Category B is a collection of MeSH terms largely for those animals,  
organisms and plants of medical importance.  Covered are many vertebrates,  
invertebrates, bacteria, viruses, algae, fungi, and plants and archaea.  
	Living organisms can be grouped into three domains - Archaea, Bacteria,  
and Eukarya.  Prior to 1998, the Archaea, which were called Archaeobacteria,  
were grouped under the bacteria.  Now they are considered a separate domain of  
life.  In 1998, they were removed from the Bacteria tree (B3) and placed in a  
new tree - Archaea (B7).  The Eukarya occupy categories B1, B2, B5 and B6.  The  
viruses are in category B4. 

22.1		The following subheadings are  assigned to Category B; however many  
of the subheadings are permitted only with certain subcategories of Category B  
/anatomy & histology 
/cerebrospinal fluid 
/drug effects 
/growth & development 
/isolation & purification 
/radiation effects 

22.2		The following is a breakdown of permissible subheadings by tree: 
B1 - Invertebrates 
/anatomy & histology 
/drug effects 
/growth & development 
/isolation & purification 
/radiation effects 
B2 - Vertebrates 
/anatomy & histology 
/cerebrospinal fluid 
/growth & development 
/psychology (mammals only) 
B3 - Bacteria 
/drug effects 
/growth & development 
/isolation & purification 
/radiation effects 
B4 - Viruses 
Same subheadings as B3 except /cytology and /virology are not permitted 
B5 - Fungi 
Same subheadings as B3 
B6 - Plants 
/anatomy & histology 
/drug effects 
/growth & development 
/radiation effects 
B7 - Archaea 
Same subheadings as B3 

22.3		Index the structure of microorganisms, with the exception of  
viruses, under the name of the organism with the subheading /cytology (IM).   
/ultrastructure is available for the structure of subcellular elements. 

22.3.1	Index the structure of viruses with the subheading /ultrastructure.    

22.4		Index the taxonomy of organisms under the Category B term with the  
subheading /classification. 

22.5		Index the life cycle or life history of a lower organism under the  
name of the organism with the subheading /growth and development.   
METAMORPHOSIS, BIOLOGICAL is available as a coordinate for organisms undergoing  
this process, for example, insects and frogs. Since it is usually the point of  
the article, it is usually made IM. 

22.6		Index the chemistry or the chemical composition of an organism or  
any aspect of its chemical structure under the name of the organism with the  
subheading /chemistry (IM) and the specific chemical component with the  
appropriate subheading, usually /anal (IM). 
Characterization of pneumococcal glycolipids. 
If a cytological structure of an organism is being specifically discussed, this  
may be indexed also with /chemistry, but this combination will probably be  
Glycine composition of the staphylococcal cell wall. 
		STAPHYLOCOCCUS /*chem /ultrastruct 
		GLYCINE / * anal 
		CELL WALL /chem 			 
The subheading /chemistry is not permitted with Category B2 (Vertebrates)  
because the point of a study would be the chemistry of an organ in an animal  
rather than the chemistry of the entire animal (see 21.18). 
The content of sodium in the liver of the dog. 
		 SODIUM / * anal 
		 LIVER / * chem 
		 ANIMAL (check tag) 

22.7		Index the effect of a drug on an organism under the name of the  
organism with the subheading /drug effects (IM) and the name of the drug with  
the subheading /pharmacology (IM). Also index the specific aspect of the  
organism such as its structure, physiology, or metabolism affected by the drug,  
probably NIM. 
Effect of streptomycin on Escherichia coli. 
		STREPTOMYCIN / * pharmacol 
		ESCHERICHIA COLI / * drug eff 
Effect of streptomycin on the metabolism of ribosomal proteins in Escherichia  
		STREPTOMYCIN / * pharmacol 
		ESCHERICHIA COLI / * drug eff / metab 

