%images;]>LCRBMRP-T1621Dr. Johnson's blood-purifying compound infusion golden seal : one bottte [sic] gives immediate relief, two or three perfect a substantial cure, made by Wm. H. Johnson ...: a machine-readable transcription.Collection: African-American Pamphlets from the Daniel A. P. Murray Collection, 1820-1920; American Memory, Library of Congress.Selected and converted.American Memory, Library of Congress.

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91-898216Daniel Murray Pamphlet Collection, 1860-1920, Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress.Copyright status not determined.

DR. JOHNSON'SBlood-Purifyingcompound infusionGolden Seal.Acts upon the LIVER and KIDNEYS,and is invaluable in the Treatmentof BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES. It Cures DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION,Bleeding, Blind, Tumorous and ItchingPILES, without any other treatment.ONE BOTTTE GIVES IMMEDIATE RELIEF; TWO ORTHREE PERFECT A SUBSTANTIAL CURE.MADE BYWM. H. JOHNSON,27 Maiden Lane and 309 Orange St.,ALBANY, N.Y.1900FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS.


VEGETABLE REMEDIES.Ten years careful and untiring study of Botany, with its immediate relation to the vegetable "Materia Medical," enables me to offer to the sick, suffering and invalid public the benefits of such study, research and experience, in the way of remedies and cures, for many of the wills and ailments to which poor suffering humanity is heir. My medic are purely vegetable and entirely free from minerals of any kind. I believe that I have discovered and fully understand, the true and correct method of treating to a successful issue, the heretofore and almost universally pronounced incurable diseases of Dyspepsia, Constipation, Rheumatism, Asthma, Piles, &c. The remedies which I offer to the public have all been tried, and their efficacy and curing properties fully established beyond the peradventure of a doubt.

It is a well attested fact, that in almost every community there are scores of people who suffer almost unbearable misery from some chronic disease, which the family physician either has not the time to treat, or the minerals he prescribes are too powerful and strong to relieve or remedy. Such is not the case with the Botanic and Vegetable treatment which I recommend. My remedies are theCOMPOUND SYRUP OFSarsaparilla,The restorativeTONIC BITTERS,And the compoundINFUSION OF GOLDEN SEAL,Which is a health-restoring and life-prolonging tonic. This cordial is useful as a medicine in all cases of Dyspepsia, Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, Headache, Sour Stomach, Derangement of the Liver and Kidneys.


It operates effectually upon the Bowels, Biliary and Urinary organs, gives free and healthy action, is not a laxative affording only temporary relief, but a mild and reliable alterative and aperient, operating upon the mucous membrane of the Throat, Stomach, Bowels, Bladder and Intestinal Canal; eradicating disease from the system and insuring a substantial cure.

This remedy has cured Piles combined with constipation of twenty, years' standing, after hopes of final recovery had been almost abandoned.

It is also good for those convalescent, having a tendency, while operating on the secretions, to increase flesh; it also strengthens and hardens the muscles.

DOSE:-A tablespoonful 3 times a day. Children in proportion according to the exigency of the case.

My Infusion of Golden Seal has been in the market for nearly six years, and the success which has marked its progress is exceedingly gratifying. It has been used by thousands; none condemn it, and almost all commend it as a safe and reliable family medicine. It has not cured all that have used it; some cases would not yield, but all have been benefited, and many radical cures perfected. I was myself an invalid for more than twenty years; in fact I lost my health in the swamps at the South during the war. My trouble was Dyspepsia, Constipation, and Piles. I used all know remedies, and was treated by the physicians, and had almost despaired of recovery, when good fortune let me to the use of the Golden Seal, which completely restored my health. The following copies of some of the letters received by me in the course of business will explain themselves, and show that the Golden Seal has not been in the market in vain:

Wm. H JohnsonElectician and Botanist,309 Orange St., and 27 Maiden Lane,ALBANY, N.Y.


We have been acquainted with W. H. JOHNSON, the Electician, for many years, and know that his statement regarding his illness and recovery is true, and we commend him as a man of strict business integrity.

THOS. H. GIBBON, Eng'r of Metallic St. R way Sup. Co. JAMES W. MORANGE, Cor. Maiden Lane & Chapel St.ARTHURS PAYN, Tobacconist, Cor. Japes & Maiden La. FRANK CHAMBERLAIN, Merchant, 551 Broadway.CHAS, C.M.CRAFT, Merchant, Cor. James & Maiden La. JOHN H. QUINBY, Merchant, 448 Broadway.CHAS. C. GAY, Merchant, 448 Broadway.JOHN G. MYERS, Merchant, North Pearl St.JOHN J. WOLF, Merchant, 26 Central Avenue.T. W.J. HOLBROOK, Merchant, 524 Broadway.G. A. BIRCH, Merchant, 477 Broadway.HOWARD K. PAYN, Merchant, 516 Broadway.EDWY L. TAYLOR, Merchant, 448 Broadway.HENRY W. HADLEY, Merchant, 472 & 474 Broadway.T. M. HACKETT & CO., Merchant, 179 & 181 Broadway. JOHN DOYLE, Merchant, 14 James St.A. H. SIMMONS, Merchant, 21 North Pearl St.JAMES D. WALSH, Merchant, 43 Hudson Ave.A. D. COLE, Surveyor of Customs.C. MELVIN VAN BUREN, 821 Orange St.JAMES L. USHER, 41 Ten Broock Place.ALBANY, N.Y.. Y.

