge Koutchmy; Barbara Thompson~At the time of this Aug. 11, 1999 eclipse we were lucky to have several very interesting phenomena going on into the corona: First, a big CME at the NW limb, which exploded several hours after the totality, above a HIGH W-L LOOP of Romanesque style (0.75 R above the solar surface) that we well observed, slowly evolving over an extended region with several filaments and prominence ejecta (also studied with TRACE data in coronal lines). Cavities of different scales are observed there but NO helmet streamer of Gothic style around it can be identified. The EIT movie in FeXII 195 shows a now classical prominence eruption with spiraling threads evolving from absorption to emission and subsequent blowing up of the whole coronal region. Further, the CME is well followed on C2 and C3 Lasco images and surprinsingly enough, a rather constant proper motion velocity of 440 km/s is measured over a more than 20 R fov. However, it is not easy to look at the continuity between what is observed on the EIT coronal movie and what can be identified among the Lasco W-L structures. The eclipse observation of a high loop (with inserted inside cavities) without any helmet streamer prior to the initiation of the CME is unique. The spectroscopic analysis (eclipse spectra) of the prominence part which is, later on, blowing up to form the heart of the CME, is also unique. Further, above the NE limb, we observed the corona overlying a large active region where the emission of the CaXV line is registered (coronal condensation). Small prominence ejecta and plasmoides are abondantly observed and much further out, very fine rays and threads. Because type III radio bursts were registered with the Nancay Decameter Network, we speculate on the origine of some of the finest quasi-radial rays being the W-L counterparts of the beam of relativistic electrons and supra-thermal particles responsible for the Radio-bursts. We succeeded in finding at least 2 fine rays of the best eclipse radially filtered image showing some definite traces on the Lasco processed C2 image taken 10 mn after (image available on the Web)....more info in attachment...~EIT; LASCO~1999/08/11~1999/08/11~cmp_6060.jpg; cmp_6060.txt 6065~Campaign~HAO Expedition Support~~Phil Judge; Barbara Thompson~~EIT; HAO Expedition (GBO)~1999/08/11~1999/08/11~ 6070~Campaign~SAO Expedition Support~~Silvano Fineschi~~UVCS; LASCO; SAO Expedition (GBO)~1999/08/11~1999/08/11~ 6075~Campaign~Bucharest Expedition Support~~Silvano Fineschi~~UVCS; LASCO; Bucharest Expedition (GBO)~1999/08/11~1999/08/11~ 6080~Campaign~AR8651 Study~~Kathy Reeves; Dick Shine~~TRACE (S/C); MDI; LaPalma (GBO)~1999/08/09~1999/08/09~ 6085~Campaign~AR8662 Study~~Kathy Reeves; Dick Shine~~TRACE (S/C); MDI; LaPalma (GBO)~1999/08/10~1999/08/13~ 6090~ICAL012~Intercalibration 12~~Don McMullin~~CELIAS; Sounding Rocket (rocket); EIT; TRACE (S/C)~1999/08/18~1999/08/18~ 6095~Campaign~AR8667 Study~~Dick Shine; Brian Handy; Charles Kankelborg~~MDI; TRACE (S/C); La Palma (GBO)~1999/08/16~1999/08/16~ 6100~Campaign~AR8668 Study~~Dick Shine; Brian Handy; Charles Kankelborg~~MDI; TRACE (S/C); La Palma (GBO)~1999/08/17~1999/08/17~ 6105~Campaign~Rho Leo Calibration~We used the known rho position (as a function of time) to calibrate the UVCS pointing. We also collected UV spectra and pB data (of the corona, not Rho Leo) simultaneously.~Richard Frazin; John Raymond~~UVCS; LASCO; SUMER~1999/08/28~1999/08/31~ 6110~JOP017~Dynamics of Arch Filament Systems~~Peter Mein ; Brigitte Schmieder~~THEMIS (GBO); Tenerife VTT (GBO); CDS; SUMER; EIT; MDI; TRACE (S/C); Yohkoh (S/C)~1999/10/11~1999/10/18~cmp_6110.txt 6115~JOP107~Lyman Line Series in Prominences and Lyman Continua~~Peter Mein ; Brigitte Schmieder~~Ondrejov (GBO); Wroclaw (GBO); CDS; SUMER; EIT; MDI; TRACE (S/C)~1999/10/11~1999/10/18~cmp_6115.txt 6120~Campaign~Loops in Active Regions~Multiwavelength study of active region loop systems. Morphology and thermodynamical structure.~Daniele Spadaro~Very good images. Spectra with high signal to noise ratio. Analysis in progress.~CDS; TRACE (S/C)~1999/10/08~1999/10/08~ 6125~ICAL01~Intercalibration001~Intercalibration of CDS EIT and TRACE.~Frederic Auchere~Especially helps to deconvolve the broad band EIT and TRACE images from their bandpasses.~CDS; EIT; TRACE (S/C)~1999/09/15~1999/09/15~ 6130~Campaign~Filament Studies~~Meredith Wills; Dick Shine~~CDS; TRACE (S/C)~1999/09/17~1999/09/24~ 6135~Campaign~IPS Campaign~To compare UVCS Doppler dimming velocities at 1.5 to 6 solar radii with IPS velocity measurements made beyond 25 solar radii.~Leonard Strachan; Andy Breen~~UVCS; LASCO; EISCAT (GBO)~1999/09/13~1999/09/15~ 6140~Campaign~AR Flare Studies~~Dick Shine~~TRACE (S/C); Big Bear (GBO)~1999/09/25~1999/09/27~ 6145~JOP103~Transition Region Moss~~Bart De Pontieu~~CDS; TRACE (S/C); MDI; SUMER; La Palma (GBO)~1999/10/06~1999/10/08~ 6150~Campaign~Polar Coronal Holes~Study of the corona above North Pole near the period of maximum activity. O VI resonance doublet lines observed by UVCS and SUMER, as well as lines of Si XII. Support by SUMER very useful to fill the gap from 1.0 to 1.5 Rsun, not covered by UVCS. Moreover, SUMER observed the solar disk, near the limb, in order to provide data for stray light correction of UVCS data and for the study of Doppler dimming of O VI resonance doublet lines.~Daniele Spadaro~Observations were obtained with a very good signal to noise ratio for both instruments. Analysis is in progress. Quick look of UVCS data showed a significant emission in the Si XII lines even at 1.5 - 2.0 Rsun, which implies a high density and temperature in the extended corona also above the North pole. This result is interesting if compared to analogous observations obtained during the phases of solar minimum activity, when the emission in the extended corona above polar regions was negligible in lines of highly charged ions.~UVCS; SUMER~1999/10/04~1999/10/17~ 6155~JOP009~Prominence Plasma Diagnostics and Dynamics~The purpose of the observing program is a plasma diagnostics - evaluation of the main plasma parameters like density, temperature, and velocities of both the cool prominence material and prominence-corona transition region.~Maria Madjarska~16/10/99 (19:00 UT) - 17/10/99 (05:00 UT) - SUMER 16/10/99 (19:02 - 23:20) - CDS Good SUMER and CDS dataset of a quiescent prominence. Data analysis in order to confirm and enrich the results obtained so far on prominence plasma diagnostics and dynamics: M. S. Madjarska and J.-C. Vial : Plasma Parameters of a Quiescent Prominence Observed on October 16/17, 1999 by SUMER and CDS/SOHO (in preparation)~SUMER; CDS~1999/10/06~1999/10/17~ 6160~JOP058~Chromospheric Network Prop. Wave Search~~Frederic Baudin~~CDS; SUMER; MDI~1999/10/05~1999/10/17~ 6165~Campaign~Oscillations Study~~Jean Claude Vial~~SUMER; CDS~1999/10/11~1999/10/17~ 6170~Campaign~Prominence Spectrum Atlas~~Jean Claude Vial; Werner Curdt~~SUMER; CDS~1999/10/11~1999/10/17~ 6175~JOP057~Polar Jetlets Study~~Jean-Pierre DeLaboudiniere; Jeff Newmark~~CDS; TRACE (S/C); EIT~1999/10/12~1999/10/15~ 6180~Campaign~Emerging Flux Studies~~Kathy Reeves; Ted Tarbell; Louis Strous~~TRACE (S/C); La Palma(GBO)~1999/09/28~1999/10/08~ 6185~Campaign~Slow Wind Properties~~Kuen Ko~~UVCS; ACE (S/C)~1999/10/18~1999/10/24~ 6190~ICAL09~Intercal09~~Udo Schuehle~~UVCS; SUMER~1999/10/26~1999/10/26~ 6195~JOP111~SEARCH FOR A RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CORONAL MICROFLARES AND TRANSITION REGION EVENTS~~Bernhard Kliem; Philippe Lemaire~~CDS; SUMER; EIT; MDI; TRACE (S/C)~1999/10/06~1999/10/07~ 6200~Campaign~Helium Prominence Study~~Philippe Lemaire~~SUMER; TRACE (S/C)~1999/10/05~1999/10/05~ 6210~JOP017~Dynamics of Arch Filament Systems~~Pierre Mein; Brigitte Schmieder~~Tenerife VIT (GBO); THEMIS (GBO); CDS; SUMER; EIT; MDI; TRACE (S/C); Yohkoh-SXT (S/C)~1999/10/11~1999/10/18~ 6215~Campaign~Quiet Sun Study~~Dave Pike; Stephan Regnier~~CDS; SUMER~1999/10/14~1999/10/14~ 6220~JOP113~Triggering and Evolution of Solar Flares~~Jake Wolfson; Lyndsay Fletcher~SUMER begins October 29. This is part of Max Millennium Observing Program #005.~TRACE (S/C); Yohkoh-SXT (GBO); SUMER; Big Bear (GBO); MMOP005 (MaxMill/GBO)~1999/10/19~1999/10/29~cmp_6220.txt 6221~Campaign~Active region loop studies~~Terje Fredvik~~CDS; SUMER; EIT~1999/10/26~1999/10/28~ 6222~JOP104~Doppler Shifts in X-ray Jets~~Jake Wolfson; Lyndsay Fletcher; Werner Curdt~~SUMER; MDI; Big Bear (GBO); TRACE (S/C); Yohkoh (S/C)~1999/10/30~1999/11/01~ 6223~Campaign~Chromosphere, Transition Region, and Coronal Transient Velocity Program~~Don Hassler~~SUMER; TRACE (S/C); MDI; EIT; Kitt Peak (GBO)~1999/11/03~1999/11/08~ 6225~Campaign~Flare Interrupt Study~~Enrico Landi~Enrico Landi (landi@sun2.mpae.gwdg.de)~CDS; SUMER~1999/10/18~1999/10/21~ 6230~Campaign~Flare Watch~Evolution of a flare~Werner Curdt; Harry Warren~We missed the M4 flare on 1999, Nov 5 at 19:00. We observed a follow-on flare on 1999, Nov 6 at 03:30. Results will be presented at the IAU colloquium in Manchester.~SUMER; TRACE (S/C)~1999/11/01~1999/11/07~ 6235~JOP107, JOP63~Lyman Line Series in Prominences and Lyman Continua~To use methods outlined in both JOPs 63 and 107 to measure hydrogen column depth in prominences and to compare the results~Terry Kucera~3 Runs: 99/11/02 7:53-12:15 CDS data look nice. Cloudy on ground 99/11/02 19:00-23:23 Good weather at BBSO, but prominince had erupted by the time of observations 99/11/05 7:00-11:25 UT target at P = 50 (NE limb) CDS data looks good~SUMER; CDS; TRACE (S/C); Ondrejov (GBO); Wroclaw (GBO); Mauna Loa (GBO); Big Bear (GBO)~1999/11/01~1999/11/07~ 6240~ICAL01~Intercalibration 1~~Udo Schuehle~~CDS;EIT;SUMER;TRACE(S/C)~1999/11/03~1999/11/03~ 6241~JOP114~Pre-Eruptive Filament Structures~~Nandita Srivastava~~CDS;LASCO;EIT;Helio Research (GBO);Big Bear(GBO);HASTA(GBO);MICA(GBO)~1999/11/03~1999/11/10~ 6245~Campaign~Microwave Enhancement in Coronal Holes~~Nat Gopalswamy;Udo Schuehle~~SUMER;EIT;MDI;Nobeyama (GBO)~1999/10/01~1999/11/10~ 6250~Campaign~Transit of Mercury~Stray light and plate scale measurements~Dave Pike; Frederic Auchere; Brian Handy~Observations are not coordinated between instruments. CDS wide slit data were analysed and interesting data on the CDS PSF obtained. Interpretation of these data is still in progress. EIT data were analysed. The plate scale of the instrument and very important stray light level estimates were derived.~CDS;EIT;TRACE (S/C)~1999/11/15~1999/11/16~ 6255~JOP114~Pre-Eruptive Filament Structures~~Jeff Brosius; Nandita Srivastava~~CDS; Helio Research (GBO); Big Bear (GBO); HASTA (GBO); MICA (GBO); LASCO~1999/11/04~1999/11/11~ 6256~Campaign~Loops on Limb~~Jeff Brosius; Jack Ireland~~CDS; TRACE (S/C)~1999/11/04~1999/11/07~ 6260~JOP116~Filament Doppler Shifts at Multiple Temperatures~To measure doppler shift as a function of temperature in filaments.~Terry Kucera~one run in this campaign: 99/11/02 12:15-15:05, pointing +730,~CDS; SUMER; TRACE (S/C)~1999/11/02~1999/11/02~ 6265~JOP112~Coordinated SOHO-Ulysses Elemental Abundance Study~SOHO-Ulysses elemental abundance study~Giannina Poletto~THE JOB HAS NOT BEEN RUN DUE TO THE SPACECRAFT PROBLEM AT THE TIME (ESR). TO BE Re-RUN NEXT JUNE -5 to 18, 2000.~CDS; SUMER; LASCO; Ulysses (S/C)~1999/12/11~1999/12/12~ 6270~JOP102~Structure of Coronal Holes with Plumes~~Barbara Bromage~~MDI; CDS; EIT; Ulysses (S/C)~1999/12/11~1999/12/12~ 6275~JOP117~Buildup and Triggering of Solar Flares~~Brigitte Schmieder; Stein Haugan~This is part of Max Millennium Observing Program #004. See: http://vega.uio.no/ schmiede/index_plan04.html~EIT; CDS; MDI; FGE (Balloon); TRACE (S/C); Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); MMOP004 (MaxMill/GBO)~2000/01/10~2000/01/28~ 6280~ICAL01~Intercalibration 1~~Eddie Breeveld~~CDS; EIT~1999/12/15~1999/12/15~ 6283~Campaign~Sunspot Study~~Andrzej Fludra~~CDS; MDI; TRACE (S/C)~1999/12/22~1999/12/23~ 6285~Campaign~Transition region oscillations in active regions~~Andrzej Fludra~~CDS; MDI~1999/12/26~2000/01/02~ 6290~ICAL01~Intercal 1~~Terry Kucera~~CDS; EIT~2000/01/19~2000/01/19~ 6292~ICAL01~Intercal 001~~Udo Schuehle~~SUMER; EIT; CDS; TRACE (S/C)~2000/03/14~2000/03/14~ 6294~ICAL01~Intercal 001~~Udo Schuehle~Second run for SUMER.~SUMER; EIT; CDS; TRACE (S/C)~2000/03/15~2000/03/15~ 6295~Campaign~Coronal Hole Study~~Barbara Bromage; Dawn Myers~~CDS; MDI; TRACE (S/C)~2000/01/27~2000/01/30~ 6300~Campaign~CME Watch~~Andrzej Fludra~~UVCS; CDS; EIT; LASCO~2000/01/31~2000/02/06~ 6305~Campaign~Microbursts with Underlying UV Activity~~Rob Willson; Christophe David~~TRACE (S/C); VLA (GBO); MDI; EIT~2000/02/05~2000/02/08~ 6310~Campaign~Explosive Events Study~~Dominic Zarro~~CDS; MDI~2000/01/30~2000/01/30~ 6315~Campaign~GONG/MDI Cross Calibration Study~~Sarah Gregory~~MDI; GONG+ (GBO)~2000/02/01~2000/02/02~ 6320~Campaign~CME Onset Watch~~Bill Thompson; Angela Ciaravella~~CDS; UVCS~2000/02/08~2000/02/09~ 6325~Campaign~Emerging Flux Studies~~Jake Wolfson; Kathy Reeves; Dawn Myers~CDS supports on February 21~TRACE (S/C); MDI; CDS~2000/02/10~2000/02/26~ 6330~ICAL01~Intercalibration01~~Frederic Auchere~~CDS; EIT; TRACE (S/C)~2000/02/23~2000/02/23~ 6333~Campaign~Dual Active Region Study~The objective is to study the interconnecting loops between 2 active regions.~Jake Wolfson; Emily Zamkoff~MDI supported this with full disk magnetograms and dopplergrams for the duration. TRACE supported this with a 2 panel mosaic in all their EUV wavelengths, 1600, and white light. CDS supported this with a large area raster with CDS/GIS AR8883 on Feb 29 from 07:29-15:25, NIS rasters as part of the Oslo Sunspot Study AR8883 on Feb 29 from 16:44-23:32, with NIS rasters as part of the Oslo Sunspot Study AR8891 on March 1 from 15:44-21:35, and with NIS active Region Spectral Atlas AR8891 on March 1 from 21:35-22:40~TRACE (S/C); MDI; CDS~2000/02/26~2000/03/01~ 6335~Campaign~Sunspot Study~~Andrzej Fludra; Jake Wolfson~~CDS; TRACE (S/C)~2000/02/23~2000/02/23~ 6340~JOP121~Hydrogen Absorption in Filaments~~Oddbjorn Engvold~~CDS; EIT; SUMER~2000/03/13~2000/03/31~ 6345~Campaign~MMOP006 H-alpha Linear Polarization~~Jeff Brosius~This is part of Max Millenium Observing Program 006.~CDS; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); TRACE (S/C); MMOP006 (MaxMill/GBO)~2000/03/14~2000/03/28~cmp_6345.txt 6350~Campaign~UVCS White Light Channel Calibration~~Richard Frazin~LASCO to provide extra pB sequences.~UVCS; LASCO~2000/03/27~2000/03/30~ 6351~Campaign~UVCS White Light Channel Calibration~~Richard Frazin~LASCO to provide extra pB sequences. They will begin about 30 minutes after NRT begins on the long pass and run for about 2-1/2 hours.