Particle Physics Seminar Thursday, February 10, 2000 - 11:00 AM (TENTATIVE) Small Seminar Room Oleg Lebedev, Virginia Tech Fully Supersymmetric CP Violation ---------------------------------------------------- ABSTRACT Recently it has been demonstrated that large phases in softly broken supersymmetric theories are allowed by electric dipole moment constraints, and are motivated in some string models. Here we consider whether large soft phases in the supersymmetry breaking sector may be the dominant (or only) source of all CP violation, and demonstrate that $\epsilon$ and $\epsilon'/\epsilon$ can be described. We show that in the presence of large phases the SUSY contribution to the B system can be large and dominant, leading to predictions for $b \to s \gamma$, $\sin2\beta$, and $\sin2\alpha$. In this framework $\sin 2 \beta/\sin 2\alpha=-1$, and the unitarity triangle does not close.