BNL Accelerator Physics Seminars

[Next seminars] [2008 seminars] [2007 seminars] [2006 seminars] [2005 seminars] [2004 seminars] [2003 seminars] [2002 seminars] [2001 seminars] [1998-200 seminars]

Please send your AP Seminar request to Guillaume Robert-Demolaize. Click here for seminar rooms status Last updated:

Next Seminars:

Coordinates Speaker Title Slides/www

C-AD AP December 12, 2008 
4:00pm, LCR
Riccardo De Maria
Observations of SPS e-cloud instability with exponential pickup 

C-AD AP November 13, 2008 
4:00pm, LCR
Lionel Prost, Fermilab
Cooling of hadrons at relativistic energies: Performance of FNAL's Recycler Electron Cooler  PDF

C-AD AP November 7, 2008 
4:00pm, LCR
Dr. Alexander Smirnov, JINR, Dubna, Russia
Progress of NICA project  PDF


Pr. Iwashita, Kyoto University
High-resolution Inspection Camera for Interior Surface of Sc Cavities  (abstract)

2008 Seminars:

Coordinates Speaker Title Slides/www

C-AD AP October 22, 2008 
10:00am, LCR
Dr. A. M. Kondratenko, Laboratory "Zaryad", Novosibirsk, Russia
Transparent Spin Resonance Crossing in Accelerators (abstract)

C-AD AP October 20, 2008 
10:00am, IO seminar room
Building 535B
Dr. Dimitre Dimitrov, Tech-X Corporation
Modeling Secondary Electron Generation and Charge Transport in Diamond Amplifiers with the 3D VORPAL Code 

C-AD AP October 17, 2008 
4:00pm, LCR
Animesh Jain
A New Rotating Coil Design for Measurement of Field Harmonics  PPT

C-AD AP August 27, 2008 
4:00pm, LCR
Lawrence Pinsky
Adapting the LHC-inspired Medipix2 Pixel Detector Technology for Other Uses (abstract) PPT

C-AD AP August 22, 2008 
4:00pm, LCR
Astrid Morreale
Searching for the Proton's Spin: Accessing the Gluon's Polarization with Polarized p+p Collisions via Pion Production (abstract) PDF

C-AD AP August 15, 2008 
4:00pm, LCR
Dariusz Bocian, CERN
Quench Limit Simulations and Measurements for Steady State Heat Deposits in LHC Magnets (abstract) PDF

C-AD AP August 14, 2008 
4:00pm, LCR
Richard Talman, Cornell University
Energy-Doubled Bragg Scattering, CESR-X/FEL, and Depth-Selective X-Ray Diffraction (abstract) PDF

C-AD AP August 6, 2008 
4:00pm, LCR
Yi Jiao, Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing
Super-periodic Structural Resonances // Gantry design for hadron therapy facility (abstract) Gantry PPT
Superperiodic PPT

C-AD AP July 31, 2008 
2:00pm, LCR
Riccardo De Maria
Follow up of e-cloud driven instabilities at the CERN SPS (abstract) PDF

C-AD AP June 6, 2008 
4:00pm, LCR
Mike Sivertz
The LSST: A Window on the Stars  (abstract) PPT

C-AD AP May 6, 2008 
4:00pm, Snyder Seminar Room
Francis Cucinotta, NASA
NSRL Results and Future Plans  (abstract) PPT

C-AD AP April 14, 2008 
4:00pm, LCR Room
Etienne Forest, KEK
Status report from BNL visit  

C-AD AP April 11, 2008 
4:00pm, LCR Room
Dr. Evgeni Tsentalovich, MIT Bates Laboratory
Studies of the Ion Induced Damage in the High Intensity Polarized Electron Gun   PPT

C-AD AP March 28, 2008 
9:00am, LCR
Bastian Lorbeer, Hamburg, Germany
Laser to RF conversion techniques for the laser-based synchronization system at FLASH  PPT

C-AD AP March 14, 2008 
4:00pm, LCR
Agnes Mocsy, RIKEN BNL Research Center
Phases of QCD Matter and Heavy Ion Collisions  PPT

C-AD AP March 3, 2008 
4:00pm, LCR
Pr. Takahisa Itahashi, Osaka University
Injection Study for 6-Sector PRISM FFAG by Using Pulsed Alpha Particles  (abstract) PPT
C-AD AP March 3, 2008 
5:00pm, LCR
Pr. Yasushi Arimoto, Osaka University
Development of FFAG Ring for Muon Phase-Space Rotation  (abstract) PDF

C-AD AP February 27, 2008 
10:00am, 911 - 3rd floor conference room
Zenghai Li, SLAC
The 3D parallel PIC3P code and results for the LCLS  PPT

C-AD AP February 15, 2008 
4:00pm, LCR
Diktys Stratakis, University of Maryland
Tomographic measurement of the phase-space distribution of a space-charge-dominated beam (abstract) PDF

2007 Seminars:

Coordinates Speaker Title Slides/www

C-AD AP Dec. 18, 2007 
11:00am, LCR
Riccardo De Maria,
CERN-EPFL, Switzerland
LHC Interaction Region Upgrade  PDF

C-AD AP Dec. 17, 2007 
4:15pm, LCR
Anatoly Sidorin
JINR, Dubna, Russia
Low Energy Heavy Ion Collider - NICA/MPD Project  PPT

C-AD AP Nov. 30, 2007 
10:00am, Snyder Seminar Room
Helene Felice
Progress on the HQ magnet design study for LARP  PPT

C-AD AP Nov. 29, 2007 
4:00pm, LCR
Dr. Helmut Burkhardt
LHC Commissioning  PDF

C-AD AP Oct. 17, 2007 
4:00pm, LCR
P.Ingrassia, G. Marr, F. Pilat, P. Sampson
Report on the 2007 Workshop on Accelerator Operations  PPT:

C-AD AP Sept. 20, 2007 
4:00pm, LCR
Dr. Fanglei Lin
The Exploration of Polarization of Proton Beam in the AGS  

C-AD AP June 21, 2007  
3:00pm, LCR
M. Giovannozzi
Resonant multi-turn extraction project: principle and experiments at the CERN Proton Synchrotron  PDF

C-AD AP June 21, 2007  
10:00am, LCR
E. Metral
TMCI revealed by frequency analysis of headtail tracking data using SUSSIX  PPT

