Agronomic, baking, and plant health characteristics of wheat cultivars and lines of the Parana State Yield Trials, 1996.

L.J.A. Del Duca, C.N.A. Sousa, and E.M. Guarienti.

Parana is the most important Brazilian state for wheat production. A nursery including 85 cultivars and lines tested in intermediate and final trials in that state in 1996 was evaluated under field conditions at the Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Trigo (National Research Center for Wheat), Passo Fundo, RS. Information regarding scab and kernel note was obtained under field conditions, with natural infection (planting 13 June, 1996). For scab, the scale' ranged from 0 (immune or without symptoms) to 5 (highly susceptible), and for kernel note, the rating varied from 1 (excellent) to 5 (very poor).

A nursery to evaluate effects of aluminum was seeded on 14 June, 1996, in an acid soil with a high aluminum level. The index of susceptibility varied from 0.50 (highly resistant) to 5.0 (highly susceptible). Information on baking quality from the alveograph (W = deformation energy of dough) at EMBRAPA-CTAA and EMBRAPA-CNPT obtained over 1990-96 period is presented. These data represent the averages from different numbers of years for each genotype.

The listed wheats were outstanding for the following characteristics:

Kernel note (< = 2): IAPAR 60, IOR 90537, OC 962, TRIGO BR 18, OC 9611, OC 9612, OC 9614, ORL 9361, ORL 93132, ORL 93320, PF 9293, EMBRAPA 27, IAPAR 46, IAPAR 78, OCEPAR 15, OCEPAR 21, OR 1, ORL 9285, PF 91204, PG 9337;

Scab (< 2): OC 964, CEP 934, OC 9614, ORL 9361, ORL 93132, CEP 24, IAPAR 46, IAPAR 53, PF 9099, PF 90294, PF 9122, PF 91204;

Aluminum tolerance (IS < = 1.26): IAC 5-MARINGA, LD 951, EMBRAPA 49, PF 92108, PF 92568, PG 9337 and TRIGO BR 35;

W (> 200): IA 956, IAPAR 29, IAPAR 60, IWT 9430, IWT 95001, IWT 95041, LD 941, OCEPAR 16, PF 92494, TRIGO BR 18, EMBRAPA 49, PF 9293, PF 92292, PF 92412, CEP 24, EMBRAPA 16, IAPAR 6-TAPEJARA, IAPAR 53, IAPAR 60, IAPAR 78, OCEPAR 10-GARCA, OCEPAR 21, OCEPAR 22, OCEPAR 23, OR 1, ANAHUAC, IAPAR 17, IAPAR 28, OCEPAR 18, OC 958, OC 959, OC 9511, ORL 9285, EMBRAPA 52, PF 9099, PF 90294, PG 9337, IA 948, IA 949, IDS 934-21, IOR 90226, OC 939, PF 91450.

The data should be interpreted as preliminary results, considering that most of the information refers to only 1 year of evaluation.

Distribution by state of the main Brazilian wheats during the 1995-96 period.

L.J.A. Del Duca and P.L. Scheeren.

As a result of better price perspectives, Brazilian wheat production has increased from nearly 1.5 million tons in 1995 to nearly 3.2 million tons in 1996. Nevertheless, this expectation of higher prices, because of reductions in world stocks was not confirmed to the Brazilian farmers. Therefore, in spite of greater production, consumption increasing to nearly 8 million tons will lead to keeping imports of most of domestically consumed wheat.

The most important cultivated wheats are detailed in Table 3, with information regarding cross, soil aluminum tolerance, and breadmaking quality. For the 17 listed genotypes, only fiver are tolerant to aluminum (EMBRAPA 16, CEP 24, Trigo BR 35, IAC 24-Tucuru, and IAC 120-Curumi), and four are moderately tolerant (Trigo BR 23, CEP 27-Missates, EMBRAPA 21, and EMBRAPA 41). Twelve cultivars are considered as very good (EMBRAPA 22, EMBRAPA 42, and Trigo BR 40-Tuiuca) or good (Anahuac 75, EMBRAPA 16, EMBRAPA 41, CEP 24, IAC 24-Tucuru, IAC 120-Curumi, OCEPAR 16, Trigo BR 18, and Tribo BR 31-Miriti) for breadmaking quality.

