THE USE OF RAPID BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT PROTOCOLS IN THE ASSESSMENT OF POLLUTION EFFECTS ON CATFISH CREEK Kelly E. Yamada Environmental Sciences Program University of Dubuque Dubuque, Iowa 52001 The applicability of rapid biological assessment protocols as utilized by the Environmental Protection Agency, was tested on Catfish Creek, in and around Dubuque and Dubuque County. This stream passes through a number of different natural and man-made settings prior to joining the Mississippi River. This study also served as an evaluation of the River Continuum Concept, as it applies to this waterbody. Benthic Invertebrates and abiotic water quality parameters were collected from approximately 19 sample sites. Invertebrates were classified as to feeding type and their presence and numbers utilized in the evaluation of the River Continuum Concept, and any modifications the area may have undergone as the result of human activities. Other indices were calculated as well (EPT and number of Chironomidae). It was determined that the River Continuum Concept was a valid theoretical construct to use in evaluating this stream, and that, with the exception of a few sites, the water quality of the stream was considered fair to good. Keywords: Benthic Invertebrates, Rapid Biological Assessment, River Continuum Concept, pollution Catfish Creek. Kelly Yamada University of Dubuque Dubuque, Iowa (319)-589-3598 Fax (319) 556-8633 email Poster Student Author