~UVCS; LASCO~2000/04/03~2000/04/06~ 6355~Campaign~Active Region 8891 CME Study~~Jack Ireland~~CDS; UVCS; TRACE (S/C)~2000/03/08~2000/03/08~ 6360~Campaign~Solar Winds and Outflow in C3~~Kevin Schenk; Ester Antonucci~~LASCO; UVCS~2000/03/13~2000/03/17~ 6365~JOP083~High Cadence Activity Studies & the Heating of Coronal Loops~~Jack Ireland~~CDS; EIT; MDI; TRACE (S/C); Yohkoh (S/C)~2000/04/01~2000/04/22~ 6370~JOP119~Variability and Physical Properties of Transequatorial Interconnecting Loops~A joint observations of large-scale coronal structures -- the transequatorial interconnecting loops (TILs) which connect active regions through the corona across the solar equator. The main aim is to get more information on the creation of the loops, on the relation between their variability and the variability of the connected active regions and to derive the physical parameters, temperature and density, along the loops.~Andrzej Fludra; Frantisek Farnik~Was begun on a transequatorial loop visible in EIT images on the east limb on Wednesday, 19 April 2000. However, it appeared that the target had been ejected by the next day. The decision was made to continue the JOP for at least one more day to see if the target loop would reform. On Friday, 21-Apr-2000, the decision was made that the target was no longer there, and the remainder of JOP 119 was cancelled.~CDS; MDI; EIT; TRACE (S/C); Yohkoh (S/C)~2000/04/10~2000/04/21~ 6375~JOP120~Formation and Evolution of a Sigmoidal Active Region~~Alexi Glover~~CDS; EIT LASCO; MDI; UVCS; TRACE (S/C); Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); Mees Solar Observatory (GBO))~2000/04/28~2000/05/09~ 6380~Campaign~VLA Active Region Campaign~This campaign will attempt to observe the initiation and evolution of an "EIT Wave" transient with multiple observatories, with the scientific aim of detecting a radio signature of the event, and to increase our understanding of the origin and development of these transients. By combining both radio and coronal observations of an EIT wave transient, we hope to observe both the development of the event in the corona in conjunction with observations of either a coronal shock in radio or other radio signature. The H alpha observations will assist in determining whether the event had a "Moreton-Ramsey Wave." Ideally, the development of the flare, coronal field evolution, and wave and shock development will be observed, so that their relative associations can be delineated. Target will be either disk center or a region which appears likely to produce an EIT wave. The likelihood of a region producing such an event appears to be a factor of the region s history of producing events, combined with the probability that the region will produce flares or exhibit any other type of evolution.~Charles Kankelborg; Barbara Thompson~Planned for April 1,2,3, and 8~VLA (GBO); TRACE (S/C); EIT; Yohkoh (S/C); BBSO (GBO)~2000/04/01~2000/04/08~ 6385~Campaign~CDS Disk and Limb Crossing Studies~~Terje Fredvik~~CDS; EIT; TRACE~2000/04/03~2000/04/09~ 6387~ICAL01~Intercalibration 01~~Joe Gurman~~CDS; EIT~2000/04/26~2000/04/26~ 6388~Campaign~UVCS CDS CME Onset Watch~~Kuen Ko~~CDS; UVCS~2000/04/24~2000/04/26~ 6390~JOP118~JOP118 Test Run~~Terje Fredvik~~CDS; EIT; TRACE~2000/04/04~2000/04/04~ 6391~JOP118~Oscillations in Sunspots~~Terje Fredvik~~CDS; SUMER; MDI; EIT; TRACE (S/C)~2000/05/07~2000/05/22~ 6395~Campaign~CME Watch~~Y-Kuen Ko; Jack Ireland~~UVCS; CDS~2000/04/16~2000/04/16~ 6397~JOP017~Dynamics of Arch Filament Systems~~Brigitte Schmieder; Peter Heinzel~~CDS; SUMER; MDI; TRACE (S/C); THEMIS (GBO); Tenerife (GBO); Yohkoh (S/C)~2000/05/03~2000/05/05~ 6398~JOP107~Lyman lines series in prominences and Lyman continua~~Brigitte Schmieder; Peter Heinzel~~SUMER; CDS; MDI; TRACE (S/C); THEMIS (S/C); Tenerife (GBO); Yohkoh (S/C)~2000/05/03~2000/05/11~ 6400~Campaign~Solar Wind Studies~~Shadia Habbal~~UVCS; Galileo (S/C); SUMER~2000/05/04~2000/05/10~ 6405~JOP040~Transition Region Network Thickness~~Spiros Patsourakos~~SUMER; CDS; EIT; MDI; TRACE (S/C)~2000/05/01~2000/05/21~ 6410~JOP122~Micro-scale heating blocks of the solar atmosphere~~Rob Willson; Robert Erdelyi; Gerry Doyle~16:30 - 21:30 UT~CDS; EIT; SUMER; MDI; TRACE (S/C); Yohkoh (S/C); VLA (GBO)~2000/05/06~2000/05/08~ 6415~JOP038~Diagnostic of Coronal Bright Points~~Karine Bocchialini~~SUMER; CDS; MDI; TRACE (S/C); THEMIS (S/C)~2000/05/05~2000/05/12~ 6417~Campaign~Quiet Sun Oscillation Studies~~Terje Fredvik (CDS) ; Jean-Claude Vial (SUMER)~pointing (x: -290, y:0)~CDS; SUMER~2000/05/11~2000/05/11~ 6420~Campaign~Solar Wind Studies~~Shadia Habbal~~UVCS; SUMER; Cassini(S/C)~2000/05/11~2000/05/17~ 6425~Campaign~Radio Scintillation Studies of the Solar Wind~~Simon Plunkett~~LASCO; MERLIN (GBO)~2000/05/12~2000/05/16~ 6430~JOP124~Eruptive Filament in Active Region~~Stephane Regnier; Frederic Paletou~~SUMER; CDS; EIT; THEMIS (GBO);MDI~2000/05/13~2000/05/16~ 6435~ICAL01~Intercalibration 01~~Philippe Lemaire~~SUMER; CDS; EIT~2000/05/22~2000/05/22~ 6440~Campaign~AR 8970 Sunspot Study~~Dick Shine; Alexi Glover~~TRACE (S/C); CDS~2000/04/27~2000/04/27~ 6441~Campaign~Sunspot Study~~Joe Gurman~targeting AR 8970~EIT; TRACE (S/C)~2000/04/29~2000/04/30~ 6445~Campaign~JOP 95 Filament Oscillations Study~~Nicolas Labrosse; Christoph David~~SUMER; TRACE; CDS~2000/05/03~2000/05/04~ 6446~Campaign~AR Plage, Moss, Small Scale Magnetic Flux~~Kathy Reeves~~SUMER; MDI; TRACE (S/C); La Palma (GBO)~2000/05/15~2000/05/22~ 6447~Campaign~Network Evolution~~Philippe Lemaire~~CDS; SUMER~2000/05/16~2000/05/17~ 6448~Campaign~Quiet Sun 584 Oscillations~~Pierre Gouttebroze~~SUMER; CDS~2000/05/17~2000/05/17~ 6449~Campaign~Prominence Oscillations~~Pierre Gouttebroze; Stephan Regnier~~SUMER; CDS~2000/05/18~2000/05/18~ 6450~Campaign~Quiet Sun DEM on Coronal Hole~~Spiros Patsourakos~~CDS; MDI~2000/05/19~2000/05/19~ 6451~JOP122~JOP122 Micro-scale Heating~~Robert Erdelyi~~CDS; SUMER~2000/05/20~2000/05/21~ 6452~JOP124~JOP124 Filament Oscillations~~Stephan Regnier~~CDS; SUMER~2000/05/21~2000/05/21~ 6455~Campaign~Spicules, AR Moss and Sunspots~~Christophe David~~TRACE (S/C); MDI; La Palma (GBO)~2000/05/22~2000/05/30~ 6460~Campaign~CME Watch~~Andrzej Fludra; Kuen Ko~~CDS; UVCS~2000/05/25~2000/05/25~ 6465~Campaign~Active Region/Sunspot Studies~~Andrzej Fludra; Dawn Myers~~CDS; TRACE (S/C); MDI; LaPalma (GBO)~2000/06/01~2000/06/04~ 6470~JOP112~Coordinated SOHO-Ulysses elemental abundance study~~Giannina Poletto~LASCO supports with extra C2 polarized brightness images at 4 hour cadence~LASCO; UVCS; Ulysses (S/C); CDS;SUMER~2000/06/05~2000/06/18~ 6475~JOP123~Narrow Band Photometry of EUV Emission Lines~~Ed DeLuca; Leon Golub; Jeff Newmark~rocket failed to acquire sun~MDI; CDS; EIT; TXI(rocket); TRACE (S/C); Yohkoh (S/C)~2000/07/26~2000/07/26~ 6480~JOP125~Evolution of Quiescent Solar Prominences~~Eberhard Wiehr; Werner Curdt; Udo Schuehle~~CDS; SUMER; TRACE (S/C); LaPalma (GBO); Tenerife (GBO)~2000/07/02~2000/07/12~ 6485~Campaign~UVCS/Mars Global Surveyor coordinated observations~~Shaddia Habbal~~UVCS; MGS (S/C)~2000/06/30~2000/07/04~ 6490~Campaign~Sunspot Dynamics and EFR Studies~~Kathy Reeves; Karel Schrijver~~MDI; TRACE (S/C); CDS; La Palma (GBO)~2000/06/05~2000/06/17~cmp_6490.txt 6492~JOP128~VLA/SOHO Investigation of the Evolution of the Active Region Corona~~Jeff Newmark~~CDS; EIT; MDI; OVRO (GBO); VLA (GBO); TRACE (S/C)~2000/07/01~2000/07/08~ 6495~Campaign~Helium Emission in a Dynamic Sun~~Frederic Auchere~~EIT; SUMER~2000/06/16~2000/06/16~cmp_6495.txt 6500~Campaign~Loops on the Limb~~Bill Thompson; Harry Warren~~CDS; TRACE (S/C)~2000/06/27~2000/06/30~ 6505~Campaign~Sunspot Study~~Bill Thompson; Harry Warren~~CDS; TRACE (S/C)~2000/06/29~2000/06/29~ 6510~ICAL01~Intercalibration001~~Udo Schuehle~~EIT; SUMER; CDS~2000/07/07~2000/07/07~ 6515~Campaign~Sunspot Study: AR 9067~~Werner Curdt; Harry Warren~~TRACE (S/C); SUMER~2000/07/04~2000/07/04~ 6520~Campaign~Sunspot Oscillations Study~~Sarah Gregory~Serge Koutchmy will observe sunspots at the SacPeak Dunn s telescope during 9 consecutive days, July 13 to July 21. His main goal is to study oscillations and waves in sunspots.~MDI; Sac Peak (GBO); CDS~2000/07/13~2000/07/21~ 6525~Campaign~Filament Study~~Kathy Reeves~~TRACE (S/C); Helio Research (GBO)~2000/07/17~2000/07/26~ 6530~ICAL06~SOHO/SERTS CROSS-CALIBRATION~~Jeff Brosius~~SERTS (rocket); CDS; EIT; CELIAS; MDI; TRACE (S/C); Yohkoh (S/C); OVSA (GBO);VLA (GBO); BBSO (GBO); KPNO (GBO); Meudon (GBO);Coimbra (GBO)~2000/07/26~2000/07/26~ 6535~JOP100~AR DEM for Coronal Heating and Magnetography Studies~~Jeff Brosius~~CDS; EIT; MDI; TRACE (S/C); VLA (GBO); OVSA (GBO)~2000/07/27~2000/07/30~ 6540~JOP126~Active region non-thermal velocities and dynamics~~Louise Harra~~CDS; EIT; TRACE (S/C); Norikura (GBO); Yohkoh (S/C)~2000/09/06~2000/09/20~ 6541~JOP127~High-cadence CME tracking through the corona and interplanetary medium~~Gareth Lawrence~~LASCO; UVCS; EISCAT (GBO); Ulysses (S/C); Nagoya (GBO); Nancay (GBO); Ootacamund (GBO); MICA (GBO); HASTA (GBO);HAO (GBO); TRACE (S/C); Puschino (GBO)~2000/09/08~2000/09/11~ 6543~ICAL01~Intercalibration001~~Dominic Zarro; Joe Gurman~~CDS; EIT~2000/09/14~2000/09/14~ 6545~JOP097~Oscillations in Sunspots and Active Regions~~Karin Muglach; Stein Haugan~~TRACE (S/C); MDI; La Palma; Tenerife~2000/09/19~2000/09/29~ 6550~JOP104~Doppler Shifts in X-ray Jets~~Werner Curdt~~SUMER; CDS; EIT; UVCS; TRACE (S/C); YOHKOH (S/C); MICA (GBO); HASTA (GBO)~2000/09/15~2000/10/27~ 6553~ICAL01~Intercalibration001~~Carl Foley; Kevin Schenk~~CDS; EIT~2000/08/23~2000/08/23~ 6555~Campaign~Flare Studies~~Dick Shine~~CDS; TRACE (S/C); MDI~2000/08/07~2000/08/13~ 6560~Campaign~Flare Study~~Lyndsay Fletcher~~MDI; Yohkoh SXT (S/C); Big Bear (GBO); TRACE (S/C)~2000/08/15~2000/08/20~ 6561~Campaign~Streamer Characteristics~~Mike Uzzo; Carl Foley~~CDS; UVCS~2000/08/22~2000/08/23~ 6562~Campaign~Alpha Leo Observations~~Kevin Schenk; Larry Gardner~~LASCO; UVCS~2000/08/24~2000/08/24~ 6563~Campaign~Rho Leo star observations~~Kevin Schenk; Larry Gardner~UVCS observes Rho Leo from August 26-31, 2000~LASCO; UVCS~2000/08/28~2000/08/30~ 6564~Campaign~Flare Campaign~~Emily Zamkoff~~MDI; TRACE (S/C)~2000/09/01~2000/09/04~ 6570~Campaign~Active regions loops study~~Bill Thompson~Test run for Oct/Nov collaboration with the VTT. Ondrejov co-ordinating H-alpha observations.~CDS; Ondrejov (GBO)~2000/09/08~2000/09/08~ 6575~Campaign~Iron Abundance Measurements with the VLA~~Dominic Zarro ; Peter Gallagher ; Eoghan O Shea~~CDS; VLA; Owens Valley (GBO); Big Bear (GBO)~2000/09/17~2000/09/22~ 6580~Campaign~Simultaneous Observations of Multi-Loop Systems~~Gerhard Rank~10-17 UT, POC: Gerhard Rank (gzr@mpe.mpg.de)~CDS; Tenerife (GBO)~2000/10/25~2000/11/02~ 6585~JOP131~Dynamics of Active Regions~~Terry Kucera;Brigitte Schmieder; Nicole Mein~* Tenerife VTT telescope (MSDP) - Halpha 9 Oct. : partly cloudy some observations of AR 9181 between 8:00 and 9:00 UT 10 Oct. : some observations of AR 9181 between 8:00 and 13:00 UT medium seeing 11 Oct. : observations of RA 9182 between 8:00 and 13:45 UT seeing evolving from medium to good. 12 Oct.:few observations of AR 9190 between 9:00 and 10:00 Poor seeing, then cloudy * Tenerife THEMIS telescope (MSDP) 10 Oct. AR9181 D1, CaII 8542, Hbeta between 9:40 and 13:00 11 Oct. AR9182 D1, CaII 8542 between 8:30 and 13:00 12 Oct. AR9190 D1, CaII 8542 between 9:00 and 10:30 * Hida observatory (8 Oct. -- 12 Oct.). Halpha images, G-band images, Halpha spectra 8 Oct. No observations (cloudy) 9 Oct. No observations (cloudy) 10 Oct. 4:30 -- 7:30 UT NOAA 9181 11 Oct. 1:20 -- 7:50 UT NOAA 9182 (around 1:00 UT snapshots of NOAA 9181) 12 Oct. 23:30 (11 Oct.) -- 0:10 UT NOAA 9182 0:10 -- 3:00 UT NOAA 9190 A detailed EIT observation list can be obtained at http://umbra.nascom.nasa.gov/eit/eit-catalog.ht 8 October 2000: half-resolution full disk 195 Angstrom images every 12 minutes, plus a full-resolution synoptic set (171,195,284 and 304 Angstroms) at 1:00, 7:00, 13:00 and 19:00 UT 9 October 2000: half-resolution full disk 195 Angstrom images every 12 minutes, with a special 8x8 block (11x11 arcmin) subfield in 304 Angstroms at 10:01, 10:15, 10:25, 10:37, 10:49, 11:01, 11:13 and 11:25 UT full-resolution synoptic set (171,195,284 and 304 Angstroms) at 1:00, 7:00, 13:00 and 19:00 UT 10 October 2000: half-resolution full disk 195 Angstrom images every 12 minutes, with a special 8x8 block (11x11 arcmin) subfield in 304 Angstroms at 20:33 UT full-resolution synoptic set (171,195,284 and 304 Angstroms) at 1:00, 7:00, 13:00 and 19:00 UT 11 October 2000: half-resolution full disk 195 Angstrom images every 12 minutes, with a special 8x8 block (11x11 arcmin) subfield in 304 Angstroms at 10:37, 10:50, 11:02, 11:14, 11:26, 11:38, 11:50 UT full-resolution synoptic set (171,195,284 and 304 Angstroms) at 1:00, 7:00, 13:00 and 19:00 UT 12 October 2000: half-resolution full disk 195 Angstrom images every 12 minutes, with a special 8x8 block (11x11 arcmin) subfield in 304 Angstroms at 10:37, 10:49, 11:01, 11:13, 11:25, 11:37, 11:49 UT full-resolution synoptic set (171,195,284 and 304 Angstroms) at 1:00, 7:00, 13:00 and 19:00 UT 13 October 2000: half-resolution full disk 195 Angstrom images every 12 minutes, with a special 8x8 block (11x11 arcmin) subfield in 304 Angstroms at 10:37, 10:48, 11:00, 11:13, 11:24, 11:36, 11:49 UT full-resolution synoptic set (171,195,284 and 304 Angstroms) at 1:00, 7:00, 13:00 and 19:00 UT 14 October 2000: half-resolution full disk 195 Angstrom images every 12 minutes, with a special 8x8 block (11x11 arcmin)...more infor in attachement~SUMER;CDS;EIT;UVCS;TRACE(S/C);YOHKOH-SXT(S/C);MICA;HASTA~2000/10/08~2000/10/15~cmp_6585.txt 6590~JOP132~Ulysses-SOHO quadrature campaign~~Giannina Poletto; Steve Suess~~CDS; UVCS; Ulysses (S/C); LASCO~2000/10/30~2000/11/12~ 6595~JOP124~Prominence/filament Diagnostic and Oscillations~~Stephane Regnier~~CDS; SUMER~2000/10/30~2000/11/12~ 6600~JOP133~Theoretical Lines Profiles of Metallic Elements with Macroscopic Velocities~~Daniela Cirigliano~~CDS; SUMER~2000/10/30~2000/11/12~ 6605~JOP130~Solar Maximum Equatorial Slow Wind~~Alan Gabriel; Ester Antonucci~~CDS; SUMER; UVCS; LASCO; EIT; MDI; TRACE (S/C)~2000/11/06~2000/11/12~ 6610~JOP129~The Gravitational Focusing Cone of Interstellar Helium~~Eberhard Mobius~~CDS; SUMER; UVCS; EIT; SWAN; CELIAS; EUVE (S/C); ACE (S/C); Ulysses (S/C); Wind (S/C); Geotail (S/C); Cluster (S/C)~2000/11/19~2001/01/22~ 6615~JOP134~MDI High-Resolution Supergranulation Study~~Emily Zamkoff~~MDI; THEMIS~2000/11/22~2000/11/26~ 6620~ICAL01~Intercalibration001~~Barbara Thompson, Hilary Magee~~CDS; EIT~2000/10/18~2000/10/18~ 6622~ICAL01~Intercalibration001~~Frederic Auchere~~CDS; EIT~2000/11/15~2000/11/15~ 6623~Campaign~UVCS/Ulysses South Pole Magnetic Reversal Observations~~Ester Antonucci~November 13-20 and November 28 -December 3~UVCS; Ulysses~2000/11/10~2001/01/13~ 6624~Campaign~UVCS/Ulysses South Pole Magnetic Reversal Observations~~Ester Antonucci~November 13-20 and November 28 -December 3~UVCS; Ulysses~2000/11/28~2000/12/03~ 6626~Campaign~AR9240 Sunspot Studies~~Terje Fredvik (CDS); Emily Zamkoff (MDI)~~MDI; CDS; TRACE (S/C)~2000/11/28~2000/11/29~ 6630~Campaign~Photospheric Magnetic Signature Study~The purpose of this observation is to study photospheric magnetic signatures associated with slowly changing coronal features using vector magnetic fields accurately determined by ASP observations. Mr. Kubo, a graduate student in University of Tokyo, is now studying an emerging active region appeared in September 1994, using simultaneous ASP and Yohkoh/SXT data (unfortunately, SoHO and TRACE were not on orbit at that time). I believe it would be valuable to include low temperature coronal data observed with TRACE and SoHO (EIT, CDS, MDI for magnetogram), because > > these low temperature coronal loops are rooted into different places at the photosphere from the footpoints of hot coronal loops observed with Yohkoh/SXT, and I would like to arrange TRACE, SoHO, and Yohkoh with ASP observations.