Table 3. Seed availability of the most cultivated wheats in the Brazilian producing states

State 1Main cultivar Al tolerance 2Breadmaking quality 3Seed 4% for state 5
CEP 24 - Industrial BR 3/CEP 7887 // CEP 7775/CEP 11 Tgood373,04716.0
Trigo BR 23CC/ALD SIB/3/IAS 54-20/COP // CNT 8MTpoor128,3185.5
Trigo BR 35IAC 5*2/3/CNT 7*3/LD // IAC 5/HADDENTintermediate5,1973.8
CEP 27 - MissõesCEP 8057/BUTUÍ // CEP 8324MTintermediate 3,1842.3
Trigo BR 18 - Terena D 6301/NAI 60 // WEIQUE/RED MACE/3/CIA*2/CHRIS=ALD 45 SELMSgood618,59219.3
EMBRAPA 16 HULHA NEGRA/CNT 7 // AMIGO/CNT 7Tgood364,17911.4
SPIAC 24 - TucuruíALBATROZ/IRN 579-60 T good21,42032.9
ANAHUAC 75II 12300 // LR 64/8156/3/NORTEÑO M 67Sgood14,57522.5
IAC 120 - Curumi IRN 33-70/IAC 5 - MaringáTgood12,30019.0
MSTrigo BR 40 - Tuiuca ANAHUAC 75/HUACAMAYO SIBS very good78,61029.6
Trigo BR 18 - TerenaD 6301/NAI 60 // WEIQUE/RED, MACE/3/CIA*2/CHRIS=ALD 45 SELMS good43,48816.4
Trigo BR 31 - MiritiKVZ/BUHO SIB // KAL/BB=VEERY 1(GLENNSON M81) Sgood42,78616.1
MGTrigo BR 26 - S. GotardoKAVKAZ/BUHO SIB // KALYAN/BB=VEERY SIBMSintermediate13,05068.6
EMBRAPA 41PF 813/POLO 1MTgood3,15016.5
EMBRAPA 21PAT 10/ALD SIB // VEERY SIBMTintermediate2,82814.8
GO/DFEMBRAPA 22VEE SIB/3/KLTO SIB/PAT 19 // MO/JUPMSvery good10,88883.7
EMBRAPA 42LAP 689/MS 7936MSvery good1,46011.2
EMBRAPA 41PF 813/POLO 1MTgood6605.0

1 Brazilian states: RS - Rio Grande do Sul; SC - Santa Catarina; PR - Paraná SP - São Paulo; MS - Mato Grosso do Sul; MG - Minas Gerais; GO - Boiás;DF - Distrito Federal.
2 Al tolerance: Aluminum tolerance level (S=Sensitive; MS = moderately sensitive; MT = moderately tolerant; T = tolerant).
3 Breadmaking quality: poor (W ‹ 140); intermediate (W ›= 140 ‹ 200); good (W ›= 200 ‹ 280); and very good (W ›= 280). W = values from the alveograph method (deformation energy of the dough).
4Seed availability: in bags (50 kg) relatively to 1995/96 season, except PR, GO and DF (1996/97).
5Percentage for state: the three most cultivated wheats ordered by state. Sources of data: MAARA/RS; EPAGRI/SC; SEAB/PR; IAC/SP; APROSSUL and SPSB/MS; COOPADAP/MG; SPSB, COOPA-DA, CPAC/GO, DF.

Reaction of wheat cultivars to scab in the crossing block conducted in Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

C.N.A. de Sousa.

There was a severe incidence of scab in the state of Rio Grande do Sul in southern Brazil in 1996. Scab occurred at all the five sowing dates in a wheat crossing block set up in an experimental field at Passo Fundo in 1996. Escapes due to cultivar cycle were observed. Sowing time began at the end of May and ended in July. Flowering was in September in most cases, with harvest in November. The amounts of rainfall per month (mm) were May, 74 (normal 131); June, 141 (129); July, 126 (153); August, 214 (166); September, 119 (207); October, 158 (167); November, 107 (141); and December, 123 (162). The average of percent humidity per month was May, 73 (normal 75); June, 77 (76); July, 73 (75); August, 67 (73); September, 73 (72); October, 74 (69); November, 68 (67); and December, 70 (67). High humidity in September and October favored the occurrence of scab more severely than in previous years.

