SEPTEMBER, 1899. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 409 possibilities of the case, as near as I can compute them, arc as follows, taking the flood of 1897 as the maximum condi. tion, and the danger line of 45 feet a t Vicksburg as the lint above which the water would begin to run off into the canal At the tinie of the maximuni stage of 59.3 feet the dischargc in cubic feet per second was about l,tiOO,OOO, while a t thc 45-fOOt stage it was about 1,300,ONI. The difierence of 3100,OOC feet is the quantity which it is desired to dispose of through the proposed canal. Assuming the velocity of the currenl to be 4 miles per hour, which is equivalent to 5.87 feet pel second, tho. cross section of the canal would have to bE 300,000 + 5.87 = 51,107 square feet. Therefore, i f the depth were to be 30 feet, the width would have to l e 51,107 + 30 = 1,703.6 feet, and its length would be ahout 13 miles. Both banks would need protection by revetments to secure per- manency. I cau give 110 close eetimate of the cost of such a work, but I think i t could be done for $20,000,000 or less On paper i t certainly' appears feasible. Opponents of the canal argue that it would gradually fill up by deposits of sand, but this objection is met by the reply that i t applieg equally to any portion of the river, and the canal, owing tc its comparatively limited extent, could be effectually dredged to the required depth whenever necessary. Above the mouth of the Missouri attempt has been made t a lessen the flood .heights by building storage reservoirs at the head waters. Five of these reservoirs were built, with a view to store surplus waters, which should be available for purposee of navigation when the low-water season set in. These antici- pations were not realized, however. The floods were repressed to some extent a8 far as Lake Pepin, but not below, and ae much as 1 foot of additional water was available at the low- water season at St. Paul, disappeariug by the time Redwing, Minn., 58 miles below, was reached. In any event, with or without reservoirs, no floods north of Lake Pepin are felt to the southward to any considerahle extent. The effect in the lower river of an all levee system upon navigation would be to narrow the chamiel and, consequeutly, increase the velocity of flow during high water, thereby retard- ing somewhat the upstream movement of boats. Relief would come quicker, however, owing to the greater velocity of the water, as it would, of course, run off sooner. I n times of low water it is probable that, there being no overflow or back water to run into the main stream and the levees causiug a greater velocity in the flow of the water already there, the low-water season would be prolonged and still lower stages prevail than had obtained in the past. This would be impos- sible with the storage reservoir, as the surplus water could be let into the river just as needed. This completes about all I have to say upon this subject, and I beg of you to bear in mind that I do not come here as an expert in these matters: I simply present to you the facts as I have gathered them in various ways. The subject is cer- tainly one of deepest importance, and justifies almost any expenditure of time and money to produce satisfactory re- sults. The proper improvement of the Mississippi River may require thirty or forty years of time and may cost $300,000,000. It could probably be done in one-half the time and for one- half the money or less. But no matter what the cost, the moral, social, and economic development of many millions of people is directly concerned, and it is not always wise to too closely reckon the cost in mere dollars and cents. SMALL WHIRLING COLUMNS OF MIST. By RALPE B. MAREAN. Weather Bureau, dated October 5%. 1899. On Sunday, October 23, n very interesting meteorological phenomenon was observed by me at the upper or receiving reservoir on the Conduit road a few miles above Washington. It was about 7:30 of a perfectly clear, calm, frosty morning. Over the mirror-like surface of the pond hung a ragged mist from 5 to 10 feet deep and so thin that i t did not obscure objects on the opposite shore, some three huudred yards dis- tant. When first seen there was no perceptible niovenient in this veil of mist; i t rested almost motionless on the sur- face of the lake. Soon, however, it \.vas noticed that i t had begun to drift hither and thither in all directions. I n two places within 50 or 100 feet of each other the movement would be in opposite directions. Almost simultaneously with the beginniug of this movement of the fog there ap- peared whirls or spouts in the mist, seeming to form where two nearly opposite currents of air met, as shown by the drifting mist. Some of the columns were evidently formed as rolls between two parallel opposed currents. When first formed these spouts were from 2 to 4 feet in diameter, ex- tending but 2 or 3 feet above the surface of the water and rotated (counter clockwise) hut five or six times per minute. The speed of rotation rapidly increased, however, until a t the end of half a minute or so i t would be about thirty or forty per minute, the diameter decreasing a t the same tinie to from 6 to 18 inches, while the column grew until about 20 feet in height. The column appeared hollow, the denser miet being in the outer ring. I n the fully developed whirls there was a well defined upward spiral motion, the augle of ascent being, as nearly as could be judged, between 45O and GOo with the horizontal. Slthough some of these spouts lasted probably as long as five or six minutes, their average life was abont two minutes, but within the twenty or twenty- five minutes during which the phenomenon was observed a great many, probably over a hundred, of these little whirling columns of mist were seen.' Generally they had no progres- sive motion, although a few wandered aimlessly here and there. Gradually the number of the spouts diminished and finally in about half an hour no more were formed, the mist in the mean time having become almost entirely dissipated, partly by the risiug sun and partly by the mixture of dry air. Of course one.could not witness a phenomenon of this kiud without trying to discover its cause. It seems to the writer that the lower of air had become heated by radiation from the comparatively warm water, but as uo disturbing inci- dent occurred it lay in the hollow over the lake in a state of iiustable equilibrium. As soon as something happened, how- ever, to disturb this equilibrium the cold overlying air began to fall and crowded up the warm, light stratum beneath. The scenewas one of great beaut-y. I n the eight or ten Bcres of the lake in view there would be a great number of these miuature colunins of mist standing in relief against the dark pines in the background and as erect as they. ADDITIONAL OBSERVATIONS OF THE ST. KITTS, W. I., HURRICANE.' By W. H. ALEXANDER, Observer. About noon of Thursday, September 7, the wind changed From the northeast to the north, from which direction i t blew iteadily with an average velocity of 17 miles per hour until 2 a. m. of the Sth, when i t began varying between north aud northwest and increasing in force. About 5 a. m. it set in gteadily from the northwest and continued from that direc- tion until 1 p. m., when it began shifting to the west aud increasing rapidly in force. From 1:15 to 3:40 p. m. the wind :ame from the west with an average velocity of about 36 miles per hour. At 3:40 p. m. it shifted to the southwest md soon reached verifying velocity. About 3:15 n. ni. of the 9th, the wind began l~lowiug from the south, and by noon t was criiiiitig ptertdily frnm thnt direct.ion. 'From a second report hy Mr. Alexander, we copy the folloairig tdditiorial details, received too late to be iiiserted in the chapter on Forecasts and Warnings. . - ___ -- _-- ~_