22.7.1	The subheading /drug effects is not permitted with Category B2  
terms. As with /chemistry, the effect of the drug is on a particular organ of  
the animal rather than on the whole animal. 
Effect of potassium on the dog heart. 
		POTASSIUM  / * pharmacol 
		HEART / * drug eff 
		ANIMAL (check tag) 

22.8		Index the effect of radiation on organisms under the name of the  
organism with the subheading /radiation effects (IM) and add the specific  
radiation if given (IM).  Do not, however; add RADIATION, IONIZING or RADIATION,  
NON-IONIZING, or X-RAYS; see section 19.8.60. 
Effect of ultraviolet light on DNA synthesis in Escherichia coli. 
		ESCHERICHIA COLI / * rad eff / genet 
		DNA, BACTERIAL / * rad eff / biosyn 

22.9		The subheading /microbiology is used in studies with bacteria,  
viruses, and fungi or archaea. The subheading /parasitology is used in studies  
with Category B1 organisms, the invertebrates. 
A study of microorganisms in the lung. 
		LUNG / *microbiol 
Arthropod parasites of domestic animals. 
		ANIMALS, DOMESTIC / * parasitol 
		ANIMAL (check tag) 

22.10		The subheading /isolation & purification is used when a  
microorganism, protozoan, or helminth is isolated, or when its presence is  
demonstrated by immunologic or genetic techniques (see sections 19.8.41, 19.10.3  
and 19.10.6). 
Demonstration of bronchial Aerobacter. 
		BRONCHI / * microbiol 
		AEROBACTER / * isol 
Demonstration of Cryptosporidium in the liver. 
		LIVER / * parasitol 
		ANIMAL (check tag) 
Detection of HIV-1 in the lung by analysis of its DNA. 
		HIV-1 / * isol 
		LUNG / * virol 
		DNA, VIRAL / * anal 
(HIV-1 / genet may be added if the DNA is discussed in addition to just  
discussing the presence of the virus.) 

22.11		Do not equate the presence of a microbe or parasite in an organ or  
tissue with infection.  A study may be about the presence of an organism in an  
organ, or its isolation from an organ, without being about a disease caused by  
that organism. Index an infection term only when the author indicates an  
Isolation of Staphylococcus from human skin. 
		SKIN / * microbiol 
		HUMAN (check tag) 

22.11.1	Infected cell lines or cultured cells are frequently used in  
preclinical research to study various aspects of a microbe or parasite.  Index  
these infected cells under the organism with an appropriate subheading and the  
specific cell with /microbiology, /parasitology or / virology and not under an  
infection term. 
Latent infection of 3T3 cells with herpes simplex virus. 
		3T3 cells 
		ANIMAL (check tag) 
		MICE (check tag) 
Infection of cultured macrophages by Trypanosoma cruzi. 
		MACROPHAGES / *parasitol 
		TRYPANOSOMA CRUZI / * physiol 
		ANIMAL (check tag) 
Occasionally an infected cell line or cultured cell may be studied as a model  
for a disease. In this case, index the appropriate infection term. 
Viral growth in a human cell line model of hepatitis B. 
		HEPATITIS B VIRUS /  * growth 
		HEPATITIS B / * virol 
		HUMAN (check tag) 

22.12		Many infections or infestations exist in MeSH as main headings.  
There are so many that the infection terms are divided into Categories C1  
(bacterial and fungal infections), C2 (viral infections) and C3 (parasitic  
diseases). See sections 23.12 to 23.13.2. 
Infections frequently appear in the literature in a disguised form that may  
present a problem for the indexer. 
For example, Rickettsia tsutsugamushi infection = SCRUB TYPHUS, Bordetella  
pertussis infection = WHOOPING COUGH, Plasmodium infection = MALARIA, etc. 
MeSH contains many such equations as entry terms. In addition, under the  
organism heading, MeSH is annotated with the heading to be used for an infection  
caused by that organism.  Always check MeSH before indexing an organism- 
infection concept as outlined in the following sections. 