Dr. JOHNSON.-Being informed that the "Golden Seal" cured you, after so many years of suffering, I tried it, as you recommended, myself, and am gratified with the result. It is a good medicine, pleasant to the taste and efficacious.S. M. VAN SANTVOORD,47 North Pearl St. and 304 Washington Ave.

PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 5th, 1882.Dear Friend.-When I saw you at Saratoga hardly expected to ever regain my health. Since then I have taken the medicine you gave me, and am now convalescent.


Hamilton, Not., March 15th, 1883.W. H. Johnson:Dear Sir.-Mrs. S. is completely cured by the use of your "Golden Seal." It is the only efficacious medicine she has used. Ship me by express a half dozen bottles marked C. O. D. I want them to give to friends.O. C. SWEET.

Dr. Johnson:I was all broken up with Indigestion and Constipation, when Mr. Bates recommended your "Golden Seal." I have taken only two bottles, and am as well as I ever was in my life.THOMAS SMITH,28 Maiden Lane, Albany, N.Y.

W. H. Johnson:Dear Sir.-I have used your medicine in my family, and found it to accomplish all that you claimed it would.HOLLY GARDNER.17 Clinton Avenue, Albany, N.Y.

Dr. Johnson:The "Golden Seal" is all right. A cure has been perfected after suffering.H. C. NEWTON,South Glens Falls, N.Y.

W. H. Johnson:Your treatmemt of the Piles in my case has been a gratifying success.

S. J. HARDY,Delocan House, Albany.Mr. Johnson:When I commenced taking your "Golden Seal," my liver was torpid, my kidneys sluggish, and my blood vitiated. "Now I feel like a new man fully recovered.W. A. CHAPMAN,193 Elm Street, Albany, N.Y.Mr. Johnson:Dear Sir.-Your medicines cured me when I was almost despondent, and I want to make this emphatic attestation of that fact.M. J. HOWARD.


Dr. Johnson: Dec. 24, 1885.My wife having been a great suffer for years with Dyspepsia, and having been treated by several physicians, she obtained no relief and she tried your Infusion of Golden Seal and now she enjoys as good health as she did before she was afflicted, and I hereby heartily recommend the "Golden Seal" to all suffers from Dyspepsia.P. W. SEERY,60 Park Avenue, Albany, N. Y.

508 BROADWAY, ALBANY, N.Y., Dec. 25, 1885.I was 82 years old at my last birthday. A few years ago my health began to fail me. I commenced to take Dr. Johnson's "Golden Seal" and have taken it at intervals ever since. I find that it keeps my entire system in excellent condition. I am perfectly well to-day.LEAD STEWART.ALBANY, N.Y., Dec. 21, 1885.Dr. Johnson For ten years or more I was troubled with Constipation and Hemorrhoids, at times my sufferings were intense. This was especially the case during the pregnant period. I am the mother of five children. I tried, I thought, every thing. My family physician prescribed a different times something that gave temporary relief but the difficulty would return. Finally my husband urged me to try your remedy as a last resort; I hesitated. I had no confidence in it still to oblige him and because I was suffering greatly, I commenced using your "Golden Seal." The effect upon my system was wonderful, I like the taste of it as well as the effect. This was three years ago. I gradually grew better; my flesh increased. Then I weighed 102 pounds, now I turn the scales at 129 pounds. My youngest child is ten months old. I passed through that latter stage without any of the old trouble. I am as free from it to-day that I entertain no apprehension of its return. You can easily appreciate my thankfulness. Your "Compound Infusion of Golden Seal" is a wonderful medicine. Every married lady ought to be acquainted of any importance in the introduction of your discovery, you are at liberty to make use of it, but please omit my name as that will be of no importance.MRS. C.Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Aug 10, 1886.W.H. Johnson: Dear Sir-I am now satisfied that there is no humbug about your "Golden Seal." As I told you when I was in your city, I regarded my case as hopeless, my New York physician informed me that the only chance of my recovery lay in an operation, and that I would never consent to, regarding the remedy as worse than the disease. You know how reluctantly I consented to try your remedy, believing that the Piles, especially as I had them, could not be cured without local treatment, and that that was doubtful. However, I took the two bottles I got of you, and and strange as it does appear to me, I am as free from pain to-day as I ever was, and the tumors are gradually disappearing, my general health is greatly improving also. I shall go from here to Lake George and then to Niagara, on my way home I shall endeavor to stop over long enough to let you see my improved condition.S.R. PERRYSheriff's Office, Albany, N.Y. Jan. 30, 1887.Dr. Johnson: Dear Sir Please send, my bearer, another bottle of your medicine it has done me more good than any that I ever had, and oblige Yours,

W.H. KEELER.Dr. Johnson -I heartily commend your Blood Purifier. I know it has done me a world of good.REV. RICHARD A GAIN.Albany, N.Y.


