Fur Promoter Analysis

I searched the genome (positive orientation) with Karen's Fur model and my E. coli promoter model, and found a bunch of Fur controlled promoters. I put all of them online. I also put maps of all of the footprinted sites in Karen's dataset with promoter models over them and their relative placement to the genes that they activate.

I don't want to put my entire protocol on this web page, so if you have a specific question then email me.


Maps of experimentally proven genomic Fur sites.

Genome scan: potential Fur repressed promoters (all on one page).
Genome scan: potential Fur repressed promoters (individual pages).

Scan of Karen's inst file.
Fur repressed promoters reported in Karen's paper.

The easiest way to look at the map is to look at the postscript on the (all on one page) page. I'm sorry that it is so hard to look through, I can do any sort of analysis on any of these sites, or if there is something special (I don't know what) you want me to look for, let me know and I will.

Flexible walkers are difficult to look at. The connector bars beneath walkers, connect Fur sites to p10s and p35s.

GIGI NEW STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here are the maps for the sites to be footprinted:

Sequence walker maps of sites to be used.
Oligo designs of 12 sites to be made.