AMERICAN MEMORY DTD ~For the encoding of full texts of historical documents~ SGML TAG LIBRARY Edited by LeeEllen Friedland National Digital Library Program Library of Congress Latest revision: April 1998 Original draft prepared by: B. Tommie Usdin and Deborah A. Lapeyre January 1993 Table of Contents Acknowledgments V General Notes VI List of Tags (i.e., Advertisement) 1 (i.e., Added Text) 3 (i.e., American Memory Collection) 5 (i.e., American Memory Collection ID) 6 (i.e., American Memory Collection Name) 7 (i.e., American Memory Document Identifier) 8 (i.e., Anchor) 9 (i.e., Back Matter) 10 (i.e., Blank Page Marker) 11 (i.e., Body of the Document) 12 (i.e., Caption of a Table or Illustration) 13 (i.e., Cell within a Table) 15 (i.e., Control or Scanned Page Number) 17 (i.e., Copyright Information) 18 (i.e., Date) 19 (i.e., Deleted, Cancelled, or Partially Obliterated Text) 21
(i.e., Division of Text) 23 (i.e., Editorial Practices Declaration) 25 (i.e., Encoding Date) 26 (i.e., Encoding Description) 27 (i.e., TEI Header File Description) 28 (i.e., Front Matter) 29 (i.e., Handwritten Text) 30 (i.e., Heading or Title) 32 (i.e., Highlighted or Emphasized Text) 34 (i.e., Horizontal Separation) 36 (i.e., Illustration) 37 (i.e., Item in a List) 39 (i.e., Line Break) 40 (i.e., Library of Congress Card Number) 41 (i.e., List ) 42 (i.e., Person or Organization Name) 44 (i.e., Note in or Commenting on Text) 45 (i.e., Omitted Material) 48 (i.e., Non-AM System Document Identification Number) 50

(i.e., Paragraph) 51 (i.e., Page Information Group) 53 (i.e., Printed Page Number) 54 (i.e., Project Description) 55 (i.e., Pointer) 56 (i.e., TEI Header Publication Statement) 58 (i.e., Reference) 59 (i.e., TEI Header Responsibility Indicator) 61 (i.e., TEI Header Responsibility Statement) 62 (i.e., Revision Date) 63 (i.e., Source Collection) 64 (i.e., TEI Header Source Description) 65 (i.e., Stamped, Embossed, or Perforated Text) 66 (i.e., Subscripted Text) 68 (i.e., Superscripted Text) 70 (i.e., Table) 72 (i.e., Text within a Table) 74 (i.e., TEI Document) 76 (i.e., TEI Header Information) 77 (i.e., Text of the Electronic Document) 79 (i.e., TEI Header Document Title) 80 <titlestmt> (i.e., TEI Header Title Statement) 81 <xptr> (i.e., Extended Pointer) 82 <xref> (i.e., Extended Reference) 84 Appendix A List of Valid Division Type 86 Appendix B Parameter Entities Used in the Content Models 88 Appendix C Global Attributes 91 Appendix D Floating Elements 93 Acknowledgments My thanks to the many people who have assisted with the revision of this document and the DTD it attempts to explain: ?Members of the Library of Congress=s National Digital Library Program Text Committee: Martha Anderson, Tom Bramel, Beth Davis-Brown, and Jurretta Jordan Heckscher ?Marla Thomas Banks, Information Technology Services, Library of Congress ?Tommie Usdin and Debbie Lapeyre, Mulberry Technologies ?Michael Sperberg-McQueen, Text Encoding Initiative, University of Illinois at Chicago Please forward any comments about this document or the American Memory DTD to: LeeEllen Friedland National Digital Library Program Library of Congress 101 Independence Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20540-1310 202 707-3980 (voice) 202 707-3764 (fax) General Notes 1. While the American Memory DTD allows many close tags to be optional, in current practice, we require close tags in all cases, with the exception of the following: <blankpage>, <hsep>, <lb>, <omit>, <ptr>, and <xptr>. 2. The examples in this Tag Library do not utilize the publicly declared entities for common characters such as single and double quotation marks and apostrophes. This has been done simply for convenience here, since these examples are intended only to illustrate the use of DTD elements. In current practice, we require use of publicly declared entities for all characters represented in the standard character entity sets in ISO 8879. 3. The "May Occur Within" section of each entry in this Tag Library contains a list of those elements within which one might use the element defined on that page according to our current practice. 4. No attempt has been made here to include full details of all aspects of our current practice of encoding. Additional details, including instructions for deriving ID and ENTITY values, can be found in the National Digital Library Program Text Keying and Encoding Instructions (AStandard Instructions@). <ad> (i.e., Advertisement) Description: An announcement of an event, product, or service intended to interest the public in attending the event, purchasing the product, or using the service. Attributes: All the global attributes and rend. Example: <div><head>Cast of Characters</head><list><item><p>Anna, a convent pupil</p></item><item>...</item></list><ad><p><hi>"Healt hy" Hair!</hi></p><p>If your hair is falling out or if you're troubled with dandruff try <hi rend="bold">Cooper's Hair Success</hi>. It makes your hair "healthy." Thoroughly cleanses the scalp. Try it. Fifty cents a bottle.</p><p><hi rend="other">The Modern Pharmacy</hi></p><p>F.J. Dieudonne & Son, 11th and F Sts.</p><p>Successors to the E. P. Mertz Co.</p></ad> Remarks: Unless otherwise noted, Advertisements <ad> will be tagged and the text captured for searching. The decision to tag or ignore Advertisements <ad> will be made by the collection specialist. When an Advertisement <ad> is complex, it will be divided into Cells <cell>, as Tables <table> are divided. May occur within: Advertisement <ad> Added Text <add> Caption <caption> Division <div> Item <item> Note <note> May contain: Any of the following in any order, as many times as necessary: Advertisement <ad> Illustration <illus> List <list> Note <note> Paragraph <p> Table <table> Or, a series of Cells, like a Table: Cell <cell> (Optional and repeatable) May also contain all floating elements as necessary. Element Declaration: <!ELEMENT ad - - (%chunk.seq; | cell*) > Attribute Declaration: <!ATTLIST ad; rend CDATA > <add> (i.e., Added Text) Description: Words or phrases inserted into the text. Attributes: All the global attributes and rend. place Where the additional text is on the page. Data type CDATA Value Any description of where the addition was placed on the page or relative to the line, such as "supralinear" or "bottom margin." This attribute is optional. Example: <p>Please refer to the letter of <add>August</add> 14th of last year, in which I stated that we would not be able to deliver before December of this year.</p> Remarks: The <add> tag should be used when words or phrases, marked by using lines, arrows, or a proofer's insertion mark such as a caret, are clearly intended to be added to the text of the sentence or phrase in which the mark appears. Added Text <add> will usually flow seamlessly into the text, as though it were in line. Any other "additional" text found on a page should be tagged as a Note <note>. May occur within: Added Text <add> Date <date> Deleted Text <del> Extended Reference <xref> Handwritten <handwritten> Heading <head> Highlighted Text <hi> Note <note> Paragraph <p> Reference <ref> Stamped Text <stamped> Subscripted Text <subscript> Superscripted Text <superscript> May contain: There are two possible contents for this element: text and phrase elements, or a series of paragraphs and paragraph-like elements: 1. Text - may contain data characters and any of the following intermediate elements, in any order, as many times as necessary: Illustration <illus> List <list> Note <note> and any of the phrase element as many times as necessary: Added Text <add> Date <date> Deleted Text <del> Extended Pointer <xptr> Extended Reference <xref> Handwritten <handwritten> Highlighted Text <hi> Omitted Material <omit> Pointer <ptr> Reference <ref> Stamped Text <stamped> Subscripted Text <subscript> Superscripted Text <superscript> 2. Paragraphs - must start with one of the following tags: Advertisement <ad> Paragraph <p> Table <table> And may then contain any of the following in any order, as many times as necessary: Advertisement <ad> Illustrations <illus> List <list> Note <note> Paragraph <p> Table <table> May also contain all floating elements as necessary. Element Declaration: <!ELEMENT add - - (%specialPara;) > Attribute Declaration: <!ATTLIST add; place CDATA #IMPLIED rend CDATA #IMPLIED > <amcol> (i.e., American Memory Collection) Description: The identifying information for the American Memory Collection. Attributes: All the global attributes. Example: <titlestmt><amid type="aggitemid">lcrbmrp-t0a13</amid><title>The progress of colored women : by Mary Church Terrell ... : a machine-readable transcription.African American Perspectives: Pamphlets from the Daniel A.P. Murray Collection, 1820- 1920.rarebk/murSelected and converted.American Memory, Library of Congress. Remarks: The contents of this element will always be provided by Library staff. May occur within: Always the third element within the Title Statement . May contain: The following elements, in order: American Memory Collection ID American Memory Collection Name Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., American Memory Collection ID) Description: The ID for the American Memory Collection; contains the content of MARC field 985, subfield a, or its equivalent. Attributes: All the global attributes. type The type of identifier. Data type Legal values are: aggid The aggregate name of the collection. URN A unique, location- independent, persistent designation of an electronic object or service. handle A specific implementation of a URN that uses the "handle system" to resolve a handle into a physical location (URL). Default value: aggid Example: African American Perspectives: Pamphlets from the Daniel A.P. Murray Collection, 1820- 1920.rarebk/mur Remarks: The contents of this element will always be provided by Library staff. If element contents are not provided, element should appear empty. When a true MARC field 985, subfield a, is available, LC will not key the attribute name and value (as in the example above). When no MARC field 985, subfield a, is available and the aggregate ID is used (or, in the future, a URN or handle) LC will key the attribute name and value. May occur within: Always the second element within American Memory Collection . May contain: Data characters. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., American Memory Collection Name) Description: The name of the American Memory Collection. Attributes: All the global attributes. Example: African American Perspectives: Pamphlets from the Daniel A.P. Murray Collection, 1820- 1920.rarebk/mur Remarks: The contents of this element will always be provided by Library staff. May occur within: Always the first element within American Memory Collection . May contain: Data characters and many phrase elements, as many times as necessary: Date Extended Pointer Extended Reference Pointer Reference Subscripted Text Superscripted Text Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., American Memory Document Identifier) Description: The unique identifier for the electronic document. Attributes: All the global attributes. type What type of identifier. Data type Legal values are: aggitemid Aggregate-item identifier. URN A unique, location- independent, persistent designation of an electronic object or service. handle A specific implementation of a URN that uses the "handle system" to resolve a handle into a physical location (URL). Default value aggitemid Example: lcrbmrp-t0a13The progress of colored women : by Mary Church Terrell ...: a machine-readable transcription.African American Perspectives: Pamphlets from the Daniel A.P. Murray Collection, 1820- 1920.rarebk/mur Remarks: The contents of this element will always be provided by Library staff. May occur within: Always the first element within the Title Statement . May contain: Data characters. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Anchor) Description: Anchor is a target, a location to which to reference or link. The Anchor tag is used in two contexts. Anchor is used to hold footnote or endnote reference character(s). Anchor is also used for generic hypertext links. The Anchor tag should be named by an ID, so that references to it (IDREF) can be checked explicitly by an SGML parser. Attributes: All the global attributes and rend. ID The identifier that links to the appropriate note IDREF (anchor.ids). Data type CDATA Value A name that identifies the particular anchor. The ID will be used by footnotes, endnotes, and references to point to the anchor. Example:

