2000 California Hydrologic Data Report
a Gage height, in feet, at end of month.
b Change in contents, in acre-feet.
                                  11277200 CHERRY LAKE NEAR HETCH HETCHY, CA.  

LOCATION - Lat 37°58'33", long 119°54'47", in SE 1/4 NW 1/4 sec.5, T.1 N., R.19 E., Tuolumne County, 
Hydrologic Unit 18040009, Stanislaus National Forest, on upstream face of Cherry Valley Dam on Cherry 
Creek, 4.2 mi upstream from Eleanor Creek, 7 mi north of Early Intake, and 7.3 mi northwest of 
Hetch Hetchy.

DRAINAGE AREA - 117 mi".

PERIOD OF RECORD - August 1956 to current year. Prior to October 1959, published as Lake Lloyd near Hetch 

GAGE - Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 2.42 ft above sea level. Prior to October 1974, datum published 
as at mean sea level.

REMARKS - Reservoir is formed by a rockfill dam completed in 1956. Storage began in December 1955. Capacity, 
274,300 acre-ft between gage heights 4,430 ft, bottom of sluice gates, and 4,703 ft, top of 
flashboard gates on concrete spillway. No dead storage. Installation of flashboard gates on top of concrete 
spillway completed in 1979. Water is released down Cherry Creek for power development and domestic 
supply as part of Hetch Hetchy system of city and county of San Francisco. Unmeasured diversion 
from Lake Eleanor (station 11277500) into Cherry Lake began Mar. 6, 1960. Diversion from Cherry Lake 
through tunnel to Dion R. Holm Powerplant near mouth of Cherry Creek began Aug. 1, 1960. Records, 
including extremes, represent contents at 2400 hours. See schematic diagram of Tuolumne River Basin.

EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Maximum contents, 274,300 acre-ft, June 25.28, 1986, gage height, 4,703.0 
ft; minimum since reservoir first filled, 7,660 acre-ft, Jan. 24, 1960, gage height, 4,502.1 ft. 
Reservoir drained for inspection in 1961, 1964, and 1989.

EXTREMES FOR CURRENT YEAR - Maximum contents, 274,000 acre-ft, June 14, gage height, 4,702.83 ft; minimum, 
118,400 acre-ft, Sept. 30, gage height, 4,604.72 ft. Capacity table (gage height, in feet, and 
contents, in acre-feet) (Based on table provided by San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, dated 
May 15, 1971) 4,440 0 4,490 3,020 4,560 60,800 4,660 201,100 4,450 75 4,500 6,030 4,580 85,100 4,680 
234,100 4,460 250 4,510 11,700 4,600 111,800 4,700 268,800 4,470 675 4,520 19,700 4,620 139,900 4,705 
277,900 4,480 1,530 4,540 38,900 4,640 169,700

DAY      OCT      NOV      DEC      JAN      FEB      MAR      APR      MAY      JUN      JUL      AUG      SEP

1     230100   216600   218900   218500   237100   227100   207800   226400   269300   266000   211900   164500
2     229700   216400   219000   218500   236500   226000   208300   227700   270100   265200   210700   163700
3     229600   215900   219100   218400   236100   224900   208900   229200   271100   263900   209100   162700
4     228700   215800   219000   218200   235900   223900   210200   230700   272300   262400   207700  e162000
5     227900   215700   218900   218300   236100   223000   211700   232300   273200   260900   206300  e160000

6     227400   215600   218800   218200   236300   221900   212500   233200   273700   259900   204900  e158000
7     226800   215800   218700   218000   236200   220800   213200   235000   273900   258300   203300  e156000
8     226100   216100   218700   218100   236400   219800   214100   240000   273800   256600   201500   154000
9     225700   216000   218800   217900   237400   218600   215000   241700   272900   254900   199700   152500
10    225600   216100   218700   218000   238500   217500   215400   242000   272400   253100   197900   150900

11    225100   216100   218600   218100   238700   216400   215900   241500   272200   251200   196100   149500
12    224200   216100   218700   218100   239400   215500   216600   241000   272500   249400   194400   148300
13    223200   216100   218900   218200   240000   214700   219800   240900   273300   247500   193100   146700
14    222300   216100   218700   218200   242100   214100   220700   240800   274000   245700   191500   145000
15    221700   216200   218700   218400   241700   213600   220600   240800   273600   243800   190000   143300

16    221600   216300   218700   218700   241000   213100   220300   240900   273500   242000   188200   141900
17    221300   216800   218700   219600   240000   212600   220700   240600   273600   240000   186400   140300
18    221100   217000   218700   223100   238900   212200   220300   240800   273500   238000   184500   138700
19    221100   217500   218600   224200   237800   212000   219800   242100   273300   236200   182700   136900
20    221000   218200   218700   226100   237100   211500   219400   244100   273100   234300   181000   135200

21    220400   218600   218800   227700   235900   210900   219300   246500   272800   232400   179200   133500
22    219800   218600   218800   228600   234800   210300   219200   249200   272500   230500   177300   131700
23    219700   218600   218700   230000   233900   209800   219100   251400   272000   228700   175500   129700
24    219600   218700   218500   234700   232700   209300   219300   254400   271300   226800   173600   127700
25    218800   218600   218500   236400   231500   209000   219700   258200   270400   224800   172000   125700

26    218400   218700   218500   236400   230400   208900   220700   260800   269600   222900   170700   123700
27    218000   218500   218500   236300   230300   208900   222200   262900   269100   221000   169600   121700
28    218000   218600   218600   235900   229200   208800   223600   265000   268000   219100   168500   119700
29    217500   218700   218500   235900   228100   208500   224200   266700   267300   217200   167800   118600
30    217300   218700   218500   236800      ---   208300   225100   268100   266800   215400   167300   118400

31    217200      ---   218400   237500      ---   207800      ---   268800      ---   213500   166200      ---
MAX   230100   218700   219100   237500   242100   227100   225100   268800   274000   266000   211900   164500
MIN   217200   215600   218400   217900   228100   207800   207800   226400   266800   213500   166200   118400
a    4669.92  4670.80  4670.64  4681.97  4676.45  4664.14  4674.65  4699.98  4698.83  4667.63  4637.66  4604.72
b     -14100    +1500     -300   +19100    -9400   -20300   +17300   +43700    -2000   -53300   -47300   -47800
CAL YR 1999 b -26300
WTR YR 2000 b -112900

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