Reaction to scab was visually assessed for three of the sowing dates. As increased levels of scab were observed at a sowing date in relation to the lateness of the cultivar, an additional observation was made for these lines. Cultivars with the best resistance to scab in the 1996 crossing block were: Ning 8331 (China); GW 2, GW 3, GW 4, and GW 5 (Japan); Neepawa, RL 6082, and RL 6114 (Canada); Oasis and Sullivan (U.S.A.); and Hulha Negra, OR 1, PF 859114, PF 84511, PF 88522, PF 89156, PF 9052, PF 9234, PF 9293, PF 940085, PF 940077, and PF 950309 (Brazil).

The most susceptible cultivars were Anahuac 75 and Sonora 64 (Mexico); Cailloux (France); FL 72185A-A2-Cl (U.S.A.); Quilamapu 4-78 (Chile); Spika (Australia); and IDS 934-21, EMBRAPA 15, EMBRAPA 10, IAC 13, OCEPAR 16, PF 87301, PF 87451, PF 88711, PF 89319, PF 91618, PF 93.2004, PF 932005, PF 932017, Trigo BR 40, and Trigo BR 42 (Brazil).



Drouzhba 1, 4122 Sadovo, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

Identification of T1B-1R translocations by gliadin electrophoresis and the assessment of aluminum tolerance in wheat germ plasm.

S.D. Stoyanova, D.B. Boyadjieva, and Ch.Ch. Phylipov.

Wheat cultivars and breeding lines were the subject of electrophoretic seed protein analysis. Wheat germplasm of 43 breeding lines and new candidate cultivars derived by wheat breeding in the IPGR-Sadovo, 11 Bulgarian wheat cultivars, and 11 wheat cultivars from other countries were evaluated by A-PAGE. The marker of wheat-rye translocation known as Gli3 (T1B-1RS) in the gliadin pattern of alcohol-soluble seed protein extracts was investigated using Kavkaz wheat as a standard.

There were 13 breeding lines and one Bulgarian wheat, Shabla, with Gli3 bands diagnostic of the T1B-1RS translocation according to A-PAGE (Table 1). Five of the 11 foreign wheat cultivars had gliadin patterns of T1B-1RS translocation: Alondra `S', Bacanora 88, Mochis 88, Seri 82, and Burgas RDISN.

Table 1. Evaluation for the T1B-1RS translocation in breeding lines, candidate cultivars, and Bulgarian and foreign cultivars.

1. Breeding lines and candidate cultivars.
KC 545 -
KC60 -
KC 436 -
KC 59/Predela -
KC 550/Gracia -
KC 752/Record -
KC 549 T1B-1RS
KC 290 -
H 21 -
K 88/Orfey T1B-1RS
LC 61 -
D 272 K -
D 525 -
D 380 T1B-1RS
D 378 R T1B-1RS
D 288/4345 -
D511/4405 K T1B-1RS
D873/4489 T1B-1RS
D913/4494 -
LC 285/4400 -
LC 5/4498 -
LC 314/4433 -
(Breeding lines and candidate cultivars)
D 808 T1B-1RS
D 507 -
D 163 -
D 388 R T1-1RS
KC 746 -
KC 559/Zornica -
KC 922/Boriana T1B-1RS
KC 768/4006 T1B-1RS
KC 745/4204 T1B-1RS
KC 746/420 -
KC 747/4204 -
KC 749/4204 -
KM 4/4513 -
KM 54/4494 -
KM55/4494 -
C 50 T1B-1RS
LC 316/4433 -
LC 317/4433 T1B-1RS
LC318/4433 -
LC 284/4400 R -
K609/3380 R -
2. Foreign cultivars
Alondra S T1B-1RS
Bacanora 88 T1B-1RS
Mochis 88 T1B-1RS
Tepoca -
Rayon -
Opata 85 -
Seri 82 T1B-1RS
Burgas 2RDISN 541 81 T1B-1RS
Bb. Kab. RDISN 429/18 -
Tarasque -
Super Flatua -
3. Bulgarian cultivars
KC 552/Sadovo 552 -
KC 739/Prelom -
K 39/Momtchil -
K 864/Yantar -
KC 824/Pryaspa -
Shabla T1-1RS
Pliska -
Sadovo 1 -
Pobeda -
Katya -
Vraza -