These political divisions held from the end of the First World War until the death of the last royal governor * in 1954. At that time, the reins of government again rested briefly in the hands of the Sheela family. The head of the family at that time was Dame Margaret Ro Sheela, the great-grand-daughter of the original founder.

Charles James Sheela Mauquette, nicknamed "The Handsome." Remarks: The contents of the Anchor is understood to be superscripted; therefore, do not use the tag . May occur within: This is a floating element that may occur anywhere within the Text or in any element inside the Text . It may not occur within the . May contain: Data characters, including publicly declared entities. May be empty if an ID is used. May also contain all floating elements as necessary. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Back Matter) Description: Any material (such as appendices, index, etc.) following the main part (Body) of a document. Attributes: All the global attributes and rend. Example: ......
Appendix A50 Years of Slaughter......
Remarks: The possible contents of Front Matter and Back Matter are identical, because any of the components (such as table of contents or acknowledgments) might appear in either physical location. Back Matter may include advertising material, colophon, publisher=s notes, appendices, glossary, bibliography, indices, etc. May occur within: Text of the document May contain: Division
(Optional and repeatable) May also contain all floating elements as necessary. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Blank Page Marker) Description: Used to indicate the presence of a Blank Page in a document where pages normally contain text. The collection specialist will indicate when blank pages are important. This tag is not used, for example, in cases where the material is printed one-sided and every other page is blank. Attributes: All the global attributes and rend. Example: 0023 Remarks: Very rarely used. There is no close tag. May occur within: Page Information Group May contain: Nothing. This element is empty. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Body of the Document) Description: The main part of a document, excluding any Front Matter or Back Matter. Attributes: All the global attributes and rend. Example: ...
Chapter 1 Should Women Have the Vote?

As I see it, a woman's place is the...

Historically, women's rights over their lives and...

Remarks: If the document is a single unit, not clearly divided into Front Matter , Body , and Back Matter , the entire document is tagged . May occur within: Text of the document May contain: Division
(Optional and repeatable) May also contain all floating elements as necessary. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration:

Remarks: While Captions ... May occur within: Illustration Table
(i.e., Caption of a Table or Illustration) Description: Includes the title of a Table or Illustration, as well as any other descriptive information, such as source data, that accompanies the Table or Illustration. Attributes: All the global attributes and rend. Example:

Figure 7-2 shows an example of a spelling error

A Spelling Error during Interactive Proofreading

Notice that incorrectly spelled word is highlighted on the text screen as well as placed within the correction box on the Rule and Checking Screen.

usually appear on the same page as the Illustrations to which they refer, some books print this information on a tissue guard bound in to protect the Illustration. If the Illustration is on a righthand page, the tissue guard, and the Caption it bears, will precede the Illustration. If the Illustration is on a lefthand page, the tissue guard and separate caption will follow the Illustration. In the latter case, the Illustration and its Caption must be assigned separate Control Page Numbers : 0330034

Niagara Falls

May contain: Any of the following in any order, as many times as necessary: Advertisement Illustration List Note Paragraph


May also contain all floating elements as necessary. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Cell within a Table) Description: Contains the contents (words, numbers, characters, etc.) of one cell (a row/column intersection) in a Table. The Cell element is used to provide full- text searching access to the information in the Table. Attributes: All the global attributes and rend. Example: [Text as it appears in original] peas ten cent per pound shelled carrots 54 with tops yellow squash (the crooked neck ones that smell of fresh hay when cut) 7 cents/pound uncut corn price?? sweet and yellow [Text as tagged]
peasten cent per poundshelledcarrotswith topsyellow squash (the crooked neck ones that smell of fresh hay when cut)7 cents /pounduncutcornprice??sweet and yellow
Remarks: Each Cell element will contain all the numbers, words, phrases, etc., that are within one Cell of a Table . No attempt will be made to capture formatting such as indentation, line, or paragraph breaks, or emphasis changes. The order of Cells is top left to bottom right. Table
footnotes will be tagged as Cells , one note per Cell , to make the text available for searching. Charts and graphs are considered to be Tables
whenever they contain text. Such text will be treated as Cells . May occur within: Advertisement Text within a Table May contain: Data characters, including publicly declared entities. May also contain all floating elements as necessary. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Control or Scanned Page Number) Description: The number of the page image in the sequence of scanned images, counting from one at the start of the document. Attributes: All the global attributes and rend. entity The unique identifier used to point to the image of the page. Data type ENTITY (a unique name) Value A name that uniquely identifies a particular page. The ENTITY will be used to point to an image file containing the page in a displayable image format. This attribute is required when there are page images. LC will specify this information. Example: 002321 Remarks: The Page Information Group is the first element keyed when beginning a new physical page. May occur within: The first required element in Page Information Group . May contain: Data characters. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Copyright Information) Description: Copyright data concerning the original text. This element may include such information as copyright registration number, year, copyright restrictions, etc. Attributes: All the global attributes. Example: ...... 79-91609Writings and Papers of Marian Nevins MacDowell, ca. 1880-1930, Music Division, Library of CongressCopyright status not determined. Remarks: May occur within: The third element within Source Description , following Source Collection . May contain: Data characters, including publicly declared entities. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Date) Description: A Date in any format. Attributes: All the global attributes. calendar Indicates the system or calendar to which the date belongs. Data type CDATA Value The name of calendar system. Default value #IMPLIED (There is no default.) This attribute is optional. value Gives the value of the date in the standard form YYYY/MM/DD. Data type CDATA Value The date rendered as YYYY/MM/DD. Default value #IMPLIED (There is no default.) This attribute is optional. certainty Indicates the certainty of the date. Data type Legal values are: certain Indicates that the date is certain. uncertain Indicates that the date is approximate (often signified by "ca." or "circa"). unknown Indicates that the date is not known (often signified by "n.d."). Default value certain Example:

Lancaster, 13th July, 1807.The President of the United States having required a draft of Fifteen Thousand Six Hundred and Thirty-Five men, as the quota of Pennsylvania, towards a Detachment of One Hundred Thousand Militia ...

