Table of contents for The idea of comedy : a critique / Jan Walsh Hokenson.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog.

Note: Contents data are machine generated based on pre-publication provided by the publisher. Contents may have variations from the printed book or be incomplete or contain other coding.

Acknowledgments	ÊÊ9
Introduction: Aims and Terms	Ê13
1. From Classical to Modern: 
	The Arc from Ethical to Social Conceptions	Ê23
		The Classical Attitude 24
		The Renaissance Attitude and After 31
		Early Modernist Theory 42
		Theory and Resistance 55
2. The Dominant Modernist Conception of Comedy: 
	Premises and Elisions	Ê64
		Modernist Residua of the Eighteenth 
		 and Nineteenth Centuries 66
		The Dominant Satiric, Neo-Aristotelian View 83
		The Legacy of the Dominant Through 2000 98
3. The Late Modernist Conception of Comedy: 
	Premises and Elisions	109
		The Emergent Populist Theory 110
		The Comic Hero and Modernist Legacies 120
4. Twin Modernist Elisions	143
		The Slippage between Neo-Aristotelian 
		 and Populist Views 143
		Elision in Theory: The Medieval Fool Tradition 150
		Fooling Theory 162
5. The Interlude of Postmodernist Conceptions	173
		Late Century Overview 174
		The Ludic Terrain of Postmodern Theory 193
6. Comedy in Contemporary Thought	205
		The Butts of Subjectivity 205
		The Butts of Reason 217
		The Return of Systems and Aesthetics 232
Epilogue: The Contemporary Idea of Comedy	247
		The Contemporary Retrospective 247
		The Idea of Comedy 253
		Comedy as an Idea 259
Reference List	266
Index		279

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:

Comic, The, in literature.
Comedy -- History and criticism.