C-AD AP June 18, 2007  
4:00pm, LCR
Christian Carli
Status of the LHC Ion Injector Chain  PPT

C-AD AP June 8, 2007  
4:00pm, LCR
E. Forest
KEK, Japan
Latest development in PTC  PPT, PDF

C-AD AP June 4, 2007  
4:00pm, LCR
Salime Max Boucher
RadiaBeam Technologies, LLC, Los Angeles, California
MINHA: Model of an Intense Nonscaling Hadron Accelerator   PDF

C-AD AP May 25, 2007  
4:00pm, LCR
A.G. Ruggiero and D. Trbojevic
Grenoble FFAG-2007  PPT, PPT

C-AD AP May 18, 2007  
4:00pm, LCR
Roderik Bruce
Measurements of beam losses from Bound Free Pair Production  PPT

C-AD AP May 17, 2007  
4:00pm, LCR
Jacob Grimes
A Prototype Diamond Amplified Photocathode  PDF

C-AD AP May 11, 2007  
4:00pm, LCR
Natalia Prado de Abreu
Manipulation of the electronic density in the longitudinal phase space in synchrotron light sources  PDF

C-AD AP May 10, 2007  
4:00pm, LCR
Tatiana Pieloni
Strong-strong beam-beam effects in the LHC   PDF

C-AD AP April 27, 2007  
4:00pm, LCR
W. Fischer and S.Y. Zhang
Workshop Report from E-cloud 07   PPT, PDF

C-AD AP March 29, 2007  
4:00pm, Berkner Hall

423rd BNL Lecture
Mei Bai
RHIC: the World's First High-Energy, Polarized-Proton Collider  PPT

C-AD AP March 15, 2007  
3:00pm, LCR
Rama Calaga
KEKB Crab Cavity Commissioning  PDF

C-AD AP March 9, 2007  
4:00pm, LCR
M. Okamura, J. Tamura
Novel laser ion source -Direct Plasma Injection Scheme (DPIS)  PPT, PPT

C-AD AP March 2, 2007  
4:00pm, LCR
Riccardo de Maria
LHC interaction region upgrade: studies on dipole first and quadrupole first layouts  PDF

C-AD AP Feb. 23, 2007  
4:00pm, LCR
Eunmi Choi
Experimental Study on Gyrotron Efficiency Enhancement  PPT

C-AD AP Feb. 16, 2007  
4:00pm, LCR
Guillaume Robert-Demolaize
Design and Performance Optimization of the LHC Collimation System  PPT

C-AD AP Feb. 9, 2007  
4:00pm, Snyder Seminar Room
Joe Grames
Jefferson Laboratory
Measurements of Photocathode Operational Lifetime at Beam Currents up to 10 mA using an Improved DC High Voltage GaAs Photogun  PDF

C-AD AP Feb. 2, 2007  
4:00pm, LCR
Emanuele Laface
The Q0 scheme in the framework of LHC luminosity upgrade  PDF

2006 Seminars:

Coordinates Speaker Title Slides/www

C-AD AP Dec. 19, 2006  
4:00pm, LCR
R. Calaga
Crab Cavities for LHC IR Upgrade  PDF

C-AD AP Dec. 15, 2006  
4:00pm, LCR
Alessandro G. Ruggiero
FFAG'06 in Osaka  PPT

C-AD AP Dec. 14, 2006  
4:00pm, LCR
Prof. Thomas B. Clegg
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory (TUNL),Duke University, Durham, NC
Sourcery, Targetry, Polarimetry: Tools for Polarization Studies at the Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory  PPT

C-AD AP Dec. 6, 2006  
3:00pm, Snyder Hall
Dr. Ken Long
Imperial College London
The International Neutrino Factory Design Study  PPT

C-AD AP Nov. 16, 2006  
4:00pm, LCR
Ranjan Grover
SPM Lab, College of Optical Sciences,University of Arizona
Experimental measurement and modeling of thermal and electrical transport through nanoconstrictions and boundarie  PDF

C-AD AP July 26, 2006  
4:00pm, LCR
Prof. Charles Sinclair
Cornell University
High Brightness ERL Injector Development and ERL Planning at Cornell  PPT

C-AD AP July 25, 2006  
11:00am, Snyder Hall
Prof. S.Y. Lee
Indiana University
Modeling the emittance evolution of the Fermilab Booster  PDF

C-AD AP June 2, 2006  
4:00pm, LCR
Dr. Vadim Dudnikov
Brookhaven Technology Group, Inc, Setauket, NY
Self-stabilization of e-p Instability and Accumulation of Superintense proton beam  PPT

C-AD AP May 26, 2006  
11:00am, small seminar room, Physics Bldg
Dr. Yasushige Yano
RIKEN, Japan
Establishment of RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science and Progress of RI Beam Factory Project 

C-AD AP May 19, 2006  
4:00pm, LCR
Prof. Yoshiharu Mori
Kyoto University
Developments and Recent Progresses of FFAG Accelerators in Japan  PDF

C-AD AP May 5, 2006  
4:00pm, LCR
D. Davino
Universita del Sannio
Smart actuators/sensors on magneto-elastic materials  PDF

C-AD AP May 4, 2006  
2:00pm, Snyder Seminar Room
Rhodri Jones
CERN, Switzerland
Orbit Feedback at the LHC  PPT

C-AD AP May 3, 2006  
4:00pm, LCR
D. Davino
Universita del Sannio
Demonstration of principle of CRFQ  PDF

C-AD AP March 24, 2006  
4:00pm, LCR
K. Brown
Report from the 4th International Workshop on Mass Origins and Supersymmetry Physics  PPT

C-AD AP March 15, 2006  
4:00pm, Berkner Hall

413th BNL Lecture
W. Fischer
The Quest for High Luminosity in Hardron Colliser  PDF

C-AD AP March 8, 2006  
4:00pm, Snyder Hall
C.Y. Tan
Tune Tracker Results and Plans at the Tevatron  PDF

C-AD AP March 3, 2006  
4:00pm, LCR
S. Peggs for U. Iriso
Maps for Electron (and Ion) Clouds  PDF

C-AD AP Feb.17, 2006  
4:00pm, Snyder Hall
Yuri Orlov
Cornell University
Critical Parameters for the Deuteron EDM Storage Ring 