Remarks: The tag should be used only when specific instructions are furnished by Library staff for a given set of documents. May occur within: Added Text Date Deleted Text Extended Pointer Extended Reference Handwritten Heading Highlighted Text Note Paragraph

Reference Stamped Text Subscripted Text Superscripted Text May contain: Data characters and any of the phrase elements, as many times as necessary: Added Text Date Deleted Text Extended Pointer Extended Reference Handwritten Highlighted Text Omitted Material Pointer Reference Stamped Text Subscripted Text Superscripted Text May also contain all floating elements as necessary. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Deleted, Cancelled, or Partially Obliterated Text) Description: Text that has been marked for deletion from the document. This can include text marked by some method such as overstrike or a line drawn through it, as well as text that has been erased, but which remains legible enough to transcribe. (The related tag is used to describe text that has been physically removed or obliterated to the point of illegibility.) Attributes: All the global attributes and rend. rend How the deletion was indicated in the text. Data type CDATA Value Any description of the marking process, such as "erasure," "overstrike," "cancelled." Default value #IMPLIED (There is no default.) This attribute is optional. Example: [Text as it appears in original] The subcontractor will supply the camel and other assorted paraphernalia within 30 days of contract award, unless other arrangements have been made with the contracting officer, the performance is canceled, or an elephant is found in time. [Text as tagged]

The subcontractor will supply the camel and other assorted paraphernalia within 30 days of contract award, unless other arrangements have been made with the contracting officer, the performance is canceled, or an elephant is found in time.

Remarks: If the deleted words can be read (for example, overstruck text), the words should be retained in the deleted element, as follows: words that were marked for deletion. If the deletion process has made the words illegible, the tag should be used instead. May occur within: Added Text Date Deleted Text Extended Reference Handwritten Head Highlighted Note Paragraph

Reference Stamped Text Subscripted Text Superscripted Text May contain: Data characters and any of the phrase elements, as many times as necessary: Added Text Date Deleted Text Extended Pointer Extended Reference Handwritten Highlighted Text Omitted Material Pointer Reference Stamped Text Subscripted Text Superscripted Text May also contain all floating elements as necessary. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration:

(i.e., Division of Text) Description: Contains a subdivision of the Front Matter, Body, or Back Matter of a document. Divisions may be named parts, chapters, sections, acts, verses, subsections, etc. Divisions may nest within other Divisions, creating lower levels of subdivision. Each Division usually begins with a heading (such as a chapter title), but may be identified by spacing or a number. Attributes: All the global attributes and rend. type Specifies a name for this level of subdivision such as index, glossary, table of contents, etc. (See Appendix A for a complete list of valid division types.) Data type Legal values are: Value One of the list of valid division types given in Appendix A of this Tag Library. Only divisions useful for searching will be named, so most divisions will have no type attribute given. Default value #IMPLIED (There is no default.) This attribute is optional. Example:

This book is...

Chapter 1 The Beginning

I started out as a child...


Section 1 Kindergarten Days


Section 2 Junior High School Whizz...
Chapter 2 Adulthood...
... Remarks: The type attribute is used only to name specific Divisions
that can be called out during searching, such as table of contents, index, and glossary. Most Divisions
(chapters, sections, acts, etc.) are not named in the type attribute. May occur within: Front Matter Back Matter Body of the Document or within another Division
May contain: The following elements, in order: Head (Optional and repeatable) Any of the following, in any order, as many times as necessary: Advertisement Illustration List Note Paragraph


Followed by: Division
(Optional and repeatable) May also contain all floating elements as necessary. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Editorial Practices Declaration) Description: The editorial principles and practices applied during the encoding of the text. Attributes: All the global attributes. Example:

The National Digital Library Program at the Library of Congress makes digitized historical materials available for education and scholarship.

This transcription is intended to have an accuracy of 99.95 percent or greater and is not intended to reproduce the appearance of the original work. The accompanying images provide a facsimile of this work and represent the appearance of the original.

Remarks: Editorial Practices Declaration contains a statement about the editorial principles applied during the encoding of the document. This will be boilerplate provided by Library staff. May occur within: The second element in Encoding Description , following Project Description . May contain: Paragraphs

(Required and repeatable) Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Encoding Date) Description: Original encoding date of the electronic document. Attributes: All the global attributes. Example:

This transcription is intended to have an accuracy of 99.95 percent or greater and is not intended to reproduce the appearance of the original work. The accompanying images provide a facsimile of this work and represent the appearance of the original.

1995/04/01 Remarks: May occur within: The third element in Encoding Description , following Editorial Practices Declaration . May contain: Data characters, including publicly declared entities. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Encoding Description) Description: Contains information about the editorial principles and purpose of the electronic document transcription. Attributes: All the global attributes. Example: Copyright status not determined; refer to accompanying matter.

The National Digital Library Program at the Library of Congress makes digitized historical materials available for education and scholarship.

This transcription is intended to have an accuracy of 99.95 percent or greater and is not intended to reproduce the appearance of the original work. The accompanying images provide a facsimile of this work and represent the appearance of the original.

Remarks: May occur within: The TEI Header , following File Description . May contain: The following, in order: Project Description (Optional and repeatable) Editorial Practices Declaration (Optional and repeatable) Encoding Date Revision Date (Optional and repeatable) Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., TEI Header File Description) Description: The intent of the TEI is that this element contain a full bibliographic description of the electronic file. This element contains the title statement, the publication statement, and the source description. The File Description is the first element in every TEI Header. Attributes: All the global attributes. Example: .............
..... Remarks: The File Description needs to contain both the bibliographic information concerning the original work as well as any statements, such as ownership and responsibility, concerning the electronic file. May occur within: First element in the TEI Header . May contain: The following, in order: Title Statement Publication Statement Source Description (Required and repeatable) Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Front Matter) Description: Contains any preliminary material, such as the Title Page, Preface, Dedication, Introduction, found before the start of a document proper. Attributes: All the global attributes and rend. Example:


...... Remarks: The possible contents of Front Matter and Back Matter are identical, because any of the components (such as table of contents or acknowledgments) might appear in either physical location. May occur within: Text of the document May contain: Division
(Optional and repeatable) May also contain all floating elements as necessary. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Handwritten Text) Description: Text in which the characters have been drawn by human hand, as opposed to typed, typeset, set in block letters, etc., or otherwise mechanically reproduced. Attributes: All the global attributes and rend. Example:

At the rising of the curtain the stage is filled with peasants celebrating their annual "Kermis" (church fair). Some are drinking and smoking, seated in front of the Inn and under the tree at the right; others are dancing in the middle of the scene; others again, at the right and back, are bargaining with strolling vendors.

Remarks: Use this tag to describe Handwritten notes, interlineations, or comments on a page that is otherwise typed or printed text. DO NOT use this tag when the entire document is handwritten; instead use the "rend" attribute of the tag. If there are one or more Handwritten letters inserted into a typed word, the entire word should be marked as handwritten to avoid breaking up the word for search purposes. May occur within: Added Text Date Deleted Text Extended Reference Head Highlighted Note Paragraph

Reference Stamped Text Subscripted Text Superscripted Text May contain: Data characters and any of the phrase elements, as many times as necessary: Added Text Date Deleted Text Extended Pointer Extended Reference Handwritten Highlighted Omitted Material Pointer Reference Stamped Text Subscripted Text Superscripted Text May also contain all floating elements as necessary. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Heading or Title) Description: A title or Heading that appears at the start of a division of text or list. Attributes: All the global attributes and rend. Example:

The Woman's Rights Almanac

"A man, both day and night, must keep his wife so much in subjection, that she by no means be mistress of her own actions. If the wife have her own free-will, notwithstanding she be of superior caste, she will behave amiss."

Remarks: Because the tags ... imply that the element enclosed in the tags is Highlighted in some way, it is not necessary to indicate that the text is Highlighted ( for example, italics or bold type). However, a portion of a Heading may be tagged Highlighted to show special treatment of a word or phrase. May occur within: Division
List May contain: Data characters and any of the phrase elements, as many times as necessary: Added Text Date Deleted Text Extended Pointer Extended Reference Handwritten Highlighted Omitted Material Pointer Reference Stamped Text Subscripted Text Superscripted Text May also contain all floating elements as necessary. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Highlighted or Emphasized Text) Description: Highlighted words or phrases are those made visibly different from the rest of the text, typically by a difference in style, color, size, or type font. Certain types of highlighting (such as bold and italics) are identified using the rend attribute. Attributes: All the global attributes. rend What kind of highlighting or emphasis (only certain common kinds are given names). Data type Any of the following values: bold Bold face (darker, heavier) type style italics Italic, slanted, or oblique type style smallcaps Small capital letters the size of lower-case letters underscore Underlined text blockindent Indented text where all lines are indented, not just the first line. Both right and left margins are usually indented. hunderscore Handwritten underscore other Any other type of variant presentation. This attribute should be used when the highlighting is one of the named types. Default value: #IMPLIED (There is no default.) Example:

1900—A complete change of style has taken place. Everything is being worn à l' aristocrate, with the repeated assertion that too many people are voting already.

