X25 -- Things to Remember
1) Cryosystem: there is a new automatic refill system. If the alarm goes off, alert beamline staff.
2) Please don't adjust the crystal-viewing camera focus.
3) Login = _________________________; Password = _______________________
4) Remember to do a 'max' periodically, as instructed. But after a 'max', if the counts in C4 seem low, ask us to check: what is the aperture size? what is the wavelength? is an attenuator in the beam? Also consider using AutoMax.
5) You can process data on the dual-headed PCs (x25-a and x25-b). Type 'alias' to see the list of aliases for hkl2000, etc. You can ssh to Cyber Cafe Machines: dunkin, starbucks, yuban, gevalia, maxwell, java, mocha, folgers, latte, frappe, if needed for more programs.
6) Please store the data on: /img05/data1/x25 (your directory name should be x25_p.i.'s name)
7) For computer traffic between BNL and elsewhere, please see the px website for info on using ssh, etc. To reach the outside world from your laptop, you will have to go through a proxy.
8) Avoid taking rotation images for less than 1 second exposures.
9) For MAD, etc., fluorescence counts should be between 10,000 and 250,000.
10) If cbass behaves strangely and you need to restart it, cd to your directory and type 'cbass'
11) Please fill out an 'end of run' form on http://www.px.nsls.bnl.gov/x25_info.html after your visit. IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS DURING YOUR RUN, PLEASE CONTACT A PX-OPERATOR OR OTHER BEAMLINE STAFF! Probably 50% of the problems reported in the end-of-run forms could have been dealt with during the run if only they had been brought to the attention of the beamline staff.
12) You may keep your data on the disks for seven (7) days from end of your run. After 7x24 hours from the end of your run, the data may be deleted by Michael Becker. IF YOU NEED TO KEEP THE DATA ON THE DISK LONGER THAN 7 DAYS, PLEASE CONTACT MICHAEL (mbecker@bnl.gov; 631-344-4739) DIRECTLY. DO NOT LEAVE A PAPER NOTE THAT COULD GET LOST. Thank you!!! Good luck!!!