~Ted Tarbell; Toshifumi Shimizu~Toshifumi Shimizu (shimizu@sxt2.mtk.nao.ac.jp)~TRACE (S/C); MDI; Sac Peak~2000/11/14~2000/11/21~ 6635~Campaign~Oslo Loops Study~~Terje Fredvik~~CDS; SUMER~2000/11/30~2000/12/03~ 6636~Campaign~Moreton/EIT Observing Campaign~~Marta Rovira~Marta Rovira (rovira@iafe.uba.ar) Part of Max Millenium Program~EIT; MDI; HASTA (GBO); Nancay (GBO); Kanzelhohe (GBO); MaxMill (GBO) Yohkoh (S/C); Huairou (GBO); Helio Research (GBO); Solar Radio Spectrograph of Porto (GBO); Brasilian Solar Spectroscope (GBO); MCCD Imaging Spectrograph (GBO); Multichannel Flare Spectrograph (Czech Republic) (GBO)~2000/11/06~2000/12/08~ 6640~Campaign~High Res Sunspot Study~~Emily Zamkoff; Ted Tarbell~~MDI; TRACE (S/C)~2000/11/02~2000/11/05~ 6650~Campaign~SOHO-Sun-Ulysses quadrature~~Giannina Poletto~~UVCS; Ulysses (S/C); LASCO~2000/12/14~2000/12/23~ 6655~Campaign~East limb CME watch with NEAR~~Leonard Strachan~~UVCS; NEAR (S/C)~2000/12/24~2001/01/09~ 6660~ICAL01~Intercalibration001~~Alex Young~~CDS; EIT~2000/12/13~2000/12/13~ 6665~JOP135~Filament Structure and Dynamics: H alpha Doppler, HeI and HeII Observations~~Sara Martin; Joe Gurman~Comments from U.P. State Observatory observations from Dr. Wahab Uddin (e-mail: wahab@upso.ernet.in) (1) On 20th December 2000 we have recorded filament activation in prime target. It shows high blue shift in some parts. Which later on erupted and observed with SOHO EIT and with Mk4,PICS etc. as reported by Joseph B. Gurman and Tom Holzer by e-mail. (2) On 22nd December 2000 we have recorded promenence eruption in target 3 on the east limb. The important thing is, during eruption it shows spray like structure. (3) On 23rd December 2000 we have recorded flare associated surge near South- East limb from newly emerging region. This region also seems a good target which is not included in JOP 135 targets. Some images of the above observations are available at the anonymous site (upso.upso.ernet.in). The zipped file names are as under: (i) a.1.fits.gz (22nd Dec. 2000, 03:35:34 UT, spray like eruption, in target 3) (ii) a.2.fits.gz (20th Dec. 2000, 02:19:03 UT, filament -0.5 A in prime target) (iii) a.3.fits.gz (20th Dec 2000, 02:19:21 UT, filament on band in prime target) (iv) a.4.fits.gz (20th Dec 2000, 02:20:00 UT, filament -1.0 A in prime target) (v) a.5.fits.gz (23rd Dec 2000, 08:28:11 UT, flare associated surge near South-East limb). I hope these images will give you valuable informations.~EIT; LASCO; Helio Research (GBO); Big Bear (GBO); Kitt Peak (GBO)~2000/12/20~2000/12/24~ 6667~campaign~MSSL Active Region Study~~Kuniko Hori~~CDS; Nobeyama Radio Observatory(GBO)~2000/12/04~2000/12/09~ 6668~campaign~CDS 24-hour blinker program (BLINK_TE)~~Sarah Gregory; Clare Parnell; Danielle Bewsher; Richard Harrison~~CDS; MDI~2000/12/10~2000/12/10~ 6670~JOP106~Sigmoidal Active Region Study~~Sarah Gibson; Andrzej Fludra~~CDS; EIT; MDI; UVCS; TRACE (S/C); Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); MMOP011 (MaxMill/GBO)~2000/12/08~2001/01/31~ 6675~Campaign~UVCS/Ulysses Coordinated observations at high heliographic altitudes~~Shaddia Habbal~~UVCS; Ulysses (S/C)~2001/01/24~2001/01/28~ 6680~Campaign~Mapping of the solar wind~~Shaddia Habbal~~UVCS; Ulysses (S/C)~2001/01/15~2001/01/21~ 6685~ICAL01~Intercalibration001~~Joe Gurman~~CDS; EIT~2001/01/10~2001/01/10~ 6690~Campaign~CDS 24-hour Blinker Study~~Bill Thompson; Clare Parnell; Danielle Bewsher; Richard Harrison~~CDS; MDI; EIT~2000/12/19~2000/12/19~ 6695~JOP137~Time Variation and Dynamics of Active Region Loops II~~Terje Fredvik; Olav Kjeldseth-Moe~~CDS; SUMER; TRACE(S/C)~2001/02/27~2001/03/12~ 6696~Campaign~EIT offpoint~~Frederic Auchere~~EIT; CDS; TRACE (S/C)~2001/02/07~2001/02/09~ 6697~JOP136~Default HESSI Collaboration~~Richard Canfield~~ACE (S/C); CDS; UVCS; EIT; LASCO; MDI; TRACE (S/C); YOHKOH (S/C); HXRS(S/C); Interball (S/C); MaxMill(GBO)~2001/02/01~2001/03/28~ 6700~Campaign~Sunspot Umbral flashes~~Ted Tarbell; Emily Zamkoff~~MDI; TRACE(S/C)~2001/02/14~2001/02/25~ 6705~Campaign~Quiet Sun UV and WL campaign~~Ted Tarbell; Emily Zamkoff~~MDI; TRACE(S/C)~2001/02/16~2001/02/25~ 6710~ICAL001~ICAL001~~Werner Curdt~~SUMER; EIT; CDS; TRACE (S/C)~2001/02/26~2001/02/26~ 6712~JOP122~Micro-scale heating blocks of the solar atmosphere~~J.G. Doyle; Werner Curdt~~SUMER; CDS; TRACE (S/C)~2001/02/26~2001/02/26~ 6713~JOP138~Decimetric Storms and Decametric Type III Bursts~~Lidia van Driel-Gesztelyi; Stein Haugan~Planned for March 2, 4, 5 and 8, 2001.~VLA; EIT; CDS; TRACE (S/C); Yohkoh-SXT~2001/03/02~2001/03/08~ 6716~JOP140~Origin of Type I Radio Noise Storms~~Lidia van Driel; Barbara Bromage~~VLA (GBO); CDS; EIT; TRACE (S/C); Yohkoh-SXT~2001/03/18~2001/03/24~ 6717~Campaign~Active Region Study~~Clare Parnell; Andrzej Fludra~~CDS; TRACE (S/C); Yohkoh (S/C)~2001/03/28~2001/03/29~ 6719~JOP000~accidental entry notice~~nobody~Do not use 6719 for JOP133, it was an accidental entry (JOP133 will be #6819)~CDS; SUMER~2001/10/15~2001/10/28~ 6720~Campaign~Observations of a mid-latitude coronal hole~~M.P. Miralles; Werner Curdt~~UVCS; SUMER~2001/03/02~2001/03/03~ 6721~JOP106~Sigmoidal Active Region Study~To follow and comprehensively observe a sigmoidal region as it passes central meridian and again when it gets to the West limb.~Sarah Gibson; Stein Haugan~Target of opportunity observation, (MMOP011). Prime time for ground based support: 1700-2300 UT~CDS; EIT; LASCO; MDI; UVCS; TRACE (S/C); Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); Big Bear (GBO); EISCAT (GBO); Mauna Loa (GBO); Mees (GBO)~2001/03/18~2001/05/15~ 6722~ICAL 01~Intercal 1~~Frederic Auchere~~CDS;EIT~2001/04/04~2001/04/04~ 6723~JOP140~Origin of Type I Radio Noise Storms~~Sarah Matthews~Prime Time: 14:00-19:00 UT on April 26, 14:00-18:00 UT on April 27~VLA; CDS; TRACE (TBC)~2001/04/26~2001/04/27~ 6724~Campaign~EIT Shutterless Mode~~Frederic Auchere~Pointing: -612" +534"~EIT; CDS; TRACE (S/C)~2001/04/19~2001/04/19~ 6725~JOP118~Temperature Range of Sunspot Oscillations~~Per Maltby~This is an updated version of JOP118.~CDS; TRACE; MDI~2001/04/25~2001/05/07~ 6726~Campaign~Multi-Height Observations of Sunspot Evolution~~K.D. Leka~~CDS; TRACE(S/C); Sac Peak(GBO)~2001/04/27~2001/05/07~ 6730~ICAL001~Intercalibration 1~~Andrzej Fludra~14-16 UT~CDS; EIT~2001/05/08~2001/05/08~ 6735~Campaign~Whole Sun Month-Ulysses~Support observations for Ulysses fast equitorial scan Ulysses within +/- 15 deg heliographic latitude Equatorial crossing May 15, West Limb crossing May 30~Gareth Lawrence; Andy Breen~~LASCO; UVCS; Ulysses (S/C)~2001/05/01~2001/05/31~ 6740~JOP131/107~Dynamics of Active Regions/Ly alpha in Prominences~~Brigitte Schmieder~~SUMER; CDS; MDI; TRACE; THEMIS (GBO); EIT; VTT (GBO); Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); GBOs~2001/05/14~2001/05/20~ 6745~JOP124~Eruptive Filament in Active Region~~Stephane Regnier~~CDS; SUMER~2001/05/14~2001/05/28~ 6750~JOP139~Flare Helium Abundance~~Vincenzo Andretta~~ULYSSES (S/C); CDS; LASCO; UVCS; HESSI (S/C); Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); Sac Peak (GBO)~2001/05/14~2001/05/27~ 6755~JOP122~Micro-Scale Heating Blocks of the Solar Atmosphere~~Maria Madjarska; Peter Gallagher~Maria Madjarska - madj@star.arm.ac.uk Select target and timing with Big Bear (Peter Gallagher - ptg@bbso.njit.edu)~SUMER; BBSO (GBO)~2001/05/23~2001/05/25~ 6760~Campaign~Solar Wind Studies~~Shadia Habbal~~UVCS; ULYSSES (S/C); EISCAT (GBO)~2001/05/27~2001/06/02~ 6761~Campaign~High Res Emerging Flux Studies~~Sarah Gregory~~MDI; TRACE (S/C); CDS~2001/05/28~2001/06/02~ 6762~ICAL001~Intercal 001~~CDS_planner~~CDS; EIT~2001/06/06~2001/06/06~ 6763~JOP144~Sources of Coronal Oscillations~~Jack Ireland~~CDS; MDI; TRACE (S/C); Kanzelhoehe (GBO)~2001/06/05~2001/06/13~ 6764~JOP142~Motions in Filaments~See http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/soc/JOPs/jop142.txt~Terry Kucera~Sac Peak: 13-24 UT; Prime observing time: 13-18 UT June 15 Sac Peak 17:35 - 19:26 UT. Technical problems earlier. Seeing Poor Coordinates: S 19.1, E 0.7 at 17:35 UT CDS 13:08 - 17:29 UT MDI Full Disk Obs June 16 AR 9501 Sac Peak Clouds within 15 minutes of observing. Poor data Instrument shut down due to lightning S 17.4, E 6.2 at 15:43 hours CDS 13:00-18:20 UT MDI Full Disk Obs June 17 AR 9501 Sac Peak Seeing initially watery at 13:07 Observations aborted at 14:15 due to cloud build-up Coordinates: AR 9501C, S22.9; W 6.4 at 13:01 MDI Full Disk Obs June 18 AR 9501 Sac Peak: Got some good data Coordinates: S 16.6, W 18.5 , Rv=0.435 at 13:16, Seeing Fair Cloud interrupts, at 17:35 CDS 13:00 - 19:13 UT MDI Full Disk Obs June 19 near AR5909, although the activity was not very obvious. Sac Peak clouded out EIT 304 (He II) 16:00-17:00 UT CDS 12:42-19:55 UT MDI High Res Filament dissapeared, then reappeared faintly June 20 AR9506- filament runs north-south just north of sunspot Sac Peak - good data, occasional clouds Coordinates N 21.9, E 21.0 at 14:02 EIT 304 (He II) 16:00-17:00 UT, looks promising CDS 12:40 - 14:50 UT MDI High Res TRACE 13-18 UT June 21 Sac Peak - clouds No Space Based Obs.~CDS; TRACE (S/C); MDI; Sac Peak (GBO); EIT~2001/06/15~2001/06/21~ 6765~JOP136~Default HESSI collaboration (MMOP009)~~Yuan-Kuen Ko~~UVCS; CDS; EIT; LASCO; MMOP(GBO); MMOP(S/C)~2001/06/07~2001/06/17~ 6766~Campaign~Coordinated Observations for Solar Eclipse~~Gareth Lawrence~~LASCO; EIT; CDS; GBO~2001/06/21~2001/06/21~ 6767~JOP123~Narrow band photometry of EUV emission lines~~Ed Deluca~~CDS; EIT; TRACE(S/C); TXI(rocket)~2001/06/21~2001/06/21~ 6770~Campaign~Coronal Hole Boundary Study~~Sarah Matthews; Paul Bryans~~CDS; VLA (GBO)~2001/07/01~2001/07/15~ 6775~JOP134~High-Resolution Study of Supergranulation~~Sarah Gregory~~MDI; THEMIS (GBO); TRACE (S/C)~2001/07/02~2001/07/10~ 6776~Campaign~EIT Shutterless Mode Observations~Monitoring long-term changes in the small-scale dynamics of all kinds of solar structures in TR (304 Angstrom) with EIT running for 2 hours in shutterless, at a cadence and exposure time of 68s, and with a large field of view: quarter-disk: one corner is near disk center and the outer edges are just beyond the limb at the pole and equator. (http://sol.oma.be/High-cadence/)~Kevin Schenk; Erwin Verwichte~This will run at 16 UT.~EIT; MDI; TRACE (S/C)~2001/07/11~2001/07/11~ 6777~Campaign~Line Profiles Study~~Sarah Gregory~~MDI; Mt. Wilson (GBO)~2001/06/27~2001/06/27~ 6778~ICAL001~Intercal 1~~EIT_planner~~EIT; CDS~2001/07/10~2001/07/10~ 6780~JOP100~AR DEM for Heating and Magnetography Studies~~Jeff Brosius~~CDS; EIT; TRACE (S/C); VLA (GBO); Yohkoh-SXT (S/C)~2001/07/12~2001/07/23~ 6785~Campaign~Obs. of Footpoint Active Regions of Transeq. Loops~~Kuniko Hori~~CDS; HIDA (GBO); HIRAISO (GBO); Nobeyama (GBO)~2001/07/16~2001/07/22~ 6786~JOP145~Active Region Irradiance Study~~Eoghan O'Shea~~CDS; MDI; TRACE (S/C)~2001/07/23~2001/08/06~ 6787~Campaign~Multi-Frequency Microwave Images of Large Isolated ARs~~Peter Gallagher~~MDI;CDS;TRACE(S/C);VLA(GBO);Owens Valley(GBO)~2001/07/28~2001/07/30~ 6788~JOP118~Temp. Range of Sunspot 3-min. Oscills.~~Olav Kjeldseth-Moe; Terje Fredvik~2-3 days continuous run on spots crossing meridian, and 10-14 hour runs on other spots.~CDS; MDI; TRACE (S/C)~2001/08/06~2001/08/19~ 6789~Campaign~Quiet Sun Study~~Louise Harra~~CDS; Big Bear (GBO); SUMER; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C) ; TRACE (S/C)~2001/08/19~2001/08/25~ 6790~Campaign~Stellar Observations of Alpha Leo and Rho Leo~UVCS and SUMER will observe Alpha Leo and Rho Leo together as an intercalibration effort.~Larry Gardner; Philippe Lemaire~~UVCS; SUMER~2001/08/20~2001/08/31~ 6792~Campaign~Flare Watch with Balloon-Boarded HX Spectrometer~~Kuniko Hori; Masahito Kubo~kubo@sxt2.mtk.nao.ac.jp DOY 239: 21 UT Launch, 23:30 UT begin observations DOY 240: 03:30 UT Observations finish, 04:10 UT balloon landing~Balloon HX Spectrometer; CDS; TRACE (S/C); Yohkoh-SXT (S/C)~2001/08/28~2001/08/29~ 6793~Campaign~MDI/GONG+ Cross Calibration Study~~Sarah Gregory~~MDI; GONG+ (GBO)~2001/08/29~2001/09/02~ 6794~ICAL01~Intercalibration 1~~Carl Foley; Kevin Schenk~~CDS; EIT~2001/09/06~2001/09/06~ 6795~Campaign~Transition Region Event Study~~Philippe Lemaire; Carl Foley~~SUMER; CDS; Big Bear (GBO)~2001/08/30~2001/08/30~ 6796~Campaign~High Res Active Region Studies~~Julia Saba~~MDI; CDS; TRACE (S/C)~2001/09/02~2001/09/03~ 6797~Campaign~24-Hour CME Watch~~Margarita Karovska; Carl Foley~~UVCS; CDS~2001/09/02~2001/09/02~ 6798~JOP106~Sigmoidal Active Region Studies~~Carl Foley~~CDS; MDI; EIT; TRACE (S/C); Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); MMOP011 (MaxMill/GBO)~2001/09/03~2001/09/05~ 6799~Campaign~Polar Plume Study~~CDS Planner~Target of Opportunity~MDI; CDS~2001/09/10~2001/10/07~ 6800~Campaign~Streamer/CME Watch~~Philippe Lemaire; Carl Foley~~SUMER; CDS; UVCS~2001/08/29~2001/08/29~ 6805~JOP146~Temp./Density Structure of Loops in Bipolar AR~~Jonathan Cirtain; Jack Ireland~jcirtain@mithra.physics.montana.edu~CDS; EIT; TRACE (S/C); Yohkoh-SXT (S/C)~2001/09/11~2001/09/24~ 6810~JOP147~Ellerman Bombs and Severny Moustaches~~Alexander Kosovichev~sasha@quake.stanford.edu Richard B. Dunn Solar Telescope (DST) formerly known as Sac Peak Vacuum Tower Telescope~MDI; TRACE (S/C); Sac Peak-DST (GBO)~2001/09/16~2001/09/23~ 6811~Campaign~North Polar Coronal Hole Study~~Silvio Giordano~~UVCS; Ulysses (S/C)~2001/09/25~2001/09/29~ 6812~JOP149~Onset of Flaring Activity and CMEs~~Brigitte Schmieder~~CDS;MDI;EIT;TRACE;Yohkoh-SXT(TBC);VTT-MSDP~2001/10/03~2001/10/10~ 6814~JOP131~Diagnostics of Prominences and Filaments~~Brigitte Schmieder~~CDS; TRACE (TBC); VTT~2001/10/03~2001/10/10~ 6815~ICAL01~Intercal 1~~Jeff Newmark~~CDS; EIT~2001/10/11~2001/10/11~ 6816~Campaign~EIT Shutterless Observations~Monitoring long-term changes in the small-scale dynamics of all kinds of solar structures in the corona (195 Angstrom) with EIT running in shutterless mode, at a cadence and exposure time of 68s, and with a large field of view: quarter disk: one corner is near disk center and the outer edges are just beyond the limb at pole and equator. (http://sol.oma.be/High-cadence/)~Kevin Schenk~~EIT; CDS; TRACE (S/C)~2001/10/13~2001/10/13~ 6817~JOP137~Loops at the Limb~~Olav Kjeldseth-Moe~~SUMER; CDS; EIT; VLA (GBO); TRACE (S/C)~2001/10/15~2001/10/17~ 6818~JOP104~Doppler Shifts in X-ray Jets~~Bernhard Kliem~~CDS; SUMER; EIT; LASCO; UVCS; Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); TRACE (S/C); VLA (GBO)~2001/10/15~2001/10/18~ 6819~JOP133~Line Profile Studies~~Daniela Cirigliano~~CDS; SUMER~2001/10/15~2001/10/28~ 6820~JOP149~Onset of Flaring Activity and CMEs~~Brigitte Schmieder~~CDS; EIT; MDI; TRACE (S/C); Yohkoh-SXT (S/C); THEMIS (GBO)~2001/10/18~2001/10/23~ 6821~JOP130~Slow Solar Wind~~Ester Antonucci; Alan Gabriel~~UVCS; SUMER; CDS~2001/10/18~2001/10/27~ 6822~JOP131~Prominence and Filament Studies with THEMIS~~Brigitte Schmieder~~SUMER; CDS; TRACE (S/C); THEMIS (GBO)~2001/10/18~2001/10/23~ 6823~JOP122~Solar Atmos. Micro-scale Heating Blocks~~Maria Madjarska; Gerry Doyle~~SUMER; CDS; TRACE (S/C); Big Bear (GBO)~2001/10/23~2001/10/25~ 6824~Campaign~Active Region Moss Study~~Dawn Myers~~TRACE (S/C); MDI; Sac Peak (GBO); Yohkoh-SXT (S/C)~2001/10/22~2001/10/27~ 6825~Campaign~SOHO/UVCS-Ulysses Quadrature~~Giannina Poletto; Steve Suess~~UVCS; CDS; Ulysses (S/C)~2001/10/29~2001/11/12~ 6830~ICAL01~Intercalibration 1~~Terry Kucera~~CDS; EIT; SUMER~2001/11/16~2001/11/16~ 6831~Campaign~Coordinated Observations with Ulysses~~Shadia Habbal~~UVCS; CDS; Ulysses (S/C)~2001/11/15~2001/11/21~ 6832~Campaign~Line Profile Study with Sac Peak~~Sarah Gregory; Julia Saba~~MDI; Sac Peak (S/C); TRACE (S/C)~2001/11/12~2001/11/19~ 6833~Campaign~Intercal 1~~Kevin Schenk~~EIT; CDS~2001/12/13~2001/12/13~ 6834~Campaign~AR Steamer Study~~Y.