The aluminum tolerance of 63 wheat accessions was examined in media with five increasing Al concentrations (0 mg/l, 5 mg/l, 10 mg/l, 20 mg/l, and 40 mg/l). The effect of the aluminum was expressed as the index of root growth of the seedlings cultivated in the different media (Table 2).

The wheat accessions with T1B-1RS translocations were compared by root growth index with those that lacked the typical wheat-rye banding pattern. Regression analysis indicated that wheat accessions with the T1B-1RS translocation were slightly more affected (Table 3). However, the high variation in root growth indexes between wheat cultivars indicated that the tolerance is more complex and needs additional study.

Table 2. Aluminum tolerance of wheat accessions according to the root-grownth indexes at different Al concentrations.

VarietyAl concentration
5 mg/l10 mg/l20 mg/l40 mg/l
Alondra S 0.57 0.59 0.58 0.49
Bacanora 88 0.55 0.46 0.48 0.45
Mochis 88 0.86 0.88 0.79 0.51
Tepoca 0.73 0.64 0.43 0.30
Rayon 0.79 0.67 0.39 0.31
Opata 85 0.65 0.56 0.38 0.30
Seri 82 0.69 0.53 0.41 0.29
Burgas2/Rdisn 54781 0.80 0.77 0.67 0.39
Bb.Kab.Rdisn 429/18 - - - -
Tarasque 0.65 0.41 0.38 0.27
Super flatua 0.65 0.41 0.45 0.43
KC 739/Prelom 0.60 0.57 0.44 0.30
KC 552/Sadovo 552 0.70 0.57 0.41 0.38
K 39/Momtchil 0.86 0.60 0.34 0.28
K 864/Yantar 0.58 0.47 0.44 0.36
KC824/Pryaspa 0.55 0.51 0.35 0.28
Shabla 0.71 0.61 0.49 0.33
Yana 0.77 0.79 0.61 0.60
Yantar 0.90 0.94 0.90 0.90
KC 545 0.75 0.52 0.41 0.35
KC 60 0.97 0.69 0.72 0.40
KC 436 0.57 0.41 0.33 0.37
KC 59/Predela 0.79 0.77 0.63 0.55
KC 550/Gracia 0.79 0.55 0.50 0.38
KC 752/Record 0.89 0.52 0.46 0.45
KC 549 0.82 0.75 0.69 0.49
KC 290 0.81 0.71 0.73 0.64
H 21 0.74 0.50 0.36 0.27
K 88/Orfey 0.89 0.82 0.73 0.52
LC 61 0.70 0.59 0.66 0.51
D 272 K 0.90 0.70 0.65 0.50
D 525 0.56 0.60 0.39 0.43
D 380 0.75 0.64 0.58 0.50
D 378 R 0.92 0.85 0.74 0.65
D 808 0.47 0.42 0.55 0.36
D 507 0.51 0.44 0.33 0.21
D 163 0.62 0.50 0.45 0.28
D 388 R 0.85 0.75 0.79 0.53
KC 746 0.76 0.78 0.62 0.48
18-32 0.66 0.41 0.27 0.27
KC 559/Zornica 0.66 0.48 0.40 0.27
KC 922/Briana 0.87 0.77 0.80 0.52
KC 768/4006 0.55 0.56 0.50 0.29
KC 745/4204 0.53 0.49 0.53 0.21
KC 746/4204 0.77 0.59 0.59 0.42
KC 747/4204 0.62 0.69 0.52 0.39
KC 749/4204 0.46 0.40 0.30 0.34
KM 4/4513 - - - -
KM 43/4494 - - - -
KM 55/4494 - - - -
D 288/4345 0.85 0.78 0.75 0.43
D511/4405 0.56 0.55 0.32 0.26
D 873/4489 0.65 0.76 0.51 0.39
D 913/4494 0.60 0.45 0.42 0.31
LC 285/4400 0.58 0.41 0.33 0.34
LC 5/4498 0.85 0.58 0.43 0.32
LC 314/4433 - - - -
LC 316/4433 0.66 0.57 0.35 0.30
LC 317/4433 0.88 0.86 0.77 0.73
LC 318/4433 0.73 0.70 0.69 0.62
LC 284/4400 R 0.73 0.59 0.65 0.35
K 609/3380 R 0.61 0.59 0.48 0.41
C 50 0.83 0.73 0.71 0.43