22.13		Index an infection with the most specific MeSH term.  If an organism  
is the cause of a disease, always index the disease term if it is a MeSH  
Index streptococcal infections as STREPTOCOCCAL INFECTIONS, not as STREPTOCOCCUS  

22.14		In diseases attributable to a single organism by definition, whether  
the MeSH term is a genus or genus-species heading, index only the name of the  
disease and not the organism unless the organism is substantively discussed. 
at the organism that "infection = TUBERCULOSIS". 
If, however, both the disease and the organism are discussed, both should be  

22.15		When indexing an organism-infection heading, if the article names a  
specific species for which there is also a MeSH heading, index both the disease  
(IM) and the specific genus-species term (IM). 
Streptococcus pyogenes infections. 

22.16		If an organism causes an infection which does not exist in MeSH as a  
"disguised" disease (see 22.12) or as a pre-coordinated organism-infection  
heading, index the name of the organism (IM) and the pre-coordinated disease  
from Category C1, C2, or C3 which corresponds to the next more general group to  
which the organism belongs. 
MeSH does not have the term "Capillaria infections" but CAPILLARIA can be found  
in Category B1 under TRICHUROIDEA.  There is no MeSH term for "Trichuroidea  
infections," but TRICHUROIDEA is indented under ENOPLIDA, for which there is the  
pre-coordinated disease term ENOPLIDA INFECTIONS. 
Capillaria Infection. 
		 ANIMAL (check tag) 
The Annotated MeSH contains direct instructions for indexing Capillaria  
infections in the annotation at the term CAPILLARIA. Most organisms are  
annotated in this manner, so it is not usually necessary for the indexer to go  
through the above process to determine the correct infection term. 

22.17		Many virus headings contain the name of a disease (for example,  
has a corresponding disease term for the infection caused by the virus  
(VESICULAR EXANTHEMA OF SWINE). In some cases, however, there is no term for the  
disease, only for the virus.  In these cases, to index the infection caused by  
the virus, follow the rule given in 22.16; do not add the clinical disease term  
implied by the name of the virus unless the disease is actually discussed. 
Avian infectious bronchitis virus infection in poultry. 
(not BRONCHITIS / * vet unless bronchitis is discussed) 
		ANIMAL (check tag) 

22.18		MeSH has very wide coverage of bacteria and viruses, so it is seldom  
necessary to use reference books such as Bergey's Manual of Systematic  
Bacteriology or the Classification and Nomenclature of Viruses: Sixth Report of  
the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses  to index an organism or its  
infection.To index an organism or its infection that is not a MeSH term, follow  
these steps. Identify the next higher taxonomic group to which the organism  
belongs from data in the article or in available tools. (Dorland's Illustrated  
Medical Dictionary, the two reference books listed above, or any other reference  
listed in the Bibliography at the beginning of the Annotated MeSH are official  
references). Check the Annotated MeSH to see whether that group exists as a main  
heading. If it does not, go to the next higher taxonomic level, and so on.  Upon  
locating the MeSH heading in Category B, determine if there is a MeSH term for  
an infection caused by that organism or group. If there is, use only that term.   
If there is no MeSH heading for an infection caused by that organism or group,  
index the organism (IM) and add the infection for the next higher taxonomic  
group (IM).   
Gastrodiscus infection 
Gastrodiscus is not a MeSH heading, but the organism can be identified in a  
reference book as belonging to the family Paramphistomatidae.  The corresponding  
infection term in Category C3 is TREMATODE INFECTIONS; therefore, index  
Gastrodiscus infection under 
		ANIMAL (check tag) 

22.19		Do not index infections for which no MeSH term exists under the name  
of the organism with the subheading /pathogenicity. As defined by MeSH,  
/pathogenicity is to be used for studies of the ability of an organism to  
produce a disease, not for the fact or presence of an infection. 

