Oracle Help ================= svrmgrl shutdown [normal] (will wait until all sessions close) - default shutdown [immediate/transactional/abort] startup startup restrict (if do some modifications to DB which requires DB running) mount or nomount force exclusive recover Configuring the network ======================== listener.ora lsnrctl status stop start dbsnmp_status - for intelligent agent dbsnmp_stop dbsnmp_start ORACLE files: =============== /etc/oratab - gives all db's on this machine /sbin/init.d/dbora -> /db/ora1/oracle/v8_1_6/bin/dbora startup/shutdown scripts in $ORACLE_HOME/bin dbora start[stop] startup/shutdown db dbstart dbshut Modifying the State of the System =================================== ALTER SYSTEM [ENABLE RESTRICTED SESSION] - prevent new users conection [DISABLE RESTRICTED SESSION] [FLUSH SHARED_POOL] [CHECPOINT [GLOBAL or LOCAL]] - useful before the shutdown? [CHECK DATAFILES [GLOBAL or LOCAL]] [SWITCH LOGFILE] [ENABLE DISTRIBUTED RECOVERY] [DISABLE DISTRIBUTED RECOVERY] [ARCHIVE LOG archive_log_clause] [KILL SESSION `SID, serial_no'] [SET ??] where the options that can be used by the set parameter are SET [RESOURCE_LIMIT = TRUE or FALSE] [GLOBAL_NAMES = TRUE or FALSE] [SCAN_INSTANCES = number] [CACHE_INSTANCES = number] [MTS_SERVERS = number] [MTS_DISPATCHERS = `protocol' , `number'] [LICENSE_MAX_SESSIONS = number] [LICENSE_SESSIONS_WARNING = number] [LICENSE_MAX_USERS = number] [REMOTE_DEPENDENCIES_MODE = TIMESTAMP] or [REMOTE_DEPENDENCIES_MODE = SIGNATURE] 0000000000000000