PRESSURE is defined as force per unit area (P = F / A)
1 kPa (kilo pascal) = 1000 Newtons / square meter = .009869 atm
1 kPa = 0.145 pounds / square inches

Air pressure at sea level is 1 atm.

Earth's magnetic field intensity at Washington D.C. = 5.7 µT or 0.0000057 Tesla.

1 meter = 3.28 feet = 1.0936 yards
1 square meter = 10.8 square feet = 1.2 square yards
4046 square meters = 1 acre
1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds
1 ton = 1000 kilogram
1 kiloton (kt) = 1000 tons = 1000000 kilograms
1 Mt = 1000000 tons = 1000000000 kilograms
Centigrade = 5/9(Fahrenheit - 32) (temp. conversion)

Curators: Al Globus and Bryan Yager Space Settlement hompage
NASA Responsible Official: Dr. Ruth Globus Last Updated: July 10, 2002
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