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Record Request

Contact Person and Group Information
Contact Name: 
Christine Proctor
Street Address: 
1201 Caton Avenue
Group or School Name: 
Chesapeake Watershed Reforestation Action Program/Seton Keough High School
E-mail Address: 
Phone #: 
Zip/Postal Code: 
Is this a School Group?
National or Regional Group Affiliation:
(If your group is a member of a larger national or regional organization, or other partnership, give name.)
Describe your group's purpose, activities, publications, or accomplishments: *
What waterbody types is your group involved with? (use X to check all that apply):
Groundwater River or Stream EstuaryOther:
Coral reef Marine Air
Land Lake or Pond Reservoir
Beach Wetland
Do you conduct monitoring?
Is your group a state-wide organization?
Select the type of organization that most closely describes your group: Volunteer Monitoring
If you selected "other" as the type of organization above, please enter the type here:
List your group's partners:
Number of Volunteers:varies by subject taught and activities performed
If your group has a website, what is the Internet Address (URL)?
Geographic Information
In what geographic area does your group work?
Zip Codes:21227
Select a State:
Select your USGS Catalog Unit:
(Select a state in the field above to show watershed choices.)
USGS Cataloging Unit: (8 digit)02060003
Stream or Watershed Name:Gwynns Falls
Describe in your own words:

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