C-AD AP Feb.10, 2006  
4:00pm, LCR
Dmitry Kayran
Beam Dynamics in High Current High Brightness ERL at BNL  PPT

C-AD AP Feb.3, 2006  
4:00pm, LCR
Nikolai Mokhov
Crystal Collimation at the Tevatron and the LHC  PPT

C-AD AP Jan 13, 2006  
4:00pm, LCR
A.G. Ruggiero
Report on the FFAG'05 workshop at Osaka, Japan  PDF

C-AD AP Jan 06, 2006  
4:00pm, LCR
J. Kewisch
Electron Beam Optics for Magnetized Electron Cooling  PPT

2005 Seminars:

Coordinates Speaker Title Slides/www

C-AD AP Dec.16, 2005  
4:00pm, LCR
P. Cameron
Report from the CARE Workshop on Remote Diagnostics/Operations  PPT

C-AD AP Dec.9, 2005  
4:00pm, LCR
F. Pilat
Design for High Availability  PPT

C-AD AP Nov. 8, 2005  
4:00pm, LCR
Anatoli Zelenski
Towards 100% polarization in the ion source  PPT

C-AD AP Nov. 4, 2005  
4:00pm, LCR
Eduard Pozdeyev
Multipass beam breakup studies at JLab  PDF

C-AD AP Oct. 28, 2005  
4:00pm, LCR
M. Blaskiewicz
Solitons in Synchrotrons  PPT

C-AD AP Oct. 21, 2005  
4:00pm, LCR
N. Malisky
Report from MAD-X Day and ROOT workshop  PPT

C-AD AP Oct. 14, 2005  
4:00pm, LCR
J. Bengtsson
Dynamic Aperture Control for Synchrotrons  PDF

C-AD AP Sept.30, 2005  
4:00pm, LCR
A. Fedotov
Detailed studies of electron cooling friction force  PDF

C-AD AP Sept.16, 2005  
4:00pm, LCR
Xiangyun Chang
Studies in the Secondary Emission Enhanced Photoinjector  PPT

C-AD AP Sept. 9, 2005  
4:00pm, LCR
C. Montag
Beam-beam simulation studies for eRHIC  PDF

C-AD AP August 30, 2005  
4:00pm, LCR
David Bruhwiler
Tech-X Corp., Colorado
Simulations of dynamical friction with VORPAL -- recent results and status of new code development  PDF

C-AD AP July 15, 2005  
4:00pm, LCR
Ahmed Sidi-Yekhlef, Roberto Than and Joe Tuozzolo
RHIC Refrigerator Upgrade  PPT

C-AD AP June 24, 2005  
1:30pm, LCR
Bjoern Schmekel
Physics Department, Cornell University
Recent progress in understanding the coherent synchrotron radiation instability  PDF

C-AD AP June 22, 2005  
4:00pm, Berkner Hall

405th BNL Lecture
V. Ptitsyn
eRHIC - Future Electron-ion Collider at BNL  PPT

C-AD AP June 08, 2005  
4:00pm, LCR
Dag Reistad
Uppsala University
The HESR Electron Cooling Project  PPT

C-AD AP June 03, 2005  
4:00pm, LCR
C. Montag
Report from the Super-B factory workshop  PPT

C-AD AP May 27, 2005  
4:00pm, LCR
N. Malitsky (BNL) and R. Talman (Cornell)
The UAL Interactive Analysis Environment Course  PDF

C-AD AP May 13, 2005  
4:00pm, LCR
E. Mustafin
Analysis of the RHIC desorption experiments  PPT

C-AD AP May 06, 2005  
4:00pm, LCR
Y. Luo
Global Decoupling on the RHIC ramp  PDF

C-AD AP April. 06, 2005  
4:00pm, Snyder Hall
Jean-Luc Vay
3-D self-consistent simulations of e-cloud physics using WARP/POSINST; validation on the HCX experiment and application to LHC  PPT

C-AD AP April. 04, 2005  
4:00pm, Snyder Hall
Prof. Markus Roth
Institut für Kernphysik Technische Universität Darmstadt
A new virtual institute for particle acceleration by ultra-intense lasers - exploring the next generation ion source  PPT

C-AD AP March 25, 2005  
4:00pm, LCR
Dr. Baruch Levush (NRL) and John Petillo (SAIC).
Advanced Design Codes for Vacuum Electron Devices 

C-AD AP March 21, 2005  
3:00pm, LCR
Neboisa Neskovic
Head of the project in Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia
Installation and Commissioning of the TESLA CYCLOTRON  PPT

C-AD AP March 18, 2005  
4:00pm, LCR
Ken Takayama
Induction acceleration of a proton bunch in the KEK 12GeV PS  PDF

C-AD AP March 14, 2005  
3:00pm, LCR
Yuri Alexahin
Beam-beam effects at Tevatron: experience vs expectations  PPT

C-AD AP Feb. 25, 2005  
4:00pm, LCR
K. Brown and A. Rusek
Report from trip to HIMAC and KEK  PPT

C-AD AP Jan. 21, 2005  
15:30, LCR
Hans Braun
Heay Ion Collimation in LHC  PDF

2004 Seminars:

Coordinates Speaker Title Slides/www

C-AD AP Dec. 13, 2004  
14:00, LCR
Alexander Koschik
Technische Universität Graz (University of Technology), Austria
Simulation of Transverse Multi-Bunch Instabilities of Proton Beams in LHC  PDF

C-AD AP November 29, 2004  
14:00, LCR
Elliott McCrory
Upgrade and performance of the FNAL 400 MeV linac  PDF

C-AD AP November 10, 2004  
16:00, Room B, Berkner Hall
John Sheppard
Polarized beams for the ILC  PDF

C-AD AP Noviembre 5, 2004  
16:00, Snyder room
A. Luccio, W. Fischer
Reports from Bensheim  PPT(2)

C-AD AP October 29, 2004  
16:00, LCR
Thomas Roser
Future multi-mega-watt proton facilities  PDF

C-AD AP October 6, 2004  
16:00, LCR
Dr. Ken-ichi Kanazawa
Electron Cloud Measurement at KEKB  PDF

C-AD AP October 1, 2004  
16:00, LCR
A. Ruggiero, J. Rank, D. Raparia, K.C. Wu
Trip to Fermilab and Jefferson Lab for AGS-SRF  WWW

C-AD AP September 24, 2004  
16:00, LCR
Dr. Ray Fliller the III
The crystal collimation system of RHIC 

