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class BrGeantToDetectorTracks : public BrModule

Bool_t CheckHit(BrGeantHit* hit) BrDetectorTrack* FitTrackToGHits() BrDetectorHit* GeantToDetectorHit(BrGeantHit* hit) public:
BrGeantToDetectorTracks BrGeantToDetectorTracks() BrGeantToDetectorTracks BrGeantToDetectorTracks(Char_t* Name, Char_t* Title) BrGeantToDetectorTracks BrGeantToDetectorTracks(BrGeantToDetectorTracks&) virtual void ~BrGeantToDetectorTracks() static TClass* Class() void Clear() virtual void Event(BrEventNode* InputNode, BrEventNode* OutputNode) Int_t GetAllowedToMiss() Int_t GetCutTime() Float_t GetEdgeCut() Float_t GetMaxChisq() Float_t GetMaxSlopeX() Float_t GetMaxSlopeY() Float_t GetMinDedx() virtual void Init() virtual TClass* IsA() const virtual void Print(Option_t* option = "B") const void SetAllowedToMiss(Int_t maxMiss) void SetCutTime(Int_t CutTime) void SetEdgeCut(Float_t edgecut) void SetInputModule(BrGeantInput* input) void SetMaxChisq(Float_t chisq) void SetMaxSlopeX(Float_t maxslopex) void SetMaxSlopeY(Float_t maxslopey) void SetMinDedx(Float_t mindedx) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

Bool_t fIsTPC UInt_t fDetectorBit Float_t fMinDedx minimum energy deposit for good Geant hit Float_t fEdgeCut minimum distance from edge for good Geant hit Float_t fMaxSlopeX Float_t fMaxSlopeY maximum slopes for good Geant track Float_t fMaxChisq maximum chisq for good Geant track Int_t fAllowedMiss maximum hitless padrows / DC planes for good track Int_t fRequiredNHits Int_t fCutTime TObjArray* fGeantHits TObjArray* fDetectorTracks BrGeantInput* fInputModule BrDetectorParamsTPC* fParams_tpc BrDetectorParamsDC* fParams_dc

Class Description

 Module constructing a set of BrDetectorTracks from BrGeantTracks              
 in one detector (TPC or DC).                                                  
 March 2000                                                                    
 Removed need for info about DetectorIDs (BrGeantInput), so one                
 can use the geantdig and then this class. Also added Set function             
 for the number of missed rows                                                 
 Peter, May 2000                                                               
 Introduced new function converting BrGeantHits to BrDetectorHits:             
  BrDetectorHit* BrGeantToDetectorTracks::GeantToDetectorHit(BrGeantHit* hit)  
 after checking hit quality:                                                   
  Bool_t BrGeantToDetectorTracks::CheckHit(BrGeantHit* hit)                    
 For the moment: Using dpos[0] = dpos[1] = 0.02 for the BrDetectorHits.        
 Using BrLocalTrack::Fit() instead of the now obsolete                         
  BrDetectorTrack* BrGeantToDetectorTracks::FitTrackToGHits().                 
 Cuts on track chisquare and track slopes (settable thresholds.)               
 Outputs BrDetectorTracks with pointers to BrLocalTracks and associated        
 Trine, May 2000                                                               
 Using module:                                                                 
  t1_g2dtrackmaker = new BrGeantToDetectorTracks("TPM1","TPM1 g2d maker");     
  t1_g2dtrackmaker->SetMinDedx(0.001); ... other settable parameters           

BrGeantToDetectorTracks() : BrModule()

BrGeantToDetectorTracks(Char_t* Name,Char_t* Title) : BrModule(Name,Title)


void Init()

void SetInputModule(BrGeantInput *input)

void Print(Option_t* option) const
 Standard information printout.

 Options: See BrModule::Print

void Clear()

void Event(BrEventNode* InputNode, BrEventNode* OutputNode)

Bool_t CheckHit(BrGeantHit* hit)
 Check that hit is inside dimensions found in DetectorParameters.txt
 Also check on energy?

BrDetectorHit* GeantToDetectorHit(BrGeantHit* hit)

BrDetectorTrack* FitTrackToGHits()

Inline Functions

                           void SetMinDedx(Float_t mindedx)
                        Float_t GetMinDedx()
                           void SetEdgeCut(Float_t edgecut)
                        Float_t GetEdgeCut()
                           void SetMaxSlopeX(Float_t maxslopex)
                        Float_t GetMaxSlopeX()
                           void SetMaxSlopeY(Float_t maxslopey)
                        Float_t GetMaxSlopeY()
                           void SetMaxChisq(Float_t chisq)
                        Float_t GetMaxChisq()
                           void SetAllowedToMiss(Int_t maxMiss)
                          Int_t GetAllowedToMiss()
                           void SetCutTime(Int_t CutTime)
                          Int_t GetCutTime()
                        TClass* Class()
                        TClass* IsA() const
                           void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                           void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
                           void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
        BrGeantToDetectorTracks BrGeantToDetectorTracks(BrGeantToDetectorTracks&)

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Last Update on Wed Sep 11 04:51:53 2002 by

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