22.19.1	To use /pathogenicity correctly, the research must be concerned with  
questions such as "How pathogenic is this microbe for one animal but not  
another?", "How pathogenic is this organism for man?",  "Is this microbe  
virulent?", etc.  See Section 19.8.51 for a further discussion of the correct  
use of the subheading.   
When the indexer determines the article to be on the fact or presence of an  
infection, the indexer must disqualify /pathogenicity as a concept unless the  
author also discusses the virulence or pathogenicity of the organism in the  

22.19.2	In an article determining or discussing the pathogenicity of an  
organism in vitro, the subheading /pathogenicity may be used with reference to  
tissue or cells cultured in vitro. This subheading is not restricted to in vivo  
studies in man or animals. 

22.20		The presence of a parasite in a host does not necessarily mean that  
a disease heading is required.  Distinguish between the infestation of lower  
animals by parasites and the clinical human or clinical and experimental animal  
disease represented by Category C headings. 
Snails infected with schistosomes. 
		SNAILS / * parasitol 
		ANIMAL (check tag) 
Bacterial infections of crabs. 
		CRABS / * microbiol		 
		ANIMAL (check tag) 

22.21		Index the host-parasite relationship under the name of the host with  
the subheading /parasitology (IM), the parasite with its appropriate subheading  
- probably /physiology (IM) and HOST-PARASITE RELATIONS (NIM). 

22.22		The transmission of an organism from one host to another is not  
readily handled with current MeSH terminology. /transmission is available, but  
it is permitted only with  Category C for the transmission of disease. 
In general, index the transmission of an organism from one host to another under  
the organism  with the subheading /physiology. Coordinate with DISEASE VECTORS  
or one of the specifics treed under it and/or DISEASE RESERVOIRS if appropriate. 
Transmission of trypanosomes to the tsetse fly vector.  
		TRYPANOSOMA / * physiol 
		TSETSE FLY / * parasitol 
		INSECT VECTORS / * parasitol 
		ANIMAL (check tag) 

22.23		When the geographic locality in which a host or a microorganism or  
parasite is found is significant, in addition to indexing under the host and  
organism, index also under the geographic heading from Category Z.  It is not  
necessary to seek out a geographical locale routinely. Index only if it is  

22.24		MeSH has very wide coverage of the viruses, particularly the  
vertebrate viruses. Index viruses under the specific virus term in MeSH. 

22.24.1	Index a virus not in MeSH under the virus group as identified from  
the text or from Classification and Nomenclature of Viruses: Sixth Report of the  
International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses or other reference tools.  The  
principle to be applied in determining the correct heading is that given in  
22.17 and 22.18. 

22.24.2	If the host of a virus is discussed in the article, index under the  
virus (IM) and the host (IM or NIM depending upon the point of the article.) 
The genome of the green monkey retrovirus. 
		RETROVIRIDAE / * genet 
		ANIMAL (check tag) 

22.24.3	Index bacterial viruses (bacteriophages) as BACTERIOPHAGES (IM) and  
the name of the bacterium (NIM).  MeSH has headings for groups of phages (e.g.  
COLIPHAGES) as well as many specific strains (e.g., BACTERIOPHAGE M13).  Index  
under the most specific phage term. 
Characterization of Bacillus subtilis phages. 
Mechanism of the inactivating effect of immune sera on the typhoid phage. 
		SALMONELLA PHAGES / * immunol 
Transport in bacteriophage P22-infected Salmonella typhimurium. 
		BACTERIOPHAGE P22 /  * physiol 
(Note that in this example SALMONELLA TYPHIMURIUM is IM.) 

22.24.4	Phage typing, BACTERIOPHAGE TYPING, is handled in a manner the  
reverse of 22.24.3 above.  With phages, the emphasis is on the phage, the virus,  
and not on the bacterium it is attacking.  Phage typing is a laboratory  
technique used to identify or classify the bacterium, and the emphasis is on the  
bacterium.  In the first case we IM the virus and NIM the bacterium; in the  
other, we IM the bacterium and NIM the virus if it is indexed at all. 
In general, index phage typing under the bacterium with the subheading  
/classification (IM) and BACTERIOPHAGE TYPING (IM).  Do not index under  
BACTERIOPHAGES for the phage or under one of the pre-coordinated phages (e.g.  
COLIPHAGES) unless the strain or the phage or its identity is particularly  
discussed.  In this case the phage term will be NIM. 
Phage typing of staphylococci from milk. 
		MILK / *microbiol 
(Do not index under STAPHYLOCOCCUS PHAGES unless the phage itself is significant  
and then index probably as NIM.) 

