Concept Control

User Guide for NIRVE


The Concept Control features allow the user to consolidate the keywords used in the query into a smaller set of concepts. Typically, synonyms would be consolidated as disjunctive concepts, e.g. 'schooling' or 'education' and proper names as conjunctive concepts, e.g. 'internal' and 'revenue' and 'service'. The concepts are listed in their associated colors in one or more rows towards the bottom of the Document Space window, with their associated query-keywords listed underneath. The last concept, named UNUSED, serves as a collection of any keywords otherwise unassigned. You may alter the conceptualization within the Document Space window in the following ways (you must be in Pick mode):
  1. New concepts may be created by using the button of that name from the NIRVE control menu.
  2. By clicking mouse button 1 (MB1) on a concept name, you activate a menu that allows you to change the name, color and logic (AND vs. OR) of the concept, or to delete it.
  3. By clicking MB1 on a keyword and holding, you can drag/move the keyword from one concept to another. To discard the keyword from the concept, move it to UNUSED. Also, you can move unused keywords from UNUSED to the desired concept.
  4. By clicking MB2 on a keyword and holding, you can drag/copy the keyword from one concept to another. The keyword is then mapped to both concepts.