Remarks: The tag should only be used for variant presentation that occurs within the middle of text where such emphasis is unusual. The tag should not be used with tags such as which identify a text structure that is highlighted because of the nature of the structure. The tag should be used when an entire structure is formatted differently from its usual look, such as an italicized paragraph in otherwise Roman text. If only part of a word has been highlighted, tag the entire word as Highlighted . May occur within: Added Text Date Deleted Text Extended Reference Handwritten Head Highlighted Note Paragraph

Reference Stamped Text Subscripted Text Superscripted Text May contain: Data characters and any of the phrase elements, as many times as necessary: Added Text Date Deleted Text Extended Pointer Extended Reference Handwritten Highlighted Omitted Material Pointer Reference Stamped Text Subscripted Text Superscripted Text May also contain all floating elements as necessary. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Horizontal Separation) Description: Used to indicate where there is significant horizontal spacing (which may be blank or filled with fill characters such as leader dots or a rule) between items that originally printed on a single line. This tag, like the Line Break tag, is used in cases where the formatting of a line is significant, for example in a list of illustrations, table of contents, or glossary list. Attributes: All the global attributes and rend. Example: [Text as it appears in original] John...................................a rogue Marsha...............................our heroine Pomp..................................a peeping tom Interested Reader................a figment [Text as tagged]

Johna rogue

Marshaour heroine

Pompa peeping tom

Interested Readera figment

Remarks: There is no close tag. May occur within: This is a floating element that may occur anywhere within the Text of the document or in any element inside the Text of the document . It may not occur within the TEI Header . May contain: Nothing. This element is empty. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Illustration) Description: A picture, drawing, plate, or other graphic or pictorial element that occurs within a document. An ENTITY reference in the Illustration tag points to an image file containing the scanned image of the picture. Attributes All the global attributes and rend. entity The unique identifier used to point to the display image of the illustration. Data type ENTITY Value A name that identifies a particular illustration. The ENTITY points to an image file containing the illustration in a displayable format. This attribute is required when there are page images. map Marks particular illustrations as being maps. Data type Legal values are: yes Indicates the illustration is a map. no Indicates any other kind of illustration. Default value: no This attribute is optional. Example:

Some text, which may or may not reference the illustration:

Remarks: Tables

Mrs. Edward MacDowell

Above—Edward MacDowell when he went to Paris at the age of fifteen (left); while studying at Frankfort (right); at the height of his American career (center).

, charts, and graphs are not considered Illustrations and should be tagged as
. But photographs, line drawings, figures, plates, and other pictorial elements are all Illustrations . May occur within: Advertisement Added Text Back Matter Body Caption
Division Extended Reference Front Matter Item Note Paragraph

Reference May contain: Caption

(Optional) (that contains the title and other descriptive information concerning the illustration). May also contain all floating elements as necessary. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Item in a List) Description: One element within the sequence of elements that make up an ordered, unordered, or simple list. In print or display, each item usually begins on a new line. Attributes: All the global attributes and rend. Example: [Text as it appears in original] The vegetables on the table included: corn peas carrots yellow squash [Text as tagged]

The vegetables on the table included:




yellow squash

Remarks: A single list Item may include several paragraphs of text, other lists, etc. Lists can nest as deeply as necessary. May occur within: List May contain: Any of the following in any order, as many times as necessary: Advertisement Illustration List Note Paragraph

Table May also contain all floating elements as necessary. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Line Break) Description: Start of a new line. Used when line endings are unusual or significant and must be preserved, for example, in very short lines or in poetry and verse. Line Breaks must be used where the text does not seem to fill the available space, for example, if there is one word per line. Line Breaks should NOT be used for short lines where the structure indicates the length of the line, for example, in a list item, a table cell, or at the end of a paragraph. Attributes: All the global attributes and rend. Example:

ZIG ZAG.A Musical Farce ComedyIn three ActsbyWilliam W. Tillotson


Remarks: There is no close tag. May occur within: This is a floating element and may occur anywhere within the Text of the document or in any element inside the Text of the document . It may not occur within the TEI Header . May contain: Nothing. This element is empty. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Library of Congress Card Number) Description: The Library of Congress Card Number assigned to the document. Attributes: All the global attributes. Example: ......79-91609National American Woman Suffrage Association Collection, Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Library of CongressCopyright status not determined. Remarks: Close tag is required. May occur within: The first element within the Source Description . May contain: Data characters, including publicly declared entities. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., List ) Description: A List is a sequence of text items that may be ordered (numbered or lettered) or unordered (printed in a column on the page or marked with a bullet or other separation character). Attributes: All the global attributes and rend. type What kind of list. Data type Any of the following values: bulleted Each item prefaced by a special character ordered Each item prefaced by a letter or number simple No preface before items Default value simple This attribute is optional. Example: [Text as it appears in original] The blind men who approached the elephant likened that beast to a number of items: Rope Snake Wall Tree They should never have: a. Jumped to conclusions so quickly. b. Ignored the big picture. [Text as tagged]

The blind men who approached the elephant likened that beast to a number of items:



< item>



They should never have:

a. Jumped to conclusions so quickly.

b. Ignored the big picture.

Remarks: A single List item may include several paragraphs of text, other lists, etc. Lists can nest as deeply as necessary. May occur within: Advertisement Added Text Back Matter Body Caption
Division Extended Reference Front Matter Item Note Paragraph

Reference May contain: Any of the following elements, in order: Head (Optional) Item (Required and repeatable) May also contain all floating elements as necessary. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Person or Organization Name) Description: Within TEI DTDs in general, a name identifies a person or thing. Within the Responsibility Statement element of the Title Statement, this element will name Library of Congress as responsible for the electronic document. Attributes: All the global attributes. Example: ...Selected and converted.American Memory, Library of Congress. Remarks: This element will be the same for all documents. May occur within: Anywhere within the Responsibility Statement , which follows in the . May contain: The tag will always contain the phrase "American Memory, Library of Congress." Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Note in or Commenting on Text) Description: Contains an additional comment found in a document, marked in some way as being out of the main textual stream. Footnotes, endnotes, notes in the text, marginalia, interpolations, and interlineations are all Notes. Attributes: All the global attributes and rend. anchor.ids The pointer to the anchor(s) associated with the reference. Data type IDREFS (one or more unique names) Value One or more names; each name is the unique ID of a particular anchor. This attribute is optional. place Where on the physical page the note appears. Data type CDATA Value Description of note location. This attribute is optional. Example: The following example uses for a footnote. The footnote text has been keyed at the end of the paragraph in which it is referenced. The reference is tagged using ... around the footnote number (or symbol, such as an asterisk or dagger) that appears in the original text.

These political divisions held from the end of the First World War until the death of the last royal governor2 in 1954. At that time, the reins of government again rested briefly in the hands of the Sheela family. The head of the family at that time was Dame Margaret Ro Sheela, the great-grand-daughter of the original founder.

2. Charles James Sheela Mauquette, nicknamed "The Handsome." Remarks: If there is any indication that a Note should be inserted into the original text, such as by a proofer's caret mark, the Note should be placed in the text at the point where its marker or identifier first appears. If the Note is written in the margins or between the lines and seems to be about the text, not part of it, the Note should be placed after the end of the nearest Paragraph

. A footnote is a Note originally printed at the bottom of a page that is referenced from somewhere within the text of the page, usually using a numeral, Superscripted Text , or special character such as an asterisk or dagger. Footnotes will be keyed at the end of the first Paragraph

in which they are referenced. The reference to the footnote will be tagged using . Endnotes are also Notes referenced from within the text, but they are collected together and printed at the end of a Division

of the document (such as a chapter) rather than printed at the bottom of a page. Endnotes will NOT be moved to their place of reference, but will be tagged and left at the end of the division. Endnote references will be tagged using . The value should be identical to the value. It is not unusual for more than one to refer to the text of a single footnote. For example, several names on a page might be followed by an asterisk and several more names, by a dagger. The footnote preceded by the asterisk might read: "Settlers who arrived in California before 1850"; the Note preceded by the dagger might read: "Settlers who arrived in California between 1850 and 1860." Subsequent references to an established Note should reuse the note's IDREF (anchor.ids) in the . May occur within: Advertisement Added Text Back Matter Body Caption
Division Extended Reference Front Matter Item Note Paragraph

Reference May contain: There are two possible contents for this element: text and phrase elements, or a series of paragraphs and paragraph-like elements: 1. Text - May contain data characters and any of the following intermediate elements, in any order, as many times as necessary: Illustration List Note and any of the phrase elements as many times as necessary: Added Text Date Deleted Text Extended Pointer Extended Reference Handwritten Highlighted Text Omitted Material Pointer Reference Stamped Text Subscripted Text Superscripted Text 2. Paragraphs - must start with one of the following elements: Advertisement Paragraph

Table and may then contain any of the following in any order, as many times as necessary: Advertisement Illustrations List Note Paragraph


May also contain all floating elements as necessary. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Omitted Material) Description: Indicates a point where material has been omitted during the conversion of a document, either for editorial reasons or because the material could not be read. This can include text that is obliterated (for example, by blacking out or striking over every character with a marker such as an "X"), physically missing (for example, cut out or torn off), or illegible. Illegible text occurs when there are words or letters on the page that cannot be identified. This includes physically damaged type, characters that can be seen but not clearly enough to distinguish them, and unknown symbols. Attributes: All the global attributes and rend. desc Gives a description of the omitted material. Data type CDATA Value A prose description of the material omitted. This attribute is optional. reason Why the material was omitted. Data type Legal values are: illegible Indicates that text is obliterated and can not be read. missing Indicates that part of the original page is missing and, therefore, text can not be read. untranscribable Indicates that text appears in characters that can not be transcribed. Default value illegible This attribute is optional. extent Indicates approximately how much material has been lost, in letters, words, inches, or any appropriate unit. Data type Data characters Value Any appropriate descriptive phrase such as "five words," "three lines," or "half a page." This attribute is optional. Example:

village of Catskill, inhabited by the descendants of the Dutch Colony which settled in the United States in 1614.