Dr. Johnson's "Golden Seal" is the best medicine I have ever used. It is a sure cure for Piles.DANIEL MURPHY,Deputy Sheriff, Pittsfield, Mass.My dear Mr. Johnson -Will you please send my friend, Dr. E. S. Grindall, 83 N. Charles St., Baltimore, your circulars, &., &c., and oblige,

yours truly,P.H. KEEDY, M.D.Great Barrington, Mass, June 16, 1886.Mr. Johnson: Dear Sir-Enclosed you will find one dollar. Please send me another bottle of your "Golden Seal", it is giving great satisfaction, and oblige,


I have used your "Golden Seal" for Dyspepsia and commend it as a reliable medicine.JAMES A. SHATTUCK,44 N. Pearl St. and 946 Madison Ave. Albany, N.Y.

Dr. Johnson -I have taken one bottle of your "Golden Seal." I want another. It is the best general medicine I have ever taken.WM. H. YOPP,14 Courtland Place, Albany, N.Y.

617 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa., June 9, 1886.Dr. W. H. Johnson: Dear Sir-Your extract "Golden Seal" works like a charm in restoring healthy action in the digestive tract. Please send me two bottles at once by express, C.O.D., to address given above and oblige, Your truly,J.W. MORTON, JR.

DEAR SIR: Cohoes, N.Y. Nov. 12, 1886.I suffered with a blood disease that baffled the skill of several physicians who attended me, great red blotches appeared all over my body. they ulcerate, broke and discharged a green colored poison mucous, the palms of my hands became hard and crusty, I found it difficult to use them I felt weak and tired, my appetite deserted me. I was in this condition when when I commenced to use your "Golden Seal." It has completely cured me and I regard it as indispensable as a blood purifier.C.P. NELSON

From my personal experience with the use of Dr. Johnson's "Golden Seal I cheerfully reccommend it as an infallible cure for Piles.GIBSON OLIVER,21 Park Street, Albany, N.Y.

Dr. Johnson -I have doctored for years for Kidney trouble. I recently took your Golden Seal" for Piles. I have been completely cure of both by it.JOHN BRENNAN,Kenwood, Albany, N.Y.

Toronto, March 18, 186.Dr. Johnson: Dear Sir-Having had your "Golden Seal" recommended to me by Miss M. Cole, I wish you to forward to me a bottle.

Yours truly,H. LEWIS,104 Duke St.


Williamstown, Mass., Nov. 12, 1886My Dear Doctor - I send you this morning my check for my bill in full, and for your kind indulgence I am more than obliged. I am feeling splendid and last year at this time I could not work or sleep, I suffered intensely with Lumbago and Sciatic Rheumatism, now I am perfectly free from all ailments. Please send me at once a half dozen of "Golden Seal." I am yours,R.H. LANSING

14 WAYNE STREET, JERSEY CITY, N.J., Dec. 8, 1886.Dr. Johnson: Dear Sir-Allow me to congratulate you on your discovery of the medicine called the "Golden Seal." I have used two bottles in my family and it has done what no doctor could do in years. consider it one of the most valuable remedies ever put on the market. It will do all it advertises. No family ought to be without it. Yours respectfully,


Dr. Johnson - There is no longer any doubt about the curing properties of your "Golden Seal." Your fortune is made if you only handle it right. It ought to be in the reach of every Dyspeptic in the United States.THEODORE VAN DER KAR,Troy, N.Y.

ALBANY, N.Y., Dec. 10, 1866.Dr. Johnson - I cannot speak in too high terms of your "Golden Seal." It is a wonderful medicine. One bottle cured me of a severe attack of the Piles.MORTON HAVENS.

WEST ALBANY, N.Y., Dec. 2, 1886.Dear Dr. Johnson - I was afflicted with a painful malady, the Piles. The doctors when they could not cure me, called it Cancer of the Rectum, but I did not believe them and I got some of your medicine from McClure's, on State street. It brought me out all right. I am coming to see you about my husband, he is sick all the time.MRS. WETSELL.

Dr. Johnson - I have been troubled with my Kidneys for years, I suffered great pain in voiding water, I scarcely slept forty minutes at a time during the night, I could neither hold or void my water without much pain. A severe ttack of Piles aggravated my suffering. Finally, I tried your "Golden Seal." It took old of my case at once. Now I can eat, sleep and work with pleasure. Your medicine did it.

Yours, truly,ASA P. THAYER,132 Second Street, Albany, N.Y.ALBANY, N.Y., Nov. 10, 1886.

Dr. Johnson: Dear Sir - I think it nothing more than just, that you should know how grateful I feel to you for the good your "Golden Seal" medicine did to my little baby boy. Last August he became very fretful and manifested great nervousness, he was very much constipated, a rash came on his face, and we could see that daily he was losing flesh. After trying almost everything else your "Golden Seal" was mentioned. My wife got a bottle. She gave it to the child in small doses. It had the desired effect, the difficulty was almost instantly overcome, and to-day the little fellow, thirteen months old, is as fat as butter.WALTER LEWIS,241 Lark Street.