-K. Ko~~UVCS; CDS; Yohkoh (S/C)~2001/12/09~2001/12/11~ 6835~Campaign~Active Region 9715 Focus Campaign~~Stein Haugan~Ad hoc campaign focussing a number of instruments on a single active region.~CDS; MDI; TRACE (S/C)~2001/11/29~2001/12/01~ 6836~Campaign~Coronal Hole Line Width Study~~Bill Thompson; Yuan-Kuen Ko~~UVCS; CDS~2001/12/12~2001/12/12~ 6837~campaign~Flarewatch~~Stein Haugan~~CDS; MDI; TRACE (S/C)~2001/12/13~2001/12/14~ 6838~campaign~EIT Shutterless~~Kevin Schenk~17-19:40 UT~EIT; CDS; TRACE (S/C)~2001/12/19~2001/12/19~ 6839~JOP151~Active Region Streamer Study~~Yuan-Kuen Ko~~UVCS; CDS; EIT; MDI; LASCO; Yohkoh (GBO)~2001/12/20~2002/02/03~ 6840~Campaign~Active Region Variability Study~~Andrzej Fludra~~CDS; MDI~2001/12/22~2002/01/02~ 6841~Campaign~Comet 96P/Machholz~~John Raymond~UVCS only observes the comet on Jan 8~LASCO; UVCS~2002/01/06~2002/01/10~ 6842~Campaign~Flare Observations~~Gerry Doyle~~CDS; Lick Observatory (GBO); Big Bear (GBO)~2002/01/10~2002/01/13~ 6843~Campaign~EIT Shutterless Campaign~~Barbara Thompson~17-19:40 UT~EIT; CDS; MDI; TRACE (S/C)~2002/01/17~2002/01/17~ 6844~JOP151~Active Region Streamer Study~~Yuan-Kuen Ko~~UVCS; CDS; EIT; MDI; LASCO; Yohkoh-SXT* (S/C)~2002/01/22~2002/02/08~ 6845~ICAL01~Intercalibration 1~~Jack Ireland; Barbara Thompson~~CDS; EIT~2002/01/23~2002/01/23~ 6846~Campaign~MXUVI Woods/Hassler Rocket~~Bill Thompson~~CDS; EIT; TRACE (S/C); MXUVI Woods/Hassler Rocket~2002/02/08~2002/02/08~ 6847~ICAL01~Intercalibration 1~~Joe Gurman~15 UT~CDS; EIT~2002/02/15~2002/02/15~ 6848~JOP152~Multi-wavelength Observations of Large-scale Shock Waves on the Sun~~Josef Khan; Terry Kucera~~CDS; EIT; TRACE (S/C)~2002/02/19~2002/02/28~ 6850~JOP136~DEFAULT RHESSI COLLABORATION~To obtain multi-wavelength imaging and spectroscopic observations before, during and after many solar flares over a wide range of temperatures and heights in the solar atmosphere, for the purpose of determining the thermodynamic and magnetic context of particle acceleration in those solar flares observed by RHESSI~Tero Siili~For use when AR targets are picked in support of the default RHESSI campaign.~CDS; EIT; LASCO; SUMER; MDI; UVCS; RHESSI; MMOP(S/Cs)~2002/02/25~2007/02/25~ 6851~ICAL01~Intercalibration 1~~Terje Fredvik; Kevin Schenk~~CDS; EIT~2002/03/13~2002/03/13~ 6852~Campaign~EIT Shutterless Run Number 6~~Kevin Schenk~EIT will run shutterless from 17 to 19:40 UT~EIT; CDS; HESSI (S/C); TRACE (S/C)~2002/03/27~2002/03/27~ 6853~JOP118~Sunspot Oscillations~~Olav Kjeldseth-Moe; Terje Fredvik~10.5 hours per day~CDS; TRACE (S/C)~2002/03/12~2002/03/25~ 6854~Campaign~Collaboration with Tenerife~~Dawn Myers~~CDS; TRACE (S/C); Tenerife (GBO)~2002/04/05~2002/04/05~ 6855~JOP156~Multi-Spectral Solar Tel. Array III~~Dennis Martinez-Galarce; Dawn Myers~~MSSTA (rocket); EIT; CDS; MDI; TRACE (S/C); GBOs~2002/04/22~2002/04/22~ 6856~JOP137~Active Region Loops~~Olav Kjeldseth-Moe; Terje Fredvik~17 hours per day~CDS; SUMER; TRACE (S/C)~2002/04/08~2002/04/20~ 6857~JOP104~Doppler Shifts in X-Ray Jets~~Davina Innes~UVCS begins observations on April 14~SUMER; CDS; UVCS; TRACE (S/C)~2002/04/08~2002/05/27~ 6858~JOP155~Polar Cor. Jets as Solar Cycle Declines~~Danuta Dobrzycka; Michael Uzzo; Yuan-Kuen Ko~~UVCS; LASCO; TRACE (S/C)~2002/04/14~2002/04/29~ 6859~Campaign~Photospheric Magnetic Signatures Study~~Sarah Gregory~Sac Peak participation was delayed until April 11 due to instrument problems.~MDI; Sac Peak (GBO); TRACE (S/C)~2002/04/08~2002/04/23~ 6860~ICAL01~Intercalibration 1~~Terje Fredvik; Frederic Auchere~~EIT; CDS~2002/04/09~2002/04/09~ 6861~JOP154~Chromospheric/Photospheric Network Study~~Dawn Myers~~SST (GBO); DOT (GBO); TRACE (S/C); MDI~2002/04/22~2002/05/03~ 6862~ICAL01~ICAL01~~Andrzej Fludra; Kevin Schenk~15 UT~CDS; EIT~2002/05/09~2002/05/09~ 6863~Campaign~Ulysses-SOHO Quadrature Observations~~Giannina Poletto; Steve Suess~~UVCS; ULYSSES (S/C)~2002/05/13~2002/05/26~ 6864~Campaign~Coronal Magnetometry~~Phil Judge~~CDS; EIT; McMath (GBO)~2002/05/13~2002/05/17~ 6865~JOP141~Emission Lines in Near-Sun Comets~~Doug Biesecker~~LASCO; UVCS; Arecibo(GBO)~2002/05/14~2002/05/14~ 6866~JOP157~Bright Points in Active Regions~~Brigitte Schmieder~~CDS; MDI; EIT; RHESSI(S/C); TRACE(S/C);GBO s~2002/05/23~2002/05/28~ 6867~JOP131~Prominence and Filament Study~~Brigitte Schmieder~~SUMER; CDS; MDI; TRACE(S/C); GBO s~2002/05/23~2002/05/28~ 6868~Campaign~Microscale Heating~~Eric Buchlin; Karine Bocchialini~~CDS; RHESSI (S/C)~2002/05/20~2002/06/02~ 6869~Campaign~Prominence Atlas~~Jean-Claude Vial; Susanna Parenti~~CDS; SUMER~2002/05/20~2002/06/02~ 6870~JOP159~CME s in Lyman-alpha~~Chris StCyr; Eric Quemerais~~SWAN; LASCO; EIT; UVCS~2002/04/25~2007/04/25~ 6871~JOP158~The Fast Solar Wind from 1.05 to 4 Ro.~~Ester Antonucci; Alan Gabriel~~UVCS; CDS; SUMER; EIT; LASCO~2002/05/27~2002/06/02~ 6872~JOP148~VAULT sub-arcsecond imaging of the solar atmosphere~~Gareth Lawrence; Angelos Vourlidas~Launched at 18:10 UT.~EIT; MDI; CDS; TRACE (S/C); BBSO (GBO); KPNO (GBO); VAULT (ROCKET)~2002/06/14~2002/06/14~ 6873~JOP146~Coronal Loops in a Bipolar Active Region~~Jonathan Cirtain~~EIT; CDS; TRACE (S/C)~2002/06/11~2002/06/17~ 6874~ICAL01~ICAL01~~Peter Young; Kevin Schenk~15 UT~CDS; EIT~2002/06/12~2002/06/12~ 6875~Campaign~Cassini Conjunction~~Michael Uzzo; Shadia Habbal~~UVCS; CASSINI (S/C); TRACE (S/C)~2002/06/18~2002/06/28~ 6876~Campaign~CME Watch~~Michael Uzzo~~UVCS; CDS~2002/06/30~2002/06/30~ 6877~Campaign~Evolution of a Small AR~~Dick Shine~~DOT (GBO); THEMIS (GBO); TRACE (S/C)~2002/07/01~2002/07/06~ 6878~Campaign~Flare Build-Up and Energy Release in AR s~~Rob Wilson~Observing dates are: July 8,14,21 August 18,20,22~CDS; TRACE (S/C); RHESSI (S/C); VLA (GBO)~2002/07/08~2002/08/22~ 6879~JOP150~Dynamics and Seismology of the Solar Atmosphere~~Alexander Kosovichev; Sarah Gregory~~MDI; EIT; TRACE (S/C); THEMIS (GBO)~2002/07/20~2002/07/26~ 6880~Campaign~EIT Shutterless Run Number 7~~EIT planner~Backup date: 5 September 2002~EIT; CDS; TRACE(S/C)~2002/08/27~2002/08/27~ 6881~JOP160~Emerg. and Evol. of Young Active Regions~~Daniele Spadaro; Sarah Gregory~~MDI; THEMIS (GBO); TRACE (S/C)~2002/07/27~2002/08/01~ 6882~Campaign~CDS/HIDA Collaboration~~David Brooks~~CDS; HIDA (GBO)~2002/07/26~2002/08/08~ 6883~JOP153~Major Flare Watch~~Peter Gallagher~~CDS; EIT; LASCO; MDI; UVCS; TRACE(S/C); RHESSI(S/C); MaxMill~2002/07/12~2002/07/21~ 6884~JOP153~Major Flare Watch~~Peter Gallagher~~CDS; EIT; LASCO; UVCS; MDI; TRACE(S/C); RHESSI(S/C); MaxMill~2002/07/21~2002/08/02~ 6885~Campaign~High Cadence Active Region Studies~~Luca Teriaca; Gianna Cauzzi~~RHESSI(S/C); SacPeak(GBO); CDS; TRACE(S/C); MaxMill~2002/08/04~2002/08/12~ 6886~ICAL12~SOHO/CALSO-5 Cross Calibration~~Don McMullin~Launch is set for 18:30 UT~CELIAS-SEM/CDS/EIT/TIMED(S/C)~2002/08/06~2002/08/06~ 6887~JOP153~Major Flare Watch~~Stein Haugan~~MDI; CDS; EIT; LASCO; UVCS; TRACE; RHESSI; MaxMill~2002/08/15~2002/08/23~ 6888~ICAL01~ICAL01~~EIT Planner; CDS Planner~~CDS; EIT~2002/08/14~2002/08/14~ 6889~Campaign~Extended Effects of Flares~~Carl Foley~~CDS; EIT; LASCO; TRACE(S/C); RHESSI(S/C)~2002/08/12~2002/08/31~ 6890~Campaign~SOHO Offpoint~~SOHO SOC~~MDI; EIT; LASCO; TRACE (S/C)~2002/08/20~2002/08/20~ 6891~Campaign~High Cadence Studies of Active Regions~~CDS; SacPeak (Peter Gallagher; David Williams~16-24 UT~CDS; SacPeak (GBO); RHESSI (S/C); TRACE (S/C); MaxMill~2002/08/27~2002/09/06~ 6892~JOP153~Major Flare Watch~~Stein Haugan~~MDI; CDS; EIT; LASCO; UVCS; TRACE (S/C); RHESSI (S/C); MaxMill~2003/03/18~2003/03/20~ 6893~Campaign~Spicules, Mottles and Jets in ARs/QS~~Bart DePontieu~~MDI; TRACE (S/C); SST (GBO)~2002/09/05~2002/09/13~ 6894~JOP155~Polar Cor. Jets as Solar Cycle Declines~~Danuta Dobrzycka~~UVCS; EIT; LASCO; CDS; TRACE (S/C)~2002/09/06~2002/09/14~ 6895~ICAL01~ICAL01~~Jack Ireland; Kevin Schenk~~CDS; EIT~2002/09/18~2002/09/18~ 6896~Campaign~Photosph. Sources of Chromosph. Heating~~Tom Berger~Photospheric Sources of Chromospheric Heating Events~SST (GBO); TRACE (S/C); MDI~2002/09/21~2002/10/02~ 6897~Campaign~CaIIK Line Observations~~Tetsuya Watanabe~watanabe@uvlab.mtk.nao.ac.jp~CDS; HIDA (GBO)~2002/09/29~2002/10/05~ 6898~JOP100~AR DEM for Heating & Magnetog. Studies~~Jeff Brosius~To be run on October 6, 12, 14, 17 and 19~CDS; EIT; MDI; VLA (GBO); TRACE (S/C)~2002/10/06~2002/10/19~ 6899~Campaign~EIT Shutterless Run Number 8~~Kevin Schenk; Jean-Francois Hochedez~17-19:40 UT hochedez@oma.be~EIT; CDS; CORONAS/SPIRIT (S/C)~2002/10/13~2002/10/13~ 6900~ICAL01~ICAL01~~Alex Young; Jeff Brosius~~EIT; CDS~2002/10/18~2002/10/18~ 6901~Campaign~Aborted study~~Karel Schrijver~This coronal hole study was orig. planned between UVCS and TRACE. TRACE wend into SAFE hold and had to withdraw.~UVCS~2002/10/11~2002/10/14~ 6902~JOP158~The Fast Solar Wind from 1.05 to 4 Ro~~Alan Gabriel; Ester Antonucci~18:00-24:00 UT~CDS; UVCS; SUMER; EIT; LASCO~2002/10/21~2002/10/27~ 6903~JOP157~Bright Points in AR~~Brigitte Schmieder~8:00-16:00 UT~CDS; EIT; MDI; TRACE (S/C); RHESSI (S/C); THEMIS (GBO)~2002/10/21~2002/10/27~ 6904~JOP131~Prominence and Filament Study~~Brigitte Schmieder~~SUMER; CDS; EIT; TRACE (S/C); THEMIS (GBO)~2002/10/21~2002/10/27~ 6905~Campaign~JOP112 SOHO-Ulysses Elemental Abundance Study~~Susanna Parenti; Giannina Poletto~~CDS; LASCO; SUMER; UVCS; Ulysses (S/C)~2002/10/28~2002/11/03~ 6906~Campaign~Coronal Oscillation Study~~Laurent Dolla~16-17 UT~SUMER; SPIRIT/CORONAS (S/C)~2002/10/29~2002/10/31~ 6907~ICAL01~ICAL01~16 UT~Kevin Schenk; Andrzej Fludra~~CDS; EIT~2002/11/13~2002/11/13~ 6908~Campaign~SOHO-Ulysses Quadrature~~Luca Teriaca; Giannina Poletto~~SUMER; UVCS; Ulysses (S/C)~2002/11/16~2002/11/22~ 6909~Campaign~SOHO-Ulysses Quadrature~~Luca Teriaca; Giannina Poletto~~UVCS; Ulysses (S/C)~2002/11/25~2002/12/03~ 6910~Campaign~Extended Observations of AR Loops~~Jack Ireland~~CDS; EIT~2002/11/26~2002/11/27~ 6911~Campaign~Total Solar Eclipse~~Stein Haugan~See http://soho.nascom.nasa.gov/soc/dec2002_eclipse/~EIT; LASCO; SUMER; UVCS; CDS; TRACE (S/C); MLSO (GBO); GBO~2002/12/04~2002/12/04~ 6912~ICAL01~ICAL01~~Scott McIntosh; Alex Young~15 UT~CDS; EIT~2002/12/05~2002/12/05~ 6913~Campaign~Blinker Study~~Jack Ireland; Hardi Peter~10-16 UT~CDS; MDI; TRACE (S/C); Tenerife (GBO); La Palma (GBO)~2002/12/10~2002/12/12~ 6914~Campaign~QS Study~~Dawn Myers~~MDI; CDS; TRACE (S/C)~2002/12/26~2002/12/27~ 6915~campaign~Streamer Properties Over the Solar Cycle~~Michael Uzzo; Leonard Strachan; Bill Thompson~~UVCS; CDS~2003/01/02~2003/01/08~ 6916~campaign~EIT Shutterless Run Number 9~EIT high-cadence synoptic program website: http://sol.oma.be/High-cadence/ Objective: Monitoring long-term changes in the small-scale dynamics of all kinds of solar structures in TR (304 Angstrom) with EIT running for 2.5 hours in shutterless mode, at a cadence and exposure time of 68s, covering approximately a quarter of the solar disk.~Erwin Verwichte; Kevin Schenk~17-19:40 UT~EIT; CDS; TRACE (S/C); SPIRIT (S/C)~2003/01/08~2003/01/08~ 6917~ICAL01~Intercal 1~~Kevin Schenk~~EIT; CDS~2003/01/09~2003/01/09~ 6918~JOP146~Temperature and Density in Coronal Loops~~Jonathan Cirtain~~CDS; TRACE (S/C)~2003/01/14~2003/01/21~ 6919~Campaign~Coronal Plasma Compressibility~~Xing Li; Yuan-Kuen Ko~LASCO will do an extra pB sequence each day~UVCS; LASCO~2003/01/13~2003/01/20~ 6920~Campaign~Solar Constant Measurements~~Claus Frohlich~SOLCON-3 is an instrument onboard STS-107~VIRGO; SOLCON-3~2003/01/16~2003/02/01~ 6921~Campaign~Observations of Comet Kudo-Fujikawa~~John Raymond; Michael Uzzo; Simon Plunkett; Kevin Schenk~Comet Kudo-Fujikawa (C/2002 X5)~UVCS; LASCO~2003/01/25~2003/01/31~ 6922~ICAL01~ICAL01~~Andrzej Fludra; Scott McIntosh~~CDS; EIT~2003/02/06~2003/02/06~ 6923~Campaign~Coronal Hole Observations~~Andrzej Fludra; Yuan-Kuen Ko~~CDS; UVCS~2003/02/13~2003/02/13~ 6924~Campaign~Moving Features in Prominences~~Terry Kucera~~CDS; HelioResearch (GBO)~2003/03/03~2003/03/09~ 6925~JOP162~Magnetic Field Evolution Around Sunspots~~Ted Tarbell~15-23 UT~TRACE(S/C); Sac Peak ASP(GBO); MDI; CDS~2003/03/10~2003/03/20~ 6926~ICAL01~ICAL01~~Terry Kucera; Alex Young~~CDS; EIT~2003/03/04~2003/03/04~ 6927~Campaign~Active Region Study~~Sarah Gregory~~MDI; CDS; TRACE(S/C)~2003/03/05~2003/03/07~ 6928~Campaign~EIT Shutterless Run #10~~David Berghmans; Kevin Schenk~Segment 1: March 27, 14-16:40 UT; Segment 2: April 02, 17-19:40 UT~EIT; CDS; TRACE(S/C); SPIRIT(CORONAS-F S/C)~2003/03/27~2003/04/02~ 6929~JOP164~Quiet Sun Magnetic Carpet Study~~Clare Parnell; Jack Ireland~~MDI; CDS; EIT; TRACE(S/C)~2003/03/25~2003/03/29~ 6930~JOP153~Major Flare Watch~~Peter Gallagher~~CDS; EIT; LASCO; MDI; UVCS; RHESSI(S/C); TRACE(S/C); MaxMill~2003/05/28~2003/06/02~ 6931~Campaign~AR Study/MMOP15~~Rob Wilson~~EIT; TRACE(S/C); VLA; RHESSI(S/C); MaxMill~2003/03/28~2003/03/30~ 6932~ICAL01~ICAL01~~Kevin Schenk; Jeff Brosius~~EIT; CDS~2003/04/01~2003/04/01~ 6933~JOP161~Comprehensive Footpoint Study~~Scott McIntosh~This target of opportunity will be run only one day.