JANUARY, 1898. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 21 as at this station. Lying due west is an extensive ravine about 20 miles long, from the foothills to the Of the range Of the Continental Divide. Within the confines of this great canyon are three lakes, varying in length from 1 to 3 miles in extent, tile upper lake being about 1,000 feet above the lower. When n chinook is blow- ing, a billowy ma88 of vapor hangs Over the upper lalie like a great mass of cotton, white, unchanged in form, unvarying in shade, for !ours at a time. It is a very beautiful spectacle ancl is known as the white flag of the chinook.” Mr. Charles G. F w ~, of Silver Peak, Nev., reports “011 the Zgth, Pogonip all over the valley.” I n general, the Section Director, Mr. R. F.Young, notes that an area of high pressure, clear,cold, dry air, with light winds from the north, prevailed throughout the month, with more frost than usual. These are the conditions that favor the Pogonip, which is a mist of ice crystals or frozen fog and very injurious to the health of men and animals. Some re- marks on the Pogonip will be found in the MONTHLP WEATHER REVIEW for February, 1894, Vol. XXII, page 77. We should be glad to publish a special study of the Pogonip in any one of the valleys of Nevada. ARKANSAS. The detailed report of the Fort Smith tornado and that of the Crawford County tornado will be found in the January report of the Arkansas Section. NEVADA. NEW ENQLAND. A detailed account of the Snowstorm and resulting dam- age in New Engla1ld on the 25-26th and on the 31St will found in the rePQrt of the New England Section. The b h - zard of JalluarY 31-FebruarY 1 was comparable with that of March, 1888, and December, 1872, and January, 1867. MARYLAND. The report of the bIaryland and Delaware section gives an take up profitable lines of research bearing upon the physi- ography, climatology, hydrography, forestry, and crops of that State. The work will be done in cooperation with the United sions of the United States Department of Agriculture. The problems to be first taken in hand will be “ The influence of Chesapeake B~~ and of the mountains of ~~~asllington County upon the crops in their respective vicinities. F~~~~ series of three special tations each will be established, reaching from the water,B e ge of Chesapeake Bay inland, and the twelve stations will represent the soils devoted to garden truck, wheat, corn, and fruit. Eight or more stations will also be established in Washington County a t different elevations upon the mountain slopes, representing the upper and lower limits of successful cultivation of peaches. Observations of the temperatlzre and moisture of the soil will be lnade in tion to the meteorological observations.” One can but hope that important economical results will flow from this notable effort on the part of Professor Clark of agricultural investigation. Studies of a general character in this matter of the relations between clilnate and crops have been taken up by isolated agricultural experilnent tions, and pretty niuch all that was known on the subject ten years ago was collected by the Editor in his report of June 1891. The present investigation by Professor clarh- is 1111- the most extensive that has yet been undertaken by any State or Government. account of the establishment of twenty special stations by the Maryland State Weather Service, which is now enabled to States &o]ogical Survey and t,he varions bureaus and divi- % and the State legislature to thus extend the work of the State service from the mere field of observation Over into the field TENNESSEE. I n the report of the Tennessee section Mr. H. C. Bate, sec- tion director, states that he has on hand a number of the earlier copies of these reports and other publications which will enable hi111 to s11pply Inissilig nuniI>ers to those w]]o de- sire to complete their sets. We are sure that I ~~R I I Y st11dents of climatology, in forrigli countjries as me11 as i n the United States, 11 i l l gladly avail theniselves of thi8 offer. ---- - ____ SPECIAL SNOWFALL BULLETINS. A year ngo Mr. Brnndenburg, director of the Colorado State section of the Climate aud Crop Service, initiated a xysteiii of Ppecial reports on the snowfall, which was found very useful in forecasting the quantity of water that became available for irrigation when tlie snow melted. \Ye take pleamre in noting the fact that RIr. Blythe, i n charge uf the Arizona section, has published a siinilar special snow bulletin for that State. A t the close of January there was more snow than usual still remaining on tlie ground a t many Rtations, while others re- ported that, al though tlie snow had disappeared, yet the ground waR thoroughly soaked, and the cold weather had caused the retention of an unnsual quantity of water in the soil, so that, on the whole, there was a good prospect of an nbuiidance of water for agricultural purposes. -0- - __ THE ALMANACS AND THE WEATHER BUREAU. During the past few months the Editor has noticed a num- her of newspaper paragraphs discussing the relative merits of the weather predictions published daily by the officials of the Weather Bureau for one or two days i n advance, and those puhlishecl by the numerous “ farmers’ almnnacs,” p h - lished several months, or even a year, in advance, and sold in large numbers throughout the country. The predictions of the weather. as made by the %’eather Bureau, are baeed entirely upon the daily maps that show the actual condition of the atmosphere, as reported by reliable observers through- ‘lnong which are the following: ’. most conservative and are those that ColnPile from the records of many past years a table On the resl’ective days Of the year. 2. The least rational almanacs are those that pretend that the weather is controlled by planetary comlinations and stel- lar influences, therefore, such predictions are properly said to be 3. An intermediate class publishes predictions based upon the Probability of spots on the sun, thereby assliming it to have been demonstrated that the solar spots control terres- 4. The least scientific aystein of preparing the almanac predictions was explained to the Editor many years ago by a gentleman whose almanac macle the greatest pretentions to high scientific accuracy. This gentleman stated that on cer- tain days lie felt endowed with a certain ability or inepira- tioq. These were his weather making days, on which he sat tinuing a t tlie work for a considerable time until the inspir- ation seemed to leave him, whereupon lie necessarily stopped ancl delayed resuming the work until again filled with the spirit Of divination* Doubtless some alnianac makers adopt a co~nl~ination of the four preceding methods but, in general, these seem to be the principles most widely recognized in tlie long-range pre- dictions of the almanacs, except only that in all cases the authors make free use of a system of general and rather in- definite terms that will apply just as well t u a thunderstorm Out the various On the Other ’land, the Predictions the are founded 'pori a variety Of principles shoWi17g Of weather has Prevailed most freqUelItlY "pori weather. don111 and with the nlost absolute collfidence in the accuracy of his Wrote ‘P the weather for the corning Year, con- a hurricane, or an earthquake. The warning “ look out something very unusual about this time ” is, of course,