C-AD AP August 27, 2004  
16:00, LCR
Guillaume Robert-Demolaize
Set-Up of a Simulation Code for the LHC Collimation System  PPT

C-AD AP July 16, 2004  
16:00, LCR
Kevin Chalut , Vladimir Litvinenko
Duke University, BNL
Phase-space tomography of fast beam processes using SVD  PPT

C-AD AP July 1, 2004  
16:00, LCR
Kazuo Yamamoto
IH-structure LINAC for heavy ion beam   PPT

C-AD AP June 25, 2004  
16:00, LCR
Patrick Le Du
Hadrontherapy present, projects and perspectives   PPT

C-AD AP June 4, 2004  
16:00, LCR
A. Ruggiero

C-AD AP May 24, 2004  
14:00, LCR
Mieczyslaw Witek Krasny
University Pierre and Marie Curie
Partially Stripped Ions and Cooling  PPT

C-AD AP May 14, 2004  
16:00, LCR
A. Ruggiero
1.5 GeV FFAG injector to AGS  PDF

C-AD AP May 12, 2004  
16:00, LCR
Anatoly Sidorin and Alexander Smirnov
JINR, Dubna
Current Status of the Betacool Program for Electron Cooling Dynamics  PPT,PPT

C-AD AP May 7, 2004  
11:00, LCR
Xiaobiao Huang
Application of Independent Component Analysis (ICA) to Beam Diagnosis  PPT

C-AD AP May 5, 2004  
16:00, LCR
D. Trbojevic
Wide range of applications for the non scaling FFAGs-Report from last workshop in Vancouver  PDF

C-AD AP April 30, 2004  
16:00, LCR
Jacopo Saccheri
The generation IV nuclear reactors and their perspectives  PPT

C-AD AP April 28, 2004  
16:00, Snyder room
V.Litvinenko, C.Montag
eRHIC - future electron-ion collider in BNL. Part 2  PDF

C-AD AP April 27, 2004  
16:00, LCR
V.Ptitsyn (BNL), D.Wang, T.Zwart (MIT-Bates)
eRHIC - future electron-ion collider in BNL. Part 1  PDF, PDF

C-AD AP April 9, 2004  
16:00, LCR
Dr Jiawen Xia
Chinese Academy of Science
The Cooler Storage Ring Project  PDF

C-AD AP April 2, 2004  
16:00, LCR
J. Beebe-Wang
Proton Therapy Treatment Verification via PET Imaging  PDF

C-AD AP March 19, 2004  
16:00, LCR
John Jowett
Lead Ions in the LHC  PDF

C-AD AP March 12, 2004  
16:00, LCR
Alexander Nass
Polarized Atomic Hydrogen Targets (Jets and Storage Cells)  PDF

C-AD AP March 4, 2004  
16:00, Snyder room
Walter Wittmer
Luminosity Optimization by Adjusting the beta Function in the Interaction Point at LHC and RHIC  PDF

C-AD AP February 27, 2004  
16:00, LCR
Fritz Caspers
Unexpected Beam Induced TE Waveguide Mode Modulation Effects in the SPS around 3 GHz  PDF PPT

C-AD AP February 26, 2004  
16:00, LCR
Ji Qiang
Beam Dynamics Modeling Using a Particle-In-Cell Method  PPT

C-AD AP February 20, 2004  
16:00, LCR
Giovanni Rumolo
Electron cloud simulations for the GSI project  PDF

C-AD AP February 13, 2004  
16:00, LCR
Nicholas D'Imperio
Electrodynamics Modeling with the Parallel Finite Difference Time Domain Code EMS3D  PPT

C-AD AP February 12, 2004  
16:00, LCR
Dr. Jean Delayen
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
RF control and stability issues in energy recovering linacs 

C-AD AP February 12, 2004  
14:30, LCR
Dr. Luca Bottura
Field Dynamics in Superconducting Accelerator Magnets  PPT

C-AD AP February 6, 2004  
16:00, LCR
Steve Peggs
Report on Chamonix  PDF

C-AD AP February 4, 2004  
16:00, LCR
Andrei Seryi
The Linear Collider Beam Delivery System -- Focusing the Nanometer Beams 

C-AD AP January 16, 2004  
16:00, LCR
Richard Talman
Cornell University
String Formulation of Space Charge Forces in a Deflecting Bunch  PDF

C-AD AP January 9, 2004  
16:00, LCR
Lanfa Wang
Multipacting of Electron cloud with long proton beam   PDF

2003 Seminars:

Coordinates Speaker Title Slides/www

C-AD AP Decmeber 12, 2003  
16:00, LCR
Ahmed Sidi-Yekhlef
Recent advances in cryogenics  

C-AD AP Decmeber 11, 2003  
16:00, LCR
Oliver Boine-Frankenheim
Beam Dynamics Issues for the International Accelerator Project at GSI  PDF

C-AD AP November 21, 2003  
16:00, LCR
Vadim Ptitsyn and Christoph Montag
Report on e+e- factories workshop in SLAC  PDF

C-AD AP November 17, 2003  
16:00, LCR
Sateesh Mane
Convergent Computing
Snake Resonances in Rings   PDF , PDF

C-AD AP November 14, 2003  
16:00, LCR
Prof. Sergey Cherenshchykov
National Science Center, Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology
High-Current Electron Gun with Secondary Emission   PPT

C-AD AP November 13, 2003  
16:30, LCR
Fulvia Pilat
Report on CoToGAN 2003: communication tools for a global accelerator network  PDF

C-AD AP November 7, 2003  
16:00, LCR
Dejan Trbojevic
Electron, Photon and Ion Induced Desorption 

C-AD AP October 31, 2003  
16:00, LCR
Andrea Franchi
Magnet strength measurement from BPM data  PDF,GIF

C-AD AP October 24, 2003  
16:00, LCR
James Alessi

C-AD AP October 17, 2003  
13:30, LCR
Fabrizio Luccio
University of Pisa and the Italian academy at Columbia University
Hercules and Hydra: A problem in combinatorics  PDF

C-AD AP October 16, 2003  
16:00, LCR
Alexei V. Otboev
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk.
eRHIC project 

C-AD AP October 3, 2003  
16:00, LCR
Triveni Srinivasan-Rao
Photocathodes-where electrons come from in a photoinjector  PPT