22.25		Index animal, plant and microbial genetics under the name of the  
animal, plant or microbe with the subheading /genetics (IM). If a specific  
genetic concept is to be indexed, coordinate the organism /genetics (IM) with  
the genetic concept (IM). See also section 28.37 to 28.37.6. 
Recombination in Bacillus subtilis. 
The structural gene for alcohol dehydrogenase in Drosophila melanogaster. 
		ANIMAL (check tag) 

22.26		The microbial or animal source of tissue, cellular elements,  
hormones, enzymes and other biological matter is almost always indexed NIM if it  
is indexed at all under the rules governing third-tier indexing. If the point of  
the research is the identity of the species or if the animal is named in the  
title, it should be indexed usually NIM but IM if it is a main point. This rule  
refers to most articles in experimental research of this nature.  When indexing  
to cover the animal source, be sure to check the tag ANIMAL also.  See section  
18.7.2 for the use of the ANIMAL tag.  See also sections 21.57 and 22.26.1. 
Bat salivary gland virus. 
		BATS / virol 
		ANIMAL (check tag) 
Isolation of bat salivary gland virus from bats in the United States. 
		BATS / * virol 
	ANIMAL (check tag) 
(here the bat is a main point and is IM) 
The chemistry of cat insulin in comparison with human insulin. 
		INSULIN / * chem 
		HUMAN (check tag) 
		COMPARATIVE STUDY (check tag)	 
		ANIMAL (check tag) 
Duplication of single-stranded DNA catalyzed by calf thymus DNA polymerase. 
		DNA, SINGLE-STRANDED /   * biosyn 
		DNA POLYMERASES  /   * metab 
		CATTLE (check tag) 
		ANIMAL (check tag) 

22.26.1	In cell-line and tissue culture studies, check the tag HUMAN or  
ANIMAL if this can be determined from the article, and for animals, index the  
animal NIM if it is not the point of the article.  If, however, the identity of  
the animal and organ are significant, they will be indexed IM. 
Description of a new rat macrophage cell line. 
		MACROPHAGES /* cytol 
		ANIMAL (check tag) 
The effect of dactinomycin on cell division.  
(the materials and methods says the study was done in a rat cell line) 
		DACTINOMYCIN / * pharmacol 
		RATS ( check tag) 
		CELL DIVISION  / * drug eff 
		ANIMAL (check tag) 

22.26.2	In many immunology studies, one animal is the experimental subject  
and another is the source of immunologic substance or tissue.  When two or more  
such animals figure in an article, index each animal with or without the  
subheading /immunology depending on the slant of the article. See section  

22.27		Category B organisms used in biological assays are indexed IM or NIM  
depending on the tenor of the study. 
Biological assay of vitamin B12 using Lactobacillus leichmannii. 
		VITAMIN B12 / * anal 
		LACTOBACILLUS / * metab 
		BIOLOGICAL ASSAY (IM or NIM depending upon the discussion of its  
method of  performance). 
Biological assay of prostaglandins using the rat uterus. 
		PROSTAGLANDINS / * anal / pharmacol 
		UTERUS / * drug eff 
		RATS (check tag) 
		ANIMAL (check tag) 
		FEMALE (check tag) 

22.28		Although PRIMATES is a main heading in MeSH, we seldom encounter  
general articles written on primates; most articles are written on man as the  
check tag HUMAN.  We also see two specific groups of primates, apes (APES see  
PONGIDAE) and monkeys (MONKEYS see HAPLORHINI) more frequently than PRIMATES in  

22.28.1	Index under HOMINIDAE taxonomic or paleontologic man as an animal.  
When indexing man as a primate or anthropoid, check the tag HUMAN; when indexing  
all other PRIMATES, check ANIMAL. 