Store Corner Broadway and Wilson Street, ALBANY, N. Y., Dec. 31, 1886.Dr. Johnson: Dear Sir - I want to sell your "Golden Seal" in my store. What is your wholesale price for it? Please send me a dozen bottles to start with. I expect you will sell to me as low as to any one. Send it tomorrow morning. Send bill with it and oblige,JAMES RAMSAY.

Green Island, July 19th, 1884.00088Mr. Johnson:Whilst father was using your medicine last fall for his complaint, my baby was teething: she was quite fretful, nothing that I gave her did any good. We finally thought that the trouble came from the stomach, and I tried the Golden Seal in teaspoonful doses, three times a day, with excellent effect. I want always to have it in the house. Enclosed find $1.00. Please send me a bottle. Send it by the brakeman on the 1 o'clock local to-morrow.Mrs. W.A.P.

National Express Office,Boston, Mass., Jan. 3d, 1885.}

Mr. Johnson:The medicine is working finely. I am much pleased with it. Send me two bottles at once, and one every month until you hear from me again.E.A. REYNOLDS.

Dr. Johnson:You were right; my Piles were caused by Indigestion and Constipation I have used many remedies for years to no effect. I have only taken five bottles of your "Golden Seal." My digestion is good, my bowels are regular, and the Piles have disappeared. A neighbor of ours, Mrs. H., has been ailing for a long time. Her case is a peculiar one, but I told her that your medicine would cure her if anything could. She will be in Albany to-morrow and you.JOHN P. FRENCH.Bath, July 9th, 1885.Dear Johnson. - From observation of the effect of your "Compound Infusion of Golden Seal" upon Dyspeptic Patients, and the readiness with which the disease - especially in the chronic form - yields, after the use of a few bottles, leads me to conclude that you are in possession of the long looked for panacea for this character of stubborn maladies, and that you do not too highly estimate its curing properties.

J.W. STEVENSON, M.D.,83 Dove Street, Albany, N.Y.

GENERAL REFERENCES.J. H. SEAMAN, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.Dr. P. W. RAY, Brooklyn, N.Y.S. R. SCOTTRON, Brooklyn, N. Y.GARRETT DEYO, Hudson, N. Y.W. K. MOWERS, Armenia, N. Y.E. W. CROSBY, Buffalo, N. Y.THEODORE DUFFIN, Geneva, N. Y.C. LOMBARD, Chatham, N. Y.CHAS. PETERSON, Little Falls, N. Y.ROBERT JACKSON, Amsterdam, N. Y.WINIFRED JACKSON, Saratoga N. Y.JOHN DEMOND, Batavia, N. Y.J. W. ANDERSON, Syracuse, N. Y.EDWARD GILMAN, Cohoes, N. Y.H.D. KINGSBURY, Lironia, N.Y.J.C. GREEN, Mechanicsville, N.Y.N. VAN BUREN, Schuylerville, N.Y.Hon. J.W. VEEDER, Schenectady, N.Y.Col. C. BENTON, N.Y. City G. DAVIS, Waterford, N.Y.THEODORE MORGAN, Leckport, N.Y.Rev. J.E. MASON, ithaca, N.Y.J.M. HOLLINGWORTH, Oucego, N.Y.N. GREEN, oswego, N.Y.H.J. HARDING, Watkinz, N.Y.GEORGE MORGAN, Cobleskill, N.Y.S.S. GROSS, Gloversville, N.Y.Rev. D.L. WASHINGTON, Elmira, N.Y.EDWARD BURNS, Bergen, N.Y.P.E. BALTIMORE, Troy, N.Y.LOUIS WILLIAMS, N.Y. City.Dr. T.S.P. MILLER, N.Y. City.W.H. LESTER, Dryden, N.Y.H.C. MOLSON, Norwich, N.Y.SAMUEL FREEMAN, Utica, N.Y.HENSON HARLEY, Kingston, N.Y.J.W. THOMPSON, Rochester, N.Y.J.W. BORDLEY, Philadelpia, Pa.O.C. GILBERT, Philadelphia, Pa.Hon. J.J. SPELMAN, Jackson, Miss.DANIEL MURPHY, Pittsfield, Mass.C.H. BUTLER, T. Depart, Washington, D.C.J.C. BISHOP, Anapolis, Md.W.H. BURR, Norwich, Conn. JOHN C. EDMUNDS, Detroit, Mich.JOHN OLIVER, Richmond, Va.G.W. COOPER, Chicago, Ill.J.D. EPPS, Cincinnati, O.J.D. RICHARDSON, Talahasse, Fla.Dr. B.H. STILLYARD, Wheeling, W.Va.Hon. J.F. BARRETT, Baton Rouge, La.WILLIAM POWELL, Camden, N.J.GEORGE T. DOWNING, Newport, R.I.J.R. MILLS, Hoboken, N.J.W.J. PLUMMER, Windsor, Can.E.H. ANDERSON, Wilmington, Del.LEVI CRUMELL, Phila, Pa.A.W. STEVENS, Phila, Pa.Dr. HENRY BROWN, Baltimore, Md.J.C. CORBIN, Little Rock, Ark.R.G. FLETCHER, San Francisco, Col.T.J. RILEY, Denver, Col.ROBERT O. SMITH, St. Louis, Miss.J.C. HILL, Wilmington, N.C.LEWIS HAYDEN, Boston, Mass.R.H. LANSING, Wilmington, Mass.JAS. E. JORDEN, Worcester, Mass.A.A. BLAND, Keoka, IaW.O. TAYLOR, Mobile, Ala.P.F. WETSELL, Fort Wayne, Ind.G.W. SMITH, Topeka, Kan.G. SCHAFFER, Louisville, Ky.J.E. AMES, Detroit, Mich.J.J. CARY, Nashville, Tenn.