C-AD AP September 25, 2003  
11:00, Snyder
Linda Imbasciati
Quench protection issues in high field superconducting magnets   PDF , PPT

C-AD AP September 24, 2003  
16:00, LCR
Masahito Tomizawa
J-PARC Slow Extraction   PDF

C-AD AP September 19, 2003  
16:30, LCR
Javier Cardona
Linear and Non Linear Studies at RHIC Interaction Regions and Rapid Cycling Medical Synchrotron  PDF(1), PS(2)

C-AD AP September 12, 2003  
16:00, LCR
Nikolai Malitsky
MAD-X day  PDF

C-AD AP August 14, 2003  
16:00, LCR
S.Y. Lee
Indiana University, Dept. of Physics
Quadrupole mode transfer function  PDF

NSLS AP July 31, 2003  
1:30 PM, NSLS Seminar room, Bldg. 725
Prof. Y. K. Wu
Duke University
Explicit Symplectic Integrators for 3D Static Magnetic Fields 

C-AD AP July 24, 2003  
4:00 PM, Large Conference Room 
F. Pilat
Report from the Linear Collider workshop  PDF

C-AD AP July 18, 2003  
4:00 PM, Large Conference Room
D. Trbojevic, S. Ruggiero, W. Weng
Report from the FFAG workshop at KEK  PPT, PPT

C-AD AP May 9, 2003  
4:00 PM, Large Conference Room
Dr. Izumi Sakai
J-PARC Project, KEK
H- Painting Injection System for the JKJ 3GeV High Intensity Proton Synchrotron  PDF

C-AD AP March 7, 2003  
4:00 PM, Large Conference Room
Dr. Lin X. Jia
Superconducting Electron-Positron Collider in Beijing (BEPC2) 

C-AD AP February 28, 2003  
4:00 PM, Large Conference Room
Dr. Jiawen Xia
Institute of Modern Physics, Lanzhou
Design and Status of the Cooler Storage Ring Project 

C-AD AP February 27, 2003  
4:00 PM, Large Conference Room
Verena Kain
The LHC Collimation System  PDF

C-AD AP February 21, 2003  
4:00 PM, Large Conference Room
Dr. Hiromi Okamoto
University of Hiroshima
Dynamical Aspects of Highly Space-Charge Dominated Beams 

C-AD AP January 31, 2003  
4:00 PM, Large Conference Room
Dr. Fulvia Pilat
Beam Experiments at RHIC  PDF

C-AD AP January 10, 2003  
1:30 PM, Large Conference Room
Dr. Bradford Smith
Conceptual design of the MECO experiment magnet 

2002 Seminars:

Coordinates Speaker Title Slides/www

C-AD AP December 20, 2002  
4:00 PM, Large Conference Room
Prof. Richard Talman, Dr. Nikolay Malitsky, Dr. Todd Satogata
The Status of UAL/FastTeapot and Plans for Application in RHIC 

C-AD AP December 19, 2002  
2:00 PM, Large Conference Room
Dr. Nuria Catalan-Lasheras
A Head-Tail Chromaticity Measurement and Instability Monitor for RHIC 

C-AD AP December 13, 2002  
4:00 PM, Large Conference Room
Dr. Yannis Papaphilippou
Diffusion due to long-range beam-beam collisions / Alternative crossing schemes for the LHC and beyond  PPT

C-AD AP December 12, 2002  
4:00 PM, Large Conference Room
Dr. Daniele Davino
Universita degli Studi del Sannio
Effects of Hysteresis Compensation in Feedback / Circular Radio Frequency Quadrupole Collaboration 

C-AD AP December 10, 2002  
3:30 PM, Large Conference Room
Dr. Jacek Sekutowicz
DESY/Jefferson Lab
Superconducting Superstructures 

C-AD AP November 18, 2002  
1:30 PM, Large Conference Room
Dr. Alexander Skrinsky
Novosibirsk Charm/Tau Factory: Status and Prospects 

C-AD AP October 31, 2002  
11:00 AM, NSLS Seminar Room
Prof. Luigi Palumbo
Univ. of Rome "La Sapienza" and INFN-LNF
Overview of Activities toward an Italian X-ray FEL Source: The SPARC Project at INFN-LNF and the SPARX Proposal 

C-AD AP October 24, 2002  
10:30 AM, Snyder Seminar Hall
Dr. Alexey Burov
Electron Cooling of the FNAL Anti-Proton Accumulator 

C-AD AP October 9, 2002  
9:30 AM, LCR
Vahid Ranjbar
Indiana University
Spin Depolarizing Resonances in AGS and RHIC 

C-AD AP September 25, 2002  
2:00 PM, Snyder Seminar Hall
Dr. Rhodri Jones
Acquisition Systems and Detectors for LHC Beam Instrumentation  PDF

C-AD AP September 24, 2002  
4:00 PM, LCR
Dr. Ruediger Schmidt
Machine protection and interlock system for the LHC  WWW

C-AD AP September 23, 2002  
1:30 PM, NSLS Seminar Room
Dr. Ryutaro Nagaoka
Overview of the SOLEIL project and transverse instability issues for light source storage rings 

C-AD AP September 18, 2002  
3:00 PM, Building 510, Small Seminar Room
Dr. Raphael Galea
Columbia University
Muon Frictional Cooling 

C-AD AP September 17, 2002  
1:30 PM, Large Conference Room
Prof. Dr. Ingo Hofmann
Beam loss and vacuum issues with high intensity heavy ion beams 

C-AD AP September 16, 2002  
1:30 PM, NSLS Seminar Room
Prof. Tsumoru Shintake
SCSS: SPring-8 Compact SASE Source Project 

C-AD AP September 6, 2002  
4:00 PM, Bldg. 1005, 3rd floor, Large Conference Room
Dr. Vadim Ptitsyn
Summary of the eRHIC mini-workshop 

C-AD AP August 30, 2002  
4:00 PM, Large Conference Room
Dr. Marian Cholewa
Single cell irradiation with high resolution microbeam at GSI 

C-AD AP August 27, 2002  
11:00 AM, SNS seminar room, Bldg. 817
Prof. Isao Yamane
Laser stripping and proposed POP experiments 

C-AD AP August 16, 2002  
4:00 PM, Large Conference Room
Dr. Wolfram Fischer
Tevatron Run II 