~SUMER; CDS; EIT; MDI; TRACE(S/C)~2003/04/15~2003/04/16~ 6934~Campaign~Moving Features in Prominences~Determine the thermal properties of moving features in prominences~Terry Kucera~SUMER observations from 2003/4/15 21:29 - 4/16 03:29 UT 2003/4/16 22:24 - 4/17 04:24 UT 2003/4/17 06:00 - 12:00 UT~CDS; SUMER; TRACE(S/C); Ondrejov(GBO); Meudon(GBO); Big Bear(GBO); Pic du Midi(GBO); HelioResearch(GBO)~2003/04/15~2003/04/17~ 6935~JOP104~Doppler Shifts in X-ray Jets~~Bernhard Kliem; Werner Curdt~~SUMER; RHESSI(S/C); EIT; CDS; TRACE(S/C)~2003/04/15~2003/05/06~ 6936~JOP083~Heating of Coronal Loops~~Jack Ireland; Ineke De Moortel~~CDS; EIT; TRACE(S/C); MDI~2003/04/21~2003/05/04~ 6937~Campaign~Quiet Sun Study~~James McAteer; Peter Gallagher~~CDS; Sac Peak(GBO)~2003/05/05~2003/05/11~ 6938~ICAL01~ICAL01~~Kevin Schenk; Bill Thompson~19 UT~CDS; EIT~2003/05/14~2003/05/14~ 6939~Campaign~Mercury Transit~~Stein Haugan~http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/soc/mercury2003/~CDS; MDI; EIT; TRACE(S/C)~2003/05/07~2003/05/07~ 6940~Campaign~Active Region Studies~~Tom Berger~08-18 UT~TRACE(S/C); SST(GBO); MDI; CDS~2003/05/08~2003/05/17~ 6941~Campaign~Observations with CORONAS~~Silvano Fineschi; Michael Uzzo~~UVCS; CORONAS(S/C)~2003/05/12~2003/05/18~ 6942~Campaign~Ulysses Quadrature~~Luca Teriaca; Giannina Poletto~CDS and SUMER will only participate for the first week~UVCS; SUMER; CDS; Ulysses (S/C)~2003/05/19~2003/06/01~ 6943~JOP163~Internetwork/Network Oscillations~~Dipankar Banerjee~~CDS; MDI; TRACE(S/C)~2003/05/19~2003/05/25~ 6944~JOP158~The Fast Solar Wind from 1.05 to 4 Ro~~Ester Antonucci; Alan Gabriel~~SUMER; LASCO; EIT; UVCS~2003/05/24~2003/05/27~ 6945~JOP157~Bright Points in Active Regions~~Brigitte Schmieder~~EIT; CDS; MDI; TRACE(S/C); RHESSI(S/C); Meudon(GBO)~2003/05/19~2003/06/01~ 6946~JOP167~Evolution and Dynamics of the Ionosphere~~MEDOC Planners~~SUMER; CDS; EIT; CORONAS(S/C); SuperDarn(GBO);WIND(S/C);EISCAT(GBO);CLUSTER(S/C)~2003/05/19~2003/05/23~ 6947~Campaign~Polar Coronal Hole Study~~Laurent Dolla~~SUMER; EIT; CORONAS(S/C)~2003/05/24~2003/05/27~ 6948~Campaign~Quiet Sun Studies~~Mats Carlsson~~TRACE(S/C); SST(GBO); MDI; CDS~2003/05/25~2003/06/07~ 6949~JOP168~Sunspot Lightbridges~~Tom Berger~~MDI; CDS; TRACE(S/C); SST(GBO)~2003/05/18~2003/05/25~ 6950~Campaign~Default CDS Co-observations with TRACE~~CDS Planner~CDS will use this campaign whenever they are observing the TRACE target and no other campaign numbers are applicable.~CDS; TRACE(S/C)~2003/05/13~2009/01/01~ 6951~JOP124~Eruptive Filament in Active Region~~Karine Bocchialini~~CDS; SUMER; EIT; CORONAS(S/C)~2003/05/26~2003/06/01~ 6952~Campaign~Spicules, Mottles and Jets~~Bart DePontieu~~MDI; CDS; TRACE(S/C); SST(GBO)~2003/06/08~2003/06/22~ 6953~Campaign~Blinker Study~~Hardi Peter~~CDS; MDI; La Pama DOT(GBO)~2003/06/14~2003/06/17~ 6954~Campaign~Filament Study~~Scott McIntosh~~EIT; CDS; La Palma DOT(GBO)~2003/06/10~2003/06/14~ 6955~Campaign~EIT Shutterless Number 11~~Jean-Francois Hochedez~Segment 1: June 20, 17-19:40 UT Segment 2: June 24, 19-21:40 UT~EIT; CDS; MDI; TRACE(S/C); CORONAS/SPIRIT(S/C)~2003/06/20~2003/06/24~ 6960~JOP153~Major Flare Watch~~Peter Gallagher~~MDI; CDS; EIT; LASCO; UVCS; TRACE(S/C); RHESSI(S/C); MaxMill~2003/06/09~2003/06/14~ 6961~JOP153~Major Flare Watch~~Peter Gallagher~~MDI; CDS; EIT; LASCO; UVCS; TRACE(S/C); RHESSI(S/C); MaxMill~2003/06/16~2003/06/22~ 6962~Campaign~Cross Calibration with Mars Express~~Eric Quemerais~~SWAN; SPICAM~2003/06/19~2003/07/12~ 6963~JOP155~Polar Coronal Jets~~Danuta Dobrzycka; Kuen Ko~~UVCS; EIT; LASCO~2003/06/23~2003/06/24~ 6964~Campaign~Cassini Conjunction Observations~~Shadia Habbal~~UVCS; Cassini(S/C)~2003/07/10~2003/07/14~ 6965~JOP155~Polar Coronal Jets~~Danuta Dobrzycka; Kuen Ko~~CDS; UVCS; LASCO; EIT; TRACE(S/C)~2003/07/15~2003/07/20~ 6966~JOP166~Oscillations in Coronal Bright Points~~Gerry Doyle~Observations begin at 16 or 17 UT each day~CDS; MDI; TRACE(S/C); EIT~2003/07/15~2003/07/18~ 6967~Campaign~July Coordination with THEMIS~~Francesca Zuccarello~fzu@ct.astro.it THEMIS observing times: 9-11 UT and 15-17 UT~TRACE; THEMIS~2003/07/13~2003/07/27~ 6968~Campaign~Coordinated Observations with CORONAS~~Silvano Fineschi~~UVCS; SPIRIT; EIT~2003/07/27~2003/08/02~ 6969~ICAL01~ICAL01~~Bill Thompson~~CDS; EIT~2003/07/23~2003/07/23~ 6970~JOP153~Major Flare Watch~~Stein Haugan~~MDI; CDS; EIT; LASCO; UVCS; TRACE; RHESSI; MaxMill~2003/10/20~2003/10/23~ 6971~Campaign~Coronal Hole Observations~~Bill Thompson; Yuan-Kuen Ko~~UVCS; CDS~2003/07/24~2003/07/25~ 6972~Campaign~Superior Conjunction of Venus~~Kevin Schenk~~LASCO; GBOs~2003/07/28~2003/09/17~ 6973~Campaign~Dynamic Fine Structures in EUV/H-alpha~~Terry Kucera~~CDS; HIDA(GBO)~2003/08/04~2003/08/09~ 6974~Campaign~TIMED SEE Calibration Rocket Launch~~Tom Woods~tom.woods@lasp.colorado.edu~VIRGO; TRACE(S/C); CDS; TIMED(Rocket)~2003/08/12~2003/08/12~ 6975~Campaign~Observations of the Radio Source 3C228~~Steve Cranmer; Michael Uzzo~~UVCS; VLA(GBO)~2003/08/16~2003/08/19~ 6976~Campaign~South Coronal Hole Observations~~Steve Cranmer; Peter Gallagher~~UVCS; CDS~2003/08/09~2003/08/15~ 6977~JOP146~Coronal Loops in a Bipolar Active Region~~Stein Haugan~~CDS; EIT; TRACE~2003/08/13~2003/08/14~ 6978~ICAL01~ICAL01~~Peter Gallagher; Alex Young~15 UT~CDS; EIT~2003/08/13~2003/08/13~ 6979~JOP169~Evolving Active Region Loops~~Harry Warren~~CDS; SUMER; TRACE(S/C)~2003/08/23~2003/08/31~ 6980~JOP146~Coronal Loops in a Bipolar Active Region~~Stein Haugan~~CDS; EIT; TRACE(S/C)~2003/08/21~2003/08/22~ 6981~Campaign~Solar Bolometric Imager Balloon Launch~~Peter Foukal~pfoukal@world.std.com~MDI; TRACE (S/C); SBI (Balloon)~2003/08/25~2003/09/06~ 6982~JOP165~High Cadence Active Region Oscillations~~Dipankar Banerjee~dipu@wis.kuleuven.ac.be~CDS; MDI; EIT; TRACE(S/C); SPIRIT(CORONAS S/C)~2003/09/05~2003/09/18~ 6983~ICAL01~ICAL01~~Peter Young; Alex Young~17 UT~CDS; EIT~2003/09/04~2003/09/04~ 6984~Campaign~EIT Shutterless Run #12~~Anik De Groof~(anik.degroof@wis.kuleuven.ac.be) Segment 1, 17-19:40 UT on September 13, 2003 Segment 2, 14-16:40 UT on September 17, 2003~EIT; CDS; TRACE(S/C); SPIRIT(CORONAS S/C)~2003/09/13~2003/09/17~ 6985~Campaign~Moving Magnetic Features Around Sunspots~~Mandy Hagenaar; Ted Tarbell~hagenaar@lmsal.com~MDI; TRACE(S/C); Sac Peak~2003/09/18~2003/09/30~ 6986~Campaign~Cross-Calibration with Mars Express~~Eric Quemerais~~SWAN; SPICAM~2003/09/30~2003/10/01~ 6987~Campaign~Streamer Study~~Andrzej Fludra; Michael Uzzo~~UVCS; CDS~2003/09/27~2003/09/27~ 6988~Campaign~South Coronal Hole Observations~~William Thompson; Steve Cranmer~~UVCS; CDS~2003/10/02~2003/10/03~ 6989~ICAL01~ICAL01~~William Thompson; Kevin Schenk~12-15 UT~CDS; EIT~2003/10/09~2003/10/09~ 6990~JOP150~Dynamics of the Solar Atmosphere~~Alexander Kosovichev; Francesco Berrilli~~MDI; EIT; TRACE(S/C); Sac Peak (GBO)~2003/10/11~2003/10/17~ 6991~Campaign~Polar Coronal Hole Observations~~William Thompson; Silvio Giordano~~CDS; UVCS~2003/10/10~2003/10/10~ 6992~JOP155~Polar Coronal Jets~~Danuta Dobrzycka; Kuen Ko~~CDS; UVCS; LASCO; EIT; TRACE(S/C)~2003/10/17~2003/10/24~ 6993~Campaign~Solar Wind Measurement Study~~Gareth Lawrence~University of Wales Aberystwyth EISCAT Group~LASCO; EISCAT~2003/09/27~2003/10/03~ 6994~JOP157~Bright Points and Active Regions~~Brigitte Schmieder~brigitte.schmieder@obspm.fr~CDS; EIT; MDI; TRACE(S/C); RHESSI(S/C); THEMIS(GBO)~2003/10/20~2003/10/29~ 6995~JOP153~Major Flare Watch~~Stein Haugan~~MDI; CDS; EIT; LASCO; UVCS; TRACE; RHESSI; MaxMill~2003/10/23~2003/11/06~ 6996~ICAL01~ICAL01~~Kevin Schenk~~CDS; EIT~2003/11/11~2003/11/11~ 6997~Campaign~Streamer Study~~Peter Young; Leonard Strachan~Will be run on Wednesday and possibly later in the week~CDS; UVCS~2003/11/07~2003/11/07~ 6998~JOP172~Coronal Micro-Events~~Karel Schrijver~~CDS; EIT; MDI; TRACE (S/C); RHESSI (S/C)~2003/11/08~2003/11/13~ 7000~JOP153~Major Flare Watch~~Stain Haugan~AR10501 (former AR10484)~MDI; CDS; EIT; LASCO; UVCS; TRACE; RHESSI; MaxMill~2003/11/13~2003/11/21~ 7001~JOP171~Solar Network Variability and Dynamics~~Peter Gomory~gomory@ta3.sk~CDS; EIT; MDI~2003/11/17~2003/11/23~ 7002~JOP158~The Fast Solar Wind from 1.05 to 4 Ro.~~Ester Antonucci; Alan Gabriel~~SUMER; UVCS; LASCO; EIT; CDS~2003/11/17~2003/11/23~ 7003~Campaign~Polar Coronal Hole Study~~Laurent Dolla~~SUMER; EIT; CORONAS/SPIRIT(S/C)~2003/11/17~2003/11/30~ 7004~JOP124~Eruptive Prominences in Active Regions~~Karine Bocchialini~~CDS; SUMER; EIT; CORONAS/SPIRIT(S/C)~2003/11/17~2003/11/30~ 7005~JOP153~Major Flare Watch~~Stein Haugan~AR10508 (former AR10486)~MDI; CDS; EIT; LASCO; UVCS; TRACE; RHESSI; MaxMill~2003/11/18~2003/11/21~ 7006~Campaign~High-time-resolution Magnetograph Test~~Craig DeForest~~MDI; NSO (GBO)~2003/11/24~2003/12/01~ 7007~Campaign~Ulysses Quadrature Observations~~Giannina Poletto~~SUMER; UVCS; CDS; MDI; Ulysses (S/C); TRACE (S/C)~2003/11/23~2003/12/07~ 7008~JOP170~AR Magnetic Field Temporal Changes~~Brigitte Schmieder~~CDS; MDI; EIT; TRACE (S/C); THEMIS (GBO)~2003/11/26~2003/12/04~ 7009~ICAL13~EIT CalRoc Intercomparison~~Jeff Newmark~EIT Calibration Rocket, 19 UT~EIT; CDS; EIT-CalRoc(Rocket); TRACE (S/C)~2003/12/05~2003/12/05~ 7010~JOP153~Major Flare Watch~~Stein Haugan~AR10507 (former AR10488)~MDI; CDS; EIT; LASCO; UVCS; TRACE; RHESSI; MaxMill~2003/11/19~2003/11/21~ 7011~ICAL12~CELIAS SEM/CALSO-6 Intercalibration~~Don McMullin~CELIAS SEM Calibration Rocket, 19:30 UT~CELIAS SEM (Rocket); CalRoc (Rocket); EIT; CDS; TIMED (S/C)~2003/12/05~2003/12/06~ 7012~Campaign~Line Width Measurements~~Urmila Kraev; Werner Curdt~~CDS; SUMER~2003/12/04~2003/12/04~ 7013~Campaign~EIT Shutterless Run #13~~Anik De Groof~(anik.degroof@wis.kuleuven.ac.be) Segment 1, December 9, 2003 16-18:40 UT Segment 2, December 14, 2003 11-13:40 UT Backup day: December 18, 2003 17-19:40 UT (anik.degroof@wis.kuleuven.ac.be)~EIT; CDS; TRACE; MDI; SPIRIT(CORONAS S/C)~2003/12/09~2003/12/14~ 7014~ICAL01~ICAL01~~Jack Ireland; Joe Gurman~~CDS; EIT~2003/12/10~2003/12/10~ 7015~Campaign~Loop Variability Study~~Mike Marsh; Dawn Myers~~CDS; TRACE (S/C)~2003/12/10~2003/12/14~ 7016~Campaign~ICAL01~~Peter Young; Barbara Thompson~~CDS; EIT~2004/01/14~2004/01/14~ 7017~Campaign~Dynamics of Small Scale Solar Activity~~Luca Teriaca; Peter Gallagher; Ryan Milligan~~CDS; Sac Peak~2004/01/25~2004/02/06~ 7018~Campaign~Photospheric Response to WL Flares~~Sarah Matthews~sam@mssl.ucl.ac.uk, 17-24 UT~TRACE; SPO; MDI~2004/02/01~2004/02/11~ 7019~Campaign~Quiescent AR Loop Diagnostics~Target of Opportunity~Helen Mason~Run on March 3 and 4, 2005 on AR10739 from 18-23 UT.~CDS; TRACE (S/C); EIT; SUMER~2004/01/30~2005/09/11~ 7020~JOP153~Major Flare Watch~~Stein Haugan~~MDI; CDS; EIT; LASCO; UVCS; TRACE; RHESSI; MaxMill~2004/02/26~2004/02/28~ 7021~ICAL01~ICAL01~~Andrzej Fludra; Alex Young~~CDS; EIT~2004/02/11~2004/02/11~ 7022~Campaign~South Coronal Hole Observations~~Andrzej Fludra; Yuan-Kuen Ko~~CDS; UVCS~2004/02/11~2004/02/14~ 7023~Campaign~EIT Shutterless Run #14~~Jean-Francois Hochedez~Segment 1: 18-FEB-2004, 15-17:40 UT Segment 2: 25-FEB-2004, 18-20:40 UT~EIT; CDS; TRACE (S/C); MDI; SPIRIT(CORONAS S/C)~2004/02/18~2004/02/25~ 7024~Campaign~Loop Variability Study~Simultaneous CDS and TRACE observations of quiescent active region loop structures to study waves/flows.~Mike Marsh~~CDS; TRACE (S/C)~2004/03/02~2004/03/15~ 7025~Campaign~Quasi-steady Coronal Loops~~Ted Tarbell~~TRACE (S/C); MDI; Sac Peak (GBO); Big Bear (GBO)~2004/03/04~2004/03/14~ 7026~ICAL01~ICAL01~~Mike Marsh; Bob Leamon~20:00 UT~CDS; EIT~2004/03/09~2004/03/09~ 7030~JOP153~Major Flare Watch~~Stein Haugan~~MDI; CDS; EIT; LASCO; UVCS; TRACE (S/C); RHESSI (S/C); MaxMill~2004/07/13~2004/07/15~ 7031~Campaign~Incoherent Scatter Radar~~Guillermo Stenborg; D. Pallamraju~raju@cawses.bu.edu~LASCO; SCOSTEP (GBO)~2004/03/29~2004/04/03~ 7032~ICAL01~ICAL01~~Terry Kucera; Scott McIntosh~~EIT; CDS~2004/04/07~2004/04/07~ 7033~Campaign~Network-Internetwork Oscillations~~Scott McIntosh~~TRACE (S/C); EIT; SUMER~2003/07/01~2005/12/31~ 7034~JOP104~X-ray Flows and Coronal Micro-Events~~Werner Curdt; SUMER Planner~SUMER Planners: Week 16-17: Klaus Wilhelm; Week 18: Terry Kucera; Week 19: Werner Curdt; Week 20: Davina Innes; Week 21: Enrico Landi; Week 22: Luca Teriaca~SUMER; EIT; CDS; RHESSI(S/C); TRACE(S/C)~2004/04/14~2004/05/30~ 7035~Campaign~Aborted study~~Davina Innes~This Flows in AR Loops study was aborted because only CDS was actually planning on running it in April. TRACE and SUMER were not to be included.~CDS~2004/04/13~2004/04/23~ 7036~Campaign~Comet C/2004 F4 Bradfield Observations~~Kevin Schenk~LASCO C3~LASCO; UVCS~2004/04/16~2004/04/20~ 7037~Campaign~Aborted study~Loop Oscillations campaign aborted, JOP104 run instead.~Klaus Wilhelm; Mark Weber~Davina Innes study~SUMER; TRACE (S/C)~2004/04/17~2004/04/19~ 7038~Campaign~Dynamics of Chromospheric Spicules~~Klaus Wilhelm; Jay Pasachoff~~SUMER; TRACE(S/C)~2004/04/20~2004/04/20~ 7039~JOP172~Coronal Micro-Events~~Karel Schrijver~~RHESSI(S/C); TRACE(S/C); CDS; MDI; EIT~2004/04/21~2004/05/19~ 7040~Campaign~Moving Features in Prominences~To obtain simultaneous observations of moving feature in prominences at many temperatures so as to study evolution of moving prominence features~Terry Kucera~A summary of Observations for Campaign 7040 Apr-28 22:00 UT - Apr-29 15:30 x=+800, y=-627 UT. Prominence erupts before observations begin. Some ground based observatories observed other prominences SUMER Apr-29 16:06 UT - Apr-29 22:00 UT TRACE Apr-29 16:14 UT - Apr-29 24:00 UT x=-1022 Y=-111 GBO: BBSO Very activated prominence spanning equator on east limb SUMER Apr-29 22:09 UT - Apr-30 16:00 UT TRACE Apr 30 00:00 UT - Apr 30 16:18 UT x=+841, y=+481 GBO: Hida Prominence in north west Erupts around 3:15 UT. TRACE observes eruption. SUMER Apr-30 16:21 UT - May 1 18:30 UT x=+735, y=-735 (roughly) TRACE Apr-30 16:18 UT - May 1 24:00 UT x=+650, y=-757 CDS GBO: Hida, BBSO Pointings near small filaments in the south-west~SUMER; CDS; EIT; TRACE(S/C); HelioResearch(GBO); Udaipur(GBO); BBSO(GBO); Hida(GBO), Mees(GBO), Ondrejov(GBO), MSDP(GBO)~2004/04/28~2004/05/01~ 7041~Campaign~Evolution of Bright Points~~Mats Carlsson; Sarah Gregory~mats.carlsson@astro.uio.no~MDI; SST(GBO)~2004/04/30~2004/05/14~ 7042~JOP174~Condensation and Variation in AR Loops~~Terje Fredvik~Terje.Fredvik@astro.uio.no~SUMER; CDS; EIT; MDI; TRACE(S/C)~2004/05/04~2004/05/23~ 7044~JOP175~Extended Filaments at the Limb~~Chris St Cyr~Chris.StCyr@nasa.gov~LASCO; EIT; UVCS; TRACE(S/C)~2004/04/30~2004/12/31~ 7045~Campaign~Chromospheric Hole Study~~Scott McIntosh~~SUMER; TRACE(S/C); EIT~2004/05/02~2004/05/02~ 7046~Campaign~Spicules Study~~Werner Curdt; Terry Kucera~Test for Jay Pasachoff s campaign May 24-26~SUMER; TRACE(S/C)~2004/05/02~2004/05/02~ 7047~ICAL01~ICAL01~~Terje Fredvik; Joe Gurman~16 UT~EIT; CDS~2004/05/05~2004/05/05~ 7048~Campaign~Spicules, Mottles and Jets~~Bart De Pontieu~bdp@lmsal.com~MDI; TRACE(S/C); La Palma~2004/05/15~2004/05/29~ 7049~Campaign~Up- and Downflows in