COMPOUNDInfusion of Golden SealCURESDYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION AND PILES.Descriptive History, Properties and Uses of the Golden Seal (Hydrastis Canadensis).

It is indigenous plant, which is also known by the various names of Yellow Puccoon, Ground Raspberry, Turmeric Root, etc.; it has a perennial root, or rhizoma, which is tortuous, knotty, creeping, internally of a bright-yellow color, with numerous long fibres. Stem erect, simple, herbaceous, rounded, pubescent upward, from six to twelve inches in height, becoming purplish, bearing two unequal terminal leaves. Leaves, two only, alternate, palmate, with from three to five lobes, hairy, dark-green, cordate at base, veiny, the lower leaf petiolate, the other sessile, from four to nine inches wide when full grown, the segments serrated. Flower, solitary, terminal, small, white or rose-colored, on a peduncle about two inches in length. Calyx consists of three petaloid, deciduous, broadly-ovate, pale greenish-white, concave, slightly downy sepals, which fall away when the flower opens. Stamens many, longer than the pistils, Filaments, flat, linearlanceolate, having the cells of an anther on their edge at the apex. Pistils, several. Ovary, oval, glabrous, attenuated upward into a short style. Stigma, obtuse, scarcely lobed. Fruit resembles a raspberry, red, consists of many little, two-seeded drupes collected into a globose head, each crowned with the persistent style. Seeds, nearly black, obovate, polished, having a minute embryo at the base of a fleshy and oily albumen.

This plant is found growing in shady wood, in rich soil and damp meadows, in different parts of the United States and Canada, but is more abundant west of the Alleghanies. It flowers in May and June. The root is the officinal part; it consists of a crooked, knotty, wrinkled rootstock, one or two inches long, giving off a number of yellow fibres. The root is of a beautiful yellow color, and when fresh is juicy, and much used by the Indians as a standard medicine. The root is a powerful tonic, at the same time exerting an especial influence upon mucous surfaces and tissues with which it comes in contact. Internally, it is successfully administered in dyspepsia, chronic affections of the mucous coats of the stomach and other organs, catarrhal affections, erysipelas, remittent, intermittent and typhoid fevers, torpor of the liver, and wherever tonics are required. In conjunction with extract of geranium it forms a very 001010efficient remedy in chronic diarrhoea and dysentery. Externally, and as a topical application, the decoction, or tincture, proves a superior remedy in all chronic mucous inflammations.-(K. D.) According to Mr. A. B. Durand, of Philadelphia, it consists of resin, starch, albumen, sugar, fatty matter, yellow coloring matter, several salts and a crystallizable body, which he named hydrastia(Am. Jour. Pharm., XXXV., 13). Mr. F. Mahla, of Chicago, Ill., has described it (Am. Jour. Pharm., Vol. XXXV., 1863, p. 433) as forming in brilliant white crystals belonging to the right prismatic system, having no taste, except in the form of salts, which are acid and bitter.

During my last illness Dr. R.E. Ferrey, then of this city, and now residing in St. Paul, Minnesota, my attending physician, suggested that Golden Seal might be advantageously used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. I acted upon the hint, experimented with the herb upon myself, compounded it with other herbs, and finally reached the result desired, and am now prepared to affirm, without fear of successful contradiction, that my Compound Infusion of Golden Seal will not only cure Dyspepsia and Constipation when in the most aggravated forms, but will completely cure and eradicate the Piles, when caused by organic disturbances, of however long standing. When hemorrhoids are causedby strains or by cold, my Pile Ointment will afford instantaneous relief and substantial cure.