28.28.2	Be careful with the word "singe" in French and "Affe" in German  
articles.  These words can mean either "ape" or "monkey." 

22.29		Poultry is defined by Webster as BIRDS "that serve as a source of  
eggs or meat" and that are commercially important.  The indentions under POULTRY  
in MeSH meet these definitions. 
There should be little difficulty in indexing an article under BIRDS or POULTRY  
for those which are not specifically identified as CHICKENS, DUCKS, GEESE, or  
A "bird" in an agricultural or poultry science journal is likely to be indexed  
under POULTRY with the disease indexed under POULTRY DISEASES. 
A "bird" in a forest, zoo, park, or pet shop or referred to as "wild" will be  
indexed as BIRDS with the disease indexed under BIRD DISEASES. 
If a specific MeSH heading is available, use it.  For example, index an article  
on quail as QUAIL or the specifics COTURNIX or COLINUS if indicated rather than  
the more general term POULTRY or BIRDS. 

22.30		Plants figure in INDEX MEDICUS articles as food, the source of  
drugs, as medicines themselves, as commercial products, and as types of tissue  
in biophysical, biochemical, and biotechnologic studies. 
Category B6 contains headings for specific plants as well as many plant families  
and general plant terms such as PLANTS, MEDICINAL and PLANTS, TOXIC.  Also  
several headings for plant components such as PLANT LEAVES and PLAINT ROOTS are  
included in this tree.  Significant medical and historical plants are listed  
under their specific names (CINCHONA, DIGITALIS, EUCALYPTUS, etc.) Food plants  
are also in Category J2 - FOOD AND BEVERAGES. 
If the specific plant is available in MeSH, use it. 
Isolation of alpha-galactosidase from barley. 
		BARLEY / * enzymol 
If the specific plant is not a MeSH heading, try to determine the family or  
group to which it belongs using information in the text or reference material.   
If that cannot be determined, index under PLANTS.  Use the term PLANTS, EDIBLE  
and its indentions only for plants discussed as food. 
Superoxide dismutase activity in carnations. 
PLANTS / * enzymol  
Structural genes of petunias. 
SOLANACEAE / *genet  
Pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables. 
VEGETABLES / * chem  
FRUIT/ * chem  

22.31		Index SPORES, SPORES, BACTERIAL and SPORES, FUNGAL under the name of  
the organism (IM) and the SPORES term (NIM). If the point of the article is the  
spore, with the identity of the bacterium, fungus, or plant incidental, index  
the spore term (IM). In some cases, both the spore term and the organism can be  

22.32		MeSH provides the heading FUNGI and many specific fungi terms. In  
the absence of a specific genus, index a fungus under the next higher taxonomic  
group that is a MeSH term. If the author does not identify the group to which a  
particular fungus belongs, the indexer must consult Ainsworth and Bisby's  
Dictionary of the Fungi.  The fungus to be indexed will almost always be  
identifiable here or by some clue in the text. 
Diseases caused by fungi are called MYCOSES and are listed in Category C1. 

22.33		The check tag ANIMAL must be checked for any term used from Category  
B1 or B2.  These are invertebrate and vertebrate animals and must be made  
available with the ANIMAL tag to allow the searcher to differentiate articles on  
them from articles on the HUMAN or on Categories B3 through B7 which receive no  
Except for CHICK EMBRYO, the animal tags are mammals commonly used in  
experimental research.  Any animal used in an experiment will be covered in  
indexing either by checking the tag or indexing the MeSH heading. 
In general, index the routine experimental animal as a check tag or as NIM  
without a subheading. If a routinely experimental animal is the point of the  
article and not experimental, index IM with an appropriate subheading. Index the  
non-routine animal - even in an experimental study - IM with a subheading. 
Amino acid metabolism in the liver. (Materials and Methods indicates the liver  
came from a cow) 
		AMINO ACIDS / * metab 
		LIVER / * metab 
		CATTLE (check tag) 
		ANIMAL (check tag) 
Platelet adhesiveness in different breeds of cattle. 
		CATTLE / * blood 
		ANIMAL (check tag)  
		COMPARATIVE STUDY (check tag) 
Amino acid metabolism in the liver of the lion. 
		AMINO ACIDS /* metab 
		LIONS / * metab 
		LIVER / * metab 
		ANIMAL (check tag) 
(The lion is not a typical experimental animal, so it is IM) 			 