Remarks: If the number of words, Paragraphs

, or pages can be determined, although their content cannot be known, use the extent attribute to describe the quantity that has been omitted, for example, . The tag should be used only for complete words or longer passages. If a few letters are missing or illegible, insert a question mark for each missing letter, for example,

While vacationing on Mount Pappa??ollo?s, we met the nicest man.

Text that can still be read (even if it is marked for deletion or partially erased) should be tagged using Deleted Text . There is no close tag. May occur within: Added Text Date Deleted Text Extended Reference Handwritten Head Highlighted Note Paragraph

Reference Stamped Text Subscripted Text Superscripted Text May contain: Nothing. This element is empty. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Non-AM System Document Identification Number) Description: Documents may have a non-American Memory identifying number, such as an accession number, issuing-agency number, or collection number that could have significance for searchers. This element contains such a number. Attributes: All the global attributes and rend. Example:

SGML:The User's Guideto ISO 8879

Joan M. SmithIndependent Consultantand President SGML User's Group

12560 Remarks: May occur within: This is a floating element that may occur anywhere within the Text of the document or in any element inside the Text of the document . It may not occur within the TEI Header . May contain: Data characters. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration:

(i.e., Paragraph) Description: A subdivision of text that contains one or more lines or sentences. In most printed material, paragraphs are set apart by an initial indent, a blank line, a large or illuminated initial letter, or other such device. Attributes: All the global attributes and rend. Example:

Fashion Notes: Past and Present

1890—Violence is very evident in this season's modes, and our more conservative thinkers are saying that woman suffrage threatens the home, the Church and the republic.

1900—A complete change of style has taken place. Everything is being worn à l' aristocrate, with the repeated assertion that too many people are voting already.

Remarks: May occur within: Advertisement Added Text Back Matter Body Caption
Division Front Matter Item Note Project Description Publication Statement Source Description May contain: Data characters and any of the following intermediate elements, as many times as necessary: Illustration List Note or any of the phrase elements, as many times as necessary: Added Text Date Deleted Text Extended Pointer Extended Reference Handwritten Highlighted Text Omitted Material Pointer Reference Stamped Text Subscripted Text Superscripted Text May also contain all floating elements as necessary. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Page Information Group) Description: A grouping tag that gathers all the information about the pagination of one page, this tag marks the start of each physical page in a document. Attributes: All the global attributes and rend. Example:


Remarks: The Page Information Group should be the first element at the start of each physical page. May occur within: This is a floating element that may occur anywhere within the Text of the document or in any element inside the Text of the document . It may not occur within the TEI Header . May contain: The following elements, in order: Control Page Number Printed Page Number (Required and repeatable) Blank Page Marker (Optional) May also contain all floating elements as necessary. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Printed Page Number) Description: The page number as printed or handwritten on the original pages. If there is more than one page number on the original and the numbers are not the same, more than one should be used. Attributes: All the global attributes and rend. Example: In the example below, two different page numbers were printed on a single page: 00232123 Remarks: The Printed Page Number should be the second element in each Page Information Group . If there is no page number on the printed page, should be used and left empty. May occur within: Second element in Page Information Group . May contain: Data characters. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Project Description) Description: The aim or purpose for which the electronic file was encoded. Attributes: All the global attributes. Example:

The National Digital Library Program at the Library of Congress makes digitized historical materials available for education and scholarship.

This transcription is intended to have an accuracy ...

Remarks: Project Description contains a statement about the aim or purpose for which the electronic file was encoded. This will be boilerplate provided by Library staff. May occur within: The first element in Encoding Description . May contain: Paragraphs

(Required and repeatable) Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Pointer) Description: Contains a reference or Pointer to another location in the current document. Attributes: All the global attributes and rend. target The pointer to the anchor(s) associated with the reference. Data type IDREFS (one or more unique names) Value One or more names; each name is the unique ID of a particular anchor. This attribute is optional. evaluate Specifies intended meaning when target of pointer is itself a pointer. Data type Legal values are: all If the element pointed to is itself a pointer, then the target of that pointer will be taken, and so on, until an element is found which is not a pointer. one If the element pointed to is itself a pointer, then its target (whether a pointer or not) is taken as the target of this pointer. none No further evaluation of targets is carried out beyond that needed to find the element specified in the pointer=s target. This attribute is optional. Example:

And as we saw in last week's essay, it is essential that...

Remarks: Pointer is not used for footnotes or endnotes; see Anchor . Pointer may point to any element in the current document with a valid ID. There is no close tag. May occur within: This is a floating element that may occur anywhere within the Text of the document or in any element inside the Text of the document . It may not occur in the TEI Header . May contain: Nothing. This is an empty element. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., TEI Header Publication Statement) Description: This element holds the date and place of publication and distribution for the electronic document. Attributes: All the global attributes. Example: ...

Washington, DC, 1995.

Remarks: This element will usually contain boilerplate text. May occur within: Second required element in the File Description ; must follow the Title Statement . May contain: Paragraphs

(Required and repeatable) Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Reference) Description: Contains a Reference or pointer to another location in the current document. Attributes: All the global attributes and rend. target The pointer to the anchor(s) associated with the reference. Data type IDREFS (one or more unique names) Value One or more names; each name is the unique ID of a particular anchor. This attribute is optional. evaluate Specifies intended meaning when the target of a pointer is itself a pointer. Data type Legal values are: all If the element pointed to is itself a pointer, then the target of that pointer will be taken, and so on, until an element is found which is not a pointer. one If the element pointed to is itself a pointer, then its target (whether a pointer or not) is taken as the target of this pointer. none No further evaluation of targets is carried out beyond that needed to find the element specified in the pointer=s target. This attribute is optional. Example:

And as we saw in last week's essay,Click here to see related text. it is essential that ...

Remarks: Reference is not used for footnotes or endnotes; see Anchor . Reference may point to any element in the current document with a valid ID. The element may contain text. May occur within: This is a floating element that may occur anywhere within the Text of the document or in any element inside the Text of the document . It may not occur in the TEI Header . May contain: Data characters with any of the phrase elements, as many times as necessary: Added Text Date Deleted Text Extended Pointer Extended Reference Handwritten Highlighted Illustration List Note Omitted Material Pointer Reference Stamped Text Subscripted Text Superscripted Text May be empty if an ID is used. May also contain all floating elements as necessary. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., TEI Header Responsibility Indicator) Description: Within TEI DTDs in general, the Responsibility Indicator contains a phrase that describes the nature of a person's or organization's intellectual responsibility. Within the Responsibility Statement element of the Title Statement, describes the part played by the Library of Congress staff in the creation of the electronic document. Attributes: All the global attributes. Example: ...Selected and converted.American Memory, Library of Congress. Remarks: This element will be the same for all documents in the electronic collection. May occur within: Anywhere within the Responsibility Statement . May contain: Data characters with many of the phrase elements, as many times as necessary: Date Extended Pointer Extended Reference Pointer Reference Subscripted Text Superscripted Text May be empty if an ID is used. May also contain all floating elements as necessary. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., TEI Header Responsibility Statement) Description: Identifies the Library of Congress as the creator of the machine-readable document. The Responsibility Statement will contain a indicator that describes the part played by the Library of Congress staff in the creation of the electronic documents and a element that contains "American Memory, Library of Congress." Attributes: All the global attributes. Example: tei2>...< resp>Selected and converted.American Memory, Library of Congress.
.. . Remarks: This element will be identical for all records within the electronic collection. May occur within: Must be within the Title Statement , following . May contain: Both of the following elements, in any order, at least once: Name Responsibility Indicator Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Revision Date) Description: Date of application changes that result in changes to the electronic document. Attributes: All the global attributes. Example:

This transcription is intended to have an accuracy of 99.95 percent or greater and is not intended to reproduce the appearance of the original work. The accompanying images provide a facsimile of this work and represent the appearance of the original.