Table 3. Relationships between aluminum concentration in the medium solution (x mg/l), and the IRG index of root growth (y).

Group of wheat accessions y=a+b.x R2 r s IRG at x = 5 mg/l IRG at x = 40 mg/l
With T1B-A1R translocation Y=0.846-0.013.x 0.62 -0.79 0.15 0.78 0.32
1B - any translocation Y=0.825-0.014.x 0.57 -0.76 0.17 0.76 0.28

Black point of grain in bread winter wheat: 1. Association between appearance of black point in different cultivars and the level of nitrogen fertilization in the field.

Ch. Phylipov, Z. Dachev, V.I. Vassilev, and S.D. Stoyanova.

The effect of the nitrogen fertilization at five levels of nutrition was investigated using 10 winter bread wheat cultivars in the experimental field of IPGR-Sadovo in 1996. The mean temperature in March was under zero. Plants reached maturity at the optimal term for this region. There was a reduction in the vegetation of wheat cultivars and the intermediate phases, probably because of the significant deviation in the temperature in March. Significant variation in the amount of black-pointed grain related both to the wheat cultivar and the level of nitrogen fertilization (Table 4).

The differences between wheat cultivars were greater in the unfertilized and lowest nitrogen level (60 kg/ha) treatments. The most sensitive wheat cultivars at these levels of fertilization were LC 318, Zlatostruj, Perla, and Sadovo 1. The highest numbers of black-pointed grains were in the cultivars No301, Sadovo 552, and Pobeda. The others cultivars, Slavianka 196, Momchil, and Katya, were slightly affected but not more than 3 %. The number of black-pointed grains was significantly reduced under higher levels of nitrogen, especially over the critical point (about 120 kg/ha).

Table 4. The effect of nitrogen levels on the number of black-pointed grains in several wheat cultivars grown at IPGR-Sadovo in 1996.

CultivarNitrogen, kg/ha
LC 31822.411.
No 3016.
Sadovo 5526.
Slavyanka 1963.

Black point of grain in bread winter wheat: 2. Biotic and abiotic causal agents.

V.I. Vassilev, Y. Stancheva, Ch.Ch. Phylipov, Z. Dachev, and S.D. Stoyanova.

The semiselective bacterial medium BCBRVB for the plant pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas syringae and a standard one for fungi (potato dextrose agar) were used for a more precise evaluation of several wheat cultivars with different levels of black point on the grain and the nitrogen levels evaluated in 1996. The isolated bacterial and fungal species from surface-sterilized grains were assayed for pathogenicity on 3-5 leaves and on the adult plant. Artificial inoculations were made by spraying and injecting with fungi and bacteria, respectively. Reisolation of the pathogen to prove pathogenicity and identification of the pathogen were done. Collections of pathogenic bacteria and fungi have been maintained for further analysis. Bacteria were lyophilized, and fungi were stored in potato dextrose agar at 4 C.

In a recent study, seed samples with typical symptoms for fungal black point of wheat grain were infected by hyphae in many cases. Diseased kernels were discolored, with black points in and around the embryos. We isolated pure cultures from the plant pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas syringae pv. atrofaciens, the causal agent of basal glume rot of cereals and grasses and other Pseudomonas sp., both from healthy (visually clean around the embryo) and diseased (black-pointed) wheat kernels (Table 5).

