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11. Parameter Definitions

anyf - (logical) set to TRUE if any of the returned data values are undefined
array - (any datatype except character) array of bytes to be read or written.
bitpix - (integer) bits per pixel: 8, 16, 32, -32, or -64
blank - (integer) value used for undefined pixels in integer primary array
blank - (integer*8) value used for undefined pixels in integer primary array
blocksize - (integer) 2880-byte logical record blocking factor
          (if 0 < blocksize < 11) or the actual block size in bytes
          (if 10 < blocksize < 28800).  As of version 3.3 of FITSIO,
          blocksizes greater than 2880 are no longer supported.
bscale - (double precision) scaling factor for the primary array
bytlen - (integer) length of the data unit, in bytes
bzero - (double precision) zero point for primary array scaling
card - (character*80) header record to be read or written
casesen - (logical) will string matching be case sensitive?
checksum - (character*16) encoded checksum string
colname - (character) ASCII name of the column
colnum - (integer) number of the column (first column = 1)
coltemplate - (character) template string to be matched to column names
comment - (character) the keyword comment field
comments - (character array) keyword comment fields
compid - (integer) the type of computer that the program is running on
complement - (logical) should the checksum be complemented?
coordtype - (character) type of coordinate projection (-SIN, -TAN, -ARC,
          -NCP, -GLS, -MER, or -AIT)
cube - 3D data cube of the appropriate datatype
curaddr - (integer) starting address (in bytes) of the CHDU
current - (integer) if not equal to 0, copy the current HDU
datacode - (integer) symbolic code of the binary table column datatype
dataok - (integer) was the data unit verification successful (=1) or
         not (= -1).  Equals zero if the DATASUM keyword is not present.
datasum - (double precision) 32-bit 1's complement checksum for the data unit
datatype - (character) datatype (format) of the binary table column
datestr  - (string) FITS date/time string: 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ddd',
           'YYYY-MM-dd', or 'dd/mm/yy'
day - (integer) current day of the month
dblval - (double precision) fractional part of the keyword value
decimals - (integer) number of decimal places to be displayed
dim1 - (integer) actual size of the first dimension of the image or cube array
dim2 - (integer) actual size of the second dimension of the cube array
dispwidth - (integer) - the display width (length of string) for a column
dtype - (character) datatype of the keyword ('C', 'L', 'I',  or 'F')
                C = character string
                L = logical
                I = integer
                F = floating point number
errmsg - (character*80) oldest error message on the internal stack
errtext - (character*30) descriptive error message corresponding to error number
casesen - (logical) true if column name matching is case sensitive
exact - (logical) do the strings match exactly, or were wildcards used?
exclist  (character array) list of names to be excluded from search
exists   - flag indicating whether the file or compressed file exists on disk
extend - (logical) true if there may be extensions following the primary data
extname - (character) value of the EXTNAME keyword (if not blank)
fbit - (integer) first bit in the field to be read or written
felem - (integer) first pixel of the element vector (ignored for ASCII tables)
filename - (character) name of the FITS file
flagvals - (logical array) True if corresponding data element is undefined
following - (integer) if not equal to 0, copy all following HDUs in the input file
fparm - (integer) sequence number of the first group parameter to read or write
fpixel - (integer) the first pixel position
fpixels - (integer array) the first included pixel in each dimension
frow - (integer) beginning row number (first row of table = 1)
frowll - (integer*8) beginning row number (first row of table = 1)
gcount - (integer) value of the GCOUNT keyword (usually = 1)
group - (integer) sequence number of the data group (=0 for non-grouped data)
hdtype - (integer) header record type: -1=delete;  0=append or replace;
                   1=append; 2=this is the END keyword
hduok - (integer) was the HDU verification successful (=1) or
         not (= -1).  Equals zero if the CHECKSUM keyword is not present.
hdusum - (double precision) 32 bit 1's complement checksum for the entire CHDU
hdutype - (integer) type of HDU: 0 = primary array or IMAGE, 1 = ASCII table,
                   2 = binary table, -1 = any HDU type or unknown type
history - (character) the HISTORY keyword comment string
hour - (integer) hour from 0 - 23
image - 2D image of the appropriate datatype
inclist  (character array) list of names to be included in search
incs - (integer array) sampling interval for pixels in each FITS dimension
intval - (integer) integer part of the keyword value
iounit - (integer) value of an unused I/O unit number
iunit - (integer) logical unit number associated with the input FITS file, 1-199
key_no - (integer) sequence number (starting with 1) of the keyword record
keylength - (integer) length of the keyword name
keyroot - (character) root string for the keyword name
keysadd -(integer) number of new keyword records which can fit in the CHU
keysexist - (integer) number of existing keyword records in the CHU
keyval - value of the keyword in the appropriate datatype
keyvals - (array) value of the keywords in the appropriate datatype
keyword - (character*8) name of a keyword
lray - (logical array) array of logical values corresponding to the bit array
lpixels - (integer array) the last included pixel in each dimension
match - (logical) do the 2 strings match?