AR Loops~~Davina Innes~innes@linmpi.mpg.de~CDS~2004/05/10~2004/05/23~ 7050~Campaign~Coronal Hole/Streamer Boundary Campaign~~Daniele Spadaro; Yuan-Kuen Ko~~UVCS; LASCO; CDS; SUMER~2004/05/17~2004/05/23~ 7051~Campaign~Active Region Rastering~~Enrico Landi~~SUMER; CDS~2004/05/18~2004/05/21~ 7052~Campaign~Dynamics of Chromospheric Spicules~~Jay Pasachoff; Luca Teriaca~8-19 UT~SUMER; TRACE(S/C); SST(GBO)~2004/05/24~2004/05/27~ 7053~Campaign~Transition Region Explosive Events~~Luca Teriaca~15-19 UT~SUMER; MDI; CDS; Sac Peak (GBO)~2004/05/24~2004/05/27~ 7054~Campaign~Ulysses Quadrature~~Giannina Poletto; Luca Teriaca~~UVCS; SUMER; Ulysses(S/C)~2004/05/23~2004/06/06~ 7056~ICAL01~ICAL01~~Luca Teriaca; Peter Young; Scott McIntosh~11 UT~SUMER; CDS; EIT~2004/05/26~2004/05/26~ 7057~Campaign~EIT Shutterless #15~~David Berghmans~20-22:40 UT David.Berghmans@oma.be~EIT; MDI; CDS; TRACE(S/C); SPIRIT(CORONAS S/C)~2004/06/02~2004/06/02~ 7058~JOP158~Fast Solar Wind from 1.05 to 4 Ro~~Ester Antonucci; Alan Gabriel~~SUMER; UVCS; LASCO; EIT; CDS~2004/06/03~2004/06/17~ 7059~JOP124~Eruptive Prominence in Active Region~~Karine Bocchailini~~CDS; SUMER; EIT; SPIRIT(CORONAS S/C)~2004/06/03~2004/06/17~ 7060~JOP177~Energy Input in Prominences~~Zadig Mouradian~~SUMER; EIT; Pic du Midi(GBO); Kanzelhohe(GBO); Meudon(GBO)~2004/06/03~2004/06/17~ 7061~JOP171~Solar Network Variability and Dynamics~~Peter Gomory~~CDS; MDI; EIT; TRACE(S/C)~2004/06/05~2004/06/09~ 7062~Campaign~Venus Transit~~Stein Haugan~13:40 UT~SUMER; CDS; EIT; LASCO; UVCS; TRACE(S/C)~2004/06/08~2004/06/08~ 7063~JOP176~Short-timescale Coronal Hole Evolution~~Barbara Bromage~~CDS; EIT; MDI; SUMER~2004/06/14~2004/06/17~ 7064~Campaign~Irradiance Variations~~Thomas Berger~~TRACE(S/C); SST(GBO); MDI; VLA(GBO)~2004/06/29~2004/07/09~ 7065~JOP171~Solar Network Variability and Dynamics~~Hubertus Woehl~hw@kis.uni-freiburg.de~CDS; EIT; MDI; TRACE(S/C); VTT(GBO); La Palma DOT(GBO)~2004/07/08~2004/07/15~ 7066~Campaign~IPS and Faraday Rotation Measurements~~Mari Paz Miralles~mmiralles@cfa.harvard.edu~EIT; LASCO; UVCS; Cassini(S/C)~2004/07/07~2004/07/10~ 7067~Campaign~Temporal Variation of Ion Intensities~~Shadia Habbal~~UVCS; LASCO; EIT~2004/07/12~2004/07/18~ 7068~ICAL01~ICAL01~~Jack Ireland; Joe Gurman~~EIT; CDS~2004/07/14~2004/07/14~ 7070~JOP153~Major Flare Watch~~Stein Haugan~AR10649~MDI; EIT; LASCO; TRACE(S/C); RHESSI(S/C); MaxMill(GBO)~2004/07/15~2004/07/19~ 7071~JOP100~AR DEM for Heating & Magnetography~~Jeff Brosius~brosius@comstock.gsfc.nasa.gov~CDS; EIT; VLA(GBO); MDI; TRACE(S/C); Mees(GBO)~2004/07/25~2004/07/30~ 7072~JOP153~Major Flare Watch~~Stein Haugan~AR10652~MDI; EIT; LASCO; TRACE(S/C); RHESSI(S/C); MaxMill(GBO)~2004/07/19~2004/07/21~ 7073~JOP157~Bright Points in Active Regions~~Etienne Pariat~JOP178 will be run as a backup if this JOP doesn t run~EIT; CDS; MDI; TRACE; RHESSI(S/C); THEMIS(GBO)~2004/07/29~2004/08/04~ 7074~Campaign~High Cadence Campaign~~David Brooks~~CDS; HIDA(GBO)~2004/08/02~2004/08/05~ 7075~JOP083~Heating of Coronal Loops~~Robert Walsh~~CDS; MDI; TRACE(S/C)~2004/08/05~2004/08/16~ 7076~Campaign~EIT Shutterless #16~~Gareth Lawrence~19:00-21:40 UT on August 25, 14:00-16:40 UT on September 1, POC: Gareth Lawrence, gareth.lawrence@oma.be~EIT; MDI; CDS; TRACE(S/C); SPIRIT(CORONAS S/C)~2004/08/25~2004/09/01~ 7077~Campaign~Fe XV Opacity Study~~Ryan Milligan~~CDS; EIT~2004/08/21~2004/09/10~ 7078~ICAL01~ICAL01~~Dave Pike; Bob Leamon~~CDS; EIT~2004/09/08~2004/09/08~ 7079~Campaign~Faraday Rotation Measurements~~Mari Paz Miralles~~UVCS; LASCO; Mars Express~2004/09/10~2004/09/17~ 7080~JOP153~Major Flare Watch~~Stein Haugan~AR10652~MDI; CDS; EIT; LASCO; UVCS; TRACE(S/C); RHESSI(S/C); MaxMill(GBO)~2004/07/22~2004/07/29~ 7081~Campaign~Quiet Sun Study~~Yohei Yamauchi~~TRACE(S/C); BBSO(GBO)~2004/09/07~2004/09/20~ 7082~Campaign~Comets LINEAR and ASAS~~Kevin Schenk~UVCS will participate on October 7 & 8 for Comet ASAS~LASCO; UVCS~2004/09/27~2004/10/12~ 7083~JOP178~Filament and its Environment~~Thierry Roudier~~CDS; MDI; EIT; TRACE(S/C); THEMIS(GBO); SST(GBO); DOT(GBO); DST(GBO); Meudon(GBO); Pic du Midi(GBO); Bialkov(GBO); Ondrejov(GBO); SOLIS(GBO); ISOON(GBO)~2004/10/05~2004/10/19~ 7084~Campaign~TIMED SEE Calibration Rocket~Calibration of TIMED SEE~Tom Woods~~CDS; EIT; CELIAS SEM; TRACE (S/C); SORCE (S/C); TIMED (S/C)~2004/10/15~2004/10/15~ 7085~Campaign~Dynamics of Off-limb Polar Coronal Holes~~Dipankar Banerjee~~CDS; UVCS; Norikura (GBO)~2004/10/16~2004/10/27~ 7086~ICAL01~ICAL01~~Peter Young; Jack Ireland~~CDS; EIT~2004/10/14~2004/10/14~ 7087~JOP179~Energy Propagation in XBPs~~Tetsuya Watanabe~~CDS; EIT; MDI; Hida(GBO)~2004/10/18~2004/10/23~ 7088~Campaign~Dynamics of the Lower Chromosphere~~Mats Carlsson~~MDI; TRACE(S/C); La Palma(GBO)~2004/10/20~2004/11/01~ 7089~Campaign~Aborted Study~~Dipankar Banerjee~Combined with 7085 instead~CDS; UVCS; Norikura(GBO)~2004/10/23~2004/10/27~ 7090~JOP153~Major Flare Watch~~Stein Haugan~AR10656~MDI; CDS; EIT; LASCO; UVCS; TRACE(S/C); RHESSI(S/C); MaxMill(GBO)~2004/08/14~2004/08/17~ 7091~JOP157~Bright points in ARs~~Brigitte Schmieder~~MDI; EIT; TRACE(S/C); THEMIS(GBO); SST(GBO); DOT(GBO); DST(GBO); Meudon(GBO); Pic du Midi(GBO); Bialkov(GBO); Ondrejov(GBO); Sac Peak(GBO); SOLIS(GBO)~2004/10/17~2004/10/19~ 7092~Campaign~Blinker Study~~Hardi Peter; Alexandra Tritschler~~CDS; MDI; Sac Peak(GBO)~2004/10/25~2004/10/29~ 7093~Campaign~Chromospheric Magnetic Fields Below XBPs~~Yukio Katsukawa~~TRACE(S/C); VTT(GBO)~2004/10/26~2004/10/29~ 7094~Campaign~Streamer Study~~Michael Uzzo~~UVCS; CDS~2004/11/01~2004/11/06~ 7095~JOP158~The Fast Solar Wind From 1.04 to 4 Solar Radii~~Alan Gabriel; Lucia Abbo~~UVCS; SUMER; CDS~2004/11/08~2004/11/14~ 7096~JOP178~Filament and its Environment~~Guillaume Molodij~~CDS; EIT; THEMIS(GBO); Other GBOs~2004/11/09~2004/11/13~ 7097~JOP124~Oscillations in Filaments and Prominences~~Guillaume Pouget; Karine Bocchialini~~SUMER; CDS; EIT~2004/11/10~2004/11/18~ 7098~JOP177~Energy Input in Prominences~~Zadig Mouradian~~SUMER; EIT~2004/11/15~2004/11/15~ 7099~JOP104~Doppler Shifts in X-ray Jets~~Nour-Eddine Raouafi; Davina Marckiewicz-Innes~~SUMER; CDS; EIT; UVCS; RHESSI~2004/11/15~2004/11/21~ 7100~JOP173~3D Structure and Dynamics of Sunspots~~Horst Balthasar; Bernhard Fleck~07:00-18:00 UT~TRACE(S/C); MDI; CDS; VTT(GBO); THEMIS(GBO); SST(GBO); DOT(GBO); MST(GBO)~2004/11/23~2004/12/02~ 7101~Campaign~Ulysses Quadrature~~Giannina Poletto~~UVCS; SUMER; Ulysses(S/C)~2004/11/27~2004/12/10~ 7102~Campaign~EIT Shutterless #17~~Gareth Lawrence~~EIT; MDI; CDS; TRACE(S/C); SPIRIT(S/C)~2004/11/30~2004/11/30~ 7103~Campaign~Aborted Study~~Francesca Zuccarello; Paolo Romano~Cancelled due to technical problems of a camera of the IPM instrument~MDI; THEMIS(GBO)~2004/12/12~2004/12/18~ 7104~Campaign~Disk AR Observations~~Werner Curdt~~SUMER; CDS~2004/12/06~2004/12/07~ 7105~Campaign~Aborted Study~~Peter Young; Enrico Landi~SOHO ESR~SUMER; CDS~2004/12/10~2004/12/10~ 7106~ICAL01~ICAL01~~Chris Maroney; Joe Gurman~14 UT~CDS; EIT~2005/01/05~2005/01/05~ 7107~Campaign~Streamer Study~~Peter Young; Leonard Strachan~~CDS; UVCS; LASCO~2005/01/31~2005/02/01~ 7108~Campaign~Quiet Sun Study~~Peter Young; Leonard Strachan~~CDS; UVCS; LASCO~2005/02/01~2005/02/04~ 7109~Campaign~EIT Shutterless #18~~Gareth Lawrence~~EIT; MDI; CDS; TRACE(S/C); SPIRIT(S/C)~2005/02/16~2005/02/23~ 7110~ICAL01~ICAL01~~Peter Young; Bob Leamon~14 UT~CDS; EIT~2005/02/17~2005/02/17~ 7111~JOP155~Polar Coronal Jets~~Danuta Dobrzycka~~UVCS; CDS; TRACE; EIT~2005/02/22~2005/03/01~ 7112~Campaign~5-Minute Waves into the Corona~~Karel Schrijver~Dates of this campaign are uncertain.~TRACE(S/C); IVM(GBO)~2005/03/08~2005/03/14~ 7113~ICAL01~ICAL01~~CDS Planner; EIT Planner; SUMER Planner~Generic campaign for CDS/EIT/SUMER ICAL01 runs from 2005/03/09 and on. Earlier ICAL01 runs have separate campaign numbers. For details on planners and instrument participation, refer to the SOHO calendar. In February 2007 added Hinode and Stereo~CDS; EIT; SUMER; STEREO (S/C); HINODE (S/C); TRACE (S/C)~2005/03/09~2009/01/01~ 7114~Campaign~Faraday Rotation Measurements~~Mari Paz Miralles~~UVCS; VLA(GBO); LASCO~2005/03/25~2005/04/05~ 7115~Campaign~Streamer Study~~Michael Uzzo~~UVCS; CDS; SUMER~2005/04/06~2005/04/18~ 7116~Campaign~Solar Eclipse~Support for Jay Pasachoff s eclipse expedition~Kevin Schenk~~EIT; LASCO; Expedition:Pasachoff (GBO)~2005/04/08~2005/04/08~ 7117~ICAL01~Aborted Study~~CDS Planner; EIT Planner; SUMER Planner~Aborted b/c #7113 covers SUMER also~CDS; EIT; SUMER~2005/04/06~2008/04/06~ 7118~Campaign~Explosive Events Study~~Werner Curdt~~SUMER; CDS~2005/04/04~2005/04/08~ 7119~Campaign~Coronal Loops Flow Study~~Werner Curdt~~SUMER; CDS; TRACE~2005/04/07~2005/04/13~ 7120~Campaign~Line Profile Study~~Sarah Gregory~See also campaign 7119 which will track the same active region (Coronal Loops Flow Study).~MDI; Sac Peak(GBO); TRACE~2005/04/09~2005/04/14~ 7121~Campaign~Coronal Hole Observations~~Mari Paz Miralles~~UVCS; CDS; SUMER~2005/04/17~2005/05/01~ 7122~Campaign~SPINOR Development/Moat Flows~~Mandy Hagenaar~~MDI; TRACE (S/C); Sac Peak (GBO)~2005/05/03~2005/05/15~ 7123~Campaign~EIT Shutterless #19~~Maria Madjarska; Kevin Schenk~~EIT; TRACE (S/C); CDS~2005/05/04~2005/05/11~ 7124~Campaign~IPS Measurements~~Andy Breen; Kevin Schenk~~LASCO; MERLIN(GBO); EISCAT(GBO); UVCS; TRACE(S/C)~2005/05/12~2005/05/14~ 7125~JOP180~Magnetic Fields and Flows to Corona/TR~~Andreas Lagg; Bernhard Fleck~~EIT; TRACE(S/C); MDI; SUMER; VTT(GBO)~2005/05/12~2005/05/20~ 7126~JOP124~Eruptive Filament in Active Region~~Guillaume Pouget & Karine Bocchialini~~SUMER; CDS; EIT~2005/05/15~2005/06/05~ 7127~JOP177~Energy Input in Prominences~~Zadig Mouradian~~SUMER; EIT~2005/05/16~2005/06/05~ 7128~JOP158~The Fast Solar Wind from 1.05 to 4 Ro.~~Alan Gabriel~~SUMER; UVCS; CDS; EIT~2005/05/16~2005/05/29~ 7129~Campaign~Active Region/Sunspot Study~~Andrzej Fludra, Guillaume Pouget~~CDS; VTT; TRACE; THEMIS~2005/05/21~2005/06/10~ 7130~Campaign~Observations of Filaments~~Brigitte Schmieder; Petr Heinzel~~SUMER; CDS; EIT~2005/05/16~2005/05/29~ 7131~Campaign~Ulysses Quadrature~~Giannina Poletto~~UVCS; SUMER; Ulysses (S/C)~2005/05/26~2005/06/07~ 7132~Campaign~Microflares, Jets and Macrospicules~~Serge Koutchmy; Leon Golub~~EIT; LASCO; TRACE~2005/05/30~2005/06/03~ 7133~JOP174~Plasma Condensation/Temporal Variations~~Terje Fredvik~~CDS; SUMER; TRACE~2005/05/30~2005/06/05~ 7134~Campaign~Hot lines in Quiet Sun~~Karine Bocchialini; Susanna Parenti~~SUMER; CDS~2005/05/31~2005/06/03~ 7135~JOP175~Extended Filaments at the Limb~~Chris St Cyr~Run June 11-14 2005 Run October 6-? 2005 Run February 18-27 2006 Run March 19-30 2006~LASCO; EIT; UVCS; TRACE(S/C); Mauna Loa (GBO)~2005/06/11~2007/06/11~ 7136~Campaign~Moat Flows and Magetic Features~~Mandy Hagenaar~~MDI; TRACE(S/C); Sac Peak(GBO)~2005/06/23~2005/07/05~ 7137~Campaign~Active Region Tracking~~Tom Berger~~SST(GBO); DOT(GBO); TRACE(S/C); MDI~2005/06/23~2005/07/02~ 7138~JOP181~Fine Magnetic Structures/Coronal Heating~~Yukio Katsukawa~~SST(GBO); VTT(GBO); DOT(GBO); CDS; EIT; MDI; TRACE~2005/07/03~2005/07/15~ 7139~Campaign~Short-Timescale Coronal Hole Evolution~~Barbara Bromage~UVCS will join on July 5 and 6. For this 2nd part of the campaign, the focus is not on short-timescale evolution, and the CDS studies are different from those used in the first part.~CDS; UVCS; EISCAT (GBO)~2005/06/27~2005/07/06~ 7140~Campaign~Comet 9P/Tempel~~Eric Quemerais~~SWAN; Deep Impact(S/C)~2005/07/04~2005/07/04~ 7141~Campaign~Sounding Rocket Launch~~Angelos Vourlidas; Enrico Landi~Launch is scheduled for 16:20 UT. Backup days are July 11 and 14.~SUMER; CDS; EIT; LASCO; MDI; TRACE(S/C); VAULT (Rocket)~2005/07/07~2005/07/07~ 7142~Campaign~Aborted Study~~Barbara Bromage~Use #7139 instead of this one~CDS; UVCS~2005/07/05~2005/07/06~ 7143~Campaign~Faraday Rotation Measurements~~Mari Paz Miralles~~UVCS; Cassini; LASCO~2005/07/19~2005/07/27~ 7144~JOP083~Heating of Coronal Loops~~Jane Noglik~~CDS; TRACE; MDI~2005/07/25~2005/07/29~ 7145~Campaign~Prominence Observations~~Jonathan Cirtain~~TRACE; CDS~2005/07/15~2005/07/24~ 7146~JOP155~Polar Coronal Jets~~John Raymond & Danuta Dobrzycka~~UVCS; EIT; LASCO; TRACE~2005/07/27~2005/08/02~ 7147~Campaign~CELIAS SEM Calibration Rocket Flight~~Andrew Jones~~CELIAS; EIT~2005/08/03~2005/08/03~ 7148~Campaign~Rapid Dual Imager Support~~James McAteer~~CDS; Sac Peak (GBO)~2005/08/04~2005/08/14~ 7149~JOP157~Bright points in Active Regions~~Etienne Pariat~~CDS; EIT; MDI; THEMIS; VTT; TRACE~2005/08/13~2005/08/24~ 7150~Campaign~Aborted Study~~Michael Uzzo~~CDS; UVCS~2005/08/23~2005/08/23~ 7151~Campaign~Spicule Study~~Jay.M.Pasachoff~~TRACE; SST (GBO)~2005/08/18~2005/08/21~ 7152~Campaign~Wave Propagation from Photosphere to Corona~~Bart DePontieu~~MDI; SST(GBO); DOT(GBO); TRACE(S/C)~2005/09/01~2005/09/10~ 7153~Campaign~Meridional Motions~~Sarah Gregory~~MDI; VTT(GBO)~2005/08/26~2005/09/02~ 7154~JOP178~Filament and its Environment~~Thierry Roudier~~MDI; TRACE(S/C); GBO s~2005/09/07~2005/09/21~ 7155~Campaign~Filament Observations~~Guillaume Pouget~~CDS; EIT; THEMIS(GBO)~2005/09/22~2005/09/28~ 7156~Campaign~Magnetic Elements/Chromospheric Waves~~Mats Carlsson~~MDI; TRACE;(S/C) SST(GBO)~2005/09/23~2005/10/17~ 7157~Campaign~Comet SOHO-1024 Observations~~Michael Uzzo & Kevin Schenk~~LASCO; UVCS~2005/09/28~2005/09/29~ 7158~JOP183~Quiet Sun Fine Structures~~Georgia Tsiropoula~~SUMER/MDI/CDS/TRACE(S/C)/THEMIS(GBO)/DOT(GBO)/Ondrejov(GBO)~2005/10/06~2005/10/17~ 7159~JOP179~Energy Propagation in XBPs~~Tetsuya Watanabe~~CDS; EIT; MDI; Hida(GBO)~2005/10/17~2005/10/21~ 7160~JOP171~Solar Network Variability and Dynamics~~Peter Gomory~~CDS; MDI; TRACE(S/C); SST(GBO); DOT(GBO)~2005/10/18~2005/10/31~ 7161~Campaign~Spectroscopy/Imaging of Solar Fibrils~~Jan Rybak~~CDS; MDI; TRACE(S/C)~2005/10/18~2005/10/31~ 7162~JOP182~Structure and Dynamics of Coronal XRBPs~~Daniel Brown~~CDS; MDI; TRACE(S/C)~2005/10/20~2005/10/24~ 7163~Campaign~EIT Shutterless #21 Segment 1~~Maria Madjarska~~EIT; TRACE(S/C); CDS; MDI~2005/10/19~2005/10/19~ 7164~Campaign~Aborted Study~~Maria Madjarska~Aborted Study~EIT; TRACE; CDS; MDI~2005/10/26~2005/10/26~ 7165~Campaign~Streamer Study~~Leonard Strachan~~UVCS; CDS~2005/11/07~2005/11/22~ 7166~Campaign~Ulysses Quadrature~~Giannina Poletto~~UVCS; Ulysses (S/C)~2005/11/28~2005/12/11~ 7167~Campaign~EIT Shutterless #22~~Maria Madjarska~~EIT; TRACE(S/C); CDS; MDI; Sac Peak (GBO)~2006/01/18~2006/01/25~ 7168~JOP184~Bright Points from Photosphere to Corona~~Gerry Doyle~15:30-19:30 UT~CDS; MDI; TRACE (S/C) ; Sac Peak (GBO)~2006/01/19~2006/01/24~ 7169~Campaign~Sounding Rocket Launch~~Charles Kankelborg; Jeff Brosius~Neither EUNIS nor MOSES launched but the SOHO instruments did their observing~CDS; EIT; MDI; TRACE (S/C); VLA (GBO)~2006/01/31~2006/01/31~ 7170~Campaign~Streamer Study~~Michael Uzzo; Jeff Brosius~Exact Dates TBD CDS won t support the whole time~UVCS; CDS~2006/01/30~2006/02/09~ 7171~Campaign~Sounding Rocket Launch~~Charles Kankelborg~18:11 is first launch window, 18:29 is the second window~CDS; EIT; MDI; TRACE (S/C); MOSES (Rocket)~2006/02/08~2006/02/08~ 7172~Campaign~Sounding Rocket Launch~~Jeff Brosius & Roger Thomas~EUNIS launch was postponed until 2006/02/24.