This compound is anti-pill and non-nauseating, being pleasant to the taste and efficacious. In the composition and manufacturing of the compound none but the best and purest materials are used. Each bottle contains a pint. The bottles are rendered perfectly air-tight by the use of the best velvet corks, which are so arranged as to be easily removed andreplaced without being broken, which is often the case when corkscrew is brought into use. Accompanying each bottle will be an illustrated Journal bearing upon its face a facsimile representation of the Golden Seal as it grows, root, stem, leaf and flower. On the inside will be found a copy of the Medical Pamphlet, containing general details, Directions, Indorsements, etc., etc.; also a brief outline of the history, of properties and uses of this wonderful curative herb.PRICE, $1.00 per PINT BOTTLE.To be had of all druggists.W.M.H. JohnsonElectician and Botanist,ALBANY, N. Y.[From the Albany Evening Post, Dec. 14, 1885.] 001111Ask your Druggist for Dr. Johnson's "Compound Infusion of Golden Seal." It cures Dyspepsia, Constipation and PIles.

[From the Albany Evening Journal. ]Dyspepsia, Constipation and Piles cured by Johnson's "Golden Seal" (Albany's favorite remedy). It never fails one bottle gives immediate relief, two or three perfect a substantial cure.

[Albany Correspondent N. Y. Freeman Dec. 5, 1885.]W. H. Johnson of this city has made a medical discovery of great merit, andhas billed the town and placed the medicine on the market. He has already refused an offer of $5,000 for an equal partnership in this new business enterprise.

[From the Albany Holiday Journal Jan. 1, 1886.]Dr. Johnson's "Blood Purifying Golden Seal," is the last and is most wonderful medical discovery, possessing race and unquestionable merit, as a safe and reliable family medicine.

[From the Salem Review Press.]Dr. Johnson's "Golden Seal" cures Dyspepsia, Constipation and Piles. It can be relied upon.

[From the Albany Macedonian.]Dr. Johnson's "Compound Infusion of Golden Seal" the world ought to know will cure the worst cases of Dyspepsia, Constipation and Piles.

[From the Albany Telegram, Jan. 2, 1887.]Dr. Johnson's has made a wonderful medical discovery which, when fully known to the civilized world, will make him famous as an eclectician.

[From the Albany Morning Express Dec. 18,1886.]Everybody desires to feel at his best at this blithesome season. Many are heirs to physical ills, and Dr. Johnson's "Golden Seal" will not only cureany Dyspepsia or Constipation in its most aggravated forms, should they be victims to such diseases, but it will completely eradicate the Piles, arising from whatever cause. There is no humbug or fraud about this wonder wonderful curative. It is taking hold of the people seemingly without any push. Many of our leading and most reliable citizens, as well as out of town patrons of the "Golden Seal," are unreserved in their testimonial of its its sovereign character.

[From the Albany Evening Times, Dec. 20,1886.]Dr. Johnson's "Blood Purifying Golden Seal" is rapidly and deservedly growing in favor, proving[roving to be a success. the remedy has been in the dma market about five years as a remedy for Dyspepsia, Constipation and Piles, and its curative properties are vouched for by numerous autographic testimonials in Dr. Johnson's possession from those that have been healed by the "Golden Seal." It is an evidence of the prosperity and popularity of the "Golden Seal" that the doctor has refused an offer of $5,000 for a half interest in its ownership.

[From the Albany Press and Knickerbocker, Jan. 7, 1887.]William H. Johnson, of 27 Maiden lane, was an invalid for upwards of twenty years. His ailments were Dyspepsia, Constipation and Piles. From his natural weight of 175 pounds he was reduced to 115. Today he is able and hearty. Six years ago, in his search for health, he discovered a medical remedy that has proven of rare value. It cured him, and is now on the market meeting with great success. His "Blood Purifying Golden Seal" is well established as an infallible cure of Stomach and Blood diseases.



A valuable and timely discovery that promises to carry health and and happiness to many families has been made. Our Townsman, W. H. Johnson, suffered many years with dyspepsia, constipation and piles. Finally he was prostrated upon a sick bed. His case appeared hopeless. Among other things his physicians prescribed Hydrastis Canadensis for the dyspepsia. Its effects were beneficial and he grew better, but was not cured. It led him to experiment and investigate and in so doing he happily discovered an herb whose medical properties were hitherto unknown. He infused it with Golden Seal and tried it, and the result was a gratifying success. He had made a wonderful medical discovery. To-day his Blood-Purifying Golden Sealis not only curing Dyspepsia and Constipation, but is infallible in cases of Piles of what ever form.

C.G.CRAFT,Dealer inFINE READY-MADECLOTHING,Corner Maiden Lane & James Streets.




John T. McDonough, counsellor at law, is the workingman's friend. Through the untiring efforts of Bishop Doane, we are to have a magnificent Episcopal Cathedral to cost $1,000,000.

The Albany Rural Cemetery stands No. 1 in point Rural and Natural Beauty and No. 5 in artistic adornment to all other cemetery in the United States.

The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception is the most artistic and commodious church edifice in this city, and that is a great deal to say, for Albany is famous for her many beautiful churches, and for the true Christian spirit that opens their doors to all-white and black, rich and poor.

Albany if the oldest settlement of the original thirteen Colonies. The state Capitol is built of granite and accommodates the Legislature and state Officials.

The Executives Mansion on Eagle near elm street, is a new and handsome structure making a pleasant home for his Excellency.