1995/04/01 1997/03/12 Remarks: When changes are made in the TEI Header , but not in the Text of the Document , the date of changes should appear in attribute "date.updated". When changes are made in both the TEI Header and the Text of the Document , the date of changes should appear in both attribute "date.updated" and . May occur within: Encoding Description May contain: Data characters, including publicly declared entities. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Source Collection) Description: Source Collection in which the document resides. May contain such information as institution, division, collection name, folder, or call number. Attributes: All the global attributes. Example: ......79-91609Writings and Papers of Marian Nevins MacDowell, ca. 1880-1930, Music Division, Library of Congress.Copyright status not determined. Remarks: The contents of this element will be furnished by Library staff. May occur within: Source Description , following the Library of Congress Card Number . May contain: Data characters, including publicly declared entities. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., TEI Header Source Description) Description: The TEI intends that the Source Description contain a bibliographic description of the source material from which the electronic document was generated. Attributes: All the global attributes. Example: ......79- 91609W. P. A. California Folk Music Project Collection, 1938-1940, American Folklife Center, Library of Congress.Copyright status not determined....... Remarks: May occur within: In the File Description , following the Publication Statement . May contain: In this order: LCCN (Optional) Source Collection (Optional) Copyright Information (Optional) Paragraph

(Optional and repeatable) Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Stamped, Embossed, or Perforated Text) Description: Contains characters within (or superimposed upon) the text that were added to a document by a process such as stamping, embossing, or perforation. A typical example is a date stamp. Attributes: All the global attributes and rend. Example: Voices in the Chorus: A Play in 3 Acts

Received 12/12/08

. Remarks: Typical Library of Congress stamps include: Date Received stamp, Cancel and Draft stamps, Copyright Office stamp, and WPA Chicago Offices stamp. May occur within: Added Text Date Deleted Text Extended Reference Handwritten Head Highlighted Note Paragraph

Reference Stamped Text Subscripted Text Superscripted Text May contain: Data characters with any of the phrase elements, as many times as necessary: Added Text Date Deleted Text Extended Pointer Extended Reference Handwritten Highlighted Text Omitted Material Pointer Reference Stamped Text Subscripted Text Superscripted Text May also contain all floating elements as necessary. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., Subscripted Text) Description: An emphasis or highlighting-type element indicating characters that are specially formatted below the regular line of text. Attributes: All the global attributes. Example:

water: the liquid the descends from the clouds as rain ... an odorless, tasteless, very slightly compressible liquid oxide of hydrogen H2O which appears bluish in thick layers ...

Remarks: Words should not be broken up by tags. Therefore, even when only a portion of a word appears as Subscripted Text in a document, the entire word should be tagged . May occur within: Added Text American Memory Collection Name Date Deleted Text Extended Reference Handwritten Head Highlighted Name Note Paragraph