C-AD AP August 02, 2002  
4:00 PM, Large Conference Room
Dr. Angelika Drees
Gap cleaning in RHIC 

C-AD AP July 16, 2002  
4:00 PM, Large Conference Room
Dr. Joanne Beebe-Wang, Dr. Todd Satogata
Imaging and Radiotherapy at Karolinska and PSI 

C-AD AP July 12, 2002  
4:00 PM, Large Conference Room
Dr. Angelika Drees, Dr. Fulvia Pilat, Dr. Peter Cameron, Dr. Steve Peggs, Dr. Carl Schultheiss
Report from the PLL Workshop at CERN 

C-AD AP June 28, 2002  
4:00 PM, Large Conference Room
Dr. Eric Blum
Innovative Magnet Development and Application at the National Synchrotron Light Source 

C-AD AP May 21, 2002  
4:00 PM, Large Conference Room
Dr. Mike Blaskiewicz, Dr. Wolfram Fischer
Report from the ECLOUD02 workshop 

C-AD AP May 17, 2002  
4:00 PM, Large Conference Room
Prof. Jim Sarjeant
University at Buffalo
Energy Storage Capacitors 

C-AD AP May 14, 2002  
2:30 PM, Large Conference Room
Dr. Bruno Zotter
Impedances and Wakes in High Energy Proton Accelerators 

C-AD AP May 10, 2002  
4:00 PM, Large Conference Room

Dr. Dmitry Teytelman
Feedback Control of Coupled Bunch Instabilities 

CAD AP May 3, 2002  
4:00 PM, Large Conference Room, Bldg 911b
Dr. J.Alessi, Dr. A.Luccio
Dr. J.Wei
Report on the '20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop - High Intensity High Brightness Hadron Beams' held at Fermilab on April 812,2002 

C-AD AP April 12, 2002  
4:00 PM, Large Conference Room
Prof. Ilan Ben-Zvi, Dr. Igor Pogorelsky, Dr. Vitaly Yakimenko
Optical Stochastic Cooling of RHIC with a CO2 Laser 

C-AD AP April 9, 2002  
4:00 PM, Large Conference Room
Dr. Fulvia Pilat, Dr. Ramesh Gupta, Dr. Steve Peggs
Report from the LHC IR Upgrade Meeting 

C-AD AP March 27, 2002  
4:00 PM, Large Conference Room
Dr. Mauro Pivi
Electron Cloud Updated Simulation Results for the SNS, Recent Results for the PSR 

C-AD AP March 22, 2002  
4:00 PM, Large Conference Room
Dr. Anatoli Zelenski
Polarized Source Performance in 2001-02 RHIC Run and Future Plans 

C-AD AP March 19, 2002  
2:30 PM, Large Conference Room
Prof. Richard Talman
Cornell University
The Specific Luminosity Limit and What to Do About It 

C-AD AP March 15, 2002  
4:00 PM, Large Conference Room
Dr. David Bruhwiler
Tech-X Corporation, Boulder, Colorado 
A First Attempt to Simulate Electron Cooling Physics through Direct Coulomb Interactions 

C-AD AP To be announced  
4:00 PM, Large Conference Room
Prof. Patrick O'Shea
University of Maryland 
To be announced 

C-AD AP February 1, 2002  
2:30 PM, NSLS SeminarRoom
Prof. Junji Urakawa
Damping Ring R&D for Linear Collider at KEK ATF 

C-AD AP January 18, 2002  
4:00 PM, Large Conference Room
Dr. Mathias Vogt
University of New Mexico 
Simulations of the strong-strong beam-beam interaction with applications to RHIC 

2001 Seminars:

Coordinates Speaker Title Slides/www

C-AD AP December 7, 2001  
4:00 PM, NSLS Seminar Room
Dr. Alessandro G. Ruggiero
The Circular Radio-Frequency Quadrupole Storage and Accelerator Ring. Part II: Applications  

C-AD AP November 30, 2001  
4:00 PM, NSLS Seminar Room
Dr. Alessandro G. Ruggiero
The Circular Radio-Frequency Quadrupole Storage and Accelerator Ring. Part I: Concepts  

CAD AP November 16, 2001 
4:00pm, Large Conference Room
Dr. Frank Schmidt
SPS Driving Term Experiment  

C-AD AP October 9, 2001 
3:00pm, NSLS Seminar Room
Dr. Xijie Wang
Saturation Measurement of SASE FEL at the ATF  

CAD AP October 10, 2001 
4:00pm, Snyder Seminar Room
Dr. Jean Pierre Koutchouk
Improved Measurements of Non-linearities in RHIC  

C-AD AP October 2, 2001 
3:00pm, Large Conference Room
Dr. Alexei V. Fedotov
Space-Charge Limit in High-Intensity Rings  

C-AD AP September 25, 2001 
3:00pm, Large Conference Room
Dr. Alessandro G. Ruggiero
Alternate Method to Produce Neutrinos with a Continuous High-Power Proton Driver 

C-AD AP September 7, 2001 
4:00pm, Large Conference Room
Dr. Alfredo Luccio
On Space Charge Calculation in Synchrotrons  

CAD AP August 28, 2001 
3:00pm, Large Conference Room
Dr. Wolfram Fischer
Report from the Beam-Beam Workshop  

C-AD AP August 7, 2001 
3:00pm, Large Conference Room
Dr. Thomas Roser, Dr. Fulvia Pilat, Dr. Steve Peggs, Dr. Mike Blaskiewicz, Dr. Ilan Ben-Zvi, Dr. Deepak Raparia
Reports from Snowmass  

C-AD AP July 27, 2001 
3:00pm, Large Conference Room
Dr. Walter Scandale
CERN, Geneva 
OpticalTechniques to Investigate Thermo-mechanical Properties of the LHC Dipoles  

C-AD AP June 29, 2001 
1:30pm, NSLS Seminar Room
Markus Huening
DESY, Hamburg 
Surface Roughness Wakefields  

C-AD AP June 25, 2001 
4:00pm, NSLS Seminar Room
Dr. Peter Spiller
GSI, Darmstadt 
Proposal for a New Accelerator Complex at GSI  

C-AD AP June 15, 2001 
1:30pm, NSLS Seminar Room
Prof. Hikaru Sato
KEK, Tsukuba 
KEK PS Main Ring Intensity Upgrade Status  