~EIT; CDS; MDI; TRACE (S/C)~2006/02/17~2006/02/17~ 7173~Campaign~Sounding Rocket Launch~~Jeff Brosius & Roger Thomas~Launch has been scrubbed until further notice.~EUNIS (rocket); EIT; CDS; MDI; TRACE (S/C)~2006/02/24~2006/02/24~ 7174~Campaign~Internetwork Field/Transition Region~~Luca Teriaca~~SUMER; MDI; DOT (GBO)~2006/03/24~2006/03/26~ 7175~Campaign~Solar Eclipse~~Tero Siili~~SUMER; UVCS; TRACE; CDS; EIT; LASCO; Sac Peak (GBO); GBOs~2006/03/27~2006/04/01~ 7176~Campaign~Plume Observations at the South Coronal Hole~~Mari Paz Miralles~~UVCS; LASCO~2006/04/03~2006/04/09~ 7177~JOP185~Solar Fibrils~~Jan Rybak; Bernhard Fleck~~EIT; MDI; TRACE (S/C); CDS; DOT (GBO); SST (GBO)~2006/04/11~2006/04/26~ 7178~Campaign~EIT Shutterless #23~~Maria Madjarska~~EIT; CDS; TRACE (S/C); MDI; SUMER; Sac Peak (GBO)~2006/04/12~2006/04/19~ 7179~Campaign~EUNIS Sounding Rocket Launch~~Jeff Brosius; Roger Thomas~~EUNIS (Rocket); EIT; CDS; TRACE; MDI; Sac Peak (GBO)~2006/04/12~2006/04/12~ 7180~Campaign~South Coronal Hole Study~~Mari Paz Miralles~~UVCS; LASCO~2006/04/10~2006/04/18~ 7181~JOP173~3D Structure and Dynamics of Sunspots~~Karin Muglach~~VTT (GBO); THEMIS (GBO); TRACE (S/C), CDS~2006/05/19~2006/06/02~ 7182~Campaign~Facular Irradiance Characteristics~~Tom Berger~~MDI; TRACE (S/C); SSO (GBO)~2006/06/03~2006/06/09~ 7183~Campaign~Ulysses-SOHO Quadrature observations~~Giannina Poletto~~UVCS; LASCO; Ulysses (S/C)~2006/06/08~2006/06/18~ 7184~JOP171~Solar Network Variability and Dynamics~~Peter Gomory~~CDS; EIT; MDI; TRACE (S/C), DOT (GBO)~2006/06/28~2006/07/12~ 7185~JOP186~Atmospheric Seismology~~Mike Marsh~~CDS; EIT; MDI; TRACE (S/C); DST (GBO); DOT (GBO); VTT (GBO)~2006/07/17~2006/07/28~ 7186~Campaign~Small Magnetic Features~~Vicente Domingo~~MDI; CDS; SST (GBO)~2006/07/27~2006/08/08~ 7187~Campaign~EIT Shutterless #24~~Gareth Lawrence~18-20:40 UT~EIT; CDS; TRACE (S/C); MDI; SPIRIT (S/C); Sac Peak (GBO)~2006/07/26~2006/08/02~ 7188~Campaign~Faraday Rotation Measurements~~Mari Paz Miralles~~UVCS; LASCO; EIT; Arecibo (GBO); Cassini (S/C)~2006/08/03~2006/08/18~ 7189~JOP178~Filament and its Environment~~Brigitte Schmieder~~MDI; CDS; TRACE (S/C); THEMIS (GBO); GBO s~2006/08/25~2006/09/03~ 7190~Campaign~Propagation of Low Frequency Waves & Spicule~~Bart DePontieu~~MDI; TRACE (S/C); SSO (GBO)~2006/09/26~2006/10/06~ 7191~Campaign~Mars and Venus Express Solar Conjunction~~Mari Paz Miralles~UVCS joins on Oct 17~UVCS; LASCO; EIT; MEx(S/C); VEx(S/C)~2006/10/10~2006/11/05~ 7192~Campaign~EIT Shutterless #25~~Susanna Parenti~19:00-21:40 UT on 10/18 and 10/25~EIT; CDS; TRACE (S/C); MDI~2006/10/18~2006/10/25~ 7193~Campaign~Dual Sounding Rocket Launch~~Andrew Jones~Did not launch on 10/24 Did not launch on 10/28 or 10/29~CELIAS; TRACE (S/C); TIMED (S/C); SDO (GBO); CDS~2006/10/24~2006/11/12~ 7194~Campaign~Mercury Transit~~Tero Siili~~CDS; LASCO; EIT; MDI; TRACE (S/C)~2006/11/08~2006/11/09~ 7195~Campaign~Hinode, Hida, CDS Collaboration~~Peter Young~For generic collaborations between the 3~CDS; Hida (GBO); Hinode (S/C)~2006/12/11~2007/12/31~ 7196~Campaign~Ulysses Quadrature Observations~~Giannina Poletto~~Ulysses (S/C); UVCS; LASCO; STELab (GBO)~2006/12/20~2006/12/27~ 7197~Campaign~Polar Coronal Hole Study~~Mari Paz Miralles~~UVCS; LASCO; CDS; EIT; Hinode (S/C); TRACE (S/C); STEREO (S/C)~2007/01/08~2007/01/21~ 7198~Campaign~EIT Shutterless #26~~Susanna Parenti~~EIT; CDS; MDI; TRACE (S/C)~2007/01/17~2007/01/24~ 7199~Campaign~Joint Polar Study~~Mari Paz Miralles~~CDS; LASCO; UVCS; Hinode; STEREO; TRACE; SOLIS (GBO)~2007/03/12~2007/03/21~ 7200~Campaign~Default CDS/Hinode-EIS co-observations~~Young, Peter; CDS planner~CDS will use this campaign whenever they are observing the Hinode-EIS target and no other JOP/campaign numbers are applicable.~CDS; Hinode-EIS (S/C-instrument)~2007/03/20~2010/01/01~ 7201~Campaign~Temperature Response During Explosive Events~~Luca Teriaca~Part of the April 2007 SOHO/HINODE campaign, see website: http://www.mps.mpg.de/homes/curdt/hinode/HINODE_cases.html - This was run on April 16,17,19,21,22~SUMER; MDI; TRACE (S/C); HINODE-SOT (S/C); HINODE-XRT (S/C); HINODE-EIS (S/C); IBIS~2007/04/16~2007/04/22~ 7202~Campaign~Doppler Oscillation Events Trigger~~Davina Innes~Part of the April 2007 SOHO/HINODE campaign, see website: http://www.mps.mpg.de/homes/curdt/hinode/HINODE_cases.html - This was run on April 2 and April 9~SUMER; CDS; HINODE-EIS (S/C); HINODE-XRT (S/C); TRACE (S/C); HINODE-SOT (S/C);~2007/04/02~2007/04/10~ 7203~Campaign~MHD Wave Propagation~~Mike Marsh~Part of the April 2007 SOHO/HINODE campaign, see website: http://www.mps.mpg.de/homes/curdt/hinode/HINODE_cases.html - This was run on April 3~SUMER; CDS; MDI; HINODE-EIS (S/C); HINODE-SOT (S/C); HINODE-XRT (S/C); TRACE (S/C)~2007/04/03~2007/04/03~ 7204~Campaign~Asymmetric Versus Symmetric Heat Input~~Werner Curdt~Part of the April 2007 SOHO/HINODE campaign, see website: http://www.mps.mpg.de/homes/curdt/hinode/HINODE_cases.html - This was run on March 31, April 1 and April 3~SUMER; CDS; MDI; HINODE-XRT (S/C); HINODE-EIS (S/C); TRACE (S/C)~2007/03/31~2007/04/03~ 7205~Campaign~QS Radiance Distribution and UV Variability~~Werner Curdt~Part of the April 2007 SOHO/HINODE campaign, see website: http://www.mps.mpg.de/homes/curdt/hinode/HINODE_cases.html - This was run on April 18,20~SUMER; MDI; HINODE-EIS (S/C); HINODE-SOT (S/C); HINODE-XRT (S/C); TRACE (S/C)~2007/04/18~2007/04/20~ 7207~Campaign~Ne and Te in Polar Plumes~~Klaus Wilhelm~Part of the April 2007 SOHO/HINODE campaign, see website: http://www.mps.mpg.de/homes/curdt/hinode/HINODE_cases.html - This was run on April 5,6,7,8,9,21,22~UVCS; LASCO; MDI; SUMER; HINODE-EIS (S/C); HINODE-SOT (S/C); HINODE-XRT (S/C); STEREO-EUVI/~2007/04/05~2007/04/22~ 7208~Campaign~Detection of Waves in the Solar Atmosphere~~Luca Teriaca~Part of the April 2007 SOHO/HINODE campaign, see website: http://www.mps.mpg.de/homes/curdt/hinode/HINODE_cases.html - This was run on April 8,15,24~SUMER; CDS; HINODE-EIS (S/C); HINODE-SOT (S/C); HINODE-XRT (S/C); TRACE (S/C)~2007/04/08~2007/04/24~ 7209~Campaign~Doppler Shift on Quiet and Active Regions~~Luca Teriaca~Part of the April 2007 SOHO/HINODE campaign, see website: http://www.mps.mpg.de/homes/curdt/hinode/HINODE_cases.html - This was run on April 4,6~SUMER; CDS; TRACE (S/C); HINODE-EIS (S/C); HINODE-SOT (S/C); HINODE-XRT (S/C)~2007/04/04~2007/04/06~ 7210~Campaign~Transient Flows in Quiet Sun and Active Regions~~Maria Madjarska~Part of the April 2007 SOHO/HINODE campaign, see website: http://www.mps.mpg.de/homes/curdt/hinode/HINODE_cases.html - This was run on April 4,5,11~SUMER; CDS; MDI; HINODE-EIS (S/C); HINODE-XRT (S/C); HINODE-SOT (S/C); TRACE (S/C); STEREO-EUVI (S/C)~2007/04/04~2007/04/11~ 7212~Campaign~Coronal Bright Point Plasma Characteristics~~Maria Madjarska~Part of the April 2007 SOHO/HINODE campaign, see website: http://www.mps.mpg.de/homes/curdt/hinode/HINODE_cases.html - This was run on April 12, 17~CDS; MDI; SUMER; HINODE-EIS (S/C); HINODE-SOT (S/C); HINODE-XRT (S/C); TRACE (S/C)~2007/04/12~2007/04/17~ 7213~Campaign~Dynamic Events in the Network~~Danielle Bewsher~Part of the April 2007 SOHO/HINODE campaign, see website: http://www.mps.mpg.de/homes/curdt/hinode/HINODE_cases.html - This was run on April 4,20~SUMER; CDS; HINODE-EIS (S/C); HINODE-SOT (S/C); HINODE-XRT (S/C); TRACE (S/C)~2007/04/04~2007/04/20~ 7214~Campaign~Bright Points~~Gerry Doyle~Part of the April 2007 SOHO/HINODE campaign, see website: http://www.mps.mpg.de/homes/curdt/hinode/HINODE_cases.html - This was run April 13,19~CDS; MDI; SUMER; HINODE-EIS (S/C); HINODE-SOT (S/C); HINODE-XRT (S/C); TRACE (S/C)~2007/04/13~2007/04/19~ 7215~Campaign~Spicules/Blinker Connection~~Gerry Doyle~Part of the April 2007 SOHO/HINODE campaign, see website: http://www.mps.mpg.de/homes/curdt/hinode/HINODE_cases.html - This was run April 9 and April 11~SUMER; CDS; MDI; HINODE-SOT (S/C); HINODE-XRT (S/C); HINODE-EIS (S/C); TRACE (S/C)~2007/04/09~2007/04/11~ 7216~Campaign~Armagh Explosive Event Study~~Gerry Doyle~Part of the April 2007 SOHO/HINODE campaign, see website: http://www.mps.mpg.de/homes/curdt/hinode/HINODE_cases.html - This was run on April 6,14~SUMER; CDS; MDI; HINODE-EIS (S/C); HINODE-XRT (S/C); HINODE-SOT (S/C); TRACE (S/C)~2007/04/06~2007/04/20~ 7217~Campaign~Chromospheric Heating in Active Regions~~Davina Innes~Part of the April 2007 SOHO/HINODE campaign, see website: http://www.mps.mpg.de/homes/curdt/hinode/HINODE_cases.html - This was run on April 15, 16 , 20~SUMER; MDI; CDS; HINODE-EIS (S/C); HINODE-SOT (S/C); HINODE-XRT (S/C); TRACE (S/C)~2007/04/15~2007/04/20~ 7218~Campaign~Transition Region Te Diagnostics~~George Doschek~Part of the April 2007 SOHO/HINODE campaign, see website: http://www.mps.mpg.de/homes/curdt/hinode/HINODE_cases.html - This was run on April 4,11,12,14~SUMER; HINODE-EIS (S/C); HINODE-SOT (S/C); HINODE-XRT (S/C); TRACE (S/C)~2007/04/04~2007/04/14~ 7220~Campaign~Variation of AR and QS Brightness~~Luca Teriaca, S.K. Solanki~Part of the April 2007 SOHO/HINODE campaign, see website: http://www.mps.mpg.de/homes/curdt/hinode/HINODE_cases.html - This was run on April 16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29~SUMER; MDI; HINODE-SOT (S/C); HINODE-XRT (S/C); HINODE-EIS (S/C); TRACE (S/C)~2007/04/16~2007/04/29~ 7221~Campaign~Super Disk Atlas~~Werner Curdt~Part of the April 2007 SOHO/HINODE campaign, see website: http://www.mps.mpg.de/homes/curdt/hinode/HINODE_cases.html - This was run on April 5,18~SUMER; CDS; MDI; HINODE-EIS (S/C); HINODE-SOT (S/C); HINODE-XRT (S/C); TRACE (S/C)~2007/04/05~2007/04/19~ 7222~Campaign~Temperature Structure of Active Region Corona~~Davina Innes~Part of the April 2007 SOHO/HINODE campaign, see website: http://www.mps.mpg.de/homes/curdt/hinode/HINODE_cases.html - This was run on April 2, April 9~SUMER; CDS; HINODE-EIS (S/C); HINODE-XRT (S/C); TRACE (S/C)~2007/04/02~2007/04/09~ 7223~Campaign~Characteristcs of AR Transient Brightenings~~Helen Mason~Part of the April 2007 SOHO/HINODE campaign, see website: http://www.mps.mpg.de/homes/curdt/hinode/HINODE_cases.html - This was run on April 17, 19~SUMER; CDS; TRACE (S/C); HINODE-SOT (S/C); HINODE-XRT (S/C); HINODE-EIS (S/C)~2007/04/17~2007/04/19~ 7225~Campaign~Transport and Dynamics in Solar Network~~Peter Gomory~Part of the April 2007 SOHO/HINODE campaign, see website: http://www.mps.mpg.de/homes/curdt/hinode/HINODE_cases.html - This was run on April 12, April 14~SUMER; CDS; TRACE (S/C); HINODE-SOT (S/C); HINODE-XRT (S/C); HINODE-EIS (S/C)~2007/04/12~2007/04/14~ 7226~Campaign~Chromospheric Heating in Quiet Sun~~Davina Innes~Part of the April 2007 SOHO/HINODE campaign, see website: http://www.mps.mpg.de/homes/curdt/hinode/HINODE_cases.html - This was run on April 10,13~SUMER; CDS; MDI; TRACE (S/C); HINODE-SOT (S/C); HINODE-XRT (S/C); HINODE-EIS (S/C); STEREO-EUVI~2007/04/10~2007/04/13~ 7228~Campaign~Diagnostics of Quiescent Active Region Loops~~Enrico Landi~Part of the April 2007 SOHO/HINODE campaign, see website: http://www.mps.mpg.de/homes/curdt/hinode/HINODE_cases.html - This was run on April 3,5,6~SUMER; CDS; HINODE-EIS (S/C); HINODE-SOT (S/C); HINODE-XRT (S/C); TRACE (S/C)~2007/04/03~2007/04/06~ 7229~Campaign~Off-Limb Reference Spectrum~~Enrico Landi~Part of the April 2007 SOHO/HINODE campaign, see website: http://www.mps.mpg.de/homes/curdt/hinode/HINODE_cases.html - This was run on April 2 and April 3, April 10, 12,14,15~SUMER; HINODE-EIS (S/C); TRACE (S/C); HINODE-SOT (S/C); HINODE-XRT (S/C)~2007/04/02~2007/04/15~ 7230~Campaign~Prominence Spectral Atlas~~Susanna Parenti~Part of the April 2007 SOHO/HINODE campaign, see website: http://www.mps.mpg.de/homes/curdt/hinode/HINODE_cases.html - This was run on April 16,17,18,19~SUMER; CDS; HINODE-EIS (S/C); HINODE-SOT (S/C); HINODE-XRT (S/C); TRACE (S/C)~2007/04/16~2007/04/19~ 7231~JOP178~JOP178~~Brigitte Schmieder~Part of the April 2007 SOHO/HINODE campaign, see website: http://www.mps.mpg.de/homes/curdt/hinode/HINODE_cases.html - This was run April 24,25,26,27,28,29~SUMER; CDS; MDI; EIT; HINODE-EIS (S/C); HINODE-SOT (S/C); HINODE-XRT (S/C); TRACE (S/C); THEMIS (GBO); SST (GBO); VTT (GBO); Hida (GBO); Hurairou (GBO); Nanjing (GBO); ARIES (GBO); Ondrejov (GBO); Wroclaw (GBO); Meudon (GBO)~2007/04/24~2007/04/29~ 7232~Campaign~Velocity Field in a Coronal Hole~~Suguru Kamino~Part of the April 2007 SOHO/HINODE campaign, see website: http://www.mps.mpg.de/homes/curdt/hinode/HINODE_cases.html - This was run on April 8~SUMER; CDS; HINODE-EIS (S/C); HINODE-XRT (S/C); HINODE-SOT (S/C); TRACE (S/C)~2007/04/08~2007/04/08~ 7233~JOP187~Stereoscopic Observations of Coronal Structures~~Simon Plunkett; William Thompson~This is for the SOHO/STEREO Campaign~EIT; LASCO; MDI; CDS; STEREO-EUVI (S/C); TRACE (S/C); HINODE-EIS (S/C); HINODE-SOT (S/C)~2007/05/04~2007/05/17~ 7234~Campaign~Exceptional Ulysses Quadrature Observations~~Giannina Poletto; Giulio Del Zanna~~UVCS; CDS; EIT; LASCO; Ulysses (S/C); Hinode (S/C); STEREO-SECCHI (S/C)~2007/05/07~2007/05/11~ 7235~Campaign~Exceptional Ulysses Quadrature Observations~~Giannina Poletto~~UVCS; LASCO; Ulysses (S/C); MERLIN (GBO); STEREO-SECCHI (S/C)~2007/05/12~2007/05/20~ 7236~Campaign~EIT Shutterless #27~~Susanna Parenti~Run on May 9 and 15 from 19:00-21:40 UT~EIT; CDS; MDI; TRACE (S/C); STEREO-SECCHI (S/C); SPIRIT (S/C)~2007/05/09~2007/05/15~ 7237~JOP188~Prominence Mass Composition and Variability~Obtain coordinated observations of prominences, seen through continuum absorption in EUV lines, to estimate the mass, composition of H & He, and its spatial distribution in prominences, and how these parameters change over time.~Gary Kilper~Local POCs: Terry Kucera, Joe Gurman~CDS; EIT; MDI; TRACE (S/C); STEREO-EUVI (S/C); Hinode-SOT (S/C); Hinode-EIS (S/C); MLSO (GBO)~2007/07/03~2007/08/05~ 7238~JOP 178~Filament and its Environment~~Brigitte Schmieder~JOP 157 will be an alternate.~CDS; MDI; TRACE (S/C); Meudon (GBO); THEMIS (GBO); Ondrejov (GBO); Nanjing (GBO); Bialkov (GBO); Hida (GBO)~2007/07/03~2007/07/08~ 7239~Campaign~EIT Shutterless #28~~Susanna Parenti~16:00-18:40 UT~EIT; CDS; MDI; UVCS; TRACE (S/C); Hinode (S/C); STEREO (S/C); Others from JOP194~2007/08/02~2007/08/09~ 7240~JOP189~Microflares and Network Dynamics~~Jan Rybak; Peter Gomory~~CDS; EIT; MDI; Hinode-EIS (S/C); Hinode-SOT (S/C); Hinode-XRT (S/C); RHESSI (S/C); TRACE (S/C); DOT (GBO); KSO (GBO)~2007/08/03~2007/08/31~ 7241~JOP194~Activity in Filaments and Filament Cavities~~Terry Kucera~~CDS; UVCS; EIT; LASCO; TRACE (S/C); Hinode-EIS (S/C); Hinode-XRT (S/C); STEREO (S/C); Hinode-SOT (S/C); COMP (GBO); HELIO (GBO); RHESSI (S/C); GOES (S/C); BBSO (GBO); ISOON (GBO); MLSO (GBO); SMEI (S/C); ProMag (S/C)~2007/08/08~2008/08/18~ 7242~JOP104~Doppler Shifts in X-Ray Jets~~Davina Markiewicz-Innes~Also HOP049.