Reference Responsibility Indicator Stamped Text Superscripted Text Title May contain: Data characters with any of the phrase elements, as many times as necessary: Added Text <add> Date <date> Deleted Text <del> Extended Pointer <xptr> Extended Reference <xref> Handwritten <handwritten> Highlighted Text <hi> Omitted Material <omit> Pointer <ptr> Reference <ref> Stamped Text <stamped> Subscripted Text <subscript> Superscripted Text <superscript> May also contain all floating elements as necessary. Element Declaration: <!ELEMENT subscript - - (%phrase.seq;) > Attribute Declaration: <!ATTLIST subscript; > <superscript> (i.e., Superscripted Text) Description: An emphasis or highlighting-type element indicating characters that are specially formated above the regular line of text. Attributes: All the global attributes. Example: <p><handwritten>The <superscript>Honble</superscript> Thomas Jefferson<lb>Virginia ...</p> Remarks: Words should not be broken up by tags. Therefore, even when only a portion of a word appears as Superscripted Text <superscript> in a document, the entire word should be tagged <superscript>. May occur within: Added Text <add> American Memory Collection Name <amcolname> Date <date> Deleted Text <del> Extended Reference <xref> Handwritten <handwritten> Head <head> Highlighted <hi> Name <name> Note <note> Paragraph <p> Reference <ref> Responsibility Indicator <resp> Stamped Text <stamped> Subscripted Text <subscript> Title <title> May contain: Data characters with any of the phrase elements, as many times as necessary: Added Text <add> Date <date> Deleted Text <del> Extended Pointer <xptr> Extended Reference <xref> Handwritten <handwritten> Highlighted Text <hi> Omitted Material <omit> Pointer <ptr> Reference <ref> Stamped Text <stamped> Subscripted Text <subscript> Superscripted Text <superscript> May also contain all floating elements as necessary. Element Declaration: <!ELEMENT superscript - - (%phrase.seq;) > Attribute Declaration: <!ATTLIST superscript; > <table> (i.e., Table) Description: A body of related information displayed in multiple rows and columns. A chart or graph should also be considered a Table. Attributes: All the global attributes and rend. entity The unique identifier used to point to the display image of the Table. Data type ENTITY Value A name that uniquely identifies a particular Table. The ENTITY will be used to point to an image file that contains the Table in a displayable image format. Example: [Text as it appears in original] The prices for the vegetables on the table, as best I remember them (please remember that this was long ago in an old man's memory) were something like the ones below. What We Ate At Lourdes that Spring peas ten cent per pound shelled carrots 54 with tops yellow squash (the crooked neck ones that smell of fresh hay when cut) 7 cents/pound uncut corn price?? sweet and yellow [Text as tagged] <p>The prices for the vegetables on the table, as best I remember them (please remember that this was long ago in an old man's memory) were something like the ones below.</p><table entity="p0164"><caption><p>What We Ate At Lourdes that Spring></p></caption><tabletext><cell>peas</cell><cell >ten cent per pound</cell><cell>shelled</cell><cell>carrots</cell><cell >5¢</cell><cell>with tops</cell><cell>yellow squash (the crooked neck ones that smell of fresh hay when cut)</cell><cell>7 cents/pound</cell><cell>uncut</cell><cell>corn</cell><ce ll>price??</cell><cell>sweet and yellow</cell></tabletext></table> Remarks: Each Table <table> is captured as an image for the purpose of display and tagged in SGML for the purpose of searching only. The image file is referenced using the ENTITY attribute. The searchable text is within Cells <cell> inside the Table Text <tabletext>. Table <table> footnotes will be tagged like other Notes <note>: The Anchor <anchor> will be in the Cells <cell> and the Notes <note> will follow the </table>. Charts and graphs are considered to be Tables <table>. Any text within a chart or graph will be treated as Cells <cell>. May occur within: Advertisement <ad> Added Text <add> Back Matter <back> Body <body> Caption <caption> Division <division> Front Matter <front> Item <item> Note <note> May contain: The following elements in order: Caption <caption> (Optional) Text within a Table <tabletext> May also contain all floating elements as necessary. Element Declaration: <!ELEMENT table - O (caption?, tabletext) > Attribute Declaration: <!ATTLIST table; entity ENTITY #IMPLIED rend CDATA #IMPLIED > <tabletext> (i.e., Text within a Table) Description: Contains the contents of a Table, one Cell at a time. The arrangement of Cells is top left to bottom right, but will not be used for displaying the tabular information; all Tables will be displayed as images. Attributes: All the global attributes and rend. Example: [Text as it appears in original] What We Ate At Lourdes that Spring peas ten cent per pound shelled carrots 54 with tops yellow squash (the crooked neck ones that smell of fresh hay when cut) 7 cents/pound uncut corn price?? sweet and yellow [Text as tagged] <table entity="p0164"><caption><p>What We Ate At Lourdes that Spring><p></caption><tabletext><cell>peas</cell><cell>ten cent per pound</cell><cell>shelled</cell><cell>carrots</cell><cell>5&c ent;</cell><cell>with tops</cell><cell>yellow squash (the crooked neck ones that smell of fresh hay when cut)</cell><cell>7 cents/pound</cell><cell>uncut</cell><cell>corn</cell><cell>pr ice??</cell><cell>sweet and yellow</cell></tabletext></table> Remarks: Table <table> footnotes will be tagged like other Notes <note>: The Anchor <anchor> will be in the Cells <cell> and the Notes <note> will follow the </table>. May occur within: Table <table> May contain: One or more Cells <cell> May also contain all floating elements as necessary. Element Declaration: <!ELEMENT tabletext - - (cell+) > Attribute Declaration: <!ATTLIST tabletext; rend CDATA #IMPLIED > <tei2> (i.e., TEI Document) Description: The envelope that contains both the TEI Header information <teiheader> and the Text of the document <text>. This is the topmost element; all other elements are inside <tei2>. Attributes: All the global attributes. Example: <!doctype tei2 public"-//Library of Congress - Historical Collections (American Memory)//DTD ammem.dtd//EN"><tei2><teiheader>...</teiheader><text type="manuscript">.....</text></tei2> Remarks: May occur within: First element in the document; contains all other elements. May contain: The following, in order: TEI Header <teiheader> Text of the document <text> Element Declaration: <!ELEMENT TEI2 - - (teiheader, text) > <teiheader> (i.e., TEI Header Information) Description: The required first part of every TEI-conformant document, the <teiheader> is a collection of information that supplies the descriptive and declarative information making up an "electronic title page" for each document. Attributes: All the global attributes. type What kind of document. Data type CDATA Default value text This attribute is optional. creator Identifies the creator of the TEI Header. Data type CDATA Value The name of the institution responsible for creating the TEI Header. Usual value="National Digital Library Program, Library of Congress" Default value #IMPLIED (There is no default.) This attribute is optional. status Indicates whether the <teiheader> is new or has been substantially revised. Data type Two possible values: new The TEI Header is a new header. updated The TEI Header has been revised (updated). Default value new This attribute is optional. date.created Indicates when the first version of the TEI Header was created. Data type CDATA Value A date rendered as YYYY/MM/DD. Default value #IMPLIED (There is no default.) This attribute is optional. date.updated Indicates when the current version of the TEI Header was created. Data type CDATA Value A date rendered as YYYY/MM/DD. Default value #IMPLIED (There is no default.) This attribute is optional. Example: <!doctype tei2 public"-//Library of Congress - Historical Collections (American Memory)//DTD ammem.dtd//EN"><tei2><teiheader creator="National Digital Library Program, Library of Congress" status="new" date.created="1993/05/02"><filedesc><titlestmt>...</titlestmt><pu blicationstmt>...</publicationstmt><sourcedesc>...</sourcedesc></ filedesc><encodingdesc>...</encodingdesc></teiheader><text type="publication"><front>...<body>...<back>...</text></tei2> Remarks: One of the few elements unconditionally required in any TEI document. May occur within: Must be the first element in a TEI2 document. The <teiheader> is immediately followed by the Text of the document <text>. May contain: Must contain the following, in order: File Description <filedesc> Encoding Description <encodingdesc> Element Declaration: <!ELEMENT teiheader - - (filedesc, encodingdesc) > Attribute Declaration: <!ATTLIST teiheader; type CDATA text creator CDATA #IMPLIED status (new|updated) new date.created CDATA #IMPLIED date.updated CDATA #IMPLIED > <text> (i.e., Text of the Electronic Document) Description: A single Text of any kind, whether unitary or composite, for example, a book, pamphlet, drama, collection of essays, or broadside. What constitutes a document will be defined for each collection by the collection preparation staff. Attributes: All the global attributes and rend. type What kind of document. Data type CDATA Value Use "publication" for published materials or "manuscript" for unpublished materials. This attribute is required. Example: <!doctype tei2 public"-//Library of Congress - Historical Collections (American Memory)//DTD ammem.dtd//EN"><tei2><teiheader>...</<teiheader><text type="publication"><front>...</front><body>...</body><back> ...</back></text></tei2> Remarks: The extent of a document will be defined by the collection staff and may be different for each type of material. A document could be a Handwritten <handwritten> letter, a scrapbook containing mixed material, a book, a pamphlet, a collection of letters, etc. For Handwritten <handwritten> manuscripts use <text type=manuscript rend="handwritten">. May occur within: TEI document <tei2> May contain: The following elements, in order: Front Matter <front> (Optional) Body of the Document <body> (Optional) Back Matter <back> (Optional) May also contain all floating elements as necessary. Element Declaration: <!ELEMENT text - - (front?, body?, back?) + (%float;) > Attribute Declaration: <!ATTLIST text; type (publication | manuscript) #REQUIRED rend (handwritten | typed | printed | mixed) #IMPLIED > <title> (i.e., TEI Header Document Title) Description: The Title tag contains the title of the original document, generally the contents of MARC field 245, subfields a, b, and c, or the equivalent. Attributes: All the global attributes. Example: <titlestmt><amid type="aggitemid">lcrbmrp-t0a13</amid><title>The progress of colored women : by Mary Church Terrell ... : a machine-readable transcription.African American Perspectives: Pamphlets from the Daniel A.P. Murray Collection, 1820- 1920.rarebk/murSelected and converted.American Memory, Library of Congress. Remarks: This information will be furnished by Library staff. May occur within: Required as second element in the Title Statement . May contain: Data characters and many phrase elements, as many times as necessary: Date Extended Pointer Extended Reference Pointer Reference Subscripted Text Superscripted Text May also contain all floating elements as necessary. Element Declaration: Attribute Declaration: (i.e., TEI Header Title Statement) Description: Groups information about the title of a work and those responsible for the creation of the electronic document. Attributes: All the global attributes. Example: lcrbmrp- t0a13The progress of colored women : by Mary Church Terrell ... : a machine-readable transcription.African American Perspectives: Pamphlets from the Daniel A.P. Murray Collection, 1820- 1920.rarebk/mur< resp>Selected and converted.American Memory, Library of Congress.......... Remarks: May occur within: Must be the first element within the File Description . Must be immediately followed by the Publication Statement . May contain: The following elements in order: American Memory Document Identifier Title (Required and repeatable) American Memory Collection <amcol> (Required and repeatable) Responsibility Statement <respstmt> Element Declaration: <!ELEMENT titlestmt - O (amid, title+, amcol+, respstmt) > Attribute Declaration: <!ATTLIST titlestmt; > <xptr> (i.e., Extended Pointer) Description: Contains a reference or pointer to a location in the current document or an external document. Attributes: All the global attributes and rend. doc Specifies the document in which the desired location is found. Data type ENTITY Value The name of the document in which the desired location is found. (Normally, this will be the contents of <amid>.) This attribute is optional. location The unique name of the desired location. This name will match the ID attached to the element being pointed to. Data type IDREF This attribute is optional. Example: [Current Document] <p><xptr doc="lcrbmrp-t0a13" location="h178903050">The House debate on this matter was postponed to Thursday, March 5, 1789 ...</p> [External Document] <div id="h178903050"><head>Thursday, March 5, 1789</head><p>The House met according to adjournment.<lb>Several other members, to wit: from New Hampshire, Nicholas Gilman; ...