CAD AP June 12, 2001 
3:00pm, Large Conference Room
Dr. Franchetti Giuliano
GSI, Darmstadt 
Halo and Beamloss Studies for AGS 

C-AD AP June 7, 2001 
15:45pm, NSLS Seminar Room
Dr. Valeri Serbo
BINP, Novosibirsk 
Coherent Bremsstrahlung as a New Possibility to Monitor Collisions of Heavy Ions 

C-AD AP May 25, 2001 
1:30pm, NSLS seminar Room
Dr. Nan Phinney
NLC Status Report 

C-AD AP May 14, 2001 
4:00pm, NSLS seminar Room
Dr. Chris Morris
Proton Radiography 

CAD AP April. 20, 2001 
4:00pm, Bldg 911B Large Conference Room
Dr. A. Zelenski
Feasibility Study of A 20-50 mA Polarized H- Ion Source For High Energy Colliders 

CAD AP April. 23, 2001 
4:00pm, Bldg 911B Large Conference Room
Dr. Rob Ryne
Large Scale Simulation of High Intensity Beam Calculation 

CAD AP Jan. 25, 2001 
4:00pm, Bldg 911B Large Conference Room
Dr. Sergei Nagaitsev
FermiLAB High-Energy Electron Cooling Project 

CAD AP Jan. 26, 2001 
4:00pm, Bldg 911B Large Conference Room
Dr. F. Pilat
Highlights of 11th CERN Chamonix Workshop 

CAD AP Feb. 2, 2001 
1:30pm, Bldg 911B Large Conference Room
Dr. W. Fischer, Dr. S. Tepikian and Dr. A. Jain
Beam Based Measurements of Persistant Current Decay in RHIN 

C-AD AP Feb. 8, 2001 
1:30pm, NSLS seminar Room
Dr. D. Bruhwiler and Dr. P. Stoltz
Tech-X Corporation 
Computational Accelerator Physics at Tech-X; Parallel and Distributed Computing, Visualization, and Graphical Interfaces 

1998-2000 Seminars:

Coordinates Speaker Title Slides/www

RAP Nov 19, 98 
4:00, 1005-3
Gerry Bunce 
The G-2 Experiment at the AGS

RAP/CAP Fri Dec 4, 98 
11:00, 1005-4(!)
Dr. Frank Zimmermann 
Linear Colliders

RAP Tue Dec 8, 98 
04:00, 1005-3
Nuria Catalan-Lasheras 
CERN and Univ. of Zaragoza 
A collimation experiment at 120 GeV in the SPS ring at CERN

RAP/CAP Dec 17, 98 
04:00, 1005-3
Peter Wanderer 
The VLHC - An early look at a post-LHC proton collider

RAP Jan 13, 99 
11:00 am 
King Y Ng 
Particle-Beam Approach to Collective Instabilities --- Application to Space-Charge Dominated Beams

CAP/RAP Jan 19, 99 
1:30 pm 
510, small sem.
Dr. Wei Gai 
Recent Dielectric/Plasma Wakefield Experimental Results at ANL

CAP/RAP Feb 2, 99 1:30 pm 
510, small sem.
Dr. Ronald Ruth 
The Route to the Energy Frontier: A New Kind of Two Beam Accelerator 

RAP/CAP Feb 9, 99 
1:30 pm 
510, small sem.
Matthias Liepe 
TESLA Test Facility status report

CAP/RAP Fri, 19 Feb'99 
11:00 am 
510, small sem.
Dr. Andrew Sessler 
The Equation of Motion of an Electron

CAP/RAP Mon, 1 Mar'99
1:30 pm 
510, small sem.
Dr. Gennady Shvets 
Princeton University
Colliding laser pulses in plasma for particle acceleration and pulse amplification

CAP/RAP Tue, 9 Mar'99
1:30 pm
510, small sem.
Dr. Bob Siemann
Advanced accelerator studies at SLAC

RAP Thu, 25 Mar'99 
4:00, 1005-3
Volker Mertens 
Beam Transfer to and Injection into LHC

RAP Wed, 7 Apr'99 
4:00 pm 
Steven Hancock and Mats Lindroos 
Tomography WWW

RAP Thu, 15 Apr'99 
4:00 pm 
Ioannis Papaphilippou 
Frequency Maps for the LHC PDF

RAP Thu, 29 April'99 
4:00 pm 
Dr. Steve Peggs 
Beam-Beam: RHIC, LHC and VLHC

CAP/RAP Tue, 4 May'99 
1:30 pm
510, small sem.
Dr. Scott Berg 
Indiana University
Acceleration Scenarios for Muon Colliders

CAP/RAP Tue, 11 May'99 
1:30 pm
510, small sem.
Dr. Gerald Jackson 
Recent Low Cost Technology Developments for Future Hadron Colliders

(RAP/AGS/CAP) Thur, 10 June'99 
1:30 pm
Dr. Richard Witkover
Beam Instrumentation for the Neutron Spallation Source

combined AP seminar (CAP/AGS/NSLS/RAP) Tue, 15 June'99 
1:30 pm
510, small sem.
Dr. David Dowell
Observing and compensating for Coherent Synchrotron Radiation Induced Emittance Growth in a Bunch Compressor

combined AP seminar (CAP/AGS/NSLS/RAP) Tue, 15 June'99 
1:30 pm
510, small sem.
Dr. David Dowell
Observing and compensating for Coherent Synchrotron Radiation Induced Emittance Growth in a Bunch Compressor

combined AP seminar (CAP/AGS/NSLS/RAP) Tue, 22 June'99 
1:30 pm
510, small sem.
Dr. Tor Raubenheimer
Status of the NLC Design

combined AP seminar (CAP/AGS/NSLS/RAP) Tue, 29 June'99 
1:30 pm
510, small sem.
Dr. Paul Emma
Linear Coherent Light Source Beam Physics

combined AP/HEP seminar Tuesday, 14 September'99 
1:30 pm
510, small sem.
Dr. Ron Settles
MPI, Munich;
Detector design status and detector/accelerator interface for the TESLA linear collider

combined AP/HEP seminar Wed, 4 August'99 
11:00 am
510, small sem.
Dr. R. Palmer and Dr. B. King
Muon Storage Rings as the First Neutrino Factories

combined AP/HEP Thur, 12 August'99 
11:00 am
510, small sem.
Dr. Pisin Chen
Testing Hawking-Unruh Radiation Using Ultra-Intense Lasers  (See abstract) 