22.34		When indexing an organ from an invertebrate, index the specific  
animal (IM) and the organ (NIM). 
The structure of the mouth of the mosquito. 
		MOSQUITOES / * anat 
		MOUTH / anat 
		ANIMAL (check tag) 
When indexing a physiological process in an invertebrate, index the specific  
animal (IM) and the process (NIM). 
Reproduction in snails. 
		SNAILS / * physiol 
		ANIMAL (check tag) 
In cellular or ultrastructural studies using invertebrates, distinguish those  
studies in which the animal itself is being studied from those in which the  
animal is an experimental source of cellular or subcellular material. In the  
first case, the invertebrate would be IM and the cellular term would be IM or  
NIM. In the second case the invertebrate would be NIM and the cellular term  
would be IM. 
Glucose consumption in tick mitochondria. (Article is from a parasitology  
		GLUCOSE / * metab 
		MITOCHONDRIA / * metab 
		TICKS/  * metab /  ultrastruct 
		ANIMAL (check tag) 
Calcium metabolism in axons. (Materials and methods indicates the squid giant  
axon was used) 
		CALCIUM /  * metab 
		AXONS /  * metab 
		ANIMAL (check tag) 

22.35		When any animal is indexed IM, it will almost always have a  
subheading.  Since so many subheadings are available to Category B terms, one  
usually applies.  Anatomical or physiological studies on animals, especially in  
comparative anatomy and comparative physiology, are routinely IM with a  
subheading. In veterinary articles, index the normal veterinary animal IM with a  
subheading. In veterinary disease articles, index the animal with a subheading  
(IM) if one reasonably applies, otherwise index the animal IM with no  
subheading. Index any techniques used in these articles with the subheading   
/veterinary if it is permitted.  See section 23.33. 
Differences in blood pressure between rabbits and squirrels. 
		RABBITS / * physiol 
		SQUIRRELS / * physiol 
		ANIMAL (check tag) 
		COMPARATIVE STUDY (check tag) 
Histology of the swine liver. 
		SWINE / * anat 
		LIVER / * anat 
		ANIMAL (check tag) 
Isolation of Trichinella from infected deer. 
		TRICHINELLA / * isol 
		DEER / * parasitol 
		TRICHINOSIS / * vet / parasitol 
		ANIMAL (check tag) 
Prevalence of hepatitis in parrots. 
		HEPATITIS, ANIMAL / * epidemiol 
		BIRD DISEASES / * epidemiol 
		ANIMAL (check tag) 
The economic importance of swine. 
		ANIMAL (check tag) 
Determination of antibodies to swine influenza virus in pigs by ELISA. 
		SWINE / * immunol 
		ANTIBODIES, VIRAL / * blood 
		ELISA / * vet 
		ANIMAL (check tag) 

22.36		Index inbred strains of rats or mice under RATS, INBRED STRAINS or  
MICE, INBRED STRAINS or one of the specifics treed under these terms.  If a  
strain is a cross between two inbred strains index under both terms. If the  
strain is a cross between a strain for which there is no MeSH term and one for  
which there is a MeSH term, index under both the specific and MICE, INBRED  
(CBA x C57BL) mice 
		ANIMAL (check tag) 
(B10.A x A/wysn) mice 
		ANIMAL (check tag)