</p></div> Remarks: Extended Pointer <xptr> can be used to point to another location in the current document or an external document. However, it is the Library=s intent that <xptr> be used to point to locations in external documents, and <ptr> be used to point to locations in the current document. Because <xptr> is an empty element, it cannot contain any text. There is no close tag. May occur within: This is a floating element that may occur anywhere within the Text of the document <text> or in any element inside the Text of the document <text>. It may not occur in the TEI Header <teiheader>. May contain: Nothing. This is an empty element. Element Declaration: <!ELEMENT xptr - O EMPTY > Attribute Declaration: <!ATTLIST xptr; %a.Xpointer; rend CDATA #IMPLIED > <xref> (i.e., Extended Reference) Description: Contains a reference or pointer to a location in the current document or an external document, possibly modified by additional text or comment. Attributes: All the global attributes and rend. doc Specifies the document in which the referenced location is found. Data type ENTITY Value The name of the document in which the referenced location is found. (Normally, this will be the contents of <amid>.) This attribute is optional. location The unique name of the referenced location. This name will match the ID attached to the element being pointed to. Data type IDREF This attribute is optional. Example: [Current Document] <p><xref doc="lcrbmrp-t0a13" location="h178903050">Click here to link to related document.</xref>The House debate on this matter was postponed to Thursday, March 5, 1789 ...</p> [External Document] <div id="h178903050"><head>Thursday, March 5, 1789</head><p>The House met according to adjournment.<lb>Several other members, to wit: from New Hampshire, Nicholas Gilman; ...</p></div> Remarks: Extended Reference <xref> can be used to point to another location in the current document or an external document. However, it is the Library=s intent that <xref> be used to point to locations in external documents, and <ref> be used to point to locations in the current document. The <xref> element, like <ref>, can contain text. May occur within: This is a floating element that may occur anywhere within the Text of the document <text> or in any element inside the Text of the document <text>. It may not occur in the TEI Header <teiheader>. May contain: Data characters with any of the phrase elements, as many times as necessary: Added Text <add> Date <date> Deleted Text <del> Extended Pointer <xptr> Extended Reference <xref> Handwritten <handwritten> Highlighted <hi> Illustration <illus> List <list> Note <note> Omitted Material <omit> Pointer <ptr> Reference <ref> Stamped Text <stamped> Subscripted Text <subscript> Superscripted Text <superscript> May also contain all floating elements as necessary. Element Declaration: <!ELEMENT xref - O (%paraContent;) > Attribute Declaration: <!ATTLIST xref; %a.Xpointer; rend CDATA #IMPLIED > Appendix A List of Valid Division Type Bibliography type="bib" Used to identify lists of reference works and citations. A bibliography may appear with a title such as References, Bibliography, List of References, List of Citations, Cited Works, Suggested Readings, Discography, Filmography, etc. Should not be confused with Endnotes which are specifically referenced in the text and may repeat the same source several times. Glossary type="gloss" A list of terms and their definitions, frequently arranged in alphabetical order or according to some classified sequence. A glossary division may appear with any of many different titles, including: Glossary, Glossary List, List of Terms, Commonly Used Phrases, Important Acronyms, List of Commonly Used Words, etc. Identification Information type="idinfo" Identification information is text that occurs within the document that provides the information necessary for a user of the document to understand what the document is about or what is contained within. Identification information is usually located on the title page for books and book-like materials. For other types of documents, <idinfo> can be located anywhere within the document, for example, in a letter, the signature at the end of the letter. During Document Analysis, this material was initially called "title group" and was considered to be the information that occurs on the title pages of books. The more general name was chosen because many documents (such as letters or interviews) that do not have a title page, nevertheless have identification information. This <idinfo> can include: the document's title and subtitles; author(s), editor(s), and other compilers of the text; illustrators; translator(s); cover information for pamphlets; by-line information for articles; author, recipient, and date for correspondence; publishing information such as place of publication, publisher, date of publication, copyright information, ISBN, LC cataloging data, subscription information, and printing information; newspaper or telegram mastheads; interviewer and interviewee for interviews; performer; responsible person in an organization, etc. The purpose of naming this division separately is to allow a user to restrict a search to <idinfo>. For example, a search for "Mark Twain" located in the identification information might select all books by Mark Twain and all books about Mark Twain (as title and author information) but not books that merely mention Mark Twain. Index type="index" A systematic list of subject terms, symbols, names, titles, acronyms, and other terms used to provide access (usually page number access) to the contents of the document. An index may include cross references to other terms (such as: use for, see, see also, etc.) An index differs from a table of contents in that the latter lists the sequence of document components and an index lists terms in some other order (such as alphabetical, hierarchical, or classified). List of Illustrations type="listill" A list, usually found in the Front Matter or Back Matter of a document, that names the pictures (figures, illustrations, graphics, etc.) in the work. Such a list may contain the figure title, names of illustrators, page numbers, etc. The List of Illustrations may be called by a variety of names such as: List of Illustrations, List of Figures, List of Plates, List of Drawings, List of Pictures, List of Charts, Portraits, List of Tables. NOTE: A List of Tables would be considered a <listill> even though a Table and an Illustration are not the same thing within these electronic documents. Table of Contents type="toc" A division that specifies the structure of a work and lists its constituents, usually with the page number on which each part begins. Not the same as List of Illustrations, although Illustrations may be mentioned in a table of contents. Appendix B Parameter Entities Used in the Content Models %chunk.seq; Paragraphs and all elements that can be at the same level as paragraphs. Items in lists, for example, are composed of chunks. The following elements are included: Advertisement <ad> Illustration <illus> List <list> Note <note> Paragraph <p> Table <table> %float; Elements that may occur anywhere within the document, within or between all other elements: Anchor <anchor> Extended Pointer <xptr> Extended Reference <xref> Horizontal Separation <hsep> Line break <lb> Non-AM System Document Identification Number <otherid> Page Information Group <pageinfo> Pointer <ptr> Reference <ref> %m.divtop; What can occur as the first element(s) in a division. Includes only one element: Heading or title <head> %paraContent; What is allowed to be inside a paragraph or paragraph-like element. The paraContent includes Data characters, and all of the following, as many times as necessary: Illustrations <illus> List <list> Note <note> and any of the phrase elements as needed: Added Text <add> Date <date> Deleted Text <del> Extended Pointer <xptr> Extended Reference <xref> Handwritten <handwritten> Highlighted Text <hi> Omitted Material <omit> Pointer <ptr> Reference <ref> Stamped Text <stamped> Subscripted Text <subscript> Superscripted Text <superscript> %phrase.seq; Phrase-level elements are low level elements that may occur within text. Usually used for variant presentation of words or phrases such as bold or italic emphasis. Phrase elements must be used within paragraphs or paragraph-like elements. Data characters and the following elements are included: Added Text <add> Date <date> Deleted Text <del> Extended Pointer <xptr> Extended Reference <xref> Handwritten <handwritten> Highlighted Text <hi> Omitted Material <omit> Pointer <ptr> Reference <ref> Stamped Text <stamped> Subscripted Text <subscript> Superscripted Text <superscript> %specialpara; There are two possible contents: text and phrase elements, or a series of paragraphs and paragraph-like elements: 1. Text - may contain data characters and any of the following intermediate elements, in any order, as many times as necessary: Illustration <illus> List <list> Note <note> and any of the phrase elements, as many times as necessary: Added Text <add> Date <date> Deleted Text <del> Extended Pointer <xptr> Extended Reference <xref> Handwritten <handwritten> Highlighted Text <hi> Omitted Material <omit> Pointer <ptr> Reference <ref> Stamped Text <stamped> Subscripted Text <subscript> Superscripted Text <superscript> 2. Paragraphs C must start with one of the following elements: Paragraph <p> Advertisement <ad> Table <table> and may then contain any of the following in any order, as many times as necessary: Advertisement <ad> Paragraph <p> Illustrations <illus> List <list> Note <note> Table <table> Appendix C Global Attributes Global attributes have been attached to each element in the entire document, both in the TEI Header and in the text. ID A unique identifier used as a name for the element; this attribute is optional. If there is an identifier, the ID may be used to reference the element from a pointer, note, or other element that takes a name as reference. lang The language in which the element is written. It seems to be the intent of the TEI that this element reference the ID of the language element in the TEI Header. n Number or symbol: in the TEI DTDs n is used for numbered and bulleted lists, numbered notes, etc., to record the symbol that prefixes the item (such as 1., 2., *, dagger, a., b., etc.). Since Library of Congress is not moving notes to their referenced location, as the TEI expects, this attribute will NOT be used to record the reference character for endnotes and footnotes. Both footnote and endnote references will use <anchor> to record the actual reference. In addition to the global attributes, the attribute rend has been attached to each element in the text portion of the document except <date>, <subscript>, and <superscript>. Rend has not been attached to TEI Header elements. rend Rend is used to record presentation aspects of the element. Rend usually contains character data because the possible values cannot be completely enumerated. For example, when used with <del>, rend carries the meaning "how this portion of text was marked for deletion" and takes values such as overstrike, erasure, subpunction, etc. For certain elements, rend has a defined list of values, so that these values can be explicitly checked by the SGML parser. For example, when used with <hi>, rend carries the meaning "what type of formatting is used to highlight this text" and takes a specific set of values including bold, italics, underscore, et. al. (For a complete list of values, see the element "Highlighted Text" in this Tag Library.) The attribute class %a.Xpointer has also been added for <xptr> and <xref>. %a.Xpointer %a.Xpointer contains two attributes for use in pointing from the current document to a location in an external document. The attribute "doc" contains an ENTITY that refers to the external document. Generally, this is the same as the document identifier found in <amid> within the <teiheader> of the external document. "Location" contains an IDREF that matches the ID attached to the element in the external document that is being pointed to. Appendix D Floating Elements Floating elements may be used anywhere within the Text of the document <text> or within any of the elements within the Text of the document <text>. anchor Anchor -- a location in text, named using an ID attribute, that can be referenced by another element. An <anchor> is used for marking footnote and endnote references, and for targets for hypertext links. hsep Horizontal Separation -- used to denote blank or leadered space between two items on a line, for example between the entries in a table of contents and the page numbers. lb Line Break -- used to indicate the start of a new line in circumstances where line endings are unusual or significant and must be preserved, for example in lines of verse. otherid Non-AM System Document Identification Number -- an identifying number, such as an accession number or collection number, preserved because it may have significance for targeted search and retrieval. pageinfo Page Information Group -- all the information about the pagination of one page, used to mark the start of each physical page in a document. ptr Pointer -- points to any element in the current document with a valid ID. There is no close tag. ref Reference -- contains a reference or pointer to another location, usually an element, in the same document. The Reference element will hold a link to another structure. xptr Extended Pointer -- used to point to another location in the current document or an external document. It is the Library=s intent that <xptr> be used to point to locations in external documents, and <ptr> be used to point to locations in the current document. Because <xptr> is an empty element, it cannot contain any text. There is no close tag. xref Extended Reference -- used to point to another location in the current document or an external document. It is the Library=s intent that <xref> be used to point to locations in external documents, and <ref> be used to point to locations in the current document. The <xref> element, like <ref>, can contain text. American Memory DTD / Tag Library (4/98) National Digital Library Program Library of Congress 95 American Memory DTD / Tag Library (4/98) National Digital Library Program Library of Congress