The Medical College on Eagle and Lancaster Streets contains the most complete Medical Museum in the United States.

The Geological Hall and Museum of Natural History is located corner State and lodger Streets. Dudley Observatory on Dudley Avenue above North Pearl.

Hospitals: St. Peters, on North Broadway; Homeopathie, North Pearl city corner Eagle and Howard.

Covenant Sacred Hart (R.C.) Kenwood Road. St. Agnes E. P. Elk and Hawk.

State Normal School, Willet Street; Home for Aged Women Clinton Avenue Home for aged Men, Troy Road; Lathrop Memorial, Washington Avenue; Fort Orange Club, Washington Ave. and Dove Street; The Y. M. C. A. Building north Pearl Street, is a thing of beauty, so also is the City Hall, Eagle and Maiden Lane. The High School Building, corner Eagle and Stenben will compare favorably with either.

Gen. Husted is a Daisy, has served more terms as a State Legislator than any other man, living or dead, and as often as Speaker of the Assembly give him another term then elect him Governor.

Let Elaine and Cleveland try titles for the Presidency again is 1888, and may the best man win.

John G. Myers' pressed brick front dry goods mart on North Pearl Street, is a model of artistic beauty. It extends through to James Street.

The Van Vranken Brothers, 59 & 61 North Pearl Street, are a success as Merchant Tailors Nelson Lyon's Co-operative system of business ought to take with the Wage Worker.

Doctor Lodewick Burdick'sCELEBRATED KIDNEYCUREWarranted to CureAcute Bright's DiseaseOF THE KIDNEYSOr money will be refunded.TESTIMONIALMArch 5, 1887.LLOYD MANUFACTURING CO,Gents:As regard Doctor Lodewick Burdick's Kidney and Liver Cure, I can truly say I have taken one bottle and find more relief than any other medicine I have taken.PETER F. BARKHUFF,KNOWERSVILLE N.Y,Prepared by Lloyd Mfg. CO.CHASE E. LLOYD. MANAGER219- Hudson Avenue, Albany N. Y.WILLIAMS & McMAHONDealers inTHE BEST BRANDS OFKNIGHTS OF LABOR SEGARS,ALL GOODS WARRANTED.46 1/2 South Pearl Street.ALBANY N. Y.W. H. SAMPLE,Manufacturer & Importer ofFINE CUTLERY.The finest line ofCUTLERYEver shown in Albany atPRICES TO SUIT ALLW. H. SAMPLE40 South Pearl St.Opp Leland Opera House.JOSEPH M. BANDORF,DRUGGISTCor. B'way & Maiden Lane.Albany, N. Y.JOHN DOYLE,PRACTICALPLUMBER & ROOFER14 James Street


Patronize no dry goods store that do not employ lady clerks as well as gents.The clerk in Whitney's are pinks of Politeness.The dry goods business at Johnson & Reilly's is booming.Marsh & Hoffman have the finest assortment of Jewelry No. 39 North Pearl Street.

The two noted business women in Albany are Mrs. Rosa St. Clair Leland the popular manager of the Opera house, and Mrs. C. Blake, the successful proprietor of the Kenmore Hotel. Long may they reigon.

When was the C. S. Senate color blind? when it confirmed Lieut. Trotter.

Was Abraham intoxicated when Sarah gave birth to her first born? He was, with unspeakable joy.

The Knights of Labor hall will not be a monopoly concern. It will be owned by the wage worker the many, not the few- the stock is divided into shares at $5.00 each, no ten shares will be issued to one and the same person. That is practical co-operation.

The Press Club Parlors are on the corner of Maiden Lane and North Pearl; Dongan Club House North Pearl Street; Masonic Temple, corner state and chapel Street.

The handsomest and most commodous steamboat palaces in the world are those that float on the beautiful Hudson between Albany and New York City.

Ladies at the opera could greatly conserve the comfort and add to the pleasure of gentlemen who sit behind them if they would remove their street hats during the performance.

Good character counts every time, is always at par, flattering dividends whilst reputations is only good as far it goes is when at its best manufactured for the market, with bogus gold gilded outside dressing which winds of adversity blow away.

Can a King flush be beaten at the game of poker? Yes, when a policeman calls, he shows a winning hand.

The Washington Park is decidedly a lovely spot, containing about three hundred acres, each acre is worth its weight in solid gold, it is beautiful garden of fragrant flowers in summer and its winter carnival are unrivaled.

We believe in the absolutely equality of men and women, socially, political and before the law one is good as the other, neither is one person better than the other.

The Committee of Thirteen are doing a good work in the way of reforming municipal abuse.

Albany hotels. Delavan Broadway and Steuben Street; Kenmore, North Pearl, Steuben and Columbih streets, Stanwix, Broadway and Maiden Lane; City Hotel Broadway and Spencer Street; Globe, State and South Pearl; Chapman House No. 68 Lafayette Street; American State, west of Pearl Street; Brunswick Broadway; Exchange Broadway and Maiden Lane; Keelers, Maiden Lane above Broadway.