maxdim - (integer) dimensioned size of the NAXES, TTYPE, TFORM or TUNIT arrays
max_keys - (integer) maximum number of keywords to search for
minute - (integer) minute of an hour (0 - 59)
month - (integer) current month of the year (1 - 12)
morekeys - (integer) will leave space in the header for this many more keywords
naxes - (integer array) size of each dimension in the FITS array
naxesll - (integer*8 array) size of each dimension in the FITS array
naxis - (integer) number of dimensions in the FITS array
naxis1 - (integer) length of the X/first axis of the FITS array
naxis2 - (integer) length of the Y/second axis of the FITS array
naxis3 - (integer) length of the Z/third axis of the FITS array
nbit - (integer) number of bits in the field to read or write
nchars - (integer) number of characters to read and return
ncols - (integer) number of columns
nelements - (integer) number of data elements to read or write
nelementsll - (integer*8) number of data elements to read or write
nexc   (integer)  number of names in the exclusion list (may = 0)
nhdu - (integer) absolute number of the HDU (1st HDU = 1)
ninc   (integer)  number of names in the inclusion list
nmove - (integer) number of HDUs to move (+ or -), relative to current position
nfound - (integer) number of keywords found (highest keyword number)
no_keys - (integer) number of keywords to write in the sequence
nparm - (integer) number of group parameters to read or write
nrows - (integer) number of rows in the table
nrowsll - (integer*8) number of rows in the table
nullval - value to represent undefined pixels, of the appropriate datatype
nextaddr - (integer) starting address (in bytes) of the HDU following the CHDU
offset - (integer) byte offset in the heap to the first element of the array
offsetll - (integer*8) byte offset in the heap to the first element of the array
oldkey - (character) old name of keyword to be modified
ounit - (integer) logical unit number associated with the output FITS file 1-199
pcount - (integer) value of the PCOUNT keyword (usually = 0)
previous - (integer) if not equal to 0, copy all previous HDUs in the input file
repeat - (integer) length of element vector (e.g. 12J); ignored for ASCII table
rot - (double precision) celestial coordinate rotation angle (degrees)
rowlen - (integer) length of a table row, in characters or bytes
rowlenll - (integer*8) length of a table row, in characters or bytes
rowlist - (integer array) list of row numbers to be deleted in increasing order
rownum - (integer) number of the row (first row = 1)
rowrange- (string) list of rows or row ranges to be deleted
rwmode - (integer) file access mode: 0 = readonly, 1 = readwrite
second   (double)- second within minute (0 - 60.9999999999) (leap second!)
seq_no - (integer) the sequence number to append to the keyword root name
simple - (logical) does the FITS file conform to all the FITS standards
snull - (character) value used to represent undefined values in ASCII table
space - (integer) number of blank spaces to leave between ASCII table columns
startchar - (integer) first character in the row to be read
startno - (integer) value of the first keyword sequence number (usually 1)
status - (integer) returned error status code (0 = OK)
str_template (character) template string to be matched to reference string
stream - (character) output stream for the report: either 'STDOUT' or 'STDERR'
string - (character) character string
sum - (double precision) 32 bit unsigned checksum value
tbcol - (integer array) column number of the first character in the field(s)
tdisp - (character) Fortran type display format for the table column
template-(character) template string for a FITS header record
tfields - (integer) number of fields (columns) in the table
tform - (character array) format of the column(s); allowed values are:
         For ASCII tables:  Iw, Aw, Fww.dd, Eww.dd, or Dww.dd
         For binary tables: rL, rX, rB, rI, rJ, rA, rAw, rE, rD, rC, rM
         where 'w'=width of the field, 'd'=no. of decimals, 'r'=repeat count
         Note that the 'rAw' form is non-standard extension to the
         TFORM keyword syntax that is not specifically defined in the
         Binary Tables definition document.
theap - (integer) zero indexed byte offset of starting address of the heap
         relative to the beginning of the binary table data
tnull - (integer) value used to represent undefined values in binary table
tnullll - (integer*8) value used to represent undefined values in binary table
ttype - (character array) label for table column(s)
tscal - (double precision) scaling factor for table column
tunit - (character array) physical unit for table column(s)
tzero - (double precision) scaling zero point for table column
unit  - (integer) logical unit number associated with the FITS file (1-199)
units - (character) the keyword units string (e.g., 'km/s')
value - (character) the keyword value string
values - array of data values of the appropriate datatype
varidat - (integer) size in bytes of the 'variable length data area'
           following the binary table data (usually = 0)
version - (real) current revision number of the library
width - (integer) width of the character string field
xcol - (integer) number of the column containing the X coordinate values
xinc - (double precision) X axis coordinate increment at reference pixel (deg)
xpix - (double precision) X axis pixel location
xpos - (double precision) X axis celestial coordinate (usually RA) (deg)
xrpix - (double precision) X axis reference pixel array location
xrval - (double precision) X axis coordinate value at the reference pixel (deg)
ycol - (integer) number of the column containing the X coordinate values
year - (integer) last 2 digits of the year (00 - 99)
yinc - (double precision) Y axis coordinate increment at reference pixel (deg)
ypix - (double precision) y axis pixel location
ypos - (double precision) y axis celestial coordinate (usually DEC) (deg)
yrpix - (double precision) Y axis reference pixel array location
yrval - (double precision) Y axis coordinate value at the reference pixel (deg)