Table 5. Pseudomonas colony (number and percent) isolated on the semiselective bacterial medium BCBRVB from diseased and healthy wheat kernels.

Cultivar Healthy grain Diseased grain
number % number %
Sadovo 130811537
LC 318326037100

Germination tests were done on seed samples from each of four replicates (according ISTA) were at 20C in vertical paper rolls, and the grain surface, culms, and roots were evaluated after 4 days using a 16-50 x stereomicroscope and using Sadovo 1 wheat as a standard. We found mainly Alternaria fungi and only a few Pseudomonas, Fusarium, and Drechslera (Helminthosporium) in black-pointed wheat grains (Table 6).

Diseased kernels were discolored and black-pointed. The grain coat also was discolored when invaded by hyphae in many cases. The isolated bacterial and fungal species, except for Alternaria, were pathogenic on the 3-5 leaves and on the adult wheat plant after artificial inoculations. Several roots rarely were invaded by these fungi. Many of the black-pointed grains were free of pathogens, i.e., some abiotic factors induced discoloration in and around the embryos. This phenomenon can be expected when cereals with seed-borne diseases are evaluated in different environmental conditions, especially in the case of low levels of nitrogen fertilization.

Table 6. Plant pathogens observed in black-pointed grain 4 days after beginning of germination tests. Observations were made using a 16-50 x stereomicroscope. The check cultivar was Sadovo 1 grown under unfertilized conditions.

Species Number Percent
Alternaria 246 61
Pseudomonas 8 2
Fusarium 8 2
Helminthosporium 4 1

Black point of grain in bread winter wheat: 3. Effect on seed viability.

S.D. Stoyanova, Ch.Ch.Phylipov, Z. Dachev, and V.I. Vassilev.

Wheat seeds of the cultivar Sadovo 1, harvested in 1996, were divided in two batches: normally developed seeds and seeds with black-pointed germ. Seed germination tests in four replicates (according ISTA) were made in vertical paper rolls at 20C. The seed vigor was estimated by measuring root growth 48 hours after the start of germination. The results indicated that germination of seeds with black point was slightly lower than that of normally developed seeds. Seed vigor, estimated in the two samples, indicated that the growth of roots of seeds with a black-pointed germ was lower. The differences between the compared samples were confirmed statistically.


Boyadjieva DB. 1996. A study of wheat productivity criteria for the breeding of drought tolerant cultivars. Cereal Res Commun 24(3):299-305.

Stoyanova SD. 1996. Variation of gliadins in wheat cultivars associated with seed survival and multiplication. Seed Sci Tech 24:115-126.

Stoyanova SD and Kolev KD. 1996. Gliadin electrophoresis in the evaluation of Bulgarian wheat germplasm. Plant Genet Res Newslet 108:59-63.

Vassilev V, Kolev K, Zaharieva M, and Sevov V. 1995. Resistance of Aegilops, maize and wheat genotypes to Pseudomonas syringae pathovar atrofaciens and syringae. Agronomie 15:25-29.

Vassilev V, Lavermicocca P, Digiorgio D, and Iacobellis N. 1996. Production of syringomycins and syringopeptins by Pseudomonas syringae pv. atrofaciens. Plant Pathol 45:316-322.

Zaharieva M and Vassilev V. 1995. Study of the adult wheat and Aegilops resistance to Pseudomonas syringae pathovar atrofaciens. Agronomie 15:21-24.




Cereal Research Centre, 195 Dafoe Road, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2M9, Canada.

Statistics of Canada's November estimate of 1996 wheat production on the prairies:

Province Wheat Hectares seeded Metric tons produced
Manitoba spring 1,695,600 4,189,800
durum 64,700 163,300
winter 8,100 24,500
Saskatchewan spring 5,855,800 13,014,400
durum 1,719,900 3,826,500
winter 44,500 106,100
Alberta spring 2,772,100 7,261,100
durum 323,700 713,000
winter 38,400 87,100

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