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An Exercise in Microblogging

While in accompanying the research team, we microblogged to Twitter from a mobile device. The log has been compiled below:



2 of 4


Early start tomorrow: 5:45am. Will see what critters are munching on seeds & PB in the traps! 07:54 PM August 25, 2008 from txt

Day 2

First morning light & we spotted our first small mammal - a bunny running across the road - he made it ok. 03:06 AM August 26, 2008 from txt

We're at site 2, mist rises off the pond's surface, geese fly overhead. We're setting up bird nets. Eight more to go! 03:45 AM August 26, 2008 from txt

Securing the nets is tricky, as they're easy to get tangled in. We hear lots of birds overhead. 03:53 AM August 26, 2008 from txt

The nets are about 7ft tall and .... First bird! It's a veery thrush, fairly common in the area. Everyone leaps into action .. 04:16 AM August 26, 2008 from txt

...The team works quickly to free him from the net, paying close attention to signs of distress, scissors ready to cut net if needed 04:22 AM August 26, 2008 from txt

Our little thrush is doing great. He's freed quickly, next the ticks are plucked from him with tweezers, 9 ticks collected so far. 04:23 AM August 26, 2008 from txt

The researcher blows gently on his feathers to expose the ticks underneath. The ticks will be examined back at the lab for the bacteria 04:26 AM August 26, 2008 from txt

Next up, banding, measuring wingspan: 89mm, body mass:27g, determine age: a hatch year, a well used field guide serves as reference. 04:45 AM August 26, 2008 from txt

Data on the veery was quickly and efficiently gathered, then he was set free. He flapped off happily. 04:47 AM August 26, 2008 from txt

The researchers will check the nets every 40 minutes or so, the nets will be up for another 5 hours. 04:51 AM August 26, 2008 from txt

We've been lucky, 2 birds already! The researcher says some days they don't catch any. We'll be checking on the traps in the woods soon. 04:53 AM August 26, 2008 from txt

I'm told researchers protect their "Identification Guide to North American Birds" by Peter Pyle like gold, this is one highly detailed guide! ... 05:02 AM August 26, 2008 from txt

We're at the first site now. We're all excited to see what's in the traps. 05:18 AM August 26, 2008 from txt





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