~SUMER; CDS; EIT; TRACE (S/C); RHESSI (S/C); STEREO (S/C); Hinode-EIS (S/C); Hinode-SOT (S/C); Hinode-XRT (S/C); Huairou (GBO); Udaipur (GBO)~2007/11/02~2007/11/16~ 7243~JOP197~Observations of Coronal Hole Plumes~~Giulio Del Zanna~~CDS; SUMER; UVCS; Hinode-EIS (S/C); Hinode-SOT (S/C); Hinode-XRT (S/C); STEREO-COR1 (S/C); STEREO-EUVI (S/C); TRACE (S/C)~2007/10/30~2007/11/05~ 7244~JOP196~Detection of Waves in the Solar Atmosphere~~Luca Teriaca~~CDS; SUMER; Hinode-EIS (S/C); Hinode-SOT (S/C); Hinode-XRT (S/C); STEREO-EUVI (S/C); TRACE (S/C); VTT-TIP2 (S/C)~2007/11/01~2007/11/16~ 7245~JOP198~Spectral Observations of Spicule Dynamics~~Kevin Reardon~~SUMER; Hinode-EIS (S/C); Hinode-SOT (S/C); Hinode-XRT (S/C); TRACE (S/C); NSO-DST (GBO)~2007/11/02~2007/11/11~ 7246~Campaign~Aborted Campaign~~Davina Innes~~CDS; EIT; SUMER; UVCS; RHESSI (S/C); TRACE (S/C)~2001/11/02~2007/11/16~ 7247~JOP190~Temperature, Density and Structure of AR Loops~~Davina Innes~~CDS; SUMER; MDI; Hinode-EIS (S/C); Hinode-SOT (S/C); Hinode-XRT (S/C); TRACE (S/C) ; STEREO (S/C); VTT (S/C); Huairou (GBO)~2007/11/02~2007/11/16~ 7248~JOP191~Structure and Evolution of Filaments/Prominences~~Davina Innes~~CDS; SUMER; MDI; Hinode-EIS (S/C); Hinode-SOT (S/C); Hinode-XRT (S/C);TRACE (S/C); STEREO (S/C); VTT (S/C); Huairou (GBO)~2007/11/02~2007/11/16~ 7249~JOP192~Chromospheric Heating - Waves and Reconnection~~Davina Innes~~CDS; SUMER; MDI; Hinode-EIS (S/C); Hinode-SOT (S/C); Hinode-XRT (S/C); TRACE (S/C); STEREO (S/C); VTT (S/C); Huairou (GBO)~2007/11/02~2007/11/16~ 7250~JOP193~Coronal Holes Boundaries Evolution~~Maria Madjarska~~CDS; SUMER; MDI; Hinode-EIS (S/C); Hinode-SOT (S/C); Hinode-XRT (S/C); TRACE (S/C); STEREO (S/C); VTT (S/C); Huairou (GBO)~2007/11/02~2007/11/16~ 7251~JOP199~Magnetic Structure of Macrospicules~~Gerry Doyle~~CDS; SUMER; Hinode-EIS (S/C); Hinode-SOT (S/C); Hinode-XRT (S/C); STEREO-SECCHI (S/C); TRACE (S/C)~2007/11/02~2007/11/16~ 7252~JOP195~Characterization of Solar Wind Source Regions~~Enrico Landi; Mari Paz Miralles~Also HOP039~LASCO;SUMER; UVCS; Hinode-EIS (S/C)~2007/11/06~2007/11/17~ 7253~Campaign~EIT Shutterless #29~~Susanna Parenti~Run 1: 2007/10/11 Run 2: 2007/10/17~EIT; MDI; CDS; TRACE (S/C)~2007/10/11~2007/10/17~ 7254~HOP040~Velocity Field in a Coronal Hole~~Suguru Kamio, Werner Curdt, Klaus Wilhelm~~SUMER; Hinode-SOT (S/C); Hinode-XRT (S/C); Hinode-EIS (S/C)~2007/11/02~2007/11/16~ 7255~HOP047~Moss Observation~~S. Patsourakos~~SUMER; Hinode-SOT (S/C); Hinode-XRT (S/C); Hinode-EIS (S/C); STEREO-EUVI (S/C)~2007/11/02~2007/11/16~ 7256~HOP051~Temperature observation of the Quiet Sun~~K. Matsuzaki~~SUMER; Hinode-SOT (S/C); Hinode-XRT (S/C); Hinode-EIS (S/C)~2007/11/02~2007/11/16~ 7257~Campaign~Detection of Waves and Jets above a Coronal Hole~~S. Imada~~SUMER; TRACE (S/C); Hinode-SOT (S/C); Hinode-XRT (S/C); Hinode-EIS (S/C); VTT (S/C)~2007/11/02~2007/11/16~ 7258~Campaign~EUNIS Sounding Rocket Launch~~Jeff Brosius, Douglas Rabin, Roger Thomas~primary launch window 18:00-18:40 UT~CDS; MDI; SUMER; EIT; TRACE (S/C); Hinode-EIS (S/C)~2007/11/06~2007/11/06~ 7259~Campaign~Rapid Multi-Point Coronal Observations~~Robert Walsh~~CDS; EIT; MDI; Hinode (S/C); STEREO-SECCHI (S/C);TRACE (S/C)~2007/11/19~2007/11/30~ 7260~Campaign~Solar Minimum Watching with Italian SINERGIES~~Daniele Telloni; Ester Antonucci~Also CIP57.~UVCS; SINERGIES (GBO)~2007/12/03~2007/12/16~ 7261~Campaign~Ulysses-SOHO Quadrature Observations~~Alessandro Bemporad; Giannina Poletto~~UVCS; LASCO; Ulysses (S/C)~2007/12/17~2007/12/23~ 7262~Campaign~Equatorial Coronal Holes~~Mari Paz Miralles~HOP 0061~UVCS; LASCO; TRACE (S/C); Hinode-SOT (S/C); Hinode-XRT (S/C); Hinode-EIS (S/C)~2008/01/10~2008/01/22~ 7263~JOP200~Multi-Point EUV Observations of Solar Corona~~Robert Walsh~Also HOP0052~CDS; EIT; MDI; TRACE (S/C); STEREO-SECCHI (S/C); Hinode-SOT (S/C); Hinode-XRT (S/C); Hinode-EIS (S/C)~2007/01/10~2007/01/10~ 7264~Campaign~EIT Shutterless #30~~Susanna Parenti~Run 1: 2008/01/23, Run 2: 2008/01/30~EIT; MDI; CDS; TRACE (S/C)~2008/01/23~2008/01/30~ 7265~JOP201~Fast wind from its source to Ulysses~Objective is twofold: 1) infer the outflow speed wind profile vs. heliocentrci distance for plume/interplume and 2) characterize the evolution of the morphological and physical properties of plumes~Giannina Poletto~A Whole Heliosphere Interval JOP~EIT;LASCO;UVCS;Hinode-EIS (S/C);Hinode-SOT (S/C);STEREO-SECCHI (S/C);TRACE (S/C);Ulysses-SWOOPS (S/C);Ulysses-SWICS (S/C);Global Muon DetectorMonitor;EISCAT;HSO;IPS;Nancay;Ooty~2008/03/20~2008/03/26~ 7266~JOP202~Origin of the slow solar wind~Our primary goal is to understand the nature and origin ofthe slow solar wind and its relation to coronal streamers. We will characterize solar wind source regions from streamers, including their boundaries and helmet tops. Velocity measurements will be made using Doppler dimming and correlation tracking of plasma blobs in white light. Abundance measurements will be made both in the corona and in the solar wind to track the origin of solar wind streams. In situ and IPS measurements of wind speeds will be used to map the slow wind streams from the Sun to the heliosphere. In the event there is a cavity within the streamer, the lower coronal observations in the core of the streamer will obtain cavity observations.~Leonard Strachan~A Whole Heliosphere Interval JOP~CDS;EIT;LASCO;UVCS;ACE (S/C);Geotail (S/C);Hinode-XRT (S/C);STEREO-SECCHI (S/C);TRACE (S/C);Ulysses (S/C);EISCAT;MLSO;Nagoya;Nancay;OOTY;SMEI~2008/03/27~2008/04/02~ 7267~JOP203~Low-latitude Coronal Holes~~Mari Paz Miralles; Craig DeForest~A Whole Heliosphere Interval JOP~UVCS;CDS; CELIAS;LASCO;SUMER;CEPAC-EPHIN;ACE-SWICS (S/C);Hinode-EIS (S/C);Hinode-SOT (S/C);Hinode-XRT (S/C);STEREO-PLASTIC (S/C);STEREO-SECCHI (S/C);STEREO-SEPT (S/C);TRACE (S/C);Ulysses-KET (S/C);Ulysses-SWICS (S/C);Ooty;STELAB-IPS;Nancay~2008/04/03~2008/04/18~ 7268~JOP204~Energetics and Dynamics of the Quiet Sun~~Scott McIntosh~A Whole Heliosphere Interval JOP~CDS;EIT;LASCO;MDI;SUMER;Hinode-EIS (S/C);Hinode-SOT (S/C);Hinode-XRT (S/C);STEREO-SECCHI (S/C);TRACE (S/C);HSO-COMP;HSO-MOTH;NSO-IBIS;NSO-SPINOR~2008/04/10~2008/04/17~ 7269~JOP205~Active Regions~~Robert Leamon~Target-of-Opportunity JOP/campaign. A Whole Heliosphere Interval JOP.~EIT;MDI;Hinode-EIS (S/C);Hinode-SOT (S/C);Hinode-XRT (S/C);RHESSI (S/C);STEREO-SECCHI (S/C);TRACE (S/C);Nancay;SMEI~2008/03/27~2008/04/02~ 7270~JOP206~Low-latitude Coronal Holes~~Mari Paz Miralles~Target-of-Opportunity JOP/campaign. A Whole Heliosphere Interval JOP.~UVCS;CELIAS;LASCO;SUMER;EPHIN;ACE-SWICS (S/C);Hinode-EIS (S/C);Hinode-SOT (S/C);Hinode-XRT (S/C);STEREO-PLASTIC (S/C);STEREO-SECCHI (S/C);STEREO-SEPT (S/C);TRACE;Ulysses (S/C)-KET;Ulysses-SWICS (S/C);Ooty;STELAB-IPS;Nancay~2008/03/20~2008/04/16~ 7271~JOP194~Activity in Filaments and Filament Cavities~~Therese Kucera;Sarah Gibson~Target-of-opportunity JOP/campaign. A Whole Heliosphere Interval JOP.~CDS;UVCS;EIT;LASCO;TRACE (S/C);Hinode-EIS (S/C);Hinode-XRT (S/C);STEREO (S/C);Hinode-SOT (S/C);BBSO;ISOON;MLSO;SMEI;ProMag;CoMP;HELIO~2008/04/16~2008/04/17~ 7272~JOP 207~Eruptive and quiescent prominences Atlas~~Susanna Parenti~- To quantify and model the H I and He I continuum absorption - To better constrain the models with the H I and He lines - To better constrain the Prominence Corona Transition Region (PCTR) and the coronal environment - To further study the dynamic of the PCTR (Doppler shift and NTV, dimming) - To compare these plasma properties for quiet and activated prominences~CDS;SUMER;Hinode-EIS (S/C);Hinode-SOT (S/C);Hinode-XRT (S/C)~2008/04/05~2008/04/09~ 7273~Campaign~EIT Shutterless #31~~Susanna Parenti~Run 1: 2008/04/23, Run 2: 2008/04/29~EIT; MDI; CDS; TRACE (S/C)~2008/04/23~2008/04/29~ 7274~JOP157~Emerging Flux in Active Region or Coronal Hole~~Brigitte Schmieder~~EIT; MDI; CDS; Hinode (S/C); TRACE (S/C); THEMIS (GBO)~2008/05/10~2008/05/25~ 7275~JOP178~Filament and its Environment~~Sanjay Gosain~~EIT; MDI; CDS; Hinode (S/C); TRACE (S/C); THEMIS (GBO)~2008/05/10~2008/05/25~ 7276~Campaign~Polar Plume Observations~~Giannina Poletto~~UVCS; SUMER; Hinode (S/C); TRACE (S/C)~2008/06/22~2008/07/03~ 7277~JOP 213~Chromospheric Network Structure and Dynamics~~Anna Pietarila~~SUMER; CDS; MDI; Hinode-SOT (S/C); SST (S/C); TIP II (S/C); ZIMPOL II (S/C)~2008/06/23~2008/07/03~ 7278~JOP 208~Movements of Magnetic Features in Funnels~~Hui Tian~~CDS; MDI; SUMER; Hinode-EIS (S/C); Hinode-SOT (S/C); Hinode-XRT (S/C); TRACE (S/C)~2008/06/23~2008/07/03~ 7279~Campaign~Lyman-alpha Profile and Center-to-Limb Variation~~Udo Schuehle~~SUMER; MDI; TRACE (S/C)~2008/06/24~2008/07/03~ 7280~JOP 207~Eruptive and Quiescent Prominences Atlas~~Susanna Parenti~~CDS; SUMER; UVCS; Hinode-EIS (S/C); Hinode-SOT (S/C); Hinode-XRT (S/C)~2008/06/23~2008/07/03~ 7281~Campaign~Prominence Cavity Study~~Sarah Gibson~Runs June 24-26 and July 3-6 Runs again July 19-22~CDS; TRACE (S/C); Hinode-SOT (S/C); Hinode-EIS (S/C); Hinode-XRT (S/C)~2008/06/24~2008/07/28~ 7282~Campaign~EIT Shutterless #32~Run 1: 2008/07/23, Run 2: 2008/07/30~Susanna Parenti~~EIT; MDI; CDS; TRACE (S/C)~2008/07/23~2008/07/30~ 7283~Campaign~Total Solar Eclipse~~Serge Koutchmy; Jay Pasachoff; Alphonse Sterling; Alan Hale~9:21-11:21 UT~CDS; EIT; LASCO; TRACE (S/C); STEREO (S/C); HINODE (S/C)~2008/08/01~2008/08/01~ 7284~Campaign~Polar Coronal Hole Observation~~Harra; Alan Gabriel; Werner Curdt~~SUMER; CDS; Hinode-EIS (S/C); Hinode-SOT (S/C)~2008/09/20~2008/10/04~ 7285~Campaign~Slope of the Lyman Continuum~~Werner Curdt~~SUMER; MDI~2008/09/20~2008/10/04~ 7286~Campaign~Magnetic Field in a PCH/HOP81~~Shimojo; Werner Curdt~~SUMER; CDS; Hinode (S/C); TRACE (S/C)~2008/09/20~2008/10/04~ 7287~Campaign~Quiescent and Eruptive Prominences~~Susanna Parenti; Jean-Claude Vial~~SUMER; UVCS; CDS; Hinode-EIS (S/C)~2008/09/20~2008/10/04~ 7288~Campaign~Prominences~~Tom Berger; Susanna Parenti~~SUMER; Hinode-EIS (S/C); Hinode-SOT (S/C); Hinode-XRT (S/C); STEREO (S/C); TRACE (S/C); SST (GBO); DOT (GBO)~2008/09/20~2008/10/04~ 7289~Campaign~Polar Plumes~~Klaus Wilhelm; Luca Teriaca; Gulio del Zanna~~EIT; SUMER; Hinode-EIS (S/C); Hinode-SOT (S/C); STEREO-EUVI (S/C); TRACE (S/C)~2008/09/20~2008/10/04~ 7290~Campaign~Ly-alpha / Ly-beta Photon Ratio~~Werner Curdt~~SUMER; MDI~2008/09/20~2008/10/04~ 7291~Campaign~Quiet Sun Network Evolution~~Davina Innes~~MDI; SUMER; Hinode-EIS (S/C); Hinode-SOT (S/C)~2008/09/20~2008/10/04~ 7292~JOP189~Solar Microflares and Network Dynamic Fibrils~~Jan Rybak; Peter Gomory~HOP88~CDS; EIT: MDI: TRACE (S/C); Hinode (S/C)~2008/10/06~2008/10/20~ 7293~Campaign~EIT Shutterless #33~~Susanna Parenti~~EIT; CDS; MDI; TRACE (S/C); STEREO (S/C)~2008/10/16~2008/10/23~ 7294~Campaign~EIT Shutterless #34~~Susanna Parenti~Only one run this time~EIT; CDS; MDI; TRACE (S/C); STEREO (S/C)~2009/01/16~2009/01/16~ 7295~Campaign~Quiet Sun Supergranular EUV Brightenings~Study near-simultaneously in two passbands the spectrum of EUV brightenings in the quiet Sun that are related to the relentless evolution of the quiet Sun magnetic field on the supergranular scale.~Scott McIntosh; Davina Innes~The observed brightenings relate to the formation and destruction of EUV brightpoints as well as the persistent advection of magnetic flux toward the network boundaries/vertices that have been connected to phenomena such as macro-spicules, explosive-events [McIntosh 2007a, 2007b] and most-recently small-scale CMEs [Innes et al. 2008]. STEREO/SECCHI observations offer us an unprecedented opportunity to study such brightenings at two wavelengths [in the transition region/low corona at 304 A and in the 1MK corona at 171 A] simultaneously prior to the launch of SDO. The temporal phasing and co-spatiality of the observed brightenings and small-CMEs will be coordinated through the novel analysis of the observed light-curves in the overlapping region of the spacecraft [McIntosh 2007a, 2007b]. EIT, in 304 A, will offer regular cadence observations of the STEREO overlap region and the potential of stereoscopic imaging between the three spacecraft. High resolution magnetic information will be provided for the overlapping target region by SOT/NFI and SP. In this way we will be able to investigate the high-sensitivity magnetic field measurements at the root of the small-scale EUV observed.~EIT;STEREO-SECCHI;Hinode-EIS~2009/02/12~2009/02/15~ 8000~JOP153~Major Flare Watch~~Stein Haugan~MFW on AR10696~MDI; CDS; EIT; LASCO; UVCS; TRACE(S/C); RHESSI(S/C); MaxMill(GBO)~2004/11/05~2004/11/11~ 8001~JOP153~Major Flare Watch~~Stein Haugan~On AR10720~MDI; CDS; EIT; LASCO; UVCS; TRACE(S/C); RHESSI(S/C); MaxMill(GBO)~2005/01/14~2005/01/22~ 8002~JOP153~Major Flare Watch~~Stein Haugan~AR10792~MDI; EIT; CDS; LASCO; TRACE(S/C); RHESSI(S/C); MaxMill(GBO)~2005/07/30~2005/08/02~ 8003~JOP153~Major Flare Watch~~Stein Haugan~MFW on AR10808~MDI; CDS; UVCS; LASCO; TRACE(S/C); RHESSI(S/C); MaxMill(GBO)~2005/09/07~2005/09/19~ 8004~JOP153~Major Flare Watch~~Stein Haugan~MFW declared on AR10822.~MDI; CDS; UVCS; LASCO; EIT; TRACE(S/C); RHESSI(S/C); MaxMill(GBO)~2005/11/14~2005/11/17~ 8005~JOP153~Major Flare Watch~~Stein Haugan~AR10826~MDI; CDS; LASCO; TRACE(S/C); RHESSI(S/C); MaxMill(GBO)~2005/12/02~2005/12/04~ 8006~JOP153~Major Flare Watch~~Tero Siili~AR19030~EIT; CDS; UVCS; MDI; LASCO; TRACE (S/C); RHESSI (S/C); MaxMill (GBO)~2006/12/05~2006/12/19~ 8007~JOP153~Major Flare Watch~~Tero Siili~~EIT; CDS; MDI; LASCO; TRACE (S/C); RHESSI (S/C); MaxMill (GBO)~2007/06/03~2007/06/06~ 8008~JOP153~Future Major Flare Watch~~Tero Siili~~EIT; CDS; UVCS; MDI; LASCO; TRACE (S/C); RHESSI (S/C); MaxMill (GBO)~2007/05/07~2010/05/07~ 8009~Campaign~Aborted Study~~Giulio Del Zanna~~CDS; SUMER; UVCS; Hinode-EIS (S/C); Hinode-SOT (S/C); Hinode-XRT (S/C); STEREO-COR1 (S/C); STEREO-EUVI (S/C); STEREO-SECCHI (S/C); TRACE (S/C)~2007/10/30~2007/11/05~ 8010~Campaign~Aborted Study~~Luca Teriaca~~CDS; SUMER; Hinode-EIS (S/C);Hinode-SOT (S/C); Hinode-XRT (S/C); STEREO-EUVI (S/C); TRACE (S/C); VTT-TIP2 (S/C)~2007/11/01~2007/11/16~ 8011~Campaign~Aborted Study~~Kevin Reardon~~SUMER; Hinode-EIS (S/C); Hinode-SOT (S/C); Hinode-XRT (S/C); TRACE (S/C); NSO-DST (GBO)~2007/11/02~2007/11/11~ 8012~Campaign~Aborted Study~~Davina Innes~~CDS; EIT; SUMER; UVCS; RHESSI (S/C); TRACE (S/C)~2001/11/02~2007/11/16~ 8013~Campaign~Aborted Study~~Davina Innes~~CDS; SUMER; MDI; Hinode-EIS (S/C); Hinode-SOT (S/C); Hinode-XRT (S/C); TRACE (S/C); STEREO (S/C); VTT (S/C); Huairou (GBO)~2007/11/02~2007/11/16~ 8014~Campaign~Aborted Study~~Davina Innes~~CDS; SUMER; MDI; Hinode-EIS (S/C); Hinode-SOT (S/C); Hinode-XRT (S/C); TRACE (S/C); STEREO (S/C); VTT (S/C); Huairou (GBO)~2007/11/02~2007/11/16~