GRAND DUCHESSHAIR DRESSER,AND TOILET COMPANIONTHIS TONICWill Preserve Restore and Beautify the Hair remove Dandruff from and Clean the Scalp. It possess superior Medicinal Properties, and will carry with it Health and Happiness into every family.Prepared by Wm. H. JOHNSTON,Practical Hair Dresser and Doctor of Scalp Disease 27 Maiden Lane, ALBANY N. Y.Rancour'sQUININE TONIC.A Pleasant Nourishing and invigorating Hair tonic.C. E. RANCOUR,Proprietor & Manufacturer,9 NORTH PEARL STREET, ALBANY N. Y.

Pulmonary SyrupIs unsurpassed as a Reliable Remedy forCOLDS, COUGHS, CROUP, BRONCHIAL AFFECTIONS, THROAT AND LUNG DISEASES. It is indeed and in fact a true and infallible Consumption Balsam I have found it valuable in the treatment of Pulmonary Affections and Coughs of long standing It speedily relieves that constricted state of the lungs that procedes consumption. It does not increase the circulation neither is it a sedorific-it can therefore be safely used at an any stage of the disease.Wm. H. Johnson


Places of amusement: Leland Opera House, South pearl; Jacobs and Proctor, South Pearl; Academy of Music, South Lark. DR. JOHNSON'S BLOOD PURIFYING GOLDEN SEAL COSTS $1.00 A BOTTLE, it is worth TEN, if you don't believe it, try it, and you will join the chorus of those that now sing its praise.

Are there any difference between Cranks and Fools? Oh! yes. The gentleman that refused to hold the ladies' poodle, whilst she paid her railroad fare, was called by her a Crank. George Washington was called a crank, Benedict Arnold never was, Old John Brown was called a crank because he died to free the Slaves, Geo. Wise who hung the old abolitionists never was, Lincoln was called a crank, Jeff Davis, did not know enough to be a crank, General Grant was called a crank when he declared that he would "fight it out on that line if it took all summer and he did, Martin Luther was a crank, so was Fulton, Newton, Edson, Beecher and scores of other great and good men who were the pioneers of noble action and great developement, Guiteau was insane not a crank, are great personages that invent discover, develop and unfold the Germ upon which happiness prosperity and success are vouchafed the masses beyond their comprehension.

Our Public School system, Police and Fire Department are as near perfection as need be, and we are proud of them.

Blasie's Hair Dye is the best in the market.

The population of Albany 100,009. There are more handsome women here than in any other city of its size in the world.

The man that can rise above adverse circumstances is a hero; he always gets there.

Real Estate Transfers. Burial Plots for those that neglect to take Golden Seal in time, a funeral costs from $100 to $200. The Golden Seal $1 per Bottle; you pay your money and take your choice.

Ira. B. Sampson, manufacturer and wholesale and retail dealer in Corks. Corner Maiden Lane and James Street.

Boucher's Prescription Drug Store, corner Clinton Avenue and Knox Street, is the place to get the worth of your money.

Benjamin Banneker, a slave in Maryland, compiled the first almanac ever published in the United States.

Who was Cain's Wife? She Was his mother-in-law's daughter of course.Judge Parker has endeared himself to Albanians by the judicious manner in which he has bestowed the Bleecker Legacy. We are now to have the long needed Public Hall. It is to be located on Washington Avenue, west of Dove and will comfortably seat 2,500 persons.

B. PAYNS SON,TOBACCO COMPANYManufacturers of the OriginalSERENO MARGARETA & LENACIGARSCor. Maiden Lane & James St..ALBANY, N.Y.MRS. C.P. JACKSON,Dealer in Ladies' & Gents'Furnishing Goods.No. 5 Washington Ave.Albany.


DR. JOHNSON'SBLOOD PURIFYINGGOLDEN SEAL.Cures Dyspepsia, Constipation and Piles without any other treatment. $1.00 per Pint Bottle.Orders filled on short notice.27 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y.


DR. JOHNSON'SBLOOD-PURIFYINGCOMPOUND INFUSIONGOLDEN SEAL,WITH THEBlood Methodiser and Dry Clipping Treatment,WILL CURERheumatism, Sciatica, Paralysis, Lumbago, Torpor of Liver and Kidneys, Weak Back, Sprains, and Bruises, Varicose Veins, White Swelling, Cold Feet, Week Lungs, Neuralgia, Inflammation of Stomach, Bowels and Bladder, Painful and Irregular Menstruation, Spinal Diseases, Suppression and Incontinence of Urine, General Debility, &c.

THE GOLDEN SEAL HEALING SALVEIs superior to any other in the treatment of Sore Eyes, Burns, Scalds, Chafes, Chaps, Etc. It removes specks and heals blotches on the face; it beautifies the human complexion by imparting healthy and natural hue. As a a local application to Scrofulous, Venereal and Cutaneous Sores or Ulceration it is unrivaled by any other ointment.

Office: 27 Maiden Lane and 309 Orange St.,ALBANY, N. Y.