CAD/AP Wedn, 6 October'99 
11:00 am
Dr. Frank Zimmermann
Proposals for LHC Experiments at RHIC 

CAD/AP Tues, 26 October'99 
4:00 pm
911B LCR
Dr. J. van Zeijts and Dr. J. Skelly
Trip report from ICALEPCS'99, a Controls Conference 

C-AD AP Tues, 9 November'99 
1:30 pm
NSLS sem,
Dr. Jie Wei
Recent Ring Design Activities for the Spallation Neutron Source 

CAP Tues, 23 November'99 
1:30 pm
NSLS sem,
Dr. Xijie Wang
ATF - Testing Bed for Future Light Source Technologies 

C-AD AP Tues, 7 December'99 
1:30 pm
NSLS sem,
Dr. Zhirong Huang
Radiative Cooling and Low Emittance Electron Beams 

C-AD AP Tues, 7 December'99 
1:30 pm
NSLS sem,
Dr. Zhirong Huang
Radiative Cooling and Low Emittance Electron Beams 

CAP/HEP Wed, 8 December'99 
4:00 pm
510 small sem,
Dr. Alain Blondel
Ecole Polytechnique 
Neutrino Factory Studies at CERN 

C-AD AP Tues, 14 December'99 
2:30 pm
NSLS sem,
Dr. S. Peggs
Rapid Cycling Medical Synchrotron 

C-AD AP Thur, 20 January'2000 
* canceled * 
3:45 pm
NSLS sem,
Dr. Mike Blaskiewicz
Very Fast Transverse Instability in High Intensity Proton Machines 

C-AD AP Thur, 27 January'2000 
* canceled * 
3:45 pm
NSLS sem,
Dr. Louis Emery
APS Operations and Accelerator Physics 

C-AD AP Thur, 3 Febuary'2000 
3:45 pm
NSLS sem,
Dr. A. Zelenski
Polarized Beam for the TRIUMF Parity-Violation Experiment 

C-AD AP Thur, 2 March'2000 
NSLS sem,
Dr. Joe Frisch
A Proposal for Femtosecond X-ray Generation in the SLC Collider Arcs 

C-AD AP Thur, 23 March'2000 
NSLS sem,
Dr. Ramesh Gupta
Superconducting Magnets for Future Collider 

C-AD AP May 5, 2000 
3:45pm, NSLS seminar room
Dr. T. Hoffmann and Dr. P. Strehl
Beam Diagnostic For GSI 

C-AD AP May 11, 2000 
3:45pm, NSLS seminar room
Dr. Ady Hershcovitch and Dr. Brant Johnson
LIZ-MeV a Novel High Current High Charge State Heavy Ion Source 

C-AD AP May 17, 2000 
3:45pm, NSLS seminar room
Dr. H. Schmickler
Recent Developments in LHC Beam Instrumentation 

C-AD AP May 25, 2000 
3:45pm, NSLS seminar room
Prof. Y. Derbenev
University of Michigan 
Prospects of Linac-Based Electron Cooling 

CAD AP June 2, 2000 
1:30pm, 911B large conference room
Dr. Valery Biryukov
IHEP, Protvino 
Crystal Channeling As a Tool to Steer Beams 

HEP/CAP June 14, 2000 
11:00am,bldg 510 small seminar room
Dr. Dr. Steve Geer
Physics at Neutrino Factories 

C-AD AP June 15, 2000 
3:45pm, NSLS seminar room
Dr. G. Coutrakon, Director of Accelerator Operation
Loma Linda University Medical Center 
Ten Years of Proton Radiation Therapy 

C-AD AP July 6, 2000 
3:45pm, NSLS seminar room
Dr. Alfredo Luccio
Accelerator Simulation & Parallel Computing 

CAD AP July 14, 2000 
1:30pm, Bldg 911B Large Conference Room
Dr. Ady Hershcovitch
Novel Source & Ionizer Options for Polarized Ions 

CAD AP July 21, 2000 
1:30pm, Bldg 911B Large Conference Room
Dr. Alan Stevens
"N-Shield" Yet Another code for Shielding Calculations 

CAD AP August 18, 2000 
1:30pm, Bldg 911B Large Conference Room
Dr. Ruimei Ma
Boron Neutron Capture Therapy for Glioblastoma Multiforme 

CAD AP Oct. 26, 2000 
3:45 pm, NSLS seminar room
Dr. Dennis Palmer
The ORION Project: An Advanced Accelerator User Facility

CAD AP Sept 8, 2000 
1:30pm, Bldg 911 Synder seminar room
Dr. Alessandro Ruggiero
Proton Radiography -- The Untold Story

CAD AP August 25, 2000 
1:30pm, Bldg 911 Synder seminar room
Dr. Alan Carroll
Proton Radiography at the AGS: Technical, Political, and Ethical Issues PDF

NSLS AP Nov. 27, 2000 
10:00am, Bldg. 510 Large Seminar Room
Dr. Andreas Kabel
Numerical Calculation of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation

CAD AP Nov. 14, 2000 
1:30 pm, Bldg911B Large Conference Room
Dr. Haixin Huang
Polarized Proton Commissioning Run 2000

CAD AP Dec. 8, 2000 
1:30pm, Bldg 911B Large Conference Room
Dr. A. Drees
 Collimation and more in Protvino 

C-AD AP Dec. 12, 2000 
* cancelled * 
3:45pm, NSLS Seminar Room
Prof. Yu-Kun Ho
Institute of Modern Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai China 
 Vacuum Electron Acceleration by an Intense Laser 

C-AD AP Dec. 14, 2000 
3:45pm, NSLS Conference Room A
Dr. D. Trbojevic
 Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (FFAG) without opposite bends 

CAD AP Dec. 15, 2000 
1:30pm, AGS Synder Room, Bldg 911A
I. Marneris and J. Sandberg
 Booster/AGS Main Magnet Power Supply 

C-AD AP Dec. 21, 2000 
3:45pm, NSLS Conference Room A
Dr. M. Blaskiewicz
Transverse Stability with Nonlinear Space Charge 

CAD AP Jan. 5, 2001 
1:30pm, Bldg 911B Large Conference Room
Dr. V. Ptitsyn
Two Busy Weeks in CERN 

Last updated: